Is it possible to keep indoor ivy. Indoor or decorative ivy, hedera, bindweed: what signs are associated with this plant

Indoor ivy, or Hedera, is one of the most popular plants among flower growers, belonging to the genus Ivy (Hedera) and the Araliaceae family (Araliaceae). This evergreen and climbing ornamental shrub culture includes several well-established varieties at home, which differ in the shape and size of the leaves, flowering and the length of the aerial part.

general characteristics

The plant belongs to the category of rather heat-loving species., therefore, in the southern regions with favorable soil and climatic conditions, ivy is grown not only at home, but also as an unpretentious and highly decorative landscape plant.

Botanical description of indoor ivy

A creeping shrub culture is able, through its adventitious roots, to cling firmly to walls, the trunk of trees, and specially installed supports. On the stem part are dense and leathery leaves. The plant has two types of foliage. Non-flowering branches bear leaves of dark green color, angular-lobed shape. Flowering shoots form light green, whole, lanceolate, oblong or ovate foliage. Stipules are absent.

Flowers are relatively small. They are collected in the apical part of the branches in corymbose or racemose inflorescences, as well as heads different sizes. A flower with a small bract or without it, have a not too developed, whole-marginal or five-toothed calyx. After flowering, black or yellowish berries are formed, which contain from two to five seeds.

The main types of plants

Despite the fact that caring for home ivy of any variety is absolutely not difficult, amateur flower growers prefer to keep in the house only the most unpretentious to external conditions and undemanding in care, highly decorative and flowering species. English ivy is one of the most beloved ornamental plants among flower growers, but in the conditions of home floriculture, the cultivation of an ordinary species is more often carried out.

Species characteristic

Varietal features


The culture is represented by a flexible creeping type, evergreen liana. The leaves are alternate, simple, three- and five-lobed, leathery. The leaf plate is dark green, with light green veins

Dwarf plant with small three-lobed foliage and whitish patterns on the surface


Medium vigor plant with spots on the surface of green leaves

Highly ornamental plant with characteristic corrugated leaves

On fairly long branches are rounded oval leaves.


An evergreen climbing culture with thin shoots, large and shiny leathery leaves of dark green color. The foliage is three-lobed or whole, with a nutmeg aroma

"Dentata Variegata"

A cultivar with slender branches bearing oval leaves with pale yellow margins.

Sulfur Heart

Large leaf variety. Foliage is light green with slightly curled down edges and yellow-green stripes along the veins.

The variety has light green drooping shoots and oval leaves.


The ordinary subspecies is represented by rather large, triangular-shaped leaves. The foliage is dark green in color, with characteristic pale green veins.

Variety with a large aerial part and reddish climbing shoots. Large three-lobed leaves have a whitish-green shading on the edges


The varietal feature is small and dense star-shaped leaves and graceful branches.

"Golden Leaf"

The variety has two-color foliage and in good light a golden tint forms on the leaves.

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Signs: is it possible to keep indoor ivy at home

The attitude of flower growers to indoor ivy is ambiguous. There are both positive and negative signs associated with this. ornamental plant. Connoisseurs indoor ivy note the following positive sides him indoor cultivation:

  • in houses where ivy is grown, goodness, harmony and mutual understanding always reign between all family members;
  • perennial absorbs negative energy and reduces conflict and the number of divorces;
  • culture is able to calm excessive excitability and has a positive effect on hyperactive children;
  • ivy is a symbol of fortitude and represents vitality, so they are perfect for decorating workrooms;
  • unmarried girls- the owners of a decorative perennial, very quickly and successfully find their family happiness, married women save their family from adultery and the hypocrisy of a spouse.

How to care for ivy (video)

There are also "bad" signs, according to which the plant is not at all intended for home growing:

  • ivy is an energy vampire plant, and it uses the positive energy of the residents, after which it converts it into negative energy;
  • weaving culture steals happiness from women and, pushing away men, does not allow you to find your family happiness;
  • with poor care, climbing cultures attract financial difficulties and large financial losses to the house, causing illness and depression.

There is no scientific evidence of the positive or negative effects of ivy, so each grower must independently decide on the cultivation of indoor ivy.

Ivy care at home

Even beginners and inexperienced flower growers can take care of indoor ivy. The plant should be placed in a cool room with good lighting. Optimum temperature in summer - 18-20 ° С, and in winter it is allowed temperature regime within 7-9°С. Almost all species are unpretentious and quite easily tolerate errors in care, and to maintain decorativeness, it is enough to create favorable microclimatic conditions, as well as systematically water and fertilize.

