How to gain weight for a girl at home quickly, without harm to health. Preparations for gaining muscle mass, nutrition

recruitment process muscle mass is a physiological process and is based on growth muscle tissue. This process is adaptive and is the body's response to regular intense power loads. At the same time, the mechanism of muscle growth is influenced by the diet (sufficiency of protein intake, calorie content) and the rest mode (sufficient recovery time between workouts, sleep).

Since an increase in muscle mass leads to an increase in total body weight, most athletes evaluate their progress by numbers on the scale. This method gives rise to many myths and misconceptions, the main of which is the speed of gaining muscle mass. Since body weight is not a strictly constant value, many beginners and athletes with little understanding of physiology mistakenly believe that muscle mass can be built up quickly and that progress from training in the gym can be noticeable in just a few days. Hence the questions of the form arise - how to gain muscle mass in a week?

The process of muscle growth is quite slow and involves the fulfillment of a number of conditions. More details about this are written in the article -. Meanwhile, fat and water gain is very fast, and is also reflected in the weight gain on the scales. Hence, many athletes misjudge their progress by saying phrases like “I gained 1-2 kg per week doing this program.” Purely physiologically, such a growth rate of muscle tissue is simply impossible.

Table– Comparison of the growth rate of muscle and adipose tissue.

Thus, in response to main question Articles - Is it possible to gain muscle mass in a week? - It should be noted that this is not possible, since this process is long in time and requires regular fulfillment of a number of conditions. At the same time, a rapid increase in body weight over a short period of time can only indicate that the athlete has increased the percentage of body fat (due to the growth of adipose tissue) and/or gained a large number of fluids (due to steroid intake, excess carbohydrate intake, etc.).

How to correctly evaluate the result of training in terms of gaining muscle mass? I recommend judging by the relief of the muscles. The more prominent your muscles, the less subcutaneous fat you have. Thus, if during training your muscles have become better, and the weight on the scales has remained the same or even increased, this clearly indicates that you are gaining muscle mass. This method is the most correct of all and is almost guaranteed to save you from the accumulation of excess fat mass.

Today, when many are concerned about the issue of weight loss, there are people who find it difficult to get better. As a rule, the issue of weight gain in a short time is often of interest to thin guys and girls, i.e. adolescents who at this age consume calories most actively.

Meanwhile, gain weight in a week not so difficult, and depends on what kind of weight gain you are trying to achieve. Try to include high-calorie food in your diet, which is also important for health, because. your diet should consist of healthy foods. To add 1-2 kg. per week, you should pay close attention to your diet and not skip meals.

Important for you:

  • calories in your food
  • number of meals
  • ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet
  • physical exercise

And the tips below will help you get better quickly in a shorter time.

1. Increase your total calorie intake from 500 to 1000 calories per day. The number of calories your body needs daily depends on your activity level, lifestyle, weight, and gender, but as a general rule, an additional 500 calories per day will provide between 0.5 and 1kg of weight gain each week.

2. Eat more often. Try to eat five to six times a day - that's 2-3 snacks in addition to your three regular meals.

3. Increase your protein intake. Include protein-rich foods such as meat, seafood, dairy and nuts in your diet. Additionally, you can add protein shakes to your diet and drink them 1.5-2 hours after eating a regular meal. For example, you can make a 300-calorie shake by mixing a frozen banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a glass of milk, and a few ice cubes. You can add honey if you want to sweeten the cocktail.

4. Drink milk 3 to 4 times a day. Milk is a great food for weight gain, especially if you drink it regularly and use whole milk.

5. How to gain weight - eat the right foods. Include slow carbs in your weight gain diet. Such carbohydrates are found in pasta, rice and bread, and having them in your diet will help you gain a few pounds faster and provide the body with the necessary energy. Whole-grain bread and pasta, as well as brown rice, are healthier than their refined grain counterparts.

6. Increasing the amount of unsaturated fats in your diet will help thin people gain weight faster. Unsaturated fats are found in fish, nuts, avocados, and olive oil.

7. Find out how many calories per week you need to maintain your weight, and eat 1000 calories more than you need to maintain mass. This can be done by simply increasing portion sizes at mealtimes by eating about 60-100 calories more for lunch and dinner.

8. To gain mass, add additional foods containing healthy fats to every meal, as they have a higher calorie density than proteins or carbohydrates. sprinkle walnuts muesli (plus 180 calories), add a quarter of an avocado to your sandwich (plus 70 calories) and drizzle 2 tablespoons of olive oil over your spaghetti.

