What does the name Dmitry mean from the Greek language. The meaning of the name Dima for a boy: character and fate, the origin of the male name Dmitry

The name Dmitry - meaning and origin:

belonging to Demeter (Greek). Demeter is one of the most revered deities of the Olympic pantheon. The literal meaning is mother earth, the personification of fertility.

Energy and Karma:

In this name Dmitry is the energy of a spring, which, it seems, is capable of compressing for as long as necessary, until suddenly it suddenly fires. Alas, this often happens at the most inopportune moment. On the one hand, the energy of the name inclines Dmitry to patience, and often this happens so imperceptibly that those around him, and sometimes Dima himself, perceive it as almost absolute calm, but this battery must be discharged. And here the other side of energy comes to the fore - impulsiveness and explosiveness of character.

Communication secrets:

Dmitry is often incontinent in conversation, but after a conflict he usually quickly withdraws and calms down. It is unlikely that he will hold a grudge for long. Often, in joint affairs, he puts in the first place not profit, but trusting and friendly relations, however, starting with him the next project, try to discuss it less, otherwise Dima may be so seized by the discussion process that there will be no time for the matter itself. However, when the discussion is over and the deadline is agreed, he would rather work for three than let his partner down.

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  • Planet: Pluto.
  • Colors of the name Dmitry: yellowish brown, steel.
  • Talisman stone: black and fire opal, silver jewelry.

The meaning of the name Dmitry option 2

The meaning of the name Dmitry - the name comes from the ancient Greek word “demetriss - belonging to Demeter. (V ancient mythology Demeter is the goddess of earth and fertility). Outwardly, it reveals a resemblance to its mother.

Dmitry has quite frequent respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, flu, bronchitis make Dima sick child... Instability is noticeable in childhood nervous system, capriciousness, increased exactingness to others.

With age, Dima's health strengthens, and moodiness turns into stubbornness. Very strong-willed, can explode, it is difficult to communicate with him. Smart, persistent, inventive, not afraid of work. Colleagues appreciate his sociability, the ability to easily experience setbacks. As a result, Dmitry is promoted in the service, especially successful in those professions where it is necessary to communicate with people.

They love coziness, comfort, beautiful women and a variety of pleasures. It is difficult for them to limit themselves in anything. To create the necessary level of comfort for Dmitry, his wife will have to puzzle a lot.

Many associate with the name Dmitry the word "Pretender". Dmitry is bold, charming and cruel. Rushing into battle, he rarely thinks about the consequences, for which he is often punished.

Amorous. A new feeling captures him so strongly and completely that without much remorse he changes his sympathies. Despite repeated marriages that are not uncommon for Dmitriev, they retain a touching affection for children from previous marriages and continue to take care of them throughout their lives. The wife will have to come to terms with her husband's grumbling. The mother enjoys great authority with Dmitriev. Moderately jealous. They are not averse to drinking, but they are not addicted to alcoholic beverages. Romantic relationship to women persists until old age.

Dmitry will find happiness in marriage with Anna, Elena, Lesya, Lilia, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalia, Yana. Unfortunately, with Agnes, Angela, Victoria, Zinaida, Inna, Irina, Marina, Nina, Rimma, Sophia, Yulia, Dima should not tempt fate.

The meaning of the name Dmitry option 3

The male name Dmitry - in honor of Demeter - the goddess of fertility and agriculture (Greek)

Outwardly, Dima reveals a resemblance to his mother. Frequent respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, flu, bronchitis make him a sick child.

In childhood, he is capricious, makes increased demands on others. With age, health is strengthened, and capriciousness degenerates into stubbornness. A very strong-willed person, he can explode, it is difficult to compete with him. Clever, inventive, not afraid of work. Colleagues appreciate his sociability, the ability to easily experience setbacks. As a result, Dmitry achieves success in the service, he is most successful in those professions that are associated with communication.

Dmitry loves coziness, comfort, beautiful women and a variety of pleasures. For him, there is nothing worse than limiting himself in anything. To create the necessary level of life comfort for him, his wife will have to puzzle a lot.

Amorousness is characteristic of Dmitry. A new feeling captures him so strongly and completely that he changes his sympathies without much remorse. Despite his frequent repeated marriages, he retains a touching affection for children from previous marriages and continues to take care of them throughout his life.

The wife will have to come to terms with Dima's grumbling. His mother enjoys great authority. Moderately jealous. He does not refuse to take alcoholic beverages, but the addiction rarely develops. A romantic attitude towards a woman lasts until old age.

"Winter" Dmitry must be a leader. Has fighting qualities.

"Autumn" is too practical, knows the value of money. Can be a manager, a sanitary-epidemiological station doctor, a dentist. The name fits the patronymics: Borisovich, Leonidovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Viktorovich, Andreevich.

"Summer" - amorous, jealous, proud.

"Spring" Dmitry is stubborn, unpredictable. Can become an artist-decorator, sculptor, writer. Suitable for patronymics: Maksimovich, Petrovich, Artemovich, Denisovich, Olegovich.

The meaning of the name Dmitry option 4

In early childhood, all Dmitriy suffer from laryngitis and tonsillitis. Very charming in early childhood: small, round. They become adults early, that's when they get cunning.

Before any business, Dmitry, as a rule, calculates possible options. It is family oriented and collaborative with business and work partners. I am ready to help a friend. Possesses logical thinking. Dmitry knows how to use people to his advantage. Sociable, loves to teach.

Strong-willed, explosive natures. It's good to work with them and it's hard to compete with them. Grip and flexibility, quickness and accuracy allow Dmitry to make the unmistakable choice in sex, although romantic attraction to other women does not leave them until old age. Maximum potency never tarnishes.

The meaning of the name Dmitry option 5

Dmitry the mystery of the name - from the Greek: referring to Demeter, in ancient mythology Demeter is the goddess of fertility and agriculture; colloquial Mitri; colloquially Mitrei; old. Demetrius.

Derivatives: Dima, Dimakha, Dimash, Dimukha, Dimusha, Dimulya, Dimusya, Mitya, Mityai, Mityulya, Mityunya, Mityukha, Mityusha, Mityakha, Mityasha, Mitrya, Mitrasha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha.

Dmitry's birthday: February 24, May 28, June 16, August 22, September 24, October 4, November 8, 10, 28.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Before Dmitry, the girl is cunning, and after Dmitry she is even more cunning. Sly Mitri, and Ivan is not a fool.

