How to choose a door peephole. Installing the door peephole

Thinking what to install peephole hard? The accumulated experience allows me to assert that this work is within the power of even an inexperienced master. I will tell you how to choose high-quality equipment and give instructions with illustrations that will allow you to cope with the work even for those who have never put a peephole in the door.

The main element of ordinary eyes is wide angle lens"Fisheye", which provides a high-quality view of the space. Electronic variants use a camera.

First, let's take a look at what types of eyes are:

Illustration Description

Standard door peephole... This option is simple and consists of two parts - external and internal, which are twisted together. A cover may be present in the design to cover the hole from light penetration.

Panoramic door peephole... His distinctive feature- a lens divided into two lenses. This design allows a higher luminous flux to pass through.

To see the image, it is not necessary to stand close, you can be located on the side of the structure.

System for double doors ... It can be either standard or panoramic. The design consists of two parts, during installation, special accuracy must be observed so that the elements match.

Bulletproof option... Used on bulletproof door leaves to ensure structural reliability. According to the installation method, it is no different from the usual version.

Peephole periscope... This option is ideal for those with small children. You can watch both in the normal position and below, which is very convenient if you need to exclude the option of opening the door to strangers.

The system is quite complicated to install, therefore, most often the work is performed by specialists.

Electronic type video peephole... Previously, video options required adjusting the signal to transmit it to a monitor or TV. Modern technologies allowed us to make a compact and simple version that can be easily installed by any person.

If you have decided on the type, it is worth understanding several criteria that are taken into account when choosing:

  1. Viewing angle... The larger it is, the better you can see the space in front of the entrance. The cheaper options have an angle of 120 degrees, while the more advanced ones have 180 degrees. The highest quality modifications have a view of over 200 degrees, this allows you to eliminate distortion along the edges of the image;

  1. Thickness door leaf ... There can be three options for products:
  • up to 60 mm;
  • up to 100 mm;
  • over 100 mm.

Any version of the eyelet is adjustable by 20-30 mm due to the thread. Some models come with different bushings so you can match optimal solution under your door;

  1. Eye diameter... This indicator determines the size of the hole to be drilled. If in new designs you can choose any option, then when replacing old elements, the easiest way is to choose products of the same size. Most often, the inner diameter is 20 mm;
  2. Manufacturing material... Optics can be plastic or glass, the price of the first option is much lower, but the second is much stronger and more durable. The case can be made of plastic or metal, the second option is preferable, although it is more expensive.

I will tell you about two options for carrying out the work: the installation of a conventional peephole and the option with video surveillance.

Installation of a standard peephole

We will figure out how to install a peephole in a metal door.

Illustration Stage description

Measurements are made... We are primarily interested in the thickness of the canvas, the other dimensions are not so important.

Knowing the thickness will help you choose the right peephole rather than buying it at random.

The instrument is being prepared. To do the work with your own hands, you need the following:
  • Screwdriver with a drill for metal with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • Pen drill with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • Core drill for metal with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • Construction tape.

If the diameter of your eye is larger, then the feather and core drill are selected in accordance with the parameters of the product.

The center of the door leaf is marked... The peephole is usually in the middle, so use a tape measure and pencil to mark the middle.

The height of the location of the eye is noted... The standard version is 150 cm from the floor level, but you can raise or lower the peephole so that it is as comfortable as possible to use it.

Drilling in progress... First of all, it is necessary to drill in a metal door through hole with a diameter of 5 mm.

It is very important to use a drill bit long enough to protrude from the back of the door.

When drilling Special attention give the horizontal position of the screwdriver. If the hole turns out to be skewed, then the peephole will become crooked.

A hole is drilled with outside ... A metal crown is inserted into a screwdriver or electric drill, with the help of which the hole expands to the diameter we require. It is important to work carefully so as not to damage the door leaf and not bend it.

Lining is drilled from the inside... For work, a feather drill is used, the main thing is to keep the screwdriver evenly so as not to go to the side.

The hole is cleared of debris and checked... Just look through it, if there are no distortions, then everything is done as it should.