9. Have 2-3 snacks throughout the day. Almond nuts, peanuts, or a bag of dried fruit that you can take with you to school or work are good. And before bed, make yourself a cheese sandwich and wash it down with warm milk, which will provide another 250 to 300 calories.

10. Do not forget about physical activity if you want to not just get fat, but build muscle. Training in the gym, aimed at building muscle, will make your figure toned, and from eating fatty foods, it will simply become loose.

And remember - your desire to gain weight quickly does not mean that your diet should constantly contain foods high in sugar and fat. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes as a result of poor dietary choices. Although such foods do not significantly increase the risk of diseases in one week, it is not worth developing bad habits that may persist after this week.

Important! If you've experienced dramatic weight loss, check with your doctor to rule out any medical cause.

To gain weight faster you need

  • Milk
  • Foods high in protein (protein)
  • Diet with an emphasis on slow carbohydrates

How to recover by 5 kg per week at home without disturbing the metabolism and staying in good shape? The answer to this question will be different depending on the gender and age of the person, the goal of mass gain.

The need to quickly gain a couple of kilograms is relevant for young people involved in fitness and who want to give the body a voluminous relief.

Natural thinness and fast metabolism, characteristic of a young organism,.

The main ways to gain mass:

  1. Increase your total daily calorie intake. Weight gain will give a menu with a total calorie content of 4000-5000 kcal. If such a volume is difficult to digest in 3-4 meals, use a fractional food system, where meals are separated by no more than 2 hours.
  2. Strictly adhere to the diet. Breakfast is hearty and hot porridge in milk with the addition of butter to increase nutritional value. Lunch should include 3 courses, one of which is hot soup (preferably non-prepared). At 6 pm, a full dinner is recommended, and 2 hours before bedtime there will be another meal, which includes protein products(egg, cottage cheese, etc.).
  3. More than half of the diet should be carbohydrates. immediately go to the formation of adipose tissue (sucrose, glucose and fructose). Complex can be obtained from flour products, cereals, beans. They are high in calories and quickly give a feeling of satiety.
  4. Eat plenty of protein(20% of all received useful substances). The main sources are meat (any), cheeses, fish, eggs and peas.
  5. Do not forget about fats, they increase the weldability of proteins. Various oils, lard and nuts will do.

Important! The daily rate of water consumption should be at least 2 liters. Water from products is also taken into account, but it is better to count only the water you drink (tea and coffee too).

How to gain weight by 5 kg for a thin girl

For girls who want to gain weight, all of the above principles are relevant, but the characteristics of the female body make their own adjustments:

  1. An important role in weight gain is played by hormones, the level of which in female body constantly changing. If weight is not gained under any circumstances, the endocrine system should be checked.
  2. Constant stress, worries and nervousness will not allow a woman to recover. For stable and fast weight gain, emotional stability and focus on results are important.

How to quickly gain weight by 10 kg per week for a man

In addition to a properly composed diet, men who have problems with weight gain should pay attention to steroid drugs.

But they are taken only in case of emergency. To gain weight at home, it is enough to follow a high-calorie diet, stable sleep, and avoid stressful situations.

Important! Use of any medicines allowed only after consultation with a doctor.

You can buy this anabolic freely, average cost one ampoule - 280 rubles.

The result is achieved during the course of injections.

Application effects:

  • uniform increase in muscle mass;
  • increasing bone density and, as a result, strengthening the skeleton;
  • improvement of indicators of saturation (oxygen saturation) of blood;
  • reduction of pain after hard training.

The main advantage of this drug is its mild effect on the body. The active substance (nandrolone decanoate) is found in the body of any person, the drug increases its content.

This is the most popular drug for athletes. It is produced in the form of tablets.

The drug allows you to achieve tremendous results during the course, but has a number of serious drawbacks:

  • the results achieved while taking the drug are not fully preserved after stopping its use;
  • retention in the body of a large amount of excess water;
  • the risk of disturbances in the endocrine system and increased production of female hormones.

However, this anabolic remains the leader among due to its high efficiency.

How to get fat fast as a teenager

To achieve the result, it is necessary to find out the reason why it is difficult for a teenager to gain the necessary kilograms.

The main factors are:

  • low-calorie food;
  • violation of the production of hormones;
  • smoking, because it reduces the production of the hormone of satiety (leptin), so you want to eat less.

Often, giving up bad habits and regular sleep solve the problem of weight gain.

