Yew shrub for hedges. What plants to choose for a hedge

Tiss (Taxus listen)) is a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs native to the Northern Hemisphere. In nature, yews are extremely rare, but in culture there are many varieties and varieties. The yew needles are dense, very dark, shiny, hard, but not prickly. Species plants have, as a rule, a bushy form, varietal plants - the most diverse: candles, balls, an inverted cone or creeping. Some cultivars have yellow or even variegated needles.

The genus includes 8 species of dioecious or monoecious evergreen trees or shrubs. The most commonly used European yew berry(T.baccata ) and its cultivars. Yew berry, which originally occupied a very large area, was almost completely exterminated by man because of its strong and almost "eternal" wood, which has strong bactericidal properties - it kills even those microorganisms that are in the air. A house in which at least ceiling beams made of yew, reliably protected from pathogenic infection, which was extremely appreciated in the era of mass epidemics.

When the yew was no longer enough for construction, they began to make furniture from it. It was so rare and expensive that it was even mentioned in chronicles and fairy tales. The tables and beds often found in Russian fairy tales were made of yew. In The Tale of Igor's Campaign, Prince Svyatoslav dies on a plank (yew) bed, which the chronicler considered it his duty to mention as a rare and very expensive thing, testifying to the power of the prince. In the future, yew was used to make such sacred items as crosses, tabernacles, shrines for relics - in all cases when the contents needed to be protected from damage.

Yew berry is distributed sporadically almost throughout Western Europe, in the Caucasus, in Asia Minor. Dioecious tree, in Central Europe up to 17 m tall, up to 27 m - in the Caucasus. The crown is spreading, very dense, ovoid-cylindrical, often multi-topped. The trunk is ribbed, tapered, covered with reddish-gray, smooth, later lamellar, exfoliating bark. Young shoots are dark green, ribbed. The needles are located spirally on the shoots, on the side branches in pairs, flat, shiny on top, dark green, matte below, yellow-green, ending with a short spine. The length of the needles is 2.0-3.5 cm. The flowers are laid in autumn in the axils of the needles at the base of the shoot. Male inflorescences are spherical, on short legs; female flowers - small, greenish, solitary. Seeds are enclosed in a berry-like bright red seed.

It is very shade-tolerant, surpasses all tree species in this indicator, grows in places where other types of conifers die. Requires nutritious, moist soil, preferring calcareous, can also develop on clay. Gas and smoke resistant, wind resistant. It grows exceptionally slowly, living under favorable conditions up to 4000 years. It tolerates not only a haircut, but also a transplant in adulthood.

Of exceptional interest to green building as a classic plant for trimmed hedges, borders, curly compositions, group and single landings. From the Renaissance to the present day, yew berry continues to be best material for topiary art. Has a lot garden forms, among which the following are often found:


Female form. A small tree or shrub up to 3 m in height and width. The crown is wide, unevenly developed. The branches are short, prostrate. The needles are small, short, 5-9 mm long and 2-4 mm wide, dark green above, slightly bluish green below; at the end the needles are rounded, located in two rows. Seeds from above 3-4-sided or round. From this form, many others were formed: with yellow-motley needles, with golden-yellow needles at the ends of the shoots, with shoots directed upwards or with a pyramidal crown and shoots spaced apart from each other. Propagated by seeds and cuttings (87%). Relatively winter-hardy, in severe winters freezing of annual shoots is possible. Recommended for group or single landings. Beautiful, unique coniferous plant, which should be more widely tested in the landscaping of city parks and squares, to create hedges.

"Adpressa aurea"

Female form; appearance, like "Adpressa", but a little weaker, barely reaches 1.5 m in height. The needles at the ends of the shoots are golden yellow, the rest are yellow-motley.

"Adpressa erecta"

Male form. The form is shrubby, pin-shaped, 3-5 m high; shoots are directed upwards; lateral branches are spaced from the trunk, needles 1.5 cm long and 3 mm wide, obtusely pointed, evenly standing, dark green above, light green below.

"Adpressa pyramidalis"

The appearance is similar to "Adpressa Erecta", but the shoots are more spaced from each other. The needles are only 1 mm wide (Adpressa Erecta has 3 mm), but are barely distinguishable.

"Adpressa variegata"

The appearance is very branched; shoots are directed upwards. Needles are yellow-motley with green central lines, often yellowish white, lighter than 'Adpressa aurea'.


The needles are uniform and constantly white-motley.


Small, slow growing shrub, pin-shaped or narrow-leaved; the branches are quite hard and compressed; shoots densely standing, short, brown. Needles are short, oblong, 5-7 cm long and 3-4 mm thick, slightly recurved, standing radially, dark green above, light below.


