Exaltation: manifestations and correction in psychology. Exalted personality type: signs, features, psychological characteristics

A person's behavior and his reactions to various events in life depend on the type of the nervous system (temperament) and the most striking personality traits (accentuations). The scientific community has known about the existence of sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic people since ancient times. But the theory of accentuations is relatively young. The first works in this direction were published in Europe in the 70s of the twentieth century, and in Russia the names of the authors of the famous questionnaire Leonhard and Shmishek became known only in 1983. As a result of diagnostics based on a new approach, a person can be assigned to one of 10 types of accentuations, each of which is characterized by specific reactions to different types and intensities of loads. These include the exalted type, which is pronounced in about 15% of the world's population.

The concept of exaltation in psychology

Exaltation is a personality trait that manifests itself in an unusually intense reaction to any stimuli with a disproportionately bright and strong manifestation of emotions. This behavior can be episodic, when a person, for example, cries with happiness when meeting after a long separation. In this case it comes about an exalted reaction, which manifested itself due to prolonged restrictions, after waiting, feelings of anxiety and fear.

In cases where it is characteristic of a person always and everywhere to react incredibly violently to any events, we are talking about accentuation - a fixed character trait that is associated with the extreme degree of manifestation of certain aspects of emotional life. This extreme, which has become a model of behavior, is not directly related to the type of the nervous system (temperament), it is weakly amenable to correction by means of education and morality.

Exalted personalities inevitably draw attention to themselves. They are always in a whirlpool of passions and strong emotions. Mood swings occur instantly, a person in seconds goes from a state of unbridled joy and enthusiasm to the deepest despondency, tragically perceiving what is happening. Any household trifle becomes a reason for such an emotional "swing", which in the prism of perception of an exalted personality is a weighty reason for sobbing or laughter.

Exaltation as a fixed model of behavior - business card many characters in literature and cinema.

There are many exalted personalities among romantic characters who have been thrown into a storm of emotions in connection with love experiences (Romeo from "Romeo and Juliet", Nikolai Rostov from "War and Peace"). If we talk about characters closer to us in time, they are Ruby Rose (TV star from the movie "The Fifth Element") and King Julian (lemur from the cartoon "Madagascar").

The manifestation of this type of accentuation is observed in about 15% of people.... Their behavior is often mistaken for signs mental disorder... Affective outbursts of uncontrollable emotions have nothing to do with psychiatric diagnoses. Therefore, exalted individuals in psychology and medicine are considered as people with safe mental health.

Signs of an exalted personality

In addition to sudden mood swings and unusually vivid emotions, an exalted type of accentuation is distinguished by the following features:

  • loud voice;
  • infectious laughter;
  • friendly attitude towards people;
  • openness and gullibility;
  • willingness to help;
  • good nature;
  • talkativeness;
  • sentimentality.

Such people are happy to participate in mass actions and global events, they like to be in the thick of things, but they do not always deliberately strive to be in the spotlight. At first, it happens to them spontaneously - it's hard not to notice such remarkable characters. Gradually, they get used to being in the forefront and gladly accept signs of attention from others. They are not at all shy about the manifestations of their feelings and are very susceptible to other people's emotions - both positive and negative.

The owners of an exalted accentuation of character themselves are very amorous, often annoying in manifestations of their indifference, create a lot of noise and fuss. In their feelings, they are always absolutely sincere and demonstrate exactly what they feel. People of an exalted type love and value communication, their irrepressible energy requires constant activity, activity, and often the process turns out to be much more exciting than the result. If during the work emotions have died out and interest in the case has disappeared, an exalted person will abandon what he started and will not return to it again.

These simple-minded good-natured people never set out to manipulate someone with tears. All their violent emotions come from a pure heart, and the overwhelming intensity of joy and sadness is a psychological feature that over time can be smoothed out or intensified.

