When is it better to transplant roses? Rules and recommendations. Tips for flowers: how to make a transplant roses, in the fall

When to transplant roses excellent? Do it needed in early spring daynings or closer late in autumn. However, when wintering roses, the unexpected origin of the tasks is permissible. Confidently deadlines autumn transplant - August and September. Summer is considered not better time For landing, but do this is allowed. It is easy to cheat the plant typically adapt to a new place.

General rules for transplant

If you have a pink bush big size, it is necessary to leave a flower of 40 centimeters, and in the case big number Escapes, some of them remove. Thus, it is allowed to give a wonderful shape of the Kuste. If the size of the bush is relatively small and the roots did not damage, it should still be trimmed and immature shoots, and delete flowers and buds.

The first month later the movement is welcome to water the flower as allowed more often. You also need to take it in a timely manner, as well as spray. In the summer, the transplant is classily in gloomy weather, because in hot time it does not fit.

In the regions of S. soft winter Flowers are classified in autumn, and if the microclimate area is more terrible, in open sad Rock roses in spring. However, gardeners recommend landing these flowers in the fall, then in the spring they will delight first flowering.

In autumn B. middle lane Rosettes are permitted to plant in the ground from mid-September to October. More early transplant will affect the seedlings. More late landing increases the likelihood that the seedlings primitively do not hurry to give roots and will suffer in winter from frosts.

Is it possible to transplanten roses in the summer?

To make the plant positively, you need to follow the following steps:

  • The blade is needed to designate the circle of bruises with the calculation, in order not to damage the main and side roots;
  • A bush needs to dig from all sides, in order to whom they were rapidly removed from the pit;
  • The shovel should be pushed and tipped into the hole of the root lump, putting the side of the bush;
  • A bush to remove from the pit to put on the fabric. Put the root com in it, in order to transfer the earth did not appear;
  • The bush should be transferred to the well-prepared pit, release the root lump from the material and place in the prepared hole is not deeper than it was previously before transplanting;
  • The bush should be canceled.

Rose transplant in a pot in the summer

This action is replaced in August, when the flowers will grow richly, and by the time of origin, the buds are entirely formed. For transplanting, it is necessary to take a small pot, because in huge land will be listed. And as a result, the roots will begin to rotate.

Also, large pots look ugly in the interior of the room. In large pots, the plant gives a rich greens and a little bit of flowers.

Try to grow the potted plants in small vases and spend their frequent transplant, adding mineral fertilizers to the ground. In order to the flowers grew canceled, replancing them on a fragmented earth layer for the protection of the root system. The pot plant is allowed to transplant over all summer months.

To strengthen rooting, the plant must be put in the shadow for a couple of days and produce a moderate watering.

How to transplant roses in the fall

In the fall, the transplant should flow in mid-October. By this time, the plant is fully rooted before the onset of the first frost. Before boarding, the devoted bushes is needed to shorten and cut long shoots.

The main rules of the process in the fall:

  • Place of landing is perfectly prepared. To do this, dig a big pit, so that the bushes were at the same depth as before;
  • Digged bushes for landing is necessary. In a circle in the diameter of the half meter, to make a shovel of notches, tidy to put the earthen car and pull it out;
  • It is recommended to save the roots as permitted great and carefully carry a bush with an earthy lump to the new pit;
  • Earth around the bush at ease later landing Assibly shake, and after that, carry out a breaking.

It is recommended to transplant bushes in the garden to the excellent land with the addition mineral fertilizerStimulating root growth. Depending on the rose variety, you need to know how to replace them correctly. For example, before transplanting bush roses, the shoots need to trim 2-3 cm, curly varieties Cropped with half, strambette - on 1/3.

To transfer the rose bush to be transferred to the earthen lump, putting it on the fabric, which is tied by the node. The fabric at the end will be allowed to remove or leave. Matter without adding synthetics easily overtakes in the soil.

