Is it possible to plant girlish grapes in containers. plant care

Maiden grapes from Greek is translated as "virgin ivy". This is a huge unpretentious liana that forms berries without pollination in a parthenocarpic way. There are about 10 types of girlish grapes, which differ from each other in the number of veins on the leaf (1-7) and in color.

Girlish grapes are a very common way to decorate hedges, facades, fences, balconies and loggias in many cities of Russia and foreign countries. The reason for this is a number of undeniable advantages:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • unpretentiousness of the plant;
  • creates shade in hot weather;
  • protects from the wind.

Growing Features

In nature, this vine uses taller trees as a support on which it spreads its vines. Since by its nature this plant loves the shade, it can be perfectly grown on balconies directed to the east or west. Planting on the north side of the loggia is also possible, but only in a warm climatic region and an apartment on the upper floors. It is important that the balcony is not blocked by other structures or trees from the street.

It is generally not recommended to grow grapes on a balcony on the south side, as it will have to be watered daily and plentifully. And this plant needs a lot of water, since the length of the grape vine can reach up to 12 m.

Girlish grapes on the balcony

Some types of wild grapes grow 4 m each year. In this regard, it is necessary to make a support for it in advance so that the plant can trudge freely. But here there is one caveat: parthenocissus grows both up and down, so the best option for him there will be an arch. If all this is taken into account, then further care won't be much of a hassle.

Supports are needed for girlish grapes

Popular varieties of girlish grapes for growing on the balcony:

  • Triostrenny (ivy-shaped). It was bred in the Far East. It is a powerful vine with large carved leaves and blue berries. A characteristic feature is strong antennae that tightly cling to the support.
  • The five-leafed came to Russia straight from the tropics, so it does not survive in all regions. It reaches a height of up to 15 m. The leaves consist of 5 oblong petals.
  • Attached - a variety native to North America that grows up to 7 m. It is a small vine with rounded leaves, consisting of 3 petals, and yellow-gray trunk bark.

Instructions for planting in a pot

To grow wild grapes on the balcony, you will have to purchase a large pot. Its volume should be from 100 to 120 liters, depth - at least 50 cm. Material - ceramics or wood. Holes should be made at the bottom of the pot so that water does not stagnate.

Growing grapes in a pot

There are three options for cultivating girlish grapes:

  • from seeds;
  • from layering;
  • from seedlings.

Planting by seeds is the most time-consuming process, and therefore it is used only in extreme cases. In autumn, ripe berries are harvested, which are cleaned of pulp, leaving the seed. Then they are planted in the soil for seedlings to a depth of 1 cm, then watered and weeds are removed from the pot. Sprouts will appear only next year.

Growing with cuttings is an easier option, but it requires more space, which is not always possible in a balcony. This is done as follows: a stem up to 2 m long is buried in the ground in waves, that is, one part of the branch with a bud is dug in, and the other is left above the ground.

Girlish grape seedlings

by the most fast way propagation of wild grapes is considered from seedlings. Since the plant has good vegetative properties, there should be no problems with planting, just follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Separate the shoot from the adult plant.
  2. Place it in wet sand.
  3. Cover with a plastic cap.
  4. Wait for the roots to appear.

Ready-made rooted seedlings can be purchased at a specialized store. When buying, you should pay attention to the root system of the plant, if it is open. You should not choose shoots with weak and short roots, as they are unlikely to take root. It is best to buy grapes already planted in a pot. Although this will increase costs, it will reduce the risk of losing the plant a month after purchase.

Sale of seedlings

In the recommendations for choosing soil in order to grow girlish grapes in an apartment, gardeners are unanimous about the substrate enriched with humus and humus. However, in reality, the plant is not demanding and will grow in any land in which it is planted. In nature, girlish grapes spread along the leafy ground, respectively, at home, it will be the best choice.

Plant wild grapes at home in a pot from early spring to late autumn. The prepared container can be placed directly on the floor on the balcony and filled with soil. It is desirable to put drainage at the bottom of the tank.

Important! The first 2 years the grapes will trail with small thin branches. For them, you need to place supports for which he will cling with the help of antennae.

Immediately after planting in a pot, the seedling should be watered abundantly. In the future, watering for an adult plant should be at least 1 time per week. The soil must be ventilated to prevent mold. To make it easier for the plant to retain moisture in the heat, you can sprinkle the soil with tree bark.

Feeding and pruning

Nitroammophoska for fertilizing grapes

Since girlish grapes on the balcony are deprived of a natural influx of organic and mineral substances, top dressing is needed for its full development. It is she who is an important component of plant care. This is especially important during the fruiting period of the plant.

  • In spring or early summer, you can add 40-50 g of nitroammophoska per 1 sq. m.
  • During active growth, the wild vineyard needs to be fed organic fertilizers(manure, chicken manure).

Important! The soil in the pot needs to be loosened frequently, but do this with extreme care so as not to damage the roots.

Another important condition proper care is pruning to form a bush. It can be carried out starting from the second year, removing dry leaves and young shoots.

As for pests, the grower cannot escape from them even on the balcony. Most often, parthenocissus affects aphids. In the fight against it, a solution of water with alcohol (add 100 ml per 10 liters) and ordinary laundry soap have proven themselves well. The crown is sprayed first with a spray bottle, and the leaves are lathered with the second, washing away insects.

