DIY construction technology from vulture panels. How to build a house from SIP panels? We adopt Canadian technology

Residents of Europe and North America have been using structural insulating sip panels for more than fifty years to build strong, warm, durable and environmentally friendly buildings. V Lately houses built using Canadian technology have become popular in our country as well. Today, a large number of construction companies offer their services for the construction of such structures. Of course, representatives of one of these many companies can be hired for construction, however, you can make a house out of vulture panels with your own hands. Self assembly will significantly reduce the cost of 1m 2 of the building, while its quality will not be damaged.

Houses from sip panels have many advantages, however, we will highlight the most significant ones:

  • The buildings are different high degree thermal insulation, therefore, the cost of heating buildings from structural insulating sip panels is much lower than the cost of heating wooden, concrete or stone houses.
  • Good sound insulation guarantees reliable protection from external noise.
  • Structures of this type have an increased margin of safety and a long service life, which can exceed 100 years.
  • Thanks to simple principle docking, houses are very quickly assembled, while perfectly flat walls and corners lend themselves very well to finishing.
  • The likelihood that this structure will shrink is very small.
  • The material from which the vulture panels are made is not subject to decay and is not affected by insects. In addition, the material contains no harmful substances that can harm the health of residents or damage the environment.

Canadian technology is equally successfully used for the construction of real estate of any type. To date, the following are being erected from vulture panels:

  • Country houses, country cottages.
  • Office buildings.
  • Hotel complexes, tourist centers.
  • Restaurants, bars, cafes.
  • Warehouses, workshops and much more.

Preliminary work

The first thing to do before starting construction is to draw up a project for the future home. If you can't create a project on your own, then you can resort to the help of specialists. In addition, it is permissible to use standard projects that are presented on various Internet resources, or to adapt these projects to your requirements, making the necessary adjustments.

  • Equally important is the acquisition the necessary tool... At the same time, it is strongly recommended that you refuse to purchase quality tool since this can lead to various unpredictable negative consequences.
  • Strict adherence to safety rules will keep your health intact and will help to complete construction work in full with quality and on time.

Construction stages

  1. The construction of the foundation is a mandatory initial stage in the construction process of any building or structure. A house made of vulture panels has a relatively low weight, therefore, in most cases, it is advisable to build a foundation for such a building on screw piles. The advantage of this type of foundation is that its construction takes no more than two days, while carrying out installation works possibly even with negative temperature air. Another positive aspect of using a foundation on screw piles is that its cost is quite low compared to the cost of building other types of foundations.
  2. After completing the work related to the foundation, you should proceed to its waterproofing. For this, roofing material is used, which must be laid in two layers.
  3. Next, you need to lay the strapping beam, which will serve as the basis for the floor. Laying is carried out on tops screw piles according to the previously created drawing documentation.
  4. At the next stage, panels are mounted that act as a floor covering. Waterproofing is provided by the applied outside a layer of bituminous mastic. They must be laid out along the entire perimeter of the future structure and spliced ​​along the width and length by connecting them to the strapping beam using a strong and inconspicuous thorn-groove connection. Before the splicing process, each groove is sealed with a one-component polyurethane foam sealant. In addition, self-tapping screws help to fix the structure, which must be screwed on each side of the connection. When the ceilings are finally assembled, a one-component polyurethane foam sealant should also be applied to their ends, after which the outer parts are sheathed with wooden planks.
  5. After completing the above steps, you can begin to assemble the walls of the first floor of the house. First of all, it is necessary to carry out the installation of the horizontal frame of the walls along the foundation, i.e. bottom trim of the walls. In this case, the work must be performed with special care, strictly adhering to wiring diagram from which one cannot deviate. Any inaccuracies at this stage of construction may lead to serious problems further. It is possible to install vulture panels that will act as the walls of the building when ready bottom rail... First, the corner elements are installed, after which the rest of the racks and plates are fastened (installation is carried out from the first corner panel and is carried out in two directions, to the second corner element). During the assembly process, each newly installed plate must be controlled by a special measuring tool- a building level that allows you to determine the amount of deviation from a vertical or horizontal line and, if necessary, correct its position.
  6. After that, the upper samples are processed with a one-component polyurethane foam sealant, then the upper strapping is laid.
  7. Next, it is the turn of the installation of the interfloor overlap. To do this, along the entire perimeter of the structure, slabs with a pre-applied layer of one-component polyurethane foam sealant are mounted on the panels of the first floors, which act as an interfloor overlap (as well as on the first floor).
  8. The wall panels of the second floor are mounted and fastened to each other by analogy with the wall panels of the first floor of a building. Sometimes the spans of the rooms can be large. In this case between floor slabs it is best to reinforce it with a veneer lumber (LVL lumber), which can later be hidden with decorative ceiling trim, under drywall sheets or under a false ceiling.
  9. Roof installation is the final stage in the construction of the house. It should be noted that the construction of the roof is carried out without a rafter system, because the sip panels have a significant margin of safety, thanks to which they are able to withstand high external loads. The principle of joining roof slabs remains the same as the principle of joining floor panels. In this case, there is no need to use vapor barrier and waterproofing materials since the material has good vapor barrier and heat insulating properties.
  10. After the roof has been erected, you can begin to install the roof covering, which can consist of any roofing materials, in this case there are no restrictions.
  11. Window openings can also be of any shape and size.
  12. Carrying into the house engineering communications can be carried out in parallel with interior finishing work.

