How to clean the drain in the bathroom. How to clean the sewer drain in the bathroom and clean the pipes in the apartment

“does not want” to go through the pipes, is familiar to many, so it is important to know how to clean the blockage in bathroom. In this case, there are several options: chemicals or improvised. They have different efficiency and safety of use. The key in the fight against blockages is systematic, because the slow outflow of water does not happen just like that, you do not need to wait until the pipes are completely clogged.

Why does clogging occur?

Before you start the fight, you need to know the enemy in person, which means to figure out what are the causes of blockages. The first, and perhaps most important, is human life. It is not always possible to control what and in what volumes gets into, and hence into the pipes. The most difficult in terms of clogging are:

  1. The hair, the longer, the more reliably the pipe is clogged.
  2. Animal fur.
  3. Pieces of rags (rags).
  4. Paper, napkins.
  5. Items that should not be in the pipes.

Blockages are different, and vary in the degree of passage of water. If it does not leave at all, then this is a complete blockage, this occurs if a cork of loose debris has formed in the pipes, the same hair, wool, paper. If the water leaves, but more slowly than usual, then this is an incomplete blockage. And this is even worse, because over time, an unpleasant smell will also be added to the difficulties with the outflow of water, because what is stuck in a “favorable” environment with high humidity will begin to rot and exude a smell.

  • incorrect operation. Do not wash pets in the bathroom, carpets;
  • wrong pipe system installation. If there is insufficient slope or sagging pipes, blockages will be common.

A clogged drain in the bathroom can happen in every home, regardless of the accuracy of the owners. And since the bathroom is the main element of comfort in the apartment, this situation creates discomfort and a desire to quickly solve the problem. To choose the best way to clean the sewer, you need to analyze the possible causes and try to determine which part of the drain is clogged.

Causes of blockage

The most common cause of a disruption in the normal operation of the sewer in the bathroom is the ingress of foreign objects into the drain. But there are a number of reasons that lead to the formation of blockage in the bathroom:

  • Getting into the drain hole of small debris: hair, animal hair, thread, spools from clothes.
  • A large foreign object fell into the sewer. Such a blockage can be eliminated by disassembling and cleaning the siphon. If the debris is stuck in the pipe, you will have to use other methods.
  • The formation of fatty deposits on the inside of the drain, which narrows the hole and prevents the normal passage of water. More often it concerns cast-iron pipes, as they have a rough inner surface.
  • Deterioration of sewerage.
  • Incorrect installation of sewer pipes (the angle of inclination is not maintained).
  • Clogged sewerage system.

If the work of the drain worsened gradually, then it was clogged with small debris. If the problem arose abruptly, it means that something large got into the hole or there was a blockage in the central sewer.

To eliminate problems with the general drain, you must simultaneously turn on the water in the kitchen, bathroom and flush the toilet. If the water does not drain well everywhere, then this is a problem of the whole house and it will not be possible to solve it on your own.

The problem of worn-out sewerage or improper installation can be completely solved only by redoing the sewer pipe. Before the overhaul, you will have to constantly carry out preventive measures and regularly carry out.

How to clean a drain pipe

There are several ways to clean the drain:

  • Mechanical - using a plunger or cable, cleaning the siphon.
  • Chemical - the use of potent solvents or you can use folk remedies.
  • Thermal - based on the use of hot water.

When using any of the above methods, you must use protective equipment, such as gloves and a mask (in case of a sharp, unpleasant odor).

Plunger and without

You can clean the drain with a plunger with air or water. But in any case, before carrying out work, you need to close the top overflow with a cork, another plunger or a rag (although this is less effective), you can seal it with tape. If this is not done, all efforts will be useless, since the air will exit through the upper hole, and not push the blockage in the pipe.

If cleaning is carried out with air, then the surface of the bath must be dry, and the part of the plunger that will come into contact with the surface must be lubricated with petroleum jelly (for better tightness). After carrying out the preparatory work, put the working part of the plunger over the drain and press it to the surface. Make several sharp movements up and down without tearing the rubber part from the bath. This creates pressure that pushes the blockage through. If the manipulation did not give a result, you should repeat the procedure using water.

