How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment: from folk remedies to advanced technologies. How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment How to get rid of mosquitoes in room 27

It is worth noting that only female mosquitoes are blood-sucking - they need substances contained in the blood of humans and other mammals for the successful breeding of offspring. Males, regardless of species, are vegetarians and prefer plant foods to all other options. So, when discussing how to get rid of mosquitoes without unnecessary hassle, it is worth remembering that the lack of access to food for females is the only natural regulator of the population of these insects.

Unbelievable, but true: I blood group, increased production of lactic acid in the body, changes in hormonal levels, accompanied by a set of increased body weight, are factors that increase the likelihood of a bite. An increase in the frequency of hygiene procedures and the use of personal protective equipment can help cope with the problem.

How to Make Your Home a Mosquito-Free Zone: Effective Measures

In a house or apartment? First of all, it is worth identifying the source of the appearance blood-sucking insects... This could be:

  • street - insects breeding here easily penetrate houses and apartments through the vents, open windows and doors;
  • basement - high humidity and high temperatures can help keep your mosquito season nearly all year round;
  • bathroom and toilet - mosquitoes live where there is free access to water.

Of course, before deciding how to get rid of mosquitoes in the premises of a house or apartment, it is worth taking simple protective measures. Do not leave the surfaces of the sink and bathtub wet overnight, close the toilet lid tightly, eliminate leaks in time and remove moisture from those places where it accumulates in the form of condensation. This will make your home less attractive to mosquitoes.

Use the counter mosquito net- they will allow you to avoid difficulties with the ingress of insects from the street. But to deal with bloodsuckers entering an apartment or house from the basement should be done using more radical methods.

Among the home remedies, the leading positions are still occupied by various fly swatters, newspaper sheets folded in a tube, and even slippers. However, with the advent of electrofumigators on this front, there have been very serious changes. True, this tool cannot be called truly reliable. After all, the action of the plate or liquid is short-term. And for total protection from mosquitoes, you will have to forget about the habit of sleeping with open windows.

Essential oils can be called folk remedies for mosquito control. For example, camphor, which allows you to scare away bloodsuckers on the way. Or an aqueous solution:

  • vinegar;
  • clove oil;
  • lavender extract;
  • cedar oil;
  • mixtures of mint and eucalyptus oils;
  • anise oil.

As a kind of fumigator, you can also use an aroma lamp or incense sticks with natural ingredients - they will help to cope with insects and tune the body to relaxation and healthy sleep.

Overcome mosquitoes? Call the professionals

How to get rid of mosquitoes if they do not appear in the house from time to time, but live almost as owners? The presence of the so-called "nest" in the premises of a house or apartment turns all the usual measures of influence into meaningless fuss. In this case, mosquitoes will not decrease either under the influence of a fumigator or when using insecticides in sprays. To cope with the problem is possible only with the help of total processing of premises with the use of professional equipment. And the specialists of the company "ECO-STOLITSA" are always ready to help with this, having an arsenal of necessary means capable of ensuring the complete destruction of mosquitoes in the basement or living quarters, guaranteeing the absence of annoying blood-sucking neighbors on the territory of a house or apartment.

Destruction of insects in confined spaces- a business that is better to be entrusted to professionals. It is they who have not only effective, but also safe drugs that make it possible to carry out disinsection treatment without harm to people and pets.

And the use of equipment that provides atomization of the smallest particles of water vapor mixed with fumigants allows insecticides to penetrate where it is useless to spray home use... Moreover, subject to certain rules, it is possible to ensure the implementation of preventive measures to avoid the reappearance of blood-sucking insects in a house or apartment for a long time.

How to get rid of mosquitoes outdoors

  • sites for placing wells and water tanks;
  • basements and boiler rooms;
  • grasses and shrubs;
  • areas with open water bodies;
  • other places of mass gathering of insects.

The main task in this case is the destruction of insect colonies and prevention of their further active reproduction. This means that the procedure for controlling insects should be carried out as carefully as possible and using the most modern equipment.

Moreover, experienced specialists will be able not only to eliminate the source of danger, but also to identify local foci of mosquito breeding on the site, making the fight against them even more effective.