Adolescent diet calories for weight gain

At the age of 14-17 years, the average daily energy value is 3000 kcal for boys and 2600 kcal for girls. increase these figures by 1000 kcal per day.

Physical exercise

You can gain weight by starting to work out in a fitness club. The first classes are best done with a personal trainer to avoid injury and understand correct technique performing exercises.

Scientists and professional athletes have determined the amount of nutrients and a list of products, the use of which helps to gain weight in the shortest possible time.

The main material for building muscle mass is protein. The calculation of daily intake is made according to the formula: 1 kg of weight = 1 g of protein. The richest in protein are eggs, chicken and cottage cheese.

Carbohydrates help you gain fat. These include pasta, various cereals and root vegetables. The daily intake is at least 400 g.

Fats are a means of extremely rapid weight gain. Depending on age, the consumption rate will vary. Up to 28 years old daily rate is about 160 g, up to 40 years - 150 g.

After 40 years, fats are considered especially harmful. , their number should be sharply reduced (no more than 70 g per day).

Attention! Should not be used butter, mayonnaise sauces). These foods increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which leads to the formation of plaques in the vessels and obstruction of blood flow.

How to quickly gain weight 5 kg per week at home: diet

The meal plan for a set of 5 kg per week is as follows:

  1. Mandatory breakfast with hearty porridge in milk with a fat content of 3.2% or higher.
  2. The basis of the daily diet is slow proteins (beans, buckwheat, rice) and (grapes, tomato, beans).
  3. Before going to bed, you need to have a bite of cottage cheese (you need to eat at least 90 g).

It's important to follow the rules. Complex carbohydrates are consumed before classes, during the training it is necessary to drink enough water (glucose can be added to it), immediately after classes, complex carbohydrates are again consumed.

How to gain weight fast at home with sports supplements

Sports supplements are used not only by professional athletes. Often they are prescribed in the presence of medical indications for weight gain.


Among sports supplements for home use, protein is the main product. You can buy it in sports shops and special points of sale. sports nutrition. Protein intake must be combined with constant exercise in the gym, otherwise the supplement will not work.

An isolate is a purified and concentrated protein. Somewhat lower in quality, but much more cost-effective hydrolyzate.


Gainer is a complex of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The exact composition will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Efficiency for a particular person is determined by contacting a nutritionist.

Amino acids

Amino acid complexes are used in addition to protein and gainers to get maximum effect. The introduction of complexes in a sports diet helps the body recover faster after exercise.

Important! The amount of supplements used and the intake schedule are individual for each person. The result obtained directly depends on the determination and the amount of time allocated for sports. All supplements work only with regular physical activity.


To recover by 5 kg at home is a task feasible for everyone. But for it to be muscle mass, and not just fat, you need to eat right and exercise. It is worth taking drugs and sports nutrition only after consulting a doctor.

Find out if it is possible to gain muscle mass in a couple of weeks. What training plan and diet should be followed to pump up in such a short period of time.

The content of the article:

It is generally accepted that only men want to gain muscle mass. However, today more and more girls are starting to visit gyms. Thanks to cardio loads, you can get rid of fat, but this is not enough to create an ideal figure. If a person, regardless of gender, decides to start rocking, then he should prepare himself for hard work.

In addition to a competent training process, it is necessary to follow the regime and a specific nutrition program. Unfortunately, many lack patience or desire as a result. Beginning athletes often make mistakes and their progress is not as fast as expected. As a result, many simply stop playing sports. Today we will tell you how to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks.

What does a beginner athlete need to know?

In bodybuilding, there are several axioms that must be strictly observed. Now we will talk about some of them:
  1. Need to start leading healthy lifestyle life and eat right. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the set goals. However, the results will become noticeable only after a couple of years of active training.
  2. Give up tobacco and alcohol.
  3. During the day, food should be consumed at least five times. You should refuse fast food, and use only high-quality products to create a diet.
  4. During snacking, food should also be “right” and you should stop eating chips, crackers and other similar products.
To gain mass, you need to increase the energy value of the diet, but this should be done correctly. It is important to remember that excess calories will inevitably be converted into fat. To determine the required indicator of the energy value of the diet, you should carry out simple calculations. First, multiply your body weight by 30 and add 500 to the result. For example, your weight is 75 kilos. Using the above formula, we get the following number - 75 * 30 + 500 = 2750 calories.