Deciding to build private house most often the stake is not so much on the quality of materials as on their cheapness. Currently the most profitable and quick way construction- erection of houses from vulture panels.

Panel construction gained popularity over 50 years ago. Initially, this technique has proven itself in Canada, Europe, and Japan. Today the technology has gained a lot of supporters among Russians.

Types of material: what are they made of?

SIP is a structural insulating panel consisting of two special sheets, between which insulation is placed.

Layers stick together under the influence of the press With high pressure. Standard thickness slabs is 9 mm or 12 mm.

Let's see what the vulture panels are made of?

Outer layers can be made from the following materials:

  • oriented strand board;
  • gypsum fiber or drywall sheet;
  • plywood;
  • fibreboard.

Used as insulation:

  • expanded polystyrene - a porous material that is 90% air, is absolutely safe;
  • foam - waterproof, but highly flammable, subject to rapid combustion;
  • polyurethane foam - has a high insulating threshold, does not conduct heat, is flammable;
  • mineral wool - does not burn well, is safe for health.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sip panel have significant advantages:

The disadvantages of designs from vulture panels are the following:

  1. Unsafe- primarily depends on the quality of the materials used in production. Many factories make panels using foam. It is better not to buy them, the foam gives off formaldehyde.
  2. Condensation forms at the junction of the frame and the slab, which leads to the appearance of connection defects.
  3. The panels are sealed, therefore buildings need forced system ventilation, which increases the cost.
  4. The service life is limited. The structure loses its insulating properties after a few years. This problem is solved by replacing the worn-out insulation with a more durable polystyrene foam.

How to build a house from vulture panels with your own hands?

Today on construction market huge number companies build houses from vulture panels. Of course, you can assemble a house with your own hands.

Consider phased implementation works... So, we are building a house from vulture panels with our own hands.

Preliminary work

At this stage, a draft of the future dwelling is drawn up. Usually, suitable option choose from the set standard projects and finalize it on their own.

Or they turn to design organizations for help. A well-thought-out layout will ensure quality and durability of the future home.

Then produced payment the required amount material, buying a quality tool (you will definitely need a screwdriver, a hacksaw). You will most likely have to resort to the help of a specialized organization.

Buying standard panels and then customizing them to your project is quite time consuming. Hence, it is easier to contact the company that will manufacture and deliver the panels required parameters.

Erection of the foundation

Most popular types of foundation are:

  • pile or pile-tape;
  • monolithic slabs with shallow depth;
  • columnar or columnar-tape;
  • tape deepening with a plinth;
  • tape deepening.

Installation of piles differs in a relatively low installation speed, simplicity, efficiency and economy. Most experts consider piles to be the most acceptable basis for a panel house.

A screw pile is a metal tube with a blade. The pile is screwed into the ground deep enough to exclude deformation of the building.

Water supply, heating and electricity for the future home bred before the construction of the foundation.

Waterproofing, piping, wall construction

At this stage, two layers of roofing material or bitumen are laid on top of the foundation, and then a strapping bar, pretreated with an antiseptic. Then, starting boards are attached to the strapping bar with screws.

Next, the panels are laid, which in the future will serve as a floor. When joining, the grooves are processed with a sealant, fixed with self-tapping screws. The ends are also processed with a sealant, are sheathed with boards.

The vip panel attaches to the starting board... It should be mounted from the corners of the structure. The connection is simple, the groove is inserted into the ridge, the fasteners are reinforced with screws.

Be sure to use the level, so that protect the structure from distortions... Polyurethane foam is used for joints. It is also worth doing with the ends of the vulture panels before joining them to each other.