In the first case, exaltation will gradually fade away and the person's character will either become more harmonious and mature, or acquire signs of a different accentuation. If the emotional "swing" gains an even wider range, we will talk about a disorder bordering on hysterical psychosis. Unlike accentuation, which is an extreme variant of the norm, psychotic disorders require mandatory medical intervention and adequate therapy.

How to determine your personality type?

Knowledge characteristic features behavior is not enough to assert that a person's character accentuation is formed according to an exalted type. For an accurate result, a simple diagnostic procedure is used.

The formation of a personality by the type of exalted accentuation (as well as by any other) can be determined using the classical diagnostic tool - the Schmishek questionnaire, based on the theory of the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard about accentuations. Initially, a test of 88 questions concerning various aspects of a person's personality was used in psychiatric practice to distinguish between true disorders and borderline states. Later it found wide application in the work of psychologists with disharmonious personalities. In the late 70s. XX century Russian psychiatrist E.A. Lichko created an alternative diagnostic option, which allows a comprehensive assessment of the severity of all possible personality accentuations. Interpretation of the results allows obtaining detailed description specific character traits inherent in each of the types.

Often, diagnostics show that a person who formally demonstrates signs of an exalted character has a pronounced hysterical accentuation. Outwardly, it manifests itself very similarly - vivid emotions, noisy behavior, sudden mood swings. But, unlike the exalt, the hysteroid masterfully imitates emotions and demonstrates them in order to manipulate others. In this sense, an accurate diagnosis of accentuation is very useful: it allows you to reveal the deception and stop believing the theatrical emotions of the hysteroid.

People who, with their emotional outbursts, resemble the exalted type, according to the results of diagnostics, can be identified as representatives of the paranoid (paranoid) personality type. Their bright, fiery speeches, constant stay in the thick of events, their tendency to excessive gesticulation are similar to exaltation. But all the activity of the paranoid is always associated with imaginary or real dangers, which he is trying with all his might to eliminate.

It is important to understand that maximum values on the scale of exaltation, obtained from the results of diagnostics, are an alarming signal - such a model of behavior has become incredibly strong, a person does not know how to control his emotions and does not always understand the inappropriateness of their intensity. Such a state can be borderline, and after crossing a dangerous line, we will talk about the development of a mental disorder. Therefore, according to the results of diagnostics good specialist will definitely give recommendations that will help correct behavior and smooth out extremely violent manifestations of accentuations.

At what age does exaltation cease to be the norm?

There is nothing bad or dangerous about exaltation itself. At a certain age, this behavior is a variant of the norm. For preschoolers 3-5 years old, unrestrained laughter, intense gesticulation, and strong grief over reasons that are insignificant for adults are characteristic. It is to this period that affective-exalted reactions belong, when the child laughs or cries so that he cannot stop himself, literally choking on emotions. As the emotional-volitional sphere develops, the child learns to control his emotions and correlate their intensity with the strength of the stimulus.

The next stage, when exalted type accentuations are clearly manifested again, becomes adolescence... Against the background of a hormonal explosion and puberty, a growing up child cannot cope with emotions, laughs and cries for no apparent reason, not always coping with himself. Again, as the hormones return to normal, and nervous system ripens, the adolescent's exaltation fades away.

If the nervous system is characterized by increased excitability, social environment or other conditions hindered the strengthening of the nervous system and the emotional-volitional sphere, adolescent exaltation is sometimes observed in adults. The state of emotional instability returns at any age in lovers, young parents. Exaltation often becomes an integral part of the life of people of creative professions - artists, poets, musicians, writers, designers. Many masterpieces of art were created in a state of emotional passion. This fact is in perfect agreement with the fact that psychologically, many geniuses, in a sense, remain forever children, capable of directly and vividly reacting to the world around them.

Talking about accentuation as a fixed character trait is appropriate only in situations where excessive and too intense emotions are a constant characteristic of the behavior and reactions of an adult.

