Rule change the names of nouns by cases. Runnets Maty

Changing nouns names. Pade

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe declination of nouns;

acquaintance of students with the title of cases, six pair of case.

Equipment: Textbook, case plates, assistant card for each student,

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

Welcome to all who found time.
And today the lesson came to us!
Look at each other in your eyes, smile yourself and guests, pass the part of your good mood to another.

II. Actualization.

- Guys, I will read you a fairy tale. You listen carefully, and then name the words that change your shape.

Well, listen.

There was a yellow-eyed chamomile. And she had a buddy, lightly floppy moth. They were very friendly with a moth. The girlfriend often thought about the moth when the moth was near. And he did not forget the beauty of the chamomile. He recalled the chamomile on the distant meadows and in the binded gardens. Returning from afar, he certainly brought the chamomile gift: a tender tinting or brilliant Rosink. And a girlfriend, flourishing from pleasure, handed a droplet of a sweet nectar. The little traveler was very pleased with the chamomile and treat. There was nothing more pleasant for a pretty daisy than to poison the nectar of the moth.

- What two words are found here (chamomile and Moth )

moth Romaista

motilla Romashki.

motilla Romashek

motilla Romashka

motilla Romashka

about the moth about the chamomile

- What noticed? What part of the word changes? (Changes ending .)

- What is the end? (Enders serve to communicate words in the proposal .

Nouns names change their endings when they find themselves in a sentence next to other words.)

Let's put questions to the words.

who? Moth what? chamomile

who? Moth what? Romashki.

who? Moth what? Romashek

who? Moth what? Romashka

by whom? Motilla than? Romashka.

oK? About the moth what? About Romashek

What questions set to the word moths and by the word chamomile? (Responses of children.)

Why did you put different questions?

( Word butterfly animated and word chamomile - not)

- What questions set nouns to animated names?

What questions put nouns to inanimate names?

- What changes in nouns did you notice?

(Questions helped change the word form.)

- Which of you knows how it is called differently such a change in the form named noun.

Such a change in the form of the nouncalledchanging by cases.

III. Message Topics lesson. Setting educational tasks.

Have you already guessed, what will we talk about today in the lesson? Word the topic of our lesson. What are the tasks of the Russian language we have to solve today at the lesson?

Find out the names of the case, questions of each case;

Begin to acquire the skill of the definition of the case of nouns names; skill in the correct use of case forms of noun virgins;

Develop the skills of a competent letter.

In Russian 6 podges . Wordpaide It happened from Latincasus. (the fall). Still greek scientists noticed that the noun has a direct (basic) form and indirect, that is, howdeviating from straight. Hence the famous termdeclining - change word by case.

In other languages \u200b\u200bof the world, otherwise: in English -2, in German - 4, and Finns - 15. But every person copes well with their case. They are unusual for the ear of a foreigner. And your task is to learn and understand your 6 to speak easily, competently and beautiful. This can help a poem. Listen to him.If any formulations are incomprehensible to you, it will be our goal for subsequent lessons: to explain and understand this definition. In the meantime, let's try to understand at an affordable level, what is the case?

Who knows them and can call?

nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, cool, proposed

But why did the cases get such names? To get an answer to this question, you must listen to the fairy tale about the case.

(On the board card)

He was not born yet, but everyone thought, what a name to give him, and decided to call -nominative , from the word name.

Born - becamegenitive. I liked this name even more.

But he was a baby, he was given everything, and he becamedutch .

But he was also a big mischievous, for all the tricks of his vinyl, and he becamevinitive.

Then he grew up, began to create good things and was called becamecorrective.

He offered his help to everyone, they spoke about him and called nowcomplained.

VI Work on new material.

- Guys, put an assistant card in front of them, which we will fill out now. To specify case, in work, they are taken abbreviated.

I.P. answers questions who? what?

R.P. answers questions who? What?

D.P. answers questions to whom? What?

V.P. answers questions who? what?

T.P. answers questions by whom? than?

P.P. answers questions about whom? about what?

    Acquaintance with the case of Russian language.Work on options.

Each option received a poem about some kind of case. Task: Read the poem, find words-tips to facilitate the definition of the case of the noun.

So let's get acquainted with them.

    there is nominative,
    It is easy to know everything
    And B.
    subject name.
    Premotes Since childhood No ,
    His questions - who? So what?
    I do not confuse it.

What case did you meet the first option guys? What questions meet nouns in them. case? Why are these questions two? What a member of the offer is the noun in the nominative case? What auxiliary word do they have? Does nouns are used in I.P. With pretexts?

