How to interview for a leadership position. For a leadership position

According to the standard, the purpose of each interview is to determine the strengths and the candidate.

But the interview of the manager is a rather specific process, because during it it is necessary to identify both the level of competence and the level of competence in terms of personnel management.

What does an employer want to see?

At the interview of the future manager, the employer will not only find out information about the past and skills, but will also try to determine whether you have the following qualities:

  • Efficiency.
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities.
  • The way you think.
  • The level of influence on other people.
  • Ability for strategic planning.
  • Ability to analyze and implement positive solutions.
  • Self-confidence.

Your answers to questions and behavior in general will tell about these. Try to show that you are truly a leader:

  • Do not speak too quietly and timidly - speak confidently and clearly.
  • Do not show your excitement through gestures or facial expressions - do not bite or lick your lips, do not snap your knuckles, do not twist the first object in your hands, etc.
  • Dress presentably - not too flashy, not too old-fashioned.

What questions will you need to answer

  • Questions to identify the level of competence, for example, “How well do you know the area in which our company operates?”
  • Questions to identify the leader: "How do you see the ideal leader?". Try to match the set of ideal qualities with those that you possess. The main thing is not to overpraise yourself and try to avoid hackneyed qualities (decisiveness, determination, etc.).
  • Questions regarding future success in the position: “What does it take to be successful in this position?”

To answer correctly, first read the list of requirements indicated in the card of the proposed vacancy.

  • Personnel management: “How to keep an employee in a position?”, “How to motivate employees?”. If you do not have an understanding of this on an intuitive level, then familiarize yourself with the basics of personnel management using literature or the Internet.
  • Mistakes and failures: “What was the biggest mistake you made at work?”

Do not say that you did not have mistakes, as this will indicate that you do not know how to recognize them and inadequately assess the situation and yourself in it. It is better to remember in advance some small

An interview is called an extremely important event, not only for a potential employee, but also for the head of the company. The first wants to get a job, the second wants to get a highly qualified employee. How to pass an interview leadership position- later in our article (what to look for, and what questions the recruiter will ask you). We will also tell you about what answers should be given to the questions posed to you and what should not be done in any case.

First, let's say a few words about the preparation stage on the eve of the interview - what can you do for yourself in advance (while still in your home)?

Preparatory stage before the interview

Of course, any person before going to an interview strives to be as prepared as possible for him. This correct solution, since this is the only way to impress a potential boss, to demonstrate to him your best qualities, which the company needs so much. Therefore, one should start preparing for this event in advance - and not “feverishly” and indistinctly think what to say, already in the employer’s office. In fact, this is the most common mistake among job seekers - not taking this or that interview very seriously.

When an institution conducts interviews for a managerial position, the selection is subject to the most stringent criteria. Select only the most outstanding of all possible candidates. Work in any position requires the availability of relevant knowledge and skills. But one who wants to become a leader must have other virtues - just having knowledge is not enough. The potential manager must show his personal qualities, solid work experience and achievements in this field. It should differ (for the better) from the applicant applying for an ordinary position (for example, a consultant).

What is a recruiter interested in?

What is a recruiter interested in?

When conducting such an interview, the recruiter will try to carefully study the candidate from every available side. The applicant will have to answer a huge number of questions - from the most different areas. Most of all, in such cases, they study such qualities of a candidate as:

  • intellectual level;
  • qualities inherent in a leader (does this applicant have them);
  • innovative thinking (will he be able to offer any new ideas that will contribute to the development of the company);
  • the ability to influence others;
  • views and ideas;
  • commercial savvy;
  • strategic vision;
  • attracting resources from outside;
  • effectiveness;
  • ability to negotiate with a third party;
  • the ability to attract attention and lead in relationships;
  • solid work experience.

Questions from the candidate

The interview often goes like this: first, a potential boss talks about the position itself, lists responsibilities, likely prospects and career growth. Further refinement of details and details follows. Only after that, the candidate himself has the right to ask the recruiter his questions at the interview.

A small but important clarification: the applicant not only has the right, he is obliged to ask such questions! If he has nothing to ask his potential boss, then he has no interest in future work and positions. There is no need to prepare a huge list of these questions - you can limit yourself to two or three.