How to transplant summer rose later shopping in the store

Just acquired rose is needed immediately replant or wait for the end of bloom. The indicator of the closeness of the plant in the pot is what drainage holes Root roots. In this case, it is necessary to immediately transplant the plant, without waiting for the end of flowering.

Colors with huge cohesion is lacking primitive nutrients and oxygen, the roots of the roots are rapidly dehydrated. As a result, this fall leaves, the plant may even aby.

Basic Color Transplant Rules Later Shopping:

When is it allowed to transplant roses - in summer, in winter or in the fall? The best term for transplant is autumn or spring. At such a moment the soil is entirely defined. If necessary, allowed to make a summer transplant in compliance with some rules, such as the highest conservation of the earth coma, the presence of gloomy weather and small trimming.

When to make a transplant rose? In the summer is permissible, but high humidity. Spent your choice more excellent on the autumn, then in the spring, they will be able to please you with storm blossoms.

The transplant of roses in the fall occurs in order to improve the decorativeness of flowerbeds or garden. The need for this occurs if errors were made when planning the site, if the bushes have grown themselves and lost decorativeness, as well as instead of the deceased plant. So that the flower does not hurt and fit well in a new place, you need to know how and when it is better to transplant roses.

Most of all suitable south side. The exceptions are varieties with white or very dark colors, losing decorativeness under the influence of bright sunlight. For them better light Shading during the day. It is impossible to plant roses near bushes and trees, which, raging, rust them from the sun. Shadowish varieties should be covered at least 3 hours a day, otherwise they give blind, non-blooming shoots and can get sick with mildew.

When choosing a new place for roses, it is necessary to consider that any strong wind is harmful: he dries leaves, rocks and spoils shoots. If a groundwater They are close to the surface (less than 1 m), drainage is needed so that the plant does not flip out the outside.

Do not tolerate roses to a new place during their active growth and flowering, as the flowers will hurt for a long time. It should be very careful to focus the old bushes, because over time they form a smaller amount of suction roots, so they get worse, and young plants with age up to 2 years. How and when to transplant roses - depends on the peculiarities of the local climate. In the fall, this is done for 3-4 weeks before the onset of sustainable frosts so that the bush has managed to root, in the spring - to swelling the kidneys, so that growth began in a new place. Stumbling roses recommend transplanting only in spring.

Planning a rose transplant, you need to pay attention to plants that will be near them. Plants must prefer the same conditions for development and emphasize the beauty of each other. Compatible with Rose Peony, Chrysanthemum, Penstrest, Dolphinium. Low pleet rose, blooming only in the first half of summer, can be transferred to Pergola with Clematis. Good effect gets, disembarking roses from a south side from blue ate, fir and other coniferous plants. Harmful neighbors for these colors - birch and lords.

In April-May

Before transplanting a rose, you need to dig a new landing point, the size of which should not be less than the former. It is suitable with such a calculation to fit freely with the land, with which the bush is digging. Usually its depth is 40-50 cm. On sandy soils, the bottom is covered with a layer of clay - this will prevent the drying of the soil. If the land is not fertile, the pit must be digging more and add peat and derm to it.

In the spring, after removal of shelter, the broken and extinct shoots are removed, the bush is cut and form in accordance with the care guidelines. After which the shoots are connected to do not interfere in further work. In order for the root of the roots around the roots, the rose must be poured several days in a row. It is necessary to prepare a burlap or other material on which it will be convenient to transfer the plant to a new place.

Transplant roses received different ways, is different. The root of the graft plant has a rod that goes deep into the ground. In order for the process to be the least stressful, such recommendations should be followed:

  • outlining the shovel circle of the oppression at a distance from the bush;
  • turn the plant by choosing the land;
  • cut at the reinforcement depth of the root rod;
  • press the root com, put a bush in the pit on the side;
  • to transfer the bush to the burlap, wrap so that the earth does not scatter and transport to a new place.