Draw water into the bath (preferably hot) up to 1/2 the height of the rubber part of the plunger. Make several sharp movements, at the last, sharply pull the plunger out of the water. In this case, the pressure of the water will move the accumulated debris to the riser or pull it back into the bath (if it is close to the hole).

The bathtub and the sink are interconnected, therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to close the drain in the sink to prevent splashing of water.

In the absence of a plunger, you can use your own palms or a rag. The principle of operation is the same: tightly close the hole and pull sharply. Repeat the procedure several times. In this way, light blockage can be eliminated.


If the above method did not work, then the plug is in the depth of the pipes and you will have to use a plumbing cable. It is a flexible, durable spiral-shaped wire with a handle.

Cleaning a plastic pipe of small diameter should be done very carefully, as integrity can be damaged.

Operating procedure:

  1. Insert the end of the rope into the drain.
  2. Move the cable forward, slowly turning. For this work, you will need a partner, since it will not work to rotate and push at the same time.
  3. The cable must always be in a taut state, otherwise it will not pass the turns of the pipes and may be damaged.
  4. Feeling that the cable rested, you need to pull it back and forth.
  5. Remove the cable from the drain and wash thoroughly.
  6. Rinse thoroughly with hot water.
  7. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

improvised means

If there are no special devices (plunger, cable), you can use what is in every home.

  • A vacuum cleaner with a reverse blow function will help you quickly deal with clogged bathrooms. To do this, connect a hose to the blow hole. Insert the end of the hose tightly into the drain hole. To do this, you can use a rubber bowl from a plunger or simply wrap a joint with rags and turn on the vacuum cleaner. You do not need to turn on the vacuum cleaner immediately at full power, as you can damage the sewer fasteners. Safety precautions must be strictly observed, since the combination of water and electrical appliances is potentially dangerous.
  • Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and screw on the cork. Fill the bathtub with water, put the bottle with a hole to the drain and make a few sharp movements, like a plunger. Helps with minor blockages.
  • Twist the watering can from the shower, insert the end of the hose into the drain hole and turn on hot water under high pressure. Boiling water will wash away fatty deposits on the walls of the pipes. Similarly, any flexible hose with a suitable diameter can be used. Put one end on the faucet, lower the other down the drain.

Special household chemicals

Chemicals will help to quickly deal with the blockage. When choosing, you should pay attention to the cast-iron or plastic pipes it is intended for and what kind of blockages it dissolves (fat deposits or organic debris). Household chemicals are available in the form of a gel, powder or liquid.

In most cases, the principle of operation is the same:

  • The substance must be carefully poured or poured into the drain.
  • Powder fill with water.
  • Wait a certain time (indicated in the instructions).
  • Rinse with plenty of hot or cold water (also according to instructions).

Before use, read the instructions and wear protective gloves.

Common and effective substances:

  • Mole - quite effective, but prohibited for use in plastic pipes. On the shelves can be found in the form of a liquid, powder, gel.
  • Mister Muscle - well eliminates pollution and smell. Suitable for all types of pipes.
  • Tiret - the product quickly dissolves any blockage, without having an ammonia smell.

Frequent use of chemicals leads to gradual destruction and wear of pipes.

Do not use household chemicals to clean the drain of showers, as they contain acids that destroy the components of the sewer and the acrylic surface.

It is better to eliminate blockages in booths using folk or mechanical methods.

Folk remedies at home

Without resorting to chemistry, blockages can be dealt with with soda, acid and boiling water. Pour a glass of soda into the hole, pour a glass of 9% table vinegar on top and quickly close the cork. Withstand 30 min. - during this time, the blockage will dissolve. Rinse well with boiling water. This method is well suited for cast iron pipes, plastic should be used with caution.

You can also mix 200 gr. soda and salt with 300 ml of water. Pour the resulting composition into the sewer and soak for 10 minutes. Then create a vacuum with a plunger or a rag and, moving up and down sharply, try to push through the blockage.

How to clean the drain in the bathroom or shower in folk ways

The most common drain cleaning methods

How to clean a siphon

If there is free access to the siphon, then cleaning the blockage should begin with the siphon. If it is difficult to get to it, but no methods have yielded results, you will have to get to it and clean it.