Appearance broad-pyramidal, slow growth; apical shoot oblique with powerful lateral shoots spaced apart from each other; branches are yellow, shortened shoots inside the plant are often dark green. The needles are far apart, 2 cm long and 2 mm thick, slightly curved, with a yellow-green central stripe above, light golden yellow below, winter color is fresh golden yellow.


Creeping dwarf form, 2-2.5 m wide and 0.3-0.4 m high; the branches are spread over the ground, the ends of the shoots are hanging down, the young shoots are far apart from each other, bent. Needles are spaced, directed upwards and forwards, slightly sickle-shaped, flat, intensely bluish-green above, light green below. One of the most beautiful dwarf forms.


The form is wide, straight (transitional form between the species and "Fastigiata"); branches are straight. The needles are smaller than those of the species, shorter and narrower at the ends of the shoots, usually bluish-green below.


Dwarf form, rounded, slightly above 1 m and the same width; branches evenly spaced from the trunk, numerous branches, 4-6 cm long, brown. The needles are located around the branches, 5-10 mm long and 1-1.5 mm wide, slightly sickle-shaped, shiny above, dark green, lighter below, with a dark central stripe.


Dwarf form, straight with a flat top, the branches are short, drooping and very dense. Needles about 30 mm long and 3-4 mm wide, twisted up, dark green, very shiny. A very beautiful shape.


Male form, but sometimes there are branches with fruits. Tree or shrub 3-5 m tall. The shoots are green, horizontally spaced from the trunk, almost in whorls, the ends of the shoots hanging down. The needles are dark green, about 3 cm long and 3 mm wide, arranged in two rows. One of the most decorative forms of conifers. The form "Dovastoniana Aureavariegata" is widely known, characterized by weaker growth, golden-yellow shoots and needles. Both forms are recommended for single and group plantings on the lawn in gardens or near houses in the form of hedges.


Female form. The growth is powerful, the height of the bushes is 3-5 m. The shoots are widely sprawling, dense, powerful, pale yellow. Needles 1-1.5 cm long, white-motley with a yellowish tint. Fruits abundantly. Occurs quite often. Propagated by seeds and cuttings (81%). Recommended for group plantings. Can be tested when creating a hedge.

"Erecta aureovariegata"

The top is cut off. Needles are densely standing, curved and straight, thin, flat, 2-2.5 cm long and 2 mm thick, sharp, green above with a yellow edge, uniformly white-yellow below.


Dwarf form, slow growing, barely above 0.8 m; branches are thin, short, straight and spaced from the trunk; branches are short. The needles are small, dense, thin, very sharp, almost fusiform (= T. bassata microphylla, T. empetrifolia).


Female form. The crown is broadly columnar. Plant height 3-5 m. Top drooping. Branches numerous, sharp, straight, short, ascending. Needles 2.0-2.5 cm long, black-green; bent inward, located on the shoots spirally. Relatively winter hardy. When damaged by frost, it quickly recovers. Should be planted in places protected from the wind. Propagated by cuttings (80-94%). Recommended for single and group landings. It is advisable to test when creating a hedge.

Fastigiata Aurea

The crown is columnar. Young shoots and needles are golden yellow with a green stripe. Propagated by cuttings (69-85%). Recommended for group plantings.

Fastigiata auremarginata

In everything it looks like a green form, but the needles of young shoots with a wide edge of golden yellow, become light green during the year. Very often it is mistaken for "Fastigiata aurea".

Fastigiata robusta

Like Fastigiata, but strictly columnar and coarser. The needles are longer, light green and more compressed.

Fastigiata variegata

Like "Standishii", but the needles are white-motley at first, then green or almost green.

Fastigiata viridis

The shape is strictly columnar. The needles are very dense, flat, thin, 25 mm long, soft to the touch, shiny, light green above, pale green below.


Male form. Loose, straight, similar to Cheshuntensis, but larger and more lush; branches numerous, short. Needles 1.5-2 cm long, often sickle-curved, monotonously bluish-green above, dull bluish-green below (= T. baccata nigra).


Form straight: very densely branched. Needles 30-35 mm long and 3.5-4 mm wide, partly sickle-curved, dark green above with a distinct central vein, light green below.


Dwarf form 0.8 m tall, grows strongly in width. Shoots spreading, far apart from each other. The ends of the shoots are bent. The needles are 2.5 cm long and 4 mm wide, sickle-shaped, dark green above, light green below with a dark central stripe. Propagated by cuttings (56%). Recommended for rocky hills. Grown in containers for landscaping balconies. Groups can be planted on the parterre lawn in parks.


The shape is straight, densely branched, not as pointed as in "Fastigiata". Needles 2.5-3 cm long and 3 mm wide, thin, slightly sickle-shaped, green, light green below.


