The main types of heating devices. The main types of heating appliances

Heating appliances can be safely called the crown of all any heating system. Without them, any water heating loses all practical meaning. In this article we will talk about how the most common types are classified and what advantages they have. heating appliances. So, let's begin!

The first type of classification is according to the method of heat transfer.

There are 3 ways to transfer heat from a heater to the environment:

  • radiation (radiation),
  • convection (direct air heating)
  • radiation-convective (combined) method.

Heat transfer by radiation. Also called radiant heat transfer. Any heated body emits infrared (radiation) rays, which, moving perpendicular to the radiation surface, increase the temperature of the bodies on which they fall, without increasing the air temperature. Further, the bodies that receive radiation become warmer themselves and begin to produce infrared rays, heating the surrounding objects. And so it goes in a circle. At the same time, the temperature at different points in the room remains the same. An interesting fact is that radiation (infrared) radiation is perceived by our body as heat and does not harm our body at all, exerting on it, according to doctors, even positive effects. Radiation heating devices (radiators) are considered to be those devices that emit more than 50% of heat into the environment by radiant heat. Such devices include various kinds of infrared heaters, "warm floors", sectional cast-iron and tubular radiators, individual models of panel radiators and wall panels.

Heat transfer by convection. The convective method of heat transfer looks completely different. The air warms up from contact with the hotter surfaces of convection heaters (convectors). The heated volume of air rises to the ceiling of the room due to the fact that it becomes lighter than colder air masses. The next volume of air rises to the ceiling after the first, and so on. Thus, we have a constant circular circulation of air masses "from the radiator to the ceiling" and "from the floor to the radiator". As a result, there is a feeling familiar to the inhabitants of rooms heated by a convector - at the level of the head, the air can be warm, and a feeling of cold is felt in the legs. Convective devices are commonly called heating devices that carry out convection of at least 75% of the heat of the total volume. Convectors include tubular and lamellar convectors, ribbed tubes and steel panel heaters. Radiation-convective method of heat transfer.

The radiative-convective or combined heat transfer method includes both types of heat transfer described above. They are possessed by devices that give off heat to the environment in a convective way by 50-75% of the total amount of heat transfer carried out. Radiation-convective heating devices include panel and sectional radiators, floor panels, smooth-tube devices.

The second type of classification is according to the material from which the heaters are made.

Here we are dealing with 3 groups of materials:

  • metals,
  • nonmetals,
  • combined.

Metal heaters include heaters made of steel, cast iron, aluminum or copper, as well as possible combinations of two of the listed metals (bimetallic heating devices).

Non-metallic heaters are rare in the domestic heating market. In the manufacture of such devices, glass is almost always used.

The class of combined heating appliances usually includes panel radiators (they consist of an external concrete or ceramic insulating layer and an internal metal - steel or cast-iron heating elements) and convectors (metal pipes with ribs located in an additional metal casing).

The third way to separate heating devices is according to the degree of thermal inertia.

In this case, thermal inertia is the residual heat transfer to the room after the heater is turned off. Thermal inertia can be small or large (depending on the diameter of the pipes and specific types of heaters).

The last way to classify thermal appliances is by their linear dimensions (meaning height and depth).

Because dimensions often vary by model and local space heating requirements, describe this method classification is meaningless.


This article has covered some of the concepts that describe how heat transfer works. In addition, standard methods for classifying the main types of heating devices present on the domestic market for heating equipment were given. We hope you found something interesting in this article. Happy to be of service!

If you want to learn more about the characteristics of the main types of heating devices, we strongly recommend that you read the series of articles “The main thing about heating devices” on our website!

One after another, economic crises hit the planet, which, coupled with a rapidly decreasing amount of resources, creates a need to develop and use energy saving technologies. This trend has not bypassed the heating systems, striving to maintain or even increase their efficiency with significantly lower resource consumption. Let's figure out what the new technologies for heating a private house, apartment and industrial premises are, having decomposed the heating system into four main components: a heat generator, a heater, a heating system and a control system.

The boiler heating system is the most productive, although the most expensive (after electric heaters) of all modern autonomous heating technologies. Although the boiler itself is an invention with ancient history, modern manufacturers have managed to modernize it, increasing efficiency and adapting it to different types of fuel. So, there are three main (fuel-burning) types of boilers - solid fuel, gas, liquid fuel. Electric boilers that are somewhat out of this classification, as well as combined or multi-fuel ones, combine the qualities of two or three varieties at once.

Solid fuel boilers

An interesting trend is the return to the traditions of the past and the active use of solid fuels: from ordinary firewood and coal to special pellets (granules pressed from woodworking by-products) and peat briquettes.

Solid fuel boilers are divided by type of fuel into:

The classic ones “accept” any kind of solid fuel without any problems, they are as reliable and simple as possible (in fact, this is the oldest heat generator in the history of mankind), and they are cheap. Among the shortcomings: "capriciousness" in relation to wet fuel, low efficiency, the inability to adjust the temperature of the coolant.

A pellet boiler is a heating device that uses waste wood compressed into small pellets. They are distinguished by high efficiency, long-term operation on one load, an extremely convenient system for loading pellets (filled from a bag or bag), and the ability to configure the boiler. The only significant drawback is rather expensive granules for heating, the price of which ranges from 6900 to 7700 rubles per ton, depending on the ash content and calorific value.

The next type is pyrolysis heating boilers operating on pyrolysis gas extracted from wood. The fuel in such a boiler slowly smolders, and does not burn out, due to which it gives off noticeably more heat. Advantages: high efficiency and reliability, heat transfer adjustment, up to half a day of operation without reloading. The only drawback is the need to connect to the mains, due to which, during power outages, the house can be left without heat.

Standard boilers long burning loaded with any type of solid fuel, with the exception of wood: coke, brown and hard coal, peat briquettes, pellets. There is another variety, designed specifically for working on wood and slightly different device. Advantages: work up to five days on oil products and up to two days when loaded with wood. Disadvantages: relatively low efficiency, the need for constant cleaning.

gas boilers

Main gas is the most economical of all types of fuel, and boilers running on it are considered the most convenient to use and maintain. This is explained by their fully automated operation and absolute safety, for which many sensors and controllers are responsible. They have no drawbacks as such, although they need a gas pipeline or a constant supply of new cylinders.