The peephole is fixed... To do this, it should be held with outside and screw in from the inside. If the kit contains a key, then you can additionally clamp the knot from the inside.

System operation is checked... Close the door and look through the peephole. This completes the installation.

Installing an electronic peephole

Let's see how the camera is installed:

Illustration Stage description

This is what the camera kit looks like... It includes:
  • Monitor with control buttons;
  • Accumulator battery;
  • Memory card;
  • Camera;
  • Fastening platform.

You only need a screwdriver to work.

Battery inserted... If your system is running on batteries, then batteries are installed.

A memory card is inserted... A special slot is provided for it, you will not confuse anything in any case.

Is being filmed protective film between power contacts... Usually, there is a tongue on the outside, for which you need to pull and thereby remove the protection from the contacts.

The sleeve is twisted from the camera... It will hold the element from the inside, so it is worth removing it in advance.

The sleeve is inserted into the camera mounting platform... On this preparatory work completed.

The platform with the sleeve is placed on the door leaf... For clarity, the work is shown on a transparent module that simulates doors with a thickness of 70 mm.

Naturally, before changing the system, you need to remove the old peephole. If you have new door, then all the features of hole drilling are described above, the technology is suitable for this case as well.

Peephole - part front door, without which we have not imagined life for a long time. This is a kind of pass to our home: we see the guest and decide whether we want to let him in or not. Modern models peephole allows you to monitor what is happening on the staircase remotely, from the office or while on vacation. The market provides a huge selection, so you can find something for your liking, requests and wallet.

How the door peephole works

Do not forget that the peephole is an optical device. Therefore, it cannot function without two main components: an eyepiece and a lens. The body of the peephole can be made of metal or plastic. When choosing quality, give preference to metal.

Fisheye is also an integral part of the classic door peephole. It is designed to enlarge the image, so people appear much larger through the peephole. Also in the case are lenses, from two to fifteen pieces. The number of lenses depends on the length of the device and is responsible for light transmission.

Lenses, in turn, can also be of two types: glass and plastic. Plastic is comparatively cheaper than glass, but it quickly breaks down and loses its crystal transparency. You will find the first signs of aging in 2-3 years. Therefore, it is better to purchase a peephole with glass lenses. Additionally, some of the door peepholes are equipped with armor-piercing glass lenses.

The size of the device varies with the thickness of the door leaf. The metal sheet is thinner than the wood one, but in modern doors layering is practiced, therefore steel door may be thicker than the old wood. There are door eyes of the following size:

  • 30-55 mm. This is the thickness of a standard front door;
  • 55-100 mm. Panel doors or decorative elements;
  • More than 100 mm. Armored doors, which are more often used in guarded objects, in warehouses for especially valuable goods.

The viewing angle of the peephole ranges from 150 to 200 degrees. A 180-degree view is considered optimal: this way you will see both your face and a significant part of the staircase.

When choosing a door peephole, pay special attention to the class of the door itself.

Door peephole: types

Standard... The eyepiece and lens form a single line and are positioned opposite each other. The simplest and most affordable peephole option. It is customary to install it on simple models doors. But even taking into account the availability of this model, we recommend choosing eyes with glass lenses and a metal case - they will last longer.

Periscopic... Represents more complex structure... There are two eyepieces on the inner side, and a lens on the outside. The image is transmitted to the second eyepiece using mirrored lenses. Why is such a design needed? For easy operation by residents of different heights. If there is a child in the family and you are afraid to leave him alone because he will not be able to look through the peephole, install a periscope model for his convenience.

Secret... The outer part of such a peephole is located outside the door leaf, usually at the top or at the ends. Outside, no one will guess that a resident of the house can watch him.

Panoramic... The large eyepiece, large body diameter and the ability to look "in both eyes" are overshadowed by the difficulties in installation. Transmitting lenses are located inside the structure. But the viewing angle is extremely wide - you see all staircase.

Electronic peephole with a video camera... Most modern look door peephole. It has the function of filming, recording and even broadcasting. Therefore, you can easily find out what happened on the site in your absence. We will consider this type of eye in more detail at the end of the article.