Leaf damage by pests and diseases

For the first wintering, grapes with a pot are brought into a warm room, cutting off young shoots. In the future, this will simply be impossible, as wild grapes grow before our eyes, becoming unbearable. The trunk and branches of the plant easily tolerate frost, but the roots will have to be covered (with rags, straw, a thick layer of mulch).

If you follow the tips and recommendations above, girlish grapes on the balcony will grow out in the first two years and will delight the eyes of passers-by with green foliage in summer and burgundy foliage in autumn. The main thing is not to forget the key points: abundant watering in the heat, crown-forming pruning and warming for the winter.

Description and types of girlish grapes

There are about 20 varieties of girlish grapes that grow in North America, the Himalayas and East Asia. Some varieties are evergreen.

But deciduous vines have gained the greatest popularity, since they are less whimsical and successfully take root in almost all climatic zones. Caring for this plant is quite simple. Girlish grapes, unlike other varieties of the Grape family, do not need pollination.

In addition to its chic decorative foliage, it is famous for its exquisite small black berries. They are inedible, but they are an exquisite decoration of a decorative liana. The most common deciduous species are: triacicular, Vicha, five-leafed.

Tri-pointed girlish grape

In summer, the leaves of the creeper are green in color, and with the onset of autumn, their color changes to bright red and brown shades. Growing countries - Korea, Japan, as well as the territory of Primorsky Krai.

This vine, thanks to its strong branched tendrils, can very easily climb smooth walls. The glossy foliage has a chic decorative look, creating a dense green carpet.

This variety is recommended to be grown in the southern areas, since the plant is quite photophilous. Reproduction occurs by sowing seeds. The seed planting period falls in the fall, as long-term stratification is necessary.

Care of seedlings is almost not required.

Variety Vicha

Wicha is quite common. Differs in simple large leaves green color. With the onset of autumn, the foliage turns a bright red color.

This species is very willingly used for vertical decorations in European countries. Vicha propagates by lignified cuttings. Growing by sowing seeds is impractical because the seeds split and lose their ability to grow.

Planted cuttings in the first year of life grow rather slowly, require constant care - top dressing and watering. But in the future, their growth reaches 2.5 m in height. This variety is readily grown in apartments on the balcony, decorate terraces, gazebos.

Five-leafed parthenocissus

This species is a woody climbing liana which can be up to 20 meters high. This species first appeared in North America and Mexico. This variety is characterized by palmate-compound dark green leaves with pointed ends.

The most common species of this genus is the Engelman variety. It has rather tenacious branched sucker antennae. The leaves are in the form of five lanceolate dark green leaves, the length of which is 12 cm. The plant has reddish petioles.

With the onset of autumn, the foliage acquires a red-purple color. This vine is characterized by fairly active growth (growth of 1 m per year) and requires proper care. Having such a decorative look, it looks great on the balcony. Look at the photos of these varieties.

They have significant differences in appearance.

Features of cultivation and formation of girlish grapes

The only disadvantage, and with this great advantage, is the abundant and active growth of branches. This often happens if the plant is not properly cared for and pruned properly. In addition decorative look foliage and berries, grapes have beneficial effect on the microclimate and air, since it performs the function of sound insulation, gas and dust protection, and also has volatile properties.

Densely overgrown foliage very well protects against summer heat, and also helps to reduce dampness in the premises. Planting girlish grapes is a simple process. Almost all varieties of tree vines are undemanding to the quality of the soil.

They do not need their increased fertility. The main thing is that the earth should not be dry and depleted. Liana quite easily tolerates slight salinization of the soil.

Planting of adults and large plants is carried out in deep holes, the width and depth of which should be 50 cm. These holes should be good drainage and filled with fertile soil.

Planting of young seedlings is carried out in the spring. The distance between each plant should be at least 60 cm, care at first consists in regular watering.

Watering, fertilizing and pruning

Grape care includes regular watering, top dressing, as well as the construction of the necessary supports to give a decorative look to the plant. Timely watering is especially important. Drying out of the soil can lead to the loss of a unique decorative effect by girlish grapes.

For feeding use nitroammophoska - 40-50 g per square meter. This fertilizer is applied in early summer or spring. During the period of active growth, the plant is fed with 200 g of Kemira Universal. But this is not all the proper care needed for grapes.

It is very important to carry out regular loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, pruning, which is necessary to remove damaged and extra branches. Trimming can also be carried out in order to reduce the volume of the plant. Watch an instructional video on how to properly care for grapes. All types of parthenocissus are very readily used for landscaping fences, walls, arbors, as well as doors on the balcony ( on the picture). The bright mosaic of leaves, which turns red and brown with the onset of winter, simply fascinates with its beauty.

How to propagate girlish grapes yourself

Reproduction of girlish grapes is quite simple. There are two ways to grow this tree vine at home:

  • Stem layers. Lignified cuttings. Seeds.

For cultivation in the first way, it is necessary to use and prepare planting material - stem layering. Prepare several young shoots up to 2 m long. Bury them in grooves to a depth of 3 cm and water regularly.