Going out of town - on a hike or on a picnic, you should not forget about insecticidal protection either. To relax in a company on the shore of a reservoir, it is better to stock up in advance with repellents in the form of sprays, as well as special spiral fumigators that emit substances that can scare off annoying insects.

For children, prepare creams and ointments capable of emitting aromas unpleasant for mosquitoes. With a pronounced allergic reaction to insect bites, it is better to stock up on antihistamines in advance.

Effective help from professionals in mosquito control

Whatever measures to control mosquitoes are chosen, the main thing is that they do not harm the health of others. And, if you plan to do everything according to the rules, it is worth entrusting the execution of the assigned tasks to professionals from the very beginning, who can guarantee a safe and effective destruction blood-sucking insects in closed spaces or in the open air, ensuring the elimination of potential vectors of dangerous infections as soon as possible.

How to get rid of mosquitoes? - Video

Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. This is where insects lay their eggs. Add the coffee grounds to the standing water and the eggs will rise to the surface and deprive them of oxygen. So they will die, and you will prevent the multiplication of bloodsuckers.

Mosquito bites itch no less than horsefly bites. Brushing the swollen area can lead to infection. Folk and home remedies will help to avoid the consequences.

How to prevent mosquitoes

There is an opinion that mosquitoes do not tolerate yellow... If yellow clothing doesn't help you get rid of annoying insects, use effective home mosquito control methods.

We tighten the openings

An easy way to prevent mosquitoes in your home is to tighten your vents and windows with mosquito nets. Cover the balcony doors with curtains, and the ventilation holes with gauze.

The advantage of this method is that mosquitoes will not enter the house. But if you tightened the openings at the moment when the mosquitoes were in the room, you will have to get rid of in other ways.

We use smells

Mosquitoes do not tolerate the smells of elderberry, bird cherry, geranium, chamomile and basil. Arrange branches and bunches of herbs with a repelling smell in the rooms, then mosquitoes will not fly into the room.

The smell of tomato seedlings also helps to get rid of bloodsuckers. They cannot stand the aroma of tomato tops. Expose seedlings under windows, on a balcony or on a windowsill - the desire to fly into the room near the mosquito will disappear straightaway.

We turn on the electrofumigators

The active substance of fumigators can be dry - applied to a plate, or liquid - in a bottle. When the active substance evaporates, toxic fumes are released. Mosquitoes stop biting after 15 minutes, and after 2 hours they die.

The disadvantage of this method is that toxic vapors are harmful to humans, therefore, electrofumigators can only be used when the windows are wide open.

If the liquid in the electric fumigator has evaporated, add eucalyptus extract - the effect will be the same.

A quick way to get rid of mosquitoes

Camphor smoke will help to drive out the mosquitoes that have flown in quickly. Sprinkle camphor in a preheated skillet and mosquitoes will quickly leave your home. Smoke is safe for humans, but deadly for mosquitoes.


  1. Add 1 dried sachet to 1 glass of water.
  2. Boil for 3 minutes.
  3. Cool and mix with cologne.
  4. Process open areas skin from mosquitoes.

Clove oil works effectively. Drip it on clothes, a stroller, treat the tent - mosquitoes will not approach the smell.


Rub the open areas of the body with wood lice. According to experienced summer residents, after the procedure, mosquitoes do not fly close.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at home

Folk remedies for mosquitoes are harmless to humans. This explains the popularity of their use.


  1. Crush 4-6 cloves of garlic and boil them in a glass of water for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Pour the product into a spray bottle and spray around the room.

Lavender oil

Mosquitoes hate the smell of lavender oil. To get rid of mosquitoes at home, a method will help: spray oil in the room, and the mosquitoes will leave the room in 30 minutes.

Mosquito infestations lead residents to sleepless nights village houses and townspeople. Bloodsucking bites cause irritation and discomfort, up to the occurrence of allergic reactions in sensitive people so it is so important to know how to get rid of mosquitoes at home.

During the period summer vacation many people want to spend time in nature, have a picnic, but buzzing and mosquito bites can ruin the rest. Females of insects who are in a state of bearing eggs feed on human and animal blood, so this is a seasonal phenomenon. Female eggs lay near water, so mosquitoes mainly live around rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, as well as in places with high humidity and boggy.

