Convenient cages for rabbits. We make cages for a rabbit with our own hands: step by step instructions

For the successful maintenance and breeding of rabbits, it is very important to choose the right cage for them, because the well-being of animals and their ability to reproduce directly depends on its structure and type of material. Good, warm and cozy accommodation is a guarantee good health pet and good recruitment weight. There are two options - buy a ready-made cage in a specialized store or make it yourself. It would seem that the first option is easier and simpler, but it is preferable to do it yourself, taking into account all the necessary dimensions, depending on the expected number of individuals and the breed of pets. Having decided to breed rabbits, it is important to decide on the place where their cage will be located.

First of all, you need to take care of protecting your pets from the cold wind and sunlight in summer. Ideally, it is better to make a roof of a removable type, this will facilitate the process of disinfecting the cage. So, how to make cages for rabbits with your own hands: all sizes and drawings are presented below.

Types of cages for keeping rabbits

The main types of cells, mainly used by breeders in practice, are presented in the list below:

  • a cage with an open-air cage for walking a rabbit;
  • standard cells with and without a mother liquor;
  • a cage constructed by the method of I. N. Mikhailov;
  • cell according to the method of N.I. Zolotukhin.

Each cage has a standard base - these are walls, floor, ceiling and frame, door. Let's consider the types of cells in more detail.

An example of a drawing of a two-section rabbit cage can be seen in the photo below.

Regular cage (with or without a queen cell)

A standard cage, as a rule, on high legs, with a mesh floor and a pallet, with two sections separated by a partition with the ability to move from department to department. They represent a nest for a rabbit and a feeding place. The entrance to the cage is closed by doors. High legs of the structure allow you to maximally protect animals from moisture and drafts, usually they are made about half a meter. The mesh floor will allow the waste products of rabbits not to linger in the cage, with the help of the pallet everything is easily removed and the animals are clean. Such cells can be found very often, they require minimum costs and a small amount of materials. Mesh floor designs are often used when bred because the legs of this breed of animals are resistant to damage.

Rabbit cage

It is an ordinary cage (discussed above) from timber frame, often on legs, an open-air cage is attached to such a cage.
Given the mobility of pets and the love of an active lifestyle, having a place for walking has an extremely positive effect on the health of rabbits and increases their reproductive qualities. During the summer months, allows the animals to enjoy the fresh grass and soak up the morning sun. It is necessary to take into account all the details so that pets cannot escape from the enclosure and cats or mice do not climb up to them.

DIY rabbit cages: drawings according to Zolotukhin

The main difference of such a cage from other structures is as follows: there is no mother liquor for the rabbit in it. It is assumed that the best option will be if she herself chooses appropriate place... Feeder and sippy cup are located above front door... In such cages, there is no pallet and mesh floor; instead, only the back of the structure is covered with mesh.

Use a small metal mesh. Analyzing the behavior of rabbits, you can see that they relieve themselves from back side your home. These cells are built using slate or planks. For the manufacture of the frame and partitions, boards up to two sentiments thick are used. The floor and roof are made of slate, in the absence of such - from the same boards as the cage frame. Wood surfaces upholstered with thin sheet metal.

Consider the construction of such a cell step by step:

The first floor of the structure should be located at a distance of fifty centimeters from the ground to protect the rabbits from moisture and cold. The cage frame itself is made using four two-meter beams, the width of the frame should be finished form two meters, depth - eighty centimeters. Thus, three floors are built up.

  1. The floor of each floor must be made at an angle of five centimeters to the back of the cage, so that animal feces can drain. Each floor is divided into two halves by wooden slats, the distance between them should be about thirty centimeters, in the future there will be a sennik. The walls of the structure are made of wooden planks... Each floor is half covered with a board or slate, the resulting gap is closed with a fine mesh.
  2. The back wall must be made of moisture-resistant material, polycarbonate is good, it can withstand enough high humidity, at the same time does not deteriorate and does not rot. The lattice of the upper floor ends and a sheet of polycarbonate is attached to it at an angle.
  3. It is convenient to make the doors to the cage common for all floors; metal hooks are attached to the door.
  4. Additionally, each floor can be equipped with side doors for fattening; latches must be attached to each door.