Installation of a peephole in a metal door

The principle of installing a peephole is identical for doors made of any material, be it steel, wood or veneer. When working with metal, there is only one fundamental difference - the thickness of the door and the density of the material. Therefore, you will have to spend more effort and choose a larger peephole model. Moreover, metal doors are often supplemented inner lining from MDF and decorative elements, which complicates the task somewhat.

Stages of mounting the viewing device in a metal door:

  1. Use chalk or pencil to mark the location of the future peephole. Consider the height of all family members and choose an average.
  2. To avoid deformation interior decoration cover the door or its cover with foil or electrical tape at the drilling site.
  3. Measure the diameter of the peephole body. If the part has an internal thread, use a drill half a millimeter wider than the result.
  4. You need to drill from the inside, directing the drill to the outside of the door.
  5. Do not drill through the door. Get to the outer layer exterior decoration and stop. Then drill from the outside. This little trick will help you avoid chipping, chipping, or bumps.
  6. A lens is installed from the outside. From the inside, respectively, the eyepiece.
  7. Connect both parts of the eyelet with a screwing motion.

Electronic door peephole: types, advantages, installation

A video peephole is a sophisticated type of device that makes life safer. Unlike classic counterparts, the electronic peephole is easy to use and has an impressive set of functions.


Today it is customary to distinguish three types of electronic eyes:

  1. Wireless with color recording function. Installed like a regular peephole. In terms of image quality, it is inferior to monochrome and is more expensive. But it has the function of video recording in color.
  2. Monochrome, infrared. Easy installation, IR illumination, convenient operation. The monochrome peephole will worthy alternative usual.
  3. Electronic black and white peephole complete with a matrix camera. Difficult installation, image distortion, small monitor. From the pros - an affordable price.


Despite the complexity of the design and installation, as well as the high price, the video peephole is gaining popularity. What is the reason? Consider the main advantages of an electronic analogue:

  • Displaying the image on the monitor. This is convenient for those who do not like to squint and close one eye. The panorama of the staircase is visible from a convenient distance.
  • Night vision function. IR illumination is convenient at night, when an ordinary peephole simply cannot cope with its main task.
  • Recording function. Suitable for those who are especially sensitive to security. You can be on the other side of the world, but know exactly what is happening in your entrance and who is approaching the front door of the apartment. How it works? The peephole is connected to a computer or other device for data storage. Also, each model with a recording function has a microSD card slot.
  • Built-in motion sensors. An added bonus to the security system's piggy bank. Even in the dark, you will know that someone is near the door. The system is adaptable for both residential and office space and warehouses. It is an excellent addition to your basic room alarm system.
  • No need to apply for a license. Classic systems video surveillance is subject to mandatory licensing in some cases. The use of an electronic eye with a video recording function does not require a license. This is true for any purpose from private to commercial.

Installation of an electronic peephole in an iron door

Different types of electronic eyes are installed according to the same principle. However, the installation of each of them is worth observing the individual subtleties, which we will discuss below.

Set the exact thickness of your front door. In most cases, adapter rings are included in the video eye kit, but even they are designed for a certain size of the door leaf.

The size of the hole in the door directly depends on the diameter of the case. In most cases, a standard connector from an old peephole will work fine. In some cases, it will be necessary to increase the diameter. This can be done using a puncher. To do this, select the nozzle of the desired diameter and drill in turn on each side, without going through. This will help to avoid external defects of the door leaf.

Next, install the camera into the hole and fix the monitor. Usually, the kit includes special bolts that can be easily screwed in with a screwdriver. If the peephole is wireless, fixing the case will be the final stage of installation.

Some models are mounted on the door itself or next to the hole from the old peephole. You need to carefully read the instructions, but it is better to contact a specialist.

There are also network-powered models. Additional manipulations are made with them in order to connect and mask the wire. It is not recommended to install such devices on your own.