The siphon always contains water, so before carrying out work, you need to put a rag on it and prepare a container for dirty water from the siphon. Unscrew the nut and remove the flask. Drain the water, pour out the accumulated debris and thoroughly wash the flask from soap and grease deposits. Assemble the siphon and check its tightness.

Video: how to clean the siphon

How to remove smell from a drain

  • Check the tightness of the sewer system and, if found, repair leaks.
  • Clean the siphon and, if necessary, replace the sealing elements.
  • Use purchased household chemicals to remove plaque from the inner surface of the pipes.
  • To prevent the occurrence of odor during a long absence, pour a little vegetable oil into the drain. This will prevent the water seal from evaporating and causing an unpleasant odor. If this has not been done, it is enough to disassemble and thoroughly wash the siphon.

How to clean the faucet / faucet - if clogged

Poor water pressure from a tap can be due to:

  • Mixer breakage. Replacement of components or a complete replacement of the part will be required.
  • Accumulation of lime deposits on the inside of the mixer and aerator.

Cleaning plaque is not difficult if you know how to use pliers and an adjustable wrench.

Aerator - a metal nozzle with a fine mesh on the tip of the faucet spout. Designed to saturate water with oxygen and filter fine debris contained in tap water.

For cleaning, it is necessary to carefully disassemble the mixer and remove the aerator so as not to damage the chrome finish. Rinse all parts with running water and place in a container with 9% vinegar. The exposure time depends on the degree of contamination (from 1 to 12 hours). Take it out, wash it well and put it back together. Also, for cleaning, you can use a cleaner for toilets and sinks, which corrode limescale well.

How to clean a clogged faucet aerator - video

Prevention of blockages in the shower or bath

Regular preventive measures will eliminate the need to deal with serious sewer blockages.

  • Use a protective mesh that will prevent small debris from entering the drain.
  • Flushing the sewer with hot water once a week helps dissolve soap and grease deposits on the pipes.
  • Periodically carry out preventive cleaning with folk remedies.
  • Clean the siphon once a month.
  • Use a plunger periodically.

Among the methods presented, at least one will be effective in a particular situation and will help clean the drain in the bathroom. Even if the case turns out to be special or too neglected, do not despair. There are services that will provide qualified assistance in a short time using professional equipment and specialized tools.

Blockages are a common problem that anyone living in an apartment or a country house can face. As a rule, they occur suddenly, and there is not always the opportunity or time to call a specialist. In this case, you need to know how to clean the blockage in the bathroom at home.

It should be remembered that even the slightest stagnation of water should get rid of the problem. If you start this moment, it will take much more time and effort to eliminate the consequences. To understand how best to clean the clog in the bathroom, you need to know its size, location and composition.

The occurrence of blockages is caused by violations of the rules for using sewerage. Clogged pipes can be due to the following factors:

  • Incorrectly set slope angle of the sewer pipe during its installation.
  • Settling in the pipe of debris and hair.
  • General deterioration of the sewer system.
  • The appearance of fatty deposits.

Depending on the sewer point, blockages will differ. So, in the case of a kitchen sink, the cause of blockages, as a rule, is food debris and oil flowing along with the water through the drain grate. Food settles in the siphon flask, and fat can accumulate on the pipes, especially intensively if their inner surface for some reason has lost its smooth surface.

The toilet becomes clogged due to solid waste being poured into it - vegetable peels, accidentally washed rags. In apartment buildings, a blockage may occur in the general sewer drain due to the ingress of bulky debris into it. In this case, the malfunction cannot be eliminated on its own due to the lack of the necessary tool and the inspection window of the pipe in the apartment. The bathroom drain is clogged in the process of taking hygiene procedures. Knowing how to clear blockages, you can deal with them yourself, without turning to the masters.

Siphon disassembly

The main cause of traffic jams in the bathroom is hair and animal hair. At first, the debris lingers on the drain grate, but if it is not removed in a timely manner, it will drain into the drain along with water and get stuck in it. In addition, while taking a shower, you can drop various small items such as earrings and rings. Initially, everything falls into the siphon, which performs two functions: it prevents odors from the sewer from entering the apartment and protects the pipes from debris entering them.