As soon as the first roots appear on the cuttings, the plants are planted in open ground at a distance of 20 cm from each other. It is best to plant in the fall in the morning or evening. Experienced gardeners often do not cut the layers.

They are simply bent to the ground, pinned, for example, steel wire then covered with earth. Then the care is simple: they are watered regularly, and the very next year, when the first layers take root, they can be divided and planted separately.

It is not advisable to use apical layers with dormant buds for reproduction. The best and effective way growing creepers is a method of propagation by woody cuttings. To do this, at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer, several good branches are cut off, on which there are ripe leaves, and placed in a glass of water.

The cut of the shoot must be made 2-3 cm lower from the leaf. After a while, the cuttings will give the first young roots. It is necessary to regularly moisten the branches by spraying.

It is quite possible to propagate girlish grapes using seeds. But this process is rather troublesome.

At the beginning of autumn, seeds peeled from fruits are sown in the ground. The very next year, in June, the first shoots appear. Also, seeds are planted in the spring, but only after a long stratification, which takes about 2 months.

The advantage of the second method is the rapid germination of seeds - within a few weeks after sowing. Before sowing in the spring after stratification, it is better to soak the seeds for several days in warm water. Planting seeds is carried out at a depth of about 1 cm.

Seeds have a fairly long storage period and do not lose their germination throughout the year.

Growing girlish grapes in the house and on balconies

Girlish grapes have found their application even in apartments. They successfully decorate the door on the balcony, cornices, window openings. Planting a plant in a living room is carried out in boxes.

The process of planting lignified cuttings is the same as in open ground. It is advisable to mulch the plants with peat and cover with polyethylene for the winter. With the onset of spring, the shelter is removed and supports are placed, to which young branches are tied in the required direction.

Girlish grapes can freely decorate the entire door on the balcony in one season. You can see a detailed description of all methods of growing girlish grapes on the video materials. To decorate arches with girlish grapes, lignified cuttings are used and preferably long ones. The lower part is rooted, and the upper part is tied to a support. In 2-3 years, the arch will be completely entwined with this decorative liana.

Wintering girlish grapes

With the onset of autumn, grapes require proper care. It consists in collecting fruits to obtain seeds. As soon as the first frosts pass, the seeds will no longer be suitable for planting. Therefore, the berries must be harvested before the first frost.

Minus air temperature will lead to a massive fall of foliage, which must be removed, otherwise dampness will stick to the walls. At each subsequent year of life, the frost resistance of the plant increases. However, young vines, especially those grown from cuttings, must be covered with snow or some kind of covering material. In the future, they will get stronger, and the need for shelter will disappear. The only pest of all varieties of girlish grapes is aphids.

The benefits of grapes

In addition to its decorative appearance, girlish grapes are famous for their beneficial properties. Thanks to the research of scientists, glucose, fructose, malic and lemon acid, a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. The fatty oils contained in the berries have an antioxidant property. Girlish grapes are widely used in oriental medicine.

In city apartments, you can grow grapes on the balcony. The easiest way to plant a finished grape seedling, if you want to tinker, you can grow it from a cutting. For grapes on the balcony, you need to create suitable conditions. The balcony needs to be insulated, you can buy foam, it has good heat-shielding qualities. Choose a suitable support for the vine, if the balcony is not on the south side, then increase the illumination. Highlight the grapes better lamps daylight, which are fixed on the ceiling of the balcony or on the walls from the sides. Grapes need lighting from eight in the morning to nine in the evening. The capacity is needed for 50-60 liters, the larger it is, the better.

Good for this purpose plastic barrels cut in half. If there is nothing suitable, then the usual 10 or 12-liter bucket will do.

At the bottom do drainage holes and put the containers in a tray with sides 6-8 cm high. An ordinary basin will do. A layer of expanded clay is poured on the bottom of the container for drainage with a height of 4-5 cm. On top of it, gauze soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate is laid, and an earthen mixture is poured on it, consisting of garden soil mixed with sawdust at a rate of (3: 1), it is desirable add wood ash. The stalk of the desired variety for two days, kept in a growth stimulator solution or in water with the addition of honey. After that, we bury the cutting in the center of the container in the middle, deepening it into the soil to the upper kidney.

We cover the stalk with a 2-liter glass jar. For 2-3 weeks, the stalk usually has roots. The temperature in the room at this time must be kept at 25-27 degrees.

Then we remove the jar and water it as necessary, usually once a week, and if it is very dry, then it can be twice a week. The vines are formed so that it is convenient for you to use. Grapes are very plastic and young, not lignified shoots can be placed in any direction, at your discretion. Usually grapes begin to bear fruit in the second year. The ripening period for homemade grapes is determined by its maturity and it depends on the grape variety. The growth of a grape bush can always be stopped by shaping, pinching or chasing. If, over the years, the bush has grown strongly and it becomes difficult to cope with it, then you can grow a new seedling using layering of this variety or using the above technology, and old bush can be planted in the garden.

Interesting articles:

Grapes - deciduous woody liana. Propagation by cuttings, 5 to 35 cm long, cut from mature wood. Cuttings are cut either in the fall after the leaves fall, or in the spring, before the buds start to grow.