Video eye connection: video

The choice of complexity, price and type of door peephole depends on factors such as: the class of the door, financial capabilities and the need to increase the level of security. Consider the ratio of all these parameters during selection and installation. Metal doors Guardian correspond in their technical characteristics to any type of peephole. In order to increase security, you can order a door with an additional armored leaf or decorative elements to your taste.

A peephole is a simple and popular device that provides the ability to identify a visitor. If it is present, there is no need to open the door to the visitor, only in order to identify him, which is much safer. A wide variety of these devices allows you to find the best option both in functionality and cost.

Peephole: device

Like any optical device, it consists of an eyepiece and a lens, placed in a housing - plastic or metal. To obtain an enlarged image, a special lens - "fisheye" is installed in the device. And for a full-fledged light transmission, lenses are placed in the housing - from 2 to 15 pcs. The number of the latter is determined by the length of the body.

Since the door leaf can vary greatly in thickness, the eyes are also available in different lengths.

  • 30–55 mm - standard length enclosures for an ordinary door.
  • 55–100 mm - as a rule, doors with cladding or decorated with volumetric details are needed in models with this length.
  • 100 mm and above - extra-long, for reinforced structures. Obviously, in this case, the number of lenses will be maximum.

The case diameter ranges from 13 to 16 mm and depends on the viewing angle provided by the device. The optimal angle is 180 degrees, since it allows you to see not only the visitor's face, but also a fairly large part of the site.

Lenses can be made of glass or plastic. Latest material very affordable, but differs in a lower light transmission index and is short-lived - it loses transparency after about 3 years of operation. Glass, especially used for the manufacture of glasses, is characterized by much greater strength and durability. The image obtained with a glass optical system is much higher in quality.

The material and features of the device affect the cost of the product. The most durable and expensive are the eyes made of glass and metal - in some cases, to increase safety, an additional insert made of armor-piercing glass is used. But such a device is hardly worth mounting on an MDF door in an office. At the same time, a rather cheap plastic peephole in a metal door of the 3rd security class will turn into a weak link, reducing the performance of the entire door block.

The main types of door eyes

  • Classic - the lens and eyepiece are on the same line. This is the most common and most affordable option, since its device does not require any additional solutions. It is selected depending on the thickness of the door and the desired viewing angle. The maximum recommended - 180-200 degrees, in order to be able to see the entire staircase. The photo shows a sample of a classic door peephole.

  • Periscopic - consists of one outer fragment - the objective, and two inner - eyepieces. It is more difficult to install the structure, since the image transmission to the second eyepiece is carried out using a system of mirror lenses. Set up in cases when there is a child in the family who is not able to use a standard adaptation. The first eyepiece is mounted at the level of the adult's eyes, and the second - for the child.
  • Secret - a device in which the lens is located not on the door leaf, but on the ends of the door and is disguised.

  • Panoramic is the most difficult device to install, since it has a large body diameter and a large eyepiece. Its design provides transmitting lenses for the right and left eyes, which provides very wide angle review.
  • Peephole with a video camera - together with the actual optical device, a small camera is mounted to track visitors and record.

Installation of the device in a metal door

The process technology is the same for any type of door leaf - metal, solid wood or veneer. The difference lies in the duration of the procedure, since drilling in wood requires less effort than working with metal, and it is more difficult to install the device in a metal sash. Because steel door characterized by a large thickness, and, as a rule, finished decorative materials, then when choosing, you should pay attention to the length of the case.

  1. The place of installation is noted - at eye level or in the upper quarter of the sash.
  2. At the level of the mark, a painting or some other adhesive tape is glued in order not to damage the finish during work.
  3. The diameter of the body is measured - along the part with internal thread, a drill with a diameter greater by 0.3-0.5 mm is selected. It is recommended to use a screw.
  4. A hole of the required diameter is drilled, but in such a way that the end of the drill does not come through, but only forms a mark on the outside of the blade. Then drilling continues from the outside. In this way, it is possible to avoid chipping of veneer or MDF cladding.
  5. Mount the lens from the outside with external thread, and from the inside - the eyepiece. The device is screwed on by hand. For a tight connection, a screwdriver is used - it is fixed in the slots on the eyepiece frame, and the peephole is easily screwed in until it stops.