If the water in the bathroom starts to drain badly, and when visually inspecting the drain in the siphon, dirt and hair are visible, then you can disassemble this device to remove debris from it. This does not require special plumbing knowledge and equipment.

Before starting to dismantle the siphon, you should lay a fabric that absorbs moisture well under it, and when disassembling the sink siphon, you can put a bucket or basin under it. This is necessary so that the water flowing out during disassembly, often dirty, does not fall on the floor. The order of disassembly will be as follows:

  • The plastic nut, which is located near the drain on the inside, is unscrewed.
  • Disconnect the flask and drain the water from it.
  • Next, unscrew the bottom of the siphon and clean it of debris, after which the flask is washed with water.
  • Assembly is carried out in the reverse order, after which water must be supplied to detect possible leaks and check for clogging.

Application of chemistry

There are many chemicals available to clear blockages. The components included in their composition allow you to effectively destroy blockages of organic origin, such as fat deposits. These products are available in both powder and liquid form.

When using them, it is important to withstand the time specified by the manufacturer. It is not recommended to overexpose the funds, since not all sewer pipe materials are resistant to aggressive chemical components.

Liquid formulations are simply poured into the drain hole and wait for the specified time. Powders are poured into the drain and poured with a small portion of water. At the end of the required time pause, the system is flushed with hot water.

The most common chemicals with a good reputation are:

  • Mister Muscle. In addition to floor cleaning products, the manufacturer produces drugs to eliminate blockages. It is a gel-like agent, in addition to punching blockages, it has antibacterial properties.
  • Mole. Liquid concentrate of a mixture of hydroxosodium and acetic acid. Available in the form of a gel. Due to the presence of aggressive chemical components in the composition, its use is highly undesirable in pipes that are susceptible to the composition of the product.
  • Tiret. This tool is suitable for any materials of sewer pipes, because it does not contain aggressive chemicals.
  • Flup. Powdered agent for removing plaque and fat congestion.

In addition to specialized products, substances that can be found in almost every apartment do a good job of eliminating organic blockages: acetic acid and soda ash. Reacting with each other, they form a large amount of carbon dioxide, which pushes the congestion. In addition, the acid further corrodes body fat. In order to clear the blockage in the bath in this way, you must do the following:

  1. Half a pack of soda is poured into the drain hole.
  2. After 15 minutes, half a glass of vinegar is poured and the drain is closed with a cork.
  3. It waits about an hour and a half, after which the cork is removed and 5-7 liters of hot water are poured.

The effectiveness of the method with soda and vinegar decreases the more the farther from the drain is the blockage. You can do without soda by pouring vinegar essence and adding small portions of hot water, but the result will be weaker.

Since almost all chemicals contain acids and alkalis, it is highly discouraged to work with them without personal protective equipment. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands and goggles to protect your eyes. In addition, you should carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations. Some pipes do not withstand exposure to caustic chemicals and begin to collapse. The irregularities formed during this process will cause the pipe to lose the smooth surface of the walls, which guarantees the occurrence of new blockages in this place.

Mechanical methods

Chemicals do a good job of removing organic deposits, but they are practically useless in congestion caused by the accumulation of debris. The simplest mechanical method is the use of a plunger. It consists of a cup-shaped or cone-shaped rubber nozzle, which is mounted on a comfortable handle made of wood or plastic. The principle of its operation is based on the crushing of dirt stuck in the sewer.

Clearing a blockage in the bathroom using a plunger is less effective than using it in the kitchen sink or toilet. This is due to the fact that a vacuum is needed to work with it. The bathroom drain is equipped with an additional overflow. If a blockage occurs, there will be air inside, which will reduce the effectiveness of the plunger.

