Conclusion on the topic of marital fidelity and adultery. Compositions in the direction of "Loyalty and treason"

One of the directions of the final essay is "Loyalty and Treason." In it, topics related to such concepts are possible: loyalty and betrayal of a loved one, oneself, a friend, one's family.

In contact with

"Loyalty and treason" works

In almost every work studied in school, there is story line, to one degree or another associated with loyalty and betrayal. Consider the possible products for the first item:

  1. « » , Natasha Rostova, who cheated on Andrei Bolkonsky with one, and is marrying a third.
  2. "Quiet Don", Grigory Melekhov, who cannot decide who he should be with: with Natasha, the wife and mother of his children, or with the married Aksinya.
  3. « » , Margarita, who, being married, loves her master and tries to find him.

For the second point, you can take:

  1. « » Bazarov, who at first is ironically confident in his views, and then meets a woman who changes his world, he begins to doubt himself.
  2. « » , Sonya Marmeladova, a highly moral person who is forced to deviate from his principles and for the sake of his family follow the “yellow ticket”.
  3. "Taras Bulba", the main character, Taras, is true to himself, to his homeland, therefore, without deviating from his views, he kills his son for betraying his homeland.
  4. Poems by Mayakovsky "On the Soviet passport"... The lyrical hero is proud of the fact that he is holding a "Hammer-shaped, sickly Soviet passport".
  5. "And the dawns here are quiet ..."... A detachment of women and their commander sacrifice themselves to save the Motherland from the Nazis.
  6. "Taras Bulba", Andrii falls in love with a Polish princess and betrays his homeland.

Loyalty and treason in the work "Taras Bulba".

As an example about friendship, you can take the following works:

  1. "Scarecrow"... Here is an example (Lenka, who takes the blame for a friend's misconduct), and anti example - Dima Somov(afraid to tell the truth, looking at how classmates bully a friend).
  2. "Oblomov", Andrei Stolts, who does not abandon his lazy, inert friend and helps him to establish business in the village.

The problem of loyalty and betrayal in the family circle is highlighted in the works:

  1. "Quiet Don", Grigory Melekhov abandons his family: wife, parents - for the sake of a mistress.
  2. "Taras Bulba”, Andrii goes against not only the laws of his society, but also against the will, the teachings of his father.

Attention! You can use any suitable examples from classical Russian, as well as from foreign and modern literature.

Loyalty and treason - introductory part

The introduction should reveal the meaning of terms"Loyalty" and "treason". After you have given the definition, comment on the problem, give your assessment, express your thoughts in this regard, tell us about its meaning and relevance.

Submit your thesis - highlight main idea, literally in one sentence. And then move on to argumentation.

The problem of loyalty and betrayal

Here you can talk about what cheating leads to, tell about the consequences... Think about how the traitor will feel, and what will happen to the person who confides in him.

You can also ponder whether the faithful person will ever be happy about many other things. The description of the problem will depend on on a specific topic.

The problem of fidelity and betrayal arguments for the composition

The arguments for the essay should be taken from the works corresponding to the topic. You can arrange them as follows:

And after that you can move on to writing the output and summarizing.

Loyalty and treason: arguments for the composition, quotes

  1. "Constancy is the basis of virtue" - Balzac.
  2. "Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you" - Plath.
  3. “What about my father, comrades and homeland? So if so, here's what: I have no one! Nobody, nobody! " - Andriy, Taras Bulba.
  4. "Take care of honor from a young age" - "The Captain's Daughter" epigraph.

Attention! It is not at all necessary to use quotes in your essay.

Loyalty and treason: conclusion

Summarize based on the above arguments. Do you agree with the topic? Think about what you want to convey in your essay. You may have some advice to solve this problem. Draw the attention of readers to anything call them to action.

You can use templates to indicate the output:

  1. In conclusion, I want to say that….
  2. I agree (agree) with the author that….
  3. Pay attention to the fact that cheating is fraught with far from joyful consequences.

Loyalty and treason to the Motherland

This topic raises such a concept as "patriotism" - love for the Motherland.

