Card index of tasks on the differentiation of sounds. Individual lesson on differentiation of sounds, Journey for cones

Exercise 1. a) Select the initial sounds from the words: sleigh, hat.

b) Compare the sounds with and w according to articulation.

How are these sounds similar?

What is the difference between these sounds?

Task 2. Pick out the initial sounds of the words. The speech therapist pronounces the words, highlighting the first sound with his voice, the children repeat it.

Sample. Catfish (s), noise (sh).

Himself, noise, shawl, sleigh, bag, neck, fat, bough, walked, tire, strength, blue, sugar, rustle.

Task 3. a) Say the sound s or sh with support on the hand of a speech therapist.

The speech therapist reminds the children that when pronouncing the sound with the tongue is below, behind the lower teeth, and when pronouncing the sound w, the tongue rises up, behind the upper teeth. If the hand rises up, the children pronounce the sound sh, down - s.

S S S S S S S S etc.

b) Say the sound s and sh along the reference arrows.

The speech therapist shows the children cards with the image of arrows pointing up or down, the children pronounce the corresponding sound.

Sample, w

c) Say the sound s and sh according to the symbols.
The speech therapist reminds children that when pronouncing a sound with

lips smile, when pronouncing the sound sh - lips with a mouthpiece. The speech therapist shows the children cards with conventional icons: s, sh. Children pronounce the corresponding sound.

Task 4. Pronounce the syllables in reflection.






The opposite game.

The speech therapist pronounces a syllable with the sound s, children with the sound and, and vice versa.

Pattern: SA SHA SO SHO



Task 5. Memorize and reproduce a number of syllables.




Task 6. Listen to the words, a) Select the initial syllable. The speech therapist voice emphasizes the syllable distinguished by the children.

Sample. Sleigh (sa), shawl (sha).

Sleigh, shawl, dry, tire, fat, awl, honeycomb, neck, catfish, steps, boots, damp, sewed, sat down, makes noise.

b) Pick out the last syllable. Sample. Fox (sa), I wear (shu).

Fox, porridge, noses, braids, ours, I carry, kids, cat, Masha, mice, wear, yours, Lusha, Alice.

Task 7. Finish the word by adding the syllables sa or sha based on pictures (selected by a speech therapist). Say the whole word.

Lee.. .(sa), on.. .(sha), kole.. .(so), halo.. .(sha), roofs.. .(sha).

Add the syllables sy or shi. Say the words in full.

U.. .(shi), u.. .(sy), but.. .(sy), we.. .(shi), roofs.. .(sy), roofs.. .(shi).

Task 8. Say the words in pairs in reflection.

mustache - ears nose - knife

rat - roof socks - legs

bowls - bears us - ours

What sounds are different pairs of words?

Ears - mustache; rat - roof; fable - tower; us - our;

you - yours.

Exercise 9. Look at the pictures. Name them.

Task 10. Say the words in reflection.

Dry, hurry, fluffy, drying, freckles, highway, shepherd boy, rhyme, chuckle, old woman, heard, hurried, laughed, laughed, starling, nimble, driver, smart.

The speech therapist finds out whether the children understand the meaning of these words.

Task 11. Remember and name a number of words.

Hurry - hurried - haste; sew - sewed - embroider; dry - dried - dried - drying - dried.

Task 12. Think of words similar to the word dry.

Task 13. Answer the questions in one word. The speech therapist monitors the clear pronunciation of sounds s and sh.

Who is driving the train?

What shines on people during the day?

What is the body of a cat or dog covered with?

What is another word for small donuts?

The teacher read the story to the children, and the children laughed.

What was the story?

Task 14. Finish the sentences with one word.

The speech therapist reads an excerpt from K. Chukovsky's poem "Moydodyr". He starts the sentence, the children finish it with one word.

Long live soap ... (scented). And a towel... (fluffy). And toothpaste... (powder). And thick ... (scallop).

Task 15. Select pictures in three columns: with sound s, with sound sh, with sound s and sh.

Pictures are selected by a speech therapist.

The list of proposed pictures: beets, shower, closet, socks, chamomile, forest, radish, bag, sun, icicle, checkers, grandmother, old woman, drying, highway.

Task 16. Determine the place of sounds with and sh in words. Old woman, highway, sun, scary, smart.

Task 17. Complete the sentence with one word based on the reference pictures.

The hare has long ... (ears). The cat has long ... (whiskers). It rustles under the floor ... (rat). The house has a new ... (roof). Sasha helped ... (old woman). Shura has new ... (boots).

S-sh sounds in sentences

Task 18. Pronounce the word combinations.

The gray-haired grandfather. Fluffy snow. Fragrant hay. Red pencil. Dry cones. funny story. Mossy swamp. Terrible beast. Silky grass. Silk head, oil beard.

The speech therapist finds out whether the children understand these phrases.

Task 19. Answer the questions. Say the sentences in full.

Sample. What snow? Fluffy. (The snow is fluffy.)

What kind of pencil? What story? What animal? What grass? What head? What beard? What kind of hay? What is the swamp? What cones?

Who has a silk head, an oily beard?

Task 20. Listen to suggestions. Answer the questions.

Reeds grow in the swamp. The reeds are thick and high. Sasha and Sima cut the reeds.

What grows in the swamp?

What kind of reed?

Who cut the reeds?

Task 21. Say the sentences in reverse.

The cuckoo chirps merrily. Masha drinks kissel. Sasha is carrying pears. The shepherd hurries home. My sister sewed a shirt for Sasha. The elephant has big ears.

Task 22. Make sentences on plot pictures about Sasha and Masha.

Who is doing the right thing?

Task 23. Say in reflection proverbs, sayings, pure phrases. Learn by heart at the choice of a speech therapist. Find out the meaning of each proverb and saying.

As you lay down, so you sleep. Oh, what a frost, He brought all the windows!

Take care of your nose in a big frost. He sits with his legs dangling like noodles on a spoon

Do not hurry with your tongue, but hurry with your deeds. It stands like a cat over a mouse.

Owl, owl, Big head. It stands like a reed over a river.

You can't plow the field with song. Leaves? as if alive, whispering,

Hurry up and make people laugh. and the time will come - and they will make noise. Nine mice pulled together -

The lid was pulled off the tub.

Hurry, hurry, but there is no time to rest.

The cat will shed mouse tears.

Task 24. Say tongue twisters in three tempos: slow, medium and fast.

The speech therapist monitors the clear pronunciation of sounds s and sh.

The pine makes noise from sleep,

From sleep, the pine tree rustles.

Sasha is small

Sasha is nice.

Sasha washed his ears with soap.

Task 25. Listen to riddles. Find clues. Learn them by heart. Make riddles for mom, dad, grandma, your friends.

