Why do white doves dream. Why do white doves dream: to fulfill desires, to meet true love

The white dove is a symbol of the family idyll - peace, tranquility, children. People who saw him in a dream wake up with a smile, filled with joyful expectations: why is he dreaming if not to the fulfillment of bright hopes? However, even in these lyrical dreams, disturbing notes can sound, and the predictions of dream books take into account all the details of what is happening.

See pigeons

According to Miller's dream book, it is enough just to see in a dream white dove- and luck will be on your side.

Freud notes that such a dream indicates favorable situation in a relationship with the opposite sex. Platonic sympathy will smoothly turn into harmonious intimate relationships.

I dreamed of a cooing couple - to mutual love and a happy fate. Dove with chicks - it's time to get ready for a new addition to the family.

Features of behavior

When interpreting dreams, they pay attention to how the white dove behaved in a person's dream.

Why dream that he confidently sat on his shoulder? This is not a reason to be careless. According to the dream book of the Witch Medea, if a white dove sits on a shoulder, you should show Special attention to close people - someone's health has been shaken, and the disease will still manifest itself if you do not take preventive measures.

Arrived on the table - ailments threaten the dreamer. I dreamed of pecking crumbs - to loss. If he flew away from a person, he should expect sad news. A flock of white doves soared into the sky or one carried something in its beak - this portends news from afar, from a friend. According to Vanga's dream book, if they whirled in the air, a person will find peace of mind and come to terms with the upcoming changes in life.

Also, the Bulgarian clairvoyant notes that if one of them sat on his shoulder or dreamed of being dead, this is a bad sign. Equally sad is a dream in which he is wounded - trouble lies in wait for your friend, and for lovers it is a sign of parting.

Why dream that a white dove flew through the window? This is a harbinger of upcoming fun, it's time to invite guests to the house. If a woman dreamed of how he flies through the window, she will be invited on a date. The man saw a white dove fly through the window - he will become aware of the secret sympathy of a pleasant girl.

To the one who admired the white dove drinking water in a dream, Aesop's dream book predicts that unbearable adversity will be a thing of the past, and changes for the better will follow. I dreamed that, trying to get drunk, he drowned - a new business is doomed to failure.

Events around

Why did you dream about how they kept the dovecote at home: this reflects concern about the material support of the family, you will make efforts so that your loved ones do not need anything. According to the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite, for a woman to see a dovecote in a dream means in reality to find out the name of a rival and her address. Why dream of ringing a white dove in a dream and sending a message with him: you will receive unexpected news that will surprise and delight you.

Hunting a white dove, trying to pick it up is a bad sign, you should be humbled dark side his soul, otherwise it is not far from trouble: such an interpretation of sleep is proposed in Miller's dream book.

If they dreamed on church domes - God knows your troubles and will not leave you without support. Taking chicks out of the nest is to invite guests. To pick it up is a nuisance, to hold it in your hands and release it means separation from your wife. To feed a white dove is to do a good deed in reality.

Why do white doves dream in a dream

Seeing a dream about a dove is an extremely favorable sign: a dream about a dove is interpreted as a harbinger of some happy events... A dream in which a person sees a white dove is considered even better.

What does a dream in which a white dove dreamed mean? This is a dream that portends good luck and pleasant events in the near future for a person who sees such a dream. If in a dream you saw flying white doves, then soon you can expect news from friends from afar.

If in your dream the white dove behaves restlessly, the dream can warn of a deterioration in health, of a cold - after seeing a white dove in a dream, do not be negligent about health.

White doves in your dream bring good luck, love, speak of virtue. If in a dream you saw a lot of pigeons white, and you hear their cooing, then in reality a dream will bring joy, the birth of children and peace in the family.

What do the white pigeons, which the young girl dreamed of, mean according to the dream book? If white doves dream of an unmarried lady, then in reality she will have a happy marriage in the near future. White doves in a dream also promise the fulfillment of plans and hopes.


White dove according to the dream book

The white dove is a symbol of the family idyll - peace, tranquility, children. People who saw him in a dream wake up with a smile, filled with joyful expectations: why is he dreaming if not to the fulfillment of bright hopes? However, even in these lyrical dreams, disturbing notes can sound, and the predictions of dream books take into account all the details of what is happening.

See pigeons

According to Miller's dream book, it is enough just to see a white dove in a dream - and luck will be on your side.

Freud notes that such a dream indicates a favorable situation in relations with the opposite sex. Platonic sympathy will smoothly turn into harmonious intimate relationships.

I dreamed of a cooing couple - to mutual love and a happy fate. Dove with chicks - it's time to get ready for a new addition to the family.

Features of behavior

When interpreting dreams, they pay attention to how the white dove behaved in a person's dream.

Why dream that he confidently sat on his shoulder? This is not a reason to be careless. According to the dream book of the Witch Medea, if a white dove sits on a shoulder, special attention should be paid to loved ones - someone's health has deteriorated, and the disease will still manifest itself if preventive measures are not taken.

Arrived on the table - ailments threaten the dreamer. I dreamed of pecking crumbs - to loss. If he flew away from a person, he should expect sad news. A flock of white doves soared into the sky or one carried something in its beak - this portends news from afar, from a friend. According to Vanga's dream book, if they whirled in the air, a person will find peace of mind and come to terms with the upcoming changes in life.