Landing and transplant

To properly plant indoor ivy, you need to prepare high-quality planting soil and a flower pot. It is recommended to use clay or peat soil for growing. good performance breathability and friability. Planting and transplanting is best done in spring period. It is necessary to transplant the culture when the root system has sprouted through drainage holes or the above-ground part stopped in its development:

  • remove carefully root system from an old pot;
  • carefully remove adhering soil from the root ball and conduct a visual inspection of the roots for damage;
  • transplant the plant new pot, which is filled with a drainage layer and a moist nutrient soil mixture.

How to transplant ivy (video)

Watering and feeding

Distilled water is used for irrigation room temperature. The plant is quite moisture-loving, so you need to take care of regular spraying and bathing. Irrigation measures are carried out as the earth dries up a couple of centimeters deep. In winter, the intensity of irrigation should be significantly reduced or completely abandoned.

Fertilizers are applied from the beginning of spring until the end summer period. For top dressing, complex fertilizers are used, suitable for growing any decorative and deciduous crops. The application is made every couple of weeks. A good result is given by systematic feeding with mullein infusion.

Other events

Pruning and shaping the bush is required for outdoor specimens. In the conditions of indoor floriculture, pruning is carried out only at the stage of active growth processes, which allows you to enhance the growth of an indoor flower, and also contributes to the formation of new shoots and a significant number of inflorescences. You also need to get rid of all old or damaged branches, cutting them to the very base.

How to propagate indoor ivy

Reproduction of indoor ivy is carried out by apical or stem cuttings, in the spring. To properly propagate a decorative perennial, you need to cut the apical cuttings and place them in the ground. By cuttings, the plant reproduces quickly enough, and the cuttings rooted in the soil must be planted on permanent place in flower pots, filled with a nutrient mixture based on peat, medium-grained sand, high-quality humus and soddy soil.

Major diseases and pests

Despite the fact that indoor ivy is an unpretentious and very hardy plant, beginner gardeners may experience the following problems when growing:

  • too abundant watering in combination with low temperatures content, as well as excessive fertilization, can provoke massive and fairly strong yellowing of the foliage;
  • insufficient lighting and the location of the indoor flower in full shading often causes total loss decorative appeal variegated varieties;
  • lack of moisture, too dry air in the room and high temperature conditions are the main reason for the formation of characteristic brown spots;
  • if the leaves on the branches are too far apart, then the cause is most likely insufficient lighting.

Types of ivy (video)

When choosing a variety, you need to remember that all natural species are the most winter-hardy and resistant to diseases or pests, and common ivy in the cold season changes the green color of foliage to red tones. If we take into account the varietal characteristics of the culture and adhere to the cultivation technology, then any species will become a worthy and durable decoration of the home interior.

Ivy is a creeping stem with aerial roots. Indoor ivy in the presence of supports in the form tight ropes, sticks can create vertical gardening walls, or wrap around a vertical pole. As a house plant, ivy absorbs harmful secretions and negative energy.

Home care for indoor ivy

Common ivy (Hedera helix) is more common in home breeding. Often sitting dark green dense leaves are decorated with light veins. Ivy flowers are inconspicuous; they do not give viable seeds at home. Caring for indoor ivy will not cause difficulty. It is necessary to provide the plant with conditions:

  • proper lighting;
  • temperature regime in summer and winter;
  • watering, fertilizing and microclimate;
  • transplant.

Ivy loves uniform lighting with indirect rays. In good light, the leaves grow actively and delight with a healthy look. If the flower is in the shade, it is oppressed. In winter, the plant needs.

Summer temperature at 25 degrees for indoor ivy is considered comfortable. It can be arranged in warm time year on open veranda or balcony. The place should be shady, the western wall is better. Winter maintenance in room conditions is acceptable, but only with regular spraying. The classic dormant temperature of ivy is 13-15 degrees, which is impossible under room conditions.

Plant loves Fresh air, frequent airing, he is not afraid of a draft. But blowing with air flows with sub-zero temperatures should be avoided.

Indoor ivy is medicinal plant. containing in it useful material have many useful properties. Alcoholic extract from berries is used to get rid of warts. Infusion of leaves is used for joint pain, cough, heals wounds.

Watered indoor flower ivy is plentiful in summer, less than half in winter. The plant loves when it is washed under a warm shower, sprayed. During the period of active growth, they are fed for decorative deciduous flowers.

Young plants are transplanted annually into the soil mixture for flower crops. If the substrate is prepared independently, humus leaf and soddy soil, sand are taken in equal proportions. The basis for transplantation or transshipment are signs:

  • small growth of branches;
  • a clod of earth is completely entangled with roots;
  • leaves wither.