Demetrius day - winter is already climbing the fence. If on November 8 it is cold and snowy, then the spring is late and cold, and if there is a thaw, winter and spring are warm.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday - parental, on this day in Russia, the dead are commemorated.


Dmitry is a nature with powerful inclinations, but extremely inconsistent with each other, inharmonious, with sharp angles and all sorts of surprises. Dima is proud. This pride carries with it straightforwardness and truthfulness.

Indifferent to food and drink, luxurious surroundings. He tends to value external honor most of all. Therefore, he so wants money, giving both power and various pleasures. Sometimes sensuality in him fights greed, and revelry with stinginess. Pride makes Dmitry demand more from himself than he can, but, realizing his inconsistency, he is ready to give up what he is capable of.

He usually has a difficult relationship with his parents. Dima does not submit to his father. He is closer to his mother - partly because his mother always forgives his disobedience more easily, and after the conflict, Dmitry again comes to her as if nothing had happened.

The meaning of the name Dmitry option 6

The origin of the name Dmitry is that of Demeter (Greek).

Name days: October 4 - St. Dmitry Tuptalo, Metropolitan of Rostov, wrote many soul-saving books (late 17th - early 18th centuries).

November 8 - Holy Great Martyr Dmitry Thessaloniki, endured great torments for Christ and in prison he was stabbed to death with spears in 306.

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio.
  • Dmitry's planet is Saturn.
  • The color is magenta.
  • Auspicious tree - mountain ash.
  • The cherished plant is chrysanthemum.
  • The patron saint of the name Dmitry is a walrus.
  • The talisman stone is lapis lazuli.


Dima is a stubborn, strong-willed, explosive person. He is very sociable, loyal to friendship, but difficult with him. Smart, persistent, inventive.

But Dmitry will not achieve success in life if he surrenders to his passion for boltology and empty talk.

The meaning of the name Dmitry option 7

In early childhood, Dima is prone to frequent colds; does not tolerate high temperatures. Dmitry looks like his mother. Loves to philosophize on abstract topics; a desperate debater who does not know how to listen to others.

Uncompromising, he will always insist on his own. It is difficult to communicate with him, but not without interest. Loves company, he has many friends; his friends only laugh condescendingly at his harmless stubbornness. At work, as a rule, he has many well-wishers and even patrons. Most often achieves success in the service, becomes a good specialist in a wide variety of areas.

Being very amorous, Dmitry easily changes sympathies and very rarely indulges in memories of the past. He is completely devoid of a sense of responsibility towards his wife, but he is affectionately attached to children, touchingly takes care of them even after a possible divorce; will never allow his child to be adopted by a stepfather. In everyday life, Dima is a sybarite, loves comfort, coziness, appreciates taking care of himself. It is pointless to invite him on a camping trip with a tent and tea by the fire.

Dmitry prefers travel, stays in luxury hotels and eats in expensive restaurants.

The meaning of the name Dmitry option 8

The name Dmitry means - referring to Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility. Name day June 16.

In this name, the energy of a spring, which seems to be able to compress as long as you like, until it suddenly fires unexpectedly.

And here the impulsiveness and explosiveness of character come to the fore. Often Dmitry is incontinent in a conversation, but after a conflict, he usually quickly moves away and calms down. It is unlikely that he will hold a grudge for long.

Often, in joint affairs, Dmitry puts in the first place not profit, but trusting and friendly relations, however, starting with him the next project, try to discuss it less, otherwise Dima may be so seized by the discussion process that there will be no time for the matter itself.

However, when the discussion is over and the deadline is agreed, Dmitry would rather work for three than let his partner down.

Forms named after Dmitry

Short form of the name Dmitry. Dima, Dimulya, Dimusya, Mitya, Demi, Dede, Deme, Mikha, Dimsho, Mityai, Mityukha, Mityusha, Mityaha, Mityasha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha, Dimakha, Dimukha, Dimusha, Mityulya, Mityunya.Synonyms for the name Dmitry. Demetrius, Demetrios, Demetrius, Demetrio, Demetri, Demeter, Dmitro.Short and diminutive versions: Dima, Mitya, Mityai, Mityusha, Mityakha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha.

Middle names: Dmitrievich, Dmitrievna.

The name Dmitry in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 梅德 (Méi dé). Japanese: ド ミ ト リ ー (Domitorī). Armenian: Դմիտրի (Dmitri). Nepali: दिमित्री (Dimitrī). Ukrainian: Dmitro. Greek: Ντμίτρι (Ntmítri). English: Dmitry (Dmitry).

The origin of the name Dmitry

The name Dmitry is common, meaning "dedicated to the goddess Demeter." Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of the earth and fertility, therefore the name Dmitry is often given the meaning of "farmer".

Folk forms named after Dmitry in Russian: Mitri, Mitrey. The diminutive Micah is also used to refer to Michael.

Every time you find out that your new acquaintance is named Dmitry, know that you are facing an unusually kind, active and will-to-live person.

There are definitely a lot of Greek names in Russian culture, and Dmitry is one of them. Literally, this name means a person belonging to Demeter, one of the most revered goddesses in ancient Greek mythology. This resident of Olympus, in fact, personifies the fertility and love of mother Earth for her children. It is she who is responsible for harvests and flowering, for the resurrection of life in spring and falling asleep in winter.

Dmitry's character

Although it is difficult to break Dmitry in life, he can withdraw into himself under the weight of piled up problems. He is not able to enter into the position of another person and can be unnecessarily harsh. Dmitry looks at all the events "from his bell tower", and if he does not like what is happening, Dmitry's reaction may be too explosive.

Dmitry is faithful to friendship, but living with him is not easy. You can communicate with him at a distance for a long time, but a strong will and stubbornness will not give rest at home. Dmitry can be very talented, smart and quick-witted, but he will not be able to achieve anything in life until he quits his characteristic talkativeness. For mothers, Dmitry is the embodiment of their dreams and an object for pampering.

Dmitry also quickly falls in love, as he cools down. In a relationship, he boldly goes to the intended goal and often achieves success. But success in the life of this man, as a rule, is followed by failure, after ups - downs. Stability is not characteristic of men with this name.