    And I am a Padent Page.
    My character is sociable.
    Who? What?
    Not - here I am!
    Prepositions often me friends:
    And C, and before, and y, and from
    To the sky up and down from the sky.
    Looks like I.
    I happen sometimes
    But in the text you will distinguish you
    Two cases are always.

What case did you meet the second option guys? What questions are the nouns in the R. PEE? What auxiliary word do they have? What pretexts are used? What is the case look like? We have to learn how to distinguish these cases in the future.

    I'm called a privacy,
    I work diligently.
    To whom
    to give ? What to call?
    Only I can say.
    With a pretext to and on friend
    But I go one walk.

What case did the third option guys get acquainted? What questions meet nouns in dates. case? What auxiliary word do they have? Are used with pretexts? What?

    And I - the accusative case
    And I'm in all of the blame
    But lovely love,
    For them, "fives" I catch.
    I i see All Who to call?

What to play,
Ready to tell the guys.
Not off with prepositions to be friends,
But without them I can live.

What case did the guys of the fourth version meet? What questions are the nouns in the wines. case? What auxiliary word do they have? Can be used with pretexts?

    And I - the hardware case,
    Executed all sorts of hopes.
    Anyone ! - What?
    Create! - With whom?
    I will tell you - no problem!
    Prepositions before, under and over
    At any moment I am very happy.

What case did the guys of the fifth version meet? What questions meet nouns in TV. case? What auxiliary word do they have?

6. I am the proposed case.
With my case is complex.
I do not nice the light without prepositions.
OK? What am I talking about
said ?
Oh yeah, you need prepositions!
Without them, I have no road.
Let it be oh and in, and when
You do not accidentally erase them:
Then I can tell,
What to dream about and what is happening?

What case did the guys of the sixth version meet?

What questions are the nouns in the PER. What auxiliary word do they have? Without what is never used by the ex.

Gradually, students fill the table.

V. II. Fizminutka.

VIII. . Creating in the change and use of the desired form of nouns

p.91, UPR.96

- Who remembered how many cases in Russian? Who can call them?

I. H. Independent work.

Determine what causes are the names of the nouns?

How will we determine?

It remained without (...) Apple, went on (...) Street, I went for the (...) companion, they spoke about (...) work, ran through (...)

( Check at the board)

H. The result of the lesson.

So, summing up the lesson, the traditional blitz poll:

    How many cases in Russian?(6)

    List them. What are all the case, except the very famous?(indirect)

    What does it mean to change the noun on pades?(Change on questions)

    Why does each case have two questions?(Issues of animated and inanimate nouns)

    What cause the name is the noun in the proposal to be?

H. I. . Homework .

Lesson 78 UPR.4, Rule.

The plan-abstract of the lesson of the Russian language in the 4th grade.

The subject of the lesson: change of nouns by case (declination). Pade by noun


1. To acquaint students with changing the names of nouns by case.

2. To make a preliminary acquaintance of students with the names of the case, with case-law.

3. Work on calligraphy, spelling.

4. Develop spelling disorders, attention, thinking, speech.

5. Educational: to form communicative skills: listen to the opinions of others and correctly evaluate them in the process of performing work. Increasing interest in the Russian language, expansion of the horizon through familiarization with the outside world.


  1. E.S. Grabchikova, N.N. Maximuk / Russian. 4th grade: Textbook Part 1.;
  2. Notebook in Russian for grade 4.
  3. Table "Parts of Speech".

Lesson plan

  1. Organizational stage
  2. Work on bugs
  3. Calligraphy. Actualization of knowledge
  4. Message Topics and Lesson Problems
  5. Work on the lesson
  6. Fixing the material studied
  7. The outcome of the lesson. Reflection
  8. Homework

During the classes

1. Organizational stage

- The call rang - the lesson began!

2. Cleaning library. Actualization of knowledge

H h h h h what what's

To k to k to kt who

Beautiful, trough, sculpt, nemid, soft, fish

- Write only nouns names.

- Why did you write these words?

- What is called nouns name?

- What three groups can be divided by nouns? (Male genus, female genus, medium genus)

- How do nouns names change?

- Determine the genus and the number of names you wrote down and sign on top.

ANDvan Rubil Firewood, Vasilisa Topila oven.

- Let's say patter. Write it down. This patter will come in handy on the lesson.

3. Message Theme and Lesson Problems

- Today you will learn what it means to change the noun on the case.