Mosquitoes can carry some types of viruses, including:

  • Malaria.
  • Yellow fever.
  • West Nile virus.
  • Zika virus.
  • Dengue virus.

But these diseases are rare. Discomfort and allergies appear much more often.

Mosquitoes participate in natural processes - pollinate plants, act as food for frogs, fish and birds, so their complete destruction will lead to natural disasters. Do not forget about personal hygiene - the less the smell of sweat appears, the less interesting you are to blood-sucking insects.

Traditional methods of getting rid of mosquitoes

Essential oils and some condiments are effective against mosquitoes. Among the leaders among popular remedies are cloves - and dry buds, which are often used as a delicious seasoning, and clove oil. Pour 5 grams of buds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, and then spray on the skin with a spray.

Smells also have anti-mosquito qualities:

  • geranium;
  • basilica;
  • lavender;
  • lemongrass;
  • lemon balm;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus.

The best available means to protect a country house, garden, apartment

There are plants that reliably protect against insects with their aroma.

  • Lemon balm (during flowering). It is enough to put the plant on the windowsill.
  • Cat mint.
  • Bird cherry (bouquet of flowers or leaves).
  • Tomato seedlings around the house.
  • Valerian, tobacco (not acceptable to everyone).

Garden weed leek is useful against mosquitoes, a decoction from its roots will scare off bloodsucking. Used to protect against mosquitoes and:

  1. Caucasian chamomile.
  2. Ageratum.
  3. Thyme or thyme.
  4. Calendula.
  5. Mint.
  6. Basil.
  7. Rosemary.
  8. Sagebrush.
  9. Tea tree.

If you run out of liquid in your home fumigator, you can fill it with 100% eucalyptus extract.

Video material

How to scare away mosquitoes on the street and at their summer cottage

I will list a few simple tools at hand that you can use for walking in nature.

Formic acid

While outdoors, find an anthill and put your T-shirt on top of it. Gradually the T-shirt will become saturated with formic acid. Remaining substance on the shirt can be used to wipe off exposed skin.

Vinegar mixture

  • Table vinegar 9 percent (50 ml).
  • Vegetable oil - sunflower, olive or other (50 ml).
  • Shampoo with a pleasant aroma (50 ml).
  • If you don't have shampoo and oil, you can mix vinegar with water.

Mix all components and smear on exposed skin before going outside. Negative: May stain clothes.

Special smells against mosquitoes

  • Pork lard (if not confused by the aroma of bacon).
  • Nettle juice (if insensitive to nettle burns).
  • The smell of garlic. Not everyone wants to rub themselves and objects in the house with garlic so that the smell drives away pests. Option: eat two cloves every day, and then the smell will stand out and scare away pests.
  • Bread yeast.
  • Cedar oil.
  • The smoke of burning needles.
  • Fish fat.

Spray with essential oils and salt

You can make a spray for spraying on the street, on curtains with your own hands country house and other household items, exposed skin. Take:

  • 40-50 ml of water.
  • Essential oil of your choice.
  • A little table salt.

Homemade Essential Oil Repellent

You can cook it yourself. Take:

  • Vodka - 2 tablespoons (medical alcohol is also possible).
  • Half a teaspoon of vodka as a preservative.
  • Cosmetic oils - 2 tablespoons (any of your choice or a mixture: almond, jojoba, olive, etc.).
  • Essential oils - 110 drops (lavender, cloves, citronella, rosemary, tea tree other).

Essential oils are environmentally friendly, and the resulting product will cost significantly less store drugs... Essential oil repellents should be used with caution in the presence of children, pregnant women and people prone to allergic reactions.

Home herbal repellent


  • Dried thyme.
  • Dried rosemary.
  • Dried sage.
  • Lavender.
  • Mint.
  • Chopped garlic (garlic can be dispensed with if this flavor doesn't work).
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 liter

Put all the herbs in a glass jar and cover with apple cider vinegar. The mixture should be infused for 2-3 weeks, shaking daily. Then strain the resulting infusion, pour into glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Spray the infusion from a spray bottle.

Mosquito repellents safe for children


The chemical industry offers many products that are intended for children - creams, lotions, sprays. There are special children's bracelets against mosquitoes, repelling devices are used that create an ultrasonic wave.