The mystery of the name Dmitry

Find mutual language with Dmitry it is quite difficult. He has a strong-willed character, but can easily explode for any trifle. Dmitry is not afraid of work, he is persistent and inventive, with every person he can easily make friends and become a good friend. Dmitry should choose the profession where it is necessary to communicate with many people. In addition, such men love a variety of pleasures, beautiful women, comfort and coziness.
Dima can easily rush into battle without thinking about the consequences. He is amorous, gives himself up to a new novel with all his passion. This is what allows him to change his partner without remorse. Often Dima marries again, but he retains affection and love for all his children. In the family, Dmitry is grumpy, loves to drink, a little jealous, romantic. His mother is an authoritative person for him.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Colour name: tan, silver
Radiation: 93%
Planet: Pluto
Stone-mascot: black and fire opal
Plant: chrysanthemum
Totemnoe animal: walrus
The main character traits Dmitry: explosive, stubborn, strong-willed

Additional name characteristic:

Vibration: 113,000 oscillations / s.
Self-realization(character): 95%
Psyche: very stubborn, hard to prove something
Health Dmitriy: laryngitis and tonsillitis

Numerology named after Dmitry

Earth, nature's mother, her own grave:

What she gave birth to, she buried.

William Shakespeare

The name Demetrius comes from the name of the Greek goddess Demeter.

There are many days of remembrance, including 04.01, 09.02, 17.02, 24.02, 14.08,,, 14.12.

Personality. Fertile cornfield.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry spelled:

D - a sense of duty;

And - love for art;

M - peacefulness, peacemaking;

And - repeat;

T - sacrifice;

P - professionalism;

And - repeat;

Y - impulsivity.

What does the name Dmitry mean in numerology:

DIMITRI = 51512912 = 8 (Uranus).

The purpose of life is determined by the vibrations of Uranus, the planet of great transformation through a flash, impulse, brilliant insight.

What does the name Dmitry mean in astrology:

5-1 (Jupiter - Sun), the aspect is enhanced - an exaggerated opinion about oneself, the need to develop patience;

1-2 (Sun - Moon) - a successful marriage, excellent relationships with others, excellent health;

9-1 (Neptune - Sun) - the evolution of personality development;

8-2 (Uranus - Moon), the line of the White magician, activities in the present.

Karmic Name Lessons:

3 (Mars) - pronounced self-criticism, pessimism, sometimes - inappropriate seriousness;

4 (Mercury) - chaos in business, lack of methodology and discipline;

6 (Venus) - lack of warmth in relationships with people;

7 (Saturn) - lack of will to realize best qualities personality.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry, taking into account the analysis

Demetrius is endowed with "imperial" data from nature. He is inclined to rebuild, making contradictory decisions, but he is not to blame - he is karmically dependent on higher forces. Often they are the ones that allow you to show the best qualities.

Can succeed in literally everything. Fields of activity: theater direction, film studies, film business, drama, writing, in general - creativity, jurisprudence, military affairs, sports, religion. It's a shame, but Dimitri's excellent data is often not used.

Intermediate sexuality. Faithful husband, caring father. The names of the women: Daria, Maria, Marina. The names have no special meaning.

Positive traits of the name

Cheerfulness, optimism, sociability, friendliness, resourcefulness, erudition, creative imagination... Adult Dmitry is smart, patient, persistent, does not give up in case of failures, easily navigates in a new environment, knows how to establish relationships with the people he needs.

Negative traits of the name

Impulsiveness, self-will, selfishness. As a child, Dmitry is capricious, touchy, needs protection, but at the same time is cruel towards those he does not love. Dmitry will not miss his own in anything. He wants to get everything from life at once. Communication turns into a monologue, does not know how to listen to the interlocutor, is verbose, seeks to say everything at once, gets confused in thoughts. A disposition for adventures and risk often leads to good luck, but Dmitry is severely punished for failure.

Choosing a profession by name

Dmitry is often visited by creative inspiration and illumination with a great idea. He can be a talented writer, artist, composer, scientist. If necessary, he shows amazing endurance and performance. But the monotonous work is not for Dmitry. He can realize himself in public and political activities thanks to intelligence and eloquence, originality of ideas. Able to leap forward in an effort to get quick results. These qualities dispose Dmitry to entrepreneurship, organizational activity, leadership in social movements.

The impact of the name on business

Dmitry is ready to take risks in money matters. Ups and downs usually alternate, money melts in Dmitry's hands. He may show extraordinary business skills if he does not allow himself to be carried away by pipe dreams and scams.

The influence of the name on health

In childhood, he often suffers from colds and viral diseases, laryngitis and tonsillitis. Adult Dmitry is suspicious of his health, loves to be treated. He does not refuse to drink alcohol, but does not experience a strong addiction to it.

Psychology of the name

As a child, Dmitry needs to be taught to be systematic in his studies and other activities, you need to direct his energy in a constructive direction - more action and fewer words. Sports are recommended. Dmitry the partner is a generator of ideas, but you need to stop him in time, otherwise he will waste his energy.

Sexuality named Dmitry

Dmitry gets to know his first woman rather late. He is a little impractical, delicate (especially "summer"), adultery if he does, he has lived with his wife for many years. It happens that only by the age of forty he begins to fully understand his sexual capabilities and comprehend what other men knew in his youth. Having discovered for himself the fullness of the sensations that sex can give, he gets rid of his previously typical idealization of intimate relationships and begins to lead an intense sex life. However, it may also happen that his extraordinary temperament remains unfulfilled.

Dmitry is often unable to free himself from prejudices and misconceptions about sexuality. In this case, disappointment and regret about the lost years of youth awaits him. Such Dmitry in marriage becomes a good and faithful husband. “September” Dmitry loves his wife, helps her, but his inner isolation and contradictions never leave him until old age. With his cold restraint, he tries to express his disdain for sex, but romantic dreams occupy him for a long time.

Dmitry has no natural instinct to do anything. He will not take risks, uncertainty and uncertainty terrify him. He tries to temper his passions, suppress them with reason. Dmitry seeks to bring his own sexual behavior in line with generally accepted moral standards... Many Dmitry never get married, remaining old bachelors. Dmitry, as a rule, tries to organize his personal life himself, and in adulthood he feels comfortable. He treats sex with caution, if he has a mistress, she is very experienced in this area.

Dmitry is a man of moderate temperament, but he talks a lot about sex and listens about it with undisguised pleasure. For "winter" Dmitry, love and sex are inseparable. The more sensitive his partner is, the more frank he is in his erotic caresses. He is familiar with violent hobbies, he does not tolerate his girlfriend's infidelity, he is jealous and suspicious. He skillfully calculates his strength in sex, tries to avoid difficult situations.

