Cultivation of cranberries. Procurement of medicinal raw materials

This evergreen shrub is often used in landscape design- lingonberries cover large areas and are a real decoration of the garden. The plant is highly valued in folk medicine, and useful berries are used in cooking. Breeders have bred about two dozen interesting varieties of lingonberries - each of them has its own advantages.

Lingonberry: the best varieties

Under natural conditions, lingonberries can be found in the tundra. In addition to beauty, it attracts people with its benefits - leaves and berries contain a large number of useful elements. Vegetable raw materials are indispensable for beriberi, diseases of the genitourinary system and colds.

Lingonberry is a self-pollinating plant that produces two crops a year. The plant is unpretentious - lingonberries do not make high demands on soils, lighting, climatic conditions (but in good conditions fruit better). Thanks to this property, berries are grown on an industrial scale (this brings a good profit). Minus lingonberries - it begins to give a good harvest 4 years after planting (in the second year, the plant produces a minimum number of berries).

The selection of lingonberries was started relatively recently - they became interested in the berry in Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Holland. A variety of varieties have been bred, including remontant ones. Plants differ among themselves not only in productivity, but also in the height of the bushes and decorativeness. Only three varieties are registered in the State Register of Russia:

Kostroma pink

We also grow varieties of foreign selection:

Red Pearl
Sussy (Suzy)
Runo Belyavske

Compared to wild plants, cultivars more productive - by planting them on your site, you will collect 2-2.5 times more useful berries.

Cowberry: variety Coral

Cowberry variety Coral is considered one of the most fruitful and decorative. The height of the bush is about 30 cm, the plant forms a spherical crown. The yield is quite high (you can pick berries twice a year). Average fruit weight: 0.3-0.5 g. Taste characteristics are good.

Lingonberry variety Mazovia

This variety was bred by Polish breeders from a wild form. The height of the bushes does not exceed 20-30 cm. The disadvantage of the variety is the low yield. The advantages include the excellent taste of rounded dark red fruits and good resistance to adverse factors.

Lingonberry: varieties for the Moscow region

For the conditions of central Russia and the Moscow region, many varieties of garden lingonberries are suitable. Plants in favorable conditions grow to tens of meters and give a couple of crops a year.

Cowberry garden: what varieties are best suited for the Moscow region? Most good feedback have varieties:

Red Ammerland

Description of the variety Linnea

The height of the plants is 15-25 cm. The leaves are large, the bushes are slightly branched. Flowering is early, the berries begin to ripen in mid-August, their average weight is 0.4 g. The taste of the berries is sweet-sour, there is a slight bitterness. Secondary flowering is weak.

Varieties of cranberries for Siberia

Lingonberry is an unpretentious plant that can withstand snowless winters without serious damage to itself. Only in the event of the onset of late frosts are problems possible - low temperatures negatively affect the kidneys and young shoots. If frosts are expected, the planting is watered by sprinkling and covered in 2-3 layers with sanbond, cloth, straw, polyethylene or spruce branches (optional). The most frost-resistant varieties:

Kostroma pink

Lingonberry varieties Rubin

This Dutch variety is characterized by high frost resistance (in the presence of snow cover, the bushes do not die at -33 degrees, they withstand spring frosts). The plant is tall and disease resistant. Productivity is high (fruits can be harvested twice a year). The average diameter of the berries is 12 mm.

Description of lingonberry varieties will help you choose plants with the best characteristics. Even taking into account the fact that adult (3 ... 5-year-old) seedlings are quite expensive, their planting will pay off within a few seasons.

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Cowberry is an evergreen berry bush. It belongs to the genus Vaccinium, the natural habitat of which is represented by forest and tundra zones. Lingonberries grow in tundra and mountain plains, peat bogs, deciduous and coniferous forests. It can be found in Korea, Asia, Mongolia, Europe and Russia.

General information

For the first time they started talking about the berry in the sixteenth century. However, its cultivation took up only a hundred years ago in America. At the same time, botanists began to develop new varieties of lingonberries. In European countries, it began to be cultivated in the early sixties. Now, it is grown on an industrial scale in many countries, and Russia is no exception.

If you also want to join the ranks of lovers of this delicious and useful berry, then she simply must appear on your garden plot, especially since caring for her is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow our advice and you will succeed.

Types and varieties of cranberries

- is a small evergreen shrub, reaching a height of up to 25 centimeters. It has perennial, dense, elliptical, leathery, bare leaf blades on short petioles. They are dark green above and paler below.

The inflorescences of the plant are small, white, collected in brushes. Flowering time is in mid-summer. Cowberries bear fruit in late summer - early autumn. The berries have a dark red hue and reach up to 8 millimeters in diameter.

- is a perennial shrub with small, dark green leathery foliage. The plant reaches a height of up to 25 centimeters. This variety bears fruit twice a season. Berries have a dark red hue and a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

- This variety was bred by Dutch botanists. The lingonberry bush has a spherical shape and reaches a height of up to 30 centimeters. The culture begins to bear fruit from the second year after its planting in open ground.

The flowering of the plant occurs twice a season, the same number of times it bears fruit. The first harvest of tasty and large berries can be harvested in July, the second in September. It is in autumn that the largest harvests occur.

- this variety of lingonberries is frost-resistant and can withstand even thirty-degree frosts. The variety is distinguished by abundant fruiting, large dark red berries with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

The leaf plates are dark green in color and are smooth and glossy. The inflorescences are white, forming brushes, in which there are up to 8 small flowers.

- is a low-growing perennial shrub with an average yield. Cowberry leaf plates are smooth, leathery and elliptical in shape. The crop bears fruit from August to September. Berries have a dark red tint and a pleasant taste.

The plant is a low-growing shrub, reaching a height of up to 15 centimeters. The fruiting period begins at the end of summer. Berries have a pink hue and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The variety is characterized by increased frost resistance and good resistance to diseases.

- is a medium-sized shrub, reaching a height of up to 25 centimeters. The plant is frost-resistant and well resists diseases.

Lingonberries have green, elliptical, leathery leaf blades that give the shrub a luxurious look. The berries of the culture are large, dark red, with a sweet and sour taste. From one bush of a plant, you can collect up to 50 grams of berries.

- this variety is of particular value to gardeners not only for its yields of up to 300 grams of berries from one bush, but also medicinal properties possessed by the leaves of the plant.