When using children's insect repellents, keep in mind that most of them should not be applied to damaged skin with wounds and scratches, it is important to avoid exposure to mucous membranes. Chemicals should not be used more often than 2-3 times a day, while their maximum duration is about two hours. When going on a picnic with your child, treat the clothes well, not the skin. Sometimes mosquito repellents are applied to the stroller canopy. After a walk, you need to remove substances from baby skin.

Folk remedies

Caution in application chemicals, restrictions and precautions encourage parents to look for folk remedies for mosquitoes. Be careful when using essential oils in the nursery or when walking with your child. But such folk remedies as:

  • Fresh elderberry branches.
  • Camphor (100 grams evaporate over a burner).
  • Carbolic acid (applied to walls and household items).

Vanillin is suitable for mosquito repellent at home (do not confuse with vanilla sugar). Dissolve 2-3 packets of vanillin in a liter of water and pour into a spray bottle. The agent is not very long-lasting (about an hour), then repeat the spraying.

A teaspoon of vanillin can be mixed with a tablespoon of baby cream, and the resulting composition will protect the skin of the baby while walking. Such a cream is also suitable for pregnant women, and vanillin can be added to petroleum jelly or a familiar cream.

If the child does not have allergies, you can mix essential oils of citronella, basil, anise, cedar, eucalyptus into the baby cream. The same applies to pregnant women.

9 best remedies to prevent bites from itching

If a mosquito is bitten, use by simple means to relieve itching and soothe skin:

  1. Salt slurry: mix salt and some water. It will tingle a little, then the itching will subside.
  2. Vinegar and baking soda: anoint the bite with vinegar and rub with a pinch of baking soda.
  3. Place a leaf of basil or rosemary in place of the bite.
  4. Rub the bite site with baby soap.
  5. Grind and attach a plantain or parsley leaf.
  6. Apply a swab with apple cider vinegar.
  7. Wet with milk, kefir or sour cream.
  8. Cut the scarlet leaf and wipe the bite with the pulp.
  9. If you are afraid of infections, lubricate the bite site with a weak solution of iodine or potassium permanganate.

Video Tips

Purchased mosquito repellent drugs and chemicals

The modern industry offers many mosquito repellents in a variety of forms, packaging and formulations. It:

  • creams;
  • fumigators;
  • traps;
  • key rings;
  • bracelets.

Produced electrical devices that scare away insects with the help of high vibrations that recreate the squeak, as well as spirals and other benefits of civilization. There are situations when such funds are needed. Coming to the store for mosquito repellents, carefully read the instructions, recommendations for use and composition.

There are products used for spraying in the home, for applying to clothing or skin. Some forms have negative aspects: for example, creams can wear off or stain clothes. Material factors also play an important role in times of crisis: the means of European production are not cheap.

Many repellents, from which it is difficult to choose the right one, and caution when using "chemistry" prompts people to choose folk remedies - safe and environmentally friendly. Indeed, during outdoor recreation, you need to protect not only adults, but also children.

Mosquito repellent for workers in the forest, in the taiga

When working in the taiga, you should wear clothes made of dense fabric that do not fit tightly to the body. Effective remedy there will be birch tar from the mosquitoes, which must be diluted with alcohol and applied with a sprayer not to the skin (the smell is difficult to wash off!), but to the edges of the clothes - the cuffs of the sleeves, the hood, the bottom of the trousers. During physical work, a person sweats, so all known chemical repellents will be washed off.

With the onset of warmth, most of us suffer from mosquito bites. These annoying insects do not allow you to sleep peacefully, itching all the time over the ear. How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment? The best modern and folk remedies will help you in this matter.

Modern methods of mosquito control

There are several effective and sufficient simple ways mosquito control in the apartment. Let's consider each of them.

Mosquito net

To protect your home from the penetration of bloodsuckers, place fine-mesh mosquito nets on the windows and balcony door. If mosquitoes do not reach the upper floors (9-12), then the rest of the residents are unlikely to be able to do without these devices. Also, the method is relevant for houses or apartments located near sewers, basements and reservoirs.