Oil boilers

It cannot be said that such heating systems are innovative, but they have been consistently in demand for decades and are therefore worthy of mention. The main types of liquid fuel: diesel fuel and liquefied propane-butane mixture. Advantages over solid fuel: almost complete automation of work. Disadvantages: the extremely high cost of heating, second only to electricity.

Electric heating

Differs in the widest variety of heating systems and separate devices. These are electric convectors (which in turn are floor, floor and wall), and electric boilers, and fan heaters, and infrared heaters, and oil radiators, and heat guns, and the well-known warm floor. Their common and so far insurmountable drawback is the extremely high cost of heating. The most economical of them are infrared radiators and underfloor heating.

Heat pumps

These heating systems are modern in the full sense of the word, despite the fact that they appeared back in the 80s. Then they were available only to wealthy people, but now many have adapted to collect them by hand, thanks to which they are slowly but surely gaining popularity. In a very simplified way, the principle of their work is to extract heat from the air, water or earth outside the house and transfer it to the house, where the heat is transferred either directly to the air, or first to the coolant - water.

solar systems

Another rapidly developing technology is solar heating systems, better known as solar panels.



Thermal panels

They are thin rectangular (usually) plates fixed on the wall. The back side of such a plate is covered with a heat storage substance that can heat up to 90 degrees and receive heat from the heating element. Energy consumption is only 50 watts per square meter, unlike older electric fireplaces that require at least 100 watts per square meter. Heating occurs due to the convection effect.

In addition to efficiency, thermal panels differ in:

There is only one drawback - thermal panels become unprofitable in the spring and early autumn when the dwelling needs only a little heating from evening to morning.

Monolithic quartz modules

The unique development of S. Sargsyan - candidate of technical sciences. Externally, the plates are very similar to thermal panels, but the principle of their operation is based on a high heat capacity. quartz sand. The heating element transfers the sand thermal energy, after which it continues to heat the home, even when the device is unplugged. Savings, as in the case of thermal panels, is 50% of the cost of standard electric heaters.

PLEN - film radiant electric heaters

This innovative heating system has a device as simple as it is ingenious: a power cable, heating elements, a dielectric film and a reflective screen. The heater is mounted on the ceiling, and the infrared radiation it produces heats objects below. They, in turn, transfer heat to the air.

The main advantages of PLEN:

Thermal hydrodynamic pumps

These devices, also known as cavitation heat generators for heating systems, generate heat by heating the coolant according to the principle of cavitation.

The coolant in such a pump rotates in a special activator.

At the points of rupture of an integral mass of liquid, as a result of an instantaneous decrease in pressure, bubbles-caverns appear, bursting almost instantly. This causes a change in the physicochemical parameters of the coolant and the release of thermal energy.

Interestingly, even with the current level of scientific and technological development, the process of cavitation power generation is poorly understood. A clear explanation of why the increase in energy is greater than its costs has not yet been found.

Air conditioning as a heater

Almost all modern models air conditioners are equipped with a heating function. Oddly enough, the air conditioner has three times the efficiency of standard electric heaters: 3 kW of heat from 1 kW of electricity versus 0.98 kW of heat from 1 kW of electricity.

Thus, an air conditioner for heating in winter is able to replace a switched off heating or a failed electric fireplace for a short time. However, due to the fact that heating elements are not used in air conditioners, their efficiency drops with every degree of temperature outside the window. Besides, hard frost overloads the device, and operation in this mode can lead to breakage. The best option will use the air conditioner in the off-season.


Since the convector heating system is an extremely broad concept, and almost every modern heating device uses the convection effect, we will make a reservation in advance that we are talking here only about individual water and electric convectors. They are a ribbed heater placed in a metal case.

The air circulating between the fins of the device heats up and rises, and in its place air masses are drawn in, which have already cooled down during this time.

This endless circulation is called convection. According to the heat source, convector heaters are divided into water and electric, and according to the location - into underfloor, floor and wall. Also, any of them can work on the principle of either natural convection or forced (with a fan).

Although the varieties of convectors and the features of each of them are a topic for a separate article, one can single out general benefits use of these heaters:

So which is better financially?

As a result of this section, we compare the cost of heating for different types fuel: wood, pellets, coal, diesel fuel, propane-butane mixture, conventional mains gas and electricity. With average prices for each type of fuel and with an average duration heating season in 7 months during this time you will have to spend:

The leader is obvious.

Heating appliances

First of all, modern heating radiators are bimetallic and aluminum models. However, there is a stable demand for both steel and cast iron products, which is due to the new approach of manufacturers to the manufacture of outdated, it would seem, heating appliances. Let us briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of each type.


The most popular in the post-Soviet space for the price / quality ratio (cheaper than bimetallic, in many respects more reliable than steel and cast iron).


  1. the best heat transfer among all analogues;
  2. expensive models withstand pressure up to 20 bar;
  3. little weight;
  4. the simplest installation.

Disadvantages: poor corrosion resistance, especially noticeable at the junction of aluminum with other metals;


Generally recognized as the best type of radiators. The name was given due to the combination of steel (inner layer) and aluminum (casing) in its design.


Disadvantages: high price.


Poorly suited for multi-storey buildings and centralized heating systems in general, and all their own best properties manifest in private homes, fit perfectly into the heating systems of industrial premises in factories and plants. You can read more about steel heating radiators.


  1. heat transfer above average;
  2. rapid onset of heat transfer;
  3. low cost;
  4. aesthetic look.


Cast iron

It should be understood that modern cast-iron heating radiators are no longer bumpy and heavy remnants of the past, which “decorated” almost every house during the Soviet era. Modern manufacturers have significantly improved their appearance, making them almost indistinguishable from bimetallic or aluminum models. Moreover, the fashion for the so-called is expanding, the shapes and patterns of which bring the atmosphere of the beginning of the 20th century into the house.

Disadvantages: huge weight and resulting installation difficulties (often require special support legs).

Heating system

In most modern country houses a horizontal heating system is used, the main difference of which from vertical wiring is the partial (less often - complete) absence of vertical risers.

In Russia, such a type of horizontal system as a single-wire heating system (or one-pipe) is especially popular.

It assumes the natural movement of water without a circulation pump. From the heating device, the coolant flows through the riser to the second floor of the building, where it is distributed to radiators and transmission risers.