The speech therapist exposes pictures depicting clues to riddles.

I'm sitting by the window

I look at the whole world in it.


And the roof is with me.


I am a fluffy ball

I whiten in a clean field.

And the wind blew

The stalk remains.


I left the house

And took out the roof.

Returned home

Worth Antoshka

On one leg.

Smooth, fragrant

Washes clean.

I'm standing on a thick leg

I stand on a smooth leg.

Under the brown hat

With velvet lining.


(P. Russ-Silver.)

Abstract of the lesson.

Topic. Sounds from and sh.


  • exercise in correct pronunciation and distinguish between sounds [C] - [W] in syllables, words, phrases and sentences;
  • consolidate knowledge about the articulation of sounds, learn to characterize sounds;
  • to consolidate the ability to determine the presence and place of sounds [С] - [Ш] in words, to develop phonemic hearing and perception;
  • to cultivate the skill of sound analysis of words and the ability to divide words into syllables;
  • exercise in agreeing adjectives with nouns;
  • learn to make sentences with prepositions and sentence schemes with given prepositions;
  • develop a common and fine motor skills, attention, memory;
  • continue to form a long directional air jet.

Equipment: doll; tables with letters; bus toy; tables with arrows; toys for the sounds [s] and [w]; houses with sounds [s] - [w]; shop with pictures: airplane, bear, tumbler, elephant, hat, dog, tower; symbols of sounds, for drawing up a word scheme; split alphabet; chest with balls; ball; apples with words missing the letters C - W; offer schemes; respiratory gymnastics scheme; Pictures.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

A child comes in, hello!

Look how many guests we have. They all came to see how you can speak correctly and beautifully. Shall we show it to them?

II. Articulation gymnastics. (Slide 2)

Show how glad you are to our guests, smile. (An exercise " smile”).

An exercise "Swing"

On the swings I swing
Up - down, up - down,
I'm getting higher and higher
And then I go downstairs.
- Tired tongue.
An exercise "Shovel"
Put the tongue with a spatula
And hold on a little.
The tongue needs to be relaxed.
And keep it under the account
One, two, three, four, five -
The tongue can be removed.

The language stopped listening to us, we need to punish it.

An exercise "We will punish the naughty tongue."

It is customary to treat guests with tea, let's show what cups we have.

An exercise "Cup".

Put the tongue with a spatula
And lift the edges
Got a cup
Round cup.
We'll bring the cup into the house.
Press its edges to the teeth.

III. Breathing exercises(based on the diagram). (Slide 3)

You tried and expended your strength, let's restore our breathing, looking at the hint diagram.

IV. Introduction to the topic. (Slide 4)

Another guest came to us today - this is a doll.

She said her name was Fafa.

Have you ever heard such a name?

And also, the doll said that she couldn’t pronounce some sounds and asked us to teach her how to pronounce these sounds correctly.

Can we help her with this?

But first we need to understand the name of our guest.

And here is the first task.

The doll hid the letters of her name among those letters. Find them and read her name.

V. Communication of the topic of the lesson.

What is the name of our guest? (Sasha).

Tell me, what consonant sounds do you hear in the name Sasha?

Today in the lesson we will continue to learn to clearly and correctly pronounce and distinguish consonant sounds [s] and [w] by ear and teach Sasha to speak.

Now we will go on a journey. What transport will we use? Choose transport with sounds [s] or [sh].

We'll go by bus. But first you need to pump up the tires. (Slide 5)

The pump was quickly picked up
And the tires were inflated tightly: shhh.

They got on the bus. Sit down on a chair.

We are sitting on the bus (Slide 6)
And look at the stream.
Quietly the brook is ringing
He clearly tells us: s-s-s.

1. Articulation of sounds. (Slide 7)

Clarification of the correct position of the tongue when pronouncing the sounds [s] and [w].

While we are on the bus, let's tell Sasha how to pronounce the sounds.

Say the sound [S]. Where is the tongue located? (at the bottom). Arrow down. What is the position of the lips? (fence in a smile). What air comes out of the mouth? (cold).

How else can you call the sound [C]? (whistling). Sound [C] - consonant, solid, deaf.

Say the sound [Sh]. where is the tongue? (above). Arrow up. What is the position of the lips? What air comes out of the mouth? The sound [Ш] is a consonant, hard, deaf.

How else can you call the sound [Ш]? (hissing).

Pronounce sounds according to the scheme, where the arrows indicate the position of the tongue.

2. Differentiation of sounds [С] - [Ш] by ear and in pronunciation:

The first stop is Chistovogovkino. (Slide 8)

Repeat after me.

Tongue up - sha-sha-sha, porridge, crumpets and noodles.

Tongue down - sa-sa-sa, butter, cheese and sausage.

Tongue up - sha-sha-sha, ears, neck and soul.

Tongue down - sa-sa-sa, eyes, back and braid.


Mustache - ear - mustache

sho - sho - sho

ash - os - ush

Sha - sha - sha - mother washes the baby.

Shu - shu - shu - I'm writing a letter to you.

Sa - sa - sa - a fox runs in the forest.

So - so - so - Vova has a wheel.

3. Differentiation of sounds [С] and [Ш] in words. Determine the number of syllables in words. (Slide 9)

You need to find 6 - 10 toys in the chest, in the name of which there are sounds С and Ш. Toys must be settled in their houses, but you need to settle them by floors, if there is one syllable in the word - we will settle on the first floor, if there are two syllables - on the second, if three, then the third. (There are two houses on the table, one for the sound [W], the other for [S]).

Name the items you found.

4. Didactic game“Change the word”: (Slide 10)

The next stop is “Replace - ka”. Game with meow.

Replace the sound [C] with the sound [Sh].

Sasha has already learned how to pronounce the sound [C] correctly and pronounces it in all words where there is a sound [Ш]. Fix Sasha.

5. Selection of features for objects. Didactic game “What can I say about?” (Slide 11)

We stopped at the store.

Look at the shop windows, what interesting items are sold here. Which of these things can be said about big? (- oh, - oh, - th) Airplane, elephant, tower.

What can be said about fluffy? (- oh, - oh, - th) Porridge, dog, hat, bear.

BUT funny? (th, th, th) Tumbler, dog, etc.

6. Dynamic pause. (Slide 12)

One, two, three, four, five
We all know how to count
We can also rest.
Let's put our hands behind our backs.
Let's raise our heads higher
And easy - easy to breathe ...
One, two! - higher head
Three four - arms wider.
One - rise, pull up,
Two - bend, unbend
Three hands, three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit quietly at the table.

7. Sound analysis Sasha's words (Slide 13)

Stop “Schemkino”. Yes (Slide 14)

It is necessary to lay out the scheme of the name - Sasha.

How many syllables are in Sasha? Name them.