Too long roots can be trimmed, it grinds the plant. In a well-watered landing pit, a grafting rose is placed at the same depth, which she grew before or slightly lower. At the same time, the cultural process will form their roots, and the thrust of the rosehip will not be able to germinate through the thick layer of the soil. The bush is falling asleep, periodically watering so that the emptiness and air pockets do not formed, from which the roots die, the land is taught. So that the bush is not loosened by the wind, it is tied up to a peg. Rooted spring Seduette Sprinkle fertilizers (20 g nitrogen and 15 g of potash and phosphate), the soil is loose and mulched. After 2-4 days you need to start watering. Within 3-4 weeks, the flower must be protected from direct sunlight.

September October

To transplant roses in the fall, it will take less hassle: the bush does not need to be dialed and often water. Do not make feeding, especially nitrogen fertilizers. It should not cut the rose in the fall, if the season was turned out to be warm and wet, as it can cause the awakening of sleeping kidneys, young shoots will not have time to prepare for winter and freeze.

Not a vaccinated bush has surface roots, so when you care for it, they need to fall from time to time, otherwise the plant will expand in different sides. When the core rose is staring, the portion of the bush is cut off and digging, after which it can be launched entirely or divided by 1-2 escapes. In the landing point, not a vaccinated plant is buried so that the root neck is at the ground level.

Different groups of colors have their own transplant features. Difficulties may occur when transplanting adult plenty roses. Before digging a bush, depending on its shape, you must do the following:

  1. 1 Rose Rambler, the thin curly shoots of which reaches 3-4 m, it is necessary to remove from the support. At the shoots that appeared this year, it is necessary to discharge the tops, then they will have time to wend to the cold and bloom in the next year.
  2. 2 Klyamy have thick powerful shoots, bloom to frosts. The longest branches can be trimmed by a third.

At the plenty roses, the vaccination place is plugged by 10 cm - it contributes to the formation of the roots of the cultural plant.

Peresaning Stumbus Rosa

Special accuracy in transplantation requires stramb roses. This is an artificial form obtained by vaccinating a varietal plant on a smooth roshovnik escape with a height of 2 m, thus, an important part of the bush is always open to the sun and the wind. When can I transfer a strab? For this, only April and May are suitable. In the fall it is impossible to touch it.

How to transplant the strambered rose? Before the procedure is cut off by a third. The landing pit is prepared as for any other rose, but it is advisable to add a stimulator for better formation of roots. Sit down to a new place at an angle of 45 ° in the direction where it will be laid for the winter. Before that, you need to check, in which side the trunk is better. The root neck is plugged by 2-3 cm. Before and after planting a pit, you need to pour well. For a strain immediately install reliable supportBut tie up a rose to it in 10-15 days when the soil is lost around the bush, and the plant is a bit rooted.

In order to begin to develop in the spring of the crown, the growth stimulator is added to the water, wet moss, newspapers or paper, fold into place of vaccinations and crowns, after which a plastic bag is put on the top of the bush or wrapped with burlap and loaf. Leave a stack with such a cover for 1-3 weeks, checking whether it is sufficiently wet inside, and how the kidneys develop.

Roses will be easier to use special gloves to work with spiny plants made of dense artificial leather.

Any flower water will definitely sit at the site of the queen of all flower-rose. The beauty of her colors and the most different shades will serve better decoration Each courtyard. Separately taken bush has its own individual aroma, and the smell will be heard throughout the plot. The beginners of the gardeners arises the question of how to plant or sear this flower correctly? And how is the transplant of it in the fall?

