Moon in Leo Woman (Family) Characteristics. Harmony with Libra

Days full of optimism and bright events are the main characteristics of the period when the Moon is in Leo. Difficulties recede, life seems easier and more promising. There is a desire to prove oneself, to use all one'screative potentialto find long-awaited and correct solutions to the accumulated problems.

These days it makes sense to rely not so much on intuition as on internal energy and common sense. It can be expected with a greater degree of confidence that this energy should be more than enough for you and those around you.

Read also: Lunar dream book and interpretation of dreams according to the lunar calendar: Moon in LEO

The days of the Moon in Leo are excellent for show yourself in all your glory in many different senses of the word. It is no coincidence that it is recommended to postpone all kinds of negotiations that require a presentation to this particular period. People these days will not only be more supportive of you.

During this period, the chances of getting appreciated his activity is much higher, but one must be able to share flattery and sincere praise.

The Moon in Leo not only promotes the search for creative and, at times, extraordinary solutions various issues. This period in itself favors the implementation of your creative plans. Talented, creative people feel an irresistible desire to create, despite (or rather avoiding) criticism and negativity. Also, do not resist the desire to have conversations about beauty, about love and art.

Moon in zodiac signs: Leo

Moon in Leo is great period in order to to begin new activity , which will be somehow connected with creation, creativity, love. It is on these days that it is recommended to discuss and plan activities related to the repair or simply improvement of your home.

It makes sense to listen opinion of loved ones, which during this period with a high degree of probability will generate creative and creative ideas that can benefit you. In general, these days it is recommended to spend more time with relatives, and especially with children. Your participation in solving their problems can bring very useful results.

The days when the Moon is in the sign of Leo, like no other, are suitable in order to analyze whether it is in the right direction your life develops. Communicate more and share your ideas with others. If you are listened to, and your thoughts evoke positive emotions, it is safe to say that you are living the right life.

On the other hand, the manifestation of negativity from others, as well as a feeling of inner spiritual discomfort during the days of the Moon in Leo, may indicate that you are generating in yourself not very good ideas and qualities.

Why exactly on these days the Moon makes it possible to judge whether your life is developing in the right direction? The fact is that the Moon in the fiery sign of Leo not only helps our activity, makes us more open and optimistic. The other side of the coin is bringing to the surface our negative qualities: inflated claims to oneself and others, a selfish outlook on life, stubbornness and pride, bordering on outright arrogance.

Moon signs in everyday life: Leo

Thanks to the positive energy of the days of the Moon in Leo, the risk of feeling depressed, disappointed with life (or the risk of falling into depression) is very small. However, even in these days full of complacency and positive emotions, it is recommended to act with specifics of this period avoiding wrong actions and decisions.

Correct actions:

Beauty will save the world! But she will do it even more surely if she actively devotes time to beauty when the Moon is in the sign of Leo. Recommended visiting beauty salons, search for new images, including new items of clothing.

Present yourself, present your business, your business or your services. This period of time is the best suited for everything that contains presentation moment in any form. Advertising in the days of Leo begins to move progress more intensively!

If you have received an invitation to visit a theatre, an exhibition or just take a walk in a crowded place, do not miss this opportunity. Perhaps, for starters, it will be necessary to return to the first tip (that is, visit a beauty salon). However, rest assured that your efforts will certainly appreciated by others deservedly. In addition, in the days of Leo, pleasant acquaintances can await us, which will develop into a strong and long friendship or a love union.

There is an opportunity to have some planned ceremonial event or just a family holiday on Leo days? Do it without hesitation. The result will be a benevolent atmosphere of communication, a sense of unity with others and positive emotions in the end.

If you have problem hair (regardless of whether we are talking about women or men), then there is no better time for a haircut than the Moon in Leo. At the same time, you can ignore even in the phases of the moon.

get busy creativity. Drawing, playing musical instruments(of course, subject to the availability of appropriate skills) will be given to you easily and bring more pleasure on the days of the Moon in Leo.

Get busy these days interior planning your home; invite a designer these days, or just friends with good taste. The ideas that you will generate together may pleasantly surprise you.

Wrong actions:

On the days of the Moon in Leo, it is not recommended to practice purely mechanical monotonous activity that does not require creativity. Your body is under the influence of Leo's fiery days, which encourage it to create and create, be creative and surprise. Attempts to suppress these emotions and overcome these desires can lead to moral dissatisfaction and unreasonable physical fatigue.

