The burning of the moon in the natal chart. How burned planets manifest themselves in natal astrology

Among astrologers, there are different points of view regarding in which cases the planet is burned, and in which it is under the rays of the Sun. There is no consensus about the role of such planets in horary and natal charts. Therefore, in a series of my publications addressed to people studying and practicing astrology, today I propose to clarify these issues.

It is known that the burning of a planet is caused by its close distance from the Sun, and it is precisely the greatest discrepancy among the masters of traditional astrology that we see when determining this very "limiting" border, beyond which the planet is considered burned.

So, Guido Bonati in the book "The Soul of an Astrologer" speaks on this score very vaguely, treating burning as a connection of the planet with the Sun within 15 degrees, with the exception of its position "in the heart of the Sun".

Biruni in his "Book of Instruction ..." says that a planet becomes burned if it is in conjunction with the Sun at a distance from 16 arc minutes to 6 degrees, and at a distance from 7 degrees to 12 or 15, or 18 degrees (12 degrees - for Mercury and Venus; 15 degrees - for Jupiter and Saturn; 18 degrees - for Mars) - is considered under its rays.

We find similar distinctions in Ben Ezra (Book of Judgments on the Stars).

William Lilly in "Christian Astrology" proposes to use the distance from 17 minutes to 8.5 degrees before and after the Sun for burning (though right there in one of the examples it "breaks down" by 10 degrees). Lilly also gives somewhat confused information about the position of the planet under the rays of Lilly: in one place of the book he says that the planet is freed from the rays of the Sun by moving 17 degrees, and in another place he narrows this border to 12 degrees from the Sun ...

In my opinion, John Frawley brings clarity to the problem by explaining the calculation of the combustion zones and "under the rays" by the angular size of the Sun's disk visible in the sky. Therefore, in practice, one should proceed from the following:

  1. Any planet is considered burned if it is located at a distance of 18 arc minutes to 8.5 degrees on either side of the Sun. In this case, both the luminary and the planet must be in the same zodiacal sign.

Examples. Sun at 10 gr. Libra, and Mercury at 15 grams. Libra - Mercury is burned; Sun at 5 gr. Aquarius, and Mars at 14 degrees. Aquarius - Mars outside the burning zone; Sun at 27 degrees. Taurus, and Venus in 1 gr. Gemini - Venus is out of the burning zone.

  1. Any planet is considered under the rays of the Sun if it is outside the burning zone, but at the same time it is not further than 17 degrees from the star (in both directions). In this case, it is allowed to find the planet and the Sun in different signs Zodiac.

Examples. Sun at 2 degrees. Pisces, and Saturn at 13 degrees. Pisces - Saturn under the rays; Sun at 5 gr. Cancer, and Mars at 25 gr. Gemini - Mars under the rays; Sun at 4 degrees. Virgo, and Venus at 23 degrees. Virgo - Venus is not under the rays.

Recently one of my site visitors asked me interest Ask, which consisted in the following. According to him, some of his fellow astrologers believe that the planet cannot be considered burned if the Sun is in its abode or exaltation. Is it so?

Based on a systematic analysis of the approaches of most of the old authors (Ben Ezra, Lilly, Abu Machar, Biruni, Bonatti, Dario) to the issue of burning, we can conclude that the position of the Sun is in its great dignity, i.e. in Leo (abode) or Aries (exaltation), in no way diminishes the effect of burning for a planet in the burning zone.

The only thing, I think, should agree with J. Frawley in the statement that if a planet is burned in its own abode, this should be treated as an indirect but strong mutual reception between it and the Sun (the planet rules over the Sun due to its presence in the planet's abode, and the Sun rules over the planet by virtue of burning). However, this proposal should be treated with caution. In addition, even in this case, the horary clause about the inability of a person to see or nothing to be seen is not canceled.

The meaning of burning the planet

The old masters of traditional astrology agree on one thing: burning is an extreme defeat for any planet. In this position, it is completely deprived of the opportunity to act, its efficiency is practically is zero, and the spheres signified by it in the map are subject to "destruction", oblivion or chronic indifference.

In what the burnt planet means, a person does not want to do anything or can not do anything.

In horary charts, the burnt significator of the querent means that a person does not see correct decision and is hardly able to heed the advice of an astrologer. In the choirs about the loss, the burned significator of the lost (stolen) object says that it is useless to look for it until the planet leaves the burning zone (which often coincides with the moment the loss was found).

It should be borne in mind that there are certain differences between the burned planets approaching the Sun and separating from it. The first are like a patient whose condition is seriously deteriorating, and the second is a seriously ill person who is slowly beginning to recover.

Finding a planet under the rays of the Sun mainly affects only the fact that it practically loses the opportunity to act. Otherwise, the effect of such a situation is much less destructive, in contrast to burning. Here, one should also take into account whether it is approaching or moving away from the star.