Usually mosquito nets come with plastic windows... If you have wooden frames, try making them yourself. To do this, you will need a piece of gauze, 4 thin strips, and some pushpins or small studs. With the onset of winter, it is better to remove such protection. The ventilation holes also need to be tightened with gauze - it is through this loophole that mosquitoes most often enter the room.

Anti-mosquito nets on windows and balcony doors protect you from mosquitoes even with an open window or balcony

Advice! Spray the mesh with anti-mosquito spray or aerosol to keep it secure.


A fumigator (from Lat. Fumigo - "smoke", "fumigate") is a very reliable tool that allows you to get rid of insects in record time. The most popular are Raptor, Reid, Moskitoll, Fumitox and Picnic Family.

Together with the device, the kit includes several plates or a container with an insecticidal liquid. When the device is turned on, they release special substances into the air that kill midges, flies and mosquitoes within half an hour. Most often, fumigators are based on pyrethroid insecticides - esbiothrin and pralletrin (a synthetic analogue of Dalmatian chamomile extract). Experts recommend giving preference to the latter option - it is safer.

The plate lasts from 8 to 15 hours. The fumigator with liquid insecticide has a longer lasting effect - up to 45 nights. The approximate area is 12 sq. m.

For all its effectiveness, a fumigator can be dangerous! Unfortunately, not everyone uses it in accordance with the instructions. Many people leave the device turned on all night practically at the head of the bed - this cannot be done!

How to use such tools correctly? Plug the appliance in for about 20 minutes, leaving the window open. There should be no people, their pets, or children in the room at this time! Also remember that fumigators are completely contraindicated for respiratory diseases. At the end of the term, the device is pulled out of the socket, the room is well ventilated and the window is closed.

Advice! Do not use records left over from last year - they are unlikely to help you. If you run out of liquid for the fumigator, and there is no way to buy a new one, replace it with eucalyptus extract.


Of course, one can argue about the advisability of using spirals in an apartment, because they are more suitable for a summer house or a gazebo. mosquito coils work on the same principle as fumigators. They contain an insecticide that is released into the air when the device smolders. To prevent fire, install the coil on metal surface and set fire to only one end of it.

Ultrasonic Repeller

An ultrasonic mosquito repeller is small device powered by mains or batteries. The principle of operation of the device is to emit a signal similar to the sounds that males emit in case of danger. As a result, mosquitoes fly away.

The range of the device depends on the strength of the signal it emits. But even the weakest scarers are able to create a large area that bloodsuckers will not even come close to.

On a note! The human ear is not able to pick up ultrasonic signals, so the person will not experience discomfort. In addition, there are no chemical components in the repeller - it can be safely installed in bedrooms and children's rooms.

As for repellent sprays, creams and ointments, they are designed to protect against mosquitoes in nature and are not always suitable for daily use. And their duration is only 2-3 hours - hardly anyone wants to wake up several times a night to reapply the cream.

Tips to help you get rid of mosquitoes:

Traditional methods of mosquito control

Time-tested folk remedies are in no way inferior to modern devices for bloodsuckers, and in some ways, for example, in safety and availability, they even win.

Essential oils

The use of ethers is one of the most reliable and budget options... To get rid of mosquitoes, take any oil with a very bright aroma. Ideal for:

  • Anise;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Carnation;
  • Basil;
  • Lemon;
  • Tea tree;
  • Citronella;
  • Lavender.

Apply a couple of drops of any of these products to a cosmetic sponge or cotton swab. Put 2-3 fragrant discs on the window - they will block the entrance to all possible insects. Also, oil can be dripped onto any heat source (lamp, candle, frying pan) or applied to the body as part of any cream.

Before using essential oils, make sure you are not allergic to them.


Mosquitoes cannot stand the smell of tomato stems. To scare away uninvited guests, put a box with these seedlings on the windowsill.


An alternative to tomatoes will be flowerpots with geraniums or bouquets of lilac, lavender, bird cherry and chamomile. The scent of these plants is also very poorly tolerated by mosquitoes, so you can be sure that they will not come close to your home. It is worth noting that both fresh and dried flowers have deterrent properties. Most importantly, do not forget to change them in time.



A very good mosquito repellent can be made with pyrethrum and regular paper strips. Lubricate them with starch paste and sprinkle with powder (available at the pharmacy). Let the strips dry and hang them around the apartment.