Ivy is transplanted in the spring. The pot is taken larger than the previous one, a layer of drainage is laid, chopped sphagnum is poured on top, a little earth. Using the transshipment method, they arrange a flower in a pot, pour earth on the sides with a seal. The neck should remain at the same level. After planting ivy, he needs to create favorable conditions for the development of roots. The flower tolerates such a transshipment painlessly.

Plant diseases and pests

Ivy is resistant to infectious diseases and rot. If his leaves begin to turn yellow, then you need to reduce watering. The tips of the leaves dry out - the room has dry air. If the leaves began to shrink, you need to add lighting.

Pests settle on the plant in case of insufficient care. If the leaves turn yellow and curl, look for aphids. You can get rid of it by treating the leaves with a high concentration of soapy water or insecticides.

Determined by leaf punctures and cobwebs on reverse side. Later, the sheet will dry out if urgent measures are not taken. Three times the treatment of the plant with a systemic insecticide and frequent spraying will save the plant.

Yellow thrips will show themselves as brown spots on back side. The front of the sheet will be white. If you do not take action, the sheets will dry out and fall off. You need a solution of pyrethrum at a concentration of 2 g per liter of water. Process twice in 10 days.

The plant is harmed by mealybug, scutellum and false scutellum. Any insect will weaken the plant and deprive it of its decorative effect.

Reproduction of indoor ivy

Mainly used vegetative way breeding. Most often, reproduction is carried out by cuttings. Cuttings can be taken apical and middle. The upper shoots cut off during the formation of the lash are rooted about three in a glass with a diameter of 7 cm, in the ground in half with sand. If there are aerial roots, then the stalk gains vitality faster. The middle cuttings of 8 sheets are laid horizontally in the soil, deepened by indentation and waiting for the roots to appear. After 10 days, real roots are obtained from aerial roots. The shoot is cut and each part is rooted separately. Root-treated cuttings take root better.

You can get layering from a branch of indoor ivy on a bush. To do this, a branch is attached to the ground with a bark cut from below. If you bent down a long stem, you need to pin a few knots. Roots will appear in places of wounds, it remains to divide the layers into fragments and plant them in a permanent place.

The question of how to grow ivy from seeds arises infrequently. At home, the plant rarely succeeds in flowering, and the seeds in the berries are undeveloped. Therefore, you can buy seeds, but without varietal characteristics. Seeds germinate with difficulty, since in nature they are first processed in bird stomachs. Experienced flower growers it is advised to soak the seeds for a day in the Fairy solution, and then the same amount in a growth stimulator.

The soil consists of sand and earth, sowing is superficial. To maintain humidity, the bowl should be covered with glass and placed in the light. Seedlings should appear in 2 weeks. When a true leaf appears, the plants need to be picked. Young seedlings grow quickly.

Myths and reality about ivy

People believe that all living things, including plants, can give or take energy. It is believed that ivy is an energy vampire. Some are convinced that it takes energy, others - it gives vitality. You can use the point of view of psychoanalysts. They suggest the plant, along with poisonous secretions from furniture, tobacco smoke, absorb aggressive bursts of energy. That is why it is advised to grow ivy in the room where hyperactive children live. The plant will also cleanse the apartment from the unkind energy of an intruder.

MYTH! Ivy among Christians is a symbol of eternal life, fidelity. The religious emblem is a pillar covered with ivy like a cloak.

Ignoring signs, is it possible to keep indoor ivy at home? They say that the plant "muzhegon" squeezes men out of the apartment. And how many families break up without the participation of ivy? The ancient Romans believed that ivy would help a girl in a successful marriage.

The reality is that the indoor ivy flower is unpretentious, purifies the air, and is not even afraid of drafts. In addition, ivy is a good natural healer and a poisonous plant.

Ivy care experience at home - video

Ivy - very beautiful and unpretentious plant which can be easily grown indoors. There are a large number of decorative varieties of it, with the help of which vertical gardening of external buildings and internal premises is carried out.

However, it is considered a bad and even dangerous plant, which should not be kept in an apartment. A lot of people believe it, and a lot of people talk about it folk omens.

Energetic vampire

According to numerous observations, ivy is a living creature that feeds on the energy of humans, animals and other plants. not for nothing next to the ivy others are dying houseplants , and especially sensitive people experience dizziness and loss of energy.

Such plants are called energy vampires. They are not recommended to be kept in rooms where there are children or patients with cardiovascular diseases.

However, the effect of ivy is not strong enough to harm a person. people, not knowing the features of this plant, can exist next to it all their lives, without experiencing the slightest discomfort. And those who are frightened by an imaginary danger often feel bad, but this is rather self-hypnosis.