Cuttings should have at least two buds, one 2 cm below the top edge and one 2 cm above the bottom, but cuttings with 3-5 buds are usually used. Cuttings cut in autumn are stored in a damp rag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or tied in bunches - they are dug into moist ground. In the spring, before planting, the lower cut is renewed and treated with a root growth stimulator, and the upper cut is dipped in melted paraffin or coated with garden pitch. Sometimes heat treatment is practiced, for which the upper part of the cuttings is placed in the snow at -2°-0°C and left in this position for 3-7 days.

At the same time, the lower part is in the air at a higher temperature, which further has a positive effect on root formation. Grapes are not picky about soil, but good drainage is of particular importance in pot culture. In summer, during the period of growth and fruiting, grapes require maximum lighting and tolerate conditions well. dry hot air, but with sufficient watering. In winter, especially after leaf fall, temperatures around zero are acceptable with the most minimal watering and nutrition.

V room conditions the main defining requirement is to create maximum illumination of all leaves of the vine. Therefore, the plant is often formed into one sleeve - the trunk. Pruning vines for fruiting before the start of the growth period

Pruning the vine after the formation of the ovaries Pruning the vine after the end of fruiting and leaf fall After the formation of the desired length of the sleeve, they start pruning for fruiting, keeping in mind that clusters usually form on the shoots of the current year, which grow on the wood of the previous year.

In autumn, two shoots are left on the sleeve. The longest (conductor) is placed horizontally at the bottom or a ring is formed from it when standard form. Everything side shoots the conductor is removed.

The second shoot is greatly shortened to a stump with three buds. In the spring, fruit shoots develop on the conductor, on which flowers form. Moreover, at first, more buds are allowed to germinate than it is planned to have fruit shoots, because if the main bud dies, then the shoots from the replacement buds are often barren.

Fruit shoots are directed vertically upwards along the window or twisted along the guide that has been folded into a ring. After the cluster is formed on the fruit shoot, it is pinched, leaving one or two leaves behind the cluster.

All non-flowering shoots are removed or pinched after 3-5 leaves. Such sterile shoots can be identified at an early stage, since it is known that flowers are not formed on a green shoot above the first tendril. In a hemp with three buds, two shoots are allowed to grow freely.

In the fall, one of them will be formed into a conductor for the next year, and the second will be shortened again into a stump with three buds. At the same time, the fertile conductor with fruit shoots is cut out, thus repeating the entire pruning cycle.

When pruning, it is necessary that the wounds are located on one, preferably the inner, side of the sleeve and other perennial parts of the bush. If lighting and heating conditions allow, then the grapes can get two harvests a year, making very strong pruning after the first fruiting. In room conditions grapes are pollinated by hand, tapping on the trunk or transferring pollen to the palms of the hands during cross-pollination. In the first year of fruiting, no more than two clusters are left on the vine. In the following years, the number of clusters can be gradually increased, bearing in mind that maximum yield usually 1.5 kg per plant. In addition to removing excess clusters, thinning is often practiced at room conditions.

The main treatments against them are carried out during the absence of leaves after pruning. Every 3-4 years it is necessary to clean off the old bark from the trunk and destroy it. Growing grapes on the balcony.

In principle, there are no obstacles for people who do not have garden plots or a vineyard not to grow grapes for themselves. All it takes is a sunny balcony or terrace.

Proper planting of grapes.

For balcony (terrace) viticulture, a capacity of 100-120 liters is required. It can be a ceramic or wooden pot. It is important that the container has a depth of 40-60 cm and there are holes in the bottom to drain excess water.

At the bottom of such a container, we place a layer of drainage (5-10 cm), made of expanded clay, gravel or crushed ceramic flower pots. The vine does not tolerate excessive moisture in the root system and such drainage and a drain hole in the bottom should provide proper conditions.

We fill the pot with garden soil, which is purchased at a garden store, the so-called flower soil, half mixed with sand. The earth should have a PH reaction in the range of 6-7. It is important to plan the future behavior of the vine in space.

It can climb a specially prepared plank structure placed on the wall of the building, between our balcony railing and the balcony above, or attached directly to our wooden pot. There is large field activities to realize their own imagination and ingenuity, but the principle must always be preserved that the planned structure must provide conditions for: the plant freely curls and rises along it, good heating of the vine by the sun, and its ventilation (we place the structure at a distance of 15 cm from the wall).

The corresponding design may not be made in the first year - we can do it in the second year after planting. In the first year, it is enough to tie the shoots to a stick driven into the ground near the seedling.

Choice of grape variety.

We choose the variety according to our own preferences. It is worth paying attention to what follows, based on the limited space, to select varieties that grow the least.

Planting and care in the first year.

For balcony-terraced viticulture, it is more profitable to use cuttings. This is due to the limitation of the amount of land at the disposal of the root system. The acquired seedling should be planted a little deeper than it grew in the container.

Near the seedling, but so as not to damage the roots, we drive in a stick to which we will tie the growing vine. During the period of shoot growth, the plant should be watered (not abundantly!) And weeds that may appear from the pot should be removed.

