Wide angle in the photo. Tasks for the lesson NO7 "Lens selection

Based on his experience, we have collected the main advice and recommendations on the shooting of a wide-angle lens that will allow you to make your photos more interesting and recognizable both in a composite and meaningful plan. By the way, there are precisely such lenses in all smartphones, which means these tips will be useful to all lovers of mobile photography.

Landscape, architecture, narrow spaces and streets of old townships, travel, street photography and even portrait shooting. The use of a wide-roller is possible in any genre and direction. However, photographing on "Shirik" can be for you both a nightmare and pleasure depending on whether you will learn how to apply the tips and tricks below correctly.

What is a wide-angle lens

First of all, there is no clear reference ratio between the lens category and its focal length. There are certain conditional boundaries that each photographer can in some way to "fit" for itself personally. If you take the most discerning Ken Rocvel, then it allocates for itself three categories only under wide-angle lenses:

In this article, for simplicity of perception, we offer everything to simplify and stop at the following: we will understand any lens with focus less than 24 mm (in the full-frame equivalent). When you want to buy yourself one of these lenses, we recommend familiarizing yourself with our choice of the best wide-roller for Canon and the choice of the best wide-roller for Nikon. In each article, we choose the main applicants in the category of interest to us, analyze their weak and strengths in detail, which makes it ultimately recommending you certain model for purchase.

#one. Choose an interesting foreground

The wide-roller is able to put in a photo a considerable distance located in front of you and that the viewer it was interesting to consider your photo so that he does not bother from a huge empty space - he needs something to show something in the foreground. This is especially useful for landscape photos.

# 2.Name at minimum focus distances

As a rule, "widths" allow you to focus much closer than standard, and even more so telephoto lenses. Really close! On average, it is 20-24 cm and this distance is considered not from the front lenses, but from the matrix of your camera, i.e. Before the photographed object, there will be a distance of about 10 cm. It turns out something like a wide-angle macro, and even often with the blurring of the rear background.

# 3. Use distortion in your favor

When laying a frame during shooting, make sure that distortion characteristic of wide-angle lenses will work in a plus of your future photo and your intent. The closer to the edges of the frame and there are objects closer to the lens, the greater distortion they are exposed. The strongest of all it will rush into the eyes for human figures.

This does not mean that the portrait on the wide-roller is impossible. Just the opposite, you can get very interesting and spectacular pictures. If you want to keep the normal proportions of the photographed, simply place a person in the frame center.

#four. Use converging lines

Converned lines are a very strong and frequently used compositional reception. The lines force the viewer to translate the view where you need it and end up to be in the planned point or at the intended object of shooting, which is the central meaning point of your photo. Very often, this technique can be found at the wedding photos taken inside the room or on the urban streets.

The wide-angle lens further strengthens the perspective, pulls all the lines and, having learned a little, you can find them almost everywhere. By the way, the lines do not have to be straight, for example, the path, the trunks of the trees, the banks of the river or the stream are also well suited.

#five. Change the shooting point

This advice will work perfectly for all other lenses. By changing the point of shooting, you have a chance to show the viewer with an unusual point of view, and it is always interesting and makes the eyes stop. Try to make several frames of the earth level, then raise the camera high above your head, a couple more frames, and then look at the result. Please note that the lines present in your frame and whom we wrote a little earlier - lengthened even more.

# 6. Watch out for exposure

As the frame falls big spacein which there can be both dark and bright areas, the camera is very difficult to understand what is the main object of shooting. This part fully falls on the photographer, which has not so many outputs from this situation.

  1. To amend the exposition, thereby rebuilding \\ underwent a certain area in the photo and then try to straighten it in the editor.
  2. Complete the frame in a different way, eliminating the object from the exposure from it.
  3. If a we are talking About shooting a landscape, then an option 3 appears - you need to use a gradient filter that will reduce the brightness of the sky in the photo. In this option, you once again tell us thanks, because In their articles, when choosing a better wide-roller (s), we pay attention to the lenses, the front lens of which does not rotate when focusing.
  4. Shoot in the mode, immediately after dawn or shortly before sunset. In addition, you will get a wonderful weakly scattered light, which will look great in the photo and which everyone loves so, it will also lead to a decline in the difference in the exposure of the Earth and the sky.

# 7. Solar bunnies ordered?

Wide rollers are quite strongly susceptible to this kind of illumination when you take off the light source (the so-called context light). As a result, a sunny hare can easily appear on your photo, to remove which in the post-processing will be almost unrealistic.