In the video, the installation process of the door peephole is presented in more detail.

Our life now is such that you can open the door for a guest only by making sure of who is actually on the other side of it. Hearing a familiar voice, of course, is good ... But, as they say, "it's better to see once ...". And there is nothing shameful here - "God protects those who are careful!" Because the peephole is a must, dictated by a harsh time. It is not so expensive, but you can install the door peephole in the door leaf yourself.

Eyes on sale are very different in design, size, and price. You can choose anyone for yourself, the main thing is that its installation dimensions correspond to the thickness of the leaf of your front door. But, as a rule, they can vary widely in almost all eyes.

It is also desirable that the angle of the field of view is at least 170 ° (such eyes are also called wide-angle). Then the "guest" cannot hide from you and huddled against the wall by the door. And it is better if the outer lens is made of glass rather than plastic - it is less scratched and therefore more durable.

How to install a door peephole with your own hands

In order not to spoil the lining of the door leaf when marking, on the right height Sticking on a strip of paper adhesive tape, such as a painting tape. Anyone on it in an accessible way mark the position of the center of the hole for the peephole.
Having measured the seating diameter of the eye (for a part with an internal thread), a drill of a slightly larger diameter is selected - by 0.3-0.5 mm, best of all - a screw or corkscrew.
Having drilled the door leaf not through and through, but only so that the guiding center of the tool goes out, the hole continues to be drilled from the opposite side. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid veneer chipping on the front surfaces of the door.
Having expanded the peephole into two parts, one (with an external thread) is inserted from the outside of the door leaf, and the other, respectively, from the inside, and screwed together by hand.
The peephole is tightened using the slots on its inner frame. To prevent the screwdriver from falling off, its tip must go into both slots. You can simply take a steel plate of a suitable thickness.

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The front door protects the property from outside interference. She protects households from the views of strangers. But it is also necessary to know what is going on around the apartment or house. For this, door eyes are used. According to the norms, 0.5-3 meters of the space around the door should be visible through them. For sale different models with interesting functions: for a double door (installed in two panels at once), hidden (it is invisible to others), protective (bulletproof). There are optics that perform signaling functions.

The door peephole was created by tester Robert Wood. It happened in 1906, but the technology began to be used only after 1960.

A simple system consists of:

  • lens-lens, which expands the view outside the apartment;
  • an external rail securing it;
  • side lens retainers;
  • hulls;
  • an inner nut connecting the outer and inner lens to each other;
  • an eyepiece that points inward;
  • dampers.

The thinner the door is, the smaller the case will be, the fewer lenses will be installed in it. The models sold in stores have between 2 and 15 eyepieces.

Main characteristics

Characteristics include length, angle, material of manufacture, diameter, type of valve. The parameters are selected depending on the type of door on which the equipment is mounted. The functions that the device must perform are also taken into account.

Eye length

The length depends on the thickness of the door. According to this characteristic, all models are divided into:

  • standard - from 30 to 55 mm;
  • long - from 55 to 100 mm;
  • extra long - from 100 mm.

For apartment doors the standard kit is enough.

If the doors are additionally upholstered with bulky materials, the peephole length up to 55 mm is not enough. Therefore, long or extra-long versions are used.

Viewing angle

As a standard, the viewing angle is 180 degrees. This is possible by shifting the focus of the lens up, but design features distort the incoming rays. Manufacturers compensate for the inaccuracies by increasing the viewing angle to 200 degrees to achieve 180 degrees.

Long and extra-long eyes have different optical parameters. Some firms sell equipment in which the optics are equipped with a rear nut. In this case, the optical scheme does not change.

Execution material

According to the material of manufacture, models with plastic or glass optics are distinguished. The equipment is divided into the following subspecies:

  • two nuts and a body - plastic;
  • inner nut and body - plastic, other parts - metal;
  • two nuts and a metal body.

The more metal is used in production, the higher the cost of the product will be. The eyes of their silumin lithium will be cheaper, and more expensive - from black metal.

