What to make shelves in a niche. Shelves in a narrow niche

A shelf is the simplest piece of furniture that you can make with your own hands, their production does not require any special skills, except, perhaps, two - moderation and accuracy, as Molchalin would say from the play "Woe from Wit". At the place of installation, shelves are wall, floor and hanging. If the floor shelf has a large height - from a meter or more, it is often called a rack. A few words about hanging: usually it is decorative designs that hang on a pipe or a specially hammered bracket. This option is popular in those rooms where the heating pipes run under the ceiling: they just ask to be hung on them. Shelves in the kitchen and in the bathroom are hung on the pipe: it is convenient there.

Shelf types

They are made of wood, plywood, laminated chipboard, fiberboard, there are glass shelves. The same materials are used as racks, but they are also made of metal, plastics and other completely incredible things - for example, pipes or bottles.

V living rooms it is not so important what material the shelf is made of. It is important that its design is in the same style as the interior. Even the functionality is not always important: some play an exclusively decorative role. If there is one or two items on them. Their role is to give the interior of the home a special style and color.

If we talk about shelves in technical rooms - the kitchen and the bathroom, in particular, then the requirements for practicality are almost everywhere added to considerations of aesthetics. Even decorative kitchen shelves should be cleaned well. For bathroom shelves in general, the requirements are high: from time to time there are very high humidity and materials are required that carry it without any harm. There are not many of them. It is plastic and stainless steel. They also make bathroom shelves from MDF, but they are normally operated with good ventilation in the bathroom.

What are the shelves made of?

Perhaps, for the implementation of the task of creating shelves on our own, almost any material is suitable, of course, within reason. Attaching bulky brick structures is hardly appropriate, since this will additionally hide free space. However, any of the relatively other materials will work fine:

  1. Wood - classic version, since the overwhelming majority of users choose it. It is very easy to work with such material due to its low weight (with small dimensions of the product) and it will last a long time if you use a shelf made of wood in optimal conditions, that is, at normal indoor humidity.
  2. Glass- these shelves look very modern and will never go out of fashion. True, to create products from this material, you need to have special tool for glass cutting.
  3. Plastic- affordable material. Easy to handle and not susceptible to mold, as is the case with wood. Especially if the shelves are being built to be placed on a loggia or balcony.
  4. Metal- to work with such material you need welding machine if you are planning a completely metal shelf. For combined products, it is enough to use a standard set of fasteners, and it is better if these areas are not visible to the eye.
  5. Chipboard or alternatively - Chipboard... The second of these materials is more wear-resistant due to its increased resistance to humidity in the room, temperature extremes and mechanical deformation, for example, abrasion.
  6. Drywall- most often used in the case when the shelf is part of the design of the room, that is, a niche in the wall is formed through this material.

The choice of option should be determined not only by the financial capabilities of the owner of the premises, but also by his skills in the construction field. Otherwise, the material will be irretrievably damaged, and the product at the exit will turn out to be sloppy and generally unsuitable for use, especially in a conspicuous place.

Shelves on the wall

In any room on the wall there are places on which you just need to hang something. After all, the majority modern furniture occupies only the lower part - sofas, tables, couches. The upper part remains empty and dissonance arises: the overloaded lower part of the room and the half-empty or completely empty upper part. These voids on the walls are organically filled with shelves.

Corner shelf - a great solution Structurally, most shelves consist of shelves and lintels. But these components are combined into so many options that it is impossible to count. Simple construction this is good: you can make any shelves with your own hands. Moreover, these products may be the first self-made things. It's really simple.

How and what to attach

It is not in vain that we start with fasteners. The design of the wall shelf largely depends on the type of attachment. Or maybe it’s the other way around. It depends on what to dance from ...

Traditional hinges

There is traditional way- on the hinges. It is suitable for wood and fiberboard, any other material that is thick enough to attach. They are screwed onto the side parts with self-tapping screws. Then the distance between the centers of the hinge holes is measured, laid on the wall (watch out for horizontalness). At the marked points, holes are drilled for the dowel, the dowel is inserted and a dowel-nail with a small head is screwed into it, which goes into a loop or bracket (a pin slightly bent upwards). Then a shelf is hung on them.

Not all materials can be drilled. For example, glass shelves. You can't screw anything into them. Fasteners for glass shelves are special: they consist of two parts, between which glass is inserted. Often elastic spacers are installed between the holders. Bottom fasteners usually have a small clamping screw to hold them in place.

Fasteners for glass shelves

The most popular mount for glass shelves is called "pelican" - for its peculiar shape. He himself looks good, is in different colors. The thickness of the glass it can hold is between 8 and 34 mm. You can insert not only glass into it, but also any other material of this thickness. It just looks stylish with glass.

It is easy to make glass shelves on the wall with it: buy a mount, order in a glass workshop the right size and form pieces of glass with processed edges (or cut out yourself, if you can). The assembly itself remains:

  1. Attach the pelicans to the wall. Two dowels each. Collapsible body - decorative strip removable and there are two holes in the mounting plate. One in the case is higher, the second is lower. We fixed, put in place a decorative strip.
  2. Glass was inserted.
  3. We tightened the screw. Everything.

There are other forms of similar fasteners. There are several of them in the photo below.

Decorative brackets

Another type of attachment is brackets. They are reliable, some are decorative, and so much so that they themselves are an ornament.

Countersunk installation - shelves without support

And the most amazing device for flush mounting. It makes it possible to hide the fasteners. At the end, a seat is cut out for the pin and the holder body, and the shelf is simply put on it.

As you can see, even a simple board or a piece of glass on such mounts is already good. But there is still a sea of ​​all sorts of ideas.