Of course, not everyone can easily switch to five meals a day. However, having shown sufficient firmness of spirit, you will get used to such a regime. It is also necessary to start studying the theory of bodybuilding. Do not think that in this sport it is enough just to lift weights. If you want to know how to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks, then be sure to get acquainted with the processes of muscle fiber hypertrophy.

One of the main principles of bodybuilding is the progression of the load. It suggests the need to periodically increase the intensity of training. This is achieved by increasing the working weight, as well as changing the number of sets and repetitions in them. In order for your muscles to grow, you first need to inflict microtrauma on the fibers. After that, the body will begin to restore them with a small margin, which is muscle growth.

For the first few years, you will have to work only with free weights. Most simulators will not give the desired result and, working on them, you will simply lose time. Remember, only performing the basic movements in accordance with the technical nuances will allow the muscles to grow. It is no coincidence that we have mentioned technology now. It is worth increasing the working weight only after you have mastered all the intricacies of doing the exercises. This may take you about two months.

Your training schedule should be designed so that the body has enough time to recover. We have already said above that at first the fibers must be injured and for this we train. However, muscles can grow only during rest. If you train a lot, then you will only slow down your progress.

Each muscle group is restored over a certain time period. First of all, it is affected by its size. Of course, the rate of regenerative processes also depends on other factors. As you monitor your progress, you will need to make adjustments to your training process. Let's say chest muscles recover on average in four days. However, this process can be slightly delayed for you and can be up to seven days.

Based on your well-being, you need to draw up a competent training program. For the first six months, it is enough to do two or three times a week, working out the whole body at each workout. However, as you progress, such a training scheme will at some point cease to bring positive results. Once this happens and progress slows down, switch to a split system.

It involves the conditional division of the body into several groups. At first, it is enough to alternate the training of the top and bottom. Gradually, the muscles will become larger and for their further growth it is necessary to increase the intensity of pumping of each specific group. This suggests that in the future you will have to divide the body into not two, but three or even four parts.

Every novice athlete must remember that mass gain is possible only if the body receives enough energy. If every week you put on weight one kilo, then this is an excellent result. Moreover, along with muscle mass, you will gain fat.

Also, keep in mind that progress is incremental. Periods of growth will alternate with stagnation. In such situations, the main thing is not to despair, but to continue to practice.

We have already noted that the intensity of training should constantly increase. Working with light weights is not effective. Each of your exercises should be a little harder than the previous one. Work until a burning sensation appears in the target muscle. If you are no longer able to perform a new set, you can safely go home and give the body a chance to act. The number of sets in each exercise should be from three to six with 8-12 repetitions in each.

How to eat right to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks?

Most beginner athletes believe that the speed of their progress depends solely on the quality of the training session. However, every professional will tell you that more than half of the success lies in proper nutrition. If you get to know the physiology of the human body more closely, the reason for this will become clear. When an athlete consumes fewer calories than he expends, then there can be no talk of any weight gain.

But you can't eat everything either. We have already mentioned this in passing, and now it's time to talk in more detail about the intricacies of compiling a competent diet. It depends on how much fat you will gain. Unfortunately, you won't be able to gain pure muscle mass if you train naturally. Thanks to food, we get energy, which is consumed by the body for all biochemical processes without exception. Even while sleeping, a certain number of calories will be burned.

During mass gain, it is necessary to receive more energy than is consumed throughout the day. This is the main rule that you should remember. In order for the body to build muscle mass, it needs energy and Construction Materials. Carbohydrates are used as energy carriers, and the second role belongs to protein compounds. The attentive reader must have noticed that we did not mention fats. This nutrient is also needed by the body, but in smaller quantities. Recall that fats are source material for the synthesis of one of the most important anabolic hormones - testosterone.

Most beginner athletes make the same mistakes over and over again. In relation to nutrition, this is a small number of meals. Most people eat three times a day, but if you want to know how to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks, then this will not be enough. During the day, you should have three full meals and at least two snacks.

Many novice builders are interested in the need to use sports nutrition. At the initial stage of your career, with a properly organized diet, you can easily do without these supplements. I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that sports nutrition should be considered solely from the point of view of supplementing the main diet. As the muscles grow, the body will require more and more energy, and at some point you simply will not be able to consume the required amount of food.

In this situation, you will need a sports nutrition. Unlike conventional foods, supplements for athletes are quickly processed by the body and do not burden the digestive system.