If the burning of the planet can be called a "universal" defeat with some stretch, then the position of the planet under the rays is only pure water accidental inferiority.

However, in the hands of an experienced astrologer, even such a planet can do a good job. For example, J. Cardano, in his aphorisms about elections, recommends: "If you want to keep something secret, let the Moon be under the rays of the Sun when you do it."

I hope my article helped you understand what burned planets are, planets under the rays of the Sun and what is their meaning in the chart.

Burned Mars creates resistance to action and rationality. The reason for this behavior lies in lack of faith in yourself and your success.

Resistance to the manifestation of energy and activity are signs of a burnt Mars... Since Mars personifies strength and activity, burning hides its strength from the world and closes it out on the ego of a person. There is practically nothing that can induce such a person to act other than self-centered interests.

Often, when Mars is burned, human libido suffers. This is especially true in men. They cannot open up and prove themselves if their personality does not receive special attention Since Mars is a weighty planet for any man, burning it brings many inconveniences and suffering.

In general, any burning is associated with the desire for increased and special attention to your person, because this is the only way the burned planet can manifest itself. In all other cases, a person resists any action, and sometimes even common sense.

When Mars is burned, a person is deprived of the ability to do whatever he wants, because he does not believe in his own success and good luck. It is easier to act self-centered and stereotyped than to see new perspectives in front of you.

Types of burning of Mars

1. Mars is burned in front of the Sun (when Mars has a greater degree than the Sun, but the distance to the Sun is less than 8 degrees). Conscious lack of faith in yourself and your success in business. Mental resistance and justification for their inaction. Expectations of motivation and attention to yourself.

2. Mars is burned at the visual center of the solar disk. Mars is a friend of the Sun and therefore receives all-round support and strength. In this situation, a person feels great confidence in their affairs and plans. His logic becomes flawless and even rare mistakes do not lead a person astray.

3. Mars is burned behind the back of the Sun (when Mars has a degree less than the Sun, but the distance to the Sun is less than 8 degrees). Unconscious resistance to action and waste of energy. This position gives the state of a curmudgeon who does not even understand why he behaves this way. Even if a person has an outstanding destiny, such a position of Mars can nullify everything, since a person will not take steps towards his goals and desires. The reason for this behavior is a strong subconscious disbelief in oneself.

Karmic reasons for the burning of Mars

In the past, the person was a tough and unprincipled leader or warrior... He could kill and destroy without thinking about the consequences and rationality of his actions. Therefore, in real life such a person completely or partially loses faith in himself, on the hind legs to repent of his past actions and regain faith in himself. This interpretation is applicable to 1st and 3rd case burning of Mars.

Consider what constitutes such a concept as burning in astrology. "Burning" and being "under the rays of the Sun" are also traditional signs of a horary chart that is not radical.

Which planet is considered burned?

A planet is "burned" by the sun's rays if it is at a distance of 17 minutes to 8.5 degrees of arc from its exact conjunction with the Sun, being located in the same sign as the Sun. The significator planet is weakening. The querent is depressed or intimidated by someone powerful in the matter.

The "burnt" moon is especially weak. The conjunction of the Sun with the Moon (New Moon) is extremely unfavorable in horary astrology, especially when applied (when forming an aspect), but this condition does not necessarily impede interpretation.

If the planet is burned - ruler of the Ascendant

Likewise, if the ruler of the Ascendant is burned, the matter will not work, and the querent will not be happy with the astrologer's judgment. Olivia Barkley warns that the burned ruler of the Ascendant could mean that the astrologer was given too little information or that he may be misinformed.

Burning in astrology. Lilly argues that when the Ascendant Ruler is "burned", then "either the question is not clear, or the questioner was in an unbalanced state at the moment of the question."

Practice shows that the burned Ruler of the 1st house does not always turn the card into a non-radical one, however, burning, of course, weakens the properties of the planet.

If the significator, Moon, or Ascendant are at a distance of 8.5 to 17 degrees of arc from exact conjunction with the Sun and in the same sign, this position is defined as being "under the rays of the Sun". This is also an unfavorable sign, but less severe than "burning".

The position when the significator planet is at a distance from 0 to 17 minutes of arc from the exact conjunction with the Sun is called kazimi, i.e. "in the heart of the sun". This situation greatly enhances the influence of the planet.

A burnt planet or in the rays of the sun?