Shelf design options

DIY honeycomb shelf

A nice honeycomb shelf can be a cool addition to a non-standard interior. Fashionable design is formed from hex modules creating original geometric compositions. Everyone can arrange the blocks in the best way for themselves.

In spite of non-standard view, hexagonal blocks are quite comfortable and functional, moreover, they are the strongest and most stable.

To make such a shelf with your own hands, you will need a standard set of tools and simple blanks from rectangular boards. You can assemble a structure from ready-made honeycombs in different ways:

  • fasten them to the wall separately;
  • first connect the modules together and only then secure.

The second option is undoubtedly more practical, since dust will not accumulate between the individual elements.

Let's see how to make a honeycomb shelf in practice

To get the correct hex, boards for future construction undercut at an angle of 30 °.

Check again if they are the same size, proceed to assembly hexagons... Better to do it on the floor.

The elements of the block are ideally matched to one another and begin glue boards using wood glue.

Mounting points for reliability reinforce with L-shaped holders or screws. The staples can be hidden by painting them the same color as the shelf.

Do the rest of the honeycomb in the same way.

Finished modules carefully grind, then covered with a stain and a special varnish or painted. The shelf will look unusual if the honeycomb is painted in different colors.

Remains to fold ready-made blocks side by side and drill one or two holes at the joints and twist them together.

DIY shelf. Video instruction

DIY round shelf

The round shape of the shelf is unusual and stylish solution for those who do not particularly care how to place more things on it and thus save space. It's easy to make such a shelf with your own hands. Success will be predetermined if you choose the right source material for the shelf and correctly calculate the dimensions of the parts.

The most affordable material that is both strong enough and easily bends is fiberboard sheet... Two strips of estimated length (l) are cut out of it. In parallel, a plank of the desired length is also prepared as the center shelf. Obviously, all of these parts must have the same width. Now about the length of the strips.

From the point of view of geometry, the central shelf is the diameter (d) of the outer contour of the future circle, and the stripes, respectively, are half the length of the contour, therefore they depend on each other and are related to each other by the formula - l = 3.14 x d / 2.

Let's say the dimensions of the board are 150 by 700 mm, then the length of the semicircle will be 3.14x700 / 2, that is, 1100 mm. Now let's calculate the length of the fiberboard strips, taking into account their overlap, say, 70 mm: 1100 + 2x70 = 1240 mm.

Now we will analyze how to make a shelf with our own hands using a sheet of fiberboard.

Having retreated from the end sides by the amount of overlap, apply to the strips markup... Then they begin to form a circle.

The edges of the stripes are directed at each other according to the markings and fixed with clamps... Carefully so that the material does not burst, the strips are slowly bent, overlapping the free edges on top of each other.

Before finally fixing all the parts with screws, you need to make sure that they are correct fitted:

  • check how well the center shelf fits. Immediately, we note that with correct calculations, problems with this, as a rule, do not arise;

The do-it-yourself shelf is almost ready. It remains to trim it: cover by paint, varnish or other decorating composition. Hang it up through furniture eyelets on screws screwed into the wall.

DIY hanging shelves

When choosing an interior for a small apartment, many are wondering if it is possible to make a compact bookshelf with your own hands so that it does not take up much space. One of possible options- suspended structure.

First you need

The work is carried out in two stages: shelves and fixings.

Prepare shelves sawn off to size.

Along their edges, holes of the same size must be provided.

do-it-yourself hanging shelves. Photo instruction

The template is pressed against the board with the edge, say, with clamp, and make two holes, but not to the end - approximately to the middle of the thickness of the shelf.

Shelves handle sandpaper and trim. For example, you can color in suitable for design color.

The shelves are completely ready, it remains to hang them. Reliability in this case, given the impressive weight of the books, is no less important than aesthetics, so it is best suited for hanging the structure cable.

It is cut into pieces to size and, using clamping clips, a loop is made at one end.

They are suspended and fixed along the entire length with the desired step. kegs.

Hooks with screws are attached strictly perpendicular to the wall, on which the cables are hung, and already suspended shelves to them.

DIY hanging shelf

A charming do-it-yourself hanging shelf in the kitchen will allow you to rationally use the space. It will look great in a colonial living room, in a children's room in a nautical style or in a Mediterranean bathroom. Anyone can cope with such work, since you can make a shelf with your own hands in just a few simple steps.

Blanks made of wood is aligned both in shape and size.

Mark places under holes and make them with a drill with a feather drill. To avoid further problems, the diameter of the drill is chosen to be a large diameter of the rope, for which the stack will be suspended.

The markup is easier to do by pattern in the form of a 4x4 square cut out of paper. The template needs to be superimposed on the corner of the board and markings should be made at the point of intersection of the diagonals of the square.

Dyes planks.

There are many options for making the shelf more interesting. You just need to show a little imagination, for example, paint it only from the ends.

Now the design can be gather... The rope is folded in half and, stepping back about 30 cm, is tied in a knot on each half. The ends are pulled through the holes on one side of the board and secured with another knot. The board thus turns out to be motionlessly fixed between two nodes. The process is repeated with each shelf, placing it in the desired step.

Do the same with the second side. The main thing that knots on both sides are located at the same distance from each other.

The ends of the ropes remaining free are cut and loosened to form brushes.

It remains to hang the finished bookcase on the wall.

Such a do-it-yourself shelf has several advantages:

Hanging shelves for do-it-yourself photos

Is it possible and, most importantly, how to make a shelf on the wall so that it takes up very little space, and you can store there a sufficient number of photos, albums, record collections and more? Well, let's figure out how to make a shelf with our own hands so that it has a minimum depth.