If you want to see the hares in your photo, you need to clean it at the time of shooting and make it simple enough. It is necessary to change the angle of shooting gradually and it disappears by itself. If there is no source of light in the frame, you can try to close the lens from it with a free hand. However, remember that this reception in the form of a hare can also be used to themselves, it all depends on whether you like this effect and whether it is appropriate in the photo.

#eight. Where is your shadow?

When you take pictures when the light source you have behind your back (and this is more than half of all your photos), it is very easy to not notice the fact that your own shadow will be present on each photo. For this you need to follow and change the point of shooting if necessary.

#nine. Take the depth of sharpness

Another of the features of wide-angle lenses is a very high depth of field, i.e. The flu is the depth of the sharp-depicted space. For example, we will take amateur series of Nikon or Canon cameras (Nikon D3000 +, D5000 +, D7000 + series; Canon 1000D +, 550D +, 70D + series, and so on), a wide-right-rollerine and exhibit a focal length of 16 mm, a diaphragm value for F / 5.6 and Focus on the subject from us at a distance of 2.5 meters. The depth of field will begin with 1.2 meters and reach infinity! If you want to play yourself independently with depth of field - just write in the search engine "Flu Calculator" in the search engine, and it is best to make sure that this lens is best.

Friends, in conclusion, I would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that all the above techniques and tips can both harm and spoil the photo and be used to create an atmosphere, the spectacularness of the pictures and greater the involvement of the viewer. The result of your shooting with a wide-angle lens will fully depend on you, from your experience and your creative vision.

If you know any useful reception and we forgot it to mention, you want to tell and pay attention to it - be sure to write about it in the comments.

Do you have a friend or girlfriend who love to take pictures? Share these tips using the sharing buttons.

· 02.06.2017

Article text updated: 10/18/2018

I do not care if I say that absolutely all visitors of my blog have experience in shots: in smartphones there is a lens with an equivalent focal length (EFR) 25-28 mm. Only here, not everyone gets masterpieces. I suggest today to analyze how to photograph to wide-angle optics so that the UG does not come out.

First, we'll figure it out with the abbreviation "UG" - "dull g ..o." When a novice photographer acquires its first wiring, he piles with tons in the social network and specialized photographers forums approximately such frames.

What is good in this picture? Probably, only the line of the fence, the leading view of the viewer to the SBCC (plot-important composite center, if anyone has not yet read the Lydia textbook breathing "conversations about photomasteria"). And why do I think this photo of UG? Someone will say: "Because the building is shot near and presents distortion" (in this case, the lines tend to fall into one point, although they are in parallel). Why a distortion appears when shooting on the wiring, if we tilt the lens axis, it is considered in detail and with the schemes in the photo) "Why I need a full frame" (link to this article and others that will be mentioned in the course of the conversation can be seen at the very bottom).

But I do not agree that distortion here is the main evil. Upload an image in Photoshop, make a duplicate layer, set the guides, in the "Editing - Transform - Perspective" menu. More or less equalizing the wall of the structure. It became better (if it was shot in the face, the result would be a little more qualitative). All the same UG ...

So, the reason is different. I believe that this photo is poor quality, because there is medium plan (near the corner of the building), rear (far corner and bell tower), but no front. If there was some interesting object in the near plane, the viewer would not even pay attention to the distortion.

Want an experiment? I take the original photo with curved walls and make a simple photo collage.

I bet, you didn't even immediately notice that I additionally bent the walls of the structure in the editor ...

Features of the wide-angle lens

Wide-angle optics have two characteristics that distinguish it from other types of lenses. Firstly, Shirik stretches the future (enhances): the foreground items are obtained very large, and objects in the back - quickly decrease in size.

Photo 5. Train wagons, you can believe me, also have the same height in front and rear, although due to the prospects enhanced wide-angle lens, they look not very realistic. But effectively ... 1/160, -1.67, 8.0, 450, 14.

Secondly, wide-angle lenses Gives a picture that English-speaking photographers characterize as "inclusive", that is, "including, interpenetrable". In Russian, I would say, "tightening the viewer in inside," or "interactive."

Agree when you look at these flowers, it seems, they stand behind the glass, you can reach them. Unusual feeling. Neither a portrait, nor the telephoto lens of such a feeling give you to you - this is the "magic" of wide-angle optics.

Errors that allow newcomers when shooting on a wide-angle lens

Experienced photographers allocate four types of shortcomings in the pictures obtained by amateurs for wide-angle photographecks:

  1. There is no object located close to the lens.
  2. No clearly dedicated BCC.
  3. Attempting to accommodate too many objects into frames.
  4. Distorted faces on portraits.