What is the first sound in the syllable "SA"? Second?

What is the second syllable? What sound does the second syllable begin with?

What are the sounds in the second syllable?

8. Comparison of words that differ in one sound and letter.

Stop "Guess"? (Slide 15)

Guess what one word to end the sentence with. Pictures will help you (jester, mouse, mask, porridge, helmet).

9. Reading words with missing letters S-Sh; make up sentences with these words using prepositions.

Stop "Apple". (Slide 16-17)

Look at those beautiful apples! You need to collect all the apples, but the apples are not simple words are printed on them, in which the letters “S” and “Sh” are missing.

Pick an apple, fill in the missing letters and read the resulting words.

What are the missing sounds in the words?

Now think up sentences with these words, using the preposition that is written on the piece of paper and lay out the scheme of each sentence. After completing the task, put the apple in the basket.

VI. Summary of the lesson. (Slide 18)

Well done, you helped our guest learn to distinguish between sounds [S] - [Sh]. She was so happy that she ran away and did not have time to say goodbye, she asked me to give you a gift and thank you very much.

No. 1 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Syllables: sa-sa-sa - sha-sha-sha, so-so-so - sho-sho-sho, su-su-su - shu-shu-shu, sy-sy-sy - shi-shi-shi.
  2. Words-paronyms: ears - mustache, jokes - day, porridge - helmet, Masha - mask, Bear - bowl, rock - scale, joint - bayonet, style - calm, mars - march, you - yours, cape - mouse, flat - bowl, salt - play pranks, forty - rustle, fable - tower, rat - roof, manage - make noise, bite - eat, awl - strength.
  3. “Pick up pictures for Sonia and Shura” (separate the words with the sounds “S” and “Sh”): socks, stork, stroller, fur coat, wardrobe, mouse, bag, cherries, steps, bag, glass, astronaut, pillow, satellite, jug , cuckoo, pine, vacuum cleaner, cone, chair, pillow, pencil.
  4. Score 1-10 with some of the above words.

No. 2 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Syllables: sa-sha, so-sho, sy-shi, su-shu, sha-sa, sho-so, shi-sy, shu-su, sash, sosh, sush, sysh, shas, ​​shos, shus, shis.
  2. Isolation of sounds С, Ш and pronunciation of words with them:

satin, walk, pour, rustle, litter, hiss, make noise, dry, raw, well-fed, vermicelli, cornflowers, sour cream, potatoes, reel, mop, root, edge, new settlers, leaves.

  1. Add the syllable SI or SHI: gu (si), pru (shi), lo (si), small (shi), take out (si), shaking (si), voro (shi), roof (shi).
  2. Form new words with prefixes C-, CO-: interfere - mix, ask - ask, sewed - sewed, dances - dances, sew - sew, draw - sketch, carry - take down, write - write off, take - collect, shake - shake .

No. 3 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Words: Sasha, six, drying, highway, sun, machinist, sixteen, plug, sixty, chess player, six hundred, traveler, shepherd, shepherdess, prank, rhyme, glass, fluffy, son, smile, old woman, successfully, obedient, cowardly, silent, chuckle, freckles.
  2. Score 1-10 - son, chess player, shepherd, old woman.
  3. Learning tongue twisters:

Checkers on the table, pine cones.

Sashka's hat knocked the bumps off.

4. Conjugation (I, You, We, You, He, She, they) in present. time:

Knock pine cones.

Collect pine cones.

No. 4 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Words: dry, audible, nimble, nightingale, hastily, chance, rustle, procession, pole, staff, invasion, wool, pole, funny, haste, pestle, plug.
  2. Score 1-10 - traveler, plug.
  3. Learning to speak:

Our big fluffy cat is sitting on the window,

And your little funny cat leaves the window.

4. Selection of signs and actions for the sounds С, Ш to the subject:

The cat (what?) is big, fluffy, funny, eared, plush. What is he doing? Hurries, breathes, plays pranks, sleeps, eats.

5. "Guess the word" (missing C or W):

Apka, .nk, .uba, .om, .mka, .lem, .ova, .aiba, .ol, .umit,

Ok, .up, .um, .pat, du., kva., anana., kamy., comp., we..

No. 5 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Phrases: Natasha's freckles, cheerful shepherd boy, obedient baby, fluffy cat, funny rhymes, a dangerous journey, a luxurious box, a vociferous nightingale, a gentle sun, a fragrant lily of the valley, a fluffy earflap, dried pears, funny nursery rhymes, a mowed meadow, a noisy highway, rustling reeds, a forest edge, ripe cherries.
  2. Related words: Laugh - laughter, chuckle, chuckle, funny, mockery, grin, funny. Hurry - haste, hastily, hasty.
  3. Present conjugation (I, You, You, We, He, She, They): Hurry along the highway and eat dryers. Whisper a funny rhyme in your grandmother's ear. Dry down pillows in the sun.

No. 6 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Phrases: rustling in silence, rustling in the barn, heard in the garden, rushing to school, drying on a hanger, rushing along the highway, pouring fluffy snow, a loud noise is heard, Mishin's coat is hanging, a cheerful song is heard.
  2. The story "Pine" (memorization or retelling):

Sasha and Masha went to the forest for pine cones. Here is the edge of the forest. At the edge stands a tall pine tree. On a pine tree there are dense fluffy branches. And high, at the very top, there are big cones. Cones with noise fall down to the ground. There are many cones under the pine. Sasha and Masha raise the cones. With a package of cones, they rush home. And from behind comes the sound of a pine forest.

  1. Isolation of words from the story: with the sounds "S", "Sh" in one word; with the sound "C"; with a "sh" sound.

No. 7 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Count 1-10 with the phrases: fluffy pine, pine cone, foamy shampoo, blue shawl.
  2. Present conjugation: (I, You, He, She, They)

Hurry to the forest for pine cones.

Hurry home from the forest with pine cones.

Whisper a funny story in your grandfather's ear.

  1. Pronunciation of sentences:

Sasha hurries along the highway and carries dryers.

The driver hurries along the highway and carries drying.

Traveler …. Shepherd…. Shepherd….

  1. Selection of items for features:

Funny (-th, -th). Fragrant (th, -th). Silent (th, -th).

No. 8 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Offers: Cars are speeding down the highway. Leaves rustle in the garden. Pears are drying on the roof. Mice rustle in the barn. The cat is basking in the sun. Tall pines rustle in the forest. A fragrant lily of the valley blossomed at the edge of the forest. The vociferous nightingale sings in the garden. The bushes were covered with snow. Aspens quietly rustle in the autumn forest. Natasha found a colorful scarf.
  2. Proverbs: Don't hurry with your tongue, hurry with your deeds. As you lay down, so you sleep. In a harmonious herd, the wolf is not terrible. On cloudy days the hay will not dry out. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than the native side. A good gardener, good and pears. Cat - toys, mouse - tears. Hurry up and make people laugh.