Despite the fact that the lingonberry of this variety is very miniature, its bushes are lush and sprawling. In late summer - early autumn, dark red berries with a spicy sweet and sour taste appear on them.

- is an evergreen, perennial shrub, characterized by good yields. From one bush you can collect up to 300 grams of berries. This variety originated in Sweden.

It has a dark green, glossy foliage that attracts attention with its pomp and decorative properties. The flowering time of the plant falls at the beginning of summer, and lingonberries begin to bear fruit in August.

- this variety is not only characterized by high productivity, but also by extraordinary decorative properties, which are provided by lush green elliptical leaf plates. The height of the shrub can reach 50 centimeters. The berries of the culture have a red tint and a sweet and sour rich taste. Cowberries bear fruit in early autumn.

The shrub is framed by small, green, lush leaf plates and reaches a height of 15 centimeters. It has a high yield. From one bush you can collect up to 400 grams of berries.

The variety is frost-resistant and highly resistant to diseases. Berries have a dark red hue and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Cowberry bears fruit at the end of summer.

- This variety of berry culture was bred in Germany. It is distinguished by productivity, winter hardiness and extraordinary decorative effect. The shrub reaches a height of up to 30 centimeters.

It has green, small, dense leaf plates densely covering lingonberry branches. From one bush you can collect up to 500 grams of dark red berries with a pleasant sour taste. The plant bears fruit in early autumn.

- the variety is frost-resistant and large yields. From one bush you can collect about 500 grams of berries. The berries are large, red in color with a pleasant taste and aroma. The shrub has lush dark green foliage and reaches a height of up to 25 centimeters. The plant blooms in early summer, and bears fruit in September.

- this variety was bred by Polish breeders. The plant has a bushy spherical shape with a dense leafy cover of bright green color. It reaches a height of up to 50 centimeters.

This variety of lingonberry is characterized by high yield and frost resistance. The berries are red in color and have a sweet and sour taste. The plant bears fruit in late summer - early autumn.

- a plant of this variety was bred in Germany. The shrub reaches a height of 30 centimeters and has a spherical shape with dense foliage. Berries have a light red hue and a sweet and sour taste. The culture bears fruit twice per season in mid-summer and early autumn.

Lingonberry planting and care in the open field

You can plant lingonberries almost anywhere in the garden. However, it is worth considering that the bed should be flat and well lit. Although the culture is unpretentious to soils, experienced gardeners advise planting it in a peat-sand mixture with high acidity.

The soil is best prepared by yourself. This can be done in the following way. First you need to choose a bed, dig it up and remove the weeds. Then remove a layer of earth 30 centimeters deep. In the resulting space, a peat-sand mixture should be poured with the addition of needles, sawdust and tree bark. Next, the finished bed should be watered with acidified water. One liter of acidic water should be taken per square meter of soil.

Before planting lingonberry bushes, the bed must be marked out. Thus, it is possible to calculate the required distance between seedlings so that they do not interfere with each other in the future. The culture is planted according to the scheme of 25x25 centimeters. Holes should be made in the garden so that the roots of the seedlings are freely placed in them. After laying the young lingonberries in the holes, the bushes must be covered with earth and lightly tamped.

If the gardener suspects spring frosts (lingonberries are planted in early May), then the bed with seedlings after planting should be abundantly moistened and covered with a film in order to protect the seedlings from freezing. Film should only be installed when frost is expected. Throughout summer season, the earth in the garden with plants needs to be loosened so that it grows faster, and air enters the roots.

Cranberries also belong to the heather family. It is grown during planting and care in the open field without much hassle, if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering lingonberries

Throughout the growing season, lingonberries will need to be watered systematically. Watering is carried out twice a week. As a result, a bucket of water should be poured for each square meter of the garden. If it often rains, then watering the plant is not necessary.

Because berry culture prefers drip irrigation, it will need to be organized, but the procedure should be carried out only after the sun sets. Once a month, water for irrigation should be acidified. The next day after watering, the ground between the rows must be loosened and weeds removed.

Soil for cranberries

Although lingonberries are undemanding to the soil, it should be provided necessary care by choosing nutrient soil. You can make it yourself.

For this purpose, you need to mix a small amount of garden soil, sawdust, tree bark, sand and peat. The resulting substrate must be applied to the garden, pour it with acidified water and plant young plants.

Cowberry transplant

Cowberry transplantation can be carried out throughout the growing season. For its landing, you should choose a slightly shaded area, protected from drafts.

When the bed is selected, you need to carefully dig the necessary seedlings from their habitat along with an earthen clod and transfer them to the prepared soil, in which it will first be necessary to make holes for the transplanted bushes.

After the transplant is completed, the bushes should be poured abundantly with acidified water and the soil should be mulched with a mixture of sawdust and pine needles. In a few weeks, the plants will take root and begin to actively grow and develop.

Top dressing lingonberries

Since the plant does not tolerate an overabundance of fertilizers, mineral fertilizers should be very carefully applied to the soil under lingonberry bushes.

First of all, in the first few years after planting the young, lingonberries need to be fertilized with ammonium sulfate and superphosphate, adding a subcortex in the amount of 1 teaspoon per square meter of soil. Fertilize the plant once a season. Also, once every five years, the soil should be enriched with complex fertilizers.

Flowering lingonberry

The flowering period of the plant begins at the end of May and ends in mid-June. Lingonberry inflorescences are located at the top of the branches. They resemble small pinkish bells collected in a brush.

After flowering ends, no less beautiful berries begin to form, which ripen in early autumn.

Pruning lingonberries

Lingonberries should be thinned out from time to time. This procedure is carried out only when the bushes grow strongly and become too thick. After seven years of growth, lingonberries will need to carry out anti-aging pruning, shortening the stems to 40 millimeters.

This procedure is performed in spring time, before the start of sap flow, or late autumn when the last crop is harvested. A year after the pruning, the plant will again begin to bear fruit normally.

Preparing lingonberries for winter

Since lingonberries mainly grow in the northern regions, they have high frost resistance and do not need additional shelter.

What can not be said about spring frosts which the plant may not tolerate. To protect lingonberries from freezing in the spring, if there is a threat of frost, it should be covered with a film or lutrasil.