Let's try to analyze each of these items.

1. The object is located away from the lens of the camera

In my opinion, the first error is the cause of 90% of weak pictures and it is closely intertwined with the following two.

Most of the best frames removed on the wide-angle lens are obtained from a distance of less than a meter (if we talk about large objects) and even from several centimeters (if we are talking about small). For example, flowers in the picture number 6 I photographed somewhere from 10 cm.

To get interesting frames, we must have a greater depth of the image (in other words, strengthen the perspective), that is, should approach the shooting object to the minimum short distance.

We do experience. We will remove the photo with a street sculpture on the full frame of Nikon D610 with a reportage zoom Nikon 24-70 mm F / 2.8 on the wide end of the FR \u003d 24 mm. First, I approach a very short distance: literally half the meter.

It seems to me that the car will now jump off the screen on the computer! I go on a little further, literally at 50-70 centimeters and ... Magic is lost.

Well, if you extend a couple of meters, then our object is completely lost in the picture. Charm disappears completely.

I believe that in the example above, the circle of the paving slaves more or less serves as the foreground. If it were not, the perception of the image would be more stronger.

But for those who hate the widths, I will give an example of the same plot, but filmed on a long focal length.

Pay attention to the size of the windows in the background in the picture obtained on the wide-angle lens and on the telephoto lens. It is clear now, why when photographing on the background of a mountain or monument, it is better to ask the fashion model to move away from it and to shoot a lens with a big focal length?

In the article with a story about why I need wigs and why television, I paid attention to: if on Canon 70-200 mm f / 2.8, remove the frame with FR \u003d 200 mm and FR \u003d 180 mm, then the change in focus will be only 10% and, Most likely, it will not be noticeable to the viewer. And on the photo taken on the Canon 16-35 mm F / 2.8, with a Fr \u003d 35 mm, and then at a FR \u003d 16 mm, despite the fact that the focal length changed only by only 19 mm, the relative change was 219%.

The same story with a change in distance to the subject of the shooting: Remove on the telephoto lens - by going to step, we practically do not get changes to the transfer of the prospects, on wigs - there is a significant jump ...

No need to forget that there are wide-angle lenses (FR \u003d 24-35 mm for fullframe, and FR \u003d 15-22 mm for krop), and there is ultra-wide-organized (FR \u003d 14-24 mm for FX, and FR \u003d 10-14 mm for DX) - They are many times more sensitive to photographer errors allowed when building a frame.

The situation as in photo №12 and №13, professionals are described as "the arrangement of the elements of the composition at the same distance from the lens and, as a result, the loss of BCC."

Well, maybe here I picked up not very good exampleSince the car in the background is located 30 meters away. If she was standing in 5 meters from the bear, both subjects would have merged and seemingly placed in almost one plane ...

How it works? Read the photoerial about the differences of Krophop and Ful Freum - there are schemes and formulas (the link is posted at the end of this article).

Here I will tell you briefly. If in the photo №11, the distance to the bear is 1 m, and to exactly the same teddy bear in the background - 5 m, then the difference in changing their linear dimensions of the image in the picture is δ \u003d ((5/1) * 100% -100% ) \u003d 400%. When the photographer departs from the first bear by 2.5 m, then δ \u003d ((5 + 2.5 / (1 + 2.5) * 100% -100%) \u003d 114% ...

In practice, this means that in the first case the perspective is expressed very strongly: the bear in the foreground will look in the picture 4 times more larger than the sculpture of the same size, separated from it at a distance of 5 m. In the second situation, such bears will differ in the picture In size from each other only 1.14 times.

This means that such a trick, how to move away, lift a photo on stores, and then cut the object, will not work without losing the magic of a wide frame. Indeed, in this case, the prospect will be expressed weaker.

For comparison of perception: let us remove the same plots on the telephoto lens from the distance first 20, and then 22.5 meters. Then the change in the sizes of the bears would be in the first case Δ \u003d ((25/20) * 100% -100%)) \u003d 25%, and in the second ((27.5 / 22.5) * 100% -100%) \u003d 22.2%. First, the dimensions of both sculptures in the photographs of the TV differ from each other significantly less than when using wiring (compare 25% and 400%), i.e. The prospect is expressed weaker. Secondly, the change in the distance to the shooting object also does not lead to dramatic differences: 25% / 22.2% \u003d 1.13 against 400% / 114% \u003d 3.51 ...