Considering that rabbits love to chew on everything and do it well, to protect everyone inner corner upholstered with metal.

The roof of the cage is made in such a way that it protrudes from the common part of the frame forward by at least five centimeters on all sides, in order to avoid rainwater entering the room to the pets.

Cages for rabbits according to Mikhailov's method

Cages for rabbits according to Mikhailov's method are the most complex and expensive, but at the same time, they are the most convenient to use. They provide for a single waste system for the vital activity of rabbits, heating of the mother liquor with rabbits and rabbits, separate shelves for animals and a ventilation system. Their main feature is sectionalism - they include from two to four separate sections with a single compartment for collecting rabbit waste.

The first cages of this kind were designed for two adult animals, improved designs are designed for several teenage rabbits or two rabbits awaiting offspring. There are two-tiered and single-tiered cages. The construction of a cage of this type is tied to the cardinal points, for protection from the cold wind, the back wall is made deaf and placed to the north. In addition to the back side, three others are made of mesh material. The heating mechanism of the mother liquor is necessarily included, ventilation of the premises is provided.

The floors of the cage, according to Mikhailov's method, are made of slats laid diagonally. To simplify the design, such cells are conventionally divided into three parts:

  • upper, consisting of one or two tiers;
  • bottom - a sealed part for collecting manure;
  • stand.

Thanks to the support part, the entire structure is fixed on the ground; without it, the cage can turn over. The total height of the legs is 140 cm, additional beams are installed at a distance of 40 cm from the ground for the most durable fixation. Feeders and drinkers for rabbits are located inside the building, queen cells - in the center. To carry out such a design with your own hands, you must have correct drawing With exact dimensions... The dimensions of the cage made according to this method are relatively small; for two adults, the total area of ​​the structure will be 1.4 square meters. The height of the building is 210 cm, the width of the sections is 80 cm, the height is 70 cm. The angle of inclination of the lower section is 45 degrees. The drinking cup in the cage is being installed arbitrary size, depending on the size of the section in which the pet lives. Let's consider the principle of building such a cage for four adult rabbits. The animal feeder is 15 cm long, 12 cm wide, and 30 cm high.

So, in order to make this structure at home with your own hands, you must have:

  • bars;
  • slats;
  • boards;
  • metal mesh;
  • automatic drinkers for pets;
  • mother liquor heater;
  • a box for animal feces;
  • staples;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • stapler;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • different sizes of hammers;
  • sheet iron;
  • material for protecting inner corners;
  • slate ruberoid.

Let's consider the construction of such a cell step by step. For an example for detailed description construction, we take a single-tier cell in three compartments. Having understood the principle of the method, it will not be at all difficult to complete the construction of the upper floors afterwards. We assemble the cell frame, in accordance with required dimensions and drawings.

  1. We begin to build the frame from the frame, then we build the cage itself and lay the floor in it diagonally with slats. We separately prepare the doors for the cage, install them, not forgetting about the latches.
  2. Inside the living quarters, we install automatic drinkers for animals, we hang on the outside prepared drinkers (made in the same way in accordance with the dimensions of the drawings).
  3. We separate the mother-house for the rabbit and rabbits with a partition, in which a door for the exit is supposed. Do not forget that it should be as dark as possible in the mother liquor for the comfort of newborn rabbits.
  4. We make a roof, we strengthen the slate with self-tapping screws.
  5. We make a sloping surface for manure in the shape of a rectangular funnel. A container is installed under the funnel to collect waste and waste products of rabbits.