The shape is pyramidal, but the shoots are hanging down; branches numerous, short, red-brown. The needles are wide, more or less sickle-shaped, bent inward, densely covering the apical shoots (= T. baccata pendula).


The form is dense and lush; branches are directed upwards. Needles up to 3 cm long, thin, sickle-shaped, dark yellow-green. Very winter-hardy form.


Female form. Broad and powerful, 3-5 m tall. The needles are intense green. The most important hallmark are light yellow (instead of red) fruits.


Dwarf form, low and wide, not higher than 60 cm. The needles are small, dark green.

"Neid pathensis"

Male form. Columnar or almost pin-shaped, loose at the end and not closed, reminiscent of Cheshuntensis, but more rigid.

Nissen's Corona

Bush. Height 1.5-2.5 m, crown diameter 6-8 m. In Moscow, it does not grow above the level of snow cover. The crown is outstretched. The bark is thin, reddish-brown, the branches are brownish-green. The needles are needle-shaped, bright green. Annual growth in height 5-10 cm, width 20 cm. It grows slowly. Shade-tolerant. Winters with cover. Prefers fresh fertile, calcareous soils, does not tolerate acid. Good for haircut. Application: single landings, groups, borders.

Nissen's Kadett

The form is loose, straight, without a central shoot; boughs rising. The needles are dark green, tender.

"Nissen's Page"

The form is bushy and closed, straight, with slightly shortened shoots.

"Nissen's President"

The form is sprawling, fast-growing, up to 5 m wide and 2 m high. Needles are powerful, dark green.

Nissen's Regent"

Similar to "Nissen" s Сorona", also 6 m wide and 1 m high; growth is uneven. The needles are tender, dark green.

"Pendula Graciosa"

Hanging form, powerful, slightly branched; branches are long-hanging; branches are short, twisted, hanging down. Needles 1.5 cm long and 2 mm wide, thin, soft to the touch, light green above, lighter below (= T. baccata rendula overeynderi).


The form is wide-pointed, very densely branched. Needles 15-20 mm long and 2-2.5 mm wide, dark green above, lighter below. Due to its small stature, it is suitable as a hedge.


Creeping shrub, 0.4-0.5 m tall and 2-5 m wide. Branches horizontally spaced from the trunk, pressed to the ground. The needles are up to 3 cm long, crescent-shaped, directed upwards and forwards, with a distinct central line on top, shiny, dark green with a bluish tint, flat below, lighter. The needles are poisonous to mammals. Grows slowly. Shade-tolerant. Moisture-loving. However, strong shading causes inhibition of plants. Soils prefer fresh, well-drained, medium in fertility. Winter-hardy. Currently, this is one of the most interesting and widespread decorative dwarf forms of yew. Propagated by grafting. Recommended for landscaping terraces and roofs, for growing in containers, for group plantings on rocky areas, in rock gardens.


The shape is uniformly broad-bushing, straight. The needles are distinctly dark green. Especially winter-hardy; suitable for hedges.


Shrub up to 2 m tall. The crown is wide and straight, but with a cut crown. Crown diameter 4 m. Rising shoots. Branches numerous, yellow-brown, very short. The needles are 1-2 cm long, gradually shortening at the ends of the shoots, slightly crescent-shaped, golden yellow above, light yellow-gold below or with a yellowish edge. Currently a very famous form, one of the best among the yellows. Winter-hardy. Propagated by cuttings (48%). Recommended for group and solitary plantings on the background of the lawn, on Alpine rollercoaster, for growing in containers for landscaping roofs and terraces. Can be tested in hedgerows.


The form is wider than high, without a central shoot.


The shape is wide and flat, the branches rise obliquely. Needles sickle-shaped, 2-3 cm long and 2-3 mm wide; the edge is wide, yellow, in summer more often golden yellow (= T. baccata Horizontalis aurea). Does not suffer from sunburn.


Growth as in "Fastigiata", but not higher than 2 m; shoots are golden yellow. Needles at the ends of the shoots and on young shoots are golden, 2.5 cm long and 3-4 mm wide (= T. baccata hibernica standishii). A beautiful columnar plant.


Height 1.5-2 m, crown diameter is much larger. The crown is loose with overlapping branches. The needles are strongly curved, in summer yellow-green with a yellow border, in winter the color of the needles becomes golden yellow or bronze. Frost-resistant. Occurs frequently. Effective in solitary plantings.

Location: the most shade-tolerant breed. With the onset of warm days, the generative buds of yews quickly swell and already at the end of April the yews bloom. Despite the high shade tolerance, plants grown in sufficient light give a greater increase, but are less protected from the influence of low temperatures. Plants planted in sheltered places after severe winters better retain their appearance (needle color, give abundant fruiting) than plants in open places. All this testifies in favor of planting yew in protected areas.

