How to connect a bath siphon to a sewer pipe. Connecting the bath to the sewer on your own

You decided to change the bath, even dismantled the old plumbing and purchased a new one. They put the bowl in its proper place, and, it would seem, there was nothing left to do. But you do not know how to connect the bathtub to the sewer. What to do? Is it possible to call a plumber, wait for him for a long time, endure his presence in the apartment and pay for such a simple procedure? It is not so difficult for an ordinary person to call a plumbing guru to carry it out. All work can be done by hand. The main thing is to have at least some idea of ​​how to connect the bathtub to the sewer.

Photo 1. Bath connected to sewer system.

Connecting a bathtub to the sewer with your own hands: the necessary tools and equipment

Connecting the bathtub to the sewer with your own hands is done using a siphon - a special device with a flask or a curved pipe through which the drains freely pass into the sewer pipe. Organization of drainage without this equipment threatens you with unpleasant and constant odors from the sewer. Therefore, if you do not want to "aromatize" the living space with the drains of the whole house, install a siphon under the bathtub. But how to connect the bathtub to the sewer using this device? First, you need to decide on the type of siphon. There are several types of this sanitary device on sale, the choice of one or another depends on the model of your bath. If in doubt about the correctness of your choice, consult your dealer. But that's not all. The design of the siphon is collapsible; instructions are attached to each product. Strictly follow its recommendations and do not forget to put sealing gaskets in the right places.

Photo 2. Correct connection of the bathtub to the sewerage system will help keep the bathroom clean and tidy.

The siphon is ready, what do you need to install it to the bathroom?

The connection of the bathtub to the sewage system is carried out by connecting the siphon with drain pipe... It is not included in the package, so you need to buy it as well. On sale you will find rigid and corrugated models. If you do not want to return to this question for several years, choose rigid models. Since the corrugated ones quickly clog up, and cleaning them is a thankless and very difficult task.

But if it is not possible to attach a rigid pipe due to the inaccessibility of the place, then corrugation is the only choice. The diameter of both models is the same and is 40 mm. Diameter sewer drain the bathroom can also be 40 mm or more - 50 mm. If you have the latter option, then you need to install the adapter.

Photo 3. Connected bath siphon.

How to connect a bathtub to a sewer: connecting a drain

When installing a siphon, try to make sure that you always have free access to it. After all, you will have to dismantle it more than once during the operation of the bath. This is necessary to clean it from dirt. If the siphon is not periodically cleaned, over time the drainage rate will slow down, or even stop altogether.

Photo 4. Bathroom siphons come in different shapes.

So, how to connect a siphon to a bathtub and a sewer drain:

  • Attach the siphon to the bath, do not forget to lay the gasket at the joint, and only then start tightening the fasteners. Tighten gently without using too much force. Since the fasteners are easy to damage and spoil. This procedure should only be carried out manually, without the use of any tools. This way you will be able to control the degree of tension created, and immediately stop as soon as it has reached its limit. To seal the joint, a gasket is installed, which can be either ordinary rubber or silicone.
  • Attach a rigid drain pipe on the other side of the siphon, lead it to the sewer outlet and connect to it by a simple entry. If the pipe diameters are different, install the plastic adapter first.
  • Test the system for leaks. First, check the tightness of fit of all parts, if necessary, correct the situation in advance, so that later you do not have to dismantle the system and install it anew. For reliability, even at the stage of assembling the structure, it is recommended to coat each joint with a sealant.
  • Test the system for leaks while using the bath. To do this, pour about half of the water into the bowl. Check the tightness and tightness of the connection of the siphon to the bath. If all is well, refill the bowl with water and open the drain plug. Take a napkin and check all the joints. Visually, you may not notice small leaks, and a damp spot will definitely remain on the napkin. If it is not there, then the connection of the bathtub to the sewage system with your own hands was successful and efficient.

What to do if unpleasant odors suddenly appear in the bathroom?

At the first stage of using the bath, you may not notice some installation flaws. They will manifest themselves literally in a few days as a persistent and unpleasant sewer aroma in the room.

Photo 5. Scheme correct connection baths to the sewerage system.

The reason for its appearance may be the malfunctioning of the siphon. This happens, a corrugated tube without bending is used to create a water seal. Or the angle of inclination of the installation of the system is not observed.

In the first case, it is not necessary to change the siphon, it is just necessary to make a bend on the corrugated tube to create a water plug and fix it in an accessible way... In the second case: check if there is a slope in the drainage system, if not, then correct it to an angle of 5 degrees.