An important point in such cages is that young rabbits are not separated from their mother. They are constantly with her in a heated mother liquor and have the opportunity to receive mother's milk for as long as possible, which significantly increases the immunity of animals.

Mikhailov's method is based, first of all, on the fact that rabbits do not come into direct contact with humans; this is a very serious stress for them. The idea of ​​such an automatic home, where pets have 24/7 access to a feeder and drinker, has achieved incredible results. Rabbits living in such cages practically do not get sick, reproduce well and gain weight very quickly. There are even four-month-old individuals weighing up to six kilograms.

Video. DIY rabbit cage

Nowadays, rabbit breeding is becoming a fairly popular activity, bringing benefits and very good dividends. If you decide to go into this business, the first thing you need is to build cages for rabbits - we will provide drawings with dimensions and video instructions in this article.

Surely before making a decision build a rabbitry yourself, you have repeatedly viewed photos and videos already ready-made structures and even thought about the option to buy one of them. However, there is nothing difficult in making cages for rabbits with your own hands; you will find drawings for this in this section.

So let's get started.

  1. First of all, you need to choose the material for building your future home. It should be safe for its fluffy inhabitants, smooth in texture, without foreign objects.
  2. For walls often they use boards, thick plywood or mesh.
  3. For frame and support it is preferable to take wooden blocks.
  4. On the floor a rail or a fine mesh is placed. The roof should be made of boards or plywood.
  5. If the rabbitry is placed outdoors, the roof must be covered with any kind of roofing material.

You can see a detailed drawing with the dimensions of a two-section cage in the photo.

This is how it will look double two-piece cage.

Cages for rabbits according to the Zolotukhin method

Unlike classical structures, a rabbit cage built according to the method of Zolotukhin N.I., it is not required to equip with a mesh floor and a pallet... For such cells, either boards or slate are used. Only the back side of the cage is equipped with a fine mesh, no more than 20 cm wide. This is due to the fact that 95% of rabbits relieve themselves on the back side. The feeder in this design is placed directly on the door. Another difference of the cage, built according to the Zolotukhin method, is that it does not provide a place for the mother liquor. His rabbit will choose on her own where she thinks it is more correct. Perhaps, the video with Nikolai Zolotukhin himself will tell you the best about how to create cages for rabbits with your own hands.

Having looked detailed video instructions, you will be able to correctly build a comfortable cage for your pets. Having such a structure on the farm, you will not face the problem of cleaning the cage itself, you also there will be no difficulty in cleaning the rabbit feeders... And your pets will always be clean, well-groomed and healthy and will love their house very much.

DIY rabbit feeders

Rabbit feeder - not less important element the whole cycle. It should be of high quality, affordable for use, both for you and for your pets, as well as safe for their life and health.

You can buy a ready-made feeder or make it yourself. Homemade feeder, by the way, more correct option... After all, it can be made almost free of charge and made in the size you need. The main thing is to lay a place for its placement when designing a cage. A do-it-yourself rabbit cage, and even equipped with a feeder, will serve as an excellent habitat for your pets.

The feeders themselves are divided into three key types:

  • hay feeders;
  • trough feeders;
  • bunker feeders.

How to make a rabbit feeder: drawings, photos and video instructions

V agriculture there is another name for the first type of feeders - sennik. This design is very similar to a livestock nursery. The sennik can be equipped both outside and inside the cage.

Making such a hay feeder does not require special skills. and skills. In order to make it yourself, you need to draw the markings of the side walls on a sheet of plywood, focusing on the dimensions of the rabbitry door. And then using a hacksaw, cut out two side walls approximately as shown in the photo.

Do not forget to cut out the grooves on which you will attach the structure to the wall. Using a wooden block, we connect the two parts with self-tapping screws, and the front part is cut out of tin scissors designed for metal carving, and then fasten. We attach any grate near the grooves (even a part from an old refrigerator will do). It is from her that the rabbits will take hay.