The soil: sod land, peat, sand (3:2:2). Yew berry can grow on both alkaline and slightly acidic soils. Drainage is desirable, broken brick and sand with a layer of 20 cm. It does not tolerate excessive soil moisture and the presence of heavy metals and other toxic substances in it, therefore it is unsuitable for landscaping large cities. It tolerates drought well, has very deep roots and is able to extract water from the lowest aquifers. If these waters contain salt, which happens quite often, the yew begins to turn yellow in drought, while the needles located closer to the trunk suffer first.

Landing: distance between plants from 0.6 to 2.5 m. Root neck at ground level. Planting depth 60-70 cm. Soil: turf, peat, sand (3:2:2). In a hedge - trenches measuring 0.5x0.5 m are single-row, 0.7x0.7 m - double-row. Grows slowly.

Care: when landing, "Kemira Universal" is added at the rate of 100 g / m 2. A year later in the spring they give a complete mineral fertilizer of 50 - 70 g / m 2 nitroammophoska. During the season, watered once a month, 10 - 12 liters per plant, sprinkling once every 2 weeks. Loosening of young plantings is recommended for the first 2-3 years to a depth of 10-15 cm, when weeds are removed and the soil is compacted. Mulching with 8 cm wood chips. It tolerates shearing and heavy pruning during crown formation. Remove dry shoots completely, pruning by 1/3 of the length of the shoot. Cover young plantings for the winter with peat with a layer of 5-7 cm, protect plants from burns with spruce branches or kraft paper. Mature plants are winter-hardy. Young yews also become very brittle in winter and break easily from snow, so for the winter they are tied with a rope in one bundle to prevent snow from accumulating on individual branches.

reproduction: seeds and cuttings. Most often they bloom and bear fruit two years in a row, there is no fruiting in the third year. Seeds ripen in autumn. After collection, the seeds are stored in a cool room with a temperature of 5-6 ° C, with low air humidity. Gives good results autumn sowing seeds. When spring sowing, 7-month stratification is necessary at a temperature of 3-5 ° C, after which they germinate in 2 months (unstratified - in 1-3 years).

Yews are perfectly cut, and not only one-year-old shoots take root, but also two-year-old ones taken "with a heel". Interestingly, cuttings taken from branches pointing upwards produce bushes with compact upright growth. And cuttings from horizontal branches, rooting, form sprawling low plants. Propagated well by layering and grafting.

Usage: Yews have been used for shearing and topiary art for many centuries, as they grow slowly and branch well, creating a very dense texture. However, for most regions of Russia, yews are suitable only for a low curb that will winter under the snow, and high impenetrable walls, which are formed from yew in more southern regions, will not come out of it.

Pictured on the left: yew maze

Yew - the most common decorative tree classic English garden. Sheared yews are used to create hedges and various decorative figures - balls, cubes and sculptures.

If you decide to make such a decoration in your yard, then you need to decide on the goals of the fence, its location relative to the sun and other factors, as well as its shape. After all, it can be free and grow in all directions. And there is one that needs to be formed, cut and adjusted to certain sizes. Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of plant that will perfectly cope with all your requirements.

Kalinolistny vesicle

This bush has excellent characteristics for those who want to green up their site as soon as possible. disease resistant, tolerates freezing winters well and most importantly these hedge plants are fast growing. grows in all directions at once. Its branches are covered with dense foliage, which looks like maple leaves, as well as currants and viburnum. The leaves have a very beautiful and unusual texture. In late June and early July, the plant blooms. Its inflorescences are umbrellas of many small flowers that densely fill the already dense branches.

Did you know? In one year, the plant lengthens its branches by 40 cm.

The shape of the crown can be formed independently or let it grow in all directions. Standard bush has round shape. Some landscape designers form fountains or square low fences. The height of the bush and its width - up to 3 meters.
Pruning the plant should be carried out regularly, ridding it of inside growing, dry and diseased branches.

The best time for this is the end of autumn or the beginning of spring, when very coldy already asleep. It is important to do this at a time when the juices on the branches have not yet gained their usual warm season speed. Then you won't damage your plant. It is preferable to create a bush shape in the spring.
It is worth noting the variety of varieties. They are fundamentally different from each other due to foliage color. She may be:

  • purple, which may change to red in autumn period("Diabolo", "Little Devil", "Coppertina");
  • yellow with a golden sheen ("Darts Gold", "Luteus");
  • the sheet has two colors at once: gold and burgundy ("Center Glow").

Is there some more dwarf variety"Nana", which is colored in juicy green color and adorned with bright white flowers.


  • European and Giralda are distinguished by the highest resistance to frost;
  • the greenest has the largest flowers, but does not tolerate winter well and is suitable for the southern regions;
  • oval-leaved;
  • drooping;
  • average hibernates without loss.