It is also worth periodically loosening the ground to a depth of about 5 cm. It will be enough to fertilize the plant with a handful of mineral fertilizer (eg Azofoska), but no later than the beginning of August.

After the leaves fall in autumn and the shoots become stiff, it is worth making the first pruning of the vine. Be sure to cut the vine by 2-3 buds. Often, among novice growers, you can find those who regret pruning "so well growing shoots."

However, for the good of the plant, such sentiments should be discarded. And cut! The pruned vine is sprinkled with earth before winter.

Protection of grapes from frost.

In principle, there is one serious difference between viticulture on the site and balcony-terrace. This concerns the protection of the root system before winter frosts. When growing a vine in a pot (barrel), the roots of the plant should be very carefully insulated from all sides.

Not only from the sides, but also from above, and also (which is sometimes forgotten) from below! Every good idea is, first of all, to prevent the root system from freezing in winter and to ensure the temperature of the earth is not lower than 6-7 C. One of the most effective methods is insulated with polystyrene boards.

Also for this purpose, you can use dry leaves, straw and other natural materials. Of course, the most advantageous place for wintering a pot would be a basement or garage. However, based on its weight, this is a rather difficult operation.

Second year of cultivation.

In the spring (end of March, beginning of April), we remove the thermal insulation from the pot and carefully rake the earth poured over the seedling. If in the previous year we did not make a supporting structure for the vine, we are doing it now.

We water the earth abundantly, because it has not received the necessary supply of moisture coming from snow and spring thaw. We fertilize the earth with a handful of mineral fertilizer and plow it to a depth of about 5 cm. Other principles of balcony cultivation are identical to growing grapes on the site.

Vine pruning.

Pruning rules are similar to those for open vineyards. However, due to the specific conditions of the life of the vine, it turns out that best practices are: short pruning, Cordon Roya, Guyot form.They make it easier to cover the plant for the winter. In the case of growing on a balcony best form is the cordon Roya, with a permanent perennial shoulder tied to the railing and sprouts that climb the lattice placed between our balcony and the balcony above. I wish you, dear readers, a wonderful harvest grapes on the balcony.If you have something to add, please be sure to leave your comment.

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Many people like to savor a bunch of grapes while sitting at home watching TV. But only a few know that you can eat your own grapes grown in an apartment or on a balcony. personal plot poorly suited for this purpose, as weather conditions and the lack of special soil will prevent this southern and heat-loving plant from ripening. Further, we will not talk about the industrial quantity of grapes and not even about the possibilities of harvesting for the winter, but the whole family will be able to enjoy the product grown with their own hands.

Is it possible to grow grapes on a balcony

With the minimum gardening equipment that every lover has suburban plantings and simple agricultural skills, you can grow an excellent vine at home.

One of the most popular varieties for growing on the balcony is "Isabella"

First of all, you need to choose seeds for planting that will not be afraid of the weather conditions of the region and will be able to bear fruit well. In many regions of Russia, such seeds as Kish-mish, Laura, Severny and Taiga take root better. These varieties are not afraid of frost and other climatic features. different regions. If the seeds that are acquired from a fruitful, good vine, then they will take root and will not hurt much.

The soil for planting should be made with your own hands from different ingredients, since special formulations for growing grapes in stores is not possible to find.

To prepare the soil, you will need sand, humus and sawdust. Sand must be calcined in a pan and mixed with humus in the proportion of one part of sand to two parts of humus. The soil for seedlings should be loose and moist, and it is for the looseness of the soil that it is worth adding sawdust.

What gardening equipment should be prepared to grow grapes on a balloon or in an apartment.

  1. A spray gun, which you can buy, for a small price, at any hardware store, or purchase a regular spray nozzle, and use it as a container plastic bottle from mineral water.
  2. Baking powder. You can use a children's iron rake from a sand play set or an ordinary old fork.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Small bottle or container for watering. Many people use the container that comes with some types of irons or plastic jugs for dairy products.
  5. Pots.

WITH minimum set funds for cultivation have been determined, now it is worth preparing seeds and seedlings for planting.

Grapes on the balcony (video)

Planting material preparation

Depending on the desire and possibilities, the cultivation of grapes begins with three options. With the help of seeds, in this case, the seeds must be properly prepared for planting in the ground. Pick up a few good grapes, the variety that can take root in the area, clean the seeds from the berry itself and rinse well. Dry on a cloth, put in a bag and place in the refrigerator door for about a third of a month, take it out again and repeat all the steps again. By mid-February, remove the seeds from the refrigerator and spread them on a damp cloth or cloth, and put them in a warm place for 4-5 days. It is necessary to constantly check the presence of moisture on the napkin. After the first roots hatch, the seeds can be ground. You will need pots with a volume of 3-5 liters.

Growing grapes from cuttings is more convenient, it is necessary to buy planting material in the fall, when the vine is pruned.