However, it can help in the initial stages of sewer clogging. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Tightly closes the overflow hole in the bathroom. For this, a rubber stopper is used, which should be included with the drain-overflow. If it is not there, you can get by with a fabric folded in several layers or close it with a second plunger.
  2. The plunger bowl is pressed tightly against the drain hole so that it completely blocks it.
  3. Several (10−20) vigorous reciprocating shocks are made. The nozzle should not move away from the walls of the bath.
  4. Then, with a sharp movement, the plunger is torn off from the drain. Fill with water and check the result.
  5. If the blockage persists, repeat the same steps, but with the addition of water. To do this, so much liquid is drawn into the bath so that the rubber cup of the plunger is almost completely covered. The plunger plunges to the hole, capturing water with its bowl, after which the actions are repeated.

To achieve the desired result, you can repeat the procedure several times, but if there is no improvement, then further work with the plunger will not bring results - the debris is too deep or has a strong structure.

Using a plumbing cable

A plunger helps with minor blockages, but drains can get so clogged that it's useless, just like chemicals. If a similar situation arises, you should know how to clear the blockage in the bathroom with a cable. It is presented in the form of a thick wire, at one end of which there is a brush or a hook, and at the other a handle for rotation.

With this brush, you need to pull the garbage out or punch it to a wider part of the sewer pipe. Blockage is cleared as follows:

  • The working tip is placed in the drain hole.
  • The cable is pushed through the pipe by the rotational movements of the handle.
  • When bringing the cable to the blockage, several sharp jerks back and forth are made, gradually increasing the pressure.
  • Remove the cable in reverse circular motions, removing debris.
  • Hot water is supplied to flush the pipe to remove crushed deposits.

The plumbing cable allows you to get rid of blockages that are even caused by solid debris such as rags and plastic films getting into the pipe. Its flexibility is enough to overcome all the bumps and turns of the sewer pipe, even joints at an angle of 90 degrees. But to work with it, you need to be careful: too vigorous movements can damage the inner walls of the sewer pipe and drain hole. If desired, the cable can be made independently, having several meters of flexible steel rope available. It is enough to fluff its end, giving the shape of a petal.

Further prevention

Understanding the problem of clogs gives you an idea of ​​why the bath is clogged and how to unclog it. But it is better to avoid such troubles. Protective grilles help to protect sewer pipes. Their main task is to prevent hair, animal hair and various debris from entering the sewer.

In addition, several times a month, you can pour a small amount of hot water into the drain hole, preferably with salt. It will melt fat deposits and flush them further down the drain.

For prevention, various chemical compositions help well. Most manufacturers of blockage removers have products that are used to prevent this trouble. They differ in less aggressive components in the composition and, as a rule, can be used for pipes made of any material. You also need to periodically disassemble the siphon in order to clean it and get rid of the deposits that form. This is the most effective prophylaxis for the bath, during the operation of which hair and pet hair are constantly washed off.

What is the best way to clear a blockage in a pipe? This is not an easy task, so many owners call a master whose services are paid. And so that the money remains in your wallet, and you don’t have to spend time waiting for a specialist, you can try to do everything yourself.

Why do pipes get clogged, how to clear a blockage in a pipe? The main cause of traffic jams is accumulated debris over time, soap residue, dirt, hair, and so on. Clogging suggests that water does not drain well or does not pass into the sewer at all. If the pipes are not cleaned in time, this can lead to flooding of the house, and in apartments, in addition to the fact that the bath will deteriorate, the neighbors below will also suffer. Therefore, before calling a plumber, you must first try to clean the pipes yourself.

Easy Ways to Clear Clogs

If you are faced with a blockage problem, there are several options for getting rid of it at home. Before you start cleaning, you will need to remove the visible causes of blockage (dishwashing residue, hair and other debris). Then you need the easiest to use and inexpensive remedy for blockages - a plunger. Such a device has been helping owners for a long time both to clear the blockage in the bathroom and to eliminate it in any other bathroom.

  • Regardless of what is clogged - a sink or a bathtub, it is necessary to fill everything with water and clog the overflow hole with a rag. This is necessary so that when using a plunger when the sewer pipes become clogged, the pressure created by the water does not decrease.
  • Install the plunger over the stack hole, pressing down on the handle to pressurize the pipes. It is necessary to pump water several times, then sharply remove the plunger. The blockage should move to either side of the pipe.
  • If this does not happen, you need to boil the kettle and pour hot water directly into the drain. Then repeat the procedure with the plunger several times.