Do not forget that the main objective interviewing - to reveal as many details about each candidate as possible. In other words, we are talking about their "probing", testing abilities and skills. You can take an interest in all other issues that concern you only when you are already offered to conclude an employment agreement.

Sometimes at the very beginning of the interview, the employer asks the candidate to report on his position in life, tasks and plans for the future. In other words, what would he like to achieve in his career. Such questions need to be answered clearly and completely, so it is best to prepare for them in advance - while still at home.

Of course, any applicant is concerned about the following question: how to successfully pass an interview for a managerial position?

Questions from the candidate

What is the manager most often asked about?

What questions should someone who wants to get into a leadership position answer?

The interview includes not just standard questions for each case (a story about yourself, the company, about your strengths and weaknesses, and so on). It also asks questions related directly to future duties. They sound like this:

  1. What leadership qualities do you have?
  2. What professional mistakes have you made in the past? What conclusions were made?
  3. Can you influence employees?

Another recruiter often offers the candidate to come up with a specific case and ask how the applicant will solve the current situation.

Since the main purpose of the interview is to find a leader, the following question may also be asked: “What (in your opinion) qualities are inherent in a great leader?” You will have to list them.

It is worth remembering the following important point: competent management of working personnel implies that the manager has the following qualities:

  1. He should give the impression of a person who is confident in himself and his abilities.
  2. Must be brave.
  3. Have an outlook.
  4. Possess communication skills.
  5. Must be able to introspect.
  6. Should easily create a cohesive team (who will listen to him without unnecessary objections).
  7. Must be able to provide support to any of his subordinates.

All of the above qualities of an excellent leader are distinguished when answering a question posed by a manager. Of course, when answering the questions of a manager or employer, there is no need to fall into demagogy at all. That is, you should not start lengthy explanations and explanations - this will definitely not lead to anything good for you - the interlocutor will simply get tired of you and consider you a talker (and will try to “get rid of you” as soon as possible under any euphonious pretext).

At the same time, the “dry” circumstances of your experience will also not make the best impression, since competent and beautiful speech is extremely important for a leader - in compliance with the “golden” mean.

If you are talking about your own experience, be sure to explain how you solved the problem that arose, what tasks you dealt with at the time and what you managed to achieve. Here it is necessary to remember such an important point: make sure that your story is consistent (step by step). In this case, you should not regularly insert the word "I". The manager may consider that you are an upstart, an egoist, which will not increase your chances of getting the desired position.

Questions and answers: how to give competent answers

So, you are going to be interviewed because you have a desire to get a job in a managerial position. You enter the office and see the manager (or direct employer) who invited you earlier for an interview. Now everything depends solely on you - how you will show yourself and build your future career. How to build a competent dialogue? How to answer manager's questions?

What do you need to pay attention to? to the following features.

Feature one: listen to your interlocutor's questions carefully and with concentration. No need to be distracted by anything and think about something extraneous. This is completely redundant. Did you listen to the end of the question? Great, now quickly conduct a mental analysis: what answer would you like the employer to receive from you? If something is not entirely clear to you (the question asked to you is not completely clear), it is better to apologize and ask to ask it again. This is much better than a vague or incorrect answer to the question posed.

Try to provide the manager with evidence that the most important thing for you in your work is the achievement of your goal and the result!

Candidate Qualities

What qualities do you need to have to be hired?

What qualities should a potential candidate for a leadership position have? Naturally, any boss prescribes specific criteria for himself, according to which applicants for a vacant job will be selected. workplace. At the same time, there is a list of those qualities that a candidate who passes any interview must necessarily possess (regardless of the level of the desired position).

The candidate must:

  1. Don't doubt yourself and your abilities.
  2. Look neat and tidy on the outside.
  3. Possess letters of recommendation - for example, from a previous job from a satisfied employer.
  4. Behave culturally.
  5. In addition, the applicant must be distinguished by sociability - to be moderately sociable and not clamped, otherwise he will never become a leader. This quality is extremely important, since a person working in such a position must be able to find mutual language from different people– including with their own subordinates.