Important! Fertilizers are important for forcing: organic fertilizers are applied in the fall, mineral fertilizers in the spring. And also - pruning, which is carried out every year. Without these actions, the bush becomes very weak.


  • "Kobold" - a spherical bush no higher than 30 cm with bright green leaves that turn yellow-orange by autumn;
  • "Baguette" - a round shape, not higher than 40 cm, has red leaves, which, when grown in the sun, cast brown, and green in the shade;
  • "Admiration" - grows into a ball with a diameter of 50 cm and has a unique foliage that is purple inside and has a light border around the edges;
  • "Hurry Gold" - a dense golden crown that turns pink in autumn;
  • "Atropurpurea Nana" - a purple-red bush, up to 60 cm high, 1 m wide;
  • "Green Carpet" - does not grow above 50 cm and has light green foliage in a rounded crown.

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AT recent times under the influence of Western garden culture, many summer residents and land owners began to use hedges from ornamental shrubs. A hedge is aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly. And very beautiful. About which shrubs for hedges are more suitable than others, what perennial hedges look like, when and how a hedge is cut, we will tell in our article.

coniferous shrubs

Yew berry

This coniferous plant is extremely popular in middle lane. Yew grows best in loose, well-drained soil. In height, a yew fence can reach four meters. The plant develops equally well in the sun and in the shade. Yew grows slowly, and a full-fledged hedge will have to be grown for several years, but this drawback has a plus: you have to cut yew bushes no more than once a year, and this is not necessary. Fertilizers under the yew are applied once a year in the spring. Of the garden forms of yew berry, Nana, Hixie, Ripendens and Fastgiata Aurea are more popular than others.

yew berry hedge

Thuja western

This is also a coniferous plant, which is often used in decorative purposes, including for fencing the site. Thuja is sun-loving, hardy, prefers moist soil and is not afraid strong wind. In height, a wall of thuja can reach 4 m. Thuja grows much faster than yew, which is why they cut it twice a season - in spring and autumn. Try not to root the plant too much, otherwise the color of its needles may lose its brightness and saturation. In hedges, western thuja varieties such as Golden Globe, Columna and Spiralis are more often grown.

Lawson's cypress

This frost-resistant, wind-resistant shrub is very similar to thuja, but its scaly needles are thinner. Cypress trees come with yellow, green or blue foliage, and you can create a multi-colored hedge by planting plants with different needle colors in a row. Cypress grows best in moist soils. As for lighting, only a deep shadow does not suit the plant. Cut the hedge once a year, but you should know that after a strong haircut, the needles grow back for a very long time.

evergreen shrubs


The ideal hedge plant is the perennial evergreen boxwood. Green-leaved plant varieties hibernate without shelter, and forms with leaves of other shades are best grown where there is no frost in winter. Boxwood bushes can be pruned into any shape. The shrub has dwarf varieties for borders, and there are plants reaching a height of 3 m. However, in order to hedge from boxwood looked well-groomed, it needs to be cut once every one and a half months. Boxwood grows slowly, so for hedges it is better to purchase adult seedlings. A haircut is very important for a shrub, which is carried out in the very first season after planting: the bush is shortened by almost half, the plant receives a strong shake, after which it grows much faster.


This plant is readily and often used in landscape design. It has glossy, like boxwood, leaves, but not rounded, but elongated. In spring, privet bushes are decorated with white flowers, which turn into small dark blue berries in autumn. There are evergreen varieties of privet, and there are deciduous ones. The shrub grows slowly, so the formation of the hedge will take some time. Most often, Aureum, Glaucum and Atrovirens are grown as hedges, which, due to the brightness of the color of the leaves, are preferably planted in a sunny place.

Privet hedge

laurel cherry

The laurel bush grows up to 2 m. The main advantage of this plant is its adaptability to any conditions - heat, lack of water, poor or, conversely, too bright lighting. Laurel cherry has dense, glossy leathery leaves. In autumn, red, gradually blackening fruits appear on the bushes. Some plant species are edible. Cherry laurel grows quite quickly, so you will have to cut the hedge twice a year. The plant is very plastic: it can be given any shape.

Holly holly

Shrub up to 2 m high, preferring areas with medium lighting and not winter hardy. Holly blooms with fragrant white flowers, and by autumn, bright red spherical fruits collected in brushes ripen on it, which do not fall all winter. Holly grows slowly, so it is sheared once a year.

Holly holly hedge

Deciduous shrubs

European beech

This is one of the most popular shrubs for creating hedges, reaching a height of four or more meters. The plant prefers moist, fertile soil. Beech grows quickly, so it has to be cut twice a year. Beech leaves, green in spring and summer, turn yellow or redden by autumn and do not fall off until frost. However, the plant is susceptible to root rot, so it is important to monitor the degree of soil moisture.

common hornbeam

Because of the silvery-gray bark, the hornbeam is sometimes called the white beech. The common hornbeam can grow both in the sun and in the shade. This plant of the Birch family blooms with earrings, which gives it additional attractiveness. The hornbeam tolerates shading, drought and waterlogging of the soil well, has winter hardiness and is almost not damaged by diseases and pests. It grows quickly, so the hornbeam hedge is cut twice a season.