In order to represent the difference between "burning" and being "under the rays", we will use the following example. Suppose that the question was asked about the illness of a certain person, and let’s assume that this person is represented by the planet Mercury. The astrologer will consider the position of Mercury as a reflection of the patient's condition. If Mercury is burned, i.e. within 8.5 degrees from the Sun, and the aspect of the application, the person is very weak and seriously ill, his condition is getting worse. If the aspect of separation (separation), it means that, although the person is very sick and weak, the worst is over, and his condition will gradually improve. If Mercury is not burned, but "under the rays of the Sun", i.e. within 17 degrees from the Sun in the same sign, the person is ill or not in himself, but not seriously ill.

When considering a birth chart, we periodically, no-no, we will collide with a planet, or even with several planets that are very close to each other, in other words, are in conjunction. Conjunction is the position of the planets in which the planets are located in one degree and one zodiac sign (or at a distance of up to 7 ° from each other).

If any planet is located in close proximity to the Sun, then the question arises: "What is this: ordinary conjunction, burning, a planet in the rays of the Sun or Kazimi, and what does this entail?" Let's try to figure it out.

The planet is considered burned, if it is at a distance of up to 8.5 ° from the Sun in one direction or the other, and at the same time both the Sun and the planet in question are located in the same zodiacal sign. The defeat of the planet by burning is considered more severe if the Sun goes to conjunction with the planet than if the Sun moves away from the planet.

Why exactly was it burnt? Because, falling under the light of the sun's rays, it becomes invisible to us, i.e. disappears, as if burning up.

Most often, Mercury and Venus are burned. they are characterized by elongation - they never move further from the Sun than a certain distance: Mercury from 18 ° to 28 °, Venus - about 48 °. Mercury tolerates burning much easier than other planets.

It is believed that if a planet is in its possession or exaltation, then it is not subject to burning by the Sun. For example, Oscar Hoffman and John Frawley write about this in their works. Unfortunately, I have not yet found convincing evidence of this. Also, some astrologers do not take into account the burning at all and take into account the conjunction of the planet with the Sun as an ordinary conjunction that does not bear defeats. Or it is believed that even if the planet and the Sun are in different signs, then burning still takes place, because the border of the sign is not a shield from the sun's rays. There are even different opinions about the orb of burning: from 5 ° (according to some modern astrologers, for example, Nicholas Devorah) from the Sun to 8.5 ° from the Sun (according to V. Lilly) in both directions.

According to the rules that the ancient Persian astrologer Abu Mahar wrote about:

“Some people say that when a star becomes burnt in her own possession, or in her own exaltation, is not struck. However, when Saturn, which is cold and dry, becomes burnt, it is like a stone that is heated by fire, disintegrates and breaks. When Jupiter becomes burnt, it is like gold that melts and when it moves in the rays of sunlight, its pure essence takes on a hue of red. Then, when Venus and the Moon become burnt, they are like mercury, which, if we throw it into fire, the fire escapes it as something different from its nature, and is not able to absorb it. "

“Some people say that when a star is in the heart of the Sun (read“ burned out ”- author's note), it becomes stronger; however, I say that, at this moment, the star is like a person who purifies himself by fasting and therefore has no strength as a result of this ritual, but he will restore health afterwards. When Saturn is burned, it is like a wretched old man who cannot bear pain, sorrow and punishment; and when Jupiter is burned, it is like a person plunged into trials, who is able, however, to endure pain and sorrow, since he hopes to gain an advantage through it. Then, when Venus is burned, it becomes absolutely weak and without strong, and it really cannot bear the combustion; but when Mercury, who suffers combustion, becomes burned, he is like a man accustomed to hardship and adversity and poverty, and who endures such things as they are familiar to him; then, it is said that when Mars becomes burnt, he is like a very wicked man whose evil and wickedness increase. "

"... in conjunction, it [the Sun] becomes a Pest, because it burns and makes unhappy every star in conjunction with it, unless it is in the heart of the Sun, where every star is strengthened." ("The Soul of Astrology" by Guido Bonatti)

What influence the burned planets have on a person's character is a complex question that requires additional research. If the burned planet controls the 1st House of a person or is in it, then it will affect his personality. If the planet governs other Houses, then it will influence the fate of a person in the sphere corresponding to the House ruled by it.

It is considered that moon in conjunction with the Sun has a limited outlook and strives to keep distance in personal contacts. Inclines to indifference and some self-reflection. Can live someone else's life. Depends on the environment and setting. Overly susceptible to external stimuli.

Mercury when burned, it gives an extremely talkative person who can express monologues, ask questions himself and answer them himself, interrupting the interlocutor. One topic will flow smoothly or not into another. A man with burnt Mercury knows how to lie well and has a talent for various kinds of manipulations. Inclined to subjective thinking, has difficulty with intuition.