The mystery of the name Dmitry according to the theory of Father Paul (P.A.Florensky)

His character and his entire appearance are significant, this is a nature with powerful inclinations, but extremely inconsistent with each other. Dmitry is passionate, and his passions are not superficial inclinations and hobbies, but deep feelings. Dmitry is proud, and this pride entails straightforwardness and truthfulness. He is attached to food and drink, to a luxurious environment, he is inclined to appreciate external honor, then he wants money that gives both power and various pleasures. This is Dmitry's difficult beginning. Such severity makes him generally difficult in everyday relationships and, together with his inner inhibition, serves as an obstacle to the full disclosure and implementation of his abilities. Dmitry is gifted significantly above average, but pride makes him demand more from himself than he is capable of, and, realizing his inadequacy for this, he prefers to completely refrain from even what he is capable of.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry according to P. Ruzhe

Character: 98%

Radiation: 97%

Vibration: 114,000 vibrations / s

Colour: Red.

The main traits: will - activity - sexuality - health.

Type of: Men named Dmitry are very inclined to withdraw into themselves and look sternly at others. Overly subjective, they rarely try to put themselves in the shoes of another person.

Psyche: are guided by logic, they lack diplomacy a little. Favorite proverb: "Either pan or disappear." Pride is their vulnerable trait, and it is quite possible to play on their desire to always and everywhere be the best and unsurpassed.

Will: very strong, even arbitrary.

Excitability: weak, but gives them some warmth.

Speed reactions: they are choleric, but they are completely in control of their reactions. They carefully select smart and intelligent friends to whom they remain faithful, but cannot imagine friendship without the complete submission of friends to their will. Very sensitive to defeat and failure.

Activity: comments are superfluous!

Intuition: more or less listen to her voice.

Intelligence: have a lively, cold analytical mind. Without thoroughly studying the situation, they do not draw conclusions.

Susceptibility: strong, although trying to hide their sensitivity. They have a merciless memory, never forgetting either the good they did or the evil they did.

Moral: high morality is one of their main features; do not accept jokes on this topic.

Health: have tremendous survivability! They are healthy, resistant to disease, but must monitor the circulatory system and heart.

Sexuality: very sensual. They reach sexual maturity early, but they do not know and do not understand female psychology at all. Instead of trying to seduce a woman, they behave like cavemen ...

Field activities: succeed easily. They are accustomed to discipline from childhood and demand the same from others. They work to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of unexpected discoveries. They like medicine and have great success in trade.

Sociability: it's theirs weak side... Lack of tact leads to the fact that others begin to feel antipathy towards them.

Additionally: there is no need to make them "evil wolves", as it gives them great pleasure, while others develop an inferiority complex. Do not forget that from childhood they need to be put in place, later it will be much more difficult ... if not completely impossible!

Dmitry name compatibility and patronymic

Dmitry Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilievich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich is calculating, knows the price of money, knows how to make money. However, you cannot call him stingy, he does not waste time on trifles, he loves to make gifts. Caring in the family, cherishes good relationship, loves children. He is secretive, rarely shares his problems at work with his wife. He loves unexpected trips, business trips, is light on ideas, always achieves positive results, so he is sent more often than others. Jealous, especially when drunk. In such a state, it is harsh, unbalanced, you cannot object to it, it is unsafe. He is freedom-loving, does not allow his wife to control him, reserves the right to have a private life. Married has sons.

Dmitry Alexandrovich, Arkadievich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Panteleevich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Timurovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is impulsive, unbalanced. Very amorous, highly sexual. Often changes partners, does not seek other relationships with women, easily escapes responsibility, avoids complications. He does not let his beloved close to him, he is secretive, it is impossible to look into the soul to him. Cunning, calculating and careful. She does not marry for a long time or is married several times.

He feels more confident among women than among men. In family relationships, he is difficult, uncompromising, selfish, although he is very attached to children. She chooses a spouse who is energetic, independent, cheerful, witty. Reliable in matters related to family well-being, home improvement.

Dmitry Bogdanovich, Velyaminovich, Vilenovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadyevich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich, as a rule, gifted, musical, has a subtle sense of humor, an excellent storyteller, dreamer. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance, is selfish, selfish. Prone to high self-esteem and very vulnerable. Does not tolerate monotonous life, loves funny company, often organizes holidays in his home. He marries late and never decides to divorce on his own initiative, no matter how difficult the relationship with his wife may be. It is difficult to get used to new circumstances, conditions of existence. He is attached to his family, although he is rarely at home. He often spends time with friends for preference, visits the hippodrome, enjoys fishing and hunting. Wife often cheats. Has children of different sexes.

Dmitry Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich has a strong and firm character. Does not give in to other people's influence, he is able to influence others. He is a good diplomat and psychologist. Enjoys increased attention of women. Charming, able to impress, unusually sexy. He always leaves only good memories of himself, although, not wanting to complicate his life, he never starts long love relationship... Not in a hurry to start a family. As a spouse he chooses a sexy, outwardly attractive, intellectually developed woman and becomes a good family man: he knows how to provide a comfortable life for his family, helps with the housework. Most often he has daughters whom he simply adores. But towards old age it becomes grumpy, capricious, annoying.

Dmitry Alanovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich has a complex and uncompromising character. Hot-tempered, does not tolerate objections. Jealous, emotionally unstable. He is cheerful in the company, but until then, until he gets drunk. Having drunk, argues endlessly, can cause a scandal. His first marriage is rarely successful; the second time he does not marry soon. There are many convinced bachelors among such Dmitrievs. He loves women very much, although the relationship with them does not last long.

Dmitry does not like to be bound by promises. The family has an undisputed leader, a good father. Even if he divorces his wife, he never forgets about the children. Boys are born to him.