No. 9 Sounds S-Sh

Tongue Twisters:

There are six rascals in the hut. Sasha's hat knocked the bumps off.

Mother gave Sasha whey from curdled milk.

Our gray cat was sitting on the roof

and your gray cat was sitting higher.

Forty mice walked, carried forty pennies,

Two worse mice carried two pennies each.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Centipedes have too many legs.

Our sail is sewn to the conscience. The storm won't scare us.

Sasha quickly dries the dryers. Sasha dried about six.

And the old women of Sasha's dryers are in a funny hurry to eat.

A rustle in the reeds is heard - it makes noise in the ears.

One hundred fearless frogs frighten the heron in a whisper.

No. 10 Sounds S-Sh


Speak quieter! - ask little mice.

Don't make noise early in the morning. The cat sleeps in the corner of the couch...

At night we played tag in a damp basement with a cat

Do not wake our cat - let him rest a little.

The mouse dried the dryers. The mouse invited mice.

Drying mice began to eat, their teeth were immediately broken.

Five merry frogs hurry about their business.

While it's wet, while it's puddle, you need to jump to the river.

If you meet frogs, do not interfere, they are in a hurry.

I took a teddy bear under my arm.

I sat in the bath and went for soap.

I looked back - oh, oh, oh! My bear got mad.

No. 11 S-Sh sounds

Yogurt was given to the Klana - Klasha is unhappy:

I don't want curdled milk, just give me porridge.

They gave us porridge instead of yogurt.

I don’t want just porridge like that, without curdled milk.

They gave our Clasha porridge along with yogurt.

Ate, ate Klasha porridge with yogurt.

She ate and got up. "Thank you," she said.

The little mouse is dreaming nightmare that he is not a mouse, but an elephant.

That he came to Africa, lay down in an elephant's bed.

I began to sleep and there I saw a dream that he was a mouse, not an elephant,

And that he is not sleeping in Africa, but at home he is again.

"What a terrible dream I have!" - waking up in a dream

He thought and asked half asleep: "Am I an elephant or a mouse?"

No. 12 Sounds S-Sh

Russian folk tongue twisters:

Cheerful Savely, move the hay.

They gave Glasha yogurt, and Glasha had porridge.

Oak oaky, broad-leaved.

Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. Sashka hit the bumps with his hat.

Even though the pike is sharp, it won't eat the ruff off its tail.

Sasha walked along the highway, carried the dryer on a pole.

Stepan has sour cream, curdled milk and cottage cheese.

At the edge of the hut live old chatterboxes.

Every old woman has a basket. There is a cat in every basket.

Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

S-Sh differentiation

Stepwise differentiation S-Sh sounds

Stage 1
2. Game "Add a syllable":
A) [s] or [w]: le .., this .., qua .., gua .., anana ., globe .., small .., but .., du .., pump .., we .., fok...
B) [sa] or [sha]: whether .., ka .., ko .., Nata .., Sa .., crying .., oh .., blabbering .., gr...
C) [sy] or [shi]: kamy .., o .., karanda .., children .., boo ..., ve ..., cha ..., okay ..
3. Repeat two-syllable rows:
sha - sa shu - su shi - sy she - se
sa - sha su - shu sy - shi se - she
Repeat the syllables
sa-sha sha-sa sa-sa-sha sha-sha-sa
so-sho sho-so sa-sha-sha sha-sa-sa
su-shu shu-su sa-sha-sa sha-sa-sha
sy-shi shi-sy

4. Repeat the words in pairs, first slowly in front of the mirror, then faster. Draw your child's attention to the meaning of words:
Saika - gang Day - jokes Knocks - pieces Rock - scale
Stopper - corkscrew Spores - spurs Joint - bayonet Sham - scar
Juice - shock Cattle - sheet Style - calm

Stage 2
1. Alternately pronounce the sounds [s] and [sh].
2. Remember and repeat:
sha-sa sho-so shu-su she-se shi-sy
asha-asa osho-oso ushu-usu ashe-ase ishi-isy
3. Repeat word pairs:
Your - you Our - us Tower - fable Terrible - red
Kashka - helmet Cup - often Arable land - pasta Shirt - sausage Grosh - grew Went - grew Kamysh - koumiss Yashka - clear
Stick - chandelier Pawns - songs Sacks - revenge Bear - bowl Cherry - hangs Poems - vise Swift - rice Decide - hew Interfere - write Horse - landing
Naughty - salute Miner - sapper Hut - salad Sage - napkin Porridge - cash desk Roof - rat
Noodles - sausage Khorosha - Ushanka strip - sled

Stage 3
1. Alternately pronounce the sounds [s] and [sh].
2. Remember and repeat:
sha-sa-sha shu-su-shu shi-sy-shi she-se-shesa-sha-sa su-shu-su sy-shi-sy se-she-se sha-sa-sa shu-su-su shi -sy-sy she-se-se
3. Repeat word pairs:
Hat - slush Bumblebee - dared Curtains - watchman Sleepers - slept Piece - fluff
Sand - an inch Sock - strap Forty - rustle Sleepy - little mouse Bag - noisy
I carry - I write Pasu - pasha
Dancer - I dance To be able - to make noise
Satiated - sewn Rats - mice
Cheese - expanse Rash - thorn
Strength - awl Asked - decided
4. Change the offer:
I'm in a hurry to school. You.. He (she).. We.. You.. They..

Stage 4
1. Alternately pronounce the sounds [s] and [sh].
2. Remember and repeat:
asa-asa-asha sho-sho-usa asha-asa-asha sshu-sshu-sshi
aso-aso-asho sshi-sshi-sshe asu-asu-ashu ss-ss-ss
asy-asy-ashi usa-usa-usa ashi-asy-asy usa-usa-usa
3. The game "Say the opposite":
Getting deuces is bad, but getting fives ... (good).
The grass is low, and the tree ... (high).
The stream is narrow, and the river ... (wide).
Mustard is bitter, and sugar ... (sweet).
It is dark at night, and during the day ... (light).
The dwarf is small, and the giant ... (big).
After the rain, the earth is damp, and in the heat ... (dry). The tortoise crawls slowly, and the hare runs ... (quickly).
4. Change the offer:
I hear a laugh. You.. He (she). .We you they..