Therefore, again: you want beautiful pictures on the wide-angle lens, come closer to strengthen the future, that is, the difference in size between the front and rear plans. Here's another practical example. I went to the sculpture at 30cm.

It seems everything is fine, the picture is tightened. And what will happen if the distance is reduced by 15cm?

I note that the examples here are impermanent from the point of view of the composition. I also learn and infrequently I can remove my masterpiece with the width. In particular, in this example And on the frame with bears, ugly cut down the bottom. In the photo report, I would probably have left the previous image to make the stove on Earth fully entered the frame. Well, more couplers for demonstration postulates: it is better to photograph with a small distance to wide-angle optics.

2. No clearly dedicated object in the frame when shooting with a wide-angle lens

The requirement to have in the frame of the SBCC, which draws the attention of the viewer, interconnected with the previous paragraph: a little departed - the audience "lost".

Dear reader, I'm sorry if my tone turned out somewhat instructive. I repeat once again, I also do not know how to shoot with widths, I only study. And in the blog posting my "lectures' abstracts". I know that it often happens that this SBCC is difficult to find and designate that sometimes it is not possible to get closer, etc.

To revive such a frame, it is vital to find something that will cling to the eye of the viewer: a stone, the inscription, crack in the foreground.

Think, why do I travel to my wife on a long-scale country? I need her to bring the "Human Element" ("Human Element") into the composition.

My theory here is as follows: On these frames, the main object is not a person, and the environment surrounding it, and it, as you need, is located close to the photographer.

3. Attempting to place in a picture too much

Shirik has a very large viewing angle. It helps when we want to show, for example, the habitat of our facility. But it prevents the composition of the composition, as there may be too many secondary details that distract from the main one in the picture. There is only one advice: to know the measure and be careful, choosing the frame border.

4. Shooting portraits on a wide-angle photo lens

Surely, you met a lot of rigorous recommendations many times: portraits of people are not removed on the styles, as the proportions of the face and body are very distorted.

The first frame is photographed from a distance of 15 cm, the second - with 30 cm.

I would make refinement here. When you write a girl, fashion model: "Dear photographer, remove the portfolio, please," it's probably better to take a portrait of Canon 50mm F / 1.4 or Canon 85mm F / 1.4. And if you go down the street and remove the street photo, you can get very interesting pictures on the wide-angle lens with the effect of the viewer involving.


Let's summarize. Without a wide-angle lens, it is very difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to remove a professional report from the wedding, birthday, parties and travel. If only because the installation frame is needed with common plan, giving a viewer an understanding where the event occurs (see the lesson "How to photograph photoInform").

So that the pictures with the chickens were not hub, you need to follow simple rules: 1) come close; 2) Show the viewer clearly, who is the main object; 3) not to do "messenger" from thousands of subjects, to be easier; 4) If you want the natural proportions of the human body, large focal length is used, but for Street-photo and humor, you should not be shy to shoot on shirits.

I understand that I am not authority in the photo, but try to carefully think about those theses that I put out here. Then go to mywed website and analyze the best frames - 30% of wedding photos are shot on wigs. Then type in Google phrase "Kommersant, the best photos of the year". There, too, a third of the plots are obtained on a wide corner. Analyze each photo, compare with what is in your portfolio, and then will also take the masterpieces to the wide-angle lens. Good luck friends!

I also want to add that all of the above does not mean that we should always use wiring, and there are exceptions when we do not follow the rules described in the article. I also draw attention that in the photo report it is desirable to alternate frames made different types Lens: If all the pictures are removed on the wide-angle lens, the viewer comes bomp.

Notice that when shooting at this type of optics, the lines in the frame are extremely important? Almost everywhere, they are very chained "capture a glance" and lead the viewer where the photographer needs. It is necessary to be very careful when building the composition.

In this article, we saw pictures taken on ultra-wide-organized lens SAMYANG 14MM F / 2.8. Such a lenses have a relative:

First, let's take a look at some surprises and disadvantages of this lens.

  • If you use this lens correctly, you can force the viewer to feel in the middle of the scene.
  • You like a photographer, you can become much closer to get fantastic paintings. If you can not get closer enough, forget about a wide angle.
  • This lens has the property to exaggerate things, including objects, and phenomena, and emotions. People, faces, or terrain - it seems, all this overwhelms the frame if it is properly composed and processed.
  • The composition really matters when it comes to this lens, minimal movement with the camera and the positioning of itself inside the scene can give a sharp change in the photo. Avoid capture of legs while shooting when cropping.
  • Shooting portraits with wide-angle lens, of course, requires a lot of practice and definite skill. Believe me, even professionals make it difficult to get a decent portrait shot. It is necessary to take into account that a person may lose proportionality and take measures to prevent such a phenomenon. Remember that this is not a portrait lens.