It is worth noting that all of the above qualities are considered standard for any candidate for a leadership position. But there are those that should be inherent directly to the leader himself. He must:

  1. Be able to manage, work with the team entrusted to him.
  2. Know how to work with a team.
  3. Offer your initiatives to achieve the desired result.
  4. Be able to solve several cases at once, and not just one.
  5. Be not only responsible and serious, but also with a good sense of humor.

In other words, he must be able to laugh where it is appropriate - and concentrate where it comes to serious work.


Summing up, we want to note the following: be sure to read and learn all of the above criteria before going to an interview for the job of your dreams. What should you do if it seems to you that you do not have all the above qualities at all? Is it really worth giving up and not going to a leadership position? Not at all.

Sometimes we show our best qualities after we start our official duties. Just do not forget all these characteristics and try to match them! You will definitely make it!

In our article, we told you about how to get a managerial position (how to pass an interview) - what points to pay attention to so that the employer makes a choice in your favor! We talked about what questions are asked most often in interviews and gave recommendations on how best to answer them. We hope that the information provided has been useful to you!

Hello! This article will show you how to pass an interview.

Today you will learn:

  1. How to behave in an interview;
  2. What are the stages of the interview?
  3. What are the most common mistakes candidates make?

Few . We all understand that the ability to get a job in the desired company depends on how well the interview is passed. Therefore, the most correct decision is to prepare for its passage. Let's talk today about how to do it right so as not to miss your dream job.

Interview: the essence of the concept

interview call a personal meeting of the applicant with a potential employer or representative of the employer when applying for a job.

The purpose of the interview is to find out the capabilities and skills of the applicant, as well as to discuss possible cooperation.

What is the interview

The interview is divided into several types. We will discuss each of them in detail below.

  • Biographical - is an analogue of the questionnaire, discusses the professional experience of the applicant, his education, what he plans to do in the future;
  • Free - is a communication in the style of the applicant's story about himself: by and large, this is a self-presentation;
  • Situational - the interviewer formulates a situation for the applicant. And the one who is being interviewed must explain how he will behave in it. The situations may be different: to test skills, to determine the level of resistance to stress, to test the motivation and values ​​​​of the applicant;
  • Stress - This type of interview is different from others in many ways. Its essence lies in the fact that the applicant is deliberately provoked into a conflict in order to find out how he will behave. This is very effective if stress resistance is important for the future place of work. During the interview, the applicant is asked provocative questions, they are also asked to answer them quickly, almost without thinking;
  • Based on the study of the applicant's abilities - the professionalism and personal qualities of the respondent are assessed. Not only the results that a person has achieved are considered, but also how he achieved this. Leadership qualities, communication skills, focus on getting results, and so on are also evaluated. Typically, this type of interview is conducted by a group of interviewers of 3 people, the decision on the applicant is made immediately after the conversation.

There are a lot of vacancies for the head today. But there are even more people who want to get this position. How do you prepare to be at the forefront of this job race? Especially if you feel that being a manager is exactly your path in life?

labor market in modern world similar to gladiator fights. And to get through this fight, you need significant advantages, will and a constant desire to achieve the maximum. In this article, we will cover the main points in preparing for an interview. What do you need to pay attention to, how to be confident and how to show your competence?

Employers' requirements

But let's start with how employers look at candidates? Seeing the situation from their point of view, we can soberly evaluate ourselves. Adjust the direction of your personal growth. What do they require? It is important for employers that the employee is fully and unconditionally dedicated to the needs of their company. In most ads we find the following requirements:

  • Ability to build relationships and negotiate.
  • Efficiency of decision making.
  • Dedication to work, responsibility.
  • Self-organization and the ability to organize others.
  • Scrupulousness.
  • Self-development skills.
  • Ability to set goals and develop plans.
  • Orientation towards success.
  • The ability to manage your time.

All right. The company that has a comfortable moral and psychological climate works better. where employees are jointly responsible for the result of their work and are not afraid to take the initiative. To do this, the person who is at the head of all processes must be the undisputed leader. He must develop strategic thinking, have a high level of self-control, and also need to understand his motives and subordinates. After all, if a person does not have a motive for activity, it is impossible to “force” him to work. Working with people also involves a lot of responsibility.