Why and why transplant rose

There are several reasons for transplanting pink bushes in autumn:

  • When the bush is already enough adult and the longtime it is necessary to transplant, since the flowers become small, dim and not very beautiful;
  • Depending on the soil, in the transplant needed due to either a strong root of the root in the ground. Or, on the contrary, in the sandy ground the roots go out of the ground, which is why they are cut;
  • In cases of transfer garden Kombumb From one place, to another. Or the growth of neighboring plants and shrubs, you have to forced to transplant the bushes roses;
  • It happens that some buildings on panstone Shaden a bush, preventing the right development, so a transplant is required;
  • It happens that the bush begins to hurt, poorly develops, fading his shoots or stop blossoming at all. Here the transplant is simply necessary;
  • In areas that are very close soil waters, roses flowers need transplant. If this is not done, the root, being in constant moisture, simply rotates.

Before transfer, you need to pre-pick up the right and most favorable place so that your rosary flashed blossom.

Each flower water should be known for himself that these floral shrubs do not tolerate drafts at all, so they must be maximally protected from them. And best of all, to most of the day they are well lit by the Sun, this will suit the south-eastern side of your yard.

When better to transplant roses

The best time for transplantation will be autumn period, namely until the middle of the autumn. Because the bush needs to be worried and root well. Only then this royal flower Will be able to meet the first frost and winter.

Best of all, the transplant of roses in the fall to spend at least three weeks before the onset of serious cold weather and frosts. Then the cold soil will not be afraid of the root system of colors.

It is important to remember that before the transplant of adult roses, the bushes need to neatly dig up without damaging the root system. Then slightly cut dry and too long branches so that they give the bustle of the force to root. But in no case autumn circumcision, do not be confused with the spring trimming.

Rose bushes, in terms of autumn transplant, they are better rooted and coming up. Such plantations are considered stronger and in the future healthy.

So, roses are best transplanted in the fall because:

  • After summer, the earth is good;
  • Since in the fall more rain than spring, it gives roots to root well;
  • IN spring period The weather is unstable, and the time for transplant is harder to pick up.

How to transplant rosa in the fall

So that she passed on, grew well and bloom, it needs to be replant, following the following rules:

  • If seedlings transplanted, then you need to look good to the roots. What are too long or dry, they are neatly cut off. Then inspect the cutting place, it should be white color. The dark cut says that the root begins to refine, so trim it strictly and light color;
  • To transplant an adult rose, you need to make deep grooves in the ground in a circle, half a meter from the root cervix, those there is to go. Then carefully approaching the earth, pull out the flower;
  • In a place prepared for transplantation, to dig a pit of such a depth so that the bush fit into it well (not deeper, and not higher than before she grew);
  • Flowers are planted at a distance from the meter from each other so that they do not shade the neighboring bush;
  • In the fall, after a transplantation, a pink shrub need to pour any growth stimulator to help the root faster and better getting ready.

Transfer climbing roses, It takes the same way as usual. But only if before the transplant of the bustling rose, the twigs are cut into 30 cm. From the top, then in curly, they are cut on half of the length.

If the transplanable bush needs to be transported from one place, to another, then the rhizome is wrapped with a well-damp cloth and tie up the node. So they do so that the earth with the roots does not crumble, and they did not disengage on the road.

Locking such a bush in a new place is not necessarily throwing away. Anyway, it over time over time in the ground. It is just important not to forget to unleash the nodule, which will continue to slow down the development of the flower.

Roses care after autumn transplant

It is important to know what can not be done in the fall after roses transplant:

  • Transplanted flowers can not be picked up nitrogen fertilizers. They too stimulate the growth of the bush, it is not necessary before the wintering. But the potash fertilizers will benefit the root and prepare it for winter;
  • It is impossible to make trimming in the autumn period as in the spring. Otherwise, such a procedure will stimulate the appearance of young, green shoots that will not survive in the winter;
  • It is impossible to water roses too abundantly, giving them to develop as much as possible. If autumn is quite natural precipitation, then water and do not need to be completely.

If the transplanted roses shrubs are too high, make a strong support for them, to which you can tie them. Otherwise under the influence strong wind Or snow, flower can bendled and twist. In the spring, the pink bush is already well rooted and it will be much more difficult to align it.