Also, the Bulgarian clairvoyant notes that if one of them sat on his shoulder or dreamed of being dead, this is a bad sign. Equally sad is a dream in which he is wounded - trouble lies in wait for your friend, and for lovers it is a sign of parting.

Why dream that a white dove flew through the window? This is a harbinger of upcoming fun, it's time to invite guests to the house. If a woman dreamed of how he flies through the window, she will be invited on a date. The man saw a white dove fly through the window - he will become aware of the secret sympathy of a pleasant girl.

To the one who admired the white dove drinking water in a dream, Aesop's dream book predicts that unbearable adversity will be a thing of the past, and changes for the better will follow. I dreamed that, trying to get drunk, he drowned - a new business is doomed to failure.

Events around

Why did you dream about how they kept the dovecote at home: this reflects concern about the material support of the family, you will make efforts so that your loved ones do not need anything. According to the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite, for a woman to see a dovecote in a dream means in reality to find out the name of a rival and her address. Why dream of ringing a white dove in a dream and sending a message with him: you will receive unexpected news that will surprise and delight you.

Hunting a white dove, trying to pick it up is a bad sign, you should humble the dark side of your soul, otherwise it's not far from trouble: this interpretation of sleep is proposed in Miller's dream book.

If they dreamed on church domes - God knows your troubles and will not leave you without support. Taking chicks out of the nest is to invite guests. To pick it up is a nuisance, to hold it in your hands and release it means separation from your wife. To feed a white dove is to do a good deed in reality.



Miller's dream book

A girl like a dream

A dream in which pigeons are someone's prey or you yourself hunt them- evidence that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships and, at the same time, a dream will warn you against low and base pleasures.

Means that you do not need to be afraid of misunderstandings, as well as possible news from a distant friend.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Pigeon- a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the dreamer, a symbol of the good, joyful news.

To see the cooing pigeons- faithfulness in love, devotion await you.

Flying pigeons- good news, hope will inspire you.

Freud's dream book

Dream dove- says that in real life you have developed a warm and friendly relationship with a person of the opposite sex. Platonically, the relationship with you suits her, and she is content with them. You look at her exclusively as an object of your desire and would not mind having sex with her. If you do not want to lose communication with her, be patient and wait. Time will tell which of you is right.

Dream interpretation of lovers

Pigeon- a symbol of peace, tranquility and family well-being. See pigeons in a dream or hear them coo- promises joy and happiness. A girl like a dream- portends a happy marriage.

Flying dove- signifies a message from a loved one. Dead dove- means loneliness and separation.

Aesop's dream book

Pigeon- a symbol of peace, love and trust. People associate the best with this bird: hopes for peace and harmony, good news and, of course, love, because it is no coincidence that lovers of all countries understand without words what the two doves sitting next to each other mean. For a long time, people taught and used pigeons as postmen, and therefore even now, having seen a pigeon near our window, we ask him about the news he brought.

To dream of a dove with little chicks- a sign that soon the long-awaited peace and harmony will be established in your family. Your spouse will delight you, and your children will stop grieving you.

To dream of a dove carrying something- means that good news awaits you from an old friend with whom you have not seen for a long time.

Watch in a dream for drinking water dove- a sign that changes for the better await you soon, personal problems will be easily solved, despite the fact that now it seems to you that there is no one in this world more unhappy than you.

If you dreamed that a pigeon, trying to drink water, drowned in the river- in real life, you have a case for which you will take up thoughtlessly, and therefore you will be defeated in it.

Breeding pigeons at home- evidence that in real life you are not completely satisfied with the well-being of your family, and therefore your desire is to make sure that your household is happy, healthy and does not need anything.

Ring a dove in a dream in order to send some message with him- the prophecy of soon news, which will surprise and at the same time greatly please you. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you yourself will tell someone unexpected news.

To be in a dream in a dovecote- to unspeakable luck. Perhaps you will receive an unexpected inheritance or win a large amount of money in the lottery.

A sign that soon you will have an opportunity to have a good time in the company of old cheerful friends. You will not only have a pleasant time, but you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Seeing a wounded pigeon in a dream- means your carelessness, as a result of which you will lose your closest friend. For lovers such a dream- predicts a break in relations.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope Winter

Doves in a dream- it's a sign home comfort and family happiness.

Hand feed the pigeon- symbolizes your concern for your family.

If you see someone feeding pigeons- this is a hint that you should take better care of your home.

Observe the hunt for pigeons in a dream- a warning that your cruelty and mental callousness can destroy family happiness.

Cat sneaking up on pigeons- is a warning about possible insidiousness and intrigues that can lead to discord in the family.

Dream interpretation of Solomon

Pigeon- peace, love, bliss.

Women's dream book

If you saw a dove in a dream- you do not need to worry about your future at all, it will delight you with a quick and successful marriage.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If he sits on his shoulder- someone close to you will become seriously ill.

If on the table- the sleeping person will get sick.

If a bird sits on a tree- you need to go to nature.