4. Work on the subject of lesson

- Is it possible to call the next group of words as a proposal? Why? (On the desk)

We need such a ship to the sea so that we can argue with any wave.

- What should I do to make a sentence? (change words)

- change the endings of the nouns on issues - to draw. We look at the textbook on the UPR. 91.

- Changing the end of the nouns on the case of cases is called declining. There is six sons of declining.

Nominative - Paddle sociable. Everyone wants to meet each other. Everyone asks: "Who are you? What are you? ".

Genitive - Padege is amazing. Wants to know who your parents. Asks: "Who are you son or daughter?" And it is very surprised if there is no one or what.

- Padege. dative - Good and attentive. Everything that he has, distributes. So asks: "Who to give? What to give? "

Accusative - Padel. Vision has a beautiful. Shouts loud and clear: "I see who? I see what? ". Why accurate? He does not know himself. Probably because one question took at the very famous case, and the other has a pet. That feels his guilt.

- Padege. instrumental - Exceptional worker. No matter does not sit. Everyone asks: "What to work? Who to work with? " And he is very pleased when the work is.

- Padege. prepositional - The narrator is impossible. He knows a lot and may tell about anyone. Our ancestors were called probative, and M. Lomonosov called him a proposed, since this case is used only with pretexts.

These are the cases here! And you make friends with them!

- We repeat the names of the case and their questions.

- Book names nouns from the exercise: root, grass, glass.

- Let's go back to our patter, which we recorded for a moment of cleaning. This patter will help you learn the names of the case in order. Look, here each word in order begins with the same letter, as well as the names of the case.

Reading rules on p. 58.


"Rib, Palm, Kulak"

Exercise is performed simultaneously with two hands. Separating the "edge, palm, fist". Children alternately put the edge of the palm, an open palm and compressed in a fist. First, everything is done slowly, and then the pace is gradually increasing, faster and faster.

5. Fastening the material studied

- Make a phrase, using nouns names in the desired case. Write them down. Specify the case from above.

Work in a notebook on a printed basis for grade 4.

T. s. 20-21, UPR. 1.2.

Individual task. Instead of inserting a noun a fox:

Lisa is a tricky beast.

At (who?) Fluffy tail.

(To whom?) T .. in winter.

Hunter sent..Dell (who?).

Hare does not like meetings .. with (who?).

Oh (com?) The people folded fairy tales.

6. The result of the lesson. Reflection

- What is declining? (Changing the names of nouns by case)

- What does it mean to change the nouns on the case? (This means changing them by case.)

- How many cases in Russian?

- Name the case and their questions. (you can look at the textbook)

Setting marks.

- Our lesson came to an end. Today you have worked well today, learned a lot of new things. In the next lesson, we will continue to study the topic "Declination of noun names".

7. Homework

Pp. 58, UPR. 93, learn by heart the rule and name of the case.

Explanation of a homework teacher.

- At home you will need to write down the text, above the names of nouns, which indicate clothes, specify the case.

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March 6, 2017.

The change in the noun on cases and numbers is the peculiarity of the Russian language, which makes it one of the most difficult in the world not only for foreigners, but also for carriers. Consider this in more detail.

Introduction to the topic

Many are already known that in Russian, the end will change if the noun to set various issues to the name (this is the change in the extension by case):

  • Who what? - Plate, Jung, Captain, Grain, Drops, Pictures, Chimpanzees.
  • Who / What? - Plates, units, captain, grains, drops, paintings, chimpanzees.
  • To whom; to what? - Plate, Jung, captain, grain, drops, paintings, chimpanzees.
  • Who / What? - Plate, junga, captain, grain, drops, paintings, chimpanzees.
  • Who / what? - dish, jung, captain, grain, drip, paintings, chimpanzees.
  • About who about what? - About the plate, about Jung, about captain, grain, about drops, about paintings, about chimpanzees.

About how it is called a change in the noun on cases, grade 4 in the lessons to find out.

The case is a form in which the word is in the proposal is necessary, it is necessary for it competently, smoothly and harmoniously combined with the neighboring word.

Almost every student of junior classes knows a funny poem, illustrating the change in the extensions by cases:

"Somehow with a fine branch of maple

Filled leafgreen.

He flew after the wind

Fly to white light.

Help head

W. Klenova sheet...

Long the wind carried him

Lyricated only on the bridge.

In the same hour, shaggy dog

Smyg. - to Beautiful list.

