Do-it-yourself drawings of padlock screw locks. We make a garage lock with our own hands

The garage is that secret place where every man can spend quite a lot of time. But to everything else, an expensive thing is stored there - a car. Many save up some money to buy a suitable car for themselves. Therefore, in the first place after the purchase is reliable protection his "treasure". That is why it is necessary to hang a reliable and durable lock on the garage, which no one will be able to open or crack. Among the many purchased locks, there are homemade locks with a secret for the garage, which are distinguished by reliability and increased security.

What is the advantage of homemade locks? Because they are harder to open. If attackers are already familiar with standard locks, which are bought a lot in stores, then the barrier with my own hands with modifications can stop robbers. This is what our article is about. We will look at some of the secrets of garage locks, their types and features. And also we will learn how to make a homemade garage lock with your own hands.

Effective lock secrets for garage security

The secret in the castle is a secret, so that no one knows its structure. The main task is to make the lock device complex, but at the same time simple at first glance, the secret should not be easy to read with indirect signs. There is some regularity here. It lies in the fact that simplicity is the key to success. The simpler the lock seems, the more difficult it will be for an attacker to crack it and understand the principle of its operation.

Since these are homemade locks for the garage, their variety is quite large. However, among a large number of the most different designs, there are several cereals that can be canceled:

Note! In order for your secret lock to remain so in the future, it is important to ensure that strangers do not see you open or close the garage door. Otherwise, the principle of its work and the very essence of the work will be lost. The trick won't work.

A similar drawback has locks with a secret that work on the basis of a simple car alarm. Why can you say so? Because any alarm for cars has a standard device and mechanisms. That is why a professional needs to look at least once at the key fob or signal box, mechanism and wires to determine the implementation of the secret. Let's take a closer look at some of the available secret lock schemes, after which we will try to implement all this in practice.

Some schemes of locks with a secret

To begin with, consider the mechanical types of a secret for a lock. They come down to the modernization of an existing castle. Here's what you can do to protect your garage from thieves:

Simple screw lock with a secret

Now we can consider homemade screw locks for the garage. They are very popular due to the fact that their creation is simple and they are quite effective. In order to create them, you will need the ability to use the machine. Then you can get a screw lock with a secret, which you see in the photo below.

Its working principle and secret lies in the fact that the key head has a special configuration. To create a more complex screw-type lock system, you need to make two degrees of protection and two keys. This will make the design even more reliable. To understand how this product works, we suggest you watch this video:

As you can see, the garage protection is very reliable. Now replicas of old mechanical locks with a secret are gaining quite a lot of popularity. The secret of its functioning comes down to a very complex form key. And this means that to make the same form for yourself working surface without having the original, very difficult. However, it is hardly rational to use it for garage doors.

Padlock with a secret

If we talk about modern analogues of the design of the old castle, which was discussed above, then these are simple hinged structures for garages. We are all used to seeing them. Below in the photo there are drawings of such structures.

The body of the product has bushings with pins in the amount of 2 pcs. and retaining ring. They block the movement of the mechanism. The circuit shackle can be removed once you have chosen the correct pin position. When the mechanism turns, the groove on the cylindrical part of the pin begins to align with the corresponding hole in the body. Then the end of the bow can be released or blocked. In the case when there is one pin on the lock, then choosing the desired position on the case is not so difficult.

If you make two pins that have their own individual arrangement of grooves, then it will be very difficult and long to find the right position. In addition, when closing the garage, you can easily turn the pin to any position to classify in what state the lock can be opened.

An example of creating a lock with a secret with your own hands

And now let's look at how you can make a simple lock with a secret with your own hands. The first option would be to create a special key and locking structures. To create it, you need to have the skills of a welder to perform a series of welding jobs.

The design itself is very simple. On the garage door of one half, on the reverse side, you need to weld hinges in which a locking mechanism in the form of a metal plate will be installed. The same loops are welded onto the other half, which will include locking plates. It is important to place them on the same level so that the movement is unhindered. A hole is made in the plate itself, thanks to which the owner will be able to close or open the garage. The whole secret is in the key for such a lock. It will be made of thick wire, have a special shape and length. It will allow you to stick the key into the hole in the gate, and then open or bury the locking mechanism. All holes are made identical to the diameter of the wire.

The bottom line is that there can be several such plates. And the secret comes down to the fact that there is no lock or structure on the gate, only a hole. An attacker will not be able to pick up the key, understand how to open the gate, because he does not see the exact distance from the hole to the plate. A key 1 or 0.5 cm over/under will not be able to open this door. To understand how everything visually works, you can watch this: homemade locks with a secret for a garage video.