If it doesn’t help, the second method will definitely break through the blockage in the bathroom, since the blockage will be split by boiling water.

In addition, there are many ways to clean the drains in the bathroom using improvised means. Knowing them is useful, since such a problem is most often taken by surprise. To use folk remedies for cleaning, you will need a plumbing cable. It looks like a flexible steel spring with a spiral at the end.

  • First you need to put a container under the siphon.
  • Then remove it in order to see if it is clogged with debris, if necessary, clean it.
  • Next, insert the siphon back into the sink and turn on the water.
  • If it also continues to accumulate, then the spillway is completely clogged and pipe cleaning is required.
  • It is necessary to remove the siphon again and place the plumbing cable into the pipe.
  • At the first resistance, turn it clockwise. Most likely, it will be overcoming the first bend. And the next cleansing jerk will eliminate the cork. We push the cable and pull it out, collecting debris on it.
  • If the device does not pass, you do not need to push it there by force. It can break and stay there, and the pipes in the bathroom become unusable.

You can make an analogue of a plumbing cable yourself, there is a good and easy way. To do this, wrap a bottle (2 l) with paper (the thickness should be 2 cm). When it forms a spiral on the bottle, you need to circle it with a marker.

Next, you need to cut out the circled pattern, starting to cut from above. We make a handle from the bottom of the bottle. Then, along the entire spiral on both sides, we make notches, the so-called teeth. A home-made plumbing cable has formed, with which you can try to clean the pipe.

Effective cleaners

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find a lot of chemicals that will help in the question of how to eliminate blockages in the bathroom or sink. But there is a slight difficulty, because you need to decide what is the best way to do this. Sometimes it is difficult to choose from the abundance of chemicals that will really cope with the problem: it will be able to break through the blockage in the bathroom and make sure that the pipes will not become clogged in the near future.

Before using chemistry, it is still recommended to attempt to clean the pipes mechanically (cable, plunger). Any procedures for cleaning blockages with chemicals harm the material, which is especially true for plastic pipes.

Here are a few simple ways and improvised means that will tell you what to do if this has already happened:

We save pipes with chemistry

There are many household chemicals that can be found in any supermarket. For example:

  • Mole for clearing pipe blockages;
  • Domestos;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Potkhan;
  • Typhoon.

Basically, to clear blockages, such products are poured into the sink, bathroom and left for half an hour. For more information, see the instructions that come with the pipe blockage products. It is best to leave it overnight or for a long period, so that it not only removes the blockage, but also cleans up all the dirt behind it, due to which the pipe is clogged.

Even if the house has been renovated, this is not a guarantee that the pipes will not clog over time. It would seem that new pipes are a way out, because old ones, in addition to user debris, can become clogged with many other products - rust, metal peeling, etc.

Just for new plastic pipes, there are restrictions on clearing the blockage. For example, as mentioned earlier, cleaning chemicals can damage the material, especially PVC. Therefore, it is not worth rushing to “save” pipes in this way. If they are new, it is enough to break through the blockage with a plunger.

From now on, you need to try to prevent food debris, hair and other things from getting in, because of which the drain in the sink or any other plumbing can become clogged. At the same time, it is useful to periodically carry out preventive measures so that the plumbing does not become clogged.

Video instruction

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Moidodyr, come back, or how to clean the blockage in the bathroom and sink

No one is immune from minor household troubles. Sewer blockage is a problem that everyone faces sooner or later. This article is about how to clear a blockage in a bathroom, washbasin or kitchen sink.


Dear reader, we are adults and we understand that any, even the simplest work, requires a clearly formulated terms of reference. In our case, before proceeding with the cleaning of the blockage, it is necessary:

  • If possible, find out what caused it. For example, sand and grease require a different approach;
  • Locate the blockage. Agree that it is pointless to disassemble the siphon under the kitchen sink if the comb (internal sewerage) in front of the tee or the sewer riser is clogged.