Here are the main types of sports nutrition that can be useful for you to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks:

  1. Protein Supplements- this is one of the main additives that is used in sports. Moreover, it is recommended to use protein mixtures not only during the period of weight gain, but also when losing weight.
  2. Amino acids- Among bodybuilders, BCAAs are especially popular. This is a group of amines, consisting of three substances, which can significantly accelerate your progress.
  3. Gainers- this supplement will definitely be required by lean athletes who always have difficulty gaining mass. If you are inclined to be overweight, then you do not need a gainer.
  4. Creatine is another supplement that is used by almost all bodybuilders. With its help, you increase the energy supply of the body.
Since the diet of each athlete must be unique, we can only give a few tips on compiling a nutrition program. As we said above, you first need to calculate the indicator of the energy value of the daily diet you need. The first meal should contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Also include protein sources in your breakfast.

At lunch, you should also combine these nutrients. An excellent choice would be a meat or fish dish, with a side dish and complemented by a vegetable salad. But during dinner, preference should be given to sources of protein compounds. Since you won't need much energy in the evening, limit the amount of carbohydrates. Snacks include fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts, dried fruits.

In conclusion, it should be said that the principles of gaining muscle mass are the same for men and girls. However, representatives fair half humanity do not have much strength and need to train less intensively. In fact, girls only need to tighten their muscles. We recommend that women combine strength training with cardio loads. This will get rid of fat and strengthen muscles.

For more information on how to gain muscle mass, see the video below:

Girls who suffer from excessive thinness, in order to figure out how to gain weight without negative consequences for the body at home, need to study the principles and rules of weight gain.

The human body can gain weight by increasing the amount of food consumed, but drastic changes in body shape are usually not sustainable.

The key to healthy weight gain is choosing nutrient-dense foods. Consumption of high-calorie foods such as soft drinks, candy and chips is not successful way build muscle, strengthen bones, or repair tissue after surgery.

Reasonable weight gain requires the nutritional strength of all food groups:

Sleep for harmonious weight gain should be at least 7-8 hours, but you should not forget about daytime sleep either.

To recover in a short period of time, you need to observe correct mode nutrition and lifestyle changes.

How to adjust your lifestyle

Emotional condition. Weight loss in thin girls directly depends on the psycho emotional state. Constant stress, bad mood do not contribute to weight gain. For weight gain to be permanent, more positive emotions. Against the background of a positive emotional state, the body will rebuild much faster and begin to gain physical mass.

Abuse bad habits . When fighting for every kilogram, the harm caused by addictions is very often underestimated. These habits lead to a constant feeling of stress and thereby speed up the metabolism. Quitting smoking will speed up the set of desired kilograms.

Physical activity accompanied by physiologically unjustified energy expenditure. Aerobics, dancing and other types of aerobic exercise do not affect the growth of muscle mass. This means that a person expends a large amount of energy and loses even more weight.

Therefore, it is worth abandoning such physical activity and give preference to those sports that contribute to an increase in muscle mass (fitness, swimming).

Target. Faith in yourself and positive attitude- a significant share of success in the fight against thinness. It is impossible to achieve a result without believing in your own strength. Finding a healthy, beautiful body in a couple of weeks will not work, but each positive result will bring a feeling of joy and promote desire. further work above oneself.

How to quickly get better by 5 kg for a thin girl

You can quickly gain 5 kg of weight for a girl at home if you follow a simple formula- sports plus diet. Meals should be high in calories, but since refined food is empty, i.e. it has few useful substances, it should be excluded.
It is possible to determine the type of products that give the maximum weight gain only individually.

But the menu must necessarily respond the following requirements:

To gain weight, you need to eat at least 3 times a day and do not forget about snacks.

Strength training will speed up weight gain and improve your figure. To make sure that extra calories get into the muscles and not just the fat cells, you need to go to the gym 2-4 times a week.

When and how to eat

Stable weight gain without a revision of the diet and its further correction is not feasible. Weight gain occurs with excess nutrients in organism. However, if nutrition is uncontrolled, fat folds will begin to appear on the body, which will significantly spoil the figure. To avoid this, you need to follow the diet and perform strength exercises.

How to gain weight for a girl at home - follow a diet based on energy-intensive foods. These are foods that are high in calories compared to their weight. You should eat at least 4 times a day, the portion size is also increased. If there are not enough calories, you will not be able to gain weight in a short time.

Snacking at night will help you get better, but don't overload your stomach too much. At night, it is advisable to eat dairy products with a high percentage of fat content. Protein intake is required to increase muscle mass, not just fat. Carbohydrate-containing foods should be included in the menu of meals in the first half of the day.