If a dove flew to the dome of a church- God reminds of himself, wants to help the soul of the one who had a dream.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday- you will receive a refusal in the case that you have been bothering about for a long time.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday- portends that you will safely survive the problem period, become a participant in some important historical events.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Pigeons- peace and well-being in the family.

Doves flying in the sky- good, joyful news from a distant friend.

Pigeon hunting- the firmness of your character will manifest itself not only in business relationships, but also warn against possible mistakes in personal life.

New family dream book

See pigeons in a dream and hear them coo- means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. A girl like a dream- promises a quick and joyful marriage.

If you hunt pigeons in a dream- you are a cruel person, and this will certainly manifest itself in your business relationships.

We saw flying pigeons in a dream- beware of misunderstandings. In addition, news from a distant friend is possible.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you see pigeons and hear them cooing- auspicious omen. He promises peace in the house and beautiful children.

A young woman has such a dream

A dream in which you shoot pigeons for fun- carries the message that the cruelty of your character will soon manifest itself in your actions. In addition, a dream warns you against concessions to base passions.

See pigeons flying- a sign of mutual understanding. You will also receive news from absent friends.

To dream of an abandoned dovecote- means that you will not be able to solve all the problems, because you do not know the real state of affairs.

Letting pigeons out of the dovecote- means that there are no barriers for you, you will succeed.

Climb the stairs to the dovecote- means that you are behaving imprudently, frivolously, you will be completely confused and tired.

To see that pigeons are rushing or fighting in the dovecote, for a man- means that indifference will fill his personal life; for woman- this means that she will be filled with resentment and dissatisfaction.

Eastern female dream book

See pigeons in a dream and hear them coo - auspicious dream, promises peace in the house and beautiful children. A young woman has such a dream- promises a quick and successful marriage.

You will see flying pigeons- you will soon receive news from absent friends.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Pigeon- to secret violation of marital duty.

Children's dream book

Pigeon- means success in matters of the heart, friendship, peace and tranquility in your home.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Pigeon- reflections of peace, harmony. The need for reconciliation (also an opportunity).

Dream interpretation of birthday people of may, june, july, august

See pigeons in a dream- to visit pleasant guests.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

See pigeons in a dream- to catch an unfaithful spouse or spouse for treason.

Seeing a dovecote in a dream- find out the address of the opponent or her name.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Pigeons on the roof- good news; flying- you will recognize joy; kill- lose true friend; eat- family anxiety; feed- you will do a good deed; kissing- weasel.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To dream of pigeons flying around the apartment- to family joys.

Pigeons on the roof- good news, in the sky- you will be happy.

See a dove with a dove- for the wedding, see them kissing- to be treated kindly.

Feed the pigeons- to do a good deed.

Letting pigeons out of hand- to separation.

Catch pigeons- to survive the loss.

Kill a pigeon in a dream- in reality you will lose a friend or girlfriend.

Cook pigeon meat- to alarms in the house, eat pigeons- to experience boredom and melancholy.

Hear doves cooing in a dream- a harbinger of peace, love and bliss, creating a family or adding to the family, but for a young girl- fast marriage union.

A dream in which pigeons are the prey of a cat hunting them- portends that the cruelty of your character will manifest itself in your business relationships. The same dream is a warning against accidental adultery.

Doves circling in the sky in one place- they say that you may not be afraid of the consequences of your stupid act in relation to a loved one.

Lonely dove- accident.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Pigeon- peace, love, bliss.

Women's dream book

Pigeon- a symbol of peace in the family and the joy of childbirth.

If a girl sees a dove in a dream and hears it cooing- a happy marriage awaits her.

See flying pigeons in a dream- to a safe solution to your problem or to news from distant friends.

Dead dove in a dream- portends misfortune.

Hunting pigeons in a dream- a manifestation of the cruel side of your nature. Also, such a dream can warn the dreamer against low and base deeds.

General dream book

See a white dove in a dream- to a cold.

Gray dove- a sign that you are seriously ill.

Remember, this is the messenger of death.

In a dream, you catch a dove- soon you will be in big trouble.

You dreamed that you watched someone catch a pigeon- some of your loved ones will have big troubles, and in this regard, you will have troubles.

You threw stones at pigeons, or saw someone throw stones at pigeons- in the near future you will have a lot of trouble, but if you try, you can avoid trouble.

Kill a pigeon in a dream- to good luck, especially if this pigeon is black.

If you dreamed that someone killed a pigeon- know, loved ones will help you in difficult times.

Eat pigeon meat- to separation from a loved one.

You may soon break an arm or a leg.

Buying pigeons- you can get consumption.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Pigeon is a sign of peace and love. He is associated with the goddesses of love Aphrodite and Venus - and appears at Valentine's Day. Is there something or someone in your life with whom you wish to be reconciled?

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

See flying pigeons in a dream- means that you have to communicate with an influential person, promising you new connections and acquaintances, many doves to see- fortunately and mutual understanding in the family, see the dove at home- to family joys and pleasures.

White doves in a dream- to luck, gray and black- to despair, frustration, longing.

Hear the cooing pigeons- means to receive friendly advice, which is worth listening to, see doves kissing- this is happiness and joy for lovers.