The opinions of others about you and your qualities, as mentioned above, will inspire and inspire these days. However, what you definitely shouldn't do is fall into euphoria. Do not forget that people are greedy for flattery in principle, and even on the days of the Moon in Leo, the likelihood of falling for the bait of flattery increases many times over. Enjoy the good-natured atmosphere, but do not lose your vigilance and the ability to critically evaluate statements addressed to you.

Not worth it to flatter and show insincerity in relation to others. There is a chance that you will be easily bitten. The result of such insincere communication will not bring positive emotions neither you nor the interlocutor.

Refrain from talking about problems and difficulties. Let yourself and those around you feel the positive impact of these days.

It is undesirable these days to carry out operations on thoracic spine in general and in the heart in particular.


In general, the period of the Moon in Leo is free from many dangers and negative consequences. The main danger is associated with the risk of manifestation of the most negative characteristics of Lviv- arrogance, vanity, stubbornness, selfishness.

The surest way to avoid this is not to succumb negative thoughts and emotions during this period. Sincere openness, pure emotions and a feeling of love for one's neighbor are ideal helpers.

However, do not confuse love and pure emotions with desire to possess. In this case, you risk causing misunderstanding and even dissatisfaction with others, which can easily turn into a quarrel. We should understand and accept the fact that the main negative that we can face these days most likely comes from ourselves. Be the best benevolent and avoid criticism.

Moon in the birth horoscope of a man and a woman: Moon in Leo

MEN: generosity, pride, activity, authority - these are the main male features that the Moon in Leo imposes on a person born under this sign. At the same time, they often talk about another obvious and striking characteristic - nobility.

The inner need to correspond to the high rank of "noble man" often plays a cruel joke with the lunar Leo. The line separating pride from arrogance and vanity is often very thin in this sign. That is why men born with the Moon under the sign of Leo are destined for a difficult role. bright personality, which others should admire and obey a priori.

Lunar Lions, who get used to such an attitude of others, easily lose the ability to self-criticism. At the same time, the man remains under the influence of his nature, continuing to easily take responsibility for himself. This behavior often puts these men in the lead. If this did not happen, very often people born under the Moon in Leo, close in on themselves, becoming a burden to himself and not a very pleasant type to those around him.

Men with the Moon in Leo are looking for women who will to admire, be proud of, respect, will highly appreciate its significance, as well as vividly demonstrate all this to others. It is very important for him to constantly feel significant, to receive attention.

Often such men also choose women who are already have some achievements in life, perhaps they are well known in their field, or well endowed. However, a woman should not at all try to outshine him personally.

An uncomfortable situation for such a man will be a job that brings little profit, but satisfies his need to be in sight, to use power. In this case, the lunar Leo is torn between desire to find a job with a large income (which is also due to the natural generosity of Lviv and the desire to live luxuriously) and the desire to maintain a leading position in the old team. As a rule, it ends with a new place of work, where good earnings will be compared to the potential and ambitions of Leo.

WOMEN: It's a secret that women with the Moon in Leo, figuratively speaking, never get lost in the crowd. They are simply forced to shine and turn everything around them into a blooming garden city. And it doesn’t matter at all that this very “garden city” is located in a one-room apartment.

They will spare neither strength nor means to turn their even small dwelling in a small luxury mini castle.

The subconscious desire to shine and receive compliments for everything they do is feature women - lunar Lioness. She can spend hours at the beauty salon or even "kill" the day preparing various gourmet meals for guests. All her efforts will pay off handsomely (in her own eyes) if they are followed by enthusiastic compliments.

V love relationships they don't know half measures. If they come across a worthy partner, they are ready to give themselves entirely to him, surrounding him with unheard-of care and guardianship. However, the requirements for this object of love are often so high that the partner of the Lioness must constantly keep relationships healthy, responding with the same comprehensive care and attention.

The subconscious desire to be a leader is also characteristic of women born under the Moon in Leo. At the same time, such leadership is specific character and manifests itself not at all in the desire to lead, as is characteristic of men. Lunar Lionesses stand out due to their special attitude to their appearance, things, actions, causing delight and, often, envy of others. The need for superiority, which manifests itself in some boasting, leads to the fact that women with the Moon in Leo often also achieve good career growth.

The desire to shine and be in many ways (if not in everything!) Head and shoulders above others is manifested in the lunar Lionesses and in their attitude towards their children. The child of a woman with the Moon in Leo must be smarter than others, better than others, more secure than others. Or at least not worse than others. This explains the fact that Lionesses have children growing up, as they say, like behind a stone wall.