One of the options for the appearance of unpleasant odors in the bathroom can be an obstruction of the sewage system. That is, if it simply clogged, and an impassable blockage appeared in it. Clean it up with any available means... If you are unable to get rid of the stench on your own, contact a professional plumber to relieve you of this unpleasant problem.

Video: How to connect a bath to the sewer

After purchasing the bath and installing it in the appropriate room, it is necessary to carry out operations to connect to the sewer communications.

This task is simple, however, in order for everything to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to a few simple rules about which will be discussed in this article from the site

  • to carry out this operation, you will have to acquire a special siphon, which has openings for overflow and drainage. It is recommended not to use flexible corrugated pipes, since they have many disadvantages, such as fast pollution and high resistance to water;
  • most suitable option- flexible or rigid plastic pipe;
  • before connecting the bath to the sewer, you will need to clearly equip the height difference in the area of ​​the drain and the connection point. The height of the siphon outlet must be precisely matched, which will allow the water to descend much faster. If you do not pay attention to the height difference, then the water will stagnate in the bathroom bowl;
  • access to the siphon must be free, since it will have to be repeatedly cleaned from contamination in the future;

We connect the bath to the sewer

If the sewerage system is assembled from plastic pipes, the siphon is connected using a special smooth pipe with a diameter of 40 mm. You can use a cut plastic pipe with the same diameter. In the case when the pipeline is 50mm, you will have to use an adapter from 40mm to 50mm.

If the sewer pipe is made of cast iron, then it is necessary to use a special coupling made of 73-40 rubber. The rest of the operations are similar to plastic pipes.

  • first, the siphon is assembled according to the instructions that are attached to the product;
  • do not overlook the sealing gaskets, otherwise there is a possibility of stink in the bathroom;
  • install a siphon;
  • if it is necessary to tighten plastic elements, it is necessary to do this exclusively by hand, without the use of technology, since it can ruin the thread or fastener;
  • after installation, a pipe is connected to the device at one end, while the other is diverted to the sewer pipe and connected;
  • during installation, it is necessary to clearly monitor the tightness and tightness of the joints. If a problem has arisen, it is necessary to fix it immediately, otherwise in the future this will require more effort;
  • in the case when the bath is installed close to the wall, the joints are tightly sealed with a sealant, otherwise the water will get under the bath.

What to do if unpleasant odors start to appear in the bath

In the case when the bath occurs bad smell, this situation is not happy, but, on the contrary, upset. Next, we will consider why this happens and how to get rid of it.

One of the reasons is improper installation of the sewage system. It is necessary to check for the presence of a water lock under the bathroom, sink and on the siphons, because it is he who cuts off all unpleasant odors. In the case when a water seal is installed in the toilet, but odors are still present, you need to make sure that the siphons are installed correctly.

If, instead of siphons, corrugated tubes are installed, then they must be replaced, since water plugs do not form in them. If this is not possible, then it is required to bend the tubes so that water collects in them, which forms a water lock.

The water plug may also be absent due to the breakdown of the siphon, which can be guessed by the characteristic loud squelching sounds. The most common reason failure of the siphon - its large pipe, due to which the water pressure drops noticeably. If this is the reason, the siphon is replaced.

Also, a water plug may be absent due to the fact that ventilation is disturbed in the sewer, or the diameter of the riser is too small. In this case, airing is formed in the pipe. It is rather difficult to do such work on your own, therefore it is easier to invite a specialist.

Water also evaporates in the chimney if the room has not been used for a long time. In this case, machine oil poured into the hydraulic lock will help.

If all operations have been done, but the smell has not been eliminated, it is necessary to check the presence of a ventilation pipe. Such a pipe is connected to the riser on the upper floors and is led out to the roof. It acts as a hood and gets rid of all unpleasant odors.

If this is not the reason, pay attention to the inspection hatches, namely, their tightness.

It happens that during installation, the rubber band falls off the hatch, which is why it does not fit tightly to the pipe and allows odors to pass through.

The same problem can arise due to mechanical damage to the sewer pipe.

The last possible reason odor in the bathroom - a clogged sewer that needs to be cleaned from time to time.

Sewerage installation (video)

If you did not manage to get rid of the odors on your own, then the last option remains - the invitation of a qualified specialist who will find and eliminate the cause.