Stage 5
1. Alternately pronounce the sounds [s] and [sh].
2. The game "4th extra". Repeat a series of words, determine which word is superfluous, explain why.
Boots, fur coat, mask, kvass; Dog, cat, horse, fox.
Hat, scarf, sundress, fur coat; Hat, boots, fur coat, shorts.
Wardrobe, bowl, spoon, cup; Pine, chamomile, aspen, birch.
Plum, pear, orange, beet; Potato, cabbage, pear, garlic.
3. Repeat the words:
Sasha, land, drying, dryer, pole, six, over, wool, prank, haste, rustle, listen, hear,
Sashenka, senior, scary, sun, glass, highway, chuckle, chuckle, mow, laugh, hurry, dry,
make laugh, fragrant, fluffy, obedient, silent, son, coward, old woman, made a noise, shepherd boy, driver.
4. Change the sentence: I am listening to a rhyme. You, he.. We.. You.. They..
5. Learn: The pussy has a toy - a teddy bear,
The bear has a toy - a fluffy pussy.

stage 6
1. Repeat tongue twisters, clearly pronouncing all the sounds:
Sha-sha-sha - Sasha washes the baby. Su-su-su - I'm carrying a balloon.
Shi-shi-shi - the kids go to bed. Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter.
So-so-so - Misha rolls the wheel. Su-su-su - the bear was seen in the forest.
Ash-ash-ash - there is a hut under a pine tree.
2. Repeat the phrase three times, gradually speeding up the pace. Control correct pronunciation s-sh sounds
A gray-haired grandfather, an old grandmother, pine cones, a cheerful kid, a noisy class, salty waves, a wild rose bush.
Dry sushki, fluffy cat, fragrant lily of the valley, funny rhymes, cherry orchard, delicious noodles, big dog,
tablespoon, sweet chocolate, forest edge, striped bumblebee.
3. Learn:
Fluffy cat in the sun dries
Fur on the back, tail and ears.

Stage 7
1. Repeat phrases:
Funny prank, delicious sushki, vociferous starling, sweet pea, fragrant wild rose, dangerous journey,
a piece of glass, a Persian cat, obedient kids, an old woman's staff, a freeway,
funny son, smart kid, dried cherries, rustle of reeds.
2. Repeat tongue twisters, gradually speeding up the pace.
Checkers on the table, pine cones. Sasha loves drying, and Sonya loves cheesecakes. Owl, owl, big head.
Washed mice bowls for bears. Sasha is small, Sasha washed his ears with soap.
3. Slowly and clearly say the sentences (2-3 times):
The elephant has big ears. Lesha caught a big mustachioed catfish. The cat eats porridge from a bowl.
Dasha has delicious cherries. The basket is on the window. The cuckoo chirps merrily.
Alyosha loves salad, and Sveta loves chocolate. A fluffy cat is sitting on the window. The pine forest smells of fragrant resin.

Stage 8
1. Learn:
I made a shirt for a bear.
I'll sew him pants.
Gotta put a pocket on them.
And put a handkerchief.
Porridge boiled on the stove
Where is our big spoon?

Sasha and Masha went to the forest for pine checkers. Here is the edge of the forest. At the edge stands a tall pine tree. On a pine tree there are dense fluffy branches. And high, at the very top, there are big cones. Cones with noise fall down to the ground. There are many cones under the pine. Sasha and Masha raise the cones. With a package of cones, they rush home.
Why did Sasha and Masha go to the forest? Where is the tall pine? what's on the pine tree? What's on the very top? How do the cones fall down? What is a lot under the pine tree? What are Sasha and Masha doing under the pine tree? Where are the kids going?

Stage 9
1. Learn:
Sasha, Sasha, why are you crying
And hide your eyes in your hands?
If you listen to fairy tales,
Stop crying right now!
2. An adult reads a story to the child and invites him to first answer the questions, and then retell it.
Fluff and Masha
Sasha has a dog Fluff. Dasha has a cat Masha. Fluff loves bones, and Masha loves mice. Fluff is sleeping at Sasha's feet, and Masha is on the couch. Dasha herself sews a pillow for Masha. Masha will sleep on the pillow. Questions:
Who is with Sasha? Who is with Dasha? What does Fluff like? What does Masha like? Where does fluff sleep? Where does Masha sleep? What does Dasha Masha sew? Where will Masha sleep?

10 stage
1. An adult reads a story to the child and invites him to first answer the questions, and then retell it.
Elder sister
Sasha has a sister, Natasha. Natasha is six years older than Sasha. She is in the sixth grade. In her spare time, Natasha sleds Sasha, plays checkers with him, and helps him build airplanes. On Sunday, Natasha takes Sasha to the cinema. Sasha loves her older sister Natasha.
What is the name of Sasha's sister? How many years is Natasha older than Sasha? What grade is Natasha in? How do Natasha and Sasha spend their free time? Where does Natasha take Sasha on Sunday? Who does Sasha love?

Differentiation of sounds С-Ш in syllables

A) in direct syllables:
sa - sa - sha
sa - sha - sa
su - us - shu
sy - shi - sy
sy - shi - se
su - shi - se
su - shi - so
se - she - se
se - shi - sa
b) in the intervocalic position:
asa - asa - asha
aso - aso - aso
asu - asu - ashu
aces - aces - ashi
ashi - asy - asy
c) in syllables with a confluence of consonants
usa - usa - usa
sshu - sshu - sshu
sshi - sshi - sshe
sshe - sshe - sshi
usa - usa - usa

Differentiation of S-Sh sounds in words

A) in direct syllables:
gang - sack
shock - juice
sewn - well-fed
jester - court
b) in reverse syllables:
mouse - cape
knife - nose
already - mustache
our - us
beach - dance
c) in the intervocalic position:
porridge - checkout
roof - rat
fox - goblin
interfere - massage
ask - crumble
went - ambassador
d) in syllables with a confluence of consonants:
crumb - paint
porridge - helmet
Masha - mask
bear - bowl
bipod - nipple
scale - rock
spur - spore
spur - quarrel
scar - shame

Differentiation of sounds С-Ш in phrases

funny prank
delicious drying
vociferous starling
sweet pea
fragrant wild rose
dangerous journey
shard of glass
Persian cat
obedient kids
old woman's staff
funny son
smart kid
dried cherry
rustle of reeds

Differentiation of S-Sh sounds in sentences

Highway noise is not heard in the wilderness.
Bushes of fragrant rose hips were planted along the highway.
Lyosha was hung in the closet grandmother's shawl.
We put an old overcoat and a hat in a bag.
Jays and cuckoos rustled at the edge of the forest.
At night, a rustle was heard in the corner - the mouse did not let us sleep.
After bathing, Sasha was dried with a fluffy towel.
With the onset of spring, a nightingale becomes audible in the forest.
Sasha wrote a funny poem.
Sasha was given a mask and a bear costume for the masquerade.
Our cat has fluffy fur and long whiskers.

Change according to the pattern. Change each sentence as shown in the sample. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds S and S.
I hear a laugh.
He/she hears a laugh.
We hear laughter.
You hear a laugh.
They hear a laugh.