Advice! So that the attacker does not guess at all how to open this lock, you can mask the hole, and hang an ordinary one next to it. old lock which doesn't work. This will distract him for a long time, and he will not be able to get inside in any way.

You need to understand what the purpose of the lock with a secret is: it should confuse the attacker. It is in the originality and non-standard and all the strength of the design. If they learned to cope with ordinary constipation, then this is something new, unrecognized. The more you can upgrade a product, the better.

Summing up

Garage protection is the main task for every car owner. And if thieves have learned to bypass standard purchased products, it's time to show imagination and make your own cunning and unusual castle with a secret. With it, you can definitely be sure that no one will encroach on your property. And thanks to visual videos, you can make similar designs with your own hands.

The garage is built not only to protect the vehicle from the negative impact external factors but also to protect it from theft. Of course, no garage can give a full guarantee that the iron horse is safe, so we can talk about such a degree of protection, which will largely depend on the strength and reliability of the garage lock.

Starting a conversation about garage locks, it should be noted that, like most devices, they can be of several types:

  • Mounted.
  • Mortise.
  • Rack.
  • Overhead.
  • mixed devices.

One of the main criteria for the differences between these devices is how they were made, namely, are we talking about factory products or are they homemade garage locks.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is definitely impossible to say that some of the castles are definitely better, since each of them will surpass a similar castle in one way or another, but in some way inferior to the other.

Note! The question of choosing a castle is often determined by its price.

If there is a desire to purchase a decent and reliable factory device, then you need to be ready to pay sometimes a lot of money, because in this case we will no longer talk about simple factory stamping, but about a mechanism assembled by a professional by hand. In general, a number of common points can be distinguished, in the differences between products from the factory and handicraft homemade products.

  • If you are interested in quality and reliability, then you will have to pay decent amounts in both cases.
  • In both cases, if you want to save money, you need to be prepared for losses in quality, but here you should not forget that the price of this may be the safety of the vehicle.
  • The installation of the device must be approached very responsibly, remembering the basic rule - best protection the one that is not visible.

Types and principle of operation of locks

Among the locks on the market, there are several types of them.


One of the most common types of locks is a padlock. The whole mechanism of this device is hidden in a hanging case. Locking is carried out using an arc (or pin) inserted inward. For the operation of the device, on lockable gates, it is necessary to install special eyes into which an arc is inserted and due to which locking occurs. This type technical devices has one negative quality, calling into question all its advantages, namely, openness. Such locks are hung outside, as a result of which, attackers can have access to it and, using a master key, open it, or simply knock down the lock. It follows from this that such a lock can only be used as additional measure protection, with the combined use of several options for locking devices.

rack lock

This is another common option for making locks. Mounted already inside, while locking is carried out using several sliding rods. The lock is opened using a special key, which, passing through the well, pulls the valves. The design of this type of lock is somewhat more reliable, but at the same time it can be cracked by sawing through the locking elements or simply picking up the key.

Mortise lock option

This type is difficult to install and relatively low reliability. In addition, manufacturers often unreasonably inflate prices for such products. It can also be said that the use of a lock of this type is possible only as an additional measure of protection.

The above garage door locks are in most cases factory-made, but can be made independently if you have certain locksmith skills. However, it is worth saying that the manufacture of locks and constipation of a different type will be more preferable.


By this name, the people called a lockable system that works on the principle of a deadbolt. This version of the lock is simple in design and can be made by hand. The principle of operation of this device is that on the two wings of the garage door, from the inside, special eyes are mounted from, for example, metal or wooden beams. In the center of the gate, on a through bolt, a revolving bolt is mounted, which is actuated by turning relative to the center. The ends of the turntable fall into the eyes, thereby securely locking the doors from the inside. Thus, there are no elements of the lock outside, as a result of which hacking becomes almost impossible.


This is another one homemade version locking the garage door. Its simplicity and at the same time reliability and efficiency allow it to be used in a large number of cases. The latch is a metal pin that moves inside the eyes. It is usually mounted on inside garage door. Such constipation works on the principle of a valve. Almost everyone can mount it, without the use of highly specialized tools.

This type of locking device can be called a kind of latch, with the only difference being that the latch, as a rule, moves in a horizontal plane and is used with a single-leaf gate design. Constipation for swing gate, are metal rods that move vertically inside special eyes on the alignments. In order for the locking to be carried out, a pair of holes about half a meter deep must be made in the ground under the rods. For greater strength and reliability, metal tubes of a suitable diameter can be driven into these holes, which can be concreted.