Togetherclaws tired sheet,

Come on, they say, play.

"I will not go", parachute

Head shakes ...

Wind suddenly With sheetgreen

Like a tornado shintedagain,

But the pursuit of our tired

And I fell into a notebook ...

Sochiin the forest under the maple

Song about sheetin love. "

Such a change in nouns names by cases is called declining.


The nominative case is a basic case, opposed to other indirect cases. Its form is often equal to the root. It is never used with pretexts. The word in the nominative case is one of the two main members of the sentence:

Stone (subjectable) reliably tanned the entrance to the mysterious cave.

His heart is a solidity stone (lean).


Previously, the genitive padege was called "Parental". And it is not by chance! Its main function was the designation of the degree of kinship between people (father's daughter, grandmother's grandson, descendant of kind). Currently, it also means a certain connection between the two words (the fate of a woman, the voice of Solovyov, the character of the champion, income of the company). It can be used both with pretexts, so without them (ask for the witch, flashed out of the spark, the demand from the head, the hut near the sea, surprise for the favorite, wait until the morning, run from the monster).


Interestingly, it was originally called a "generous" case, as it was marked for anything is done. Since then, the value of the case has expanded (Syrote is sad, revenge enemies, approach the gate, responded with voices).


The accusative case is an indirect case, expressing object, subject and circumstantial importance. The complexity is that this form can sometimes coincide with the form of a genitive or nominative case.

To make sure that the accusative case is needed, you need a word that causes doubts, replace the nouns of the first decline.

I see the scarlet sail. I see a mast.

I looked at a lonely wolf. I look at dad.


This case was so called, because it was used to designate the tools of labor, and other functions appeared later (write with a handle, catch the network, walk with friends, laugh at a fool).


In the frequency of use, the proposed padege ranks second after the very famous, it is always used with pretexts and serves to designate time, the place and the one of whom (or what) is a question (in the village, about the benefits, during the monastery, in the square).

To determine the case of a noun without error, you must first find the word from which it depends and with which is connected. And ask him a question.

Changing the noun by case
Question wordsPrepositionsNounPaide
Who what? girl, servant, port, field, shadow, parents, highwayNominative
Who / what?s, about, for, y, without, from, before, fromnear the girl, have a servant, without a port, from the field, from the shade, for parents, from the highwayGenitive
To whom; to what?by, the girl, to the servant, to the port, on the field, to the shade, to parents, on the highwayDative
Who / What?through, about, for, on, in, infor the girl, about the servant, in the port, through the field, about the shadow, for parents, through the highwayAccusative
Who / what?before, between, above, under, for, with, withbefore the girl, over a servant, for the port, over the field, under the shadow, for parents, between the highwayInstrumental
About who about what?when, on, in, o, aboutin the girl, about the servant, about the port, on the field, in the shade, about parents, on the highwayPrepositional

How to remember case?

In Russian, only 6 pelvis. Everyone has special questions. But to teach them was not bored, assistants came to the rescue:

We study the change in the names of the nouns on the case - the Russian language will submit us!

Changing the names of the nouns by cases is called ...

The answer we already know - this is a decline. How many of them and with what difficulties can you encounter? The competent change in nouns by cases will not be difficult if you assimilate the main types of declination:

  1. all nouns of the female genus (except those that end on a soft sign), male kind -n-and / I;
  2. male genus, those in the nominative ends on the consonant sound, the middle kind on -o / e;
  3. female genus having in the end of the word "b".

Changing nouns by cases of plural

Nouns in multiple number have no separation by type of declination. The case is determined in the same way as in the only one: you just need to ask a question:

  • Who what? - Teachers, candy (nominative).
  • Who / what? - Teachers, sweets (genitive).
  • To whom; to what? - teachers, candy (privacy).
  • Who / What? - Teachers, candy (accusative).
  • Who / what? - teachers, sweets (creatorial).
  • About who about what? - About teachers, on candy (proposed).

Unclear noun

In some cases, the change in the costs of cases occurs without changing the end:

  • coat;
  • movie;
  • kangaroo;
  • cocoa;
  • coffee;
  • chimpanzees;
  • pensne;
  • hummingbird;
  • pony;
  • relay;
  • fillet;
  • highway;
  • taxi;
  • metro;
  • aloe;
  • cough;
  • tremor;
  • cafe;
  • manot;
  • cockatoo;
  • dragee;
  • bet;
  • interview;
  • stew;
  • jury;
  • puree;
  • the Bureau;
  • studio.