In this article we will discuss with you the pros wide Agricultural Photographyas well as some interesting methods For shooting and negative aspects of wide-angle photos.


Distortion in the lens causes a picture of the picture. There is practically no optics that would not cause a certain amount of distortion in the image. But when it comes to wide-angle lenses, you should take it particularly carefully. As a rule, in the corners of photography there is a stretching, due to which the object or subject loses the real form and looks like a strainer deformed. It is quite difficult to avoid this, but you can still use such a lack in favor of the image. In addition, this issue is easily solved if you resort to a better equipment. There are many available methods to correct deformations when processing frames.

Photo: Todd & Sarah Sisson


Clearly imagine inside what is your object is, that is, it frams it. Perfect accommodation The subject is the center of the frame. Thus, it is possible to avoid a huge number of distortions that are characteristic of the angles of the picture. In addition, there is a clearer picture of the nature of the image and the excellent wide-angle photo is obtained.

Photo: Kevin McNeal

Photographer's position and frame composition

You can move a little or minimally tilt the camera and at the same time get significant changes inside the frame. it good opportunity Improve the type of scene. To do this, continue to experiment and make more trial pictures to get excellent results. Also useful the ability to self-analysis and patience.

Photo: Jared Ropilato

Stunning examples of wide-angle photos

Photo: Mac Danzig

Photo: Willie Huang

Photo: Joshua Crypt

Photo: Philip Iglsfield

Photo: Chip Phillips

Photo: Michael Ryan

Photo: Brent Pearson

Photo: Jason Theaker

Photo: Jeffrey Schmid

Photo: Joserra Irusta

Photo: Joshua Crypt

Photo: Lars Wang de Gur

This article will discuss how to use wide-angle lenses. Some features of their work are also considered. Very often wide-angle lenses are used for the following purposes:

  1. When landscapes want to expand a large space, for example, by taking a view of the city.
  2. When a photographer is desirable to stay unnoticed by shooting out on the street.

They have a diagonal of 100 degrees, and in width - 88 (conventional 35 mm frame).

How do wide-angle lenses work? Their features

They have a large capacity of space. Therefore, the objects shown in the photo are reduced twice. This is the difference between shooting from the usual standard lens. Speaking easier, the wide-roller should not be used to shoot mountain landscapes, because it is very crushed.

You can solve this problem. You should add some large items to the frame that perform in the foreground. It can be:

  • bushes;
  • puddles on the roads.

Thus, the effect of the active spot will be created, for which the viewer can be clinged.

When using wide-angle lenses, optical distortions may appear in the pictures. These are barrel-shaped curvatures (distortion). They appear on the periphery of the frame. But it should not be argued that the quality of photography is worsening because of this effect. Sometimes it happens on the contrary. The composition in the picture looks more cozy with barrel-shaped distortions. If you would not like to spark the space, then look carefully so that there are no trees or corners of houses around the edges. They will greatly bend. The camera must be kept accurately horizontally, because there will be vertical ripples.

Wide-angle lenses Possess elevated "refiguration". Therefore, you need to follow the location of the Sun when shooting on a sunny day. If possible, use blend. If there is no longer enough in your equipment, then you will find a small difficulty. because of big size Wide-rollers (77 mm or more), difficult to select blend and filter. If you find them, then they will be in a decent amount.

Wide-angle lenses for Canon, combined with a short-focus lenitive, have the specific uses because the sky has uneven polarization on a wide angle, it will arise a dark blue spot. If you want to take off the horizontal landscape with the sky, then the wide-roller is not recommended to use with the polarizer. If you still want to try, then you should stop your choice on with a narrow bandage ring. They are made specifically for wide-angle lenses and does not allow darkens to get into the corner of the frame.

With such photo objects, the use of built-in photo flashlights simultaneously with the short-focus option is inefficient. A weak flash will not be able to highlight a huge spectrum of space and will be located close to the lens with a large diameter. Therefore, in the pictures there will be dark spot in the form of a semicircle. It will be due to the fact that the lens will discard the shadow. It falls into the frame from below.

Of course, not only wide-angle lenses discard the shadow, and other types. True, due to the smaller angle of sight, it misses the frame.

Exit this problem - enlarge or apply a remote flash.