Cotoneaster brilliant

The cotoneaster grows up to 2 m in height. Its small leaves are very densely located on the branches. The plant is relatively drought-resistant, frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, branches well and tolerates urban gas pollution, the bushes in the lower part do not grow bald, the shrub is undemanding to the composition of the soil. It has only one drawback: it needs to be trimmed often.

Vesicle viburnum

The vesicle reaches a height of 3 m. It is resistant to diseases, frost-resistant and grows very quickly, and in all directions at once. The shape of its leaves resemble currant, viburnum and even maple. At the end of June, the vesicle begins to bloom, and it is covered with umbrellas of many white flowers. The natural shape of the bush is spherical, but with pruning it can be given any shape. It is best to engage in shaping in early spring, and during the period of leaf fall, you need to do a sanitary cleaning of the hedge. The plant is represented by varieties with leaves different color: Diablo, Little Devil, Coppertina - plants with purple foliage that turns red in autumn; Center Glow - a variety with burgundy-gold leaves; Luteus and Darts Gold - varieties with golden leaves; Nana is a vesicle with bright green leaves and white flowers.


Inexpensive fast growing plant with tart edible berries. Introduced turn in culture large quantity varieties and garden forms, and all of them are winter hardy and fast growing, but require serious care. The turn is cut in November. Of the varieties, Plena, Purpurea and Krasnolistny are the most popular.

Blackthorn hedge


Another ideal hedge plant that lives up to 300 years does not require special care and can adapt to any conditions. The exceptions are some varieties that do not tolerate cold winter. A hedge is planted from three-year-old seedlings in a checkerboard pattern, and two years after planting, at the end of April, all bushes should be cut to a height of 20 cm. After such a radical pruning, the hedge will be much thicker. A year later, you can start adjusting the shape of the bushes, and this can be done from spring to autumn. Most often, Arnold's hawthorn, fan-shaped, soft and ordinary are planted to create a hedge.


Forsythia, or forsythia, is a plant of amazing beauty: your garden will be surrounded by a golden ring of flowering bushes for a month in early spring, and only after flowering is completed, leaves will begin to appear on the shrub. Forsythia loves the sun, does not tolerate drafts and does not tolerate frost well. A haircut in June serves to shape the bushes, but heavy pruning harms the plant. A hedge is created from species such as European forsythia (Giralda), oval-leaved, drooping and medium.

Forsythia hedge

Barberry Thunberg

beautiful, showy plant, which is perfect both in single and in group planting. This type of barberry has a huge number of varieties, the foliage of which can be painted in dark red, brown with a golden tint, green or purple. The height of the Thunberg barberry hedge can reach 2.5 m. The shrub is unpretentious in care, but the bright sun harms it. But in moderation low temperatures he is not afraid. The barberry blooms in May, and in August or September, glossy, red, very attractive, but, unfortunately, poisonous fruits ripen on it. Cut the shrub twice a season - in spring and autumn. For growing high hedges, it is better to purchase varieties of Pink Queen, Erekta and Maria, and for growing borders, dwarf varieties of Kobold, Admiration, Green Carpet, Speshil Gold, Bagatelle and Atropurpurea Nana are more suitable.

A yew hedge is not just a decoration of the site, but a bright, spectacular landscape technique that allows you to judge the owner as a person of high taste. Today, there are more and more people who want to create such natural splendor on their site every year, since properly created hedges are not only decoration, but also excellent protection, and are also completely environmentally friendly.

Benefits of hedges

"Green fences", including those made of yew, have the following advantages over conventional fences:

  • Perfectly pass air, providing natural ventilation of the site;
  • Protect from dust penetration;
  • Significantly reduce the noise level;
  • Is environmentally friendly;
  • They create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

In addition, there are many varieties of yew, so you can easily zone the site, this is especially true if the area exceeds 20 acres.

Yew hedge: planting

In order to achieve the desired effect and get strong, beautiful plants, it is necessary to land them correctly. A yew hedge can be formed from the end of August, since during this period the plant takes root well. Also, landing is carried out in the spring from the beginning of April to mid-May, but always until the moment of active development of the kidneys. In the event that the yew was purchased in containers, then planting can be carried out from April to October. Important: each plant should be planted with a clod of earth to protect the root system as much as possible.