These words you just need to remember.

Sections: Primary School

Class: 3

  1. To form an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe declination of nouns; To acquaint students with the name of the case of cases, case-based questions, pretexts that are used with case issues;
  2. To clarify the presentations of students on the initial form of the name of the noun, as the form of a noun in the nominal case of the singular.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. (Slide 1)

  1. Greeting teacher.
  2. Massage of abnormal shells (activation of brain points).
  3. Breath Exercise:

2. Minute of cleaning.

Determine the order of the letters in this row:

foy Food Food Food Food ...

Write this series of letters in the proposed sequence to the end of the line.

3. Wise - spelling work. (Slide 2)

Choose a generic concept to the word telephone.

The phone is the device.

In what purposes is it used by people?

The phone is a device that is used to conversate people at a distance.

Many scientists attempted to make a device for a conversation at a distance. But it was possible to American scientist Alexander Bella. In 1876, he invented the first phone for practical use.

Write down the word. Put the stress. Emphasize the two unchecked vowels. Remember Writing the Word.

4. Actualization of knowledge. Statement of the lesson.

Change the nouns on questions. (Slide 3)

What changed in noun telephone? (endings)

Why changed endings in noun telephone?(I changed the questions we asked for the Word)

Change of nouns on issues called changing by case or declining.Declining -grammar sign name noun.

5. Work on the subject of the lesson.

In Russian, 6 podges. (Slide 4)

Acquaintance with the name of the case. The fairy tale by E. Mezhinskaya "Where did the names of the Paders come from."

He was not born yet, but already thought what a name to give him, and decided to call - nominative.

Born - became genitive.I liked this name even more.

But he was a baby, he was given everything, and he became duty.

But he was still a big mischievous, for all his tricks vinyl, and he became vinitive.

Then he grew up, began to create good things and was called became corrective.

He offered his help to everyone, they spoke about him and called now complex ...

Consider the table. (Slide 5)





forest, hare


who? What?

From, up, from, without, at, for, s, about

forests, hare


who? What?

forest, hare


who? what?

in, on, for, pro, through

forest, hare


over, under, with, between, before, for

forest, hare


about, o, on, in, when

What questions do words standing in the form of a definite case?

What nouns are questions who?, who?, who?, who?, oh who?,what words - what?, what? What?, what? What?

  • Determine the case, except for the case, you will help you auxiliary words.
  • All cases can be used with pretexts.
  • All cases, except for the nominative, are called indirect.

Summarize our arguments according to plan:

What new grammar sign name noun did you know?

What is declining?

What are the cases are in Russian?

What questions do each case answer?

Name the prepositions that are used with each case.

6. Fizkult. pause. (Slide 6)

Came running, came running
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.
Out, squeezed
Knives, knives.
Specked, rushing
Bunnies, bunnies.
Well, together, well, friendly:
- Girls! Boys!

In the first and third sentences, find nouns names.

Determine the case of these names of nouns.

Determine what a member of the proposals they are.

Outcome: noun in the nominative case in the sentence most often happens subject to. The form of the nominal case of the only number is called primary formthe words .

7. Fastening.

  • Exercise (removal of visual stress). (Slide 8)

Exercise 1. (Slide 9)

I.P. who? father what? friendship
  • Exercise 2. (Slide 10)

Read words. Write them in the order of the case of the case when declining, focusing on the word sheet.

Health is associated with plants health.

Water and nutrients come to the sheet.

The leaf under the wind does not break.

Allowers give the sheet strength.

The leaf is a flexible leg.

  • Exercise 3. (Slide 11)

Read. Write the phrases, excluding in every unnecessary.

Justify the answer. Insert the missing letters.

Walked in the grove, approached the Cherryumukh, na..Deamed in Lo.

T....r. without oh.

Well..l in g .. however, plenty of this. I will come to the farm.

They cut down b..rosez, drank h..yu, l .. he was on the stove.

8. Independent work. (Slide 12)

Determine what causes are the names of the nouns?

In the language, without a teacher, from the student, on the street, behind the tractor, on the machines, before the straw, from the north, in the homeland, in the drawings, with the guys.

In what number can I add nouns? ( and in multiple and in the only one). Check.

9. The results of the lesson. (Slide 13)

What do we call declination? (Slide 3)

How many cases in Russian? (Slide 4)

What kind of case is the noun in the initial form?