As a rule, it is not difficult to identify the cause by remembering your last actions before the clogged sewer and interviewing family members. Deduction, Mr. Watson: if the water from the bath stopped flowing after a very dirty dog ​​or waders were washed in it, it is not difficult to guess the reason.

In addition, there are typical causes of blockages:

  • Bath outlet dominated hair, pet hair and thread. They are collected directly on the outlet grate;

  • The bathtub siphon is often clogged with the proverbial sand;
  • The kitchen sink is characterized by food waste and body fat.

Grease from plates, which has settled on the walls of sewer pipes, is the leading cause of blockages in general. As a rule, it is collected in sewerage areas with a minimum slope and where hot water actively cools down, draining into the sink - in the sink elbow and at the first meter of the comb from it.


If the water does not leave only one plumbing fixture and at the same time the sewer pipe with the siphon elbow removed from it is not overflowing with drains, obviously the problem is outlet, elbow or siphon. In the case of a bath, you will have to rely on circumstantial evidence - the work of the washbasin and sink on. It is unlikely that you will want to climb deep under the bath and disconnect its harness from the comb.

If the water drained into the sink or washbasin enters the bath through the outlet, while the toilet is functioning normally, clogged comb before tee. If the toilet bowl does not work, while the drains of the upper apartments in the riser do not enter your sewer - it is clogged tee or cross behind the toilet. This can happen if you drop a floor cloth or paper towel down the toilet.

Finally, if the water level in the bathtub and toilet bowl rises even when the taps are closed - there is blockage of the riser or bed. As a rule, a locksmith from the organization serving your home during the day and from the city emergency service at night are called to deal with them. The work is done free of charge.

Captain Evidence suggests: on the top floor, the water level will not rise without your participation, even if the riser is clogged. Just because of the lack of upstairs neighbors.



How to clear a blockage in the bathroom if its siphon is clogged with sand?

An ordinary plunger.

In the photo - an ordinary plunger. The price is 150 rubles.

  1. Get some water in the bath;
  2. Seal the overflow tightly with a damp cloth. If this is not done, the plunger will waste air between the outlet and the overflow;
  3. Cover the outlet with a plunger and pump it with a few movements;
  4. Drain a large amount of water to wash away the remaining blockage.

What to do if the bath is clogged and there is no plunger at your disposal?

Open the piping siphon for cleaning. In new harnesses, it is enough to unscrew one plastic cover, in old ones - remove the union nut connecting the outlet and the tubular siphon.

How to break through a blockage in a bathroom with an old-style cast-iron piping? Obviously, it will not work to disassemble it for cleaning: after half a century of operation, it is not always possible to unscrew the outlet from the cast-iron siphon even after annealing with a blowtorch.

Attach the hose from the washing machine to the faucet and direct a strong jet of water into the outlet. The stream will easily pass through the metal grate and wash the sand that has clogged the siphon.


How to remove hair clogging the outlet grate?

Option 1:

Option 2:

  1. With continuous rotation, we feed a thin plumbing cable through the outlet grate;
  2. We take out and clean it from wound hair;
  3. If necessary, repeat several times.

Option 3:

  1. We substitute a low basin or any dishes of a suitable size under the bath siphon;
  2. We roll out the release. The plastic grille is turned away with open pliers inserted into it, the metal one is removed after unscrewing the fixing screw in the center;

  1. We clean the exhaust grate from hair, wool and threads;
  2. We put the outlet in place and check for leaks.

Food waste

What to do if the sink in the kitchen is clogged, while the rest of the plumbing fixtures are working properly?

Siphon cleaning

As a rule, small food waste is collected in the siphon sump. How to remove them from there?

  1. We substitute a bucket or basin under the siphon so as not to flood the floor or cabinet with foul-smelling drains;
  2. We unscrew the bottom of the siphon and carefully, so as not to lose the ring gasket, shake out its contents;

  1. We assemble the siphon and check it for leaks.

What should I do if the gasket has lost its elasticity and the siphon leaks after assembly?

It is enough to rewind the thread on the siphon body. For winding, you can use FUM tape, ordinary electrical tape, and even a strip of polyethylene cut off from an unnecessary package.