If desired, you can prepare a liquid spray for bloodsuckers. Pour in 10 gr. pyrethrum powder 75 ml of alcohol, leave for a week, strain and add 20 gr. glycerin, 15 gr. liquid soap and a glass of water. Shake everything well and pour into a container with a spray bottle. Use every night.


Most spices also have repellent properties. Place bowls of cloves or basil on the windowsill - mosquitoes won't bother you.

Christmas tinsel

Highly interesting way which is said to have a wonderful effect. Hang rain and other tinsel on the chandelier - the glare cast on it by the light of the lamp will scare insects.

Plant leaves

Do you want to forget about mosquitoes forever? Spread the leaves around the house walnut or elderberry - peace for a few days will be guaranteed!

This plant can also be classified as an anti mosquito. Grind its roots, fill them with a glass of water and boil in 2-3 doses for 3-4 minutes. Strain the broth through a sieve and use to rub the skin before bed.


A very good product with a very persistent and rather specific odor. Throw a small amount of camphor into the pan and let it light up - thanks to this unpretentious method, you will forget about bloodsuckers for a whole day.

Camphor itself is not dangerous, but it is absolutely impossible to sleep in a room where there is an open container with this substance. This can lead to poisoning, the symptoms of which are nausea, vomiting and dizziness. But you can safely leave it on the veranda, in the gazebo and other open spaces.

Valerian is very often used as natural repellents and lemon juice... Take one of these components and lubricate all surfaces in the house with it. Apply to body for enhanced protection.

Onion and clove repeller

Toss a peeled onion and a few clove umbrellas into the water. Boil the mixture for a few minutes and cool. Cut the onion into rings, mix with the cloves and arrange on plates. Place it throughout the apartment.

The neem tree grows in India, so its seeds are extremely difficult to obtain. But if you manage to do this, consider that you have received one of the strongest repellents. To prepare the product, you need to take equal amounts of coconut oil and neem oil, mix them well and apply all over the body. This mixture gives the skin a special scent that prevents mosquitoes from flying closer than 5 meters. The effect lasts 8 hours. In addition, this agent has antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal properties.

Vacuum cleaner

A very unusual method that is often used at home. With its help, you can get rid of mosquitoes in a couple of minutes, especially if there are no other available means nearby.

So, you woke up at night because someone was constantly beeping in the room. Mosquitoes tend to accumulate on light-colored surfaces such as walls or ceilings. Find the area and quickly vacuum up the insects. Turn on the device at the last moment, when the hose is already aimed at the "enemy". Otherwise, the noise may frighten him off. And most importantly, do not forget to cover the hole with a rag so that the mosquitoes do not fly back.


This plant has a strong aroma that can scare off bloodsuckers for a long time. Grind a few cloves, put them in 2-3 bowls and leave on the windowsill. Even if the window is open all night, mosquitoes will not fly into it.

Garlic gruel can be used to make a spray. Fill it with water, let it brew a little, pour it into a container with a spray bottle and spray around the house. The tool works for at least 12 hours, simultaneously killing pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Research published in the journal Bioresources Technology has shown that peppermint extract and oil are among the most effective natural repellents. You can use both ready-made essential oil and freshly harvested leaves of this plant. Better yet, plant a few mint bushes right under your windows or in a tub on your windowsill.

To enhance the deterrent effect, use a vaporizer - with its help, the aroma will spread faster throughout the apartment. By the way, mint extract is part of most hygiene products for the oral cavity. If you have nothing else on hand, dissolve a little mint toothpaste in water and spray the room with this compound. This should be enough for 3-4 hours.

Peppermint is a very effective natural repellent

Advice! Before using peppermint, make sure that its relaxing properties are not causing you negative reactions.


A very effective remedy that can be found in every home. Ammonium is added to water for spraying a room, used in its pure form for wiping surfaces, or poured into small containers and placed on the windows. Please note that this product has a very pungent smell, which may not be pleasant not only to insects, but also to yourself. In addition, for some people, prolonged inhalation of ammonia fumes causes headaches.

Over time, mosquitoes get used to repelling odors, so it is advisable to alternate them with each other. You can also combine modern and folk remedies. In this case, a 100% result awaits you.