People with an ascendant in the sign of Leo are easily recognizable, because this constellation above the horizon at the time of birth will affect not only appearance but also on the nature, features of human behavior. Whatever the sign in which the Sun is located in a person born with an ascendant in Leo, this “royal” sign will bring its influence and leave an imprint on its owner.

These people are sure to attract attention. They will feel something special, a magnetism that does not depend on appearance - attractive or not.

Such people are energetic and feel a constant need for everyone's attention. They seem to play all the time on a big stage called "life".

The character of those born with an ascendant in the sign of Leo is hot and quick-tempered. They want universal admiration and unconditional submission, the fulfillment of their desires and instructions. They are full of enthusiasm and energy, charging others with these qualities, they can become good bosses or public leaders who can lead.

The desire for unquestioning obedience is associated with the need to fully control the situation, one's own responsibility for what is happening. Despite their idealism and the presence of great ambitions, they are accustomed to constantly control the situation, without weakening the grip of the boss.

They are bright, lively, cheerful and energetic. They are able to show generosity, make beautiful gestures and arouse the admiration of others. They are straightforward and straightforward, easily and sincerely express their opinions, gladly accept compliments and become leaders.

Outwardly, people with an ascendant in Leo are attractive, tend to take care of their appearance, and have a strong physique.

People with an ascendant in Leo can become famous actors, people of another creative profession - artists, musicians, etc.

Women with an ascendant in Leo

This is, of course, a luxurious woman, a socialite, a queen in her environment, wherever she finds herself. She by all means wants to rise in the eyes around, to become a leader, to look and be strong and self-confident.

Outwardly, such women are beautiful and well-groomed, they have an oval face and large eyes, often dark thick curly hair, a proud majestic posture and a slender figure.

A woman with an ascendant in Leo is talented, cheerful, generous and energetic. She is able to conquer and charm, as well as lead, as she sincerely believes in any high ideals. Goodwill, nobility and generosity are completely natural, not simulated qualities of these ladies. Therefore, such qualities of other people as greed and meanness really surprise and outrage her.

Eccentricity pushes ladies with an ascendant in Leo to dress brightly and boldly, she can show a strong passion for a man.

Women with an ascendant in Leo are not afraid to show others beautiful things, jewelry, a house, a car, arrange luxurious receptions and perform non-standard actions.

Often women with an ascendant in Leo are lucky - they always strive only for the best and are ready to work hard to achieve the desired result.

The owners of the ascendant in Leo love children very much and often spoil them too much.

Among the negative qualities of a lady with an ascendant in Leo are a tendency to laziness, an excessive love of luxury and dependence on the opinions of others, combined with slight arrogance. Not getting what they want, they can become irritable and arrogant, as they encroach on their pride.

Leo Rising Men

These are born leaders or talented representatives of the creative profession. A man born with an ascendant in Leo simply cannot remain in the shadows. He is completely confident in himself, his authority and external attractiveness.

The inner strength of such a man is immediately visible. He can demonstrate extremely versatile behavior - from the serious restraint of a mature man to reckless, almost childish mischief.

Such men are powerful and slightly arrogant, but their confidence and "lion", "royal" manifestations of character cause respect and a tendency to recognize the leadership of this person.

It is impossible to remake, re-educate such a man. You can get something from him only through persuasion or a skillful compliment.

Men with an ascendant in Leo are faithful to their chosen one, caring and willingly take on the costs of ensuring her worthy existence and maintaining her image. He is not afraid of self-sufficient bright women who can take care of themselves on their own, but he will be happy to show generosity, sometimes knowing no bounds.

Such a man tends to choose a woman to match himself - bright, well-groomed, smart and self-confident. He needs a real secular lady, with whom he is not ashamed to appear in society. After all, status, universal admiration and recognition are very important for a proud Leo.

Health, general characteristics

Considering the state of health of people with an ascendant in the sign of Leo, you should pay attention to the heart. May be prone to restlessness and fatigue. Among psychological problems- excessive gullibility, inability to yield, stubbornness, a tendency to overdramatize, irascibility. In anger, such people can break a lot of "firewood".