What to eat: food

How to gain weight for a girl at home is advised by nutritionists. They recommend eating foods that are high in calories.

Here are some foods that are high-energy and suitable for weight gain:

It's best to eat plenty of protein, fat, and carbohydrates at every meal.

Sample menu for the week

A correct and balanced menu will allow you not only to gain weight in the shortest possible time, but also to keep it. This type of diet for girls will be a good reason to forget about all the prohibitions and treat yourself to high-calorie foods.








The main thing in weight gain is diet and products.

What to consider when compiling a menu

The most important thing when compiling a menu for quick weight gain is that all meals should be high in calories. and contain vitamins and amino acids. The weight of portions is increased by 2.5 times. Snacking before bed is also welcomed by nutritionists, and dairy and meat products should be of the highest fat content.

This calorie table will help you create a menu that will make it easy for a girl to gain weight at home.

The problem is that people who are on a diet with a monotonous menu are much more likely to experience nervous tension, prostration. Therefore, the menu for increasing body weight should be diversified. various variations dishes using spices, sauces and seasonings. The tastier the food, the easier it is to eat in large quantities.

How to gain weight with a fast metabolism

sticking to simple rules, you can already see a positive result in a short period of time.

Rules for gaining weight with gastritis

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract complicate the task of gaining weight, but following the simple rules of gaining mass with gastritis will make this task easier:

Sports supplements for rapid weight gain

Weight gain supplements provide the body with calories to help create a positive energy balance. If you have weight problems, an extra 1,000 calories per day will allow you to gain weight quickly. However, it is difficult to choose a really high-quality and suitable drug.

  • Amino acids

Amino acids are involved in building muscle mass in the human body. Most of the amino acids human body generates on its own, but there are those that cannot be synthesized in the body. They promote rapid weight gain and have a tonic effect.

  • Protein

Synthesized proteins (proteins) accelerate the growth of muscle mass, while reducing the amount of body fat. The more amino acids are included in the protein chain, the faster and better kilograms are gained.

  • Gainer

The composition of the gainer, in addition to protein compounds, includes carbohydrate-containing components for a faster increase in mass. This is a great remedy for people who have difficulty gaining weight. Gainer, unlike protein, contributes to the overall growth of mass, and not just muscle tissue.

Manufacturers also include vitamin and mineral complexes in sports supplements to improve the overall effect of the product.

Pills for weight gain - what to drink

Pills for weight gain are divided into two groups. The first group includes drugs, which contain protein compounds, proteins and various vitamin complexes. This type drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.

Preparations of the first group:

Second group medicines is a mixture of hormones that help increase appetite and maintain body weight. They are prescribed only in extreme cases, when the total mass is at a critical level. Self-administration of drugs containing hormones can cause severe side effects.

Preparations of the second group:

  • Dexamitazone. In addition to gaining muscle mass, this drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, but has a large amount side effects.
  • Diabeton. Increases the body's secretion of insulin. If you follow all the doctor's instructions, this drug will help you gain weight, and also reduce the risk of unwanted effects from accelerated weight gain.
  • Duphaston. Provokes rapid weight gain.

Folk remedies for weight gain

To increase body weight for girls at home, you can resort to recipes traditional medicine, such as:

Weight gain exercises

Workout in gym should be based on complex exercises that involve several muscle groups at the same time. These exercises are suitable for rapid weight gain in women. Muscles are denser than fat and, by pumping them, it turns out to increase weight faster.

Squats. The barbell squat is one of the the best exercises for muscle training. To perform this exercise, you need to lift the weight, back side shoulders while holding the bar with your hands.
If necessary, use a pad for convenience. You need to squat slowly. Having reached the point where the buttocks are parallel to the knees, they return to their original position. Squats will help increase the muscle mass of the lower extremities.

Bench press. This exercise will help to gain weight in the chest area. Lifting weight while lying down, you can not only increase the mass, but also correct the pectoral muscles.

Deadlift. The right decision for weight gain, as well as for the prevention of diseases of the spine. This exercise can be combined with pull-ups on the horizontal bar. After a month of hard training, the result is noticeable.

Exercises for the abs. It is better to do this type of exercise in the morning. Raising the limbs from a prone position, you can get rid of fat folds, replacing them with elastic muscles in the abdomen.

You can increase body weight either by increasing muscle mass or by increasing the amount of adipose tissue. Thin girls at home should stick to the golden mean. Here is a rule that will help you quickly gain weight.

Video on how to gain weight

How to gain weight:

How to gain weight and get better fast: