Unsurpassed beautiful girl Virgo snake love horoscope. Relationships in the family

A horoscope is an unusually necessary and useful thing for every person. The positions of the stars and the influence of the planets help people choose the right way in life, protect yourself and your loved ones from the vicissitudes of fate and maintain health.

Thanks to the knowledge of the influence of the planets, each of us can solve amorous affairs, find out whether this or that person is suitable for living together. The necessary information contained in the secrets of the horoscope can also help the Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake.


Virgo male, born in the year of the Snake, combines the wisdom of the ancient reptile and the practicality of his zodiac sign. Such a man is practical, has an analytical mind and carefully analyzes what is happening around him. He has excellent intuition. The Virgo man accurately feels the people around him and almost never makes mistakes, especially when it comes to deception or fake relationships. Therefore, competitors or enemies of the Virgo-Snake are unpleasantly surprised when they realize that their intrigues have been discovered and prevented. Even the fact that outwardly such a person is unhurried and balanced, he always brings what he started to the end, and, surprisingly, on time.

Virgo guys are very hardworking, and if they also like the work, then they can plunge into it with their heads. In communication, they can charm others, they have a refined sense of humor.

The planet that influences this sign is the Earth, so Virgo men are very fond of cleanliness and order, which is also required from others. This man is peaceful and good-natured, does not like to enter into conflicts, avoids sharp corners and unreasonable risks. Going on business trips or changing the situation is also not in the nature of the Virgo-Snake, who loves stability.

But there is no person without flaws. In our case, a man is very demanding of himself and his loved ones, sometimes too categorical. Given the non-special determination of this sign, ambitions often remain unfulfilled, then the Virgo-Snake begins to engage in self-criticism, becoming irritable and nervous.

What kind of girl does he want?

Scrupulous, always in an ironed shirt and clean socks, a spot on the clothes of his beloved can kill him on the spot. Such a man, of course, is not a gift, but if he falls in love, then he will do anything for his girlfriend. But the choice of a lady of the heart is as important for him as a tie that matches the suit - there should be no mistakes.

Virgo-Snake subjects her future chosen one to a thorough analysis, and often, noticing her attention, begins to look for a catch in the situation. Sometimes a guy can fall in love at first sight, but then again, the woman he loves must meet all his overstated requirements. This brings him mental suffering, but the tendency to introspection and the search for truth, given to him by the stars, cannot be overcome.

The woman of his dreams should be different from others, know her own worth and rise on a pedestal. Those representatives of the fair sex who will show him signs of attention in 15 minutes are not considered by the Virgo man.

This sign does not like frivolous talkers either, his chosen one must have an analytical mind, agree with his point of view, and in case of disagreement, give reasoned arguments. Frivolous and short-lived flirting is not suitable for such a man, he does not consider the issue of an overnight relationship.

A woman who may like the Virgo-Snake should be interesting in communication, the undoubted soul of the company, even if her external data is not so dazzling compared to her friend standing next to her.

Behavior in love and relationships

Many lovely ladies crazy about the sensual, serious and reliable Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake. If he is seriously in love and even decided to marry, then his feelings are serious and durable. You can understand if the guy of this interesting zodiac tandem is in love with you already because he begins to discuss far-reaching life plans, using the pronoun “we”.

Any woman who is sincerely in love with him will always be comfortable with such a faithful and stable man, because for him marriage is also a thoughtful and calculated decision based on the dictates of the heart.

And even if a guy in the stage of falling in love does not commit risky acts, does not sing his favorite serenade under the balcony, his chosen one can be sure that such a companion is reliable as a rock.

Family life with a faithful wife for Dev men develops for a long time, the head of the family, although restrained, is a sensual and courageous person. Cheating is not peculiar to him, he respects his half, loves children and often spends time with them, as this is included in the requirements for education, and the rules are a strong point for such a father. His wife must definitely listen to any of his statements, because the Virgo man is always right.

As for intimate relationships, such a zodiac sign is a gentle and passionate lover. In a bed without love, he can get in exceptional cases.

But again, rationalism for this man is above all. The Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake, does not accept any exceptional fantasies from his woman and the Kama Sutra, but he will be able to deliver pleasure.

The fundamental advantage in family relationships these representatives of the stronger sex is the fact that they practically do not get divorced: the family for them is a reliable stronghold for many, many years.

Career and business

Legends can be made about the industriousness of the Virgo-Snake. Responsible, punctual, such a person will definitely bring everything he started to the end. The boss appreciates such an employee, because he can even refuse or reschedule a vacation for the sake of a successful completion of the case. Easily trained, loves everything new, gladly receives the necessary additional knowledge.

The absence of explosive emotions helps him cope even with the stressful situations, Virgo-Snake is difficult to unsettle.

Many astrologers warn that it is not recommended to have this zodiac sign in business enemies.- a normally restrained man can turn into a monster and completely destroy the opponent's business.

A compromise with one's conscience is unacceptable for such serious guys, they almost never agree to recognize someone else's opinion, and if necessary, they can provoke a conflict.

Their reliability and perseverance are valued by the authorities, they are set as an example, they are assigned the most important tasks. Interestingly, Virgo-Snakes are far from altruists, but the issue of financial reward is not the main one in their career.

Such people are more focused on results. By old age, however, financial prosperity overtakes him, and he is very proud of this, because his merit.

Astrologers believe that such, on the verge of self-sacrifice, attitude to work is unnecessary in the life of a Virgo man. They need to be more distracted, think about rest - this will bring noticeable results both in family relationships and in increasing self-esteem. As a relaxation, men of this sign are recommended yoga classes and frequent jogging.


To understand with what other signs of the Zodiac it will be easy for the Virgo-Snake man to go through life, start a family and achieve career growth, you need to consult with the stars and astrologers.

A sensitive and reasonable guy will be able to create a wonderful family with representatives of the following signs: Virgo, Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio.

With the Taurus woman, the Virgo man will create a long and lasting alliance: both are realists and do not build rosy plans, realistically assessing the circumstances. Both signs love to relax in the family circle, do not like to overspend, but some may consider them a little boring. This is not entirely true: the lack of intensity of passions and extreme sports does not at all mean that they are dying of boredom, on the contrary, the spouses are self-sufficient and they feel good together.

The Cancer woman perfectly complements the restrained Virgo man. Yes, without the intensity of passions, but firmly and reliably. Quarrels, of course, may be present, but both of these signs understand the need to restore peace and harmony, since on their shoulders is the responsibility for the family and children. In such a pair, the man is the breadwinner, and the woman is a wonderful housewife.

"Mirror" marriage - this is how the union of two Virgos can be called. The spouses see their own reflection in each other, so each of them tries to correct the shortcomings of the second half, which does not always go smoothly and peacefully. But on the other hand, two Virgos are a double rationalism, a sober calculation. Both do not like sighs on the bench and aimless contemplation of the Moon, their family has its own rules and traditions, which they cherish and adhere to the routine.

These are extremely lucky and happy women. They always find themselves in the right situation, get acquainted with the right people. For them, the main thing is to be themselves in order to feel the powerful stream of energy that the Universe sends them. They can try themselves in any field, success is guaranteed to them. However, they are best able to realize themselves in the creative field. They can become not only recognized, but very famous people.

By nature, they are friendly and cheerful. They never become the initiators of scandals, often next to them these scandals subside by themselves. This is due to their general attunement to harmonious relationships. They are confident and ambitious and can achieve anything they set their mind to. It is not difficult for them to find the key to another person, which makes them especially attractive to secrets and secrets. However, they never gossip about other people.

Characteristics of the Virgo-Snake woman in Love

Love relationship for them, another area where they can show their communication skills. They can plan relationships, but not follow their plans. But even in this case, if they want, the relationship can be harmonious and serious. They should just make sure that the partner matches their preferences and ideals. In this case, even an early marriage can be successful. However, it is better to enter into a marriage union in adulthood.