The trough feeder is the simplest type of rabbit feeder... It can be made from plywood, tin, and even from plastic bottles... There is nothing complicated in its design, and in order to make such a feeder with your own hands, it is enough to look at its image.

Building cages for rabbits with your own hands is a feasible task for any breeder. It can be easily solved if there are step-by-step instructions detailing all the stages, including the choice of design, drawing up a drawing, preparation of materials, installation and improvement of houses.

Novice rabbit breeders need to know that pets can be kept in two ways: internal and external. Not only the structure scheme for rabbits depends on the chosen management method, but also the rules for caring for them.

There is no consensus among rabbit breeders about which conditions are most favorable for animals. The choice can be guided by the point of view of Professor V.N. Mikhailova. He was a staunch supporter of keeping rabbits outdoors.

This method has many advantages:

  1. Lack of dampness.
  2. Adequate amount of sunshine.
  3. Absence of vapors of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.

The listed problems can be solved with internal maintenance: install lamps and a powerful hood. But this will entail an increase in costs and, as a consequence, a decrease in the profitability of the economy.

Design features

Simple cages are boxes, one side of which is lined with metal mesh. Such houses are easy to make, but the animals in them will be uncomfortable. The owner is expecting the complexity of caring for pets.

The base of the cage is a frame, which can be made of wooden bars or metal rods (the best choice is reinforcement with a cross section of 6-8 mm). The next task to be solved is what the frame will be made of. This important choice, on which the durability of the structure and the convenience of its maintenance depend.

Criteria for choosing a material for building cells:

Double cages with mesh aviary

A do-it-yourself double rabbit cage from a mesh can be made from the available materials:

  • metal mesh;
  • reinforcement bars;
  • plywood sheets;
  • curved or not curved boards;
  • slate.

The floor of this structure should be mesh, which will prevent it from rotting. Both adults and young animals can be accommodated in such cages. The two-seat design consists of two parts:

  • cages (length 200 cm, width 65 cm, height 75 cm);
  • aviary (length 200 cm, width 100 cm, height 60 cm).

When kept outdoors, the structure should be raised 70 cm above the ground. This is the most convenient height for caring for pets. A manhole must be made from the cage into the aviary through which the animals will go out for a walk. Drinking bowls and feeders are recommended to be made of galvanized steel. Cages with aviaries must not be stacked on top of each other.

For the construction of one structure of the indicated dimensions, the following amount of materials will be required:

  • reinforcement with a section of 8 mm - 22 kg;
  • metal mesh for an open-air cage with a mesh of 25x25 mm or 16x48 mm (all walls, floor, ceiling) - 9.5 m2;
  • lumber for the cage - 0.25 m3.

Bunk shed

Two-tier shed - a structure of two cages installed one above the other at a distance of 50-60 cm, the lower of which is raised above the floor level by 70-80 cm. Shed content is beneficial in terms of saving space and serving pets. Industrial type bunk rabbit cages are available in the following sizes:

  • width - 200 cm;
  • depth - 100 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.

Based on the above parameters, it is easy to make a drawing and calculate the required amount of materials for the device of a two-tier cage. You will need wooden blocks, sheet slate, metal mesh, plywood or OSB. Important characteristics of the shed:

  • all cells in it are the same size;
  • the upper one has a roof made of slate or other suitable material for this purpose.

It is necessary to consider in all details how to make cells.

Three-tier cage in a minimal area

Shed in 3 tiers - optimal solution for a minimal area. These designs allow you to eliminate several problems at once:

  • competently organize the economy, minimizing the time for its maintenance;
  • provide pets with comfortable conditions;
  • use space efficiently.
  • When designing a multi-tiered structure, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the area recommended by specialists for keeping one rabbit:
  • for non-breeding - 0.17-0.23 m3;
  • for breeding - 0.1 m3.