Indoor ivy can benefit your home!

Ivy in the house can be very useful. After all, it sucks out not only positive energy, but also negative. Therefore, in arbors entwined with ivy, you can have a good rest and relax after a working day.

And if there are very active children in the family who find it difficult to sit down and concentrate, the neighborhood of ivy will help them spend excess energy.

Other signs about the plant

There are a few more signs that talk about the dangers of keeping ivy in an apartment. For example, it is highly undesirable for single women to have ivy at home, as it easily repels and scares away men. Energy has nothing to do with it. Most likely, these are just fictions, but all the signs are grounded.

Very often, single women remained single and did not find a mate, and that each of them had ivy growing on the windowsill - it could just be a coincidence.

If it is not recommended to keep ivy in rooms, then in the open air it can become a barrier to other people's energy. In areas with a warm climate, it is customary to plant this plant so that it wraps around the entrance to the house and windows with outer side. This is a kind of living energy filter through which no negative energy can enter the house.

Is ivy poisonous

Ivy does not apply to. It does not contain any substances harmful to human health. It also does not emit any hazardous chemical elements so it can be kept indoors.

That hibiscus is considered unsuitable for the home is largely fiction.. Therefore, for those who do not believe in omens, ivy can be beautiful. decorative element which will green up and decorate any room.

Indoor plants can improve the energy of a place, attract good luck and create other effects. Signs about the home flower loach affect different areas life.

What does the loach flower symbolize

In ancient times, people tied all environment with certain characteristics. According to signs, each plant or tree symbolized personality traits or events.

The house loach grows on hedges or walls. Its stems stretch for long distances. Therefore, he embodies such qualities as: curiosity, the desire to stand out, the ability to gain knowledge. Tricolor varieties were symbols:

  • playfulness
  • coquetry;
  • flirting.

Vyun can be compared with a girl who, due to her age, has not yet got rid of her childish behavior, but at the same time is distinguished by beauty and the desire to achieve her goal.

The magical properties of the plant

There are different signs about the loach flower. Someone endows a home plant with negative effects, someone with positive ones. In magic, ivy is used in the sphere of love. He is close to the holly.

Important! It is enough for a lonely person to put a pot of loach in the apartment - and new acquaintances will not keep you waiting.

But there is also by-effect have such an impact on life: people can be different - bad, good, dishonest, etc.

Homemade ivy leaf attracts good luck in life. It is useful for girls and brides to wear it. To do this, just put the loach in your breast pocket. The flower has strong magical properties.

Loach in the garden or as a house plant protects the apartment from evil forces and bad spirits. Leaves are useful to scatter around the building, as they protect against accidents.

A wreath of homemade ivy helps keep the mind and reason clear. This is useful in stressful situations.

Ivy in the house: good or bad

Various folk signs are associated with ivy and its analogues. It is impossible to say unequivocally: is it possible to keep such a flower at home.

Magicians recommend putting it on the balcony: this is how it will protect the home from uninvited guests and will not allow the penetration of a stranger negative energy. In warm climates, ivy is a popular plant for wall decoration. His creepers quickly wrap around the masonry and grow rapidly.

Important! Such hedge becomes an excellent barrier against evil forces.

Ivy is a wonderful energy vampire. Therefore, they are better off in families with big amount conflicts. Flowers will absorb excess emotions and improve the home atmosphere.

Why you can not keep climbing plants at home

Sources of negative signs about curly flowers in the house in the past. People were sure that devils get out of hell along the vine and the devil himself can come into the world with their help. Therefore, if they grow up in the house, then the owner and his family will become victims of impure forces, and they will perish in hell.

People were afraid of meeting with ivy in the forest. It was believed that his vines could strangle a person or seriously injure. Thin stems are difficult to break with your hands and therefore they were feared.

Important! In apartments, loach can behave differently. Someone is sure that it absorbs positive emotions, others that the plant worsens people's health.

Among domestic curly flowers there are many varieties:

  • scindaptus (damn ivy);
  • hoya (wax ivy);
  • tradescantia;
  • cissus.

Do not confuse them with ampelous varieties of some plants. For example, fuchsia can be both a tree and creeping branches. In this case, the flower is not dangerous.

Signs about ivy in the house

Esotericists are sure that indoor ivy absorbs excess negative energy and this allows you to improve family relationships. According to signs, if it begins to bloom, then a woman can be sure that her partner is not cheating on her.

Beneficial home loach acts on the atmosphere of the workplace. Employees will diligently fulfill their duties, and the company will develop successfully. The flower relieves uncertainty and timidity.

Important! In the apartment, ivy protects the owners from damage and curses. The ill-wisher will not be able to carry out his plan.