Roses are quite arrogant and capricious flowers. Therefore, the transplant procedure should be treated with all seriousness. After some time, having received certain knowledge of pro, no longer arise difficulties in their transplant.

You can plant roses in spring, summer and autumn. However, landing in any of these periods has its own characteristics. This must be considered. Now we will talk about the rules of autumn landing.

Landing roses in autumn

In the fall, roses are planted from mid-September to mid-October. If you plant a little earlier, the bush will take place and the above-ground part will begin to actively grow, and root system It will noticeably lag behind. This can even lead to the death of the plant in winter.

Where to plan better.Place in the sun - perfect option, fit and semi-shadow (place where the sun shines a few hours a day). The roses planted in the shadow are bad and they will hurt infinitely.

After planting plants, it is necessary to pour.

Do not put in lowlands where water accumulates in the spring. Summer plants will certainly survive, and in the winter they will most likely stray. If there is no other place, then make a high bed.

Preparation of seedlings to landing.Carefully inspect the roots if they are long - they better shorten them. But even short roots still need to cut slightly. Just refresh the cut, then a callus is formed faster. The slice must be white, if it is brown, then the roots began to die. It is necessary to cut until the slice becomes white.

The root neck in purchased seedlings is often wrapped with a tape - it is necessary to remove it.

Landing pit.Planting pits prepare focusing on the size of the roots. If the land is not particularly fertile, then pour the nutrient mixture in the hole, it consists of sand, peat and turf in equal proportions. After that, there should be enough space in the landing point to accommodate the root system. Fur should be located freely and in no case wrap up.

What depth to plant. It is necessary to plant seedlings so that the root neck (place of vaccinations) was in the ground at a depth of about 5 cm. With such a landing cultural variety Let his additional roots, and the shoots of the rosehip through the layer of the Earth are likely not to break. You will then have less problems With wild booster.

Landing. Saplot Lower in the well, straighten the roots and carefully pour the soil mixture. Form a well for watering and well. It is necessary to water even if the ground is raw. After irrigating the land in the landing jam, there will be no air emptiness around the roots, and this is very important.

When the water is absorbed, squeeze the land if it is strongly donkey and cover the hole of any mulch.

Pruning seedling after landing.it important moment! For spring landing Saplings are cut off, leaving only a few kidneys. When planting a rose in the fall, the seedlings are not in a one kΩ case. After pruning the plants, young shoots begin to produce, and there are no longer there is no time for their aging. With the onset of cold, they will definitely die. Therefore, when autumn landing Pruning is better to postpone until spring.

Soothes from young seedlings elastic, flexible and when shelting for winter they simply bend to the ground.

At what distance to plant roses.

Between the bushes, leave:

  • Tea - hybrid and roses Floribund 50 - 60 cm.
  • English roses 70 - 80 cm.
  • Pleet roses and large scars 1 - 1.5 m.

Autumn Roses Care

Autumn roses care is the preparation of plants for the upcoming wintering. Successfully survive the winter only healthy bushes with well-affected shoots. In order for shoots well, it is necessary to exclude all the factors that provoke the growth of young shoots. This is primarily: nitrogen subcorders In the second half of summer and especially in the fall, abundant irrigation, trimming of shoots early autumn.

Autumn trimming

Podrel.Autumn roses do not need to feed. Start the last feeding in August. It should be only phosphorus - potash (without nitrogen). Phosphoric fertilizers Promote root growth, and the potassium reinforce the winter hardiness of the plants, this is exactly what we need. In the store you can choose special autumn fertilizer For roses, but you can use old, verified: superfood, potassium salt, potassium chloride.

How to water. If autumn rainy, you can not water at all. It is necessary to water dry weather, but moderately. In winter, plants should get moisture reader, especially if the shelter in the winter will be "dry".

Conplanting bushes in autumn

Rose Plant is unpretentious enough and easily tolerates transplant, but the basic rules need to know.