Now you know how to get rid of mosquitoes in your apartment. There are a few more important points to clarify:

  • When choosing anti-mosquito remedies, follow an individual approach. Preparations for children, pregnant and lactating women should not contain toxic components;
  • When using repellents, do not forget to regularly ventilate the apartment;
  • If you have an allergic reaction, see your doctor right away.

Mosquitoes not only feed on human blood, leaving redness on the skin, but they can also be carriers dangerous diseases... They make their way into the room even through the smallest crevices, so tightly closed windows and doors are not good protection. You can use repellents to simply scare away insects, or to fight with more aggressive means that completely destroy mosquitoes in your home or apartment.

Mosquitoes in the basement - how to fight?

Most often, insects can be found outdoors near stagnant water. If there is a lake or swamp near the house, mosquitoes will sooner or later start up in the dwelling. Most often, insects appear in basements, as there is constant dampness there. If, for example, barrels of water are stored in the neighbors' basement, all residents can suffer from mosquitoes. V winter period insects from basements usually move to houses and apartments. Basement mosquitoes often feed on rat blood. Since to The ditch of such animals can be infectious, which makes blood-sucking insects carriers of viruses and bacteria.

Simple sanitation will help get mosquitoes out of your basement. It is necessary to clean the room from mold and moisture. Verify ventilation system... Often it is its absence that is the reason for the constant dampness in the basement.

General cleaning will help to dry the basement. Throw away last year's food supplies if they are no longer usable. Rinse wooden objects hot water with soapy water, dry well.

The walls and ceiling must be removed from mold and condensation, after which the room must be dried and whitewashed. Wooden shelves soak with antiseptic to prevent new mold and mildew formation.

How to get mosquitoes out of your home

In a private house, mosquitoes appear from the street or from the cellar. The first step is to check its condition and, if necessary, clean it of mold and dampness. Mosquitoes lay offspring in a humid environment, so the cellar is one of their favorite places.

Mosquitoes fly inside not only through windows and doors, but also through the smallest cracks. Since they reproduce quickly, only 2-3 insects are enough for a whole blood-sucking offspring to appear in a month. For this reason, the hosts country houses and other areas that can be isolated for a long time, wonder where mosquitoes come from if windows and doors are closed.

In winter, they appear in the apartment, if the females managed to lay eggs in summer or autumn. The activity of bloodsuckers decreases in September. Scientists have found that females live much longer than males and manage to produce up to 30 cubs in a month. It is not surprising that mosquitoes are still in no hurry to leave during the cold season. warm house or an apartment.

You can place traps in the rooms. They are different: from homemade to chemical. There are 6 types of mosquito traps:

  • thermal;
  • water;
  • carbonic;
  • ultraviolet;
  • propane;
  • natural or homemade.

Thermal, carbon dioxide, propane and ultraviolet are more intended for large rooms... They are used in factories and warehouses, since these traps have a wide range of effects and are quite expensive.

Homemade trap overview

Heat and water are the favorite food of bloodsuckers. It is these smells that are used to bait in homemade traps. The main task is to lure the mosquito into a trap, from which it will no longer be able to get out.

There are several ways to make them yourself using:

  • adhesive tape;
  • bottles;
  • bowls.

Sticky tapes attract all flying insects. They are sold in stores, but you can make this trap yourself. To do this, you need paper of any size and a special adhesive composition... For its preparation, use any vegetable oil and a sticky base (honey, resin, rosin). A sticky layer is applied to the paper and hung from the ceiling.

The downside is that traps of this type hung all over the room spoil the interior and can cling to the hair of people passing by. Therefore, they are more suitable for basements.

An example of a bottle trap

The bottle trap is very simple to make:

  • Cut off the top of the plastic bottle.
  • Pour 50 ml of hot water into the lower part.
  • Mix half a packet of dry yeast and 2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • Mix the mixture with water.
  • Lower the upper part of the bottle into the lower neck down.

Warmth and carbon dioxide released from the bottle will lure insects, and they will no longer be able to get out.

With the help of a bowl, you can lure insects by putting a few lumps of sugar on the bottom, add sweet syrup, jam or fruit. Pour in a little water and vinegar in equal proportions. You can substitute wine or beer for vinegar. Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Wrap the bowl tightly with cling film and make small holes so that mosquitoes can get inside.