Famous people named Dmitry

Dmitry Solunsky (Christian saint of the III-IV centuries)
Dmitry Donskoy ((1350 - 1389) Grand Duke Moscow and Vladimir)
Dmitry Shostakovich ((1906 - 1975) Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1966). Winner of five Stalin Prizes and one State Prize of the USSR.)
Dmitry Pozharsky ((1578 - 1642) prince, Russian national hero, military and political leader, head of the Second People's Militia, which liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders)
Dmitry Laptev ((1701 - 1767) navigator, participant of the Great Northern Expedition, the strait was named after him - the Strait of Dmitry Laptev)
Dmitry Mendeleev ((1834 - 1907) Russian scientist-encyclopedist: chemist, physicochemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, aeronaut, instrument-maker. Professor of St. Petersburg University; Corresponding member in the category of "physical" Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Among the most famous discoveries - periodic law chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe, inherent in all natural science.)
Demetrius I Poliorketus ((336 - 283 BC) king of Asia, king of Macedonia)
Demetrius I Soter ((about 187 - 150 BC) king of Syria)
Demetrius II Nicator ((161 - 125 BC) king of Syria)
Dmitry Sautin ((born 1974) Soviet and Russian diving, two-time Olympic champion, the only ever winner of 8 Olympic awards in diving. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2000).)
Dmitry Sychev ((born 1983) is a Russian footballer. Bronze medalist of the European Championship in 2008, champion of Russia in 2004, in the same year he was recognized as the footballer of the year in Russia both by a poll of players and by a poll of journalists. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008) According to the VTsIOM poll, he twice became the most popular football player in Russia (2005, 2006).)
Dmitry Kabalevsky ((1904 - 1987) an outstanding Soviet composer, conductor and pianist, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1963). Hero of Socialist Labor (1974). Laureate of Lenin (1972), three Stalin (1946, 1949, 1951) and State Prizes USSR (1980). Doctor of Arts (1965). Full member of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (1971).)
Dmitry Malikov ((born 1970) Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, singer, producer and TV presenter. People's Artist of Russia (2010).)
Dmitry Kharatyan ((born 1960) Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2000), People's Artist of Russia (2007), also awarded the Professional of Russia medal.)
Dmitry Bibikov ((1792 - 1870) Russian statesman, member of the State Council, Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Empire(1852 - 1855), a member of the Russian-Turkish and Patriotic War 1812, Governor General, Freemason)
Dmitry Merezhkovsky ((1866 - 1941) Russian writer, poet, critic, translator, historian, religious philosopher, public figure. Husband of the poetess Zinaida Gippius. DS Merezhkovsky, bright representative Silver Age, went down in history as one of the founders of Russian symbolism, the founder of a new genre of historical and philosophical novel for Russian literature, one of the pioneers of the religious and philosophical approach to the analysis of literature, an outstanding essayist and literary critic. Merezhkovsky (since 1914, when Academician N.A. Kotlyarevsky put forward his candidacy) has repeatedly applied for Nobel Prize; was close to it in 1933 (when I.A. Bunin became the laureate). The controversial philosophical ideas and radical political views of D.S. Merezhkovsky evoked sharply controversial responses; nevertheless, even opponents recognized him as an outstanding writer, genre innovator and one of the most original thinkers of the 20th century.)
Dmitry Nelyubin ((1971 - 2005) famous Soviet and Russian cyclist, Olympic champion)
Dmitry Alenichev (footballer, midfielder)
Dmitry Likhachev ((1906 - 1999) Russian philologist, art critic, screenwriter, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (until 1991 - the USSR Academy of Sciences). Author of fundamental works on the history of Russian literature (mainly Old Russian) and Russian culture. Author of works (including more than forty books) on a wide range of problems in the theory and history of Old Russian literature, many of which have been translated into different languages... Author of 500 scientific and about 600 journalistic works. Likhachev made a significant contribution to the development of the study of ancient Russian literature and art. Likhachev's range of scientific interests is very extensive: from the study of icon painting to the analysis of the prison life of prisoners. Throughout the years of his activity he has been an active defender of culture, promoter of morality and spirituality. He was directly involved in the preservation and restoration of various cultural sites in St. Petersburg and its suburbs.)
Dmitry Astrakhan (theater and film director, honored art worker of Russia)
Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak ((1852 - 1912) real name - Mamin; Russian prose writer and playwright)
Dmitry Kryukov ((1960 - 2009) creator of the first Russian search engine Rambler)
Dmitry Ustinov ((1908 - 1984) Soviet political and military leader, Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal Soviet Union, The hero of the USSR)
Dmitry Ilovaisky (historian, author of the popular pre-revolutionary textbook on the history of Russia)
Demetrio Aguilera Malta ((1909 - 1981) Ecuadorian writer and film director)
Deme Stoyai (real name - Dimitrie Stojakovic, Hungarian politician of Serbian origin, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary (1944))
Dimitrios Kalergis ((1803 - 1867) Greek military and political leader, general)
Dmitry Medvedev ((born 1965) Russian statesman and politician, tenth Prime Minister Russian Federation(from May 8, 2012), the third President of the Russian Federation (2008 - 2012). Candidate of Legal Sciences.)
Dmitry Karbyshev (Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops, victim of the Mauthausen concentration camp)
Dmitry Ushakov ((1873 - 1942) Russian philologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), editor and co-author of one of the main explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language - " Explanatory dictionary Russian language".)
Dmitry Pevtsov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
Dmitry Kholodov (Soviet and Russian journalist)
Dmitry Furmanov (Russian prose writer, author of the novel "Chapaev")
Dmitry Senyavin ((1763 - 1831) naval commander, admiral)
Demetrio Paernio ((1851 - 1912) Italian sculptor)
Demetrio Albertini (Italian footballer)
Demetrio Alonso Castrillo ((1841 - 1916) Spanish politician)
Dimitar Dimov ((1909 - 1966) Bulgarian writer)
Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu (Romanian cosmonaut)
Dumitru Braghis (Moldovan politician)

The name Dmitry belongs to strong men striving to achieve the very best. It is most popular in Slavic countries, and came to us from Ancient Greece.

The origin of the name Dmitry is associated with the goddess Demeter. It is translated from Greek as “dedicated to Demeter”. This, in turn, means the connection of the name with the concept of the mother, thus, the name Dmitry becomes a symbol of life, eternity, warmth. The meaning of the name Dmitry and its influence on a man is more fully revealed through the analysis of the energy of sounds and the culture in which it originated.

Culture, sounds and personality

The history of the name allows us to say about the energy contained in it, because each culture put part of its uniqueness and originality into its names. Thus, the culture of the ancient Greeks was associated with trade, creativity, sciences, philosophy and art. Dmitry will easily manage to prove himself in these areas. It is highly likely that it will have inherent features that were highly valued by the ancient Greeks:

  • Curiosity.
  • Speaker talent.
  • Commercial streak.
  • Wit.
  • Sociability.

At least in part, emotions are shaped by sounds; it is emotions that determine our behavior. It means that internal state largely depends on the energy of words, which is hidden in the sounds. Each sound has its own energy, and their combination forms an individual sound of words. The secret of the name Dmitry is hidden in this energy.