Feed the pigeons- means to be loved, to catch- bye, wedding, bad luck catching pigeons- to trouble, eat them- to boredom and disappointment, release- to separation.

Dovecote to see- to profit, have- to the quick execution of the plan.

English dream book

Happiness and good luck await the one who dreamed of pigeons- this dream promises respect and love of friends, peace and prosperity in the house. You will find great happiness in love.

But if in a dream you heard the crying of a turtle dove- trouble will not keep itself waiting long. This dream foreshadows the death of a friend.

Shot pigeon- can also mean someone's premature death.

To a lover a dream of a dove- bestows passionate mutual love, marriage to the chosen one and happiness with her for many years.

If in a dream you admire doves high in the sky- wait for important news that will change a lot for the better in your life.

Daniel's medieval dream book

Doves to see- to sadness. Keep pigeons- to sadness.
If a dove got into the house- to death.

Italian dream book

Pigeon- an image of emotional spread, but without serious contribution.

Dream interpretation of lovers

Pigeon- such a dream portends an ambiguous relationship with your sexual partner. You feel an erotic desire for him (her) and hope for a closer relationship. However, he (she) sees in you only a friend (friend) and, although he values ​​this affection, he does not agree to intimacy. The pressure from your side can ruin everything, so it is better to wait and not rush. Time will put everything in its place, and if you have to be content with only platonic relationships, you will have to accept it.

Islamic dream book

Cooing pigeon- is a type of an educated, pious and pious woman.

Big dream book

See a white dove in a dream- to a cold. Look out the window: if it's raining, or snowing, or just getting cold, then it's time to put on something warm or take an umbrella with you.

Gray dove seen in a dream- means that you can become seriously ill. Take care of your health urgently if you do not want your dream to come true.

If you dreamed about a black dove- this is very bad, he may turn out to be a messenger of death (however, not yours, but, quite possibly, someone completely outsider).

If you catch one or more pigeons in a dream- this means that you will soon be in big trouble.

You dreamed that you were watching someone catching a pigeon or pigeons- this means that one of your loved ones will have big troubles, and you, in connection with other people's troubles, will have long, unpleasant chores.

If you dreamed that you threw a stone at pigeons or saw how someone else did it- this means that you are in big trouble, but you can happily avoid all of them if you take the appropriate measures in time.

But to kill a pigeon in a dream, especially a black one- means good luck, which you will meet in the very near future.

If you dreamed that someone killed a pigeon or pigeons- know that your loved ones will always help you in difficult times.

If you dreamed that you were selling pigeons- be attentive and careful: it may happen that in the near future you break an arm or a leg.

Buying pigeons- means that you can get sick with consumption.

Eat pigeon meat- a dream that means a quick separation from a loved one.

Dream interpretation Dashka

Pigeon- a symbol of peace, love and trust, but it can also shit on your head.

Dream interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dove with a dove, maid- marriage, but for a bachelor- marriage.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Pigeon- anima. Doves playing and kissing- children. Combining Anima and Animus.

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

Doves in a dream to see- portends honor and pleasure in family life; a dove to catch a bachelor- get married, and married- the birth of a daughter; to catch a pigeon- marriage to the girl, and married- the birth of a son; dove to kill- portends an insult to one of your friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Pigeon- disease; White- divine providence, spiritual revelation, for good, spiritual love (symbol of the Holy Spirit and peace).

Family couple of pigeons- happiness in love; successful marriage, marriage.

Modern universal dream book

Peace, harmony, love and devotion- these are the concepts associated with the dove. Relate this symbol to the aspects of your life that need to be loved and cared for.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Wild pigeon- fidelity in love, family happiness.

Flock of pigeons- loss of love and happiness.

Two pigeons together- peace and harmony.

Flying dove, as interpreted by the Yorkshire gypsies- to the news in the letter.

If you see the ground- the news is definitely good.

If at the same time you do not see the earth, but only the sky- the news can be either good or bad.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Pigeons- something related to a woman and love / kisses, joy, someone's loyalty.

White doves- luck / virtues of the soul / faith, hope, love.

Gray or black pigeons- darkening of a virtuous soul / despair, longing.

Doves in your house to see- family joys.

Feed- separation from a loved one.

Remove from the nest- profit.

Big pigeons to see- guests.

Flying- a symbol of hope.

Dove with dove to see, cooing doves to see- earthly and heavenly love / wedding.

Failed to catch pigeons- trouble.

To catch- dating / marriage / matchmaking.

Kill- illness / melancholy / irritation.

Doves on your arms, sitting on your shoulders, clinging to you- symbol of faith.

To have a dovecote- fast fulfillment of desires.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Pigeon- wait for the groom, good luck, children (to parents), a couple; many doves- for good luck, good news / illness; bite- a loss; catch- you will get a lot of money, there will be guests; to catch- a wedding, a date with a friend, a nuisance; will arrive- matchmakers; miss- separation; fly away- death; remove from the nest- invite guests; kill- quarrel with a friend.

Esoteric dream book

White doves- hopes will come true.

Gray- to news, letters.

Ukrainian dream book

How doves dream- there will be some luck soon; good news.