This shelf is actually several racks tied together with a rope. A bar is attached to them, which prevents photos, books, etc. from sliding off the shelf. In principle, there can be as many rails as you need, so first you need to decide on their location and number. This will make it much easier to calculate the width of the shelves and cut blanks.

After the blanks are sanded, the strips are attached to the slats: they can be nailed or glued. The heads of nails are neatly hidden under a layer of special putty, and the bar is sanded again.

Having retreated from the edges by 2 cm, two holes with a diameter slightly larger than that of the rope are drilled in the shelf.

From each end of the first shelf they stretch rope, tightening at the ends along the knot.

It will be much easier to do this if you wrap the threaded end of the rope with tape or, say, electrical tape.

Put on the second shelf.

The process is repeated until all are installed.

The loose ends of the ropes are tied to screws with hooks screwed onto the right height... This is perhaps the most crucial moment, since the bottom shelf should be located strictly horizontally, and all the rest will be aligned along it.

The horizontality is checked by level, nevertheless, someone's help will be useful, because even knowing exactly how to make a shelf, it will be difficult for one to complete the last stage.

Shelf for books in the form of a Christmas tree

Delay longer than incomparable Christmas mood a creative bookshelf with your own hands will help. Instead of garlands and toys, it is decorated with books and various cute little things. These shelves are especially liked by kids.

This shelf can be made from regular plywood sheet.

First you need to prepare a small layout plan all parts on a sheet of paper to a scale corresponding to the size of the plywood, indicating their dimensions.

Then you need to transfer everything to plywood in its original size and after carefully checking the location and size of the parts to cut with a saw or jigsaw.

The tree is assembled with wood glue and fixed with nails.

When the workpiece is dry, it is covered paint and give time to dry completely.

The tree shelf is ready to use. Under New Year you can decorate it to your liking and even put gifts on the branches-shelves.

Here's how a DIY shelf can help bring joy to loved ones.

DIY shelving rack

The functional and minimalist industrial style is very popular today. A do-it-yourself shelf, assembled on pipes, will bring to your home the very industrial chic that you may be striving for.

Since the number of shelves, as well as the total length of pipes, is easily adjustable, we will focus on general scheme making this designer furniture.

Work begins with the preparation of shelves from wood... They are coated with a special oil or wax to obtain a smooth textured surface.

It would be nice if the shelves initially had an interesting texture.

If you cover the shelves and polyurethane varnish on water based they will acquire a splendid radiance.

After letting the structure dry, in each corner of the lower shelf, round flanges about 2 cm from the edge.

Location connecting parts mark with a pencil.

The shelves are stacked and clamped with clamps.

A pilot hole is drilled through the center of the flange through the first and second shelf. For the next boards in order, the size of the drill must be changed to a larger one, since pipes will pass through them in the future.

Start assembling.

Each flange is positioned on the bottom flange above the pilot hole and secured to the surface.

Insert into the holes galvanized pipes the desired length, threaded at both ends and tighten in the flange wrench... A clutch is installed in the upper part.

When all the parts are mounted, flanges are screwed to the tops of the pipes and fixed to the upper shelf.

The finished shelf can be made mobile by installing wheels on the bottom board.

The headset will be more stable if you attach it to the wall with special studs or install an L-shaped bracket.

DIY kitchen shelf

Men will probably never understand why housewives do not have enough shelves in the kitchen, but few will deny themselves the pleasure of surprising her with a simple but functional shelf in the kitchen with their own hands.

Making it is not difficult at all. You need to prepare two boards, preferably from hard rocks of the same length. One of them will be installed horizontally for various utensils, and the other will be vertical. It will be equipped with wooden pegs, on which you can hang cups, potholders and more. The width of the boards may vary slightly.

On a plate for cups mark up places for perches. It is better to apply the markings symmetrically, then the extreme ones will be at an equal distance from the edges of the board.

Following the markup, they drill holes corresponding to the diameter of the pole.

Using a conductor, it is special device for drilling, you can make several holes to connect both boards. As a last resort, you can also use a countersink, then the grooves under the screw heads will need to be hidden with plugs.

Wooden pole grind sandpaper and sawn into equal parts.

The holes for the perches are lubricated from the inside with wood glue and inserted pegs... They should perform in the same way. Wipe off excess adhesive mass with a napkin.

If the pegs are very tight, you can use hammer.

They are glued to their end part circles either plywood or wood. Do the same with excess glue.

The shelf is generally ready, it remains polish fine emery and do appearance: process stain and varnish or paint.

In the vertical board, the shelves are drilled two holes through which the shelf will be fixed to the wall with screws. The places for the screw heads are countersunk, and they themselves are closed with decorative plugs.

When installing the shelves, use a level.

DIY plexiglass shelf

Such a shelf looks very light, without loading the interior with anything. Do-it-yourself transparent shelf is made from a strip plexiglass of a given size, which is installed on the original bead supports.

Cutting it out of the sheet is more convenient when you buy it immediately in the store.

The screws are selected on the basis that the diameter of its head should exceed the hole of the bead. If this is a problem, a washer can be used.

Beads before starting installation you need paint gold spray paint.

Paint the wooden beads with gold spray paint.

In the wall drilled pilot holes.

Six beads are put on the screw, screwed into the wall and leveled. The same is repeated with the second. For a wall made of concrete, dowels are used, in the case of a frame one, the screws must go into the racks made of wood.

The plexiglass slab is placed on the resulting supports.

The 1.2 cm thick shelf provides sufficient rigidity, but not enough to place heavy objects on it.

DIY hanging shelf on belts

It is extremely simple to make such a structure.