The manager is responsible for all the work that subordinates do. And, if necessary, he must intervene and help solve the difficulties that have arisen. So, he needs to know thoroughly the whole process that he manages. You need to plan time according to the importance of tasks.

Based on the above qualities, we can draw a picture of the ideal manager. Now ask yourself, what is your motivation? Are you ready to approach this ideal step by step, achieve better results, climb the career ladder, and at the same time sacrifice the interests of your personality?

Create a "face". Secrets of the image of the head

We found out that someone who has leadership abilities and outstanding analytical thinking is more likely to get a job as a leader. Your task at the interview with all your appearance and behavior to demonstrate all these qualities to the interviewer.

Show that you have your own view of the surrounding things, events. Show that you have formed as a person and you have your own image. But don't overdo it. Your behavior should be natural. Otherwise you will look funny. To create your image, you need to practice a little.

  1. Exude confidence. Work in front of a mirror with facial expressions and gestures. If facial expressions or posture betray stiffness, stiffness, then fortune may turn away from you. You can not fold your hands "lock". Also, do not cross your legs. The best posture is to sit straight with your hands on the table or on your knees. Watch your posture. While talking, make eye contact. Otherwise, the interlocutor may get the impression that you have a problem with contacts.
  2. Polish your speech. Leadership must be clear, concise and to the point. But at the same time, speech must be free. Don't let anxiety ruin your impression. Remember that communication skills are essential for a leader.
  3. Appearance. You will benefit if you dress presentably and tastefully. Think about what kind of shoes you will wear. Pick your accessories. Your view is showing internal state. Show that your creed is neatness and accuracy. Your hair, arms, cuffs, everything must look perfect. But by no means fancy.
  4. openness and optimism. It is important to show the interviewer that you are optimistic about the future: you have personal goals that you are striving for. If the interviewer sees that you are full of enthusiasm and ready to move mountains for the sake of the goal, you can safely count on success. But still, personal goals cannot contradict corporate ones. On the contrary, they need to be as close as possible.
  5. Bold, active stance and quick mind. You can show these qualities in conversation. To do this, find out everything about the company in advance and tell us what you think about its position in the market. Ask what priorities the director of the company puts before you. Find out if the owner plans to expand his business. All these questions will show your competence, maturity, and intelligence at the same time.

Types of interviews and principles of behavior

Since competition in the labor market is high, education and experience do not play a decisive role in choosing. So get ready for trials and anxieties. An interview may be arranged to test your knowledge, mental toughness, or other criteria. Everyone knows about the usual biographical interview. But let's talk about some types of interviews that go beyond a simple face-to-face conversation. And how to deal with them.

panel. During such an interview, two or three people can talk to you. Each of them evaluates a certain criterion. And then he delivers his verdict to the director who makes the decision.

The principle of behavior. Each interviewer has their own set of questions. Don't interrupt him. You will be able to ask prepared questions at the end of the interview. Don't make excuses. Be honest in your answers and be kind.

stress interview. It is carried out by one person or several at the same time. Their task is to take the applicant out of the comfort zone. That is, a person is deliberately pissed off: they can scream or, on the contrary, turn away and not listen at all. Try to be calm and natural. The candidate is deliberately angered to see how he copes with stressful loads.

The principle of behavior. Be courteous and answer questions with dignity. If you remain calm and act confident in dealing with a clearly inadequate interlocutor, you will successfully pass the selection.

Competency interview. You are asked a series of questions that will be analyzed further. The questions will be about the content of your work. Or simulate a situation from which you must exit in a certain way. So the employer extracts the necessary information about the applicant and evaluates the level of his training. The problems of psychological compatibility of employees often fall on the shoulders of the manager. Perhaps the employer wants to know about your experience in solving such problems.

The principle of behavior. Try to imagine this situation and find some solution.

Knowing about all the pitfalls that can block your path to finding the desired position, you can better prepare. By working on yourself, you will certainly achieve your cherished goal. After all, luck favors the strongest.

An article on how to successfully pass interviews and answer questions from a potential employer.