Water circulation without a pump is made possible by changing the density of hot and cold water.

A single-pipe system has several advantages over a two-pipe system:

Control system

Additional benefits can be provided by the heating system controller - a miniature computer device capable of:

In order for the long-awaited warmth to come into the home, it is not enough just to burn the fuel in the furnace and load the coolant with the calories received. It is necessary to transfer the precious cargo to the premises that need it without unjustified losses. This is exactly what heaters do.

The most important place among them is water heating devices. Water as a heat carrier has many advantages: it has high fluidity, it is ecologically impeccable, it is affordable.

Heating appliances hydraulic heating systems are radiators, convectors and water (not to be confused with electric!) Underfloor heating. There are also smooth and cast-iron finned tubes, but they are mainly used for heating industrial buildings.

Radiator translated from Latin - "radiant", up to 30% of the heat flux it gives off in the form of radiation, the rest - in the form of convection. In a convector, the convection phenomenon that gave it its name (from the Latin convectio - bringing, delivery) accounts for over 90% of the heat flow. In city apartments and modern suburban housing, heating devices are the main "acting heroes" of heating systems. In city apartments and modern suburban housing, heating devices are the main elements of heating systems. Heating appliances, with rare exceptions, are always in sight, and design is important for them. According to marketers, he is given priority by up to 50% of buyers. However, beauty that is difficult to ration is an important, but not the only characteristic that the buyer pays attention to.

The choice of heating equipment

First of all, the buyer pays attention to the thermal power of the device. . has improved markedly in recent years thermal insulation of premises. The result is that much less thermal energy is spent on heating them than a decade ago. But during the same time in our apartments the number of household appliances(computers, microwave ovens, audio systems, etc.) whose total effect on indoor air temperature cannot be ignored.


In a single-pipe system, heaters are connected in series. As a result, each subsequent coolant comes colder than the previous one. That is, the temperature depends on the distance of the radiator from the heat source. Such a system is difficult to regulate, and the heating devices used in it must have low hydraulic resistance. With a two-pipe heating system, the coolant is supplied through one pipe and discharged through the other, which allows parallel, independent connection of heating devices. Another advantage of the "two-tube" is that it allows you to maintain low operating pressures in the system, thereby increasing the service life of communications and making it possible to use cheaper thin-walled radiators. Such schemes are most common in countries Western Europe. In Russia, however, especially in houses built in the 1950s–80s, single-pipe systems predominate.

Therefore, today the problem of maintaining optimal temperature, the possibility of its correction is relevant. The consumer needs regulated heat. Heat that can lead to a reasonable compromise between two opposing desires - not to feel discomfort and pay less for thermal energy, which rises in price every year. Such heat is brought into the house by easily controlled heaters that adequately respond to changes in air temperature (it is very good if they work in automatic mode).

It is also an axiom that the consumer should receive absolutely safe heat. That is, completely excluding even the minimal possibility of mechanical and thermal injuries. A modern heater should be pleasant not only externally, but also to the touch. Although the temperature of the water circulating in it may approach 90-95 °C, the temperature of the enclosure should not exceed the absolutely safe 40-45 °C. This is important both for furniture and for electrical appliances that are undesirable to be placed next to heating ones. Modern radiators and convectors have reduced the previously quite extensive "exclusion zone" to zero. And now, in the immediate vicinity of them, you can without any fear place TVs, refrigerators and even expensive leather furniture.

For a modern city dweller, who spends almost twenty-four hours a day within four walls, it is very important that he is also warmed by healthy warmth. Cooler outer surface temperatures than older conventional batteries and increased convection are the two main factors that provide more uniform distribution indoor air temperature, eliminating the causes of drafts, as well as contributing to the natural normalization of humidity, preventing the formation of mold and fungi in the room and, as a result, improving the well-being of people who live in these rooms.

Hot water heating systems tend to shrink in size, which in principle does not affect the heat supply.

The design of heating devices is not only expressive forms or eye-catching coloring, but also small sizes. The evolution of heating devices along the path of reducing their mass and volume does not come from aesthetic considerations alone. Small size- It's also economical. The heater is smaller (that is, its own mass and the amount of coolant contained in it at a time), which means that its thermal inertia is smaller, it responds faster to temperature changes, changing to the desired mode. For example, a heating system with JAGA copper-aluminum radiators reaches its full capacity in just 10 minutes.

The desire to minimize the volume occupied by the heating device, brought to an absolute, is expressed in the production of the mini series, presented in the assortment of many manufacturers. These devices are so small (their height is only 8-10 cm) that they can simply be hidden under the floor, which, however, is not at all necessary - a radiator or convector can serve as an interior decoration no less than a stylish interior door, original lamp or a panel on the wall. But to hide communications (valves and piping) under the casing is quite reasonable for any size.

What are they made from?

Radiators and convectors made of various materials - steel, cast iron, aluminum, a combination of several metals (bimetallic radiators).

When choosing a radiator for your home, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • working and test (or pressure testing) pressure; usually their ratio is in the range of 1.3–1.5;
  • nominal heat flow (flow determined under normalized conditions: temperature difference - 70 ° C, coolant flow rate - 0.1 kg / s when it moves in the device according to the "top-down" scheme, Atmosphere pressure– 1013.3 GPa);
  • dimensions (length, height, depth, center-to-center distance);
  • mass and a value derived from it - specific material consumption (measured in kg / kW);
  • price.


Cast iron radiators. Cast iron has a high thermal conductivity. For these reasons, heaters made from it can be used in systems with large pressure drops and poor water treatment (increased aggressiveness, contamination, scale pieces). Just all these qualities are possessed by single-pipe systems prevailing in multi-storey construction.

Cast iron radiators have been produced for over 100 years. This is a kind of classic, on which more than one generation of our fellow citizens was “brought up”, usually calling this heater a battery. Until the 1960s, almost the entire range of heating appliances in our country was formed from batteries. And today, this heater, prematurely written off by many, still holds up to 70% of the Russian market.

Modern heating radiators have a good design and high heat dissipation.

In our country, cast-iron radiators are most often used, consisting of two-channel sections connected to each other. The number of sections is determined by the calculated heating surface. Single-channel, and abroad multi-channel (up to 9 channels in one section) cast-iron radiators are also used.