These people are impulsive, sometimes wayward, but generous, romantic and dreamy, talented, prone to noble deeds. They are loved, admired, and they need universal recognition, they depend on it. They are generous, love quality things, and don't like to ask or give advice. At heart, many of these people remain, to some extent, children all their lives.
Watch a video review of the Ascendant in Leo from an experienced astrologer:

People with the Moon in Leo are usually visible in the crowd. They demonstrate to others their independence and irresistibility, they have a regal gait and the manners of a ruler. These people seem to be on stage and constantly evaluate themselves through the eyes of other people. They are usually sociable, loving funny companies, holidays, external brilliance, amenities and applause in their honor. These people have good taste, they are talented and literally glow with optimism, strive for a secular lifestyle, often engage in social activities, and love to be in the midst of the people. They have the gift of suggestion, they are convincing in their speeches, they know how to persuade them to their point of view, they express concern about other people's affairs (not forgetting their own), which wins the love and appreciation of others.

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People with the Moon in Leo are distinguished by nobility, generosity and generosity, they are easy to pity - they are impressionable, and their feelings prevail over reason. They are open, sincere, sometimes naive and expect the same from others. They hate falsehood and deceit, because they themselves, despite their outward brilliance, are not without a sense of responsibility. They are too proud to stoop to deceit. Their weak point is an increased desire for the opposite sex.

The favorable configuration of the Moon with other planets and elements of the horoscope enhances cordiality, sincerity, loyalty and devotion.

When damaged, they increase markedly negative traits the essential nature of the sign of Leo and the Moon, such as unhealthy pride, excessive pride, arrogance, insolence, arrogance. The individual tries to show himself with outside, giving his personality an artificial, false brilliance, filling time with undisguised boasting, empty chatter, stories with fables. There will be many love affairs in life.

Characteristics of the Moon in Leo

in - neutral

  • Fire + Air = increased burning.
  • Feeling + design = emotional image.

keyword: emotional drama

Benefits of the Moon in Leo: self-confidence, feeling dignity, pride, generosity, courtesy, cordiality, ardor, a sense of responsibility, the desire for independence, diligence.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Leo: desire to put oneself in the forefront, addiction to luxury, thirst for pleasure, lust for power, thirst for waste, overestimation of oneself, arrogance, desire for speculation, false, often unconscious pride.

Violation of the aspects of the Moon: slightly haughty and boastful.

Health Disorders: heart disease, spinal cord disease, blood disease.

Moon in Leo in the natal chart:

Since you are a self-sufficient person, relying only on yourself, you only do what you are personally interested in. The moment you make a decision and take action, don't let anyone get in your way. You are emotionally attached to everything that belongs to you or supports your ego.

You have sharpened sense organs and you are able to quickly and accurately assess other people and their intentions. You have a fiery temperament and, if necessary, you will quickly put anyone in their place.

You are selfish and a little arrogant, sometimes not objective enough and show incompetence if we are talking about emotional perspective. In order for you to really enjoy life, your heart must also participate in everything.

Usually such people are not very inquisitive, but they learn quickly and accurately, although all this is too much colored by your personal feelings and impressions. Leo attaches great importance to emotions, however, such a position makes it difficult to reach a compromise or accept someone else's opinion. You are hard to convince of anything, but when you open your heart and mind, you learn faster than anyone.

You need the praise of other people, you want to be admired and applauded. Despite your devotion, you leave to seek recognition and satisfaction elsewhere if you feel that you are being forgotten.

People with the Moon in Leo have magnetic sex appeal and charm, but can also be dominated and arrogant. In a man's horoscope, this position evokes romance, it makes him funny and sexy, but also narcissistic, domineering and arrogant. Both men and women with this position of the Moon are very attractive and interested in the opposite sex. A man will look for a spectacular woman, with good taste and full of energy.

The Moon in Leo gives authority that you take seriously, but without any difficulty. You are ambitious and attach great importance to social position. You want to become a famous and respected person. Strive for unquestioning respect and have clear organizational skills, but try not to overstep the bounds when managing other people.

The moon in the neutral position indicates the ability of Leo to worry about what is left in the shadows, to worry about his popularity. The moon also indicates that Leo hides the intimate aspects of his life. The hearth, the family play an important role in the life of Leo.

Moon in the decanates of Leo

Increased ambition, a strong desire to implement their ideas and plans. Gives scope for activity in all areas of life. With negative aspects to the Moon - sad love, betrayal, disappointment.

High intellect and spirituality, high ideals, love and materialistic interests play an important role.