Virgo-Snake Woman Horoscope in Family and Marriage

In the family, they occupy a leadership position. They tend to find those levers of pressure that are ideal for their partner. At the same time, family life can be stable and happy if they do not choose between family and career. They should learn to combine these two areas in order to get good results in both. Only in this way can they achieve harmony in life as a whole.

Virgo Snake Woman - Career and Finance

A career for these women will be successful if they become those who lead the masses. They are pleased and interested in leading women. In doing so, they will promote new ideas. However, their short temper prevents them from reaching the end. It is worth saving your nerves and reacting to the situation differently. The financial side of the issue is very important for them, so they always strive to achieve a lot in order to live in luxury.

These women need to look for other areas where they could get satisfaction, and not just in oratory. The desire for fame for them often becomes decisive in the implementation of goals, which is wrong in general. You need to find support and core in yourself, and not chase after someone else's recognition. It is also worth giving up a share of responsibility if it is difficult to perform duties; these recommendations can make life much easier for these people.

The character of women Snakes - Dev: These are extremely lucky and happy women. They always find themselves in the right situation, meet the right people. For them, the main thing is to be themselves in order to feel the powerful stream of energy that the Universe sends them. They can try themselves in any field, success is guaranteed to them. However, they are best able to realize themselves in the creative field. They can become not only recognized, but very famous people.

By nature, they are friendly and cheerful. They never become the initiators of scandals, often next to them these scandals subside by themselves. This is due to their general attunement to harmonious relationships. They are confident and ambitious and can achieve anything they set their mind to. It is not difficult for them to find the key to another person, which makes them especially attractive to secrets and secrets. However, they never gossip about other people.

Snake Women - Virgos in Love and Relationships: Love relationships for them is another area where they can show their communication skills. They can plan relationships, but not follow their plans. But even in this case, if they want, the relationship can be harmonious and serious. They should just make sure that the partner matches their preferences and ideals. In this case, even an early marriage can be successful. However, it is better to enter into a marriage alliance in adulthood.

Snake Women - Virgo in Finance and Career: A career for these women will be successful if they become those who lead the masses. They are pleased and interested in leading women. In doing so, they will promote new ideas. However, their short temper prevents them from reaching the end. It is worth saving your nerves and reacting to the situation differently. The financial side of the issue is very important for them, so they always strive to achieve a lot in order to live in luxury.

Women of the Snake - Virgo in family and marriage: In the family, they occupy a leadership position. They tend to find those levers of pressure that are ideal for their partner. At the same time, family life can be stable and happy if they do not choose between family and career. They should learn to combine these two areas in order to get good results in both. Only in this way can they achieve harmony in life as a whole.

Advice to women Snakes - Virgos: These women need to look for other areas where they could get satisfaction, and not just in oratory. The desire for fame for them often becomes decisive in the implementation of goals, which is wrong in general. You need to find support and core in yourself, and not chase after someone else's recognition. It is also worth giving up a share of responsibility if it is difficult to perform duties; these recommendations can make life much easier for these people.

Anna Lyubimova

The wise Snake and the consistent Virgo give birth in their combination to a developed, practical and rational nature. These people are able to think logically and tend to carefully analyze everything that happens. The ability to look at the root and see the details is supported by a powerful sense of intuition and susceptibility to the general state of the emotional atmosphere.

Virgo Snake able to subtly feel the energy of space, individuals and the community as a whole. It is not easy to deceive her: she instantly catches a falsehood or a catch, although she may not even show it. People around will be unpleasantly surprised when she directly makes it clear to them that the number did not pass.

Such a woman is not just observant and attentive: she focuses on her feelings, which, like a barometer, give her accurate information about the order of things. The insight and deep analysis of what is happening, which scrolls in her thoughts almost continuously, give her the strength to look several steps ahead, calculating all the ways the situation will develop. Thanks to this, she able to quickly and clearly identify Current state of things, compare facts, analyze and systematize. Ultimately, instantly choose the right solution or give good advice.