In conclusion, it can be noted that do-it-yourself garage locks (which were listed above) are mainly used if the garage is either built into the building of the house or surrounded by a fence and has a second exit, because the most effective locking occurs only from the inside.


This video demonstrates the device and operation makeshift castle for the garage:

To protect the house from the entry of strangers, locks are installed on the doors. They are different types and types, so choosing the model of interest, taking into account your requirements, will not be difficult.

Classification of door locks

According to the degree of protection and according to the opening mechanism, locks can be divided into the following groups:

  • constipation - hook, valve, etc.;
  • locks - mechanical, electromechanical, electromagnetic.

A simple option for the unlocking method is constipation. They do not contain a secret locking mechanism and no keys are used to unlock.

Of the locks that have a mechanism, a simple option is mechanical devices. To open or close them, you need a key that is inserted into the well and, depending on the design, is either turned or moved back and forth. As a result, the lock works and the door opens.

An electrical signal is used to control electromechanical and electromagnetic devices. They allow the use of a remote control to open the system remotely. It is possible to use fingerprint or palm reading, voice control, etc.

According to the mounting option, locks are:

  • overhead,
  • mortise / built-in,
  • mounted.

Overheads are less practical, so their use is gradually fading away. The castle is made up of two important elements: on the one hand there is a secret mechanism and a latch, on the other hand - a striker.

Mortise-type door devices are more practical and popular. The main part during fastening is located in the body of the door. From the outside, only the keyhole is visible, decorative panel and a handle to open the door. The counterpart is located in the same way in the door frame.

Built-in type lock is more practical. It is also located inside door leaf, but with the only difference that it does not crash into it, but is installed during the manufacturing process of the door. hallmark such devices consider the presence of crossbars, which can be located not only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lock, but also around the entire perimeter of the door.

The padlock is used only for locking outbuildings. Because its use on the entrance or interior doors is impractical.

Almost any castle contains the same set of elements:

  • castle larvae;
  • retractable crossbars;
  • pens;
  • fake tongue;
  • patch panel.

A distinctive feature of locks for interior doors is the absence of a secret mechanism, while door devices on the input blocks can not do without them. The more combinations of the lock, the more reliable the locking device.

There is certain types door structures, which fall into the category of burglary-resistant. It is impossible to open such a lock without a native key.

According to the type of locking mechanism, door devices are divided into lever and cylinder.

Locks can be purchased from specialized stores or online. construction market, and do it on the door with your own hands. For such a constipation, it is much more difficult to find a key, it is assembled from high-quality elements, and only the developer knows the scheme of the secret part.

In addition, locks are divided according to the scope, in connection with which they are:

  • for entrance doors;
  • for interior doors.

Their device is approximately the same, but there are still differences, which allows you to distinguish between devices for their intended purpose.

Lock mechanism

The larva is the main part of the castle. The safety of personal property depends on its reliability and secrecy.

Depending on the design, the larvae are:

  • cylinder;
  • level;
  • disk;
  • crossbar;
  • cross.

Cylinder devices are characterized by the location of the secret mechanism in a kind of cylinder. It consists of several pins that are responsible for opening and closing the lock. In order to unlock such a device, a key is needed, with special notches, which, when the key is turned, will mix the pins into a certain position.

Level types are considered more reliable. This is due to the presence of special levers that rise to a certain level when the key moves in the keyhole.

The disk device is less reliable, but no less popular. To unlock such a mechanism, you need a key, in the form of a rod cut in half, with characteristic notches. When such a key is turned inside the keyhole, a kind of tunnel is formed and the discs turn, as a result of which the mechanism is unlocked.

Crossbar mechanisms are less reliable, so they are used very rarely. The principle of unlocking consists in the movement of two bolts, which are pulled apart by special keys.

The cross-type larva is the most unreliable. You can crack this type of lock with a Phillips screwdriver at your disposal.

Homemade latch lock

The principle of operation is as follows: a bolt (such as a furniture bolt) is installed in the door, which is turned with a hex key. The bolt goes through the entire thickness of the web. On reverse side sash is a rail (latch), which is attached to the bolt. For this, a flat flat is made at the end of the hardware. It is performed using a needle file. The rail is mounted on a flat. So that the steel plate does not fall off the bolt, it is supported with a nut, which is screwed on one and the other side of the heck.

To lock the door, the latch must be in the striker.