Choice and purchase new bath- it's quite troublesome. You need to decide on the material from which the plumbing is made, with the size, color and design. But even after the selected bathtub is delivered to the apartment and installed in the place prepared for it, the hassle will not end. In order for the new thing to be used, it is necessary to connect the bathtub to the sewer. Let's see how this process goes.

In order for the bathroom to be used normally, it must be connected to the sewerage system. This operation is not particularly difficult and tricky, however, it must be carried out competently. Otherwise, leaks and other unpleasant problems are inevitable.

Consider how to connect the bathtub to the sewer, paying attention to the main points of installation. Anyone can handle this job House master, the main thing is to follow the assembly rules and be careful.


Before proceeding with the connection, you must prepare all necessary materials and remember the basic requirements.

Important points of preparation

  • To connect a bathtub to the sewerage system, you will need to purchase a special device - a bath siphon.

Advice! A bath siphon is often referred to as a piping or waste / overflow system. You need to know this so as not to get confused when choosing a product in the plumbing department.

  • Siphons are made of different materials(brass, cast iron, plastic, etc.) and may have different design... For self-assembly, it is recommended to purchase a plastic strapping, since it is much more difficult to work with metal products. In addition, it is worth choosing a model that does not have a corrugated tube.

Advice! The use of siphons with a corrugated pipe is not recommended, since a higher hydraulic resistance is created in the corrugation than in a smooth pipe. Deposits accumulate there faster, and it is rather difficult to clean the corrugation from them.

  • Before starting the connection, make sure that the bath is installed correctly, namely, the height difference between the connection point and sewer pipe was sufficient (from 10 to 20 cm). Only in this case, the water from the bath will go away quickly. In the absence of a difference in height, the water in the bath will stagnate, and if this difference is less than the norm, then the time required to drain the water will greatly increase.

  • It should be remembered that the bath siphon needs regular inspection and maintenance (cleaning), so when installing it, you should try to ensure free access to the piping.

Advice! If it is planned to put a blank screen under the bathroom, then an inspection hatch must be organized in the area where the siphon is located. In order not to spoil the interior, the hatch can be closed with a hinged or sliding door.

Selection of pipes and other materials

To connect the bath to the sewer, you can use a rigid one, or flexible pipe made of plastic. However, the first option should be used whenever possible. The use of a rigid, smooth pipe, consisting of two elbows, gives a better result than using a corrugation. Here are a few more useful recommendations on the selection of materials:

  • Most often, when assembling intra-apartment sewage systems, plastic pipes with a size of 40 mm are used. Since the siphon pipes are of the same size, there are no special problems when connecting.

  • In the event that the main system is assembled from pipes of a different diameter (for example, 50 mm), then an adapter of appropriate dimensions should be used to connect the siphon outlet.
  • If a drainage system is assembled in the bathroom cast iron pipes, then to connect the siphon, you will need a rubber transition cuff, with side diameters of 40 by 73 mm.

In order to choose and purchase a siphon correctly, you need to know the features of their device:

  • You should be aware that there are universal and special models of siphons. The former are suitable for all standard bathrooms, where the distance between the centers of the drain and overflow holes does not exceed 57.5 cm. If you plan to purchase a bathtub non-standard form or size, then you should choose a special siphon model for it. Sometimes manufacturers attach straps to the bath tub.
  • In addition, on sale you can find models that are suitable only for baths with thin walls, that is, for steel or acrylic. TO cast iron baths these models will not work. But there are also universal siphons that can be installed on bathtubs with any wall thickness.

  • If you purchased a siphon with a branch, for example, to connect washing machine but for now household appliances it is not planned to install, it is not worth changing the harness. The branch can be closed by installing a plug on it. When installing the plug, be sure to use a sealant.
  • Some plumbing models are supplied with an outlet. In this case, it is worth purchasing a special siphon model without an outlet. It joins the plumbing outlet with threaded connection.

Connecting the bath to the sewerage system

To connect the bath to the wastewater drainage system, you need to perform the following operations:

  • Check the completeness of the purchased siphon to make sure that all elements and gaskets are in place.
  • The siphon is assembled by installing rubber sealing gaskets. For reliability, you can additionally treat the gaskets with a sealant. The siphon assembly diagram can be found in the instructions attached to it; when performing work, you should strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • When assembling the siphon, all connections must be tightened by hand. It is not recommended to use keys and other tools in order not to damage plastic parts. Do not use excessive force trying to tighten the joint, as overtightening the joints can lead to cracking of the plastic.
  • After the siphon is completely assembled, the end of the sewer pipe is attached to it. The second part of the siphon is brought in from back side bathtub to the drain hole.