Their disadvantages include high weight, a significant percentage of factory defects - cracks and cavities resulting from poor-quality casting and reducing a potentially very long service life. According to the regulations, the warranty period for radiators is 2.5 years from the date of commissioning or sale within the warranty period of storage, and manufacturers and sellers promise at least several decades of flawless service for these devices. Sometimes cast-iron radiators are reproached for the lack of an attractive appearance (remember: "accordion battery"). However, the use of modern design and powder paints able to give charm to these veterans.

Systems in which cast-iron radiators are involved, due to the large thermal inertia, are not easy to regulate. Although there is a way out of this situation, and in some models, by reducing the capacity of the sections, it is possible to effectively use thermostatic elements (such, for example, RTD-G, RTD-N thermostats from Danfoss).

Domestic products prevail in this class of heating devices. Among the foreign ones, cast-iron sectional radiators of firms can be distinguished Roca(Spain), Viadrus(Czech), Biasi(Italy), "Santechlit"(Belarus), Turkish radiators Ridem.

Steel panel radiators formed from two stamped sheets. In our country, their production began in the 1960s. They are distinguished from sectional cast iron ones by their lower weight (specific gravity per 1 kW is approximately three times lower) and thermal inertia. They are considered "sissies" because they are more sensitive to hydraulic shocks that occur when the system is stopped or started and are afraid of corrosion provoked by frequent drains or high oxygen content in the coolant. In systems where there are multiple “higher than normal” pressure surges, it is not necessary to count on the long service life of steel panel radiators. Typically, the operating pressure of devices of this type does not exceed 9 atm.

expert opinion V.V. Kotkov
Commercial Director of HitLine Group of Companies

It can be argued that the proportion of progressive (in relation to the classic cast-iron ones that still prevail) designs of radiators is increasing. Today, up to 5 million sections of aluminum radiators are produced annually in Europe. To a large extent, the development of this production is stimulated by the Russian market, where the demand for them annually increases by 5-10%. Therefore, leading Western companies are trying to adapt their products to Russian conditions as much as possible (problems with water treatment that exist in our country, high unstable pressure in central heating systems, etc.). Although, by tradition, many Russian construction companies give priority to cast-iron radiators, the number of firms working with aluminum is steadily increasing. After all, an aluminum radiator is not just a private technical solution, but a solution to a whole range of problems related to efficiency, safety and design. It is able to fit into a modern interior, it does not need to be masked, spending a lot of money on it.

Steel panel radiators are widely used in low-rise construction. They are especially appropriate for a two-pipe heating system, which is preferred in cottage construction. AT high-rise buildings it is reasonable to install them if there is an individual heating point, i.e., a boiler room. Three-quarters of steel panel radiator sales are from the private developer, high-end residential and civil buildings. The most famous models of firms in our country are: VSZ(Slovakia), Dia Norm, Preussag, Kermi(Germany), Korado(Czech), DeLonghi(Italy), Stelrad(Holland), Purmo(Poland), Roca(Spain), DemirDokum(Turkey), Impulse West(England, but assembly in Italy), Dunaferr(Hungary).

Tubular and sectional the radiators are outwardly similar, although they are structurally different - there are no tubular sections as such, and the tubes are connected by two monolithic collectors. Both have an attractive appearance and organically fit into almost any interior. The streamlined shape of the radiator eliminates the possibility of injury to a person. The small capacity of the sections contributes to effective thermoregulation. And if some of its elements are made of a finned tube, then it is possible, without changing the linear dimensions, to significantly increase the power of the radiator.

The working pressure of tubular steel radiators is higher than that of panel radiators - 10 or more atm.

In our market, this type of radiators is represented mainly by German brands Bemm, Arbonia, Kermi.

Aluminum called radiators made of an alloy of aluminum with silicon (the content of aluminum itself is from 80 to 98%). Aluminum is a material with high thermal conductivity, but with high requirements for chemical composition coolant. The disadvantage of radiators made of aluminum-silicon alloy with a high content of silicon is the generation of hydrogen upon contact with water. The excellent design of most radiators somewhat spoils the automatic air release valve installed on each device, since active hydrogen evolution occurs during operation.

A significant part of the Russian market of aluminum radiators is occupied by products of Italian companies: Rovall, Industrie Pasotti, Global, Alugas, Aural, Fondital, Giacomini, Nova Florida. There are also Spanish radiators Roca, Czech Radus, English Wester, etc.

Bimetal radiators. They look like aluminum. The sections consist of two thin-walled steel pipes (channels for the passage of the coolant), pressed under pressure with a high-quality aluminum alloy. The logic of this symbiosis is based on the fact that aluminum has a high thermal conductivity, and steel has strength, which guarantees the operation of the device at excess pressure. Italian firms are the actual monopolists in the production of bimetallic radiators. The most famous brand is Sira.

Bimetal radiators are both durable and efficient.

Convectors. The basis of the convector design is enclosed in a casing heating element. Leaking to it from below, the cooled room air heats up and rises up. Due to this, more than 90% of the heat is transferred by convection.

Most widespread convectors received in autonomous systems. They are especially effective at low coolant temperatures. So, they are able to warm up the room at a water temperature of only 40 ° C. For the convenience of the user, the convector is equipped with an air valve and a drain pipe. The built-in thermostat and the regulator of a pressure of water do its operation economic.

The convector fits especially harmoniously into the modern architectural environment, which actively uses large windows, bay windows, winter gardens, etc.

Structurally, it can have four solutions. Radiator convectors are a combination of two devices, reflected in the name itself. They are installed near windows, on the floor or on small stands. Plinth convectors are located in the floor under large windows. The low height (90–100 mm) does not require niches, and a weak convective flow can be increased by a slowly rotating fan. Convectors recessed into the floor - best option for living quarters on the first floors. The device is placed in a kind of shaft, cold air passing along the window freely enters the convector, and the warm air flow provides natural circulation in the room. And finally, convectors covered with a decorative screen. Unlike radiators, a closed convector does not lose heat transfer at all, on the contrary, the screen helps to increase traction.

Pipes for water heating

The functioning of heating devices of hydraulic systems is impossible without pipes. The first polymer (polyvinyl chloride) pipes were made in 1936 in Germany. The first pipeline of them was built in the same place in 1939. But the active introduction of polymer pipes in water supply and heating systems began in the mid-1950s, and in our country since the early 1970s.