When it is better to replant. Shed and transplant roses in the fall followed in September - October. Choose a cloudy day for this or start working closer to the evening when it becomes cooler.

The most important thing in transplanting roses, it neatly dig a bush, trying not to damage the roots. Although if the plant is already enough adult, it will be difficult to do it. But even if part of the roots are damaged, it is not fatal for roses, it will restrict them quickly enough.

Start feeding a bush from all sides, gradually deepening. Sooner or later you will come to the rod root that goes deep into the ground. You can't dig it anyway, you will have to just chop.

After that, try to get a bush from the pit without raving the earthen com. For carrying a plant to a new place, you can use a large package or a piece of film, tarpaulin, which are prepared in advance.

Replant the rose to a new place. The landing pit is preparing a little more than the root system with an earthen room. If the earth is poor, then hide the pit a little more and add a fertile soil there.

Rose transplantation.

When transplanting, do not forget to beat the root neck into the soil at 5 - 6 cm. If it was already blunting at the primary landing or you transplant the corescoat rose, then plant plants at the same level on which they grow.

The transplanted rose must be thoroughly pouring and climbing the hole. High bushes are tuned to the cola driven, otherwise the wind can tilt the plant and then it will be difficult to align it. Cutting postpone from spring.

Autumn trimming rose

For inexperienced flower breeding roses, this is a real headache. Suitable to the bustle with the secateur and for a long time, long trying - what to cut here.

In fact, this procedure is quite simple. You just need to understand what, why and when to trim. Do not remember, namely understand. Today we will talk about the autumn trimming of roses.

So: Autumn pruning, roses do not need a large account. Roses are cut in autumn only in order to be easier to hide them for the winter. If you can hurry a bush to the ground - hurt and stake. Basic trimming spend in spring.

The only thing that must be done is to delete all the young, not overwhelmed shoots. It is impossible to leave them. Not only are they not a single chance to survive the winter, so they can still become a source of infection for the entire bush.

A similar situation with leaves, they are also recommended to trim, collect and burn. Of course, remove the leaves from the tea-hybrid rose. The case is not a complicated business, but with a large bush of the plenty rose ... I have never cut the leaves from the plenty roses, there has always been a pity and there was no problem. How do you do - to solve you.

The main rule of autumn trimming: Cutting roses in autumn can be started when at least the night temperature will be below 0º.

Cuts make oblique (so that water flowed faster than water) and smear them with a garden boiler.

Autumn trimming of tea - hybrid roses and roses Floribunda

This is how the cropped bush tea should look like hybrid roses Before the shelter for the winter.

Fort to Earth adult bushes such roses are unlikely to succeed, so they are usually cut off in the fall. This is done very simply, all shoots are shortened to 25 - 30 cm. According to the rules, the cut must be made oblique and 0.5 cm. Above the kidney located on outside Escapes (young escape Grown from this kidney should not grow inside the bush, and to the side).

In the fall, you can forget about this rule and cut as it is convenient for you. For the winter, the tops of the shoots will be frozen, they will die and they still have to cut in the spring again. But then everything must be done according to the rules.

In the photo you see how the cropped coffee-hybrid rose bush should look in front of the shelter for the winter.

Pruning of soil rose

These roses hurt to the ground the easiest way, so they do not need any trimming. Remove with only the sworded flowers.

Park roses

This group of roses does not need autumn cropping. Delete only old flowers and fruits.

Pruning plenty roses

Pleet roses bloom on the shoots of the previous year and therefore they should not trim strongly. Bushes grow very large, with powerful shoots. For winter shelter They first need to bend to the ground, and it is almost always very difficult to do it. To facilitate this task, you can cut the old ones in the fall, broken shoots and shoots growing "not there" and interfering with shelter.

Schraba, English and strambered roses

All these roses are removed in the fall, only not overwhelmed shoots, dry branches and old flowers.