This problem is beneficial in that it contains a lot of examples from literary works devoted to historical and military topics (“The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Vasily Tyorkin”, “Little Soldier”, etc.).

Each of us understands that this topic is very important in our time... Therefore, there will be no problem in identifying its relevance and significance.

The captain's daughter: loyalty and treason

This work can be used for argumentation in the following directions:

  • loyalty and treason to the Motherland;
  • to a loved one;
  • to myself.

Let's take a closer look. Maria Mironova can be used as examples of pure, faithful love.

And Petr Grinev can be cited as an example as true patriot, confident in his life views, the anti-example of him - Shvabrin. And also we saw here traitors to the Motherland, when they were offered to die or go over to the side of the invader.

Eugene Onegin: loyalty and betrayal

The protagonist of this piece can be used as examples in several ways. He is caring for a married woman, especially since she is the wife of his best friend. This destroys friendship and begins enmity. You can also consider and use tangled love line Eugene Onegin - Tatiana.

Another example is the biography of Tatyana's mother, a domineering, callous woman who became such because of her husband. In her youth, she dreamed of moving to the capital and marrying a military man, leading a social life. But since she became the wife of a landowner, she had to forget about all your dreams.

Loyalty and betrayal, examples of writing

Faithfulness is consistency in one's views, feelings, beliefs. This is definitely a positive quality. But for each concept there is a term opposite in meaning. The antonym for the word "fidelity" is - "treason" - this is uncertainty, retreat in their beliefs.

The topic of loyalty and betrayal interested many writers. I think they got their attention emotions and feelings of people who were loyal and betrayed, thoughts that were the driving force of the traitor at the time of the dastardly deeds. In order to confirm my words, let us turn to examples from the literature.

A vivid illustration of this topic will be "Oblomov" by Goncharov. Here we see the standard of a loyal friend - Andrei Stolz. This character is quite pragmatic: this person's views on life are absolutely stable and constant... It seems to me that it was for this reason that Stolz always rescued his not too independent friend Oblomov and did not leave him in trouble throughout the entire work. I think this kind of loyalty and dedication deserves respect.

A more interesting plot, full of intrigue, is tied in the work of Zheleznikov "Scarecrow". Here we are faced with both loyalty and betrayal. Before the readers are ordinary students of an ordinary school. The main character Lenka is new in the class, she is quiet, modest, sincere. The girl has acquired a friend, because of whom she is being bullied by her classmates. When Dima reports to the teacher that the class has skipped the lesson, Lenka shows nobility and takes the blame before the class on himself.

I think this is a very brave act, because she knew how it could end. But how will her only friend behave, looking at how the whole class mocks an innocent girl? And we see that he is suffering, thoughts about this do not give him rest, but at the same time, he is afraid to be in her place. Therefore, he preferred to preserve his reputation, and not to help out Lenka, who helped him in difficult times. I believe that this is treason and betrayal. But I think that after reading this book, few people will want to find themselves in such a situation, because the author so skillfully describes the mental torment of a traitor.

Loyalty and treason. direction of the final essay

"Loyalty and treason" Example composition


In conclusion, I want to say that by reading various works on the topic of loyalty and betrayal, we can learn from actions and mistakes heroes in order to avoid unpleasant situations in life and be good loyal friends.

In the final essay, it is very important fully disclose the topic, therefore, for the best result, try to find examples where the first shows the positive side, and the second shows the negative side of the phenomenon indicated in the subject of the essay.

Cheating is the worst thing a person can do. It equates to sin and devalues ​​the concept of a man of honor. A loving person will never change, such a person does not know how to love, but lives only for pleasure. The consequences of betrayal are always deplorable and you should not forgive such people. He who has changed once, will do it again without any feeling of shame and conscience, without thinking about the pain that he will bring.

Why, then, is it necessary to give a chance to a person who is selfish and thinks only about his own pleasure? Such people have no hope of correction. This does not depend on a bad attitude or lack of attention - this is already inherent in a person - not to be faithful and not to think about the consequences of events.

Treason is condemned not only in society, but also in literary works.