Such abilities sometimes cause almost mystical associations and conviction in the psychic abilities of the Virgo-Snake among others, although in fact this is the result of an extraordinary living mind, analysis and the ability to feel subtly.

The Virgo of the Year of the Snake is a rather refined, graceful and graceful nature. She knows how to find an approach to each person, making contact at the level of emotions and inner world.

These people, as a rule, are endowed with a pleasant appearance, secular manners, intelligent and tactful.

Virgo-Snake is a positive and peaceful person. Conflicts and ups and downs lead her out of a harmonious state of mind. She always trying to smooth the corners, tense situation: her landmark in life is practical expediency, benefit without any harm. She can not stand not only direct conflicts, but also forcing circumstances, she never participates in gossip or intrigue. The rejection of conflicts of the Virgo-Snake is so strong that if you try to hurt her herself, she will quickly put her opponent in her place, harbor a hidden resentment and will certainly answer with the same coin, but cooler.

To more energetic natures, the Virgo-Snake may seem boring and monotonous, but it is completely protected from the problems that sometimes arise on the basis of risky and thoughtless actions. Such people are disciplined, do not tolerate a careless attitude to business, thoughtful and unhurried. They find meaning in the quality, not the quantity, of the performance of their duties.

Virgo Snake - very responsible and punctual worker. Knowing how to achieve significant success, she is not fussy, although sometimes she shows nervousness. Nevertheless, she always has a result ready and on time.

Virgo-Snake knows how to subtly feel the energy of space

Work for her is the embodiment of self-realization, so she takes it seriously. Virgo-Snake loves the material stimulation of her work, although the more important life detail for her is to achieve success and bring ideas to life.

All in all, it's pretty pleasant and positive personality who strive for harmony, optimism, mercy and sensitive relationships with people. They can be different, depending on the circumstances: prudent, cautious, resourceful and simply charming when there is a large society around them.

Characteristics of men Virgo-Serpent

The man of this zodiac combination is distinguished by a balanced, albeit rather contradictory character. He shows perseverance in achieving his goals, but at the same time he is not always too active, preferring to carefully think over everything in advance, weigh and put it on the shelves. Outwardly, his actions are unhurried, but the work is always done on time. He is responsible, focused on results, approaches the matter seriously and thoroughly.

The Virgo guy, born in the year of the Snake, is distinguished by an enviable hard work, sometimes plunging into work with his head

Approaches the matter thoughtfully, analyzes and systematizes, taking into account the details, prefers to clearly plan actions, so as not to be one hundred percent sure of the right decision.

He does not seek adventures and dubious enterprises, preferring accurate calculation to risk and spontaneity. Stability and regularity in the life of the Virgo-Snake guy correspond to his calmness and prudence. He does not like to change the situation, go on business trips, although, being a cheerful optimist by nature, he is capable of quickly adapting to changing "scenery".

In relations with others, such a man behaves peacefully and good-naturedly. He is sociable, endowed with a sense of humor, a reliable comrade, a responsible worker, and behind the outward softness and even lack of will, there is a rather strong and developed nature that you can always rely on.

Stability and regularity in the life of the Virgo-Snake guy correspond to his calmness and prudence

Sign flaws

The Virgo-Snake man is sometimes too correct and demanding of himself and others, sometimes categorical. The weakness of his nature lies in the fact that personal ambitions that do not find embodiment can lead him to a state of self-criticism and deep criticism of himself and others. Then he becomes nervous and irritable.

Lady Virgo, born in the year of the Snake - positive nature, charming and good-natured. She maintains fairly even and positive relations with everyone around her, tries to smooth out conflicts, brewing quarrels, because she does not tolerate negative energy in the surrounding atmosphere.

The girl Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, is distinguished by restraint and a real outlook on life.

She is insightful and intelligent, capable of selfless work, sets specific goals for herself and always strives to achieve them.