Shining roses in autumn

Interesting video video about the autumn stalling of roses:

Most roses lovers are engaged in stalling at the beginning of summer. Someone seeks good results, someone is not very. Very often failures are associated with elevated summertime. For rooting, it is most suitable for 24-7 degrees of heat. And if on the street +35, what then under the jar or under the film in the guy? Root and survive in such conditions young plant pretty hard.

I want to talk about the method of shilling roses in the fall, which is deprived of this and many other flaws. Of course, the method is not new, but not everyone knows about him. Some know, but do not use, not particularly believing in its effectiveness, and the method is not only simple, but also efficient.

Preparation of space for shilling. If you have a blurred greenhouse in the ground, it is perfect for the autumn shilling roses. You can dig a trench depth in the bayonet shovel or slightly deeper. If clay appears on the bottom of this trench, then jump a little more and pour the earth mixed with sand there.

One important condition: This trench or greenhouse should not be poured with water or in winter or spring.

Preparation of cuttings.When autumn you will crop roses, cut the cuttings long about 20 cm. With 4 to 5 kidneys. The leaves are not needed, immediately delete them.

Landing cuttings. Cuttings stick to the ground to a depth of 5 - 6 cm so that two kidneys are in the ground, and the rest on the surface. The greenhouse fill fill fill folk foliage and cover Loutrasil. Before spring, nothing needs to do anything.

In the spring, make a film shelter over the greenhouse, water, ventilate, and when you understand that the cuttings are rooted, gradually remove the film.

The second part of the roller, which has become with cuttings in the spring:

As you can see the autumn shining roses easier summer, endless spraying is not required, and in general, care is much easier.

At the end of the article, I want to say a few words about garden tool. First of all about the secateur. When working with roses, we use this tool very often. First of all, it must be well sharpened and in good condition. Dumb, the dubbed secator injures plants and is experiencing a gardener nerves on strength.

Now both in ordinary stores and in the online stores a huge selection of a variety of sektamors for every taste. Flower women should pay attention to the secator with a ratchet mechanism. With it, you can cut thick, dry branches with minimal effort and that it is not enough that it is important that the slice is flat, smooth.

Secateur with grinda grinding mechanism 8-423033_z01

While you look at a photo of such a secret, it's just a beautiful picture and only taking it in hand to understand how convenient tool is.

What would not be injured hands, work in gloves. Only not in ordinary, but special for working with barbed plants.

Listok gloves to work with artificial leather roses.

In such gloves, you will calmly work without fearing to paint your hands.

Before the onset of winter, many flower and summer residents are concerned about the question: when, in which month you can transplanted roses in the fall to another place? After all, the capricious queen of flowers does not tolerate carelessness and ignorance, and the climate in most regions of Russia does not indulge large quantity Warm autumn days late autumn.

Especially concerns this nuance of residents northern Regions Countries - where frosts are screaming very early and then at all - the snow falls. In such cases experienced flowerflowers Recommended to make a transplantation in the spring, so that for the summer Rosa could be rooted, overcome, gain strength.

When and how to proper roses in the fall:

Without tricks and secrets, do not do in this troublesome process. And the main tips are as follows:

  • to transplant, choose well-lit areas - roses do not like shadow;
  • no less detrimental for roses is the overabundance of moisture in the soil;
  • when transplantation, try not to damage the roots of the plant, dig them together with
  • earthlings;
  • before transplanting a rose bus is clipped to a height of 50 cm;
  • a transplantable should be prepared for all rules with the calculation not only on
  • roots in the ground, but also on a layer of drainage and manure;
  • the hole is digging 2-3 weeks before rose transplant, lay drainage, manure -
  • so that substances deeply penetrated the soil.

In which month it is better to transplant roses in the fall

it is in mind that you need to know when it is better to plant roses in the fall so that they have managed to root, while they did not go into growth and the kidneys did not begin to bloom.

For moderate climate The period of work is defined approximately from the second decade of September to November.