An example of cheating on a loved one is an act. Anna cheats on her beloved husband with Vronsky, gives birth to a child from him and does not even think about repentance. This story ends with Anna's suicide, because she still could not live with this heavy burden. The husband of the main character does not abandon her and is by her side until the end of her life. In this example, treason led to death, to human death. It is worth considering: is treason equivalent to the loss of life?

The second example from Russian literature is the hero of Gogol's story "Taras Bulba". His betrayal consists in the betrayal of his compatriots, relatives and friends, for the sake of his beloved Pannochka. Andrii's story ends for himself: he dies at the hands of his father -.

Treason to the Motherland, as well as to a loved one, ended sadly. No one will tolerate such a disdainful attitude towards themselves, regardless of family ties.

So, in any case, cheating does not lead to anything good. Such a person is already superfluous in society, is considered an outcast. The punishment for such an act is too severe - death. But it is also fair - after all, changing and changing another person is a human sin, and sins always deserve the death penalty. Death may not be physical, but spiritual. After all, such people are already decayed personalities, whose minds are dulled under the influence of the spell of treason. The taste is sweet, but the aftertaste is bitter.

The literature teacher examines one of the directions of the final essay point by point

Text: Anna Chainikova, teacher of Russian language and literature at school No. 171
Photo: Kultura.RF

Already December 6 eleventh graders will write a final essay, which is a condition for admission to the exam. In 3 hours 55 minutes, they will have to write an essay-reasoning on one of five topics corresponding to the thematic areas announced in September 2017. Today we will analyze in detail how to prepare for a possible topic in the first direction - "Loyalty and treason".

FIPI Commentary

Within the framework of the direction, one can talk about loyalty and betrayal as opposite manifestations of the human personality, considering them from a philosophical, ethical, psychological point of view and referring to life and literary examples.
The concepts of "loyalty" and "betrayal" are at the center of the plots of many works of different eras and characterize the actions of the heroes in situations of moral choice both in personal relationships and in a social context.

Vocabulary work

"Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova:

LOYALTY- steadfastness and invariability in feelings, relationships, in the performance of their duties, duty.

Loyalty is based on love, honesty, fortitude, sacrifice, devotion.

CHANGE- violation of loyalty to someone or something (betrayal of the interests of the Motherland, going over to the side of the enemy.

Treason is associated with betrayal, deceit, meanness, treachery.


Loyalty: devotion, constancy, reliability, immutability, steadfastness, steadfastness, firmness.

Treason: betrayal, infidelity, inconsistency, deception, adultery.

Who or what can you stay faithful to or change?

  • Homeland:

Homeland, small homeland, homeland;

military duty, oath

  • Love:

to a loved one; spouse

  • Friendship:

friend, comrades, relatives

  • Beliefs:

to myself,

beliefs, principles,

to your word

  • Vera:

Christian commandments

Loyalty and betrayal are opposite manifestations of a person's personality. In the course of life, everyone faces a moral choice: to remain faithful to something or change.

Honor and dishonor are closely related to the concept of loyalty and betrayal.

By betraying the principles, promises made, betraying someone, a person not only loses the respect of those around him, but also loses honor, drawing shame on himself. It is necessary to remain faithful to your ideals, homeland, beloved person regardless of the circumstances. Fidelity to the word, honor, responsibility are qualities without which a person cannot be called decent. Fidelity to Christian commandments is becoming an important category of moral assessment of a person. Betrayal of faith and violation of God's commandments is the path to death, both moral and physical.

Treason is one of the lowest, meanest and most shameful manifestations of human nature. This heavy and destructive feeling changes a person, dehumanizes. An example of this can be found in the story "Live and Remember" by V. Rasputin.

The events described in the work unfold in a remote Siberian village in the winter of 1945. Andrei Guskov, who went through the whole war, not hiding behind the backs of his comrades, but fighting, “like everyone else, no better, no worse,” after being wounded, ends up in a hospital. The closer the end of the war, the more he fears to die, and desperately pulls him to his native village: "He was afraid to go to the front, but more of this fear was resentment and anger at everything that brought him back to the war, not allowing him to be at home." ... Driven by fear, resentment and anger, Guskov, leaving the hospital, instead of going to the front, deserts.