I cut wool.
I am listening to a poem.
I'm in a hurry to school.
Knock pine cones.
Dry your jeans in the sun.
Listen to a funny story.
Eat dry with poppy seeds.

Distribution of offers. Remember and repeat the sentences correctly. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds Sh and S.
I hear.
I hear noise.
I hear highway noise.
I can hear highway noise well.
I can hear highway noise well.

I dry.
I dry mushrooms.
I dry delicious mushrooms.

I'll brush the cat.
I'll brush the fluffy cat.
I'll brush a fluffy Persian cat.
I will comb a fluffy Persian cat with a comb.

Differentiation of S-Sh sounds in tongue twisters

There is a midge in the porridge. Hurry, cat. Eat porridge with midges from a bowl.

In the hut, only a bumblebee makes noise, there, curled up, Sasha sleeps.

Mother gave Sasha whey from curdled milk.

Our gray cat was sitting on the roof, and your gray cat was sitting higher.

Hurry, do not hesitate, run for nuts.

Sashka's hat knocked the bumps off.

Sixteen mice walked
And six carried pennies.
And the mice, which is worse,
Noisily rummage pennies.

The cones are on the pine, and the checkers are on the table.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Pine rustles from sleep, pine rustles from sleep.

Differentiation of S-Sh sounds in stories

Retell the texts, clearly pronouncing the sounds С and Ш.


Everywhere snow. Masha has a sled. Misha has a sled. Tolya has a sled. Galya has a sled. One dad without a sled.
He took Galina's sled, hitched it to the Tolins, Tolins to the Mashins, Mashins to the Mishins. Got a train.
Misha screams:
- Tu-tu!
He is a machinist.
Masha screams:
- Your tickets!
She is a conductor.
And dad pulls the rope and says:
- Choo-choo... Choo-choo...
So he's a ship.

Why doesn't the month have a dress?

I decided to make myself a dress for a month. The tailor took his measurements and sat down to work. At the appointed time, a month came for the dress. And the dress is narrow and short.
“I must have made a mistake,” says the tailor.
And got back to work. At the appointed time, a month came for the dress. Again, the dress is small.
- It is evident, and now I was mistaken, - said the tailor.
And he began to cut and sew again.
For the third time the month came to the tailor. The tailor saw: a whole month was walking across the sky - not a month, but the whole moon, but twice as wide as the dress that he had just sewn. What was a tailor to do?
He took off running. I searched for it for a month, I searched, but I did not find it. So there was a month without a dress.

Mitka got so many mushrooms that he couldn't carry them home. He piled them in the forest. At dawn Mitka went to get some mushrooms. The mushrooms were taken away, and he began to cry. His mother said to him: "Why are you crying? Or did the cats eat our cakes?" Then Mitka felt funny, he rubbed tears down his face, and laughed himself.

Retell the text and answer the questions. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds Sh and S.


Dad brought a big pencil. Masha screams: "Me!" Misha shouts: "Me!" Papa said:
- Hush, we'll share it.
Spent one end - blue. Spent the other end - red.
Misha and Masha laugh: "Let's share a pencil!" Misha has a blue end, and Masha has a red one. Misha draws blue pictures, and Masha draws red ones.

1. What did dad bring as a gift to Masha and Misha?
2. Why did the guys quarrel?
3. How did dad do?
4. What pictures did Masha and Misha draw?

Differentiation of sounds С-Ш in verses

The mouse whispered softly:
"Well, son, are you awake?"
"I'm trembling," he said to the mice,
I hear a terrible noise in the forest."
"Don't be afraid, my baby,
It's raining," the mouse whispers.

Lived on the edge of the forest
Hedgehog under an old pine tree.
Cones went to collect
To play with a hedgehog.

Mice whispered in silence
That mice are smaller than bumps,
What is the fluffy cat Mushka
It would be better to sleep on a pillow.
The cat moves its ears
"Isn't it time for mice?"
If someone hears mice,
The hunt begins.
It would be better if silly mice
Don't whisper in silence.

Fluffy the cat and Snowball the dog
We went out to the meadow together.
The cat ran after the mouse
The dog was lying in the sun.

Once upon a fluffy cat
She asked for some food.
At the railway ticket office
They gave her curd cheese.

Our Sashenka got a laugh.
She laughed all day long.
Everything seemed ridiculous to her then,
Even hurt, and that - it does not matter.

Hedgehog with hedgehog Pasha
Went to visit a frog
And the frog Masha
Dried dry.
Fragrant forest tea
Smokes for guests
Oregano grass
Masha is not stingy.
A delicious smell dances
Flying through the forest
So the frog Masha
Hedgehogs meets.

Sasha is the best shepherd.
He takes a horn with him.
bag made of matting
With bowl and spoon.

The cat has a mustache and ears.
She needs ears to listen.
But why, we don't know
Does an animal need a mustache?

Bunny jumps on the edge
Near the hare hut.
He is looking for wave mushrooms,
To salt in a tub.
Only empty at the edge.
He did not find a wave.
He sat down and scratched his ears with grief
At the hut on the edge.

Tongue up: sha-sha-sha,
Porridge, pies, noodles.
Tongue down: sa - sa - sa,
Sugar, butter, sausage.

One evening an old lady
We drank tea and nibbled dryers.
The cat on the pillow
Washes with a paw ... ears.
Goes to bed, groaning, old woman,
He puts a pillow under his head.
The old woman baked donuts
And put the donuts in a bowl.

Six fluffy kittens
They want to eat sausages.
And funny Natasha
Give them millet porridge.

Sasha, land, drying, pole, six, over, wool, prank, haste, rustle, listen, hear, Sasha, senior, scary, sun, glass, highway, chuckle, chuckle, mow, laugh, hurry, dry, mix, hurry, rhyme, funny, carry, smile, successfully, fragrant, fluffy, obedient, silent, son, coward, old woman, made a noise.


hat-saika naughty-salute

solve-hew miner-sapper

interfere-write hut-salad

horse-landing sage-napkin


bag-line fluff-a piece of top-sand strap-sock rustle-forty little mouse-wakeful jokes-day noisy-bag


I write - I carry Pasha - I dance for the past - the dancer to make noise - to be able to sew-fed mice-rats

Shi-sy, shi-si

expanse-cheese thorn-rash awl-strength decided-asked your-you our-us-tower-fable scary-red


kasha-kaska cup-often arable land-paste shirt-sausage

Osh - os, ysh - ys, yash - yas, yusch - yus

Yashka-clear club-chandelier went-grew reeds-koumiss penny-gross

Esh - es, ish - is, ish - is

pawns-songs bags-revenge bear-bowl cherry-hangs rhymes-vice swift-rice

Hat-sla, shme-sme, shto-hundred, shpa-spa

hat-slush bumblebee-dared curtains-caretaker sleepers-sleep

4. Exercise. Name the items in the pictures.

bag, awl.