Pigeons- adult children.

How a girl dreams of a dove- it's young, boyfriend dove- the betrothed.

Let the dove or dove out of hand- separation from his wife.

Take out pigeons from the nests- to call the guests.

To see pigeons- good news; pick up- trouble; flying in the sky - good news.

Doves fly away from you, run away- to death.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Pigeons- to illness; peck- to loss.

Collection of dream books

Pigeons- peace; freedom. Perhaps there is something where you would like to bring peace and quiet.

Pigeon- an unpleasant acquaintance; release the dove- to break up with a loved one

Pigeons- to peace and joy in the family; a girl like a dream- promises a quick and happy marriage.

Flock of pigeons- to meet old friends.

Pigeon- symbolize positive emotions and a good future; see a dove with a dove- to sexual dissatisfaction; to the needs of family relationships.

See in dream of the dead pigeons- Unfortunately.

Pigeon- a happy incident, an event.

Pigeon- symbolizes the spirit of life, soul, the transition from one state to another, the spirit of light

Pigeon- love affair.

Dove- success, harmony, rapprochement.

Seeing a dove in a dream- means that love of relatives and friends, entertainment and joy awaits you.


Doves in a dream symbolize peace and harmony in family relationships, the joy of having children. This is a sign of chastity, innocence, the manifestation of mutual feelings. Prits flying in the sky indicate the absence of misunderstandings in life.

Dove chicks foreshadow peace, peace, the establishment of harmony in the family. Dovecote promises the emergence of multiple problems. If it is abandoned, you are unable to cope with difficulties due to ignorance of the true state of affairs.

What color did you dream about? What pigeon did you dream about? Where were the pigeons in your dream? How many pigeons did you dream about? What did the dove do in a dream? What did you do with the pigeon in your dream?

What color did you dream about?

White dove blue dove black dove

Seeing a gray dove in a dream

Dreamed gray dove- in reality you are sorely lacking rest. Constant stress can affect your health, so this issue must be taken seriously. It is worth diversifying your daily routine and spending more time on your well-being.

Dreamed of a multi-colored dove

Dream interpretation considers colorful pigeon as a positive dream for a woman. Meet a new friend worthy to take the place of the chosen one in the future.

What pigeon did you dream about?

Dead Dove Wounded Dove

Sick pigeon dreaming

A sick pigeon is interpreted by Felomena's dream book as a bad sign. If the bird has recovered, you will be able to cope with the family quarrels and troubles that have arisen. Full mutual understanding and harmony will be established in the family.

Seeing a big dove in a dream

A big pigeon is dreaming - there are serious events to go through that can unsettle you for a long time. Some of them will be so unusual as to cause confusion.

I dreamed of a cooing dove

A dream about a cooing pigeon symbolizes a manifestation of loyalty and devotion towards a partner. A dove cooing on the window portends a quick meeting with an old friend.

A frozen dove is dreaming

Seeing a frozen dove in a dream - to the appearance of a new acquaintance. The upcoming meeting will have a positive impact on your life. It is possible that you will meet your love.

Where were the pigeons in your dream?

Dove in hands

Dove dreaming in an apartment

The dream interpretation considers a pigeon in an apartment as an auspicious sign, especially if it flew through it and flew out unhindered. This plot means that the upcoming changes will not affect either the dreamer or his loved ones.

Dreamed of a dove in the house

The dove in the house dreams of family and material well-being, prosperity. Neither at work nor at home there will be a tense atmosphere and conflicts. Harmony will reign in relationships with others.

Seeing a dove in a cage in a dream

The dream of a pigeon in a cage symbolizes the stiffness, insecurity experienced by the sleeping person in the company of his soul mate. A dream may indicate that the person next to you is unhappy. Let her go, otherwise you will just ruin her.

Dreaming of a dove on the shoulder

A dove sits on a shoulder in a dream - to the appearance of a person who can become not only a friend, but also a close-hearted companion who can be entrusted with any secret. His devotion will be immeasurable.

How many pigeons did you dream about?

Many pigeons

I dreamed of a flock of pigeons

A flock of pigeons is dreaming - meet old friends. The dream is a symbol of financial well-being, manifested in the receipt of a monetary reward, a raise in salary, or an unexpected inheritance.

What did the dove do in a dream?

Dove flew

Dove knocked on the window in a dream

The dream interpretation considers the knocking of a dove on the window as a letter or news from a distant friend. Whatever he says, the news from him will be a pleasant surprise for you.

I dreamed that a pigeon was biting

Dreaming that a pigeon bites is a bad sign. Break up with a friend or big buddy. The dove has pecked you - you will be disappointed in someone you believed in and on whom you pinned your hopes.

Dreams that the dove sat on its head

A dream in which a dove sat on its head is a symbol of harmony and peace of mind... Before you is a peaceful and carefree period of life that will last long enough.

Dove shit in a dream

The dove shit in a dream - you should pull yourself together and fight absent-mindedness, otherwise there will be more and more problems in life. It is carelessness that is the cause of current failures.

What did you do with the pigeon in your dream?