Considerable energy, determination, diligence, propensity for scientific research, diligence, sympathy, compassion. With negative aspects of the Moon with Mars and Saturn - the threat of drowning or poisoning, with Saturn and Uranus - frequent purulent tonsillitis.

Historical figures with the Moon in Leo

Charles VIII, Louis IV, Franz Joseph I, Gustave Flaubert, Paul Gauguin, Paul Verlaine, Marlene Dietrich, Otto Martin Pfefferkorn.

Moon transit through Leo

The Moon in Leo makes people active, more optimistic, sensitive to signs of attention and compliments. They tend to embellish reality, see everything in a rosy light, they have a strong craving for pleasure, they want holidays and entertainment. I want to attract attention to my person, impress, fall in love, flirt. Feasts during this period are fun and large-scale. Money is spent on luxury items and all sorts of little things. This the best time for entertainment and recreation. Things are going well during this period, as the Moon in Leo enhances organizational skills and a thirst for action. The head works well. People easily grasp ideas, proposals to do or organize something. Often there is excitement, a person is ready to take risks if he feels that he can win. Relations with colleagues and superiors are good, everyone wants to like each other - so it’s a sin not to take advantage of the right moment to contact the authorities with requests and suggestions. The authorities usually do not refuse advice and assistance, both personally and in the work plan, especially if you are respectful and kind to them. People are impressed by the dynamism in contacts and deeds, they gratefully accept the manifestation of kindness and nobility.

Favorable time for activities with children. At school, children are proactive, creative, praise and encouragement help to intensify the work in the lesson. But at home, children often rebel against the despotism of their parents.

Tense aspects cause a desire to show oneself in all its glory, which can be expressed in boastfulness and arrogance. This leads to erroneous conclusions and reckless actions. People become more sensitive to how others treat them. They are offended by inattention to their person, which they perceive as neglect. At the same time, they themselves can also be arrogant towards others. The desire for pleasure that appears during this period gives rise to extravagance, so people part with money more easily - for example, they buy things that they don’t really need, falling for the flattering advice of sellers, or lose them in gambling.

good time:

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for admission to a new duty station, entry into a new position, development new topic work, the beginning of construction, especially on the 10th, 20th, 27th, 30th lunar day;
  • for artistic and social activities, legal and official affairs;
  • for speculative activities, purchase of lottery tickets;
  • to appeal to superiors, to authorities, institutions and departments (7th Lunar day), to increase and expand authority, prestige, reputation;
  • for new acquaintances, making friends, establishing useful contacts;
  • for events to strengthen prestige and authority in the immediate environment, presentations, exhibitions, auctions, social events, visits, receptions, shows, demonstrations, gifts;
  • for cultural events, visits to the theater, cinema, stadiums and other public places;
  • to visit gambling halls, casinos, restaurants and other places of entertainment;
  • for hunting and sports;
  • to buy jewelry, ornaments and jewelry, gifts for your loved ones and loved ones;
  • for cutting hair;
  • for the treatment of vascular and eye diseases, diseases of the nervous system.

bad time:

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for financial transactions, exchange transactions, investments, conclusion of contracts, execution of monetary documents, securities, wills;
  • for commercial transportation and cases related to joint work, cooperation, co-authorship;
  • to criticize the authorities;
  • for moving, apartment exchange, real estate purchase;
  • for purchases of anything other than jewelry, jewelry, gold, prestige and luxury items;
  • for the animal trade;
  • for operations in the region of the back, chest cavity, on the heart, spine;
  • for planting and transplanting plants, salting cabbage.


  • from sharp objects - the possibility of injury;
  • monetary losses due to adventures and extravagance, a large loss in gambling;
  • heart failure, heart attack with increased physical exertion;
  • exacerbation of sciatica, osteochondrosis (lumbago);
  • blackmail, gossip, intrigue.


  1. Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky - «CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes»
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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Venus in the constellation Leo manifests itself with passion and love for luxury. Women subject to this planet attract and captivate the opposite sex with their beauty and sensuality. is the most important thing in their lives. Venus in Leo in a woman produces an ambiguous and languid nature, which cannot adapt to living conditions, but prefers to seek help in any matters. What do the stars prophesy, and how will her fate turn out?

Character, temperament and worldview

Queen - this is how you can characterize the psychotype of a woman with Venus in Leo. She was created to perform on stage as a speaker, dancer or singer. Venus allows you to control the attention of hundreds of people, to charm and fall in love with yourself.