Now, to open the door, insert a hex key into the head of the bolt and turn. Simultaneously with the turn of the bolt, the latch also turns.

Hidden mechanical device

The trick of such a heck is that it is difficult to find the head of the unlocking bolt on the surface of the canvas.

DIY mechanical lock

Such a valve can be made by hand. It is a metal plate that looks like in the picture.

A small hole is made in the sash (about 10 mm). The key stem has a plate at the end that can rotate around its axis. When the key is pushed into the keyhole, the plate with the rod form a single straight line. A limiter is marked on the rod, and the key is inserted into the well clearly along this limiter. Further, the plate is lowered under its own weight and fixed in one of the slots on the valve.

Diagram of a homemade mechanical device

To prevent the rail from falling out during movement, a limiter or stopper is installed for it, made in the form of a stop and two supporting brackets. Thus, on the one hand, the course of the rail is controlled by the stop - limiter, on the other hand, it moves to the first bracket.

Such a system can only be opened by its own key, made for this lock, since it is impossible to find out from the outside the length of the plate attached to the rod.

Electromechanical door device

When the door is locked, the crossbar, consisting of a rod and a head, enters the reciprocal bar, while the spring associated with it is stretched or cocked. The spring is connected to a coil or solenoid. When the electricity is turned off, the spring is released, and the bolt is drawn into the lock.

The design of the electromechanical device

Attention! If there is no electricity, the lock can be opened from the outside with a key, and from the inside the door is opened using a special lever or button.

Electromagnetic door locks

To understand how to make a magnetic lock with your own hands, first consider its device.

Castle and its device

The main element of the mechanism is an electromagnet, which is a core made of transformer steel in the shape of the letter Sh. Such steel does not have a memory effect and is a magnetically soft material. The core is recruited from a large number of thin plates or made from a single plate.

Around the core is a winding of copper wire coated with enamel. The coil has a large number of(up to a thousand or more) turns. When passing electric current an electromagnetic field is created along the winding in the core, which controls the operation of the lock.

However, over time, there is a weakening of the mechanical characteristics of the door due to the effect of residual magnetization. To combat it, the effect of changing the polarity of the voltage is used when the locking device is demagnetized. However, in this case, force is required to open the door.

Due to the absence of moving parts, the lock has a long service life.

Since low-alloy steel is used for the manufacture of lock parts, which is easily corroded, they must be protected. For protection, varnishing, galvanizing or nickel plating is used.

The main parameter of the lock is the force of holding the door. To increase the force that is applied to hold the door, it is possible to install several locks. This value depends on the material from which the core and armature are made, the current strength and the number of turns in the coil winding. Performed overhead type.

electromagnetic or electromechanical locks installed on fire doors, entrance structures in entrances, etc.

Types of electromagnetic locks

Depending on the work of the anchor, the structures are divided into holding and shear. In holding models, the anchor acts on separation, and in shear models, it shifts in the transverse direction.

For locks of the holding type, when voltage is applied, the resulting magnetic field in the anchor-core circuit keeps the sash from opening.

The principle of operation of the holding electromagnetic lock

For shear-type devices, the armature has holes, and the core has protrusions for these holes. When voltage is applied, the armature is brought to the core and is attracted to it. In this case, the protrusions of the magnetic circuit enter the corresponding grooves of the armature. In this case, the holding force is characterized by the force that must be applied to move the armature, and design features protrusions and holes.

Sliding locks are installed using a tie-in in the end of the leaf and, thanks to this, this type allows you to install a secret magnetic deadbolt on the front door.

We assemble an electromagnetic lock with our own hands

Consider one of the options for assembling the mechanism.

To assemble an electromagnetic lock using your experience, which would be opened using the remote control, you must:

  • Pushbutton mortise panel.
  • Power Supply.
  • Electromagnetic relays. If we are going to open with a four-digit code, then we use at least 5 relays.
  • The castle itself.
  • Button to open the door from the inside.
  • Reed switch and electromagnet.

Electromagnetic lock scheme

A keypad, such as model CBD-10V, can be purchased from the market.

Thus, with your own hands you can assemble a lock of any type. And it is important not only to build and beautifully decorate a house or garage, but also to protect it from unwanted visitors with a reliable lock.

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Many car owners prefer to make garage lock with your own hands. It is more difficult to pick up a key or a master key to it, its design is individual and takes into account everything design features gate. Below we will talk about the main types of locks that you can make with your own hands.

The padlock

The simplest type of constipation for garage doors, which you can make yourself from available materials at hand - homemade the padlock. It consists of a body with a screw, a locking pin and a key.