Construction from sip-panels (SIP) can be attributed to the fastest, which currently exists on this market. It is quite possible to build a one-story cottage in a week and a half. The technology came to us from Canada. It is also extremely popular now in European countries.

Vulture buildings are very warm and reliable enough. In our conditions, the material is ideal for construction country cottages and country houses... In this regard, many who want to become the owners of such a temporary or permanent housing are interested in how to build a house from vulture panels with their own hands in a record-breaking short time due to technology.

What are sip panels

Sip panel is a three-layer building material. The inner part is a thick layer of polystyrene foam, which acts as an insulating and warming material. On both sides, 2 layers of chipboard OSB are attached to it. It is made from multidirectional chips, glued under pressure.

Expanded polystyrene provides excellent sound and heat insulation. OSB boards and high-quality glue produced using special technology securely fix the insulating material. During construction, the vulture panels are connected to each other polyurethane foam, and the rigidity of all structural units is given by wooden beams.

The advantages of this building material:

1. Durability - 100 years or more.
2. Fast construction using the method of joining SIP panels.
3. It is possible to build in any season, since there are no solutions that require special conditions for solidification.
4. Very simple construction roofs.
5. Due to the small thickness of the panels, the usable area inside the house increases.
6. The building constructed using this technology is very light and does not shrink.
7. Excellent thermal insulation, which allows saving energy resources even during the heating season.
8. Ease of installation of doorways.
9. Ideally smooth and even surface of the panels allows you to use any finishing without prior leveling the walls.
10. Expanded polystyrene and OSB board do not rot; rodents do not settle in them.
11. The material is absolutely clean and environmentally friendly.
12. Construction from it is quite simple and does not require the involvement of heavy construction equipment (cranes, etc.) in the process.
13. Low prices on self-supporting insulated wire panels make the construction of them the most cost-effective option.


1. Panels do not allow water vapor to pass through, therefore, buildings made of them need high-quality ventilation.
2. The material cannot boast of high fire resistance. In this regard, the issue of electrical wiring insulation should be given Special attention... It is recommended to install a fire alarm.
3. The material is not resistant to moisture, so the foundation must be made wide enough to protect the structure from moisture.
4. The technology of erecting houses from vulture panels does not allow to greatly diversify typical projects.

Construction from vulture panels (video)

You should always start with design. And although a great variety in this matter should not be expected, it is important to correctly calculate the size of the rooms, the placement of communications, etc. The complete assembly of the building is shown in the video.

The Vulture panel building is very light in weight and does not need a strong foundation. Under one- or two-storey house you can build a tape or pile-screw. During the construction of the foundation, it is very important to properly equip its waterproofing. This will require bituminous mastic and 2 layers of roofing material, the sheets of which must be overlapped.

Then you can start laying the sub-floor, which we also build from the same SIP panels (video). The photo shows how the floor is attached to the foundation. The panels are connected to each other and immediately fixed by means of polyurethane sealant and self-tapping screws.

Building walls (video)

How the assembly of building walls from SIP panels looks like can be seen in the video.

It is assembled literally like a big constructor. First, the lower trim is mounted. As is the case with many modern building materials, construction of vulture panels starts from the corners of the house. The next ones are attached to the corner panels joint to joint in both directions, up to following angles... Between the panels is laid wooden bar, fixed with sealant and self-tapping screws.

To build any building, you must definitely use building level... In this case, this is also relevant, despite the fact that the sip panels are perfectly flat. Using a level will help prevent walls from deviating from the ideal vertical. The ends of the walls and the upper samples are covered with sealant, after which we begin to make the upper strapping.

To create floors between floors, all the same sip panels are used. They have sufficient strength for this and can withstand a very solid weight (furniture, residents themselves, etc.). After installing the ceilings, we continue to build the walls - now on the second floor. Ceilings are reinforced with wooden beams.

Door / window openings are very easy to make: you can simply cut them out with a regular hacksaw. The material lends itself well to processing and requires almost no effort during this process. All this can be done by hand.

How to build a roof

The technology for erecting a roof on such a building is extremely simple. To build it, we again use the same SIP panels. The slabs are mounted according to the same principle as walls and floors. It is not necessary to use rafters. How is the connection of roofing and wall panels, shown in diagrams 1 and 2.

Please note that a support column is installed in the center. For this, you can use a beam of 50x70 mm. All fastening of the roofing elements is done with self-tapping screws, sealant and docking beams. When the roof is assembled, you can proceed immediately to topcoat... You can cover the roof with almost any material (metal tiles, corrugated board, soft tiles etc.). The choice of material depends on the preferences and material capabilities of the home owner.