Easy-going, not able to make long-term forecasts, but possessing luck and intuition. The rational principle is poorly developed, but it can be activated in a difficult financial and even extreme situation.

A woman with Venus in Leo loves everything luxurious. She is one of those women who can look like a queen in any situation. Her whole life is aimed at a man: even the boss can secretly admire his subordinate, and she, in turn, uses her charms for good.

Moral principles, centuries-old foundations and public opinion are of little importance to her. Venus endows her ward with emotionality and a bright temperament. Fate often bestows great financial opportunities, even power.

Love relationship

A woman with Venus in Leo chooses a husband for a long time. Moreover, the list of necessary advantages can change daily.

Character traits of a candidate for husbands for a woman with Venus in Leo:

  • Generous and rich. A man greedy for money and the manifestation of feelings is not an option.
  • Delicate and affectionate. It is very important for such a girl to feel loved. For this, she can give up her interests.
  • Older than myself. The best way when the age difference exceeds 10 years. In this case, they will have something to talk about, and the man will favorably treat all the quirks of his passion.

If a woman with Venus in Leo falls in love, she will surround her chosen one with attention and care. Even hyper-custody is possible, since feelings will be enough in abundance. With age, after 30 years, such girls make wonderful mothers.

In a weak manifestation, this planet endows with a “victim” complex. Because of the constant desire to help someone, while humiliating oneself, a woman with Venus in Leo can deprive not only close friends, but also her position in society. Therefore, auto-training and the help of a psychologist are shown to such girls, especially in a situation of betrayal of the chosen one or betrayal.

A woman with Venus is very touchy, jealous and picky. You need to be able to communicate with such a sensitive person and choose words. But resentment is a quality that significantly interferes with the full and happy life. If you learn to forgive and not find fault with trifles, then most psychological problems will be solved by themselves.

Another feature of temperament is the desire for luxury and wealth, which often leads to extravagance. As a result, relatives and friends can suffer. It is important to be able to stop in time and start living within your means.

The planet Venus in Leo endows a woman with unearthly beauty and charm. Such persons need strong feelings. However, the constant search for love and admiration of others can lead to depression. Therefore, no matter how freedom-loving a woman with Venus in Leo has, she must find her safe haven - the place where she will reign and create.

Helpful Hints

Venus in Leo appears in summer or early autumn. In 2014, she enters the bright "solar" sign of Leo. 12th of August and will follow the sign for a little less than a month - until September 5, 2014. Venus will be in Leo for a very long time in 2015 due to slow and retrograde movement: first from June 5 to July 18, and then re-enter Leo July 31 and will stay there until October 9, 2015!

Since Leo is a sign that loves attention, Venus, getting into it, makes us do everything to get that attention. You may notice that your sensitivity to praise and courtesies in your address increases. I want to receive more compliments and recognition of merit than ever.

Romantic acquaintances that happen at this time have very high chancesgrow into love. Relationships that are established during this period will delight and inspire, and partners will make each other happy. The sign of Leo attracts love and passion, so if you want to really fall in love, look for dating during this period, whenVenus is in the sign of Leo.

During this period, the chance to meet love increases significantly. However,intrigues and holiday romancesare now less common. People in general are now prone to making romantic acquaintances, so do not miss your chance.

Where to meet love?

Where is the best place to meet with Venus in Leo?

During this period, you really want to rest and relax. Work is usually difficult, this applies to more to routine, not creative work so go to holiday without remorse that you didn't manage to finish something.

Now labor productivity is very low, and the desire to relax and have fun is high. That is why people are often drawn to all possible places where you can relax and have fun. Increases the chance of meeting your soulmate in places such as clubs, discos, restaurants, recreation parks and sanatoriums, as well as resorts.

At this time it is good to get acquainted in any gambling establishments, but not necessarily where they gamble. For example, you can visit intellectual games club or take part in sports. In general, it's good to get acquainted where they play.

Leo is also a sign that is related to children, so children can play an important role in dating. For example, if you have a child, divorced and want to get acquainted, there is every chance to meet the same lonely person with children. Spend more time with your child: go to playgrounds, to amusement parks, cafes, take him to hobby groups and so on. Then the chance that he will indirectly lead you to your new love will increase significantly.