Feed the pigeon Catch the pigeons Kill the pigeon

Catch a pigeon in a dream

Catching a pigeon in a dream means being too harsh towards others. We caught a pigeon for a long time and still managed to do it - think before deciding on something, perhaps your actions can damage your authority.


Dream interpretation Dove in hands

Why is the Dove dreaming in the hands in a dream according to the dream book?

Why is the dove dreaming in the hands? A dream promises the fulfillment of desires in the near future. Take all the chances that fate provides. Don't be afraid to trust your heart.

A white dove in hand is a symbol of a wedding, so most likely you will soon get married or receive a marriage proposal.

How did you get the dove in your hands in a dream?

Dove sat on hand in a dream

I dreamed of a pigeon sitting on her hand - all your endeavors will have a positive result. Now is a favorable period for activity. You can take on something that you did not dare to do before.



Goat Dereza

The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the dreamer, a symbol of the good, joyful news.

To see cooing pigeons - faithfulness in love, devotion await you.
Flying pigeons - good news, hope will inspire you.
Doves are peace; freedom. Perhaps there is something where you would like to bring peace and quiet.
Happiness and good luck await the one who dreamed of pigeons - this dream promises the respect and love of friends, peace and prosperity in the house. You will find great happiness in love.
But if in a dream you heard the crying of a turtle dove, the trouble will not keep itself waiting long. This dream foreshadows the death of a friend.
A shot pigeon can also mean someone's premature death.
A lover's dream about a dove - bestows passionate mutual love, marriage to the chosen one and happiness with her for many years.
If in a dream you admire doves high in the sky - wait for important news that will change a lot for the better in your life.

Big dream book
To see a white dove in a dream - to a cold. Look out the window: if it's raining, or snowing, or just getting cold, then it's time to put on something warm or take an umbrella with you.
If you catch one or more pigeons in a dream, this means that you will soon be in big trouble.
You dreamed that you were watching someone catching a pigeon or pigeons - this means that one of your loved ones will have big troubles, and you, due to other people's troubles, will have long, unpleasant chores.
If you dreamed that you threw a stone at pigeons or saw someone else doing it, this means that you are in big trouble, but you can happily avoid them all if you take appropriate measures in time.
But to kill a pigeon in a dream, especially a black one, means good luck, which you will meet in the very near future.
If you dreamed that someone killed a pigeon or pigeons - know that your loved ones will always help you in difficult times.
If you dreamed that you were selling pigeons, be careful and careful: it may happen that in the near future you break an arm or a leg.
Buying pigeons means that you can get sick with consumption.
There is pigeon meat - a dream that means a quick separation from a loved one.

Eastern dream book
Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing their cooing is an auspicious dream, promises peace in the house and beautiful children. Such a dream for a young woman promises a quick and successful marriage.

Children's dream book
Dove - means success in matters of the heart, friendship, peace and tranquility in your home.

\ Female dream book
If you saw a dove in a dream, you shouldn't worry about your future at all, it will delight you with a quick and successful marriage.
It is a type of an educated, devout, and godly woman.

Modern dream book
A dream in which you see pigeons and hear them cooing is an auspicious omen. He promises peace in the house and beautiful children.
Such a dream for a young woman promises a quick and successful marriage.
A dream in which you shoot pigeons for fun carries a message that the cruelty of your character will soon manifest itself in your actions. In addition, a dream warns you against concessions to base passions.
Seeing flying pigeons is a sign of mutual understanding. You will also receive news from absent friends.
Seeing an abandoned dovecote in a dream means that you will not be able to solve all the problems, because you do not know the real state of affairs.
Letting pigeons out of the dovecote means that there are no obstacles for you, you will succeed.
Climbing the stairs to the dovecote means that you are behaving imprudently, frivolously, you will become completely confused and tired.
Seeing that pigeons are rushing or fighting in the dovecote, for a man, means that indifference will fill his personal life; for a woman, this means that she will be filled with resentment and dissatisfaction.


Neighbor Cat

It's time to stop being a vegetarian

cat in boots


Do not touch me

You will get a two ... tomorrow ...


why do many pigeons dream and one of them is white and he has a broken wing?



A wingless dream, a dream with a broken wing.


The dove is a symbol of peace, tranquility and family well-being.

Seeing pigeons in a dream or hearing them cooing promises joy and happiness. For a girl, such a dream portends a happy marriage.

A flying dove heralds a message from a loved one.

To see a white dove in a dream - to a cold. Look out the window: if it's raining, or snowing, or just getting cold, then it's time to put on something warm
You will see flying pigeons - soon you will receive news from absent friends.
Dove - wait for the groom, good luck, children (to parents), couple; many pigeons - for luck, good news
To catch a dove means marriage to a girl, and to a married woman - the birth of a son;
A flock of pigeons - to meet old friends. ...

Ushakova Tatiana

A message from a friend and he needs your help.

Zhanara Smagulova

The pigeon is happiness !!! but what a white good luck ... the wounds are healing ... so do not worry, everything will be fine (((the main pigeon is white)))

The white dove is a generally accepted symbol of peace. Seen in a dream, it portends good luck, peace and love.

Total value

Doves in a dream act as an auspicious sign, foreshadowing peace, pacification, good news, and the white color of the bird's plumage only enhances this meaning. Sleep may mean that you will receive a visit. good person with news that will dispel your sorrows and bad thoughts.