Forming a yew hedge

A yew hedge demands special attention at the formation stage, as the plant will remain green and attractive throughout the year. In order for the finished “green fence” to look aesthetically attractive, and the plants to feel comfortable and healthy, they should be planted at a distance of 20-50 cm. If there are no clear boundaries, then the distance between seedlings should be at least 30 cm.

The choice of soil for planting yew

Choose light soil for yew, as the plant will not take root on heavy soils. Be sure to fertilize it before planting. The ideal composition of fertilizer for yew:

  • Sand - 2 parts;
  • Peat - 2 parts;
  • Land sheet or turf - 3 parts.

It is also important to remember that the yew berry prefers slightly acidic or alkaline soils, and the spiky yew prefers slightly acidic or neutral. In turn, the middle yew grows well on neutral and slightly alkaline soils.

Yew planting care

After planting, a period of care begins, first for the plants, and then for the green hedge. It must be remembered that yew does not like moisture, therefore, abundant watering is not needed. A green fence from this plant will not be able to manifest itself in places with poor ecology, since plants are very demanding on the composition of the air.

Re-fertilize every spring. Yews do not like cold, at a young age they can even die, so they need to be covered for the winter for several years. This is done at the end of autumn with the help of dry peat. The thickness of the protective layer is 6-7 cm. It is best to tie the yew branches so that they do not break off under the thickness of the fallen snow.

Yews are undemanding to light and sun, they feel great in dark areas, but during the growing season and reproduction of sunlight they need more than usual. Propagation is by seeds or cuttings, which should be harvested from September to October. Their length should be at least 20 cm. The cuttings are planted in a sandy-peat mixture and placed in a warm place, preferably in a greenhouse. Planting cuttings should be done in mid-spring.

Green hedges are not only protective and structuring objects, but also a picturesque canvas of the garden, which gives integrity and completeness to landscape projects, creates style. The most compact and economical are sheared hedges.

Original natural textures have not gone out of fashion ever since they became an indispensable attribute in the design of palace gardens and parks. Such details of the landscape look spectacular, but require careful care and maintenance, they do not forgive negligence and agrotechnical blunders.

One of the keys to success is the right choice of culture.

compact yew

Yews belong to the available and quickly adaptable to different conditions ephedra. The crown is dense, the branches are whorled, the plants grow slowly and multiply easily. Coloring - green, juicy, the surface of the hedge is dense, even, flawless. The advantages of choice are minimal care, resistance to pests and diseases.

Green hedges are low, up to a meter. For designated purposes experienced gardeners more often they use the berry yew and its many forms and varieties, which are selected based on the height and desired color.

Conditions, pruning yew in the garden

The most shade-tolerant of conifers is able to put up with bright lighting, but Better conditions for normal development - penumbra. The location of plantings affects frost resistance: in the sun it is lost, in the shade it is acquired. Any soil is suitable, preferably loose, not waterlogged, medium-fertile or fertile.

The distance between plants during planting is half a meter, the depth of the trench is 70 cm. When planting, the root neck should not be deepened. Complete mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil layer, the next year the yews are fed again. To provide fast growth and the development of the conifer until the hedge closes, it is watered monthly, the soil is loosened to a depth of 15 cm, and sprinkling is carried out.

In the first two years, pruning is not carried out, then they begin to form a fence, shortening the shoots by one third of the length. At first, the growth of dense lower tiers is controlled, then the conifer is allowed to grow in height. Yew tolerates frequent shearing and heavy pruning. Hedges can be given a cone-shaped, rounded, trapezoidal and rectangular shape, this culture is good for original experiments.

Dark green thuja

The culture forms a dense crown with a dark color, which does not change with the onset of winter. Thuja is suitable for creating strict living hedges with non-standard forms. By itself, the plant forms even pyramids, almost does not need formative pruning. From the thuja, they often do not make solid, interlocking landings, but create a kind of palisade of cones. Each tree is formed separately. The culture looks festive and fresh, but too strict, it is better to plant it along the walls and for deaf zoning.

geometric hornbeam

The most powerful deciduous walls are created by the hornbeam. During the winter, he cannot boast of the attractiveness that the conifers have, but in the summer and autumn time year creates dense green screens. These trees are medium in size, with a natural spherical or conical crown, in themselves - one of the best geometric. Grayish smooth bark, oval foliage, pruning tolerance - all these qualities allow you to get dense and spectacular fences. rich color. In autumn, the foliage changes color to golden.

Hornbeams are used to create green walls of great height, higher than human height. It is convenient for them to protect the site from the road or street with heavy traffic, the culture will suppress noise and purify the air. The plant retains its shape for a long time even in the absence of regular pruning.