Her character is characterized by confidence, perseverance and responsibility. Possessing powerful intuition, the ability to think and analyze quickly, she achieves excellence in any field of activity, although she prefers creative work.

Despite the ease with which the Virgo-Snake girl makes contact with people, she is very careful and carefully looks at new characters. Absolute trust can only be earned by her old friends and trusted acquaintances.

The Virgo-Snake girl is very careful and carefully looks at new characters.

Sign flaws

The Virgo girl of the year of the Snake is quite cunning and capable of a subtle feeling of the slightest vibrations in a relationship. It is impossible to deceive her, but her tendency to hold a grudge, and then strike back unexpectedly, can be called a minus of character.

Virgo-Snake is not prone to quarrels and showdown, but likes to personally control situations, wanting everything to go according to a calculated plan.

Idealization is another weak side her character. After all, if something went wrong, she begins to get annoyed and panic.

Virgo Love Compatibility in the Year of the Snake

People of this symbolic combination transfer their life orientations and positions to personal relationships. In love Virgo-Snakes are stable and reliable, because they look at "cordial relationships" again from the standpoint of rationality and perspective. They are demanding of partners, but also devoted and caring.

Virgo Snake Man may not show his feelings for his partner too passionately, trying to keep them under control. This is because he is still eyeing and hesitating to take a decisive step in his life. But having felt sincere feelings, such a man will become a reliable and loving companion with whom you can achieve comfort and complete compatibility in love.

Virgo Snake Woman, despite sociability and magnetic natural charm, does not indulge himself in novels too much, preferring not to start relationships if he doubts their development. She studies her partner very carefully, afraid to plunge into a pool that is not worth it, she tries to avoid stress and disappointment.

The Virgo-Snake girl is closely studying her partner, afraid to plunge into the pool

Superficial relationships are not suitable for her: Virgo-Snake takes sincere feelings seriously - both her own and her partner, therefore, the development of romantic relationships prefers a slow and gradual one, which gives a more complete picture of the true intentions of her chosen one.

Representatives of this sign are capable of deep feelings and emotions, they know how to create a happy life for themselves and their companions. family life, which is not devoid of romance and worldly joys. They are caring and loving spouses., parents, in whose house there is always order and comfort, and in relationships - harmony.

Maximum Compatibility Medium
Minimum Compatibility
Eastern calendar Dragon, Rooster, Goat, Monkey, Cat (Rabbit)Snake, Bull, Horse, RatTiger, Dog, Pig
according to the western calendar Virgo, Aries, Cancer, TaurusAquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Libra, CapricornSagittarius, Pisces, Gemini

Full characteristics of the child of the Virgin, born in the year of the Snake

The kids of this iconic combination are very picky and calm natures. They will not throw tantrums and be capricious. As a rule, these are quiet and obedient children who do not cause trouble for their parents.

The boy Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, stands out among his peers with the ability to think quickly and find a way out of the situation. He is punctual and efficient., will always fulfill the assignment given to him and does not disappoint either parents or teachers. The young Virgo-Snake is very observant and strives for knowledge. Already in the lower grades, he can be well erudite, exceeding the level of classmates, and sometimes even entering into an argument with the teacher.

Girl Virgo of the Year of the Snake has a shy and calm nature. She is very sensitive and receptive. In striving for a trusting relationship, a girl can easily catch falsehood, so you should not deceive her. This great help for your parents, sensitive and responsive, accurate and well-mannered.

As a rule, Virgo-Snakes are quiet and obedient children who do not cause trouble for parents.

Parents should be prepared for the fact that their baby literally “from the cradle” will begin to show curiosity and interest in literally everything around, up to the very small parts. At the same time, one should also take into account such a trait as the ability to restrain one’s emotions and be “on one’s mind”.

Under the taciturnity and outward ease, some kind of trick that the baby is up to can be hidden, especially since it is not difficult for him to circle someone around his finger.