- To an exalted admirer who only needs what is under the window

idol of the night to stand, he, excuse me, does not look like. - Why excuse me?
- Well, you never know. Suddenly, for once, you decided to get a fan. Moreover

certainly exalted. And I take away your last hope.

Max Fry. Yellow metal key

Exaltation (Exalted) as a personality trait - a tendency to show an elevated mood with excessive enthusiasm, immoderate and unrestrained enthusiasm about the simplest things and events, an excessively violent emotional reaction, an overestimation of one's qualities, appearance, abilities and capabilities.

One hot summer day, a neighbor invited Khoja to visit. They served sweet syrup in a large jug. The owner gave Khoja a teaspoon, and he took a whole ladle for himself and began to scoop up the syrup from the jug. How much Hodja did not try, but he could not keep up with him. And the owner, every time he scoops up, falls into a state of exaltation, exclaiming with delight: - Oh, I'm dying! I can't stand it! Food of the gods! Die and not live!

In the end, Nasruddin threw a teaspoon and snatched the ladle from the owner: - Neighbor! Let me die, too!

Exaltation - excited enthusiasm, inspired liveliness. Exaltation is constantly in an agitated state and incessant enthusiasm. When a neighbor accidentally runs in to borrow salt, she shouts: - God, what a blessing that you looked to me at the light. I adore you, and have long dreamed of meeting such a wonderful and wonderful person.

That is, an insignificant fact causes a violent emotional outburst and boundless experiences in exaltation. If the neighbor had a kitten in her hands, exaltation, for sure, would experience a feeling of complete happiness and a feeling of emotional overflow. But if the neighbor, referring to being busy, refused to enter, her mood would turn one hundred and eighty degrees, replaced by despair and utter despondency.

Mood swings from passionate glee to deadly depression and melancholy are the signature of exaltation. The slightest failure, a slight disappointment for an ordinary person can become a sincere and deep grief for exaltation. She always has the buttons "Tears of happiness" and "Ready for despair" on.

There lived a wealthy collector of ancient statues, of which he had a great many. They stood in the alleys of his beautiful park. Friends sent one young student to the rich man with a recommendation from the local Historical Society, so that he could familiarize himself with the amazing collection.

The manager reported to the owner about the arrival of the guest, met him and led him along the paths of the park to the house. Overwhelmed by curiosity, the student stopped near each statue, sighed enthusiastically, fell into despondency and despair that such statues were not in his company, then again, as in a fever, he trembled with joy and delight near another statue and swallowed tears of sorrow from understanding that their he never will. In the end, the manager could not resist: - Sir, you, in fact, to whom to introduce: the statues or their owner?

Exaltation sees either an embellished, elegant world, or a pronounced black color of reality. Having a craving for beauty, exaltation has a good taste: it makes good artistic people, artists, designers, decorators. Love for high art, nature, religious experiences, passion for sports, worldview searches are able to completely, to the depths of the soul, absorb the attention of an exalted person. Recklessly dreamy and fantasy exaltation uses raised tones, colorful turns, ornate descriptions in its speech communication. Exalted people are close to compassion, sincerity and altruism. At the same time, they are prone to alarmism, amorousness and talkativeness.

Violently expressing your feelings, exaltation can be mortally bored in a week to any of the most patient partner. Who will like the every minute screams: - No! You have no idea how much I love you! I adore you!? And this is pronounced everywhere - at lunch, on the street, in the car. Even a toilet and a bathroom do not save you from the encroachments of exaltation. It is not surprising that partners with enviable constancy run away from her, setting the teeth on edge from such unbridled displays of love.

Exaltation is a variable state: either in incredible happiness or in hopeless grief. Ready now to embrace the whole world, in a minute, all in tears, she announces in a tragic voice: - Everything is lost!

As it turns out, my friend's mobile phone was erased by mistake. Later, she recalls that he is in her notebook and that her other acquaintances know him. Exaltation is one hundred percent confident in the sophistication of her tastes, manners, and the uniqueness of her outlook. She is always right, everyone else is idiots.