Sasha has a car. Sasha has sandals. Sasha was walking with an old woman. Pasha is a coward, he is scared. Hurry up and make people laugh. Cats sit on the window and bask;., in the sun. The cockerel was frightened, fell from the roof onto a pole. Through the colored glass I looked at the sun. Six kittens are hungry. Jays and cuckoos made noise at the edge. Cars rush along the highway. Long live fragrant soap and fluffy towel! The fishermen in the hut woke up. They removed the nets from the poles, they carried the oars to the boats. At midnight, sometimes in the swampy wilderness, you can barely hear, silently rustle the reeds. Already the sky breathed in autumn, the sun shone less often, the day became shorter.

6. Exercise

Misha has a hat on his head, in a bag (saika).

On the (roof) pipe, in the basement (rat)

Misha (cup), soldier (helmet)

nursery rhymes

I myself brother Lyosha

Wiped the galoshes with a rag.

So that the cat does not inherit,

I sewed boots for the cat.

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I will smooth you with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Hush, hush, hush, hush

Mice rustling on the roof

Under the mouse gray flag

Marching step by step.

Seniors go ahead

The mouse anthem is sung:

“Hush, hush, hush, hush.

Cheerful old lady

Sewing all day today.

Behind the round spool

A fluffy cat follows.

Tired of sewing old lady

And sat at the gate

And with a round coil

The cat started playing.

(E. Stewart)

Keep your step, mice!

People are full, cats are full,

The tables are set for mice.

The rustle of the tire subsides,

There comes a mouse step.

Let the mice feast at night.

Hush, hush, hush, hush!"

I. Tokmakova

Gray rogue

Misha had a cat - a gray rogue. The cat has a fluffy tail, soft fur. He himself is grey, striped. The cat has a sweet voice and sharp teeth. Misha gave him milk and porridge. The cat did not like porridge, he asked for meat. The cat was lazy and did not catch mice. The mice weren't afraid of him at all. The mice were good. It was good for the bastard too. Sleep sweetly, drink milk. He jumps on the window and warms his back in the sun.

8. Exercise

Grandma's hands

This is whose shirt - This is whose sundress

Blue peas? White daisies?

Grandma tried Grandma tried

Sew for Alyoshenka! Sewed for Natasha!

(L Brailovskaya)

Fox and jug


A woman went out into the field to mow and hid a jug of milk in the bushes. The fox crept up to the jug. She stuck her head into the jug and drank her milk. But here's the problem - he can't pull his head out of the jug. The fox says: “The jug was joking, enough is enough, let it go!” The pitcher is not far behind. The fox got angry: “If you don’t want it in a good way, I will drown you.” The fox began to drown a jug in the river. But the jug sank along with the fox.

toy cockerel

There were bear cubs in the forest. They found a toy cockerel at the edge of the forest. The cockerel is funny, painted with bright colors. Scallop on the head. The cockerel is nailed to the board, and the board is on wheels. The cubs liked the cockerel, and they played well with it. Then they saw a fox and decided to play a joke on the fox. They put a cockerel on a hillock, and they themselves hid. There is a cockerel, and the red scallop gleams in the sun. I saw a fox cockerel. Rejoiced. “Here,” he thinks, “I’ll eat a cockerel.” The fox approached quietly and rushed at the cockerel. And then I just realized that the cockerel is a toy. The cubs laughed merrily at the fox. (According to G. Kupriyanov)


zha-za zho-zo zhu-zu zhi-zy

zhe-ze za-zha zo-zho zu-zhu


azna-azna ozhda-ozda uzno-uzno
izma-izma ezhli-ezli azna-azhna
ozda-zhda uzna-uzna izma-izma

Life, iron, yellowness, deposits, clamp, run, delay, owe, whine, charge, deserve, spin.


sting-hall, heat-dawn, barge-base, fire-bazaar, pity-fill, hold-dare, lawn-bunny, jacket-sunset, lie-lick, lie-birch, plant-say, run-knit


Zhora-Zoya, stack-carriage, debt-watch, meadow-pattern, flag-peephole, jump-one


beetle-tooth, storm-thunderstorm, I see-from below, I knit-carry, I wander-nibble, I walk-crawl, I look-below

Zhi-zy, zhi-zi

knives-basins liquid-unsteady fat-bubble hedgehogs-carts of skin-goats red-gray-gray hedgehogs-tongues mushrooms-music walk around-show profit-call snowflake-basket lie down-take

Other combinations

important-different each-much fitter-prankster friendly-overweight taiga-tearful anxious-terrible rain-carnations can-late road-locomotive cake-frosty wait-be late money-useful wait-ka-carnation bookish-capricious tender-frisky

3. Exercise. Name the items in the pictures.


Our ore deposits are large. The foal ran into the yard and neighed. Zakhar loads a gun. Zhenya deserves an award. Zhenya helped to detain the enemy. I held an iron nail in my hand. The dog lay down and licked its paw. We tied the Beetle to the booth so it wouldn't run away. He shouts to the whole bazaar, as if a fire has set in. The sun did not spare the heat for a good tan, and the wheat and rye tanned too. The bunnies sat at noon near a puddle on the lawn. We will go to the meadow and take a stack from it. Zhenya cut Rye bread. An iron saw screeched, a heavy hammer clattered. A green moth sat on a yellow stalk.


In winter, he lay on the ground, in the spring he ran into the river. (Snow)

He is always friendly with nails,

People need it at work. (A hammer)

6. Exercise. Complete sentences with pictures. Speak (read) sentences.

lapped the milk with his tongue.

(knives) lie in

At and at the horns.

Zhenya blew a horn.

For strawberries

Zhenya and Zina went to the forest for strawberries. They had boxes. But there were few strawberries in the forest. Zhenya noticed a hedgehog near the birch. The hedgehog did not run, but curled up in a ball. Zhenya put the box on the ground. He called Zina. They wanted to take a hedgehog. Zina began to hold the box. Zhenya took a stick and rolled the hedgehog into the box.

Zhenya and Zina ran home. Instead of strawberries, they have a live hedgehog. At home, they gave milk to the hedgehog. Zina wanted to leave the hedgehog. But Zhenya gave. him to a living corner. There was already one hedgehog. Two hedgehogs have more fun.

Who is the owner?