Need to prepare the board convenient size and sand the surfaces of all edges with sandpaper.

If the texture of the wood is not expressive enough and you would like to hide it, you can paint.

With two identical belts buckles are removed from leather (textiles), as well as all other metal parts.

At the ends of each of them are drilled holes small diameter.

The belts are folded in half so that a loop... They are fixed on the wall, placing them at a distance not much less than the length of the board.

The board is inserted into the hinges and aligned so that it is parallel to the floor.

If you want to secure the board more securely, you can additionally secure the belt with several screws from the bottom side.

Shelf from construction pallets

Time changes, tastes change. Today, many are trying to use industrial decor in their homes, replacing elegant pieces of furniture with deliberately rough ones. Individual elements you can do it yourself, for example, a do-it-yourself shelf from wooden building pallets.

For one shelf, two pallets need to be disassembled. The result is:

The following parts are sawn from this material and polished either with emery paper or using a special drill attachment:

Boards: Quantity - Dimensions (mm)

  • 4 - 640x145
  • 2 - 680x145
  • 2 - 840x145
  • 2 - 290x145
  • 2 - 640x100
  • 2 - 840x100
  • 2 - 290x50

Checkers: quantity - dimensions (mm)

The bookcase is assembled in the following order:

For the base, take two narrow boards 640x100 each and fastened along the edges of the checkers. On the checkers perpendicular to the narrow boards, wide 290x145 are attached, aligning them on equal sides.

To the end part foundations vertically, two boards are fastened with self-tapping screws: a narrow (840x100) and a wide (840x145). Repeat the same operation with the opposite end of the base.

Finish building box future bookcase, fixing two wide boards on top (680x145). To avoid cracking the wood, you can pre-make holes in them using a thin drill.

Then two wide boards (640x145) are attached to the base. The bottom shelf is ready.

For the rest of the shelves you will need support bars... To do this, the narrowest boards (290x50) are fixed at the desired height.

The remaining 640x145 boards are attached to the installed planks. It is advisable to fix them with self-tapping screws and from the ends. This will give the structure durability and greater reliability.

The resulting bookcase can be used both as a rack for your favorite things, and as a shelf for your own shoes.

DIY painting shelf

Believe it or not, you can make an unusual original shelf on the wall for your favorite painting yourself, and from a simple set that can be bought at any supermarket.

The creation of this masterpiece will greatly simplify Dremel 300- a multifunctional tool with a large number of high quality attachments and a milling machine Dremel 231... The point is this: in order for the picture to slide off the shelf, a groove must be made on its surface.

The boards are laid on a milling table and turned upside down, mark the cutting line for groove and using the guides on milling table set the desired depth for it.

A groove is performed.

Wall shelf made of wood paint v desired color and let it dry.

They screw it to holders and strictly horizontally attached to the wall. The direction is adjusted using the building level.

Do-it-yourself children's shelf in the form of a horse

A few wooden planks can be used to create a fun bookshelf for your little one to be happy to put their books into.

For work you will need sample pony horses. You can draw it yourself or using special computer programs. The template is printed and a stencil of the main details of the future pony shelf is cut out: legs, head and tail.

Stencils are applied to separate boards, we draw a circle along the contour and cut out parts with the appropriate tool.

It is recommended to make straight cuts with a saw, and curved cuts with a jigsaw.

Clean up
surfaces of parts and edges with emery paper.

The "legs" are attached to the "body" with furniture screws, then the head and tail are glued.

You can again go over the product with sandpaper.

"Horse" paint.

Within a few hours, the miracle shelf will be ready for use.

Shelf shelf

We present to your attention two ideas for shelves, which you can easily implement yourself.

The first of edged boards 40 mm is extremely simple. Whatnot is assembled:

  • from two planks, beveled at the top by 30 ° to provide support;
  • shelves cut from furniture board.

The height and width of the structure are arbitrary and can be selected locally. If desired, the bookcase can be fixed in the upper part, and rubber heels can be stuffed along the bottom of the boards.

The second is S - shaped... For manufacturing, you can use trim boards, plywood or chipboard. One section of the structure requires 16 rectangular blanks, for example, 300x150 mm.

Blanks set in a certain order, at each stage three.

The first piece is placed on the floor. A second is attached to it at a right angle, joining them in width to the left. The third in width is joined with the first along its length, starting from the far right corner.

Fourth, fifth, sixth - assembled symmetrically, exactly the opposite.

It is very simple to check how correctly the figure is formed: the second, third and fourth boards should form the letter S.

Experienced craftsmen advise you to first assemble the structure in rough wood pins and fit the blanks, and when disassembling, number the parts from the end.

Every detail then sand sandpaper and begin to collect them, according to the numbering. On the line of joints and grooves, PVA glue is applied and clamped tightly, holding it in this state for some time.

The assembled bookcase is varnished or painted.

DIY shoe rack

Shoes remain the main problem for the hallway at all times. How to deal with the perpetrators of the riots, and to do it as economically as possible? Optimal solution- make a shelf for shoes with your own hands.

Let's share some interesting ideas.

From plywood... More often, a modular shelf is made, which is attached to the wall and saves space. Plywood is cut with a jigsaw into identical rectangular planks, then carefully sanded. U-shaped structures are assembled from the parts and "put" into one another, forming a structure resembling a labyrinth.

From wood... From wooden board cut out workpieces with a width of 250-350 mm and a thickness of about 20 mm. The next steps are as follows:

Saw out the side walls with a length of about 800-900 mm.

Four shelves of 600-700 mm are cut out.

All additional details are prepared: crossbeams and support rails.

All workpieces are ground.