F.M. Dostoevsky created unforgettable images of exalted women in the novels The Idiot - Nastasya Filippovna and The Brothers Karamazov - Katerina Ivanovna. Katya never loved her fiancé, the thought dominated her - to save him. Therefore, she became his bride. Imagining herself as a savior, she says: “If so, he has not died yet! He is only in despair, but I can still save him ... I want to save him forever! Let him forget me as his bride! And now he is afraid in front of me for his honor !? After all, Alexey Fyodorovich, he was not afraid to open up to you? Why didn't I still deserve the same? - She said the last words in tears; tears gushed from her eyes. "

Exaltation forces her to call Grushenka, a rival in relations with Mitya, to her home, in order to make her his ally in saving Mitya. She is delighted with Grushenka: “Grushenka, angel, give me your pen, look at this plump, small, adorable hand, Alexey Fyodorovich; do you see her, she brought me happiness and resurrected me, and I'm going to kiss her now, both from above and in my palm, here, here and there! .. maybe Grushenka's plump hand. " However, Katerina Ivanovna had to experience the mental anguish of disappointment. Grushenka does not agree to save Mitya and declares: “- So stay with that as a souvenir that you kissed my hand, but I don’t have it at all. So I'll tell Mitya now how you kissed my hand, but I don't have it at all. And how he will laugh! " Katerina Ivanovna's mood is making a sharp turn. Now Grushenka is becoming a "dissolute woman" and "a creature always ready to serve." Then “Katerina Ivanovna fell into a seizure. She sobbed, spasms choking her. Everyone fussed around her. "

A separate conversation about her behavior during the trial. At first, she protects Mitya, reaching the point of self-humiliation. In her testimony, she tells how one day, while saving her father, she came to ask Mitya for money: “There was something unparalleled, so that even from such an autocratic and contemptuously proud girl like her, it was almost impossible to expect such a highly frank testimony , such a sacrifice, such a self-incitement. And for what, for whom? To save his traitor and offender, to serve at least something, even a small one, to save him, making a good impression in his favor. "

But after a few minutes she listens to the testimony of Mitya's brother, Ivan, whom she loves more than her fiancé. Ivan accuses himself of inciting paricide. And it was here that the raging feelings force Katerina Ivanovna to take an absolutely opposite position. Shocked with pity for Ivan, and perhaps seized with fear that his confessions would be taken seriously, she felt a cruel hatred for Mitya, considering him responsible for her brother's mental illness. She shouts: “I tried to defeat him (Mitya) with my love, love without end, I even wanted to demolish his betrayal, but he understood nothing, nothing. How could he understand anything! It's a monster! "

Dostoevsky continues: “Oh, of course, you can only say and admit this way at some point in your life — at the dying moment, for example, when you step on the scaffold. But Katya was exactly in her character and in her moment. It was the same impetuous Katya who then rushed to the young libertine to save her father; the same Katya, who just now, in front of all this audience, proud and chaste, sacrificed herself and her girlish shame, telling about Mitya's "noble deed" in order to only soften the fate that awaited him. And now, in the same way, she also sacrificed herself, but for another, and maybe only now, only at this moment, for the first time feeling and fully comprehending how dear this other person is to her. "

Having reached the limit of emotional excitement after her testimony against Mitya, Katerina Ivanovna falls into a hysterical fit: “The minute of vengeance flew away unexpectedly, and everything that had so long and painfully accumulated in the chest of the offended woman at once, and again unexpectedly, burst out. She betrayed Mitya, but she betrayed herself too! And of course, as soon as I had time to speak, the tension broke, and shame suppressed her. Hysterics began again, she fell, sobbing and screaming. They took her away. "