Having betrayed his homeland, Guskov understands that “his fate has turned into a dead end” and after that his life will never be the same, now he is a traitor, a traitor to his homeland. Having lost the ground under his feet, Guskov, not knowing why, commits yet another betrayal - he is cheating on his wife Nastya with a random acquaintance. Rasputin depicts the extreme loss of a hero who was devastated and lost respect for himself: "He somehow at once got sick of himself, hated himself," something "scraped, tearing his soul," "this attitude to himself overlapped him for a long time."

Secretly Andrey Guskov returns to his native village. He is afraid to appear in front of his parents and reveals his terrible secret only to his wife Nastena, who accepts him and, becoming an accomplice in his lies, helps the deserter and traitor. The conscientious Nastena is tormented by her husband's guilt, reproaches herself for deceiving her father-in-law and mother-in-law, stealing food and supplies for her husband from the house, and secretly runs to him in the forest. She has no right to betray Andrei, refuse him and is ready to share the fate of her husband: “She loved him, pitying and loving pity - these two feelings inseparably came together in her. And Nastena could not help herself. She condemned Andrei, especially now that the war was over and when it seemed that he too would have survived, like all those who survived, but, at times condemning him to the point of anger, hatred and despair, she retreated in despair: but she is his wife. And if so, it is necessary either to completely abandon him ... or to go with him to the end, even to the chopping block. "

Rasputin shows how treason and betrayal change a person, using the example of Guskov. During his life in a forest winter hut, he not only outwardly changed beyond recognition: overgrown with a thick beard, thinned, but also internally lost his human appearance. Andrei learned to howl like a wolf, so much so that the owner of the taiga himself retreated: “When it became completely sick, he opened the door and, as if fooling around, amused himself, let out a plaintive and demanding animal howl over the taiga. And he listened to how everything freezes and freezes away from him far around. " The hero from afar follows the cow with the calf in a completely bestial manner and then kills him extremely cruelly. Sometimes Guskov is overwhelmed by "an unrestrained, fierce desire to set fire to the mill" or somehow harm people. Of all his feelings, he only had fear for his own life, an animal instinct for self-preservation.

According to Rasputin, treason and betrayal are destructive for a person.

Guskov, who deserted, betrayed his homeland and his people, turns into a beast, completely losing his human appearance. However, because of his betrayal, not only he himself, but also Nastena perishes: “More and more often it seemed to Nastena that she was being pulled with force into some kind of narrow neck and would be tightened until she could breathe, and then, crushed, gasping for breath , half-alive, at the last moment will take out somewhere. She did not manage to look into this new life, for her it was just as dark, just as hidden as a burial chamber. " The traitor has no future, the author claims, cowardice and betrayal are not forgotten and are forgiven, it is impossible to live with them. That is why Nastena dies at the end of the story, becoming an eternal reproach to her husband: live and remember.

Aphorisms and sayings of famous people:

  • Without constancy, there can be no love, no friendship, no virtue. (D. Addison)
  • In this world, I value only loyalty. Without this you are nobody and you have nobody. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate. (V. Vysotsky)
  • Cheating begins in the heart before it manifests itself in action. (J. Swift)
  • Traitors are despised even by those they have served. (Publius Cornelius Tacitus)
  • Everyone's duty is to love their homeland, to be incorruptible and courageous, to be faithful to it, even at the cost of life. (J.-J. Rousseau)
  • The basis of love, its primary condition is faith, unconditional fidelity and devotion. True love is not blind, on the contrary, it, perhaps, for the first time opens a person's eyes. The slightest betrayal of a loved one, if it happens sooner or later, is a complete betrayal of everything, from the very beginning, it destroys not only the future, but also the past, because this means that every day of a life full of trust was a lie and the heart was deceived. Whoever has been unfaithful even once has never been loyal. (David Scott)
  • True love helps to endure all the hardships. (F. Schiller)
  • An unfaithful friend is like a shadow that follows you while the sun is shining. (K. Dossey)
  • Loyalty is the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person. (E. Thelma)
  • Be true to yourself, and then, just as surely as night succeeds day, loyalty to other people will follow. (W. Shakespeare)

What questions are worth pondering?