All cages should be equipped with pull-out trays, preferably a manure channel. A nursery is installed between the houses of the same tier, in which grass or hay is laid. Feeders - hopper type, made of galvanized steel sheets. Sheds must contain devices for lighting and heating: lamps and air heaters.

Winter cages

The construction of outdoor cages for winter maintenance should provide for the possibility of insulation. Mesh windows should be closed with hinged plugs. A house in a cage should have a manhole not with a hinged door, but with a door inserted into the grooves. This will prevent the unauthorized running of animals into the enclosure. If all elements of insulation are removable, the constructed structure is called all-season.

Rabbits tolerate frosts well down to -45 degrees. The most important thing in winter outdoor housing is to reliably protect the houses of animals from drafts and lay a bed of a thick layer of hay on the floor.

Materials and tools

Making a cage for rabbits with your own hands provides right choice materials. First of all, you need to decide on what the floor will be made of. This is the most important place in the rabbitry, as it contains the animal and its waste products. Experts consider the best 2 floor options:
from wooden slats with a section of 25x30 mm, laid at a distance of 15-20 mm from each other;
made of galvanized metal mesh with a mesh of 18x18 mm.

Cleaning the metal floor is much easier. It does not rot, does not absorb animal urine and does not emit an unpleasant odor, unlike wood.

You can build a house for pets from scrap materials. For this purpose, fit finished goods: mezzanines, wide and deep drawers from dressers and sofas. In order to build a cage, you will need tools for working with wood and metal:

  • screwdriver or drill;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • scissors for metal or a grinder with a disc for metal;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • roulette;
  • construction bubble level;
  • hammer.

Materials needed:

  • OSB sheets with a thickness of 6 mm;
  • metal mesh (for the floor - with a mesh 18x18 mm, for walls and aviary - 25x25 mm);
  • flat slate for roofing;
  • galvanized steel for the device of feeders and drinkers;
  • wooden blocks with a section of 30x30 mm for mounting the frame.

Cell sizes

When planning your farm, it is important to make drawings of each structure. These schemes and calculations will be required when there is a need to increase the livestock and build up the cells with cages. When performing calculations, take into account the recommended space for the rabbit (indicated above). The size of the cages should be such as to avoid crowding the animals and provide them with free access to feeders and drinkers.

Rabbit sheds, regardless of their location (inside or outside the premises), must have a manure channel that can be easily flushed with water pressure from a hose. With proper management, it is necessary to provide a container for Wastewater or their diversion to the autonomous sewerage system.

For young animals

For young animals, single or double cages with aviaries are most convenient. If it is not possible to allocate a place for walking, the pets will move little. These conditions are optimal for feeding rabbits. For young animals, houses are often made from plywood boxes with dimensions:

  • length - 60 cm;
  • width - 50 cm;
  • height - 35-40 cm.

The nest is made plug-in. In one wall, a hinged door is equipped, consisting of wooden frame upholstered with a metal mesh. The nursery is also made of mesh, but with a wider mesh: 35x35 mm. The house is installed at a height of 70 cm from the floor on legs or trestles.

Adult rabbit cage

Optimal dimensions:

  • length - 240 cm;
  • width - 65 cm;
  • height back wall- 45-50 cm;
  • front wall height - 60-65 cm.

The floor slopes slightly from the back to the front of the house.

Rabbit nest with litter

The rabbit breeding cage consists of two parts - a mother liquor and a feed compartment - connected by a manhole. The nest for young rabbits is located in the mother liquor. There is also a place for a rabbit. Sizes of the mother liquor:

  • depth - 65 cm;
  • length (facade) - 40 cm;
  • height - 40-50 cm.

Manhole dimensions: width 17 cm, height 17-22 cm. This hole should be raised above the floor of the mother liquor by 10-15 cm. Young rabbits will not be able to climb over the partition of such a height and will always be within the nest.

For large rabbits

For giant rabbits, larger cages and aviaries are needed. Optimal dimensions:

  • length - 90-95 cm;
  • width - 60-65 cm;
  • height - 60-65 cm.