Lingonberry growing from seeds

The best way to propagate is to use seedlings purchased from a nursery. However, the cost of young bushes is not available to every gardener, it is for this reason that the most popular method of reproduction is seed.

To obtain seeds, you should take ripe berries, extract seeds from them and stratify them by planting them in open ground for the winter in order to get healthy and strong seedlings in the spring. The only disadvantage of this method is the germination of young plants, which is only 50% of all sown seeds.

Propagation of lingonberries by cuttings

And another way to propagate lingonberries is cuttings. To obtain planting material, cuttings should be cut from 6 to 8 centimeters long from the lignified part of the stem during the budding period and planted in peat-sandy soil in such a way that up to three buds are located on the surface of the earth.

Landing should be done in a special container, since in the summer it should be on the street, and in the cold season in a cool room. After two years, after the cuttings take root, they can be planted in open ground, and in the next season the first crop can already be harvested.

Diseases and pests

Among the pests that can infect lingonberries, caterpillars of suckers, leaf beetles and leaf rollers should be noted. You can fight them by collecting insects manually, as well as by spraying lingonberries with onion, tobacco or dandelion infusion. In addition to these funds, you can use the drug "Ambush".

Of the diseases, the plant is threatened by rust, which affects the foliage and leads to its drying. Since it has a fungal etiology, drugs such as Kuprozan or Topsin are used to combat it. Otherwise, the plant is not susceptible to any other diseases.

Lingonberry useful properties and contraindications

Because lingonberry berries and leaves have exceptional benefits for the human body. The plant and its fruits are a natural antiseptic, thanks to its benzoic acid. As a result, lingonberries destroy pathogenic microflora and therefore it is used to treat infectious diseases and improve digestive processes.

Since it is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, it must be consumed to improve vision, eliminate skin problems, improve skin regeneration and elasticity of the vascular walls in diseases of the cardiovascular system. Lingonberry decoctions can effectively fight colds and flu by lowering the temperature, eliminating inflammation and strengthening the immune system.

Cowberry berries allow you to fight beriberi and are an excellent tonic. Lingonberry infusions help cleanse the body of heavy metals and toxins, as well as saturate the body with useful substances.

The use of berries is useful in diabetes to reduce sugar, in liver diseases as a choleretic agent and in hypertension to reduce blood pressure.

Lingonberry berries help to lose weight due to the fact that they increase metabolic processes, remove excess fluid from the body and break down fat. Decoctions based on lingonberry leaves are prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, cystitis and bronchitis. Lingonberries are very useful for expectant mothers both for their health and for the health of the future crumbs.

Since lingonberries are rich in a large amount of organic acids, they should not be used for stomach ulcers and poor blood clotting. In other cases, the plant and its fruits will only benefit.

As mentioned above, lingonberries are very useful for the body and help fight many diseases, therefore, using decoctions and infusions based on it, you can quickly overcome the ailments that disturb a person. Below are folk recipes that have proven their effectiveness for many centuries.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves

To prepare this remedy, you should take 15 grams of dried lingonberry leaves, 5 grams of currant leaves, 10 grams of wild rose, 10 grams of dry hawthorn fruits and 15 grams of dry raspberry fruits.

The resulting mixture must be poured with 500 milliliters hot water and boil on low heat for about 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to cool completely.

Then strain the broth and drink ¼ cup twice a day. A decoction is used for beriberi. The course of treatment with this remedy is one month.

Decoction of lingonberries during pregnancy

When carrying a fetus, it is very useful to drink lingonberry decoctions based on berries and leaves of the plant. To prepare them, you should take dry ingredients (leaves or berries), pour them with two glasses of hot water and boil for small fire within 15 minutes. Then remove from the stove, cool and strain. You can take the remedy throughout pregnancy as a regular tea.

Such a decoction helps to saturate the body of the expectant mother with useful substances, relieve fatigue and swelling of the lower extremities, and also help the future baby grow and develop properly.

Infusion of lingonberry leaves

To prepare the infusion, you should take 15 grams of dry lingonberry leaves, pour them with 350 milliliters of boiling water and insist for an hour. Then strain and take half a glass three times a day.

This remedy is used for rheumatism and arthritis. The course of treatment with infusion lasts one month.

Since lingonberries have contraindications, before using the above-described lingonberry-based products, you should consult a specialist.

Lingonberry cooking recipes

You can cook many delicious and healthy dishes from lingonberries.

Here are a few recipes that will not take you much time, delighting with their simplicity and unsurpassed taste of ready-made culinary masterpieces.

This unusual and simple cake with a slight sourness is ideal for both friendly and family tea parties.

Pie Ingredients:

For test:

  • Wheat flour - 250 grams;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Slaked soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter - 80 grams.

For filling:

  • Cowberry berries (fresh / frozen) - 500 grams;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Sour cream - 100 grams;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Semolina - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Egg whites - 3 pieces;
  • Sugar sand - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Pie preparation:

Take soft butter and rub it with sugar. Add soda, egg and gradually mix flour until an elastic dough is obtained. We remove the resulting dough for half an hour in the refrigerator.

We mix all the components of the filling, except for berries and sugar.

We spread the dough in a greased form, make the sides and sprinkle it with semolina. She spreads lingonberries on the dough, sprinkle it with sugar and put the curd filling on top. Place the cake in the oven and bake for half an hour.

Whisk egg whites with salt and sugar. We take out the cake, pour the protein mixture on top and bake until golden brown. Bon Appetit.

It doesn't take long to make this drink. It turns out tasty, fragrant and very useful. Try it and you won't regret it.

Drink Ingredients:

  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Lingonberries - 250 grams.

Compote preparation:

Pour water into a saucepan and boil. When bubbles appear on the surface, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Then put the lingonberries into the resulting syrup and wait until the mixture boils. It takes three minutes to cook the compote to keep the vitamins. Then we cover the pan with a lid, insist compote for five hours and serve.

Baking with lingonberries is not only tasty, but also healthy. That is why you should try the recipe for these wonderful pies, from which the whole family will be delighted.

Pies Ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - 5 glasses;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar sand - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Milk - 200 milliliters;
  • Cowberry berries - optional;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking pies:

To prepare the dough, heat the milk and dissolve sugar and butter in it. It is impossible to bring to a boil, its temperature should be kept at around 40 degrees.