  1. Obtaining relevant knowledge and education
  2. Search options work
  3. Interview
  4. Recruitment for desired position

If there are usually no problems with the first two points, then at the interview you should prove yourself to the maximum. Sometimes, having a good education, a person can sit for months without a job, because they simply do not know how to communicate and present themselves correctly.

As a result, at the interview he is directly shown to the door or the duty officer is told: “We will call you back.” This situation can arise with any unprepared person. To avoid it, you need to prepare in advance.

What is asked in an interview? Questions when applying for a job

The employer is primarily interested in your professional qualities, your education and work experience. Few people are interested in your personal life, household chores and the breed of your dog, even if it is the rarest. Speak clearly and to the point, avoiding unnecessary "water" in the text. In this case, it is very important to behave correctly:

  • Be extremely polite and correct
  • Don't argue again. Don't sort things out. Your task is to get this job
  • Maintain eye contact and posture
  • The correct "evasion" of the question is also the answer
  • Sometimes you can ask the employer a question. But this right is not given to everyone, but only to people who understand human psychology well and are able to “catch” the right moment.

You can hear questions about previous work, relationships with future colleagues, desired salary. Also, you may be asked about what you know about the employing company.

Here important point: Before you go anywhere to get a job, try to find out as much as possible about the company. Even if the information is negative, come up with something that could pass for the truth.

How to answer awkward interview questions?

Awkward questions are a favorite part of all potential employers. It is by her that they determine the hidden sides of a potential employee, which he did not mention in his resume.

  • One of the most uncomfortable is the question asking to tell about yourself. People begin to get nervous and most often talk about their hobbies, views on the world order and relatives. To avoid embarrassment, say 3-4 sentences in in general terms about their qualities and a few words about hobbies
  • Often women are asked about their personal lives, whether it interferes with work. After all, there is a certain danger that a woman can go on maternity leave or sick leave. Answer firmly, it won't hurt
  • The next question is about achievement. Don't talk about first place in intra-school long jump competitions. It probably doesn't apply to your current job. Talk about how you have grown professionally. Restrained, natural
  • It may sound strange, but some employers are genuinely interested in your zodiac sign. And if they don't like it, they'll show you the door. It's stupid, but it happens. Don't lie when answering this question. If you were refused, thank you and silently leave the office. A serious firm will never be interested in such things.

How to successfully pass an interview for a managerial position?

job interview.
  • Prepare well in advance for a job interview. You must leave behind the impression of a knowledgeable and confident person in himself and his actions. Choose the right suit, be sure to match the tie with the boots
  • Although this is no longer the case in Everyday life, but Business Etiquette dictates its own rules. If you are a woman, do not dress vulgarly or very brightly. Choose discreet colors in clothes, makeup, manicure
  • You must look confident, calm. Show emotion in situations where it is appropriate. Gesticulate, but not too actively. This speaks of excessive emotionality. Always let's finish the sentence, don't interrupt
  • It is important for you, more than anyone else, to show yourself with better side. Try to show as much as possible the qualities that a leader should have. Your potential employer should understand from the interview with you that you are a reliable person. Employers do not tolerate criticism at the interview stage. This also needs to be taken into account

Interview questions for a managerial position

These are the questions employers like to ask future leaders:

  1. “Tell me about ways to improve the efficiency of the department you led in your last position.” - Even if you are a so-so leader, do not rush to declare it. Recall situations in which you successfully and usefully took the initiative. Tell about them
  2. “What methods of motivating employees do you actively use?” This question should be answered very thoughtfully. Don't rush to talk about a pay rise. There are other equally effective ways.
  3. “Tell me about your biggest mistake at work. What lesson did you learn from it for yourself? — Do not deny the existence of this error. Then the employer will immediately decide that you are lying and you will not see the desired position. If there was some huge disaster in your career, don't mention it. Tell me about serious problem and how you deftly overcame it
  4. Question about finances and your desired wages. Don't name a specific number. State that you are willing to work for a fee offered by your company
  5. The answer to the question about improving professional skills is given above in the article.