But the interpretation may be different. Remember the details of the dream you saw, and you can decipher the dream in more detail.

Value depending on the circumstances of the dream

  • To see one snow-white dove or a whole flock - to peace in the house, the health of children, good luck in new endeavors.
  • A pair of white doves means a meeting with a soul mate for unmarried, and a harmony in the family for married.
  • Dreamed of cooing doves - to the conclusion happy marriage, the birth of children.
  • Birds swam in a puddle - to monetary profit, additional income.
  • The white dove walked along the ground very slowly - it will take a lot of effort to achieve the goal, but the result will please you.
  • A dove in a nest with eggs or surrounded by chicks dreams of an early replenishment in the family.
  • Become a witness of the hunt for birds - your cruelty asks out. Try to keep her in check.
  • Caught a white dove - to a romantic acquaintance.
  • Holding a bird in their hands - to good luck in business.
  • Doves circled over the church and domes - God will help you in solving your problems, trust him.
  • White birds flew high in the sky - to meet old friends or receive news from them.
  • The dove was sitting or fluttering near the window - a loving person thinks about you and misses.
  • The bird that flew through the window speaks of coming soon guests. You will be glad to see them.
  • See ptah in own apartment- to family well-being, joyful events in the family.
  • If the bird behaved restlessly, anxiously - this is a sign to take care of its health, perhaps the onset of the disease or its latent course.
  • The dove sat on the shoulder - the health of the sleeping person or someone from his loved ones requires close attention.
  • Birds pecked crumbs from the table - to financial losses.
  • We fed pigeons on the street - do a good deed in reality.
  • If the pigeon drank water - to pleasant changes in life, but if he, without getting drunk, fell into the water and drowned - it is not worth starting new business and projects, they will fail.
  • A tame pigeon flew away from you - to sad news.
  • They kept a dovecote with white birds in the house - in reality, you are very concerned about the material support of your family and spend a lot of energy so that your family does not need anything.
  • A sick, crippled or dead dove dreams unfortunately.
  • A cat grabbed a wounded pigeon - people you trust will turn out to be gossips. Disappointment awaits you.

Meaning for women:

  • For unmarried girls, a white bird promises a good groom and a quick wedding.
  • For married people, it portends a rich and calm life.

Meaning for men:

  • For men, a white dove is a sign of peace and harmony in the soul.
  • Holding it in your hands - for a wedding in your home or in the family of close relatives.

Interpretation from various dream books

  • By Miller's dream book, white doves promise good luck to the dreamer in all endeavors. It's time to get down to business, dropping all doubts. A flock of these birds portends good news from an old friend, or a favorable solution to long-standing problems. Hunting and killing these birds in a dream is an unkind sign, beware of your own base instincts, you can offend the weak and defenseless.
  • According to Vange, white doves personify innocence, spiritual purity, the divine principle. If in a dream white doves circled over you - life will change in better side, to peace and peace in the soul. But the meaning changes to the opposite if one of the birds sat on your shoulder, or turned out to be crippled or dead.
  • Have Freud a white dove is a symbol of platonic love. Perhaps you are already ready for intimacy, but you should not rush your partner with this. You need to give him time to come to a new stage in your relationship on his own.
  • V dream book Hasse if the pigeon was sitting on the roof of the house - to the good news. Birds flew - to joy.

The white plumage of pigeons means purity, tenderness and a certain solemnity. Most often, they dream on the eve of a wedding or an important family event. Dreams about white doves give pleasant emotions, joy and also portend something good: good news, romantic acquaintances, good luck in business and in love. True, if the birds were sick, dirty, crippled, the meaning of sleep will change to the opposite. It is good that such dreams are dreamed less often.

The white dove is a symbol of peace and quiet, it is always associated only with positive events. If you dreamed about such a bird, most likely you will wake up in a good mood. Let's try to figure out why the white dove is dreaming, consider the interpretation of the most popular and proven dream books.

White dove according to the dream book

Most often, a dream in which you saw a white dove has a favorable meaning. Such a dream portends good events, the fulfillment of desires. But not always - depending on the events occurring in the dream, its meaning can be interpreted in different ways.

Therefore, try to remember all the details of the plot that appeared to you in the kingdom of Morpheus and look for a suitable prediction in our list:

  • V Miller's dream book it is indicated that the white dove dreams of luck and good luck. If you had such a dream, luck will accompany you in all your upcoming deeds and undertakings.
  • Freud interprets such a dream in its own way. The eminent psychotherapist believed that the white dove dreams of success with the opposite sex. Soon you will have a relationship that is harmonious and filled with love. They will bring satisfaction both spiritually and sexually.
  • If in a dream you see more than one bird, but cooing couple of white doves- to mutual love. Soon you will meet your destiny, a person with whom you will strike up a relationship. It is highly likely that they will end in a wedding.