Add yeast to the resulting mixture, stir and put in heat for 20 minutes. When the dough rises, pour it into a bowl and slowly stir in the flour. Knead the dough, roll it into a ball, cover with a towel and put it in a warm place for 2 hours. From time to time we open it and crush it.

After the time has elapsed, we take the dough and roll it out with a layer of medium thickness, cut out circles from it, into which we put the lingonberries and pinch. We lay out the finished pies on an oiled baking sheet and leave them for 15 minutes. Then we process with a beaten egg and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Cool the finished pies and serve to the table.

Jam from this ruby ​​\u200b\u200bberry can be prepared even by a novice hostess. It turns out tasty, unusually fragrant and of course, useful.

Jam Ingredients:

  • Boiled water - 3 cups;
  • Cowberry berries - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kilograms.

Preparing jam:

My berries and sort. Blanch them in boiling water for 3 minutes and drain in a colander.

We take water, mix it with sugar and boil until a syrup is obtained. Place the washed berries in syrup and cook for 3 hours over low heat.

We sterilize the jars, pour jam into them and roll them up.

Blueberry sauce for meat

This sauce with a pleasant sourness is a great addition to meat and kebabs, and its preparation takes a minimum of time.

Sauce Ingredients:

  • Cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Red wine - 0.2 liters;
  • Lingonberries - 100 grams;
  • Honey - 60 milliliters.

Sauce preparation:

We take honey and melt it. We sort out the lingonberries and wash them. We put the berries in a saucepan, pour them with wine and honey, we also put cinnamon. We put on the stove over low heat and reduce the sauce by a third.

We take out the cinnamon stick, and put the resulting sauce on a sieve and grind it. Pour into a gravy boat. Serve with meat. Bon Appetit.

Growing lingonberries in the garden is a useful activity. Its red delicious berries are rich in vitamins and are widely used in cooking. The green parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, preparing decoctions from them. Learn about planting garden lingonberries and caring for them from our article.

In Russia, lingonberries have been grown for a very long time and are part of many national dishes. It grows well in the wild - in the taiga and forest-steppe, where it occupies large territories and gives very impressive yields.

Cowberry belongs to the Cowberry family. It belongs to the evergreen undersized shrubs, the height of the plant rarely exceeds 40 cm. Useful fruits rich red colors ripen in late summer or early autumn. And when all the plants on the site fade and shed their leaves, lingonberries will delight with their bright greenery even from under the snow.

The culture blooms with small white or pinkish flowers that look like bells, so in the spring it looks beautiful and gentle in the garden. The plant is pollinated by bees or bumblebees, but it is also capable of self-pollination.

Cowberry varieties garden

Thanks to the work of breeders, today there are many varieties of garden lingonberries, which are distinguished by abundant harvests and large fruit sizes. About 20 types of crops are grown in the gardens of our country, which differ in the height of the bushes, decorative qualities, size of berries and yield. Some popular varieties are listed below:

  1. Variety "Ruby" - its distinctive feature lies in abundant harvests. The berries of this variety have an average weight of 0.2 g, they taste sweet and sour, ripen late. The variety "Ruby" blooms with white small bells. This species tolerates frost well down to -30 ° C.
  2. The lingonberry variety "Coral" is also classified as high-yielding, but it also has decorative properties. The compact bush has a spherical shape, it is small in height, only 30 cm. This species blooms twice a season, it bears fruit the same number of times.
  3. Cowberries of the Red Perl variety, like the Coral variety, bloom and bear fruit twice, therefore it is used mainly to obtain good yields. Its small bushes reach 25 cm in diameter, about the same they grow in height.

Those who wish to grow the smallest varieties of garden lingonberries should pay attention to the following options:

  1. "Mazovia" - bushes of this variety do not reach even 20 cm in height. They bear fruit abundantly with dark red sweetish berries.
  2. The lingonberry variety "Kostroma pink" is even lower than the previous one. These plants are up to 15 cm tall. The fruits ripen in mid-August, painted in a pink hue.

Features and tricks of planting garden lingonberries

It is necessary to grow garden lingonberries subject to certain conditions in which the culture will feel comfortable:

  1. The plant loves acidic soils and good moisture. The peculiarity of lingonberries, like other heathers like blueberries and cranberries, is that root system not able to get enough water from the soil on their own. The plant has learned to solve this problem by entering into a symbiosis with soil fungi, which just absorb moisture perfectly. In order for lingonberries to grow well on the site and not experience a lack of moisture, the land for it must be taken from natural lingonberries, that is, from where the bushes grew in the wild. It is in that soil that the necessary mycelium will be located.
  2. It is ideal to use bushes with a closed root system for planting. There, the roots are not damaged, because such plants will take root faster and more painlessly in a new place. In addition, the necessary mushrooms are located in the earthy coma around the roots.
  3. Cowberry seedlings are planted on the site in April or May, after which the seedlings are covered with a film stretched over the frame for two weeks.
  4. Before planting garden lingonberries, you need to mark the scheme on the site. Moreover, the convenience of the plant is taken into account last of all, because soon the culture itself will fill all the free inter-row space. Therefore, it is better to focus on your own convenience. As a rule, the distance between rows is 30-50 cm, and the bushes are placed at intervals of 15-30 cm.

Caring for garden lingonberries on the site

Those who decide to grow garden lingonberries should immediately learn how to care for them:

  1. In order to get good yields of berries, the culture cannot be left to itself. One of the keys to abundant fruiting is mulching the soil around the bushes to maintain its moisture content at the proper level. Mulch is made from pine wood chips. You can use other options, but it is wood chips that protect plants from pests and weeds.
  2. If you don't know why garden cranberries don't want to grow in the area, they may not have received enough water. This culture loves water. However, excess moisture can also harm it, especially if the water stagnates in the ground for a long time. Perfect option This is drip irrigation.
  3. Getting earlier fruiting will help protect lingonberries from winds and drafts. The place where it grows should not be constantly blown, but the flow of air still does not hurt, since the soil must be ventilated after watering.
  4. Plants older than 7 years are usually rejuvenated pruning. This procedure prolongs the life of the bushes and improves yields.
  5. For the competent cultivation of garden lingonberries, you need to buy fertilizers for it and use them as top dressings. At the very beginning of spring, the following nutrient compositions are introduced into the soil at the rate of 1 acre of land: 500 g of ammonium sulfate, 1 kg of potassium sulfate and 1.8 kg of superphosphate. Then, before the bushes bloom, lingonberries are again fed with ammonium sulfate in the same amount, and already during the appearance of buds, 100 g of manganese sulfate and 100 g of zinc sulfate are added to the ground. The bushes of the first year of life should be fed with copper sulfate. Many gardeners advise combining top dressing with sand mulching.