  • Can fidelity be learned or is it an innate quality?
  • Can fidelity be the criterion of love?
  • Can betrayal be called betrayal in relation to oneself?
  • What can push a person to commit adultery?
  • How can cheating affect people's relationships?
  • Is it permissible to fight on the side of your enemies?
  • Can betrayal be forgiven?
  • How important is being true to your word?

There are a variety of arguments and views on the topic of betrayal. One thing can be said that each characterizes and relates differently to this phenomenon. In order to understand why men and women are capable or ready to commit adultery, it is necessary to understand its nature and origin.

First, let's figure out the definition of a word.

Cheating is a betrayal of one of the partners of the other, communication with other candidates for the role of the second half, while having a relationship, flirting in the presence of your soulmate can also be attributed here, since such behavior belittles the dignity of your chosen one. But in most cases, adultery is considered sexual intercourse on the side. Communication and flirting can still forgive and write off this on a desire to confirm their importance for others, but the completed sexual intercourse on the side is already more difficult to forgive.

Cheating is expressed in the abuse of trust, infidelity, deception on the part of one of the partners, the rise of one's interests above the interests of the partner, the becoming of one's pleasure or satisfaction above one's honor and feelings.

Cheating is the most destructive force a relationship can have. It affects all feelings and emotions of a person. Trust disappears, doubts and suspicions appear. The love that was between partners is fading away and fades from betrayal. First of all, the one who was betrayed suffers, his hopes are crumbling, expectations are not met, the person does not understand how this could happen and why this is happening to him.

Cheating leads to losses that should not have happened to a person, only because one of the partners decided that he was allowed more, only because he put his pleasure and satisfaction higher than the value of family happiness. Cheating is a manifestation of weakness, it is an opportunity to compare your partner with someone else, and it is also lack of confidence in yourself and in the future. When a person is not confident in himself, he ceases to be confident in his soul mate, he begins to doubt his choice, whether he was right. From here begins the search for a more correct solution, that is, another person, constant comparisons, confirmation of whether he was right or not.

People who commit betrayal or treason have a choice. Choose your partner and refuse to cheat, or betray your partner, show weakness and take this step. In this case, the choice is not made in favor of the partner, and betrayal takes place.

Betrayal is always sorrow and suffering, few people benefit from betrayal.

Speaking of treason, the first thing that comes to mind is the betrayal of one partner to another, that is, marital infidelity, and other options for betrayal do not come to mind at all. And a person can change:

  • To yourself.
  • Homeland or state.

How there is a betrayal of oneself, everything is very simple. You can change your principles, beliefs, lifestyle, your views, goals and dreams. When a person changes his point of view or, under pressure from others, changes his mind, then the person changes himself. He overshadows his principles and beliefs, he shook his firmness. Of course, we can say that many adapt to the circumstances and act according to the situation, but by changing himself, a person destroys himself. His ideas about the world, his life are disturbed. If he doubted once in the correctness of his judgments, then he will question many more aspects of his life. It's one thing when a person reconsidered his life, analyzed what was happening and came to the conclusion that his beliefs are outdated or are no longer relevant, then yes, you can find a more suitable option or improve the existing ones, adapt to life. This option involves working on oneself and comprehending - this is unchanged, this is the search for a more perfect version of beliefs.

Treason to the Motherland is actions directed against one's own country or country by a citizen of which a person is. This can include espionage directed against certain people, the issuance of secret information to strangers, flight abroad, a conspiracy to gain profit for oneself, also a conspiracy to obtain a certain power, terrorism. In a word, treason to the Motherland is destructive actions that harm the state. Acts of negligence or lack of knowledge are not considered treason to the Motherland. But such a wording does not justify deliberate harm, with the subsequent opportunity to justify itself.