For the manufacture of constipation, carbon hardened steel is used. It has enough strength to withstand an attempt to bite or knock down the lock with a blow. Two holes perpendicular to each other are drilled in the steel cylinder of the body. One is for a screw key, the other is for a lock.

The cylinder locking such a garage lock is turned on a lathe, it has three diameters. The thinnest - according to the inner diameter of the hole in the body, the middle one - according to the size of the holes in the gate leaves, and the largest - as a stop.

A key with a specially turned head at the end is inserted into a screw located inside the lock body. By rotating it, the locking pin is released, as a result of which you can remove and put the lock on the garage door.

Constipation of this kind are sold ready-made, but if desired and having essential tool, you can make it yourself.

screw lock

For a long time this type of constipation was very popular. It was placed not only in garage doors, but also used for gates of private houses, in the doors of utility rooms, pantries and in cellar hatches.

The advantage that a screw lock has over a padlock is that it is hidden from external influences behind the surface of the door. It is harder to disassemble and almost impossible to bring down.

The mechanism consists of four components: a key, a screw, an external bracket and a bracket with internal thread. For the manufacture you need a lathe and welding machine. A drawing of such constipation can be easily found in the reference literature.

The outer and inner brackets are made of hardened metal with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The body of the lock with an internal thread (fastened inside) and the outer body of the lock are welded to them.

Some craftsmen create their own versions of the castle with a secret, combining a hinged and screw options. The sequence of opening them is as follows. First unlocked outdoor option, it opens the key to the second, internal screw. Locks for garage doors of this type are very popular among car owners as simple and reliable.

In addition, constipation is combined with additional protection in the form of padlock with a monolithic body. They complicate the hacking process.

falling key

More perfect is the model of the lock, which the owners of garages among themselves call "with a falling key." This system got its name due to the key device that locks the mechanism.

Making it yourself is more difficult than the models described above. But, with a certain skill and the availability of tools and materials, it is possible. To do this, you need three metal plates: two for the brackets, one for the latch (bolt). Slots are made on the heck.

The next step is to make the drum. It is shaped like a gear wheel. By the way, the garage lock of this type itself operates on the principle of gear transmission. It is better to order it from specialists who have special gear cutting machines.

A key hole is drilled in the center of the drum. And in the key itself, a slot is made into which a pin with protrusions is inserted, identical to the holes made in the side surface of the drum. As a result, only the original thorn can open such homemade products.

The system works simply. A key with a pin deployed along the axis is inserted into the hole. After passing through, the pin falls out (hence the name). Turning the key, we get the protrusions into the holes, and the lock opens.

Garage locks of this type can also be bought ready-made, but many craftsmen prefer to tinker to create their own unique lock combination.

A home-made padlock outwardly does not differ in any way from thousands of its counterparts guarding pantries and cottages, sheds and utility rooms, shops and warehouses. Except for one mind-boggling detail: it opens with... a screwdriver.
Even a professional burglar cannot open my lock, although the key is really a small and thin screwdriver, like a knitting needle. The secret is not in the key, but in the lock!”

Someone will say: why make a lock yourself, when it’s easier to buy a ready-made, factory-made one? But even to the best of them, the attackers pick up the keys, and even the secret of the code ones, with fixed intermediate positions of the mechanism, are unraveled by ear and by touch. And in winter, a common misfortune: the mechanisms of factory locks freeze so that they need to be warmed up.
But after all, everyone would like to have a locking device devoid of these shortcomings, moreover, the most “cunning”, not amenable to any master key. I have developed a whole series of such hanging combination locks for various purposes. Their highlight is the structurally guaranteed security not only from the selection of the code, but also from turning the shackle of these locks with a crowbar.
Below is a description of the design of such a lock and technological features manufacture of parts and fixtures. I am not afraid to disclose them, because the conditional secrecy of a device with given dimensions and design scheme can have over four thousand code combinations.

Homemade lock device

The lock has a body, a shackle, two bushings, a retaining ring and two pins. The bushings are fixed in the body with a retractable shackle, which is included in the semicircular grooves of the bushings. In the latter, the pins rotate on the thread, moving through the holes in the body and acting as locking elements. On the cylindrical surface of the pins there are also semicircular grooves, which, at a certain position in the bushings, coincide with a blind hole in the body for the lock shackle - this corresponds to the “open” position: the shackle is freely inserted into the lock body until it stops. If you now enter the key-screwdriver, then it falls into the slot of the pin; during rotation, the pin with its cylindrical part will enter the groove of the shackle and block it. The code for opening will be the location of the groove on the pin and the number of turns of the key. To increase the secrecy of the lock, a second pin with its own code is used.