Outside, the structure can be faced plastic clapboard, siding and any similar material that will protect the walls from moisture. Interior decoration even simpler. Since the walls of the vulture panels are absolutely flat, there is no need to install any leveling frame.

The walls inside the building can be pasted over with wallpaper, plaster, even tiled or mosaic (bathroom, kitchen, etc.). Flooring just about anything will do. You can lay laminate, linoleum on the floor, floorboard and even parquet, if there is such a desire. Even including all the finishing touches, the construction of a 3-4-room mansion made of vulture panels in the worst weather can take a maximum of a month and a half.

The technology is simple and inexpensive; the cost of all materials is also minimal. Everything is done very simply and very quickly. If you need the most inexpensive country house with excellent heat and sound insulation performance, construction from vulture panels is the right choice. In the next video, we posted a review of the owner of such a house. It will help you to better understand what such a structure is.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The technology of building houses from SIP (SIP) panels has been used for several decades in North America. Such construction is also widespread in Europe. The popularity of this technology is due to the reliability of the structure, high speed of construction regardless of weather conditions, and good heat-shielding performance. Ease of assembly makes it possible to build a house from SIP panels with your own hands without involving a large team and heavy equipment.

Features of this technology

The fact that this type of construction is feasible can be seen by looking at the photo report below about the construction works... The information below shows how to build a house from SIP panels yourself.

For complete clarity, it should be noted that the concept of SIP panel came from in English- SIP (Structural Insulated Panel) translates as a structural insulated panel (see photo).

Houses made of such sandwich panels cope with both lateral loads (hurricane winds) and the weight of snow on the roof.

The main stages of building a house from SIP panels

If construction is planned on land where there was nothing before, the placement of a house on the site will be associated solely with the personal preferences of the owners, and with the placement norms regarding land boundaries. If a pipeline passes nearby, they are equipped sewerage, you need to take care not to hurt communications during the construction process.

Marking is made for the foundation.

Foundation construction

The light weight of the house made of sandwich panels allows you to minimize the cost of building the foundation. Massive construction not needed here. Lightweight buildings made of SIP panels can be installed on the following types of foundations:

  • tape;
  • pile-screw;
  • slab.

Of course, you can equip the basement.

Here it was decided to build a house without a basement. First, with the help of heavy equipment, they equipped the site, made a small deepening under the foundation. When grooves are made in accordance with project documentation, equip the formwork and fill it with concrete.

Cinder blocks are installed on the strip foundation, which are reinforced and poured with concrete.

In this situation, 988 blocks were used. It turns out a rather high basement of the house. This helps protect the home from moisture and insects. Instead of cinder blocks, you can simply use concrete to pour the basement.

Arrangement of the lower level

It is believed that SIP panels are very durable. You can easily find a video where a truck drives on such a panel, and it does not deform at all. Therefore, the floor in the house is made from this material. Only first, waterproofing is laid on the foundation. The first panel is placed on it, aligning it with the corner of the foundation. The joints of the panels are filled with foam. A connecting key is also installed there. The second panel is attached close to the first. The connecting dowels, to which the panels themselves are screwed, will give rigidity to all structures.

When laying the panels, the level must be checked. If there are deviations, they must be eliminated. The end part of the laid panels is closed with strapping boards, when they are fastened, foam is used. As a result, outwardly, the floor of the first floor will resemble a monolithic panel.

Laying of communications

Pre-prepared technological holes are used for laying communications. This is both a water supply system and a sewerage system.

This work must be carried out before laying the finished floor.

Arrangement of internal partitions

Usually, internal partitions are installed simultaneously with the construction of load-bearing walls.

But if there are delays in the delivery of panels, you can first install the frame of the internal partitions in accordance with the diagrams and drawings of the project documentation.

Installation of SIP panels

The main stage of building a house from SIP panels with your own hands is the installation of the panels themselves.

It is necessary to fix this material without gaps and voids. The more airtight the connection is, the more comfortable it will be to live in the house. The joints must be filled with polyurethane foam. Fasteners are carried out with self-tapping screws. It is better to fix the panel to the guide bar on the foundation anchor bolts to exclude possible shifts during foundation shrinkage. The number of butt joints should be kept to a minimum. So the best option- construction of a house from SIP panels, made specifically for a specific project.

When the walls of the first floor are assembled, the timber and floor panels are laid.

Roof construction

Mauerlat is made, mounted rafter system, on which SIP panels are installed, and the roof is already attached to it. To see in detail how the roof is arranged, you can see