October 25, 2017, 01:01

Zodiac horoscope and Eastern calendar are completely different systems impact knowledge higher powers on fate and character. However, both signs, under the influence of which man is born, form, when combined, different psychotypes, each of which has specific features. If we talk about such a type of personality as the Snake-Virgo woman, the characteristic is one of the most favorable combinations of signs, each of which enhances best properties personalities that both the Snake and individually are endowed with.

Character and personality

The main qualities of the Virgo-Serpent:

Buoyant, esthete, intellectual, Snake-Virgo is one of the most pleasant personalities among all combinations of signs. She is very smart and perceptive, attractive in a feminine way and at the same time, in a masculine way, cold-blooded and prudent. With favorable aspects, the Snake-Virgo combination is one of the most stable and balanced in the horoscope. Outwardly, this woman is almost perfect: she is well educated, has impeccable taste and an intellectual sense of humor, knows how to stay in society and win over a wide variety of people.

This woman loves cleanliness and order in everything - on the desktop, in the house, thoughts and intentions. She is decent, clean in every sense of the word, you can safely trust her.

The Virgo-Snake, like no one else, knows how to get out of any situation without tarnishing his reputation. She is incredibly tenacious and is reborn from the ashes, no matter how painfully life beats her. Tests are given according to strength, so the Virgo-Snake woman, with all her luck, has to overcome many obstacles. She is always ready for changes and is not afraid of any twists and turns of fate.

The only weakness of the Virgo-Snake woman is her instincts, a secret nature that can take precedence over rationality and balance. When this woman's desire for harmony and perfection comes into conflict with the "lower" sides of her nature, she feels so much discomfort that she may well lose her head and break firewood. To avoid this, she needs to deeply study her nature, not be afraid of her desires and allow herself to be weak.

Strong and determined, these women have a special gift for managing people. They have all the qualities that a true leader needs: a critical mind, self-control, perseverance, and at the same time the ability to weave intrigues and compromise. At the same time, they are hyper-responsible, loyal and constant, which provides them with the support of equals and the respect of superior colleagues.

Thanks to special luck, Virgo-Snake is successful in all endeavors. When she sets a goal, it seems that heaven helps her: she accidentally meets the right people, accidentally learns the right information and, on a whim, ends up in the right place at the right time.

They love money, and they reciprocate it, spending wisely, not squandering, but not falling into excessive savings. The pragmatism of Virgo and the foresight of the Snake allow this combination to make profitable investments and not take unnecessary risks.

An innate sense of style and a craving for beauty often leads Virgo-Snakes into fashion, design, and art. But in the field of finance, these clever and beauties can achieve great success, thanks to their logic, intuition and sanity.

In a Virgo-Snake relationship, it often seems somewhat distant and even cold. Indeed, romance and impulsiveness are not about her. This lady never loses her head and is responsible for choosing a partner, because if she agrees to marriage, it's forever.

She is very jealous of her personal life and carefully hides it from prying eyes. The choice of the Virgo-Snake falls on a serious, restrained man who is financially strong on his feet and has managed to realize himself.

Often, women born under the signs of the Snake and Virgo manage to combine family and career and be successful in both. In the family, they strive to be the main ones and can “strangle” a man with their superiority.

As a rule, they get married at a mature age, having received an education, having secured financial independence and a high step on the career ladder.

Compatibility with other signs of the horoscope

This combination is one of the few that can find itself matching pair among the representatives of his sign. So, female Snake Virgos can safely build relationships with men born in the year of the Snake and under the sign of Virgo.

At the same time, they will have the most harmonious relationship with Virgo men born in the years of the Monkey and Rooster, and with Snake men born under the signs of Cancer, Capricorn,.

Snake and Virgo - this woman and her characteristics are distinguished by a special article, pride and royal calm. To achieve happiness and harmony, she needs one thing - not to turn off the path and patiently build her life and career in accordance with her life principles and avoid pettiness and fuss. She has everything else to achieve her goal in abundance - the stars generously endowed their favorite with all necessary qualities and talents.