  • Pressing the receiving part of the siphon, equipped with a gasket, to the drain hole, the neck is connected and twisted from the front side of the bath. It is clear that this stage of work should be carried out together. The first master will press the receiving part of the siphon to the hole, the second will install the neck.
  • The connection of the strapping is carried out under strict control of the density of the joints formed. It is very important to achieve maximum adhesion of the rubber pad to the surface, otherwise leaks may occur.
  • The overflow is connected in the same way. At this stage, no help is required; you can attach the pipe to the neck alone.

Quality control

To make sure that the pipes are connected correctly and that all joints are sealed, a little test will need to be done. To do this, close the drain hole with a plug and dial full bath water. After the liquid level reaches the overflow hole, water will begin to flow down the pipe, which will allow you to check if there is a leak somewhere.

Then you need to remove the plug from the drain and release all the water, controlling the quality of the assembly and the tightness of the connection of the parts.

Errors that can be made when connecting the bath to the sewer

If mistakes were made when connecting the siphon, then leaks can become their consequence, as well as an unpleasant smell coming from the drain hole:

  • Quite often, if instead of a rigid pipe with a bend, a corrugation is used, a situation arises when a water lock does not form in the pipe. But it is precisely this cork that plays the role of a reliable barrier in the way of fetid gases from the sewer pipes. If the corrugated tube is elongated and does not form a knee, then there is simply nowhere for the water to collect. Naturally, in this case, the appearance bad smell in the room is inevitable. To remedy the situation, you need to stretch the corrugation and bend it so that it forms a knee. You can fix the hose in the desired position with ordinary adhesive tape.

  • Another common mistake novice wizards make is drag and drop connections. Plastic is not as strong as metal, so if screwing plastic parts use too much force, cracks may form on the parts. Such damage may be subtle, but drainage may nevertheless occur through it. And since people do not often look into the space under the bathroom, the appearance of damp spots may not be detected immediately. Leaking pipes will increase moisture levels and mold growth, which can ruin the finish and create a mushroom odor.
  • It should be remembered that the siphon under the bathtub must be rinsed regularly. The fact is that in the pipes of the siphon (especially if a corrugated tube is used) contaminants constantly accumulate - soap flakes, hair, etc. All this is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms, whose vital activity leads to the formation of an unpleasant odor that goes to drain holes. Therefore, about once every six months, it is worth removing the siphon and rinsing it.

So, the process of connecting the bath to the drainage system cannot be called difficult work requiring professional skills and special equipment. This work may well be performed by every home craftsman, it is only important to follow the installation rules and try to avoid mistakes when choosing materials and assembling the system.

After you purchase and install the bathtub in the designated room, it must be connected to utilities.

Connecting the bathtub to the sewer is not a complicated operation, however, in order for it to function correctly, you need to know several important points.

  • You need to connect the bowl to the sewer pipeline using a special one. It has connections for both the drain and overflow.

At self-assembly connecting system, do not use flexible corrugated tubes. They have a lot of disadvantages.

They have high hydraulic resistance. In addition, the corrugation quickly accumulates dirt, therefore it quickly clogs up and is poorly cleaned.

  • Optimally, use either a smooth flexible or rigid plastic pipe.
  • Before connecting the bathtub to the sewer, ensure that the correct height difference is arranged, in the area between the connection point and the drain pipe.
    In this case, it is necessary to correctly select the height of the siphon outlet so that drain water better get out of the bath. Please note that if there is no vertical drop, or it is small, the water in the bowl will stagnate.
  • Try to leave the siphon free and easy to access. In the future, you will have a repeated need to dismantle it, to clean the inner surface of the accumulated dirt.

Connecting the bathroom to the sewerage system

If your house has a sewage system made of plastic pipes, then the siphon must be connected to it with a special flexible smooth tube having a diameter of 40 mm, or with a cut of an ordinary rigid plastic pipe, with the same diameter.


If the sewer pipeline has a diameter of 50mm, then you will additionally need a plastic adapter from 40mm to 50mm.

When the installation of the sewage system in the bathroom was carried out using cast iron pipes, it is necessary to use a 73-40 rubber sleeve for connection. In all other respects, all your actions should be the same as in the case of plastic pipes.