The support bars are fixed to the side walls with self-tapping screws.

Shelves are laid on them.

Metal corners are attached to the rear end part.

The finished product can be varnished or painted.

From profile... A galvanized or regular profile plus tempered glass is all you need to build a do-it-yourself shoe rack in a modern high-tech style.

A section of the profile of the required length is applied to the wall and fixed for now with one self-tapping screw.

Check the level of the horizontal line of the profile.

Screw in the rest of the screws.

Collect the frame.

Prepared glass shelves are installed.

From boxes... This is the most economical option for a do-it-yourself shoe rack, both in cost and in size.

The contours of the parts are drawn on the cardboard boxes.

They are cut out using a special cardboard knife.

Then, boxes are folded from rectangles, which are superimposed on each other. This is how the grooves for the shoes are formed.

Fasteners are performed with staples.

The shelf is assembled on the wall, then pasted over with decorative foil.

Photos of unusual shelves on the wall

An interesting composition on the wall of the living room, in which several unusual shelves are connected, made in the same style and color scheme, but different in configuration and size.

On the wall shelves you can store not only books, there is a place on them for albums, glass and porcelain figurines, cute trinkets, pots of flowers.

Bright and eye-catching, the whimsical branches of the Flex Shelf provide extra space for books and magazines.

These shelves are a real art object on the wall, far from the traditional way of interior decoration. Combination of classic and modern forms shelves scattered on the wall instantly draws attention to itself.

The TV set in this composition looks like a "modern picture" in a frame, inside which open shelves are asymmetrically located. You can place decorative elements, photographs and more on them.

Bright and creative shaped shelf bat looks incredibly original. She will equally stylishly decorate the living room, bedroom or nursery for the lover of original solutions.

80 more shelf options!

Many homes have niches, often along the sides of a fireplace or other similar structure. These niches are perfect place for built-in shelves and shelving, as the niche walls provide the required support, especially for heavy loads.

The cladding strips on the front edges of these shelves hide the ends of the side strips nailed to the walls.

The simplest method of hanging shelves is to attach strips to the side walls - supports for the shelf itself. For wide niches, add a third plank along the back wall to keep the shelf from sagging. If the plaster on the niche walls is uneven, adjust each shelf separately. Shelves can be made of wood, plywood, veneered chipboard, stained or painted.

If you are going to attach the strip along the back wall of the niche, be especially careful if there is a lamp in the niche - there may be hidden electrical wiring in the wall. Electricians always run the wiring vertically or horizontally, but the hobbyist might run the wire diagonally. Best used for searching hidden wiring special finder (see Helpful Hints).

Step 1

First, decide where the shelves will be located (see the next page for using the finder to locate racks, wires, and pipes). For the rack, determine the distance between the shelves. Then mark the positions of the shelves on the side wall of the niche.

Step 2

Reward saw out as many planks as needed to support the shelves and sand the ends well. If you will be making shelves with front trim strips (see item 7), subtract the strip width from the shelf width to determine the length of the side support strips. Otherwise, the length of the side strips must match the width of the shelves.

Step 3

Drill holes in each side strip approximately 25 mm from the ends. Place the bar against the mark and set it horizontally along the level. Use an awl to mark the position of the rear screw. Drill a hole, insert a plug if necessary and screw in the screw. Fasten the bar in the same way with a second screw.

Step 4

Having fixed all the planks on one wall, draw the lines along the back wall along the level, marking the position of the planks on the opposite wall. Attach the planks to the opposite wall according to the instructions in point 3. When using wide shelves install the support strips on the rear wall of the niche as well.

Step 5

Using the measuring sticks — two sticks held together with a rubber band (they are more accurate than a tape measure) —determine the length of the back side for each shelf. Determine the exact angular measure of each corner with a small tool.

Step 6

Cut the shelves to the required size and shape. Paint or stain the shelves and / or varnish and dry. Carefully place the shelves on the support strips to avoid damaging the wall. If you want to hide the ends of the planks, follow the instructions in p. 7.

Step 7

Cut the trim strips to fit under the front end of each shelf. Use a clamp to attach the rail to the shelf, protecting the surface with a plank. Attach the rail with screws long enough to fit no more than two-thirds of the shelf thickness into the shelf. Fill the gaps. After the putty has dried, paint over these areas.

To search for hidden electrical wiring in the walls, water pipes or frame racks (in the case plasterboard walls) it is best to use a battery powered finder. Some types of finders are designed exclusively for finding racks, others are combined. Place the finder against the wall where you intend to install the mounts and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

One of the techniques for decorating a room is using shelves. But they are not only a decoration. More often than not, they are functional. Shelves are hung on the wall, placed on the floor, some are hung from the ceiling or beams. But best of all - they are easy to make yourself, with your own hands.

Types of shelves in the house

At the place of installation, shelves are wall, floor and hanging. If the floor shelf has a large height - from a meter or more, it is often called a rack. A few words about suspended ones: usually these are decorative structures that hang on a pipe or a specially hammered bracket. This option is popular in those rooms where the heating pipes run under the ceiling: they just ask to be hung on them. Shelves in the kitchen and in the bathroom are hung on the pipe: it is convenient there.

They are made of wood, fiberboard, there are glass shelves. The same materials are used as racks, but they are also made of metal, plastics and other completely incredible things - for example, pipes or bottles.

In living rooms, it is not so important what material the shelf is made of. It is important that its design is in the same style as the interior. Even the functionality is not always important: some play an exclusively decorative role. If there is one or two items on them. Their role is to give the interior of the home a special style and color.