Interview questions for sales manager

The main list of possible interview questions is given in the article above. However, there is a chance that the employer will want to actually verify your selling skills. He can ask next questions:

  1. "Try to sell me that pen right now." - A rather banal question, but it is he who fully reveals the candidate's sales skills. Turn your creative thinking in this matter
  2. “You got a very dissatisfied and scandalous client, calm him down and sell something.” This task is much more difficult. Even one in four people will not be able to cope with it. As a rule, the role of a capricious client is played by the employer himself, so the candidate for the position of sales manager will have to act very carefully and smoothly. The client needs to be reassured immediately, to speak with him as politely as possible. Listening to your polite calm tone, the buyer will switch to it himself
  3. “You are very overworked. There are a lot of orders, employees do not have time. Everyone wants to go home, no one wants to stay late at work. How do you motivate your subordinates to work? - Say what, according to the experience of previous years, acted effectively

Interview questions for a sales manager

The sales manager is ranked lower than the head of the sales department. The requirements for it are lower than for the latter. Most likely, the employer will not ask you to simulate the situation, but will ask the following questions, in addition to the main ones:

  1. "Rate your level of sales knowledge on a scale of 1 to 10." “Say it like it is, but sometimes it’s okay to raise the bar a little. But only if your sales skill level is not very high
  2. "Name the main qualities that a sales manager should possess." Your logic will be needed here. It is better to prepare for such a question in advance. Remember your best qualities and the qualities you lack to be a successful salesperson. name them
  3. “Why should I (the employer) hire you?” — One of the most provocative questions. Talk about sales, about your successes in this area. Prove yourself

    Administrator interview questions

The administrator must be able to talk with people and resolve emerging disputes. His main qualities: sociability and the ability to quickly find the right solution.

The employer has the right to ask you about communication skills. He is not interested in any sales, because the main thing for you is consultation on service issues and monitoring the activities of employees.

Job interview questions

Oddly enough, but it is possible and even necessary to ask questions to a potential employer. The main thing is to understand at what point you need to do it. Above in the article there are several options for similar questions.

Do not ask the employer about his personal life, do not invade his personal space. Nobody will like it. From your side, questions about career growth, work schedule, vacation, weekends are possible. A question about bonuses and a direct question about salary will not be correct.

Job interview test

Employment testing is often done by employers. Especially in cases where the company is interested in hiring the most suitable employee for the position, and not a person from the street.

Tests are of two types:

  • To test professional knowledge
  • To test general knowledge

Tests to test your professional knowledge contain questions directly about your profession and related areas. To prepare for such a test, think about what you do poorly or not at all at work. Read books or articles online about it. A good help would be a seminar or detailed video well.

The general knowledge test is very similar to a regular school test. You are required to have knowledge of school subjects and a broad outlook. Of course, the employer will not ask you to solve the most challenging tasks from the Unified State Examination, but the level of your knowledge should be appropriate for the position you want to get.

To be successful in your interviews, please complete the following requirements:

  • Be a little reserved, but not constrained
  • Never cross your legs or cross your arms over your chest
  • Talk to your employer as equals
  • Tell us about your best qualities as a specialist
  • If the employer's question seems too personal to you, if possible, change the subject or ask a counter question
  • Watch your speech. Pronunciation must be correct
  • Your clothes set the general tone of the conversation and create a certain impression of you. Take Your Choice of Clothing Seriously


Marina, 31, Ufa

I was interviewing in a reputable company for the position of an accountant. It was difficult, I was constantly bombarded with tricky questions. Only the innate sense of the interlocutor and the costume helped, oddly enough. I was wearing a tight pencil skirt that day. white color, the jacket was more or less strictly cut, also white. Blue blouse. Makeup is natural. All the time of the interview, my future employer carefully assessed me, my image. Judging by the fact that I was hired immediately after the interview, she liked everything.

Irina, 24 years old, Moscow

It was difficult for me to find a job in Moscow, but I got used to fighting to the end. My self-confidence helped me get a position as an office manager with a large firm. I briskly answered questions, did not pour water. Since childhood, I have been shy, and at that moment, fear paralyzed me so much that I stopped being afraid at all. But then, after the interview, she was drenched in cold sweat. She showed herself confident and had to correspond to this opinion about herself in a new place. Now there is no trace of shyness left.

How to succeed in interviews: video