  • Assemble the siphon according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • When doing this, be sure to install all the required sealing gaskets. Otherwise, a stench may occur in the bathroom.
  • Install the siphon ().
  • When tightening all plastic fasteners, use extreme caution and hand only. It is impossible to use any tool, because it can either break the thread or break the part.
  • When the device is mounted, connect a pipe to it with one end, bring the opposite end to the drain hole in the sewer pipe and make the connection.
  • When installing the sewage system in the bathroom, be sure to check the tightness of the assembled joints and their tightness. If you find any problems, immediately eliminate them, otherwise, you will have to replace certain elements of the system.
  • If the bathtub is installed close to the walls, then the joints between the side of the bowl and them must be reliably sealed. This is to prevent water from getting under the bath.

What to do if unpleasant odors appear in the bathroom

Bad smell in the bathroom is a serious problem

If the bathroom smells like sewage - why is this happening? The question is far from idle, but the problem is serious. Consider all the reasons for the occurrence.


It is quite likely that internal sewerage installed in the room incorrectly.

First of all, check if there is a water lock under the bathtub, the sink in the siphons, and also in the toilet bowl.

It is necessary to cut off specific odors.
If the toilet has a water seal, but the bathroom still stinks, make sure the siphons are correctly positioned under the plumbing fixtures.

If instead of them there are ordinary corrugated hoses connected to the sewage system, then water plugs will not form in them. Replace all such tubes with siphons.

When this is not possible, then it is necessary to bend the hoses, so that water will collect in them and a hydraulic lock will appear.

The absence of a water plug can also be caused by a breakdown of the siphon. This can be indicated by characteristic loud squelching sounds. Common causes of siphon failure are long length or the slope of the liner to the bathroom. As a result, there is a sharp drop in water pressure.

In such a case, it will be necessary to change the siphon.

The absence of a water plug can also occur due to a violation of ventilation in the sewer system or a too small diameter of the riser. As a result of this, the pipeline is vented. Elimination of this problem requires serious work, therefore, in such a situation, it is best to invite a plumber.

Evaporation of water in the seal can occur if the room is not used for a long time.

In this case, if the bathroom smells like sewage, fill the hydraulic lock with a liquid that will evaporate slowly (for example, machine oil).

When, it would seem, all the causes of the smell have been eliminated, but it does not disappear, check does the system have ventilation pipe ... She connects to sewer riser on the top floor, and then out to the roof. Such a pipe acts as an exhaust hood and removes odors thanks to natural draft.

If the bathroom stinks, you can additionally check the tightness of the inspection hatches... It often happens that when installing a hatch on a sewer pipe, the rubber band jumps off from it, as a result of which the fit becomes loose and the smell begins to penetrate into the room.

A similar problem can also be caused by mechanical damage sewer pipe or a disturbed density of connections on it.

And finally, the last reason for a bad smell in the bathroom is sewerage, simply clogged... Clean it in any way you can.

If you have not managed to get rid of the stench on your own, then there is only one way out - call a professional plumber to deal with this unpleasant problem.

There is an extensive list of plumbing work that has to be done periodically in an apartment. These include connecting the bath to the sewer. How to do this and what needs to be taken into account, we will consider in more detail in this article.

This procedure does not require the use of welding or sophisticated equipment, therefore it is quite affordable even to an unprepared person... It only takes a small set of tools and a little time. However, you must have at least minimal knowledge, otherwise it will be difficult to get water out, leaks or other problems will appear. A common situation - a new drain from the bathtub has been purchased into the sewer, how should it be installed and connected to the system correctly? Let's take a closer look at this process.

Preparatory actions

Before connecting the bath to the sewer, it is necessary to inspect the condition of the horizontal line and determine the level of the outlet and pipeline heights. If the pipe is located higher than the siphon, small debris and various particles will accumulate in the water seal. this will cause permanent blockages. In addition, if the height difference is too large, the water from the bath will not come out completely. It is pointless to connect the outlet to the sewer pipe in such conditions; you must first increase the height of the siphon above the floor to the correct value. The only way to do this is to raise the bathtub by placing it on the substituted bricks, cinder blocks or other solid supports. If work is carried out in a private house, this problem occurs quite often. In the apartment, the sewage system is laid according to the standard, therefore, the height has to be increased less often.

The second task is to provide a place for connecting the bath drain to the sewer. If the system is old, there must be a suitable branch in the piping. If the sewerage scheme was not originally designed to install a bathtub at this point, then you will have to insert a tee into the rupture of the pipes to connect the drain.