Another example of exaltation. Nikolai Rostov, the hero of Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, received the news of the war with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Dreams of fame, courage, female enthusiasm literally put him in the saddle and drove him to war. Seeing the war with his own eyes, his exaltation went to the other extreme: “And the flushed, alien physiognomy of this man, who with a bayonet overweight, holding his breath, easily ran up to him, frightened Rostov. He grabbed a pistol and, instead of firing it, threw it at the Frenchman and ran to the bushes, which was strong. He ran not with the feeling of doubt and struggle with which he went to the Ensky Bridge, but with the feeling of a hare running away from the dogs. One inseparable feeling of fear for your young, happy life owned his entire being. "

With the tail of the years, Rostov's youthful exaltation subsided, his duty - to defend the Motherland, he considers pragmatically: “Nikolai Rostov without any goal of self-sacrifice, and by chance, since the war found him in the service, took a close and long-term participation in the defense of the fatherland and therefore without despair and grim reasoning looked at what was happening only in Russia. If they asked him what he thinks about the current situation in Russia, he would say that he has nothing to think about, that there is Kutuzov and others for that. " In a word, with age, Nikolai Rostov's exaltation disappeared like "smoke from the white apple trees."

Petr Kovalev 2013

In psychology, exaltation is considered as special property temperament close to psychopathy. Feelings and experiences of an exalted personality are always somewhat exaggerated. He sees the world in black and white, not noticing the halftones. An exalted person vividly shows emotions where other people do not even notice a reason for joy or sadness. Exaltation is characteristic of sanguine and choleric people. Women are more likely to have this trait than men.

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Signs of exaltation

Exaltation is a tendency towards emotional exaggeration. A person abruptly shifts from a state of happiness to exorbitant grief. Such people exaggerate the most ordinary things, attaching much importance to the little things. Another sign of exaltation is that people overestimate their capabilities and abilities, which is why they often look funny in the eyes of others. An exalted person's mood changes in a matter of minutes. Failure in even the most insignificant activity leads to sadness and longing, and the smallest success leads to exultation.

Exalted people are amorous and talkative, compassionate, sincere and capable of altruism. Their fear quickly turns into panic. Due to the vulnerable nervous system, such individuals try to avoid open conflicts, although they may enter into disputes and small altercations. Exalted people around them reward haughty glances and contemptuous grins. Their unshakable sense of superiority borders on megalomania.

Since an exalted person constantly experiences strong experiences, he can find himself in the field of art, especially theater. These people are born artists. They express themselves pathetically, are able to convey any emotion to those around them, use flowery descriptions, colorful turns, raised tones in communication. The rest seem to them to be insensitive, impenetrable. They consider themselves to be unrecognized geniuses and subtle natures.

Exalted person:

  • able to adore something or someone;
  • from admiration passes into deep despair;
  • loves to madness and hates with every fiber of his soul;
  • has favorite animals, at the sight of which he experiences a feeling of trepidation, tenderness, tenderness, excitement;
  • does not tolerate some types of people at all - fat, thin, men, women, taxi drivers, etc.;
  • noticing any peculiarity in people, it can dramatically change the opinion about them to the opposite;
  • admires the work of any artist, poet, musician, artist;
  • crying over a tragic movie literary work with a sad ending;
  • is surrounded by people whom he deeply despises or hates;
  • in most cases, his opinions, positions, tastes, principles differ from the position of the majority.

Those with 9-10 of these statements are distinctly exalted. Coincidence with 5-8 statements means moderate exaltation, with 4 or less - this quality is absent.

At what age does exaltation appear?

A two to three year old child expresses emotions very vividly. He goes from hysterics to laughing in a few seconds. Exaltation is also characteristic of adolescence, but as they grow older, it usually goes away.

This trait is characteristic of everyone at a certain stage of growth and development. Most people, as their nervous systems mature, begin to control their emotions and behavior. Individuals remain “eternal children” and are spoken of as exalted adults.

Attitude of others

Excessive expression of emotions and the inability to control them greatly complicates the life of an exalted person. He often has conflicts with others, they do not trust him with important assignments at work, they do not establish deep personal relationships with him, since it is not known what he will throw out the next minute.