Both for systems using classic radiators and for underfloor heating the best way XLPE pipes are suitable. They are not afraid of a short-term increase in temperature up to +110 °C (their normal operating temperature is usually +95 °C). With all the advantages, they have one minus - a high price.

Used in heating systems propylene pipes. But at the same time, the high coefficient of thermal expansion of the material should be taken into account. The service life of polymer pipes can reach 30 years or more. The gasket must be hidden: they are hidden in skirting boards, shafts, channels or floor structures. If heating systems use polymer pipes, then in order to protect them from exceeding the parameters of the coolant, it is necessary to provide for the installation of automatic control devices.

The advantages of plastic and metal combine metal-plastic pipes. They are combined with other materials, do not allow oxygen to pass through, and due to the smooth inner surface, they have less resistance to leakage than steel, which, in conditions of mass use, saves a lot of energy. The warranty period is at least 20 years, but, as a rule, in reality it reaches 30–50 years. For comparison, according to the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, galvanized steel pipes in internal systems serve an average of 12-16 years, and the "black" - half as much.

Competing devices for hot water heating systems

Type of heating device Stamps The price for a conditional unit of equipment with a capacity of 1 kW (in euros)
Steel tubular radiator Arbonia Kermi
Copper-aluminum radiator (Belgium, Russia) JAGA, Isotherm 100
Bimetallic radiator (Russia, Czech Republic) SIRA, Style, Bimex 85–95
Cast aluminum radiator (Italy) Elegance, Nova Florida, Calidor Super, Sahara Plus, Global MIX, Global VOX 64–75
Aluminum extrusion radiator (Italy, Russia) Opera
RN ("Stupino Radiator")
Steel panel radiator Kermi, Korado, DeLongi, Stelrad 50
Convector (Russia) "TB Universal" 25
Cast iron radiator MS-140
Demir Dokum, Roca

Warm floors

It is logical to make a smooth transition from pipes to water heated floors. This heating system has many advantages. Firstly, low (40–55 °C) coolant temperature contributes to energy savings. Secondly, due to the participation in the heat emission of the entire floor surface, an almost ideal horizontal and close to ideal vertical temperature distribution is ensured. So, if the floor surface temperature is 22-25 ° C, then the air temperature at head level is 19-22 ° C. People, according to research by hygienists, feel most comfortable if their head is a little colder than their feet. In the hot season, running water with a temperature of 10–12 ° C through pipelines can effectively cool the room. Thirdly, water warm floor make it possible to rationally use the living space.

In new buildings with self-leveling concrete floors, the floor heating system consists of several layers: a concrete slab, hydro, sound and heat insulation, film, pipes, concrete screed (the most common concrete grade not lower than M-300 is used), a cement layer for leveling the floor and coverage. In old buildings, the dry laying method is used, when the heating pipes are installed in the insulation of the carrier layer in special metal plates that ensure uniform heat distribution.

A water heated floor can also be installed under a wooden floor mounted on beams. To do this, a subfloor is made from a board, chipboard, moisture-resistant plywood or DSP (cement-bonded particle board with a thickness of at least 20 mm).

Fastening pipes in circuits is carried out using reinforcing mesh and wire, fastening tape and mounting brackets.

In accordance with Russian regulations, the average temperature of the heated floor should not exceed 26 °C. Therefore, before instructing the water warm floor the role of the main heating system, it is necessary to carefully calculate whether the heat "removed" from it is enough for the room or whether a backup system is still needed.

Radiators. Properties and types of heating devices.

Radiator- This device is designed to allocate thermal energy. In a heating system, a radiator is needed in order to release heat into the room for heating it. And in cars, in order to allocate excessive engine temperature, that is, to cool the engine.
In this article, I will help you choose a radiator, you will learn how to properly apply a radiator.
Ways to connect radiators. properties and parameters.

This is what aluminum and bimetallic radiators look like.

This radiator consists of a certain number of sections, which are interconnected by an intersection nipple and a special sealing gasket.
Height can be different depending on the design solution and design.
Center distance (from the center of the upper to the lower thread) Typically: 350mm, 500mm. But there are more, but they are difficult to find and they are not in great demand.
At 350 mm, power up to 140 W/section. At 500mm, up to 200W/section.
As for the heat generated by the radiator?
Let me just say that with low temperature heating, the amount of heat generated is greatly reduced. For example, if a power of 190 W / section is indicated in the passport, this means that this power will be valid at a coolant temperature of 90 degrees and an air temperature of 20 degrees. Read more about heat release here: Calculation of heat loss through a radiator
What is the difference between bimetal radiators and aluminum radiators?
Bimetal radiators are actually steel radiators coated with aluminum for better heat dissipation. That is, two metals are used in bimetallic radiators - steel (iron) and aluminum.
The bimetal radiator withstands high pressure and is specially designed for central heating. Therefore, in apartments where there is central heating, only bimetallic radiators are installed.
Why is it not necessary to put an aluminum radiator on the central heating?
The fact is that special additives are added to the central heating water to reduce scale. Make it more alkaline. And alkali eats aluminum. Therefore, no matter what they say about metals that are resistant to corrosion, there is still something that can destroy any metal. Even copper and copper pipes are not immune to corrosion. I heard that iron powder or steel chips, when in contact with copper, destroys copper.
The aluminum radiator is suitable for autonomous heating systems. In private houses, where they have their own heating and their own coolant without any tricky additives. Keep antifreeze in mind when you fill in more antifreeze, find out how it will affect your pipes made of various metals. The aluminum radiator unfortunately emits hydrogen, but in what proportions it is difficult to say. Because of this hydrogen, air is often formed, which must be constantly bled off.
A bimetallic radiator also does not represent anything good. It is highly corroded, and all because there is always a certain amount of oxygen in the water, which destroys iron (steel). A bimetallic radiator, like iron pipes, will corrode.
Aluminum is less susceptible to corrosion, but there are still all kinds of chemicals that will eat aluminum.
Still very often even water from a well happens to have some kind of chemical properties. For example, it can be highly acidic, which can also only increase pipe corrosion. Metal-plastic pipes and pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are not subject to corrosion, but are afraid of high temperatures above 85 degrees. (If the temperature is higher, then the life of plastic pipes drops sharply.). Polypropylene pipes pass oxygen. We will talk about pipes in other articles, I will only say what was found empirically that oxygen permeates through the plastic. In metal-plastic pipes there is an aluminum layer that prevents the passage of oxygen into the heating system.
In order for your iron pipes and steel radiators to last longer, you need to make the water or coolant more alkaline. There are special supplements.