To store cuttings, you need to use sawdust, which are placed in a bag with cuttings and stored in the refrigerator. Twice a quarter sawdust is changed and blackened cuttings are removed. In February, it is necessary to get planting material, cut each into several separate parts, moreover, the upper cut is straight, and the lower is oblique, and both are 20-30 mm behind the kidneys. When preparing these parts, at least three kidneys must be left. The resulting parts are soaked in melt water for two days. Then dry a little on the fabric.

seedlings. It is much more convenient to buy planting material in the form of seedlings just before planting in the ground, but this method is somewhat reminiscent of buying a pig in a poke. If the first two options allow you to find out which grapes will grow, then the seedlings can be of any variety and not take root in the difficult climate of the middle lane.

plant care

Growing a crop on a balcony or at home requires careful constant care, watering and feeding.

The vine requires light, so plant pots should only be placed on the sunny side.

Watering in strong sunshine is necessary very often, sometimes even twice a day. Once every twenty days, it is necessary to feed the grapes with nitrogen fertilizers. A growing vine requires an increase in the amount of soil and the grapes need to be replanted as they grow. It is also worth noting that it is necessary to properly cut off excess shoots so that the strength of the plant goes into the ripening of berries, and not into an increase in greenery. The optimal size of the shoots is 1.5 meters.

Grapes growing on the balcony

So that the cultivation of the vine would not be torture, you should qualitatively prepare the balcony for the temperature regime. The balcony must be glazed, insulated along the floor and lower walls.

The best option would be to grow on the balcony, which is located on the south side, as there is more light and heat. The side windows of the balcony and the window to the apartment, next to which the grapes are gaining strength, should be covered with reflective material, you can use very thick aluminum foil, which in ordinary life used for various culinary recipes.

The floor on the balcony is insulated with any thermal insulation material which can be purchased at construction market or at a hardware store. average temperature in winter, on the balcony where grapes grow, it should not fall below 10 degrees.

If the spring is too cold, then you should take care of the lighting in advance and hang a couple of fluorescent lamps on the balcony.

It is not recommended to transfer grapes from cold to heat, since a sharp change in temperature will harm the vine, it is better to close containers with a plant with a non-woven covering material on very frosty days. Polyethylene in this case is contraindicated.

Moisten the soil in the pots where the grapes are planted, in winter period it is necessary from a spray bottle, spraying.

Girlish grapes: balcony decoration

Girlish grapes on the balcony are more of a decoration than a food product. These grape varieties are not eaten, and the vine is used for decorative functions. Growing wild girlish grapes on a balcony is very similar to the way ordinary grapes are cultivated.

Girlish grapes do not require balcony glazing, so they can become a decoration for anyone, even open balcony facing north. Creeping shoots are attached to the walls and railings of the balcony and create a natural, green terrace.

Girlish grapes are not whimsical, but require watering and top dressing; on the sunny side, watering is needed more plentiful and frequent.

Well sprawling shoots will be able to close the balcony from the sun's rays, thus making a living cozy gazebo in which you can escape from the scorching sun, while at the same time enjoying clean air.

Growing vines on a balcony is a labor-intensive business, but in any case it pays off. Either it will be a delicious harvest of beautiful berries, or a cozy green balcony drapery. Grapes can also be grown in an apartment, but the abundance of shoots and the constant transfer of pots is a laborious task, so most create vineyards on balconies and loggias.

The benefits of girlish grapes (video)

Experienced gardeners will not see big problems in this activity, and will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor, collecting juicy bunches of grapes.

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The balcony of a multi-storey building can be turned into a cozy place to relax. It is quite simple to do this, for example, plant girlish grapes. Moreover, this decoration is suitable for both open and closed balconies. In length, such creepers can reach 8–12 m. How to grow grapes on a balcony?

Wild grapes are notable for their bright leaves, which can be green, burgundy, red and yellow, as well as dark blue berries. In nature, such vines grow in the lower tier of the forest. They usually use taller upright trees as supports.

Girlish grapes are moderately shade-loving plants. Thanks to this, the culture can be successfully grown on balconies oriented to the east, west and north sides. It should be remembered that it is recommended to grow creepers in a mild climate and on a balcony not obscured by buildings and trees. On the south side, growing grapes can be problematic, because in this case it needs to be watered abundantly every day.

The flowering period of the culture falls on June-July. Berries appear in late summer/early autumn. Favorable climatic conditions contribute to fruiting until October.

Necessary tools and materials

To grow wild grapes on a balcony, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a small clay, plastic or cardboard pot for growing planting material;
  • polyethylene film for sheltering seedlings from the cold;
  • organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • shovel;
  • garter rope;
  • frame, posts or pegs made of wood, metal or plastic;
  • gardening scissors;
  • watering can;
  • deep wooden container, from 60 to 350 liters;
  • priming;
  • expanded clay or crushed stone of the middle fraction for drainage.

The process of growing grapes

Growing grapes on the balcony takes place in several stages:

  • preparation of planting material;
  • growing a plant in a temporary container;
  • transplanting grapes into a permanent container;
  • preparing the bush for wintering.

Planting material preparation

from seedlings, cuttings and seeds. The first method is usually used, since the peculiarity of this plant is its excellent vegetative qualities. To get a seedling, it is enough to separate the young shoot from the stem of the plant and root it. For these purposes, you can use a small container with wet sand. After that, the container is covered plastic wrap and leave in this form until the cuttings have roots. A slightly lit place is suitable for growing grapes, because with constant exposure to sunlight, the leaves will dry.