How can you make a do-it-yourself rabbit cage

DIY rabbit cage, step-by-step instruction for construction takes into account everything important points, intended for outdoor keeping of non-breeding adult animals. There is no aviary. Drinking bowls and feeders are not built-in, but are installed directly into the inner space of the animal house.

The instruction tells how to correctly make a cage with dimensions of 240x65x60 cm.It provides the following:

Step 1. Making legs. Since the cage will be raised above ground level by 70 cm, 2 bars are prepared with a section of 30x30 mm and a length of 130 cm and 2 with a section of 30x30 mm and a length of 120 mm. The difference in length is due to the difference in the height of the front (50 cm) and rear (60 cm) walls of the house.

Step 2. Making the top and bottom strapping. 4 bars are prepared with a length of 240 cm and 4 - a length of 65 cm.

Step 3. Assembling the frame. The bars are connected to each other using nails, screws, metal corners.

Step 4. Making the walls. From OSB or moisture-resistant plywood, 2 canvases are cut for the side walls with a width of 65 cm, the height of one side is 60 cm, the second is 50 cm.A cloth for the back wall is prepared with a length of 240 cm and a width of 60 cm.

Step 5. The frame is sheathed on three sides with OSB canvases.

Step 6. Make a wire mesh floor. The length of the canvas is 240 cm, the width is 65 cm.

Step 7. Install the slate roof. It should be removable.

Step 8. Sheathed the front wall with a metal mesh.

The feeder and drinker are placed in the cage by removing the roof. In a similar way, the litter is replaced and the house is cleaned. If you follow these instructions, you can quickly make quality cages for your pets.

Breeding and keeping pets involves greater degree responsibility of the breeder and requires strict adherence to certain rules. One of the most important is the creation of acceptable living conditions for the animal. They should be close to nature.

Rabbits have high degree resistance to various diseases. They are unpretentious to food and conditions of detention, they multiply easily. But despite all this, animals need a properly organized home.

The construction of a pet house must be approached competently. This takes into account the number of animals, their sex composition and age.

What do you need for rabbit breeding?

To do it at home, special cash costs are not required. It is necessary to have cages for animals, drinkers, food containers. All this is easy to do with your own hands.

Harvesting hay and branches can be done in summer. Roots and vegetables are easy to pick from your own garden. The main item of expenditure will be the vaccination of animals and the purchase of concentrated feed.

In each cage, same-sex animals of approximately the same age, weight and character should be housed. It is recommended to place adult animals and females with rabbits in one- and two-section cages.

The sizes of rabbit cages have standard indicators:

  • length - 100-120 cm;
  • height - 50 cm;
  • width - 70 cm.

For young rabbits, wooden cages, covered steel mesh... Their sizes correspond to the sizes of animals. For example, for 10 individuals, a cage with the same dimensions as indicated above will be acceptable, but its length should be 170 cm.

How to build a one-tier cage?

Many are interested in how to make a rabbit cage with their own hands. Of course, subject to availability necessary materials it's not that hard. The article presents drawings of rabbit cages. Also, recommendations are given on the choice of materials for work.

For the outside in the cage system, double single-tier rabbit cages are most popular.

The length of such cells is 220-240 cm, and the width is 65 cm.The height of the front wall is 35 cm.The roof should be with one slope, equipped with a canopy protruding forward by 20 cm, and from the sides by 10 cm.

There are two feed compartments in the cage. The floor is made of metal mesh. The size of the cells should be 18x18 mm or 16x48 mm. The mesh should be overlaid with a width of 2 cm, and the connector between them is 1.5-1.8 cm.

DIY rabbit cages with correct design must have a partition with a manhole, the width of which is 17 cm, and the height is 20 cm. It must be located between the nest and the stern compartment in order to prevent the penetration of rabbits from the nest into the stern compartment. The manhole is constructed at a height of 10-15 cm from the floor.