Radiator pressure.
As for the working pressure, for aluminum radiators it is from 6 to 16 atmospheres.
For bimetallic radiators, this is from 20 to 40 atmospheres.
As for the pressure in central heating systems, it can reach 7 bar. In private houses, approximately from a three-storey building, the pressure is approximately 1 - 2 bar.
Corrosion and hydrogen formation can be reduced due to any chemical treatment of radiators at the production stage. What can be written in the passport. And that still needs to be proven. Who will benefit from it, even the cheapest radiator will last at least 10 years. And with all sorts of protective layers of 20-50 years. The results will be in 15 years. And when 15 years have passed, then they will simply forget about some kind of protective layer. And in 5 years, you can no longer present the consequences of the destruction of radiators to the manufacturer.
Convectors for heating.
Convector- This heater is made using this technology. Just an ordinary pipe passes through many plates that transfer heat to the air.

For beauty, this device is closed with a decorative panel.
As for power, they are indicated in the passport for each individual model.
Cast iron radiator.
This is a cheap heating device, but terribly heavy.

You can’t hang it on a weak wall, you need to hang such radiators on reinforced brackets.
In terms of power, they are up to 120 W / section
Corrosion is also subjected to and withstand high pressure up to 40 atmospheres. Due to the fact that their wall thickness is large, such cast-iron radiators serve for a very long time. To destroy such a radiator by corrosion, it will take more than a dozen years.
I don't remember any old cast iron radiator leaking due to corrosion.
Steel panel radiators.

It is better not to install steel panel radiators in an apartment for central heating, firstly, their wall thickness reaches 2.5 mm. There are also wall thicknesses of 1.25 mm. And then corrosion will quickly eat them. They withstand pressure less than bimetallic sectional ones.
Working pressure up to 10 bar.
Each individual panel has its own thermal power indicated in the passport.
Such radiators are cheap and are usually suitable for a private house as the cheapest option. Compared to heat dissipation and the space they take up, they bypass sectional radiators. That is, such a radiator will take up less space and at the same time generate more heat.
Why is steel bad for a heating system?
In a heating system where steel or iron is present, the entire heating system is very heavily cluttered with sludge and the consequences of steel corrosion. Crumbs of rusty steel begin to accumulate in the mesh filters and impair the circulation of the heating system. Therefore, if you have steel pipes or steel radiators, then filters should be used with a good margin. Or you have to clean the filters every month. If the filters are not cleaned, then the heating system rises and heat does not circulate through the pipes.
Why is aluminum bad for a heating system?
Aluminum releases hydrogen. With aluminum radiators, it is very often necessary to bleed air from the heating system. By the way aluminum radiators last much longer than steel. But for sectional radiators, the joints are leaking first of all due to poor-quality gaskets or connections. Or if you are using an anti-freeze liquid, which also increases smudges at the joints. By the way, copper pipes, where the coolant circulates through aluminum radiators, do not live long. Therefore, there is a rumor that copper and aluminum are incompatible. I also heard that copper and steel are incompatible. And modern gas boilers inside copper tubes. But this is not scary, the difference may not be large and can reduce the life of copper pipes by one and a half to two times. According to my forecasts, the pipe can serve quietly for 10 years. Though it might just be a scare. Since, working for a company, how many cottages did we set up with copper pipes and aluminum radiators. And we still continue in the same spirit. For me, Duc - more destructibility is due to the non-freezing liquid and the water shifted towards the acidic environment. And aluminum radiators are also afraid of water hammer and electrochemical corrosion.
The difference between steel and aluminum is not big, air can be formed 30% more with aluminum. And destructive corrosion can differ by 10-30%. And it all depends on the coolant. A bad coolant can ruin your heating system faster than any combination of metals. On water, your heating system will last much longer than on non-freezing liquid - a fact. But it can be vice versa if the water is strongly biased towards acidity. I advise you to learn about additional additives in the heating system. Scientists in the housing and communal services laboratory know better about this, since in central heating special treated water circulates. Store assistants may not be aware of this.
Heard that zinc is not compatible with antifreeze. Therefore, it is better not to fill antifreeze liquid in galvanized pipes.
As for sectional radiators.
Very often, people and installers are faced with the following question:
How many sections can be installed on one radiator?
Some experts point-blank argue that you need no more than 10 sections per radiator. The main reason why the number of sections is not exceeded is the coolant consumption!
I explain!
If the flow rate is not sufficient for a powerful radiator, then a cooler coolant will come out of it! Accordingly, the difference will be large. As a result, no matter how many sections you hang, if the expense is small, then the benefit becomes ineffective. Since the main heat transfer comes from the coolant, and the number of sections increases the receipt of this heat from the coolant. FROM large quantity sections increases the temperature difference of the radiator. That is, on delivery heat, and on the return line is low.
I answer that you can put a radiator with 20 sections! It is only necessary to have sufficient coolant flow! If you want to understand the hydraulics and heat engineering of the heating system, then I recommend that you get acquainted with my course:
Hydraulic calculation 2.0
Be aware of the thermostatic valve, it reduces the flow through the radiator.

The quality and efficiency of the heating system affects the creation of a comfortable environment in a residential area. One of the main elements of the heating system is a radiator, which transfers heat from a heated coolant using radiation, convection and thermal conductivity.

They are divided into separate groups depending on the material of manufacture, design, shape, application.

One of important details What you need to pay attention to when choosing - the material of manufacture. The modern market offers several options: aluminum, cast iron, steel, bimetallic heaters.

Aluminum heat exchangers comprehensively heat the room by thermal radiation and convection, which occurs through the movement of heated air from the lower sections of the heater to the upper ones.

Main characteristics:

  • Working pressure from 5 to 16 atmospheres;
  • Thermal power of one section - 81–212 W;
  • The maximum water heating temperature is 110 degrees;
  • The pH of the water is 7–8;
  • The service life is 10-15 years.