Use homemade traps it is possible in any room: in a house, apartment, in the country, in a cellar or basement. Their main advantage is that they are safe for humans and harmful to insects.

Mosquito repellents

To scare away mosquitoes, special smells are used that make a person "invisible" to them. The fact is that insects rely mainly on the sense of smell.

Mosquitoes are afraid of the odors of some plants, including:

  • Carnation;
  • basil;
  • bird cherry;
  • anise;
  • eucalyptus.

They don't like the smell of tobacco smoke and incense. The latter are ideal for use on open spaces such as a garden, courtyard or terrace. The most effective aromas of lemon and lavender.

In addition to repelling plant odors against mosquitoes, you can use essential oils:

  • tea tree;
  • rosemary;
  • citronella;
  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • thyme.

The oils will protect against annoying insects and fill the room with a pleasant scent. The most effective of the oils is citronella. Its scent acts as an effective repellent against all domestic insects.

To save yourself from bites and all the ensuing troubles, purchased repellents will also help. They come in different forms:

  • cream;
  • aerosols;
  • bracelets;
  • spirals;
  • fumigators.

The advantages of creams are their availability. The composition includes harmful substances that affect insects. But, rubbing the product into the skin, there is a risk of getting a chemical burn or an allergic reaction.

The spray is convenient to use anywhere, it does not require contact with the skin: the product can be sprayed on clothes. Usually leaves no residue and does not have a strong odor. The aerosol effect lasts an average of 3 hours.

The bracelet is impregnated with citronella oil, helps to effectively fight insects. It will serve as a good protector while walking and will not provoke unpleasant complications in the form of allergies. The bracelet is non-toxic, made of natural materials... The action lasts for a week.

You can remove bloodsuckers with the help of fumigators in a small area. Their action is limited to one room. A repellent in the form of a plate or liquid is placed inside the device. On average, the funds are enough for 1-2 months, depending on the quality of the product.

Mosquito lamps are not cheap. Distinguish between lamps for outdoor and home use. The advantage of such a device is that it repels insects within 100 square meters. m and has no odor unpleasant for the human sense of smell. The lamp attracts insects with the help of heat and light, which subsequently kills the insects.

Poison insects with the help of repellents will not work, they only serve to scare away. For complete destruction, you need to use more aggressive means using insecticides.

Folk remedies

In the fight against mosquitoes, you can use improvised means. For example, make a spray at home. It will be a natural product with no content chemical substances.For cooking you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. vodka;
  • 25 drops of essential oil with any repellent scent;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice.

In a bottle with a spray bottle, you need to mix vodka with essential oil with a few vigorous movements. Then add vegetable oil and aloe, mix again with shaking movements. Before applying the spray to your skin, you need to check for an allergic reaction. To do this, spray a little cream on small area(usually the wrist). If no changes have occurred after 5 minutes, the product can be sprayed all over the body.

Cloves in lemon mosquito repellent

Clove is an effective folk remedy that repels mosquitoes. The easiest way is to add the spice to half a lemon and leave overnight. You can prepare a decoction and use it as a spray. To do this, boil dry carnation flowers in water for 20 minutes.

Vanillin helps to avoid mosquito bites Outdoors. Not to be confused with vanilla sugar. The fragrant substance has a bitter taste and a specific smell. The difference between vanillin and sugar is that it repels insects, while sugar, on the contrary, attracts them. The product can be used as a solution or cream and can be prepared by yourself.

To prepare the solution, you will need 1 liter of water and 2-3 tsp. vanillin. Mix the substance with water and use it as a spray. To turn an ordinary cream into a home remedy for mosquitoes, add 1 g of vanillin to 10 g of the product and apply it to open areas of the body.

Vanillin is reliable protection from insects, does not cause allergies and itching, safe for children. The disadvantage of such a remedy is short-term action - no more than 30 minutes. Then the procedure will have to be repeated.

Folk remedies are safe helpers on how to get rid of mosquitoes at any time of the day. But even natural remedies have contraindications. This is mainly an individual intolerance to one of the ingredients. Before using this or that remedy, you should always check the reaction on a small area of ​​the skin.