On the front side, two mesh doors are hung on the cage, which lead to the feeding compartment, as well as two solid board doors leading to the nesting compartment. On the doors leading to the stern, it is necessary to hang feeders with a removable structure and drinkers.

For feeding with roughage, a nursery is installed between the compartments. They are based on two frames made of wood, on which the net is stretched. The mesh size should be 20x50 mm. The lower ends of the frames are aligned, and the upper ends are pulled apart to the sides of the feed compartment. The result is a V-shaped roughage nursery.

What materials will you need?

To build a single-tier cage for two individuals, the performer will need:

  • Plywood with an area of ​​2 m 2.
  • Metal mesh with a mesh size of 18x18 mm or welded mesh 16x48 mm (1.3 m 2).
  • Mesh with cells 35x35 cm or 24x48 cm (0.6 m 2).

Making bunk cages

The cost of building a two-tiered animal cage is not that high. This is because the design is simple. In addition, the cash costs will pay off in the very first months of use.

What materials will you need?

To make a cage with two tiers, you will need:

  • Two wood fiber sheets.
  • Bars 60x100 mm (4 pcs.).
  • Picket strips (50 pcs.).
  • Roofing material 4x2 m in size for the construction of a pallet.
  • Nails.
  • Dye.

What equipment is required?

  • Two deep bowls, covered with enamel (their diameter should be 220 mm).
  • Manure collection tank (approx. 300 mm high).
  • Steam VPI-03 (also used for household purposes, immersed in water).
  • Step down transformers 220x127 V (4 pcs. For 8 cells).
  • 5-liter polyethylene cans (4 pcs.).

Cage design

The rabbit cages need to be positioned according to how the light will fall. A blank closed wall, where the nursery boxes and feeders are located, should face north. This protects the animals from wind and cold.

The roof is constructed so that it hangs 90 cm from the north, and 60 cm from the south. From the west and east, the roof should be on a par with the protruding beams.

Bunk rabbit cages contain a frame-stand, lower and upper tier. You can also build a roof from the roof. As a rule, a transparent or translucent material is used. You can also use roofing material.

The tier on top is a jig, that is, it will serve as a place for raising rabbits after the end of the mother's milk feeding. This room is made from different cells. One of them should be larger than the frame.

The jig is divided into two parts by means of a feed trough, which has outlets on both sides. A common canister drinker is also installed here. Each compartment should be equipped with a folding feeder for compound feed, a manger for fresh and dry grass. They look like an opening door. There is a door adjacent to the drinker.

The floor at the tier is horizontal. Its base can be made of wood slats, which are located at an angle of 45 degrees so that small rabbits cannot injure their paws. All walls and doors of the cage are made of lattice. The north side is an exception.

Below is the uterine tier. It consists of two compartments: nesting and walking. It can also include the same components that are present in the upper tier.

The nest compartment has a removable floor. It is located below the rest of the tiered area. The mother liquor will be placed in this compartment. Before the rabbit brings the babies, she instinctively makes her way into it herself.

The rest of the nest should be stationary. It is equipped with a wall with a manhole overlapping a latch. It is better to equip the door to the nest with hinges from below, so that in the open state it serves as a platform for the animal.

The walking compartment is equipped with a floor made of perpendicular slats. This ensures the rigidity of the structure. In the walking area there is a canister drinker, a folding trough and a bunker trough for compound feed. Nursery on the rear of the walking rack. The drinker must also have a door installed.

In the floor of the walking section, a window is erected under the end of the conical shaft, which is attached under the floor of the upper tier. The pitched shaft is connected to a hopper equipped with a removable door and a manure container. Thus, the rabbit cages will be cleaned by special doors, which will also make the feed containers accessible. The containers themselves are located under the inclined nets of the feeders.