It is worth remembering how the birds behaved in a dream:

  • If white dove sat on the shoulder, in real life, you should be attentive to the people around you. Someone of your loved ones serious problems with health, your support and help is required
  • We saw in a dream how a white dove flew in and sat on the table- your own health... It is worth being examined by a doctor. It may be possible to find serious illness at an early stage
  • White dove in a dream ate from your hands? Unfavorable sign, you will lose something. Loss can be both material and mean the end of a relationship with someone close to you.
  • If in a dream the bird flies away from you, expect bad news. Soon you will be notified of some sad event
  • See a whole flock of pigeons in the sky? Wait for news from an old friend who now lives far away from you. If one of the birds carries a message on paper in its beak, the news will be good.
  • If in a dream you watch a flock of white doves that circling in the air above you, this is an auspicious sign. Soon some event will happen in your life, thanks to which you will find peace and tranquility.
  • If a bird in a dream sits on your shoulder and then drops dead, that's a bad sign. Your to a loved one trouble threatens - do not leave him unattended, constantly be on your guard
  • If white dove in a dream wounded, is literally on its last legs, this is a sign of an imminent parting with a loved one. Separation can be avoided if you stop quarreling, provoke conflicts and stop blaming the other half.
  • Dreams that the bird flies into an open window? Wait for guests. Distant relatives or old friends who now live in another city will visit you. The visit will be unexpected, but very pleasant for you
  • If a white dove a lonely woman dreams, she will soon be invited to a romantic date. The date will be exciting, and the man will be interesting. It is likely that in the future he will become a husband
  • If the bird a man dreams, it means that some girl is secretly in love with him. He is unaware of her feelings and has no reciprocal sympathy.
  • You watch in a dream how white dove drinking water from the reservoir? Rejoice - the black streak in your life will end soon, changes for the better are coming, you will be happy and satisfied
  • Dreams that the bird is drowning? Most likely, the plans you are currently working on will not be crowned with success. You are doomed to fail. But do not be discouraged, but look for new ways to solve the problem.

These are the predictions of the most popular dream books. It is also worth remembering what happened in the dream - the meaning of sleep also depends on this.

See in the video what else pigeons can dream of:

Dream events

Remember what else happened in the dream, and look for a suitable interpretation:

  • I dreamed of not one white dove, but whole dovecote? This means that in real life you are not satisfied with your wealth. There is a constant lack of money, you are not able to provide for your family. It's time to think about finding new sources of income
  • If he sees a dovecote in a dream married woman , which means she has a rival. Be vigilant and do not let the insidious mistress take your husband away from the family.
  • If you dreamed carrier white pigeon, with the help of which you convey a message to someone, which means that in real life you need to wait for unexpected news. They will be pleasant and will delight you.
  • If in a dream you try catch a bird, but it is not given to you in any way, this is an unfavorable sign. In the future, you will commit some unseemly act. As a result, the reputation will be damaged, the trust and respect of others will be lost. Try not to act rashly.
  • In a dream you see white pigeon with chicks that you are trying to get out of the nest? Expect guests or a big celebration. Organizational complex but pleasant chores are coming soon
  • Take the dove in your hands, hold and refuse to release, although the bird resists? There will be separation or parting with a loved one. Be vigilant, control your words and deeds, then it will be possible to keep the relationship
  • See the white dove sitting on the dome of the church? This is a wonderful sign - you are protected, no troubles and hardships are afraid of you.

white dove according to the dream book

Miller's dream book interprets a dreamed white dove for childbirth and happiness in family life, for unmarried heralds a quick marriage. Coughing white birds in a dream mean peace and quiet in the family.

interpretation of sleep white dove

Vanga's dream book compares the white dove with spiritual purity and peace. Such a dream indicates, however, that there is a divine principle in a person's life, giving confidence in all undertakings.

what does it mean if a white dove in a dream

Tsvetkov's dream book foreshadows the fulfillment of a secret dream, if the bird was in a cage - false gossip and rumors cannot be avoided, in a dream only the white tail of a dove was seen to meet with the past, which can certainly shed a lot of unnecessary things.

interpretation of sleep white dove

The Islamic dream book interprets the white dove as a beloved wife with good events in life with her, for bachelors heralds marriage with beautiful girl... In addition, to see this bird in a dream gives hope in the search for a missing relative.

white dove according to the dream book

A white dove means that the relationship in a couple has a rather warm relationship that leads to a joyful event: a wedding, the birth of a child.

The dream interpretation interprets a meeting with a white bird to the news in a letter only if it is in the sky - this is good news, on the ground - unpleasant.

white dove in a dream what is it for

Connects the white dove with friends, their respect and love. Such a dream gives a sign to respect and appreciate friends. If you dream of a crying pigeon, or a wounded one, it is a bad sign, foreshadowing the loss of a close friend. The white dove portends a new relationship, but alas, without a continuation.

white dove in a dream what is it for

Connects the white dove with peace of mind, a state of peace and faith in the future. To have a dovecote in a dream - to fulfill desires, while feeding them - to separation from a loved one.

white dove in a dream

It marks a meeting with a white dove with good changes in the life of the family: reconciliation with a spouse, pride in achieving one's goals, receiving joy from children.

white dove in a dream what is it for

Explains the dream as good news in the family, the only clarification to actions with the bird: letting go - for separation, catching - for a date, taking from the nest - to unexpected profit.