The influence of sounds affects many character traits, some of them reinforce each other, others, on the contrary, weaken. The characterization of the name Dmitry by sound content reveals the connection of the name with such personality traits as:

  • Help and support for other people.
  • Striving to live in harmony with nature.
  • Intelligence.
  • Creative potential.
  • Insight.
  • Self-confidence and courage.

The full name has the greatest weight already in the adult period of life, and in childhood the child is influenced by the use of diminutive-affectionate forms or abbreviations in relation to him. And in maturity, a person is often addressed without using his full name. The most common of them are: Dima and Mitya.

The interpretation of the meaning of these forms focuses on the influence of the additional letters "a" and "i". So, Dima is energetic and strives to create something new, and Mitya is very self-willed, knows his own worth, is confident in himself. In general, the names Dima, Mitya, Dmitry have the same meaning, so there is no point in looking for fundamental differences.

Future and opportunities

Depending on the age, the description of Dima's personality traits can vary greatly. For example, a child is calm and friendly. If a child has whims, it quickly passes, already by the kindergarten.

A little later, the boy is not so easy to reason with, he strives for independence and independence. It is worth giving Dima a chance to prove himself, then the parents are unlikely to have doubts that he is responsible and reasonable. The boy is respected by adults for his consistency. Peers admire Dima, trying to match the boy's courage and responsiveness.

In adolescence, someone else's influence can be crucial in Dmitry's development. This means that parents need to take care of the environment in which Dima grows up.

Thanks to his curiosity and ability to get carried away, Dmitry can study well. In this case, the young man should be engaged and creative activity, however, it is necessary to clearly define the boundaries, otherwise Dima can go headlong into creativity. He may clutch at one thing or the other - and he needs to be given time to choose.

With age, Dmitry often chooses a field of activity in which it is necessary to quickly make decisions and quickly implement them. His enthusiasm flares up in difficult, ambiguous circumstances, when he is required to give all his best.

A realistic view of things, hard work, sociability and the ability to cooperate for the benefit of oneself, courage and striving for new things lead Dima to leadership positions. Dima's fate is often associated with social activities, creativity and helping other people.

Dmitry is a firm and purposeful person. The beauty of a girl is often of great importance to him. Having chosen, Dmitry is unlikely to ever deceive his chosen one.

A temperamental and passionate man seeks confirmation of his value and love from his beloved, otherwise he will not be able to express himself openly. Dmitry knows how to say one word in time and thereby improve the spouse's mood for the whole day, he treats her very carefully, always tries to fulfill his wife's wishes and often makes sweeping gestures.

Romantic relationship

When the psychotypes of people do not conflict with each other or even complement each other, we can say that their compatibility is high. In other cases, compatibility is poor.

Typical representatives of their names have certain psychotypes, this explains how the meaning of the name affects the success of the relationship. Dmitry will almost certainly be happy with those girls who bear names: Olga, Anna, Elena, Natalia, Maria, Svetlana.

  • ... Partners listen to each other and are able to make compromises. Dmitry and Olga are building a wonderful union, full of harmony and love.
  • ... Calm Anna discharges Dmitry and surrounds him with care. Dima, in turn, inspires the girl and leads her.
  • Helena. The high compatibility of the two names - Dmitry and Elena - is due to the fact that they look in the same direction. The fate of their union is very favorable.
  • ... Dima and Natasha - creative people, which means that they are not bored with each other, they will always find something to do. Their relationship is full of fun, tenderness and love.
  • ... Lack of crazy passion doesn't stop partners from building wonderful relationships. Maria and Dima appreciate each other very much, in many respects this is facilitated by similar interests, and their characters are also combined perfectly.
  • Svetlana. Nearly perfect name compatibility. Purposeful Dmitry and Svetlana form one whole. Loyalty and camaraderie are the pillars of a man's relationship with a woman.

If partners hardly make mutual concessions, great difficulties arise, such couples are able to overcome difficulties only through work on themselves. Low compatibility is observed between Dmitry and girls with the names: Anastasia, Tatyana, Ekaterina, Irina, Victoria, Julia.

  • Anastasia. The strength and independence that both Anastasia and Dmitry are full of lead to conflicts, reproaches and misunderstandings. To keep their feelings they need to be kinder friend to friend.
  • ... Excellent relationships are maintained as long as Tatiana agrees to meet Dmitry's requirements. But if Tanya refuses such a model of behavior, the union may fall apart.
  • Catherine. Low compatibility is explained by the fact that the girl's love for freedom comes into conflict with the independence of the man. For a positive outlook, partners need to humble their selfishness and desire for independence.
  • Irina. Relationships develop for a long time and can end in a breakup due to too slow rapprochement of both. In addition, if Ira and Dima do not cope with jealousy, they are also threatened with parting.
  • Victoria. The similarity of characters gets in the way of partners. Victoria is independent and stubborn, like Dmitry, their pride prevents them from restoring peace after quarrels.
  • Yuliya. It would seem that fate favors their union, they can build wonderful relationships, but their compatibility is low. Julia and Dmitry are pronounced leaders, and if they do not learn to yield to each other, they are unlikely to be together for a long time.

Landmarks in religion

The name day (or the day of the angel) is a very revered holiday in Christianity. In the Orthodox tradition, everyone has their own patron in heaven, determined at the baptism of a child, and the protection of an angel helps a person to go his way, focusing on the life of the saint of the same name.

Usually the day of the angel is known to a person if he lives in Orthodox family... In cases where the date of the name day is unknown, the day of the angel is determined simply: just select by church calendar the nearest date of commemoration of the saint of the same name after his birthday.

Angel Day is spent rethinking your life, your values. Dmitry's birthday falls on Orthodox calendar for one of the following days of remembrance:

  • January - 4, 8, 21, 31.
  • February - 7, 8, 9, 11, 17, 19, 24.
  • March - 4, 22, 23, 25, 31.
  • April - 1, 23, 26.
  • May - 5, 16, 22.
  • June - 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 26.
  • July - 3.
  • August - 1, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22, 30.
  • September - 8, 9, 13, 19, 24, 28.
  • October - 9, 10, 15, 17, 21, 28.
  • November - 3, 8, 14, 25, 27, 28, 29.
  • December - 2, 10, 14, 15, 17.