The laconic style of apartment decoration and the same laconic shelves in a contrasting color. In this interior, they are the main element. The free space above the sofa is organically filled with shelves to match the walls.

If we talk about shelves in technical rooms - the kitchen and the bathroom, in particular, then the requirements for practicality are almost everywhere added to considerations of aesthetics. Even decorative kitchen shelves should be cleaned well. For shelves in the bathroom, the requirements are generally high: periodically there is very high humidity and materials are required that transfer it without any harm. There are not many of them. It is plastic and stainless steel. They also make bathroom shelves from MDF, but they are normally used with good ones.

Shelves on the wall

In any room on the wall there are places on which you just need to hang something. After all, most modern furniture occupies only the lower part - sofas, tables, couches. The upper part remains empty and dissonance arises: the overloaded lower part of the room and the half-empty or completely empty upper part. These voids on the walls are organically filled with shelves.

The whole system, and the most "dead" space is used - the angle

Structurally, most of the shelves consist of shelves proper and lintels. But these components are combined into so many options that it is impossible to count. A simple design is good: you can make any shelves yourself. Moreover, these products may be the first self-made things. It's really simple.

How and what to attach

It is not in vain that we start with fasteners. The design of the wall shelf largely depends on the type of attachment. Or maybe it’s the other way around. It depends on what to dance from ...

Traditional hinges

There is a traditional way - on the hinges. It is suitable for wood and fiberboard, any other material that is thick enough to attach. They are screwed onto the side parts with self-tapping screws. Then the distance between the centers of the hinge holes is measured, laid on the wall (watch out for horizontalness). At the marked points, holes are drilled for the dowel, the dowel is inserted and a dowel-nail with a small head is screwed into it, which goes into a loop or bracket (a pin slightly bent upwards). Then a shelf is hung on them.

Not all materials can be drilled. For example, glass shelves. You can't screw anything into them. Fasteners for glass shelves are special: they consist of two parts, between which glass is inserted. Often elastic spacers are installed between the holders. Bottom fasteners usually have a small clamping screw to hold them in place.

Fasteners for glass shelves

The most popular mount for glass shelves is called "pelican" - for its peculiar shape. He himself looks good, is in different colors. The thickness of the glass it can hold is between 8 and 34 mm. You can insert not only glass into it, but also any other material of this thickness. It just looks stylish with glass.

It is easy to make glass shelves on the wall with it: you buy a mount, in a glass workshop you order pieces of glass with processed edges of the required size and shape (or cut out yourself, if you can). The assembly itself remains:

  1. Attach the pelicans to the wall. Two dowels each. The body is collapsible - the decorative cover is removable, and there are two holes in the mounting plate. One in the case is higher, the second is lower. We fixed, put in place a decorative strip.
  2. Glass was inserted.
  3. We tightened the screw. Everything.

There are other forms of similar fasteners. There are several of them in the photo below.

Decorative brackets

Another type of attachment is brackets. They are reliable, some are decorative, and so much so that they themselves are an ornament.

Countersunk installation - shelves without support

And the most amazing device for flush mounting. It makes it possible to hide the fasteners. At the end, a seat is cut out for the pin and the holder body, and the shelf is simply put on it.

As you can see, even a simple board or a piece of glass on such mounts is already good. But there is still a sea of ​​all sorts of ideas.


Strength requirements are imposed on bookshelves: they hold significant weight. Therefore, the fastening and materials and construction must be reliable. Traditionally, book shelves are made of wood, laminated or veneered fiberboard. And then fiberboard with a long span (more than 90 cm) bends over the years.

When planning shelves on the walls for books of your own size, keep in mind that the distance between the supports should not be more than 90 cm. Then, even when fully loaded, it will not bend. And there are two types and varieties of shelves: wall and floor. Both those and others can be angular.

In the simplest case, this is a board fixed in one of the ways. Some options, especially when served correctly, look very good.

And if you have imagination, several boards turn into a very interesting thing, which can even be the main element of the decor. Ideas for self-made collected in the photo gallery.

And this is a serious way to expand the space due to the corners between two windows.Nonlinearity - they are always interesting, and on such a shelf you can put books of different heights

Floor bookshelves can be loaded more seriously. Here the forms are different: there are racks to which the shelves are attached. A highlight can be a broken or unusual line of shelves, as well as interesting racks.

It is already sooner book rack or even a closet, but the essence does not change - original color and interesting small shelves in the central part and the structure looks interesting
A very interesting idea - non-linear shelves and lintels made of thick glass

On the manufacture of fountains (both small indoor fountains, and more solid ones for a summer cottage, a backyard or garden plot) read.


Not very numerous, but original type. The most important thing is that it can be done easily: a few planks, four ropes or two belts and you can get to work.

This is a complex system of blocks ... and the shelves can be at any level. Two planks, four ropes and half an hour are all that is needed to make this shelf How to do hanging shelf- graphic step by step instructions

To the nursery

While the child is very small, I want functional shelves, but with children's drawings. But where to get such? Do it yourself. Any shelf of the configuration you like can be pasted over with wallpaper on a non-woven base or thick wrapping paper (glued on PVA). After drying, coat twice with water-based varnish. Such shelves can be washed, but what is most interesting is that the shelf can change with the child. Tear off the old decor, glue the new one. The idea is simple, it works perfectly.

For children, the shelves are not very different in design. If we talk about floor or racks, then they should be strong: taking into account the fact that grown-up children will definitely want to climb on them. Therefore, often even those shelves that are on the floor are attached additionally to the wall so that they do not collapse and crush young climbers. Based on these considerations, they are not made high: even if they fall, it is not scary.