Venus when burned, he loves to decorate himself. This does not always mean that she will put on all the jewelry at once, but she will often wear and change them. She loves cosmetics and many, many clothes. And in general, she is the most beautiful. And no one else is capable of loving as she can love. Has a good sense of taste and is talented in creativity. In a negative manifestation, it is selfish and capable of overdoing it with jewelry. A person can consider himself a step above everyone: "where am I, and where are you." Thinks only of himself. By the way, this can often be healthy egoism: they will be able to stand up for themselves. Venus burned people can be arrogant, overly emotional, doubting, and with high expectations.

Mars when burned: “I'm right. I am always right. I am never wrong. Remember this. " Very angry. Can be conflicting and aggressive. Often strive to show your strength, both internal and physical. Extremely active. Anger drives him forward. It is better not to get involved with the burnt Mars - it will burn. Enduring, unshakable, tireless enthusiast.

Jupiter when burned, it gives excessive ambition, a person may not reckon with the opinions of others and not recognize anyone else's authority except his own. He loves to teach life, believes that he knows how to do it. But it can be a good teacher or gather a crowd. Sometimes fanatical. The topic of success and personal achievement is extremely important.

Burned Saturn inclines to pessimism and inner devastation. Man has no inner core. Closed. Doesn't make contact. Hermit. Very serious. Such a person may have difficulties with discipline, with an understanding of what is good and what is bad. But at a high level, he is hardworking, hardy, gaining invaluable experience through difficulties. People with burned out Saturn, ruling 1st House, have increased self-control, they observe traditions and customs.

Burned Uranus- conservative, does not like innovations, it is difficult for a person to find friends, his concept of freedom is distorted. But he can go to extremes and, conversely, spends time in search of the unknown. A person is unreliable, careless, impudent, stubborn, quick-tempered.

Burned Neptune- not strong intuitively, but easily succumbs to bad influence, it is easy to recruit him into a sect or get involved in some dirty business. The owners of burnt Neptune have a high sensitivity, a tendency to use alcohol and intoxicating substances. Strange behavior is characteristic.

Burned Pluto- a person does not understand and does not realize the strength of his energy. Lust for power. Overexcitation, energy overload are characteristic.

Since the opinions of astrologers, including the ancients, regarding the issue of burning planets and their influence on the fate of a person differ somewhat, it is imperative to take into account when interpreting in which sign and House the planet is located, which House it controls, how many degrees it is from the Sun , The Sun approaches it (its influence increases) or moves away from it (its influence weakens), i.e. whether the connection disintegrates. All this can lead to nuances. Once I read that if Venus, the ruler of the 7th House (marriage), is burned, then potential suitors disappear to no one knows where. This can be admitted if the burned Venus governing the 7th House is actually located, for example, in the 12th House. Although there she is in the House of her exaltation. But one should not judge only by the moment that the burned Venus controls the 7th House, which means that the suitors disappear in an unknown direction and for no apparent reason. They may not marry a girl soon, but it is not a fact that they will be lost.

The effect of the burning of Mercury causes a desire to move away from human society and the motives for self-expression disappear.

A person with burnt Mercury cannot naturally express themselves, due to constant resistance in speech and intellect. Self-conceit does not allow ideas and successful plans to come out, because, in the person's opinion, they are inappropriate in the current life circumstances. When Mercury is burned, the human mind suffers quite a lot, because it is constantly under pressure from the ego. Such people are often greedy for flattery and hypocrisy, because they cannot discern the true motives of people.

There are times when the burnt Mercury creates a stream of consciousness... A person suppresses the processes of distinguishing between what he says and his ideas. This is just the flip side of isolation and silence. In both cases, intelligence and self-expression are squeezed out into the unconscious psyche.

Types of burning of Mercury

1. Mercury is burned in front of the Sun (when Mercury has a greater degree than the Sun, but the distance to the Sun is less than 5 degrees). This case speaks of a conscious suppression of the mind in oneself. The person resists in speech and self-expression. Communication can be disrupted because a person voluntarily increases the communication distance.

2. Mercury is burned at the visual center of the solar disk. Mercury and the Sun have a neutral relationship, so Mercury does not receive any special benefits or special damage. Being in the center of the sun, he regains self-confidence.

3. Mercury is burned behind the back of the Sun (when Mercury has a degree less than the Sun, but the distance to the Sun is less than 5 degrees). This combination speaks of a subconscious suppression of oneself in the spheres of communication and communication. A person cannot explain to himself his long distance of communication with people. This position of Mercury speaks of persistent sociopathy or excessive dependence and submission of one's will to people.

Karmic reasons for the burning of Mercury

In the past, a person used his intellectual abilities and oratory to abuse people, as well as to infringe on their will and desires. Now retribution has come and a person, even having the strength, cannot communicate with people as he wants. With the burned Mercury, it is best to abandon swear words, insults, try to read a lot of moral books and understand that communication is intended for enlightenment, and not for violence and despotism.