What specifically the day and the month to plant, depends on the time of winter. Why is that?

Saplings are fully rooted somewhere in 3 weeks. Distribute them to the ground before - will begin to develop, winter will be frozen.

If later - there is a chance that the bustice is not rooted. But even such, it would seem, serious omissions of gardeners learned to bypass.

When the disembarkation is delayed, the roots are not soaked in clean water, and in the growth stimulator, the rooting takes place in 2 fastest. Development Too early planted roses contains ash in the soil and potash fertilizers.

Another way is not to give bushes to go to the growth - transfer them to an open soil when the air temperature is within 10-14º C. It is in such a "climate" roots grow, the above-ground part is resting.

How to transplant adult rose to another place

In which month, it is better to transplant roses in the fall to another place
It is in mind that you need to know when it is better to plant roses in the fall so that they have managed to root, while they did not go into growth and the kidneys did not begin to bloom. For a moderate climate, the period of work is determined approximately from the second decade of September to November. What specifically the day and the month to plant, depends on the time of winter. Why is that? Saplings are fully rooted somewhere in 3 weeks. Distribute them to the ground before - will begin to develop, winter will be frozen. If later - there is a chance that the bustice is not rooted. But even such, it would seem, serious omissions of gardeners learned to bypass. When the disembarka is delayed, the roots are not soaked in clean water, but in the growth stimulator, the rooting takes place in 2 faster. Development Too early planted roses contains ash and potash fertilizers into the soil. Another way is not to give bushes to go to the growth - transfer them to an open soil when the air temperature is within 10-14º C. It is in such a "climate" roots grow, the above-ground part is resting.

How to transplant adult rose, bush roses in autumn

  • They dig a rose, trying to the roots to be covered with a layer of land. If it did not work out without damaging the roots - we produce additional actions. Cut the poorly developed and damaged areas of the root, which then soak them in a growth stimulator for at least 3 hours.
  • In the prepared hole pour water.
  • The bush is installed in the well so that the place of the vaccination is 5 cm below the ground level.
  • I fall asleep into the hole soil, carefully tamping.
  • Abundant watering.

Consider that:

When transplanting a rose in the fall, the wells need to be mulched with overwhelming dung, which will protect the gentle roots from frosts and at the same time adds to the soil of nutrients.

If you transplant roses in the spring - then the nitrogen fertilizers are fed around the bush.

Remember that the capricious rose does not tolerate the transplant. Thus, it is possible to cross the flower to a new place in only three years without fatal consequences for the plant.

When, as often and why replant the plenty rose to another place

The decoration of the site - the plenty rose may dry, if it grows in one place for several years in a row.

When can you reset the plenty rose from one place to another to have to be rooted?

Definitely - early autumn. Requirements for transplant The same is to avoid shaded areas, high soil moisture. Despite the fact that the mold rose would be nicely looked along the walls of the house, the flower was not recommended to choose such a location for a delicate beauty, where water from the roof will constantly fall on it.

It is not worth the plenty beauty near the tree, the powerful root system of which will take the necessary nutrients in the plant.

How to transplant the plenty rose in the fall:

  • We proceed a bush: we cut the weak shoots, strong cut up to 20 cm.
  • Cutting places should be powered by coal flour.
  • Lunka for transplanting is digging about 70 cm. To the depth, add drainage and manure, pour water.
  • Carefully straighten the roots so as not to be wrapped in the well.
  • Following the position of the roots, we fall asleep with their soil, we will tamper and water very abundantly;
  • To protect gentle roots, in spring mulch the land around the trunk with nitrogen fertilizers, and in the fall - manure.

Tip: Do not forget to check the soil level around the bush and pour the soil when he sits.

If we transplanted in the spring, then the branches must be straightened and placed on supports. In the fall, the branches must be burned to the ground and pour wood sawdust.

Nuances of autumn transplant: Before the appearance of the kidneys, it will give the bush time to recover before a set of leaves.