The shelves in the children's room also differ in color - they are brighter, can be made in the form of letters, boxes for toys can be installed in them: this makes it easier to keep them in order. In general, functionality and security should be combined.

Drawer system - quick cleaning Combination of open and closed shelves - convenient for preschool children

Shelves and shelves in the kitchen

Whatever you say, but the main thing in the kitchen is functionality. Not much free space even on the walls: lockers take up large territory... Therefore, one of the tasks is to make the most of the free space. There are interesting ideas for small or even very small gaps between the wall and the refrigerator or other household appliances... Strictly in size, you can make a pouch on wheels, which goes out and hides completely there. It is wide and narrow (see photo).

It is not difficult to make such a sliding shelf-rack on wheels for different jars. Everything you need is at hand and does not interfere

Is there some more interesting ideas about saving space. If a sink or a hundred stands near the window, you can take the sidewalls. There is an interesting hanging version- a lattice on chains, to which all utensils cling. But such a shelf is possible if the desktop is not placed against the wall. Another option to save space - if the kitchen-dining room is zoned with a counter, you can also make a shelf above it, which will be partially suspended. One part of it rests on the wall, the other - on the counter or "hangs" on the ceiling.

Hanging the entire wall above the desk with lockers is not the best solution. They look heavy. You can solve the problem with glass doors, but not everyone likes it. The way out is to make open shelves between the cabinets. They will give more lightness to the interior and work zone will not put such pressure on the rest of the space.

Opened shelves and open shelves will "lighten" the interior. Another style - the same idea. Closed and open shelves in one system - convenient and non-standard

Decorative and original

Often, wall shelves play an exclusively decorative role. They are designed to attract attention and this goal is achieved by an unusual form, contrasting with the walls, color. You can't put much on it: one or two things, but how interesting they are.

Another option for "square" shelves. Two identical sets arranged in different ways.If traditional square shelves are decorated with curly frames along the edge, the style turns out to be completely different

One more interesting topic- glass shelves. Just one glass is not very interesting. Its combination with wood and steel is more attractive. The effects are sometimes unexpected. The glass is collected on rails: the material is fragile and heavy and needs to be held. Steel can do it.

Generally speaking, these systems are intended for creating interiors of shops, but also in an apartment in a modern style or look stylish.

The "vintage" style is also suitable

What shelves are not made of. Even from pipes. Metal and plastic. Remaining images from repairs? Use it in business, and get a designer thing that is interesting, collected from trash.

Such is an interesting variation of a bookshelf made of pipes.

How in small apartment be able to accommodate a large number of things and keep the feeling of being uncluttered? How to create original interior? What to do with the multitude of souvenirs presented by friends and brought back from vacations? There is only one answer - pay attention to the shelves and walls. The best solution there will be many shelves that can be placed in different ways.

Storage shelves can be placed:

  • on the wall;
  • in the wall;
  • between the walls, dividing the space.

The easiest way to place shelves is on the walls. It is easy to hang them - you just need to drive dowels into the walls and hang the shelves. The placement of the shelves in this case depends on personal taste.

The shelves located in a niche at the back of the wall look more interesting and original. Wherein modern design suggests niches of the most different forms and sizes. This solution gives the room individuality and originality.

The role of shelves in a niche:

  • a niche allows you to increase the storage space;
  • a niche in the wall allows you to increase the usable area - if you punch a niche 20 cm deep in a wall 25 cm thick, then an extra 20 cm is gained, which can be used with benefit;
  • a niche decorates the room and makes it original.

Where niches can be made

A niche in an apartment is appropriate in almost any room. In the bedroom, niches can be used for storing things and placing lamps; in the living room, a niche can be used for placing books and interior items, in the bathroom - for placing towels; in the nursery - for children's toys.

Important: To create a special atmosphere, niches can be equipped with lighting that will illuminate the shelves. At the same time, this backlight will play the role of additional lighting.

Niches are:

  • natural - that is, the openings formed as a result of the layout of the apartment under the window, in the area ventilation duct etc;
  • specially made during construction: storage niches;
  • artificially made by the tenants themselves during the renovation.

Niches without shelves are completely meaningless. It is the shelves that make the niches a separate storage system. It is not difficult to equip niches with shelves yourself. It is important here to precisely align where the shelves are placed in the walls. It is important that this place does not pass electrical wiring or pipe junction.

In a natural niche can be located Appliances or shelves. Shelves are good decision for natural beggars. In this case, the dead space can be used to the maximum. The niche under the windows may well be transformed for organizing the storage of small things - for this, it is enough to place 1-2 shelves under the windowsill.

In specially designed storage rooms, the arrangement of the shelves is more than natural. Storerooms can be reorganized into dressing rooms or shelving.

Specially made niches become the most interesting and original ones. They may have non-standard shape... Shelves in such niches can also have unusual shape... These niches look good in bedrooms and living rooms. They give the interior an unusual sound.

Features of the design of shelves:

  • In the kitchen, shelves should be made of moisture-resistant material - moisture resistant drywall or wood treated with impregnations and varnish to impart moisture resistance.
  • When designing, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the shelves and their estimated carrying capacity - if the shelves are intended for interior things, then a simple fastening is enough. If it is assumed that heavy objects will be installed on the shelves, for example, a TV and other equipment, then the structure of the shelves should be reinforced with a metal profile.
  • According to the design concept, the shelves can have curly shapes. In this case, it is better to use drywall.

Examples of a niche in the wall in the kitchen (photo)

What you need to work

In order to make built-in shelves in a niche in the wall, you will need tools and materials.

The tools you need

  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw or electric jigsaw;
  • grinder with discs;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • electric screwdriver.