The time for planting a plant on a balcony depends on the climate. It can vary from March to November. If grapes are planted in the fall, then care must be taken to warm the plant. In most regions, plants are planted in spring in temporary pots, and in summer or autumn they are transplanted into a permanent large container.

Seating preparation

Most suitable soil for grapes, leafy land is considered. The soil should be moderately nutritious and loose. It should not stagnate with water.

For temporary cultivation, you will need any container. A drainage layer should be provided at the bottom of the container. For these purposes, you can take expanded clay or crushed stone of the middle fraction.

Planting plants in a permanent pot

Usually grapes grown on the balcony are planted in a permanent container in the summer. For planting, you will need a shovel, soil, expanded clay and a large container. Planting wild grapes in a new pot is recommended at the same depth at which it was planted in the previous container. Before planting, the seedling must be watered. In a new pot, planting material should be placed at a slight slope.

plant care

Grape care consists in abundant watering and pruning of rapidly growing side shoots. It should be remembered that all branches should be cut to healthy wood. Also, for normal growth, experts advise regularly making organic and mineral supplements.

If you plan to grow grapes vertically on the balcony, then you need to build supports or install arches for which it will cling. Also creepers can grow down.

When growing girlish grapes, it must be remembered that it is impossible to add additives to dry land. This can lead to a high content of one or another mineral in the roots. Also, this method of feeding leads to the fact that the applied fertilizers will not be absorbed. That is why each mineral is recommended to be applied at a certain stage of the growing season.

The scheme of fertilization when growing grapes on the balcony:

  1. The first, most important, top dressing is recommended to be done after the buds have blossomed and the grapes are preparing to lay the ovaries. This usually happens in early March. First you need to water the ground. Only after that should a complex of microelements be added. At this stage Special attention it is recommended to give nitrogen-containing fertilizers, because the growth of foliage, which the plant needs in spring, depends on them.
  2. The following dressings are made in the summer. For these purposes, fertilizers are used, which include all minerals and trace elements. Supplements should be made once a month. As a result of the introduction of complex fertilizer, not only the grapes themselves are strengthened, but also the ovaries.
  3. After the clusters have become a standard size, it is necessary to completely remove fertilizers containing nitrogen. It is better to give preference to phosphorus and potassium supplements. Thanks to them, the berries will ripen well.
  4. During the ripening period of berries, it is recommended to refuse top dressing with three main minerals. It is only recommended to spray the grapes with special mixtures of trace elements intended for the ripening of berries. In addition, to prevent cracking of the fruit, it is necessary to minimize the number of waterings.
  5. After harvesting, you need to perform another top dressing. It is necessary for the maturation of wood for the next year. Mixtures containing potassium, phosphorus and magnesium are suitable for these purposes. Thus, a general mineral background is created, which is necessary for wintering and the first days after the awakening of the grapes from winter sleep.

When growing grape bushes, along with mineral fertilizers, it is desirable to introduce a complex of humic acids, which help the grape roots to process and assimilate the introduced minerals. For better ovary and rapid maturation, you can spray with hormonal growth stimulants. Such substances are advised to be applied as follows:

  • when flowering;
  • with the growth of ovaries;
  • at maturity.


In spring and autumn, girlish grapes on the balcony need additional lighting. Especially additional lighting is necessary for vines growing on balconies with a northern orientation. Also, backlighting will be needed in the spring for the first two months. After the berries fall off, the foliage no longer needs intensive lighting. It is necessary to turn on the backlight in the spring after the leaves come out of the buds, and the vine begins to actively vegetate.

Temperature regime

The stems of most varieties are quite frost-resistant. They can easily withstand frosts of 20-30 degrees. Wherein root system grapes are very tender. In its natural environment, it goes deep into the soil below the level of soil freezing. Therefore, on the balcony, the soil can freeze completely.

Problems can be avoided if you place a tub with a bush on a fully glazed balcony. It is also recommended to insulate the walls and floor. It is desirable that the temperature on the balcony during the cold season does not fall below zero, but does not exceed +10 degrees, otherwise the grapes may wake up ahead of time. It is not recommended to bring a tub with a plant into a warm room during the onset of cold weather, since it is possible to harm the culture. This is due to the fact that wintering buds do not tolerate temperature and humidity changes.

Also in winter, care must be taken to ensure that the land with grape bushes does not dry out. To do this, experts advise to carry out soil mulching. Also occasionally it should be moistened with a spray bottle. It is not recommended to cover the bushes growing on the balcony with plastic wrap, as this can harm the grapes.

Common varieties

The following wild grape varieties are suitable for growing on a balcony:

  1. Five leaf. The foliage of this variety is palmately complex, has an oval shape. Leaves are green in spring and summer, bright red in autumn. The creeper has antennae, thanks to which it can rise. hallmark of this variety is that the vine rises and falls along a certain trajectory. The length of the vine can reach 10 m.
  2. Triostrenny. characteristic feature of this variety are three-lobed leaves. In appearance, the vine resembles ivy. The leaves have a variety different shape and color. Such grapes are unpretentious and grow quickly.