What is the initial form of the noun name? (Slide 7)

Name questions of indirect case. (Slide 5)

What prepositions are used with indirect cases? (Slide 5)

Who of you caused difficulty declining names of nouns?

  • Rate the following criteria on the scale: (Slide 14)

10. Homework (slide 14).

Russian language lesson in grade 3 in CMD "School of the XXI century" on the topic "Changing the names of nouns by cases". The first lesson, where the formation of the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe declination of nouns; I will introduce students with the name of the case, six pairs of case issues.

The lesson uses ICT - technology.



Subject: Changing the names of nouns by cases.

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe declination of nouns;

acquaintance of students with the title of cases, six pair of case.

Technology: using ICT in the lesson of the Russian language.

Equipment: Textbook, case plates, assistant card for each student, TV, computer, presentation.

During the classes.

I. Organizing time.

II. Work on new material.

Uch. Guys, I will read you a fairy tale. You listen carefully, and then name the words that change your shape.

Uch. Well, listen.

Slide 2.

There was a yellow-eyed chamomile. And she had a buddy, lightly floppy moth. They were very friendly with a moth. The girlfriend often thought about the moth when the moth was near. And he did not forget the beauty of the chamomile. He recalled the chamomile on the distant meadows and in the binded gardens. Returning from afar, he certainly brought the chamomile gift: a tender tinting or brilliant Rosink. And a girlfriend, flourishing from pleasure, handed a droplet of a sweet nectar. The little traveler was very pleased with the chamomile and treat. There was nothing more pleasant for a pretty daisy than to poison the nectar of the moth.

Uch. What two words are found here (chamomile and Moth)

Slide number 3.

moth Romaista

motilla Romashki.

motilla Romashek

motilla Romashka

motilla Romashka

about the moth about the chamomile

Uch. What noticed? What part of the word changes?

(Changes ending.)

Uch. What is the ending?

(Enders serve to communicate words in the proposal.

Nouns names change their endings when they find themselves in a sentence next to other words.)

Let's put questions to the words.

Slide number 4.

who? butterfly

who? Motylka.

who? Motilla

who? Motylka.

by whom? Motyl

oK? About Motyl

Slide number 5.

what? chamomile

what? Romashki.

what? Romashek

what? Romashka

than? Romashka.

about what? About Romashek

Slide number 6.

who? Moth what? chamomile

who? Moth what? Romashki.

who? Moth what? Romashek

who? Moth what? Romashka

by whom? Motilla than? Romashka.

oK? About the moth what? About Romashek

Uch. What questions set to the word moths and by the word chamomile?

(Children's responses.)

Why did you put different questions?

(Word of Moth animated and wordchamomile - no)

Uch. What questions set nouns to animated names?

(Children's responses)

What questions put nouns to inanimate names?

(Children's responses)

Uch. What changes in nouns did you notice?

(Questions helped change the word form.)

Uch . Which of you knows how it is called differently such a change in the form named noun.

Slide number 7.

Such a change in the form of the noun

(Lisviar to children's answers.)

Uch. Where can we find this information?

(In the textbook.)

Uch. Open tutorials and read the rule. P.

(Continuation of the slide 7.)

called changing by cases.

Uch. Total in Russian 6 cases:

Who knows them and can call?

nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, cool, proposed

But why did the cases get such names? To get an answer to this question, you have to listen to a fairy tale.

(On the board card)

The name has not yet been born, and everyone thought, what a name to give him, and decided to call -name name.

Born - became a genitive. I liked this name even more.

But he was a baby, he was given everything, and he becameduty.

But he was also a big mischievous, for all the tricks of his vinyl, and he becamevinitive.

Then he grew up, began to create good things and was called becamecorrective.

He offered his help to everyone, they spoke about him and called nowcomplained.

Uch. Guys, put an assistant card in front of them, which we will fill out now. To specify case, in work, they are taken abbreviated.

Slide number 8.

Uch. I.P. answers questions who? what?

R.P. answers questions who? What?

D.P. answers questions to whom? What?

V.P. answers questions who? what?

T.P. answers questions by whom? than?

P.P. answers questions about whom? about what?

Gradually, students fill the table.

III. Fizminutka. (Slides 9, 10)

(Turn off the TV)

IV. Fastening.

1. C.9 UPR.2

(Read the task and disassemble the sample,Which is written on the board)

(Students go to turn to the board and write down the phrase, determining the case. The rest write in notebooks.)

4. Who remembered how many cases in Russian? Who can call them?

V. Independent work.

Uch. Determine what causes are the names of the nouns?