Reproduction of lingonberry garden

The ideal way to propagate lingonberries is cuttings. This culture takes root perfectly, and both very young and semi-lignified shoots can act as cuttings. Cuttings 4-5 cm long, cut from a healthy bush, are planted in open ground in autumn or spring. For 2 weeks they are covered with a film.

To make lingonberries more likely to be accepted, it is better to place the cuttings in greenhouses. There they will be provided with the desired level of humidity and temperature.

Lingonberries in the garden plot are sometimes bred with seeds. They are sown in the soil at the very end of autumn or early spring. Seeds are stratified before sowing. Seed propagation has disadvantages. Firstly, lingonberries do not retain varietal characteristics, and secondly, they yield crops later than those planted by cuttings.

The fight against diseases and pests of lingonberry garden

Like any plant, lingonberries are susceptible to certain diseases:

  1. Exobasidiosis - it can be recognized by the whitening of the branches and their growth.
  2. Sclerotinia - with this disease, the fruits of lingonberries seem to be mummified.
  3. Moniliosis - such a disease leads to the death of the culture.

All of these diseases are of fungal origin, and they can be cured by treating the bushes with a Bordeaux mixture. Processing is carried out three times with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Of the lingonberry pests, leafworms are the most common, which spoil the foliage and flowers of the plant.

The use of lingonberries garden

On the site, lingonberry bushes often perform decorative functions. Due to their short stature and compactness, they are well planted along garden paths. They look great in rock gardens and discounts. As companions for lingonberries, you can pick up junipers with their dark needles, high heather crops, any conifers. It is convenient to plant lingonberries in the lowland parts of the garden, where many other crops will not take root.

Decorativeness is not the only useful function of lingonberries. It is also used for practical purposes. The leaves and fruits are used as medicine. They help with diseases of the bladder and kidneys, act as an anti-inflammatory agent. It also has an antipyretic effect, which is why it is good for colds.

Harvesting lingonberries has its own characteristics:

  1. Foliage can be collected only at the very beginning of spring, when the snow has just melted or has not even completely disappeared yet. Sometimes the leaves are harvested in October. Foliage collected in summer does not have medicinal properties and turns black when dry.
  2. When harvesting foliage, it is desirable to injure the bush as little as possible, so it must be carefully plucked without damaging the shoots. From one plant, you can cut off the foliage no more than once every 5 years.
  3. The leaves are dried on cotton fabric, having previously selected and discarded the blackened specimens. The foliage is laid out in a thin layer and dried in a dark but warm room.
  4. Fruit drinks and jams are prepared from lingonberries, frozen for the winter or dried for long-term storage, and used fresh in cooking.

Cowberry garden, photo:

Cowberry garden, planting and care. Video

Cowberry in the garden

Berry in the garden... cranberries

A decade and a half ago I was given a garden plot in the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region. Of course, my family was very happy, but how much more drainage work had to be done so that something could be planted, grown- The site was set aside in a swamp. Sand, earth, manure were brought by trucks.

Wild lingonberries grew on my site. I left the lingonberry intact, like the "lingonberry kingdom",- with a berry, rosemary, deadwood, with rotten stumps.

While planting fruit bushes, apple trees, and the land acquired fertility, my lingonberries were already yielding. It bears fruit even now, it has grown strongly.

Every year in the spring, at the end of April- in early May, and if possible earlier, I fertilize lingonberries with urea or other nitrogen fertilizers, 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 m2. Watering with a fertilizer solution is preferable, since fertilizer grains, falling into the axils of the leaves, burn them.

With strong spring frosts, individual flowers may freeze, which will lead to a partial loss of the crop, but due to remontance (lingonberry blooms again in the second half of August), it is insignificant.

Cowberry soil- "breathable washcloth" of living roots, which are important to keep moist. In dry weather, watering is necessary. If you step on a lingonberry with your bare foot, your foot falls through, you feel moisture and coolness, despite the fact that the plant loves a well-lit place. Cowberries require a high level of standing ground water and soil acidity pH=3.5-5.0.

At the beginning of July I make a full mineral fertilizer. Thanks to top dressing, the berries are larger.

Lingonberry berries ripen by September, everyone knows them healing properties- they treat scurvy, hypertension, rheumatism, liver disease, diabetes and much more. Decoctions and infusions of leaves collected in the spring before flowering and in the fall after fruiting are used as a diuretic for nephrolithiasis, rheumatism and gout. Dried in the shade, in fabric bags, they are stored in a dry room for more than one year.

And what kind of lingonberry compotes, kissels, and especially jam- having tasted, you will never forget: sour, but not sour; sweet but not sweet- unique taste, and even the berries retain their shape, do not boil soft.

You can cook several types of jam from lingonberries: with honey instead of sugar or adding orange, apples, lemon ... The constant values ​​​​in my recipes are: 1 kg of berries, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 1 glass of water. I also add lingonberries when canning cucumbers, sauerkraut.

HOW TO PRODUCE lingonberries

To do this, you need to know the biology of the plant.

Cowberry- perennial evergreen shrub up to 40 cm high, with an upright branched stem, creeping rhizome, which forms replacement shoots during its growth, and daughter plants grow from buds on the rhizome.

In the spring, you can collect berries with seeds that have lain under the snow in the winter, and use them for reproduction as they have undergone natural stratification.

Substrate for planting cuttings and seeds- pure high-moor peat (preferred) or a mixture with sand in a ratio of 3: 1. The seed germination temperature is about 25°C. In the first year, the seedlings will have a height of up to 5 cm. After another year, they need to be transplanted to permanent place, and on the 3rd-4th year the first crop will ripen.

In early June, I harvest green cuttings for propagation, which I plant on the day of harvest.