Materials (edit)

  • screws or nails;
  • joiner's glue;
  • shelf stops;
  • wedges.

Stages of work

So what you have to do:

  1. Determine the location of the shelves. Using a level, mark the location of the shelves and racks for the shelves.
  2. Make a mark.
  3. Cut out the shelves according to the size of the niche. The length of the shelf should match the width of the niche. Finish and sand the edges of the shelf.
  4. Drill rows of holes into which to insert the shelf stops. Wedges or corners can serve as stops. These fixtures will serve as supports for installing the shelves.
  5. Place the shelves in the niche on the stops.

The shelves in the niche can be varnished, painted or pasted over with wallpaper or self-adhesive film. The way of decorating depends on the general concept of the room.

How to make niches in the wall with shelves (video)


Wall shelves are able to create an original and extraordinary design concept. You can save a lot of money by making the shelves in the apartment yourself. Here it is important to accurately observe the dimensions and carry out all the work carefully. Then niches with shelves will look aesthetically pleasing.

Niche in the kitchen in the wall (photo)

Scattered toys are the most common occurrence in the nursery. Unfortunately, we have only one room for everyone, but there are also many toys in it, and they are also often scattered around the apartment. However, according to the method of early development of Maria Montessori, teaching babies to order begins from early childhood. You just need to help the baby. So we decided to make a Montessori rack for storing children's toys, materials for creativity and activities with our own hands.

Rack for toys :)

The popular IKEA shelving unit from the Expedit series was taken as a sample. We downloaded the instructions for assembling it on the Ikeev site, examined it in detail. Thanks to this, we saw how it works, what parts it consists of and how it is assembled.

Then we measured the space that we planned to allocate for the homemade Ekpedit, and planned it first in our minds and on paper. Then Kostya drew it in Corel Draw and 3Ds Max. Thus, we thought about the most convenient configuration for us with 12 small and 3 large sections.

Drawings for a homemade shelving unit:

Shelf layouts

Dimensional drawing

Cut out the details

According to the received dimensions in the lumber store and furniture fittings Kostya bought 1 sheet of MDF and fiberboard each and ordered cutting the material into the necessary parts there. In general, almost a rack came home :)

By the way, our shelving unit became possible thanks to the advice and guidance of a professional furniture maker. Nikita Maximova who lives and works in Petersburg. Thank you Nikita!

So how to make a do-it-yourself shelving unit?

1. First of all, draw a template for marking holes. This is done in order not to measure each mark separately n-number of times. We got 3 marks: 2 at the edges, 1 exactly in the middle. We will use them to drill holes for dowels and confirmations.

We mark places for dowels

2. According to the marks, we drill 2 holes for confirmations in each corner of the structure. We screw in the confirmations.

We drill holes for confirmations

We twist the confirmations

3. Using the corner clamp, fix the box of the 4 longest parts during the installation of the shelves. This is necessary so that the structure has rigidity, does not fall apart and the right angle is observed.

Fixed the main parts of the rack

4. Picked up a drill according to the diameter of the dowels. Using the template, mark the places for the holes. We make holes with a core. We drill holes. The dowel is 35 mm long, so we make holes 25 mm deep at the ends of the parts, and 10 mm in planes.

We select the drill of the right size

We mark places for dowels

Marking for drilling

Setting the drilling depth

We drill holes for dowels

5. We do not insert dowels into the holes obtained, but markers for dowels. With the help of them we put marks on the second part. This is necessary so that the centers of the two holes (in which the dowel will be placed) coincide. Using the received marks, we drill holes for the dowels.

Insert markers for dowels into the holes

We use a shelf as a template.

We apply labels by hitting the shelf from above

Marks are clearly visible in side light

We make indentations in the places of the marks

We drill holes for dowels

6. We hammer in the dowels. We insert the part into place. By the same principle, we make the entire first row.

We drive the dowels into the holes

We put the part in place

The bottom row is ready

7. For the second row, we needed to drill holes 46 mm deep, so the drilling depth plate was slightly improved with a paper ruler. Sponsor of the rework of the free line of the building supermarket Leroy Merlin :)

A gadget for measuring the drilling depth :)

8. To connect 3 pieces, we used 2 dowels. For this, in the upper part, as before, we drilled a hole 25 mm deep. And 2 lower ones were drilled simultaneously (24 mm + 22 mm = 46 mm).

Sample joining parts

The second row is assembled

9. To assemble the last row, the upper parts were removed with a length of 2 m. By the principle of the 1st row, we made all the holes for the dowels, inserted the dowels. Secured the top piece in place.

At each end of the rack, 4 holes were made (2 per shelf) for confirmations, and the confirmations were screwed in. This makes the whole structure stronger.

The rack is fully assembled

10. Getting ready for painting: put newspapers, put the part on the jars, so that it would be easier to paint the ends and nothing would stick. All parts were painted with acrylic paint (Komposit Emal Profi) and acrylic varnish (Sadolin Celco Aqua), they are not toxic. We opened the windows as much as possible so that the paint dries faster and the fumes do not linger in the room. All parts were covered with 2 layers of paint and 1 layer of varnish.

Preparation for painting

Acrylic paint and varnish

Paint with 1st layer

Drying on jars

All parts are painted

11. Putting the newly painted parts together again. Glue felt pads to the bottom.

Felt pads were glued to the bottom

12. We attach to the self-assembled rack back wall... She will give him not only finished beautiful view but also extra strength. To correctly position the back wall, we raised it on both sides on the same small stands.

Stand for back wall

The back wall was attached to the level

Screw with washer

13. We move the freshly assembled rack to its rightful place next to, which we have remade not so long ago .. We fill with junk :)