There are two manufacturing methods:

  1. Casting.

At increased pressure, separate sections are made of aluminum with the addition of silicon (no more than 12%), which are fastened into one heater. The number of sections varies, it is possible to attach additional sections to one section.

  1. extrusion method.

This method is cheaper than injection molding and involves the manufacture of vertical parts of the battery on an extruder, and the collector is made of silumin (aluminum-silicon alloy). Parts are connected, adding or reducing sections is not possible.


  1. High thermal conductivity
  2. Light weight, easy installation
  3. An increased level of heat transfer, which is facilitated by the design features of the heat exchanger.
  4. Modern design that fits into any interior.
  5. Due to the reduced volume of coolant in the sections, aluminum units heat up quickly.
  6. The design of the battery allows you to build in thermostats, thermal valves, which contribute to economical heat consumption by regulating the heating of the coolant to the required temperature.
  7. Easy to install, installation is possible without the involvement of professionals.
  8. The outer coating of the battery prevents the formation of peeling paint.
  9. Low cost.


  1. Sensitive to shock and other physical influences, as well as pressure surges. These batteries are contraindicated for installation in industrial plants due to the high pressure in the heating system.
  2. The need to constantly maintain the pH level of the water within the acceptable range.
  3. Contaminated coolant - water with solid particles, chemical impurities - damages the internal protective layer walls, causing their destruction, the formation of corrosion and blockages, which reduces the service life. Filters need to be installed and cleaned.
  4. Aluminum reacts with oxygen in water to oxidize, releasing hydrogen. This leads to gas formation in the heating system. To avoid rupture, the installation of an air release device is required, which needs constant maintenance.
  5. Joints between sections are susceptible to leakage.
  6. Aluminum radiators are not compatible with copper pipes, which are often used in modern systems heating. When they interact, oxidation processes occur.
  7. Weak convection.


  • Heat dissipation - 1200–1800 W;
  • The indicator of working pressure is from 6 to 15 atmospheres;
  • Hot water temperature is 110–120 C.
  • Steel thickness - from 1.15 to 1.25 mm.


  1. Little inertia. The steel heat exchanger heats up very quickly and begins to give off heat to the room
  2. Increased heat transfer by thermal radiation and convection
  3. Long service life due to uncomplicated design
  4. Ease of installation
  5. A light weight
  6. Low cost
  7. attractive appearance, original design. Steel are manufactured in various forms allowing them to be placed vertically, horizontally and at an angle
  8. Compatibility with various materials used as fasteners
  9. High level of energy saving
  10. Installation of temperature controllers
  11. Simple design ensures easy maintenance


  1. Low resistance to corrosion. Units made of the thickest steel can withstand a service life of no more than ten years.
  2. Do not leave for a long time without water inside, which is not suitable for central heating.
  3. Inability to withstand strong water hammer and pressure surges, especially at welds.
  4. If the outer coating was initially applied with flaws, over time it will begin to flake off.

Models of steel radiators differ in the type of connection - it can be side or bottom. The bottom connection is considered universal, it is discreet in the interior, but more expensive in cost.

Depending on the number of panels and convectors, or internal sections, there are several types.

Type 10 has one panel without a convector, 11 has one panel and one convector, 21 has two heating panels and one internal section, and so on, types 22, 33 and others are divided by analogy. Three-panel heat exchangers are quite heavy, heat up more slowly and require more complex maintenance.

They are made of several identical sections, cast from cast iron and hermetically connected to each other. When installing such a heater, it is necessary to determine the number of sections, which depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the number of windows, the height of the floor, the angular placement of the apartment.


  • Withstanding pressure 18 atmospheres;
  • Hot water temperature - 150 C;
  • Power 100–150 W;


  1. Corrosion resistant. Cast iron is a wear-resistant material, the quality of the coolant does not affect functionality.
  2. Retains heat for a long time after stopping heating.
  3. Service life of 30 years or more.
  4. Compatibility with other materials.
  5. Increased heat transfer due to the vertical arrangement of the internal fins.
  6. Heat resistance, strength.
  7. Due to the internal diameter and volume of the sections, minimal hydraulic resistance is created and blockages do not occur.


  1. Heavy weight, making it difficult to install and move.
  2. Slow heating.
  3. The impossibility of embedding a temperature controller.
  4. Difficulty in care and coloring.
  5. The outer coating is not stable, may flake off and peel off. For this reason, it becomes necessary to periodically stain the battery.
  6. Unrepresentable appearance.
  7. Increased fuel costs due to large internal volume.
  8. Cast iron heat exchangers have a porous inner surface that collects dirt on itself, which over time will lead to a deterioration in the heat-conducting qualities of the battery.

This type includes devices with an aluminum case and steel pipes inside. They are most common when installed in residential areas.


  • The indicator of working pressure is from 18 to 40 atmospheres;
  • Thermal power - 125–180 W;
  • The permissible temperature of the coolant is from 110 to 130 degrees;
  • The warranty period is 20 years on average.


  1. 100% bimetallic, i.e. the inner core is made of steel, the outer part is made of aluminum. They are stronger.
  2. Bimetallic by 50% - only those pipes that reinforce vertical channels consist of steel. At a cost, they are cheaper than the first type, and heat up faster.


  1. Long service life without the need for maintenance.
  2. Increased level of heat transfer. This is achieved due to the rapid heating of the aluminum panels and the small internal volume of the steel core.
  3. Strength, reliability, resistance to mechanical stress and pressure surges.
  4. Corrosion resistance due to the use of high-strength steel with a special coating.
  5. Light weight, easy installation.
  6. Aesthetic appearance that will fit into the interior.


  1. Expensive.
  2. During the draining of water from the heating system, with simultaneous exposure to air and water, the steel core may corrode. In this case, it is better to use bimetallic models with a copper core and aluminum panels.
  3. Aluminum and steel differ in terms of thermal expansion. Therefore, heat transfer instability, characteristic noises and crackling inside the device are possible during the first years of operation.

For correct operation bimetal heat exchanger, it is recommended to install an air vent valve and shut-off valves on the inlet and outlet pipes.

By design features are divided into the following types:

  1. Sectional
  2. Panel
  3. Tubular

Devices consisting of sections of the same type, connected together, inside each of which there are from two to four channels through which the coolant moves.