Zhora and Zakhar had a dog. Her name was Zhuk. Zhora and Zakhar picked up the Beetle with a broken paw. They looked after him. The beetle has recovered. Who is the owner of the Beetle? Zhora and Zakhar talked about it every day. One day they were walking in the forest. The beetle ran ahead. Suddenly, shepherds attacked Zhuk. Zhora screamed and climbed a tree. But Zakhar did not run away: he took a stick and protected the Beetle. The watchman came running and drove the sheepdogs away. Zhora now did not argue who is the owner of the Beetle. (According to V. Oseeva)

SOUNDS W, W, S, 3,

interfere with-lying-lick-fox -meadow-cart-a piece of joke-creepy-fuel oil-days I carry-I go-carry-carry

2. Exercise Name the objects shown in the pictures.

skiing toad

Sasha, Zhenya and Liza are sleeping. Misha runs after Sonya. Natasha and Zina collect mushrooms. Zhenya has fragrant green lilies of the valley. How beautiful and fresh fragrant roses! If you chase two hares, you won't catch one. Sing me a funny song, I'll give you a snowflake. Skis run through the snow and fluffy snow licks. The winter cold has shackled the land. Shura and Zhenya took sleds and skis. Larisa and Zhora decided, Masha and Rosa wrote. The bush rustles, and the bunny trembles. Bumblebees and dragonflies swooped over the lawn. Misha put a bundle of firewood on the sleigh. Cones lie on the ground in the forest.


A small dog, curled up, lies, does not bark, does not bite, but does not let it into the house. (Lock)

4. Exercise. Complete sentences with pictures. Make suggestions.

in the bushes, in the grass.

In the hole, in the hay. On oak (acorn).

Hay, hay!

The meadow was left without hair!

He is cut with braids,

It is sprinkled with dew.

How is this hairstyle

Good for summer!

(I. Tokmakova)


Rain wanted to frolic

Spilled out into the meadow. spun

It became a lot of zagaldeli ...

Puddles around. I look:

Roll up your pants, they have shirts on

In a puddle of steel

The boys jumped. Like blotters.

(I. Vinokurov)

Mouse cones

Lived on a pine tree
Two big bumps.

Lived under a pine tree

Two funny mice. And the mice screamed:

Hey! get down, bumps!

you know about us

Only hearsay.

Cones surprised:

Silly mice!

Why is it bad for us to hang

Here, on our tower!

Better we invite you:

Get in, let's hang!


It became bad for mice to live from a cat. Whatever the day, then two or three will seize. Once the mice came together and began to judge how they could escape from the cat. Tried, judged, could not come up with anything.

Here is one mouse and said:

I'll tell you how to save us from the cat. After all, we are dying because we do not know when he is coming. It is necessary to tie a bell around the cat's neck so that it rings. Then every time he is close to us, we will hear, and we will run away.

It would be good, - said the old mouse, - but someone needs to put on a bell. You thought well, but tie the bell around the cat's neck, then we'll thank you.

(L. Tolstoy)

Visiting Santa Claus


Masha sleeps in bed and sees a dream. She walks in the forest and sees: a gray-haired Santa Claus is sitting. He sits and eats snowballs.

Hello Masha! Thanks for coming to visit. Help me. Prepare a bed for me, fluff up the feather bed well.

Grandfather's house is icy, and there are snow stars on the walls. Instead of a feather bed lies fluffy snow. Masha began to beat the snowball, and under it - green grass.

Why do you, grandfather, keep green grass under a snowy feather bed? - asked Masha.

You can't let her out. Winter will take over and freeze the grass. So I covered the greens with snow. In the spring, the snowy featherbed will melt. The grass will grow and there will be glorious rye.

Here Masha woke up.

winter silence

Winter is not always evil with its frosts and snowstorms. There are good days too. It is wonderful when the snow falls in calm weather. Snowflakes are rushing, slightly spinning in the air. They lay down on the ground, on the roofs of houses... Silence. Even the snow does not creak under the soles of passers-by. Listen and hear the rustling, rustling of snowflakes. You put your hand - silvery snowflakes immediately melt.

6. Exercise. Learn the poem by heart.

autumn morning

The yellow maple looks out into the lake,

Waking up at dawn.

During the night the ground froze

All hazel in silver.

The belated ginger is squirming,

A broken branch is pressed,

On his chilled skin

Drops of light tremble.

(O. Vysotskaya)

heavy burden

The fox bought a pood of grain from the bear. She carries it home, and something seems to her a light burden. “The bear deceived me,” the fox thinks, “he poured grain less than a pood. Back to hang? They will say - she poured grain. The fox went further, and the burden seems heavier to her. “In vain I slandered the clubfoot: grain, maybe more than a pood.” The fox is walking, and it is already unbearable to carry the bag. She dropped the bag and thought: “There is no less than one and a half pounds. Eh, Misha, Misha, if you hang everyone like that, you’ll bargain! ... ”(According to I. Rakitin)

About grandma and the fox


Grandma went. Carried a goose. I saw a fox goose. The fox wanted to live. The fox ran ahead. She lay down on the road and folded her paws. Grandmother thinks: “Here are miracles! Okay, I'll go. I don't need a fox." And the fox ran forward again. Lies on the road. Grandma is waiting. Grandma thinks: “Gee!” And she went on. She walked, she walked. Looks - again the fox lies on the road. Grandmother thinks: “Third fox! Yes, such wealth in a dream is not a dream. I'll take everyone. Yes, I will sew a doha on fluffy fox fur! Left Grandma Goose on the road. And went to collect foxes. The grandmother returned with nothing - neither a fox, nor a goose!

How the hedgehog changed his coat

Snow has already fallen in the forest, and the hedgehog has not prepared for the winter. I didn’t drag leaves into my dwelling so that it would be warm to sleep. He walks through the forest, covered with the first snow, and towards the hare. Not in a gray fur coat, in which he ran in the summer, but in a new, snow-white one.

The hedgehog asks the hare:

Where did you change your coat?

Right there, by the old thrush.

Can't I change my coat?

I don't know, go ask. The hedgehog went to the thrush and said:

I also want to wear a white coat.

This is for rabbits only. But anyway, I'll change it. Take off your needles.

The hedgehog took off his fur coat with needles. I put on white, like a bunny. The new fur coat is soft, fluffy, warm.

And suddenly a fox. The hedgehog wanted to release needles, but they are not. I tried to run away from the fox - the hedgehog does not know how to run fast like a hare. And the fox is about to grab. For hedgehog happiness, nearby is his hole. turned out. He darted there, sitting, trembling with fear.

He waited until the fox left, crawled out of the hole - and again to the old oak. Came to the thrush.

Give me my needles, take this beautiful fur coat back!

Since then, the hedgehog has been walking around in his fur coat and does not change it. She is not as beautiful as a hare, but reliable. In it, the hedgehog is not afraid of either the fox or even the wolf itself. Just try to touch someone - you yourself will not be happy! (A. Sukontsev)

Setting the sound