Signs about wax ivy are not so joyful. Home plant attracts negativity and scares men away. The most dangerous flowering is in the winter season. It is believed that this is an omen of the death of one of the family members.

Not the best signs are also associated with damn ivy. It attracts misfortune, death and drives men out of the house.

Where is the best place to plant

Vyun is best placed in the office. There he will have a beneficial effect on relationships in the team and help the company develop. A flower pot is best placed at front door. So he will protect from visitors with bad intentions.

Signs about the home flower loach are not the most positive. Therefore, it is better not to keep them in apartments. They are allowed to be used on flower beds or a fence. Beautiful creepers will braid any surface and grow actively.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Damn ivy is unlikely to drive a man out of the house who is in a relationship with a good woman. Perhaps the reason for the quarrels lies in the spouse, who cooks poorly or does not monitor the condition of the house.

Important! In some cases, the problem is not in the colors and signs associated with them, but in the person.

Conflicts are not provoked by loach. Therefore, it is necessary to control the character and actions, and not make the domestic plant the cause of problems.


Signs about the home flower loach are ambiguous. They can be positive and negative. Much depends on the owner and how he behaves. The plant only enhances certain character traits, but does not contribute to their appearance. Therefore, before considering the cause of problems home flower you need to pay attention to your own behavior.


Indoor ivy has a lot of varieties and varieties. They decorate the facades of buildings, but at home it looks very good. The plant beautifully encircles the walls and window frames. The main attraction factor is unpretentiousness. This is very convenient for beginner gardeners or busy housewives. This is where the bright prospects end. From knowledgeable people, you can hear the terrifying characteristics of the mysterious plant.

History of unkind opinions

Bindweed is a rather affectionate name that came from the people. The plant has no proven origin. But there is evidence that confirms his fame from ancient times. Hedera is a more serious name. And his appearance also remains a mystery. It may have come from the Roman Empire.

The plant has always been accompanied by legends and gossip. Unfortunately, they all came down to the negative consequences of home breeding. People have always believed in signs. Modernity absorbs prejudice, but there are still experts and, perhaps, it is worth listening to observations with a long history. Flowers and indoor plants can fill the room not only with a pleasant aroma and attractive appearance. Signs about his home use formed on the basis of all the same observations and gossip.

The most common sign concerns his evil disposition. Indoor ivy can act as an energy vampire and this will by no means have a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house and the condition of the household.

He knows how to transform energy. And it will take away the good and light, and give away the negative and dark. On the basis of such metamorphoses, scandals, intrigues and a wave of misunderstanding can begin in the family.

No matter how it sounds, few people pay attention to the changed situation, and even fewer people draw a parallel between the black stripe and the appearance of a new plant in the house.

Indoor ivy and signs about it also apply to women. The plant does not like them and can take revenge for no reason. A series of failures will grow slowly and ultimately may affect family well-being and love affairs. A beloved man will either leave the family or begin to cheat on his chosen one. He will suck out energy by any means and drive the man out of the house.

Attention! It is very dangerous to put ivy on the wall of a room in which small children or sick and elderly relatives live.

The energy and aura of those who are still small and those who are already old are very weak. Vampirism will have an extremely negative impact on the health of an elderly grandmother or a small child.

The plant can cure a serious disease, but this is a forced effect. The disease also acts as a dark energy that envelops a person. The loach can collide its energy and the aura of illness. The strongest will win.

In addition, floristic characteristics speak of its unpretentiousness. In fact, he does not tolerate lack of attention and begins to take revenge if he is poorly looked after.

Unfortunately, the plant initially carries bad energy and cannot be “re-educated”, but you can try to use the flower for your own purposes and direct the signs associated with it in the right direction.

street barrier

Perhaps it is not in vain that ivy is used as an outdoor plant to decorate the walls of porches and facades of houses. When a flower is outside the home, it can act as a protective element against evil impulses. A person who wants to enter a house with bad thoughts simply will not be able to carry out his plan if ivy hangs in front of the entrance. The plant is quite sensitive to the dark outlines of the aura and easily reads them, acting as an accuser of evil.

When indoor ivy curls up the wall country house, he will protect him from natural disasters, the evil eye and the envious glances of his neighbors. From this we can conclude that indoor ivy and signs about it are associated with the plant's stay in enclosed space. You can take note of these observations and not refuse to breed indoor ivy.

Is there a good sign

There are practically no signs telling that indoor ivy can carry a positive charge. Or rather, they are, but they are few. The fact is that each representative of the indoor ivy family has its own character and, perhaps, he was supportive of someone. But a small number of such stories rather confirms all of the above arguments.