Attract love into your life

Tips for men

At this time, more than at any other time, women are worthy of will be able to appreciate the vivid manifestations of feelings, somewhere even theatricality in expressing your sympathies, luxurious surprises, generosity. If you do not like to spend money on women especially, buy them gifts, take them to places, then during this period you have little chance of attracting a girlfriend. Prepare for the fact that spending at this time will increase.

There is danger here, of course. there is a risk get to know a mercantile person. But rest assured, this will immediately come to the fore as soon as Venus leaves the sign of Leo. Its essence will manifest itself, and you will be able to draw conclusions.

With beautiful gestures, you can bring great pleasure to the woman you like, who does not differ in pettiness. Remember that at this time, all women, without exception, are very much looking forward to such beautiful gestures from you.

Advice for women

Since during this period you will especially pay attention to what others say about you, as well as you will expect compliments and love confessions, you should behave accordingly. During this period, men will pay attention primarily to a bright appearance, so it is better to dress and make up brightly if you want to get to know someone.

If flashy makeup and outfits aren't your style, it's important to find a look that makes you feel unique and irresistible and were self-confident. It is very important! After all, if you are confident in yourself and in your appearance and know what you want, then exactly the kind of men you would like to see around will be attracted to you.

Self-esteem and female pride will also come in handy now. If you notice even at the very beginning of a relationship that a man will not be able to appreciate you, then why keep talking?

At this time, also be generous, give gifts to your beloved men. They will greatly appreciate it. Perhaps you will need to purchase new beautiful things, new cosmetics. Often it is new clothes that make a woman very pleased with herself, self-confident, therefore invest in yourself and you will get much more: good mood, confidence, attention from men, as well as a chance to have a successful romance.

Who is most likely to find love?

Venus in Leo usually favors fire signs who have a much higher chance of falling in love than others. If you Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, do not miss this time, go to get acquainted with the places mentioned above, and act! Fiery women do not have to wait for a man to make the first move. It is known that taking the initiative is not a problem for them.

If you're into signs Gemini and Libra, you can also count on luck, but you will have to spend more effort to find love than fire signs.

At the risk of making mistakes or being disappointed by an unsuccessful romance, signs such as Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus. These signs will either not find what they are looking for or will still be in doubt about what exactly they want from a relationship.

Love horoscope: Venus in Leo in the birth chart

If a person has Venus in Leo at the time of birth, then he or she may be Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo or Libra. All other signs have Venus in a different sign.

People born with Venus in Leo will clearly express their feelings. If they like someone, they usually do not hide it, they are ready for grand gestures, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. For such a person it is very important to experience bright and passionate sensations, be in a state of love. This is what helps in creativity, because Leo encourages creativity, and Venus in this sign gives talents.

Venus in Leo endows a person with such qualities as kindness, generosity, charm, fidelity in feelings, passion, love of art, Creative skills, artistry.

Venus in Leo for men

It is quite difficult for a man with Venus in Leo to fall in love, but even if this happens, he will not quickly demonstrate his feelings. In love is usually quite stable. He loves himself so much hates when someone criticizes him. He usually chooses women who are ready to emphasize his importance.

Your spectacular appearance and ability to present yourself for such a man are important if you would like to draw his attention to himself. Gray mice, or insecure women, even if they have a mind, will remain on the sidelines.

Later, having gained enough life experience, a man with Venus in Leo will pay less attention to your appearance, he will be much more interested in your independence, success and achievements in the professional field. However, you should be able to appreciate yourself and be proud of him.

Women Aries, Sagittarius and Leo The man who has Venus in Leo is the easiest to please. After all, many qualities that he really appreciates, they have naturally due to their fiery element.

Venus in Leo Women

Women with this position of Venus ask partners fairly high bar which not everyone can match. Even if she does not have the Sun in Leo, in terms of showing feelings, finding partners and relating to partners, she will be a bit of a Lioness.

It is very important for her to feel for a man not just sympathy, but love, so if she is still with you, then she really loves and respects you. This is a passionate nature, devoted, which always requires love and devotion from a partner. At the same time, the feeling of possessiveness in relation to a loved one can be so strong that jealousy can just go wild.

She does not tolerate next to the chosen one other women can hardly stand his communication with female friends. Therefore, if you want to be with her, it’s better to immediately give as few reasons as possible to be jealous.

A woman with Venus in Leo is very devoted, caring, attentive to a man if she gets what she needs, if her love is fueled reciprocal feelings and reciprocal care and adoration. To win such a woman, a man often needs to sweat a lot. She is very picky in relationships and has been looking for a worthy candidate for a long time.