It seems that the fate of a man with this name is to help others and be the protector of the weak, but he is not devoid of the desire to express himself, to focus on his desires and goals, however, his goals are very often associated with his family or even the whole world. The interpretation of the name allows us to say that Dmitry knows how to present himself and easily strikes up a friendship, but at some moments he tends to move away from the company, to be alone with himself.

When a baby is born, he is given a name that gives the baby special abilities. It forms character, attitude towards people and towards oneself. Often, when the name predetermines fate.

The meaning of the name Dmitry

The origin and history of the name Dmitry began in ancient Greece. Then people worshiped many gods and goddesses, among them the one that was responsible for fertility and bore the name of Demeter stood out. The one who devoted himself to the service of the great goddess was called Demetrios, which means "dedicated to Demeter." Gradually, the name was simplified and the sonorous and convenient Dmitry has come down to our days.

There is also a second version of the origin of the name. Some argue that for the name Dmitry became the basis of the word meter - mother, divine mother... And in this, the meaning of the name Dmitry corresponds to the version. He is attached to his family, especially his mother. That is why trips and travels are so difficult.

It is worth noting that you should not trust Dima with secrets, since a person loves to talk and keep something secret is difficult and sometimes impossible. But at the same time, at work, these are always leading positions, high posts.

The character and fate of Dmitry

Like every person, the owner of the name Dima is distinguished by both positive and negative character traits, which is reflected in his life.

Consider what positive means the name Dmitry. First of all, this person is a life-lover, an incorrigible optimist. He is friendly with people, although he is offended, but quickly departs. It is noted that Dim has a good creative imagination and can shine with erudition. The guy quickly settles in a foreign place, knows how to build relationships with other people, knows how to make useful connections.

What is wrong with Dmitry. You need to be prepared for the fact that impulsivity can prevent you from accepting correct solution, and will add negative selfishness and self-will. As a child, Dima is often capricious, very offended and needs protection. But his enemies cannot be envied. If Dima dislikes someone, then his cruelty will manifest itself in everything in relation to this person. At the same time, already an adult Dima, will not miss the benefit and will use every chance that comes his way. He strives to get everything at once. During communication, he likes to listen to himself, because the dialogue quickly develops into a monologue. The interlocutor is unlikely to have an opportunity to speak out, since Dmitry is verbose, tries to say everything at once and as a result gets lost in his own thoughts. Often gets into adventures. Likes to take risks, but successfully. However, each failure severely punishes Mityai.

Dima, when he gets down to business, brings it to perfection. He is distinguished by a strong will, perseverance. Always strives to become a leader, can defend his opinion. However, his talkativeness often prevents him from reaching heights. Laziness also gets in the way. Often there are Dmitrys loved by mothers, this is due to the fact that women see in them their dreams that have not come true. Mitya does not love and does not see boundaries. Legends can be made about his courage, as well as about his cruelty. At the same time, he is charming and incredibly amorous, but quickly departs.

As a rule, the origin and history of the name Dmitry suggests that at all times Dima had and has a sanguine type of character. He is smart, he will be able to insist on his own, if necessary, he will turn on his imagination and come up with something. The new environment is not a hindrance, Mitya will quickly navigate and make friends with the right people... At the same time, he will not yield, he will remain with his opinion. Although stubbornness does not interfere with finding many friends, because Dmitry is benevolent, and can even act as a patron.

Dmitry - name compatibility

The personal life of the owner of the name is an eternal holiday. Dima falls in love easily, is not indifferent to female sex... Does not plot against ex-girls, wives. Not afraid to remarry. Loves children.

If you manage to tame Dima, then the family will be able to work out with the following representatives of the female half of the population: Anna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Elena, Marina, Elvira, Natalia.

But you shouldn't even think about marriage and make plans for the following female names: Christina, Katya, Zhanna, Sophia, Polina and Yulia.

Despite the fact that Dmitry is a very amorous man, he leads his sex life as is customary in society. He chooses his partner carefully, with experience. Mitya does not separate love and sex, for him these are inseparable concepts. Therefore, problems may arise in marriage, but for Dmitry the reason for the quarrels will not be clear. He does not feel responsibility to his wife. However, Dmitry loves children sincerely, is strongly attached and is ready to help in everything. Also, he will not allow the adoption of his own child by another man, even if he is the husband of his ex-wife. He is not addicted to alcohol. The mother will always come first.

Mitya quickly becomes a sexually active male, but the habit of talking a lot, the desire to say everything at once and unrestrained energy prevent him from attracting a girl. At the same time, there is a sense of morality in him, he will not tolerate jokes from the outside about love and sex. The first girl and woman does not appear immediately, but evokes only the most quivering feelings, attentiveness and care. Therefore, sex for him stands in a special place and has a special meaning. Amorousness accompanies Dima all his life, and even in old age, repeated marriages are not excluded.

Dmitry - attitude to health

Since childhood, the boy has attracted people around him. He is kind, flexible, calm. While studying at school, he shows perseverance, if you initially pay attention to Mitya's education, then in the future he will show success in the scientific direction. But he is subject to other people's influence, especially his older comrades, with whom he prefers to have friendship.

As he grows up, Dmitry has charm, courage and at the same time cruelty grows. When injustice occurs nearby or is directed towards him, resentment grows, which infuriates Mitya. Immediately rushes into battle, at this moment no thoughts arise about the consequences, which is punished as a result. To be friends with Dima you need to be patient. In particular, the boy, and only then the man is very proud, always tries to be better, taller, unattainable. Nevertheless, if a friend appears, then the loyalty of each of them is not questioned.

He is active, temperamental, stubborn, has a strong-willed character, which contributes a lot to success in the field of show business, ballet. Even in politics, Dmitry will be successful. He attracts people to himself, the spirit of the magic of acting is felt in the name itself. A person is practical, money matters to him, he knows its value. Dmitriev makes good dentists, trade workers, often at leadership positions.

When they look at the meaning of the name Dmitry, they say that he is disciplined, which as a result requires from others. He knows how to work, has a cold analytical mind. He does not make hasty decisions, first a thorough study of the problem, and only then he draws conclusions and proposes a solution.

For Dima, coziness is important at home, so that he is comfortable. At the same time, he needs a variety of pleasures and beautiful women. He will drink with pleasure in good company, but he cannot be called an alcoholic. He knows the measure and tries not to overstep it.