We can say that the nature and reasons for betrayal are always the same. As a rule, people who change most often are unsure of themselves, with weak willpower, who do not know how to be happy, who do not know what they want, who are constantly looking for something new outside the given space. Such people do not know how to improve and do not know how to improve what is next to them. Thus, a person leaves the existing problems, simply passing from one state to another, leaving one person to another. It is easier for him to find a new partner, new beliefs and new places to live, than to establish relationships in the existing sphere and his environment. Following this path, a person aggravates his situation, he gets involved in looped situations, complicates his life, and then is indignant at why everything is bad with him. Yes, because he does not know how to solve problems, because he runs away from everyone and, first of all, from himself. It would seem that such a simple meaning of the word betrayal, but leads to irreparable consequences.

We can say that the concept of treason is both in a broad and a narrow sense. Everyone decides for himself what he considers to be treason and what aspects of it he accepts and what not. But in any case, it is always a loss and trouble.

Therefore, at the moment when you want to change your opinion or point of view for no apparent reason, you want to compare your partner with someone and succumb to the weakness of surrendering to another or another, think carefully about the possible consequences. Think about how willing you are to destroy yourself, betray or humiliate another person. Whichever side you look at, but betrayal is baseness, this is the failure of a person, one of his weaknesses, from which he does not want to do anything. If a person has cheated, then there is no guarantee that he will no longer do so. To do this, you need to work on yourself, to understand that betrayal is unacceptable.

It is worth noting that there is no subdivision for male or female infidelity in this regard, all are equal, it is also impossible to say who cheats more and more often. Everything is very individual and each person decides to change for himself or not, each time facing a choice to change or not, a person is tested for strength, he will be able to resist or succumb to the temptation to try the forbidden or change his principles, go against his established world.

By changing someone or something, first of all, you are changing yourself, your original choice, you incur losses for yourself and others. You kill good and sincere feelings inside yourself, bring grief and disappointment, destroy other people's lives, several people at once.

Cheating is a kind of test that we go about every day, whether it affects relationships, principles or opinions - it remains a test of willpower.

How do you understand the word “fidelity?

What is loyalty? In my opinion, this word can be understood in different ways depending on the situation. If we are talking about a love relationship, then fidelity is, first of all, steadfastness and invariability in your feelings, the willingness to be with a loved one in any situation.

So, in the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Russian women" tells about Princess Trubetskoy, who followed her Decembrist husband to Siberia. The governor of Irkutsk discourages her, describing the difficulties that she will face: the harsh climate, the need to live in the barracks with convicts, meager and coarse food, the forthcoming renunciation of all the rights and privileges of a noble person. However, the heroine is not afraid of his words. She is ready to do anything just to be close to her husband, to share with him both joy and sorrow. To all the warnings, she replies: I am a woman, a wife!

May my fate be bitter -

I will be true to her!

We see that Princess Trubetskaya personifies loyalty and devotion to a loved one.

The word “loyalty” can also be understood as steadfastness in the performance of duties, duty, for example, to the Motherland. A defender of the Fatherland, a soldier or an officer, is obliged to remain faithful to the oath, not to cheat on it, no matter what happens.

An example is Pyotr Grinev, the hero of Alexander Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter". When the Belogorsk fortress was captured by Pugachev, all officers were offered to go over to the side of the rebels. If they refused, they faced a tragic fate - to be hanged. The author shows that, faced with a choice, Pyotr Grinev was ready to part with his life, but remain faithful to the oath. Later he also rejects Pugachev's offer, which promised to welcome him with high titles: “I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress Empress: I cannot serve you. " The writer emphasizes that above all for the hero was honor, loyalty to military duty.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion: the word "loyalty" implies devotion to someone or something: a loved one, Fatherland, duty.

(272 words)

What act can be called treason?

What act can be called treason? Of course, everyone will answer this question in their own way. I will try to formulate my point of view. In my opinion, treason is such acts as the betrayal of a loved one, in wartime - going over to the side of the enemy. In support of my words, I will give a few examples.