For propagation by lignified cuttings, I harvest them in the spring (in April-May), during the swelling of the buds, from the annual shoots of the previous year, I put the cuttings in wet moss and store them in the refrigerator until planting in June at a temperature of 0-2 ° C. I cut the cuttings up to 8 cm long, plant them to a depth of 4-6.5 cm, lower leaves delete. In the case of rooting in protected ground at 100% humidity and elevated temperature, the roots appear on the 8-10th day after planting. The best way to propagate lingonberries is by underground rhizomes with buds. Separated from mother plant a bush with a part of the rhizome receive planting material with good survival rate, which begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year. My advice: if you liked a lingonberry bush with its productivity and large-fruitedness in the forest, transfer it to your site.

G. Moskalev , amateur gardener, Moscow

(Garden and vegetable garden No. 6, 2004)

Ah, this cranberry

Cowberry- a well-known berry plant, but few people know that everyone can grow a berry in their garden without much difficulty. Beds measuring 10 sq. m (with a yield of 1.3-1.5 kg / sq. m) is enough to meet the needs of an average family in this berry.

You can grow lingonberries in almost any area. Its relief should be even, horizontally planned. If you plant lingonberries on the slopes, it is necessary to carry out their terracing.

A bed with lingonberries should be located in a well-lit place, not far from the source of water supply. It is recommended to avoid hollows and closed depressions, where there is a predisposition to the accumulation and stagnation of surface water.

Best of all, lingonberries grow and bear fruit on peat soil or a mixture of peat and sand. General requirement All soils are acidic. It is very important that the pH of the soil is in the range of 3-5 units, since with acidity close to neutral- (pH 6.5 and above), chlorosis is observed in lingonberries, and then the plants die.

After determining the landing site, it is necessary to plow the area deeply and thoroughly clean it of weeds. Special attention should be given to the rhizomes of perennials, in particular, couch grass, bindweed, etc.

Lingonberries respond well to fertilization, especially phosphorus. Before planting plants make 40 g/sq. m double superphosphate and 20- potassium sulfate. In the first year after planting, top dressing is not given (they negatively affect plant survival). Then fertilizers are applied annually: in the fall- 15 g/sq. m of double superphosphate, followed by mulching with peat or a mixture of peat and sawdust (1: 1)- 1-1.5 buckets. Nitrogen and potash fertilizers are applied in early spring and after flowering.- 10 g of urea and 6 g of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water (the solution is added in 2-3 doses).

Cultivated varieties and forms of lingonberries are propagated by cuttings, from which during the season you can get seedlings 5-7 cm high. Such plants can be planted in a permanent place. It is best to do this in the spring, when the soil completely thaws and warms up to 5-8 degrees.

But autumn planting is also possible.- in September,- especially if the seedlings are biennial.

Lingonberries are planted in rows at a distance of 30-40 cm. The distance between plants in a row- 25-30 cm. When planting, seedlings are buried 1-1.5 cm deeper than they grew on the uterine plot. After planting, the area is watered to compact the soil around the plants.

During the first 10 days after planting, watering should be carried out regularly (especially in spring, if the weather is warm and sunny), otherwise young plants will die from lack of moisture. In the future, watering is carried out as needed.

In amateur gardening, it is important to follow the norms of top dressing and not apply fertilizer by eye or on the principle of "the more the better." Overfeeding lingonberries is much more dangerous than underfeeding. From fertilizers, preference should be given to sulfate forms, as they allow maintaining the acidic reaction of the soil environment. Based biological features lingonberries, two stages can be distinguished in the application of fertilizers. First- from planting to fruiting. It lasts 1-2 years. During this period, there is an increase in the vegetative mass, so plants need, first of all, nitrogen fertilizers. However, this does not mean that phosphorus and potassium should not be added.

Second phase- fruiting. During this period, you need to reduce the rate nitrogen fertilizer and increase the amount of phosphorus and potassium. Cowberry microfertilizers are needed in small doses and very rarely (every 5-7 years).

Cowberry- cold hardy plant. It endures snowless winters without prejudice to itself. Late spring frosts pose a certain danger to lingonberry plants, since opening buds, young shoots, buds, flowers and ovaries have low frost resistance.

Cowberries can be protected during this period by abundant watering on the eve of frost, sprinkling, as well as shelter with various materials: spunbond in 2-3 layers, straw, cloth, spruce branches, foam rubber or plastic wrap.

Cowberry reacts badly both to a lack of watering and to their excess. Since the entire root system of plants is located in top layer soil (at a depth of 10-15 cm), it is sensitive to soil drought. On low-moisture and quickly drying sandy soils and sandy loams without regular watering, the growth of shoots, as well as the yield of berries, is significantly reduced.

The need for watering is determined by the condition of the soil. If the sandy loam soil does not form into a lump when compressed in a fist, watering is necessary. On light loamy soils, watering is needed when the soil rolls into a ball, but falls apart without any pressure. Peat soil is considered insufficiently moistened if the lump crumbles easily after compression.

For better renewal of shrubs, it is recommended to feed them with small doses of mineral fertilizers in the spring.

Lingonberries begin to bear fruit abundantly in the 3-4th year after planting in a permanent place.

Cut shoots can be used as breeding material for lingonberries or medicinal raw materials: infusion and decoction of the leaves- an effective diuretic for diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder.

Lingonberries look great in the composition on Alpine rollercoaster. 2-4-row plantings also look good along the paths near the house.

The plant can be planted in all kinds of containers near the porch, arbors, benches in the garden. Compositions of several varieties of lingonberries will look original, differing in the size and height of the bush, the size and color of the berries, as well as the timing of flowering and fruiting.

It should be noted that cranberries - evergreen, and its plantings do not lose their decorative effect at any time of the year.

Tatiana Kurlovich

Cowberry in the garden

Cowberry for a long time was considered a "wild" culture, although it has long been known that its berries are biologically rich active substances, have high nutritional and therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Only in the 60s of the XX century. it began to slowly introduce into the culture. It spread quickly and today almost all the developed countries it is cultivated on an industrial scale.

Thanks to the work of breeders, a considerable number of varieties were created that are distinguished by large-fruited and high taste qualities of berries, more stable fruiting and high yields. But, of course, all these qualities and properties are fully manifested with proper care, which allows you to increase the number of fruiting shoots, the number of berries in the brush and their weight.

In Russia, interest in lingonberries is just beginning to appear, the first varieties are being developed, and, as always, the main crop of this priceless berry is concentrated on the plots of amateur gardeners, especially those whose plots are located on peat bogs, because these are the best soils for its cultivation.