Tools and materials

Connecting the bath to the sewer with your own hands requires the use suitable materials... The main consideration should be given to the choice of an outlet headset. You need a special siphon for the bathtub, designed to work in confined spaces. Most of the kits sold in stores are assembled from corrugated tubes. They are convenient, allow you to freely adjust the distance from the outlet to the entrance to the sewer. However, corrugation tends to accumulate small particles, which sooner or later form a blockage. It is extremely difficult to clean it, especially since, as a rule, there is no free access in a well-equipped bathroom. It is recommended to choose the drain of the bathtub into the sewer with smooth pipes, this will help to avoid problems in the future. In addition, special adapters may be required to connect the headset to the drain.

In addition to the headset, you will need:

  • slotted or cross screwdriver;
  • thread sealant (Unipack or similar);
  • a hacksaw with a fine tooth (for cutting plastic pipes);
  • hammer and piece wooden board for driving a pipe into a rubber adapter.

This list is not exhaustive. The list of materials and tools changes frequently. Modern plumbing materials are convenient and require almost no tools. This facilitates the installation of siphons and connection to pipelines.


Consider how to properly connect the bathtub to the sewer:

  • assemble the exhaust headset. It is necessary to carefully inspect the sealing washers - they sometimes dry out and stop working. This is possible if low-quality raw materials are used in the manufacture. Too hard gaskets should be replaced with more elastic ones;
  • gently tighten all connections with your own hands. Usually no tools are required for this, all headset assemblies are well fixed without them. It is recommended to pre-apply a thin layer of non-drying thread sealant to the threads. This will make it easier to dismantle the device later and help eliminate leaks in the connections;
  • connect assembled headset to the drain and to the bath overflow. These actions are not very convenient to perform, so you should not rush. It is necessary to monitor the position of all parts, ensure that there are no distortions and shifts along the axis;
  • the last step will be to connect the bath siphon to the sewer. The tube is inserted into the middle outlet of the sewer tee. If its diameter corresponds to the size of the pipeline, then the installation can be considered complete. If the sunbed is old and does not fit modern pipes, you have to use a rubber adapter. It is sometimes too tight, so it is recommended to pre-lubricate its surface. liquid soap or shampoo.

More complex situations are possible when the distance from the outlet to the pipeline is too great. In such cases, before connecting the bath to the sewer, an individual siphon outlet is assembled. Use standard pipes with a diameter of 50 or 40 mm. The line is laid to the drain and terminated at the point of convenient connection of the drain tube. It is necessary to lay pipes at the required height so as not to get a section of permanent stagnation Wastewater... In addition, it is recommended to locate the bend out of the field of view so that it is not visible.

Checking the tightness of the connections

After the main work is completed, you should check the tightness of the outlet. To do this, turn on water (if the water supply is already connected), or pour it into the bath from a bucket. You need to wait a few minutes. Then they conduct a visual inspection of all areas - from the dream of connecting a siphon to the bathtub to the point of entry into the sewer pipe. There should be no puddles or single drops on the floor under these nodes. If in doubt, thoroughly wipe the floor and place newspapers under the siphon and pipes. If there are leaks, dark drip marks will clearly demonstrate this.

All found problems are immediately eliminated, but the test does not end there. It is necessary to collect a full container and check the operation of the overflow. The old way of checking is a visual inspection of the connection area. If no leaks are found, the question - how to connect the bathtub to the sewage system in the apartment - can be considered resolved.

During the connection of the outlet to the sewer, every now and then undesirable situations arise that can be avoided. In addition, there are some tricks that you can use to make future repairs much easier. Let's take a closer look at these subtleties:

  • if a rigid connection is used, it should be led in the direction from the drain to the sewer, and not vice versa. It is much more difficult to dock pipes under the bathroom than on the other side;
  • care should be taken to ensure maximum access to the outlet fitting. This applies to both installation and subsequent finishing of the premises. Often times, a release is installed in such a way that reassembly is simply not possible. This is irrational and often forces you to change a practically new siphon;
  • When buying a siphon, it is recommended to immediately stock up on a set of seals and gaskets. It is inexpensive, but it will significantly save time if the standard gaskets turn out to be dry.

Using these simple tips, you can avoid unnecessary difficulties and improve the quality of the drain.

Video review: 5 easy ways!

Everything useful about sewage -