Pests and their control

Aphids may appear on the tips of grapes growing on a balcony. In order to get rid of it, you need soapy water, to which alcohol is added. The resulting solution must be sprayed on the leaves. You can also treat the surface of the foliage with laundry soap.

Girlish grapes are a liana with bright colorful leaves. The leaves can be red, and yellow, and green, and the berries are dark blue. The plant has a length of about 8-12 meters. Grown mainly on the balcony. Girlish grapes on the balcony are beautiful and original. The plant will decorate not only the balcony, but also the fence and even the wall of the house or cottage.

Parthenocissus is a creeper with bright multi-colored leaves. The leaves can be red, and yellow, and green, and the berries are dark blue.

Parthenocissus blooms in June and July, and the berries appear in early September. The tree bears fruit until October, depending on the climate.

Features of planting grapes

Girlish grapes grow either in the shade or in a semi-dark place.

The soil should be rich in organic matter, humus. The plant should not be planted too close to each other, at a distance of 3 meters.

To grow grapes you will need:

  • clay, cardboard or a plastic cup for planting a sprout of grapes;
  • film to cover the pot from cold and wind;
  • shovel;
  • fertilizers;
  • garter ropes;
  • poles or pegs so that the plant grows in the right direction;
  • garden scissors for pruning vines in spring;
  • watering can.

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Growing technology

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It is better to plant grapes in a semi-sunny place: in the scorching sun it will dry out, and wither in the shade.

When buying girlish grape seedlings, you need to pay attention to two points: the grafting of the seedling and the roots. If the roots are weak, then they should not be allowed to be wrapped in a plastic bag - the roots should be in a convenient pot.

It is better to plant grapes in a semi-sunny place: in the scorching sun it will dry out, and wither in the shade. If the sun warms the plant, for example, for half a day, then in the fall it will have a luxurious “dress”. The soil should be moist and rich in humus. On the balcony, grapes need protection in winter, so you need to plant them in a pot and regularly monitor the moisture content of the earth.

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Girlish grapes are planted in spring. He sits in a container, and already from the container he can be transplanted both in summer and in autumn. Feeding is needed. For it, you can use humus or compost.

In summer, the soil must be actively moistened. In order to better retain moisture in the soil, it can be sprinkled with fine tree bark.

The plant multiplies in autumn. The stalk is planted in a pot and covered with a film cap. Before planting in open ground from the cutting, you need to cut off the leaves.

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If annoying aphids have appeared on the tips of the plants, then you can get rid of it in two ways. The first way is to rinse the leaves with water. If this option did not help, then treat the leaves and stems with laundry soap; You can also add alcohol to the solution.

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Grapes have a peculiarity: they rise up the roof and walls and fall down the same walls and roof.

    1. Seedlings can be planted at any time.
    2. For this you need a shovel. It is necessary to dig a hole and plant the plant at the same depth at which the seedling grew in a pot.
    3. Before planting, a seedling in a pot must be watered.
    4. The seedling is placed at an angle.
    5. The seedling needs to be pruned throughout the season. Do not cut in winter. You need to cut the branches to normal healthy wood.
    6. Around the seedling you need to make a circle for watering.
    7. Attach a wire nearby so that the plant can hold on.
    8. It is better that it does not wrap around the drainpipe: when the foliage begins to fall, it can clog the pipe.

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Varieties of girlish grapes

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Five-leafed parthenocissus

The plant has five-parted palmately compound leaves. The shape of the leaves is oval. The plant clings to objects with antennae and rises up. Grapes have a peculiarity: they rise up the roof and walls and fall down the same walls and roof. The leaves of such a plant are bright red in autumn and green in spring and summer. The height of the grapes reaches 10 meters.

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If the plant grows constantly in the shade, then it will not have a bright color in the autumn.

The plant has three-lobed leaves and looks like ivy. This is a more popular and common plant variety. The leaves have different shapes and different colors.

Both plants can decorate any fences, arbors, roofs, balconies and walls. Plants are usually planted for decoration. They grow fast and are not picky. The main thing is that the soil is suitable and the sun warms. If the plant grows constantly in the shade, then it will not have a bright color in the autumn. If the soil is dry, then the plant needs watering.

Girlish grapes are used as decoration for flower beds, namely for background. On the front, you can safely plant roses and other flowers. A flower bed with girlish grapes in the fall will look luxurious and very beautiful.

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Varieties of parthenocissus

Parthenocissus is also called girlish grape five-leafed.

His homeland is China. The climate for him is moderate, such as in Russia, Asia, America. But having created a suitable temperature, the plant can be grown in other climatic zones.

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  1. Liana, which has tetrahedral leaves, in spring the leaves have a bright green color, in autumn they turn into burgundy.
  2. Virtually no flowers.
  3. The flowers are small greenish, almost invisible in the axils of the plant. And the berries are small, juicy and bluish in color. They begin to ripen in autumn.
  4. The temperature at which Henry grows well enough is 10-12 degrees.
  5. Humidity should be moderate.
  6. Lighting is necessary. The more light, the better plants will grow.
  7. Henry is propagated by cuttings.
  8. Watering is carried out in summer and plentiful in spring, moderate in autumn, and does not need watering in winter.
  9. Pruning, as well as watering, is carried out from spring to autumn, stopping in winter.