Common lingonberry is a widespread tundra and forest plant of the Northern Hemisphere of our planet, belongs to the lingonberry family and the genus lingonberry. In Russia, its natural plantations can be found in the European part of the country, Siberia, the Far East, and especially a lot in the middle lane, where it occupies large areas of sparse mixed forests, lingonberry pine forests and is often found in peat bogs and clearings.

Cowberry plants have leathery, dark green leaves and pinkish-white bell-shaped flowers that can be seen in May-June. Flowers, due to the rather early flowering, sometimes suffer from recurrent cold weather, at temperatures below 4 ° C, the ovaries can completely die. The fruits begin to ripen in late August - early September, become edible when they reach a mass of 0.5 g and acquire a rich red color. The berries are attached to very short stalks and collected in bunches of 6-10 pcs., Mature fruits have a peculiar, peculiar only to lingonberries, pleasant and slightly bitter aftertaste. They begin to collect them in August, and this process is sometimes delayed until the very frost.


Cowberries are most widely used abroad, Dutch varieties are in demand there - Coral and Red Pearl , although German ones are grown with success - Erntesegen and Erntekrone , some prefer varieties of Swedish selection, among which the most famous Sana and Sussy , and the most popular variety in Poland is Mazovia . For the conditions of Russia, varieties bred at the Kostroma Forest Experimental Station are recommended - Kostromichka, Kostroma pink, Ruby.


Ordinary (not varietal) lingonberry plants can be propagated by seeds, as for varieties, they require vegetative propagation methods - rhizome and stem cuttings, as well as parts of an adult plant with a piece of rhizome.

Relatively seed propagation- in order to achieve the greatest effect, the seeds must be stratified, usually they go through this procedure directly in the fruits, which are stored at 4 ° C for four months. Do not be surprised if in the spring you see only individual shoots, this is a specific feature of the seeds - unfriendly germination, usually extended for 2 or more weeks. Seeds give more friendly shoots, and plants gain strength faster in a substrate consisting of crushed sphagnum moss with a very acidic environment, at a pH level of 3.5-4.5. Seedlings grow rather slowly, suitable for planting in a permanent place only after 2-3 years.

Varieties of lingonberries need to be propagated only vegetatively. The most common method of propagation is by stem cuttings, which are harvested before the start of the growing season of plants (not to be confused with green cuttings). Leafy annual shoots are cut into cuttings 10-12 cm long, with the top leaves removed, and stored until planting in plastic bags in a cool room, and then planted in a greenhouse, where the substrate is a peat-sand mixture in a ratio of 3: 1, the structure is covered with a film .

The basis of good rooting is timely watering, which should be carried out at least 3-4 times a day. Plants rooted in autumn can be transplanted into open ground for growing, or can be left directly in the greenhouse.

Cowberries reproduce well with segments of rhizomes, especially those with buds or growth shoots. They are harvested from the end of April, and usually finish in May. Planted in open ground, but in a special substrate, consisting of slightly decomposed peat with the addition of sand. Typically, the survival rate of such "cuttings" is 50-70%. Plants grown from rhizomes grow rather slowly, so they are grown for 1-2 years before transplanting.

You can propagate lingonberries and parts of bushes with the remains of rhizomes, usually divide bushes that have reached the age of 2-3 years. With this method of reproduction, plants begin to bear fruit much earlier than those grown, for example, from seeds.


For planting on the site, a well-lit place is chosen, and the soil begins to be prepared in the fall. The best soil for cranberries is peat or sandy loam, ideally mixed with high-moor peat in a 1: 1 combination. If the soil on your site is loamy, then it is better to add sand in the amount of 20-30 kg per m2 in addition to peat. When digging, both peat and sand are mixed with soil. It is desirable to free the soil from weeds; for this, carefully select all the rhizomes of perennials and wheatgrass. If the soils on your site are peat, then no special preparation should be carried out, it is enough just to apply preplant fertilizer and dig to a depth of 30-40 cm.

Lingonberry grows very quickly, in a couple of years it will completely fill the distances between plants and create a continuous carpet of densely spaced plants of different ages. To avoid this, unless, of course, the lingonberry “carpet” on the site is not included in your plans, it is necessary to grow it with a strip system, leaving paths 30-40 cm wide between the strips.

You can plant lingonberry plants in the fall, but the best time is spring: the end of April or the beginning of May. If you purchased seedlings in late autumn, then it is best to dig them up for the winter and plant them in the spring.

You can move plants to your site and from their natural environment. Such plants are harvested before their growth begins, approximately in April, they are taken from only one place and, trying not to dry out the roots, they are planted to a depth of 7-8 cm, and then they are well watered and mulched with sand, peat or sawdust. Fertilizers are not applied in the first year, top dressing starts from the second year, in the fall 15-17 g of double superphosphate per m2 are added to the soil and the soil is mulched with a mixture of peat and sawdust. In the spring and immediately after the flowering of plants, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers should be applied in the form of urea (7-10 g) and potassium sulfate (5-6 g), which are diluted in 10 liters of water and applied in 2-3 doses. Try to avoid the use of potash fertilizers containing chlorine, because it depresses the plants.

In order for the plants to feel good in the scorching summer heat The soil should be kept under a permanent layer of mulch and free of weeds. Of course, do not forget about watering, which should be carried out during periods of lack of natural moisture in the amount of 20-25 liters per 1 m2. Periodically, lingonberry plantations should be thinned out, which brightens the plants and increases the yield, and the specimens cut and dug as a result of this action can be used for planting in another place.

They start picking berries when they get a rich red color, best time collection - after the decline of dew. Usually, the period of picking berries is very long, some lingonberry lovers pick even berries covered with frost. Collected manually.

The fruits of lingonberries are eaten both fresh and processed. They make wonderful jams, marshmallows, jelly, juice, syrup, kvass, candy fillings, as well as a variety of drinks and even wines. Cowberries are stored at home in barrels filled with water (the so-called soaked lingonberries) or covered with sugar, getting an unusual delicacy. But just in a cool room, the fruits of lingonberries are stored for quite a long time and all thanks to the presence of benzoic acid in the fruits.