The loved ones of an exalted person are always on the lookout, since their existence is full of surprises, and not always pleasant ones. Exalted people are poorly adapted to everyday life. They can abuse alcohol, lose their home, become a victim of scammers. As long as there are parents and loved ones nearby, something irreparable is unlikely to happen. But in the second half of their lives, these people are often left alone and make problems for themselves.

The meaning of the word exaltation is explained by psychologists as a tendency to pronounced outbursts of emotions. These emotions are usually caused by both positive and negative factors and for other people they can be quite insignificant.

Character accentuation - exaltation

Pronounced features of an exalted temperament are close to psychopathy. This feeling could be called the temperament of happiness and anxiety and can be compared to the psychosis of these two feelings, accompanied by sharp fluctuations in mood.

But often exaltation manifests itself on its own, without accompanying mental disorders... In this case, one should not talk about it as a disease, rather it is just a character trait.

Emotional exaltation

Exalted people are maximalists; they react to life much more emotionally than others. They are equally easy to delight and despair. Minor forms of exaltation are manifested in selfish stimuli and self-esteem. It seems to such a person that he is the best. He is attached to his loved ones, worries with them for their failures and rejoices in their victories. More often than not, an exalted person is carried away. He loves music, art, is interested in religious precepts, goes in for sports and self-development.

Another meaning of exaltation is incredible impressionability and violent reaction to sad events. Compassion and pity for strangers and sick, abandoned animals sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. They can bring home and give tea to a homeless person and, noticing that along with his departure, some things have disappeared, become discouraged. A slight disappointment or failure, which the average person forgets about the very next day, can unsettle an exalted person. Nervous tension can also be read in external manifestations. The feeling of fear and anger that gripped a person causes tremors, sweat, etc.

How do you know if you tend to be exalted?

You are exalted if:

If you are characterized by exaltation of feelings, there is nothing wrong with that. If it manifests itself in an insignificant degree, this is even good. You see the world in brighter colors than other people. You just need to learn to be more restrained and not do stupid things dictated by your increased emotionality.

By exaltation, some mistakenly mean pretentiousness in clothes, some kind of special external chic in a person, distinguishing him from the surrounding gray mass. While exaltation is a character trait, temperament, and hence - demeanor and, to a certain extent, a person's lifestyle.

Sociologists interpret the concept of "exaltation" as an excited, enthusiastic state, painful animation. There is such an expression: "go into exaltation." A similar state is inherent in artistic natures who live on emotions. They are extremely impressionable. Love for nature, art, worldview searches can capture exalted personality to the core. They deeply experience the failures of relatives and people close to them, just acquaintances, at a time when the victims themselves do not see the tragedy on such a large scale. Compassion for an animal, lonely and unhappy in their eyes, can also drive such people to despair. An exalted lady in a fit of compassion is able to pick up an "abandoned" kitten on the street and take home, and the next day, after he "made a puddle" in her shoe, internally tormented and hiding from prying eyes, she will carry it back.

Also, the term "exaltation" is understood as a short-term period of increased excitability of the nervous and muscular tissues, followed by a phase of somewhat reduced excitability. Changes in mood, enthusiasm and disappointment are characteristic of people of this type. They are talkative, often argue, but rarely slide into open conflicts.

Mass exaltation

The state of exaltation can simultaneously cover large groups of people in the form of spontaneous excitement to certain events - fire, earthquake, other natural, as well as social phenomena... The ecstatic, extremely agitated state of the masses can be induced artificially. For example, the phenomenon of mass exaltation manifests itself at concerts of pop stars, during and after major sporting events.

Exaltation in astrology

Astrologers also use the term "exaltation". For them, it means the position of the planet in a certain part of its trajectory, path. A planet in exaltation means the planet is not at home, not in its abode. She is “visiting” and at the same time at work. Its effect on the zodiac sign is different. It is believed that if in the monastery the planet acts on an intuitive-instinctive level, then in exaltation - on an emotional-sensual level.