There is a compartment at the bottom of the cage frame electrical equipment... In parallel, this place serves as a jig for rabbits. It must be locked. For convenient loading of the feeders, it is necessary to build it folding outward.

The design of the feed trough has a body with windows for rabbits, as well as a pallet. It is constructed of fine mesh mesh.

All folding components must be equipped with handles, hinges and latches, as well as, if necessary, and mortise locks.

The side and front walls are tightened with a fine mesh, the working side can be closed with a large mesh.

Mini-farm of bunk cages

It doesn't take a lot of floor space to build a small farm based on bunk cages. One cell occupies 1.4 m 2. If you build a farm of two rows and use eight cells with an opening between them of 70 cm (measured by the legs) and a passage of 110 cm, then the area of ​​the farm will be 25 m 2.

Each cage contains up to 25 rabbits at a time. A rabbit with a new offspring will sit in the lower part, and the previous offspring will sit in the upper part.

Over the years, cages from two tiers have been used on experimental farms and have shown their high profitability and profitability. So their use is recommended to all farmers.

Family block making - cages of three sections

Making rabbit cages with your own hands of such a design is a more difficult task. But such family blocks are very convenient for animal breeding. A male lives in the central part, and rabbits are on the sides.

Partitions made of wood between the cell compartments are equipped with manholes with plywood latches. They are intended for easy transfer of females to the male and returning them back to their compartment.

What materials are used to build a cage?

The basis of the frame can be made up of bars. The walls on the sides, the compartment for the nest with doors and partitions are built from lining.

For the front wall, a metal mesh is used. In the nesting compartments, an attic part is provided - this is free place between the ceiling and common roof where female rabbits can rest.

An additional convenience is that the position of the feeders and drinkers is thought out in such a way that they are not subject to contamination and can be filled from the outside.

Cages for rabbits according to the design of the breeder N.I. Zolotukhin

The famous rabbit breeder N.I. Zolotukhin has been breeding these cute animals for several decades. Such a wealth of experience helped him design a new rabbit cage.

Features of the breeder's cells

  • The floor is solid. Its basis is slate or boards.
  • There are no pallets in the cages.
  • A narrow strip of mesh flooring is located only along the rear walls of the structure.
  • The rear walls are tilted so that rabbit waste from the tiers at the top does not fall on the rabbits in the lower tiers.
  • There are no special queen cells. The rabbit builds a nest for herself before giving birth.
  • Grain feeders are attached to the doors and can be turned outward for filling.

A diagram of the rabbitry is presented below.

How to make cages for dwarf rabbits with your own hands?

If you want to start houses, then their cells are built in a different way. There are many pet shops different models... But you don't have to purchase them. You can make your own pet crate and it doesn't take long.

The structure consists of two walls on the sides, the size of which is 70x70 cm. The back wall is fixed in such a way that a gap is obtained under the cage. The height of the back wall is 55 cm, the length is 100 cm.

Meter slats are nailed to the bottom of the cage. A metal mesh is fixed on top of them.

The cage cover is made of hinged mesh. It is equipped with a handle. A pallet is installed under the cage.

How to choose a mesh?

When making rabbitries, of course, you need a net. In order for the manufacturer to better understand which mesh choice will be optimal, we advise you to use a number of tips.

Many people ask the question: is galvanized mesh, steel or aluminum material suitable? It is better to opt for a steel structure, as it is durable.

To make a wooden cage with mesh doors and a floor, the mesh should be chosen carefully so that it does not injure the paws of the animals. Experienced breeders advise using it with small cells. The material is metal. The mesh thickness is 2 mm, and the mesh size is 16x48 mm. For the construction of the side walls of the cage, a galvanized mesh is suitable.

For the construction of the door, any kind of mesh is used. It does not have to be welded. Allowed to use and wicker.

V warm time Years of animals can be kept in an enclosure fenced with a net. A wicker structure with a thickness of 1.2 mm is suitable for it.