Let us recall the story "Poor Liza" by N.M. Karamzin. The main character, a simple peasant girl, with all her heart fell in love with a young nobleman named Erast. He, too, seemed to have found his ideal in Lisa. However, the happiness did not last long. The author shows that soon the passion in the hero's heart gave way to boredom and cooling. Moreover, having lost at cards, he decided to improve his situation by marrying a rich elderly widow. He did not say a word about his intentions to Lisa, moreover, he deceived her, saying that he was going to the army and would certainly return to her. She only learned the truth by chance. This was such a heavy blow to her that she committed suicide in despair. Erast's act can undoubtedly be called treason, because he betrayed the feelings of the girl who fell in love with him, acted dishonestly, lying to her and secretly marrying another.

Another example of treason is the act of Rybak from the story "Sotnikov" by V. Bykov. The work tells about two partisans who were captured by the police. If Sotnikov bravely endured the torture and accepted death with honor, Rybak, on the contrary, from the first minutes in captivity only thought about how to save his own life. He was ready to go for anything for this: to reveal the location of the partisan detachment, to go over to the side of the enemies, to execute a comrade with his own hand. By doing so, he betrayed his comrade, despised the duty of the defender of the Fatherland, betrayed the Motherland.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion: treason can be called such acts, which are based on betrayal. By changing, a person betrays the trust of close people, comrades, sacrifices duty and honor.

(274 words)

What can push a person to commit adultery?

What can push a person to commit adultery? It seems that there can be many reasons that prompted a person to commit betrayal. It can be greed, and fear for your life, cowardice, weakness of character. Let's look at a few examples.

So, in the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza" we see a young nobleman Erast, who won the heart of a simple peasant woman Liza. The author shows that after a while Erast changed his beloved: going to the army, he promised the girl to return, but in reality he left her forever. Moreover, having lost almost all of his estate at cards, he decided to improve his affairs by marrying a rich woman. What prompted Erast to do such an unseemly act? This is also greed, because he did not want to lose his fortune and settle for poverty. At the same time, the reason for the betrayal can also be considered the selfishness of the young man, who thought only of himself and his interests, completely not caring what impact his act would have on Liza, who was devoted to him with all his heart. Erast treated the girl as a thing that could be thrown away as unnecessary, and did not think that for her his behavior would be a fatal blow, eventually ending her life (the reader learns that Lisa committed suicide after learning about the betrayal of her beloved) ... Selfishness and selfishness - that's what pushed him to betrayal.

Let us now turn to V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov". We see a partisan by the name of Rybak, who, having fallen into the hands of the enemy, decides to betray: he is ready to betray the location of the partisan detachment to the enemies, serve in the police, even take part in the execution of a comrade. What prompted him to betray his Motherland and the duty of the defender of the Fatherland? First of all, fear for your life. Cowardice, weakness of character determines his post-puking. The fisherman wants to live at all costs. For him, this is more important than duty to the homeland, honor, comradeship. He thinks only of himself, he is easily ready to sacrifice others, just to save himself. This is also selfishness, which can be considered the reason for betrayal in this case.

Summing up, we can come to the conclusion: various reasons push a person to betray, but they are always based on selfishness, concern only for their own interests, neglect of the life of other people.

How do you understand the expression "fidelity to duty"?

How do I understand the expression "fidelity to duty"? In my opinion, the meaning of this expression is revealed when it comes to military duty. For the defender of the Motherland, this is, first of all, the readiness to fulfill his duty in any situation, to be ready to give his life if necessary. I will illustrate what has been said with a few examples.

So, in the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" the main character Pyotr Grinev demonstrates loyalty to duty. When Pugachev captured the Belogorsk fortress, all its defenders were asked to go over to the side of the rebels. Otherwise, they were executed. The author shows that Peter Grinev, just like the commandant of the fortress, refused to become a traitor and was ready to accept death, but not change his oath. Only a fluke saved the hero from the gallows. Later, Pugachev again invites Grinev to go into his service, to which he replies with a resolute refusal: “I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress Empress: I cannot serve you. " When Pugachev asks him at least not to fight against him, Grinev again answers negatively: “How can I promise you this? ... You yourself know, it is not my will: if they tell you to go against you, I will go, there is nothing to do. You are now the boss yourself; you yourself demand obedience from your own. What will it be like if I give up the service when my service is needed? We see that the hero shows loyalty to military duty: he does not change his oath, even risking his life.