The mechanical strength of such an assembly for breaking is undoubtedly much higher than in most designs in which the shackle is fixed with a small cross-section bolt - the weakest part. It will not be possible to pick up the lock code and “by touch”, since at the moment of opening the key is in the groove of the shackle and does not let you feel - has it been freed from the locking elements?

A through hole for the long end of the shackle is drilled from the bottom to fit the diameter of the retaining ring, which does not allow it to leave the body, which would lead to a violation of the lock assembly.

Making a homemade castle

The proposed lock, as already noted, is not only particularly durable, but also a delicate mechanism. However, since we are not focusing on its factory production, we will omit tolerances and fits on the drawings: the required accuracy can be achieved through joint processing and fitting of parts that are quite accessible to the most modest workshop of a home craftsman.

First, from a round steel bar with a diameter of 10 mm, cut off a workpiece 162 mm long for the bow. We will make a chamfer and two grooves on it, then bend the shackle (with any lever with an eye or a nut welded on the end).

We will carve two bushings (made of bronze) and two pins (made of steel), as well as a blank for the lock body (made of duralumin, bronze, brass). In the workpiece, we drill two holes with a diameter of 6 mm for the bushings, holding it in the chuck lathe with an eccentricity of 5 mm. Then, inserting the bushings flush, at a distance of 8 mm from the end, we drill through hole"C" with a diameter of 10 mm - for the long end of the bow. Having marked the bushings “right” and “left”, we will remove them from the body.

Fig. 1 Homemade combination padlock:
1 - case (duralumin, bronze, brass); 2 - shackle (steel 40X, rod with a diameter of 10): 3 - bushings (bronze); 4 - retaining ring (steel, wire with a diameter of 2.5); 5 - pin (steel 40X, 2 pcs.).

Next, insert the long end of the bow into the hole prepared for it in the case, allowing the short end to rest against the case; mark this place (as the center of the blind hole "G") and, having measured the distance "a", we will bring it to 6 mm, grinding the short end of the bow.
Now let's screw the pins into the bushings, first until they stop, and then unscrew them to an arbitrary distance (but less than 4 mm) and insert the bushings into the corresponding holes in the housing according to the marks "left" and "right". We fix them by inserting the long end of the bow into the through hole, after which we drill in the case parallel to it the previously planned blind hole"G" with a diameter of 10 mm to a depth of 21 mm. For control, we introduce the short end of the bow into it and, if necessary, modify it.

Again, we will analyze everything to the details - we have to cut through hacksaw blade(with a ground divorce) slots on the ends of the threaded parts of the pins (for a screwdriver-wrench). For ease of use, the initial position of the splines should be the same. Again we will assemble the lock, but without introducing the short end of the bow into the case; match the groove at its long end with the holes in the bushings. Using a screwdriver with a rod diameter of 3 mm, through the holes in the bushings, check the freedom of axial movement of the pins; if necessary, grind the pins.

Fig.2. Blind hole marking.

1- case (steel, hexagon 46...65); 2 - screw M6 (2 pcs.); 3 - spring washer (2 pcs.).

The next steps are aimed directly at creating secret code castle. We screw one of the pins all the way, then turn it out until its groove is aligned with the hole in the body, while counting the number of half-turns. Let's write down the resulting number - this will be the code of this pin, corresponding to the "open" position. Let's make marks on the end of the case (sleeve) and a screwdriver-key for unlocking the lock.

To check, we repeat the steps with a screwdriver-wrench blindly, counting to ourselves the code number of its half-turns for a given pin, and if necessary, tighten the screwdriver until the marks are aligned.

Let's repeat the same operations for creating and checking the code for the second pin. After that, we remove the shackle from the body and drill a through hole from below to a diameter of 12 mm to a depth of 10 mm.

Let's make semicircular grooves on the short end of the bow. So that the hacksaw of the attacker does not overcome the shackle, we harden it, and if possible, we oxidize the shackle and the body from corrosion.

Now you can finally assemble the lock and install a wire retaining ring into the groove on the long end of the shackle, turning it until it can freely pass into the prepared hole.

In the manufacture of several such locks, it is advisable to use a universal jig-mandrel, which excludes marking. In this case, we clamp the workpiece of the lock body in the jig with the help of tightening screws Mb and install it in the chuck of the lathe with the end “B”.