N. Khromov , candidate of biological sciences

(Gardener No. 32, 2010)

Catalogs and price lists for planting material (seedlings, seeds) of rare ornamental, medicinal and other crops in the section

Interest in this wild berry, a favorite of rural doctors, in the middle of the last century resulted in a successful attempt to cultivate the plant, as a result of which garden lingonberries appeared at our disposal. The proposed article discusses the nuances of growing crops in open ground, from planting to application in landscape design. Following the recommendations for the care of varietal lingonberries will allow you to always have the healthiest berries on hand.

Varieties and varieties of lingonberries: which ones to choose

Turn wild lingonberries into garden plant started in Sweden and Finland, so most varieties are of European origin and foreign care standards.

The following varieties are most suitable for outdoor cultivation:

  • Coral - productive, decorative, bears beautiful curved shoots resembling currants, capable of producing up to 1 kg of berries from a bush;
  • Linnaeus - plants are low, but with large leaves; berries are distinguished by interesting notes of sweetness and bitterness;
  • Mazovia is a low-growing variety used as a ground cover;
  • Ruby - selected for the size of berries that reach 12 mm; bushes are large and have excellent frost resistance.

garden lingonberry

Among the varieties of plants, two are distinguished: remontant varieties that give two crops a year, for example, Coral and Ruby, as well as all the others that are capable of only one generation of berries.

Advice. Lingonberries take a long time to reach their maturity, so be patient to wait for the first significant harvest for at least four years.

Planting a plant: soil composition and special conditions

In nature, lingonberries live on fairly acidic, well-moistened soils. Like other heathers (cranberries, blueberries), its roots alone cannot cope with the task of providing the plant with water. But it works well for soil fungi, with which lingonberries enter into symbiosis - mutually beneficial cohabitation. Therefore, the best soil for a plant is taken from under natural lingonberries and therefore saturated with the mycelium of the required type.

For planting, it is better to purchase bushes with a closed root system. They will take root better, since the roots will not be damaged, and the soil lump is already populated with the necessary mushrooms. Planting is carried out in April-May and the seedlings are covered with a film on the frame for a couple of weeks.

The planting scheme is determined not so much by the needs of the plants, which will soon tighten the rows anyway, but by the convenience of the gardener. Row spacings are arranged from 30 to 50 cm, distances between seedlings - from 15 to 30 cm. If the site is located on a raised or transitional swamp, bushes can be placed less often, and more often for quick closing of crowns on decorative flower beds.

Proper care of lingonberries is the key to a stable harvest

To get strong, saturated with vitamins and microelements berries in the open field, you should not leave lingonberries to themselves. During the entire growing season, agrotechnical care operations should be carried out, the most important of which are listed below.

Lingonberries need mulching

  1. Mulching. A thick layer of softwood chips allows you to manage weeds without the use of herbicides or exhausting hand weeding.
  2. Watering. Cowberry is moisture-loving, however, excess water in the soil and the surface layer of air is unfavorable for it, as it provokes fungal diseases. If it is possible to organize drip irrigation in open ground, it is worth using it.
  3. Good wind protection. The absence of a strong cold wind allows lingonberries to ripen earlier, but it is not worth planting a solid wall of trees around the plots so that the plants are ventilated after rains or watering.
  4. Pruning. Starting from about the age of seven, lingonberries are periodically subjected to rejuvenating pruning, which has a very beneficial effect on the longevity of plants and the quality of the crop.

Advice. Adding 4-5 cm of mulch when caring for lingonberries in the fall will protect the plants from bulging out of the soil.

Fertilizer and fertilizing lingonberries

Accustomed to growing on raised peatlands, lingonberries do not need a lot of fertilizer. After the snow has melted, at the rate of one hundred square meters, no more than:

  • ammonium sulfate - 0.5 kg;
  • potassium sulfate - 1 kg;
  • superphosphate - 1.8 kg.

Before flowering, the application of ammonium sulfate is repeated in the same dose, and during flowering, 0.1 kg of manganese and zinc sulfates are added. On plantings of the first year, copper sulfate is necessarily introduced. Periodic top dressing can be carried out using a complex granular fertilizer Ogrod 2001, designed specifically for heather crops. Excellent results are obtained by a combination of top dressing and sand mulching.

Young lingonberry bush

Reproduction of lingonberries on their own

Lingonberries perfectly root both green and semi-lignified shoots, so cuttings are the best way to propagate it. It can be carried out in spring and autumn, immediately planting cuttings 4-5 cm long in open ground and covering them with a film for a couple of weeks. A more reliable option is to plant cuttings in greenhouses or greenhouses, where it is easier to keep high humidity and provide proper care. Reproduction of the plant can be timed to coincide with pruning, expanding the plantation while removing excess shoots.

Foreign agronomists practice lingonberry propagation by seeds, which are sown either before winter, or in early spring after preliminary stratification. However, seedlings give the first harvest later than plants propagated vegetatively and do not retain varietal qualities.

Attention! Cowberry is one of those rare plants whose seeds germinate only in the light.

Diseases and pests of cranberries

When growing cultivated lingonberries, the gardener most often faces the following problems:

  • exobasidiosis, expressed in the growth and whitening of shoots;
  • sclerotinia, which causes mummification of berries;
  • moniliosis, leading to the drying of the plant.

These fungal diseases require triple treatment with Bordeaux liquid with a frequency of 2-3 weeks and the prevention of waterlogging of the soil.

Cowberry pests are mainly represented by leafworms that gnaw on young leaves, flowers and ovaries. However, due to the small areas of lingonberry plantations, at present widespread pests did not receive.

Lingonberries will look good on an alpine hill

The combination of lingonberries with other horticultural crops

Low-growing evergreen lingonberries, as can be seen in the photo, look especially colorful on alpine slides and as a frame for paths. In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, it will refresh the garden with bright greenery. Dark junipers and other conifers, as well as tall heathers, look spectacular on a lingonberry carpet, richly decorated with scarlet drops of berries. Gorgeous compositions from romantic wooden benches and narrow curved ridges with fruit-bearing lingonberries.

This plant is still gaining popularity among gardeners, therefore, at present it is able not only to enliven the low-lying corners of the garden and serve as a source of culinary inspiration, but also to surprise neighbors and relatives with its unexpected presence in a country estate.

Lingonberries at their summer cottage: video

Cultivation of lingonberries: photo