Conditions, pruning hornbeam

For normal development, the hornbeam needs nutritious soil, high-quality, fresh, not acidic. The culture is used in bright areas, although it is shade-tolerant. Planting of seedlings is carried out at a distance of up to 70 cm from each other, the age of the plants is two to three years. Pruning is carried out the next spring after planting, shortening the trees in height, and then forming a crown. Grab is not afraid cardinal pruning, the procedure is carried out in late spring and early autumn. The height is not restrained until the sealing of the lower part.

Linden, beech, elm

To form green walls from three meters in height, linden can be used, large-leaved and small-leaved varieties also easily tolerate pruning, like other deciduous crops.

A good alternative is beech. Unlike the hornbeam, the plant has brown foliage all winter. Form beeches from the second year of cultivation, hold back the height twice a year. green hedge requires the creation of a second row, Bottom part railings may be exposed.

For strict screens, elms with large leaves and dense crown. Sufficiently wide fences begin to form a few years after planting.

Universal boxwood

The boxwood crown, which easily tolerates a haircut, is the main advantage of this plant. It is often used. Very beautiful, medium-sized, living boxwood fences are by far the most popular. The main disadvantage is low winter hardiness. The crown of the shrub develops evenly and thus retains its shape well.

Conditions for growing and caring for boxwood, soil, pruning boxwood

Boxwoods are undemanding to the soil, although they prefer neutral or calcareous fertile soils. Culture needs a shaded or semi-shaded place. If the site is sunny, then the hedges are watered in the summer, and shaded with screens for the winter. The most difficult period is wintering. With the beginning of the cold season, the soil is deeply saturated with moisture and mulched with needles or peat. The fence itself is covered with non-woven material.

Planting is done in the spring, the distance between the bushes is from 20 to 40 cm. The growth is cut by a third, the extra branches that break out of the fence are removed during the summer, it is better not to touch the lignified parts. The first procedure is carried out in April.

multi-stemmed hawthorn

From hawthorn bushes, the culture is also planted as a fence. Undemanding, hardy, durable plant creates impenetrable thickets. Almost all varieties are equipped with sharp needles, their length can reach 10 - 12 cm. One of the advantages of hawthorn is an autumn outfit, bright spots of a fiery palette adorn the garden until the snow. The shrub does not lose its ability to bloom and bear fruit even in dense plantings. The disadvantage is slow development, the formation of a full-fledged hedge will have to wait not two or three years, but ten.

Winter-hardy species of hawthorn:

  • Arnold,
  • daurian,
  • Maksimovich.

Almost every type of hawthorn has unusual, variegated forms, rare shades of foliage. For planting a hedge, it is better to use two-year-old hawthorn seedlings.

Conditions and pruning hawthorn

Hawthorn loves good lighting or light partial shade. The distance between seedlings is from 15 cm to 20 cm, planting material is placed at an angle so that the shoots are intertwined. Fertilizers under the bushes are applied twice a year: mineral - in the spring, organic - in the fall. Hawthorn watering is carried out regularly, in drought - more often. In spring, the soil layer is loosened to the depth of a bayonet, mulched with earth or peat.

After planting, the hawthorn is immediately pruned, leaving shoots of 15 cm each. This allows you to get dense thickets, ideal for strict hedges. next spring carry out a new pruning, leaving one or two strong shoots on each plant, the rest are removed. As it grows, a number of skeletal branches form. The process is repeated with the appearance of new shoots until reaching desired height and density. The formed hawthorn hedge needs to maintain "facets", which are often given a trapezoidal shape. Pruning to a third of the length of the shoots better in spring and in the first month of summer.

In warm regions, cherry laurel, an evergreen, fast-growing shrub with beautiful variegated or glossy leaves, can act as an alternative to hawthorn. Culture loves a haircut, easily tolerates curly molding, and is not afraid of strong pruning.

Green laurel bush.
A hedge, a fence made of laurel cherry. Laurel cherry begins to bloom beautifully. Laurel cherry bears berries.

deciduous privet

The height of the shrubs is up to five meters, the leaves are leathery, lanceolate, dark, back side- lighter. The advantage of culture is active growth at a young age, fences are formed quickly and easily, while maintaining density and decorativeness. The plant allows you to create wide and beautiful hedges of medium or low height. Best for fencing decorative forms common privet.

Conditions and specifics of caring for privet

The privet shrub grows only on fertile soil, the other parameters are less important. The most spectacular fences are formed in sunny areas, some varieties are shade-tolerant. The culture is drought-resistant, easily tolerates polluted urban conditions. In cold regions, privet can freeze to the level of snow, but quickly recovers. Such unsuccessful wintering does not affect the attractiveness of the hedge. The shrub does not require care, responds well to complex top dressing, which is carried out in early spring. planting material placed at a distance of 30 cm to 50 cm from each other.

Privet blossom, rather strong aroma. A hedge of privet bushes at some distance, with gaps. The fruits of privet are not edible. Fence, hedge of privet bushes.