The glass optics give a good image, not blurry, but they are quite fragile. Plastic is not afraid of blows, but scratches remain. The image is not as clear. In addition, yellowness develops over time.

Product diameter

The diameter of the door optics is different. In standard variations, it ranges from 2 to 3 centimeters. Manufacturers produce models with a diameter of more than 5 centimeters.

Eye latch, analogs

Latches and dampers allow you to discreetly monitor and protect the apartment from light. Correctly installed valve:

  • has no sharp corners;
  • closes tightly and prevents light rays from entering the entrance;
  • when opening and closing, it does not come into contact with the optics and the door.

The analogue of the valve is mirror spraying. It makes the image less bright and clear. At the same time, the buyer of a model with a mirror coating does not worry about the damper scratching the fittings.

Types of door eyes

The kind that has simple design and a viewing angle of 180 degrees is considered standard. Other models have been developed that work in a similar way, but at the same time increase the viewing angle and give great protection... Among them:

  • or a fish eye, which has two lenses - the space around the door is seen better;
  • a bulletproof version made of special durable materials that protects people from intruders;
  • secret, which is in an unexpected place, which is why it is invisible to others;
  • double - designed for a double door, allows you to see what is happening behind the outer door;
  • periscope - convenient for families with small children or people with disabilities (convenient to view from a low distance);
  • , which is a miniature copy of the simplest CCTV camera;
  • the model with a motion sensor notifies the owners when there is activity outside the door.

Smart views are able to track what is happening at the entrance and record information on an external drive. They consist of a camera, monitor, power supply. A microscopic camera is placed inside the peephole. The equipment is invisible to others.

How to choose?

When choosing door option important to consider specifications... Among them important parameter- viewing angle. The standard options are 180 degrees. This does not allow to provide reliable protection... Periscopes, telescopic nozzles allow you to increase the viewing angle, make visible the space near the door itself. Also, attention should be paid to:

  • Light sensitivity. These data are written in the parameters. If they are high, then you can see what is happening behind the door with minimal lighting at the entrance.
  • Type of shell. Models without a case are easier to assemble and install, but case models are more reliable.
  • Manufacturing material. Serve longer hardware... Plastic ones are not reliable, although they are cheaper.

Door optics are selected based on design features and protection requirements. Buy modern version for an ordinary apartment irrational. A simple one is clearly not suitable if there are a lot of valuable things at home. To prevent strangers from entering your home, it is better to buy high-quality equipment.

Installing the door peephole

Installation of standard equipment is fast. You can do this yourself. Electronic video eyes, which transmit information to a digital screen, are mounted longer, because the master lays the cable from the door to the recorder according to the scheme. The procedure for installing a simple peephole is as follows:

  • marking the door in the selected place;
  • drilling a hole with a punch or drill (size depending on the size of the eyelet);
  • installation on the outside;
  • twisting the base on the inside.

It is better to entrust the installation, assembly of periscopes, double models, smart door peephole to professionals. They will be able to collect them securely.

Those who are a little familiar with plumbing can install themselves, following the instructions. You need a drill or perforator, a ruler for measuring, a level. When working, it is necessary to observe the boundaries so that the peephole does not hesitate and is tightly in contact with the upholstery.


It is impossible to single out any one manufacturer as the best. The buyer's strategy is to study the parameters and characteristics of the product. Then decide how the products fit the requirements. Well-known manufacturing companies:

  1. German ABUS. The assembled equipment is durable. There are peepholes for private apartments and country houses.
  2. Chinese Armadillo. She provides a line of good products. There are eyes from various materials, interesting colors, sizes. There are additional functions.
  3. Russian NORA-M, DOORLOCK, Apecs, Torex. The eyes are distinguished by an advantageous ratio of quality and cost. In the presence of certificates corresponding to GOST.

In order for the equipment to completely suit the buyer, it is important to consider for what purposes it will be used. It is possible to get by with the standard options if the house has a central lock on the entrance. How to choose the right peephole is a topical question if people live in a disadvantaged area. In this case, it is better to focus on modern case models. The correct peephole on guard of property will help control security in an apartment or house.