Household chemicals

A strong blockage, in which water does not leave at all, can often be cleaned with specialized sewerage products. The most famous of them is the domestic Mole, a drug based on sodium hypochlorite.

Mole - a tool for cleaning blockages.

How to use this tool?

  1. Pour it into the outlet of the sink. Do not be too lazy to first scoop water out of it: a decrease in concentration reduces the effectiveness of the Mole;
  2. We are waiting for 1 - 3 hours;
  3. Flush the drain with water.

Any chemical means can only help with organic blockages. They won't dissolve sand or debris in your drain. Mole and other means will be useless even with a large amount of fatty plug in the pipes.

Improvised chemicals

Instead of specialized preparations for dealing with blockages, you can use numerous improvised means - as long as they include acid or alkali in sufficient concentration.

Here are some examples of such substances:

  • Plain or caustic soda;

Caustic soda, also known as caustic soda NaOH.

  • Preparations for cleaning the sink from scale (Domestos, Sillit, etc.);
  • electrolyte for batteries;
  • Hydrochloric and oxalic acids;
  • Citric acid in sachets.

How to use these folk remedies? Just like specialized household chemicals: pour them into the sink drain and leave for several hours to dissolve the organic cork. Dry preparations are preliminarily diluted with water. Better - hot: so the blockage will be dissolved faster.


What is the best way to clean a grease plug?

If the water is at least slowly, but leaves, a simple instruction will help get rid of fat: open hot water and gradually increase its pressure. The water, however, must be really hot - at least 60C. In summer, when the DHW temperature barely reaches 40 degrees, the method will not work.

The sewer comb tightly clogged with grease is pre-cleaned with a plumbing cable; then the remaining fat is again washed off with hot water.

A plumbing cable is another inexpensive and very useful tool.

How to clear a blockage with a cable with your own hands?

This work is more convenient to do together, with an assistant. One person pulls the cable to prevent it from folding in loops, and rotates the handle, the second one feeds the cable into the sewer through the socket closest to the blockage. The fat plug cable passes with noticeable resistance.

Finally, the most versatile and effective way for owners of a plastic sewer to deal with grease plugs is to disassemble it and shake out the grease. In the same way, blockages of the knee under the sink are eliminated.


How to get rid of systematic blockages or at least reduce their number to a minimum?

  • Replace cast iron sewer with plastic. Its walls are not overgrown with deposits (except for fatty ones);
  • Eliminate counterslopes. Any section with a negative slope is a place where debris will accumulate, gradually reducing the pipe clearance;
  • Put in sinks and tubs nets for releases. Hair, wool and small debris will remain on them, and not clog the sewer;

  • Wash dishes with hot water. I noticed a long time ago that the peak of the number of blockages in the apartment sewerage falls on the summer, when the temperature of hot water drops;
  • If the layout of your apartment allows it, install a washing machine in the kitchen, at the maximum distance from the sewer riser. With each drain of hot water with the powder dissolved in it, the machine will rinse the comb, removing the slightest traces of fat from it. Thanks to this simple recipe, in 8 years of living in my last apartment, I have never encountered a blockage.

Not only sewers

Not only the sewer pipe can become clogged. This problem also applies to plumbing. What can be done if the pressure of cold or hot water suddenly drops?

Often the blockage can be cleared without using a tool and without leaving the apartment:

  1. Unscrew the aerator from the gander (spout) of the mixer. It includes a filter - several small stainless steel meshes that easily clog after water cuts. Of the six to eight grids, one or two can be left. The plastic aerator itself is cleaned of sand and scale with a pin or a sharpened match;

  1. If the pressure drops on one of the faucets (in the bathroom or in the kitchen), the second one works fine - turn off the valve at the entrance to the apartment on the water with which there are problems. Then open the appropriate water tap on the mixer with normal pressure. Plug the gander of the faulty mixer with your finger and open both taps or raise the pressure adjustment lever.

With a high probability, debris from the narrowing of the water supply will be washed away by the countercurrent of water created in this way and carried into the sewer.


I hope that my experience will help the dear reader in the fight against minor everyday hardships. To learn more about how to clear a blockage in the bathroom, the video in this article will help. I look forward to your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!