The character and fate of Dmitry

What does the name Dmitry mean, if you look at his future labor activity... When they talk about Dmitry's career growth, it should be said right away that the owner of the name will always strive to the top of the career Olympus. There is a creative principle in a person, and when inspiration comes, bright and great ideas are born. The way is open for him for such professions as writer, artist, scientist or composer. When circumstances force in Mitya incredible efficiency and endurance wakes up. But it should be noted that monotonous and routine work will quickly get tired of Dima. He needs constant movement, events, so that life is in full swing. Therefore, he will strive for a political Olympus or try to become a public figure. For such an occupation, he has a mind, eloquence and a generator of excellent and unusual ideas.

Often Dima are common among entrepreneurs, organizers of movements, leaders.

Regarding the business, Mitya is a risky guy who is ready to go Vabank. At the same time, things will go on with varying success, and money will quickly end. His unusual business abilities can develop and help to achieve more, if there are no stops on the path of becoming for impossible dreams and dubious scams.

Working at an enterprise is more able to rise from the bottom, thanks to his sociability and incredible hard work. Therefore, the movement up the career ladder will go smoothly, without sudden leaps, but steadily. At the same time, any sphere of human life is available to him. It is worth noting that Dima will not do work that he does not like, but if the project captivates him, you can be sure that it will be completed. He does not like abrupt changes, tries to keep life stable. Has a penchant for the exact sciences, loves research projects.

Famous Dmitriy in the history of Russia

The Russian land has always been rich in talents, many of whom bore and still bear the name Dmitry.

Dmitry Pozharsky... The great Russian prince who lived in the 16th century. He took part in the liberation of Moscow from the invaders who came from the Polish-Lithuanian principality. He was a political and military leader.

Dmitry Shostakovich... Composer, pianist, taught and conducted active social activities. Laureate of many awards, hero of labor, people's artist.

Dmitriy Mendeleev... Great Russian scientist. Periodic table creator. He was engaged in chemistry, physics, metrology, economics and many other sciences.

Dmitry Kharatyan... Actor of the Soviet Union and Russia. Honored and People's Artist, has the "Professional of Russia" medal.

Dmitry Likhachev. Scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, screenwriter.

Dmitry is a very common Russian name with Greek origin... This name is popular throughout western Europe as it has antique roots. The ancient Greeks believed that the name Dmitry means "dedicated to the goddess Demeter"... As you know, the beautiful Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of the earth and fertility. Due to this another popular meaning of the name Dmitry is considered the meaning of "farmer".

The meaning of the name Dmitry for a child

Little Dima is usually more like his mother, but with age it becomes less noticeable. He good kid and gets along easily with peers. The boy grows up to be sociable and not at all conflicted. Dislike for conflict situations will be noticeable throughout Dmitry's life. You can also say that Dima is an active and agile child who loves to run and jump very much. Remember that when choosing a name for your child, do not rely on the full name alone. Rarely will anyone call a little boy Dmitry. Think in advance how you will call him at home. See the phonosemantic analysis of the name Dmitry in a separate article.

Dima usually studies well, but not in all directions. Usually he is interested in a couple of subjects in which he becomes the best. The rest of the subjects are often studied on a residual basis, although his grades are decent. The boy has an excellent analytical mind, which is noticeable already in the early school age... Usually he loves technical sciences, and also loves to design. This may become his profession in the future.

Many Dima have respiratory problems and often get sick respiratory diseases... Sometimes capricious beyond measure and with an unstable mood, which, however, is easily leveled by the care of loved ones and the right regime day. With age, when little Dima becomes an adult, health problems usually leave him, and his character is tempered.

Abbreviated name Dmitry

Dima, Dimka, Dimon, Mitya, Mityai.

Diminutive diminutive names of Dmitry

Dimochka, Dimushka, Dimchik, Dimonchik, Dimulya, Dimulka, Dimusya, Dimuska.

Patronymic of Dmitry's children

Dmitrievna and Dmitrievich. Some people also say Mitrich and Mitrivna, but this depends on socio-cultural habits.

Name Dmitry in English

Demetrius - this is how the name is spelled in English.

Name Dmitry for passport- DMITRII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation and spelling of the name Dmitry into other languages

in Belarusian - Dzmitry and Zmіtrok
in Bulgarian - Dimitar
in Hungarian - Dumitru
in greek - Δημήτριος
in Georgian - დიმიტრი
in Spanish - Dmitrio
in Italian - Demetrio
in Chinese - 德米特里
in Korean - Demetriu
in Polish - Demetriusz and Dymitr
in Romanian - Dumitru
in Slovak - Demeter
in Ukrainian - Dmitro, Mitko
in Finnish - Metri, Dmitri (Drimtry)
in French - Dimitri
in Czech - Dimitrij
in Chuvash - Metri
in Estonian - Dimitri
in Japanese - ド ミ ト リ ー

Name Dmitry in church remains unchanged or Demetrius. There are saints at Christmas time different form name. Like most of the names popular now, the name Dmitry got into the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry

The man named Dmitry will amaze you with his perseverance, ingenuity and original mindset. At the same time, his craving for freedom leads to the fact that Dmitry can hardly endure any restrictions. These character combinations make Dmitry interesting and attractive to other people. His persistence is easily conveyed to others, and the originality of his decisions makes him even more popular. Dmitry is reliable and good friend... He loves to spend time in good company and is not averse to drinking. But Dmitry does not suffer from an addiction to alcohol.

Dmitry is an excellent worker, and his analytical mind and ingenuity often make him simply irreplaceable. Perhaps this is what helps Dmitry to quickly advance in the service. At the same time, Dmitry himself does not particularly strive for career advancement, but rather various circumstances push him to this. Dmitry knows how to make a good impression, which gives him another competitive advantage in life.

He is unusually charming, which is how he can attract the fair sex. Its reliability and solidity make it good husband and a loving father. At the same time, his amorousness can interfere with maintaining the marriage, although the older Dmitry becomes, the more the desire will settle down in him.

The mystery of the name Dmitry

If little Dima causes others a lot of trouble with his capriciousness, then as an adult, he turns into an extremely stubborn and strong-willed person. Despite the apparent calmness, it is difficult to communicate with him - he can explode easily and unexpectedly.

Dmitry simply adores beautiful women, comfort and coziness. He tries to get the most out of life, which can turn him on enough difficult situations... He often experiences a state of love and tends to change his partners often. At the same time, with extraordinary warmth and attention, she continues to take care of children from first marriages.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Patron name- Walrus.

Colour- Purple.

Wood- Rowan.

Plant- Chrysanthemum.

Stone- Lapis lazuli.