The body with sections is assembled to the required thermal power, length, shape. They are made of various materials - steel, aluminum, cast iron, bimetals.


  1. The ability to install additional sections or remove unnecessary ones, depending on the required length of the heat exchanger and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room.
  2. Increased heat transfer produced by the method of radiation and convection.
  3. By increasing the number of sections, the power of the radiator increases.
  4. Low cost.
  5. Profitability.
  6. Installation of temperature controllers.
  7. Different center distance allows you to install the heater everywhere.


  1. Joints between sections are subject to water leakage, and with a sharp increase in pressure, they can disperse.
  2. Difficulties in maintenance associated with the removal of contaminants in the space between sections.
  3. The inner surface of the sections has irregularities, which creates blockages.

They consist of two metal shields treated with anti-corrosion protection, fastened together by welding. Inside the panels, a coolant circulates through vertical channels, and ribs are attached to the back side to increase the area of ​​the heated surface in the form of a P.

Panel heat exchangers are divided into one-, two-, and three-row, made of steel.


  1. A variety of sizes of panel boards allows you to select for heating in accordance with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Depending on the dimensions, the power increases or decreases. The large surface area of ​​the shields has increased heat dissipation.
  2. Due to the low inertia, the battery responds quickly to temperature changes.
  3. A light weight.
  4. Due to the compact design, the battery can be placed in hard-to-reach places premises.
  5. Low cost.
  6. To heat a panel radiator, several times less water is needed than for a sectional one.
  7. Aesthetic appearance.
  8. Ease of installation due to integral design.


  1. Cannot be used in high pressure systems.
  2. They need a clean coolant without chemical impurities and dirt.
  3. The inability to increase or decrease the size for heating, as is the case with sectional.
  4. In case of poor-quality painting with a protective material, corrosion may occur.
  5. Sensitivity to water hammer.

They consist of vertical tubes from 1 to 6, connected by a lower and upper manifold. Due to the simple design, unhindered and efficient circulation of the coolant is ensured.

The level of heat transfer depends on the thickness of the tubes and the dimensions of the unit itself, which vary from 30 cm to 3 m. The operating pressure maintained by tubular models is up to 20 atmospheres. Made from steel.

Main advantage- resistance to pressure drops. The rounded edges and the shape of the tubes do not allow dust and other contaminants to accumulate on their surface. The appearance is stylish and modern, the variety of shapes allows you to create a design model for any interior. Strong welded joints exclude water flow.

Flaws: corrosion susceptibility and cost.

Thanks to convection, such radiators thoroughly warm up the air in the room.

While creating comfortable conditions for living, attention is paid to details that should harmoniously fit into the design of a residential or public space. Often, when implementing a design project, it is required to organically fit each element into it.

The heater also has a variety of forms that can create the integrity of the interior. These include vertical, flat, mirror, floor, plinth devices made of various materials.

Vertical units have been designed for applications where indoor installation is not possible. It depends both on the interior design and on the dimensions or non-standard shape of the living space.

The vertical heat exchanger can be made part of the interior and not hidden behind decorative elements. The main difference is the dimensions, where the length exceeds the width, and vertical placement on the wall. A device of this type is indispensable in a room with panoramic windows.

Vertical radiators can be various designs- panel, tubular, sectional, and made of various materials - cast iron, steel, aluminum. According to the method of connection to the heating system, there are lateral, lower and diagonal.


  1. A wide range of shapes and sizes, colors.
  2. Compactness, which is achieved by reducing the length of the battery along the wall.
  3. Decorativeness is also expressed in the invisibility of all its fasteners and connecting elements.
  4. Ease of installation, which is achieved due to the low weight and integrity of its design.
  5. Large area for increased heat dissipation.
  6. Heating speed.
  7. Heating does not require a large amount of water, which helps to save.
  8. Ease of care.


  1. Expensive
  2. It is possible that the thermal performance of the heater will drop due to the fact that the air from above will always be warmer than the bottom. In accordance with this, the upper part will give off less heat than the lower one.
  3. Uneven distribution of heat over the entire area of ​​​​the room due to the fact that the radiant heat accumulates in the upper part of the room.
  4. It is recommended to install a battery with a reducer to normalize the internal pressure.

In other cases, the disadvantages and advantages correspond to those that are characteristic of each type of conventional batteries - sectional, tubular, panel.

Factors affecting work efficiency:

  1. One or two pipe connections in the system. The first is less economical in terms of water consumption, but easy to install and does not require unnecessary costs.
  2. Type of water supply to the system - top, bottom, side.
  3. Method of connection to the heating system. Diagonal connection is considered universal.

The efficiency of heat transfer depends on the correct connection to the heating system. Before installation, it is important to insulate part of the wall to reduce heat loss.

For compact placement and freeing up space, flat models are used.


  • Smooth front panel that does not allow dust to accumulate on it.
  • Dimensions - from 30 cm to 3 m.
  • A small amount of water is consumed, which makes it easy to regulate using thermostats.
  • Bottom and side connection.
  • Used as decorative element, strict forms or bright colors.

Functioning is similar to panel and sectional ones: a coolant circulates between two metal sheets, if a heating element is laid, an electric flat version is obtained.

Operating pressure up to ten atmospheres, maximum water heating - 110 C. There are single-panel, two-panel and three-panel heaters.

The main advantage is compact size and fast heating. In addition, they are easy to care for, have an attractive and stylish appearance. The decoration of flat heat exchangers allows you to fit into any design of the room, and the mirror surface will replace the mirror. Small installation depth and good thermal radiation.

Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of installation in wet rooms to avoid corrosion, as well as high cost.

Flat and vertical must be equipped with venting devices, since this arrangement causes a difference in internal pressure.

Radiator identical to conventional wall heat exchangers, but mounted on a horizontal surface. It consists of a heat exchanger with a coolant circulating in it, surrounded by aluminum or steel plates and closed from the outside with a metal crate or protective casing.

Equipped with an air vent and connects to pipes of any diameter. The only difference from the wall-mounted options is that the floor radiator is attached to the floor or stands autonomously on it.


  • Indicators of working pressure up to 15 atmospheres;
  • The heating temperature of the outer case is up to 60 degrees;
  • Heat carrier temperature - 110 C;
  • Dimensions in length are up to 2 m, in height on average - 1 m.

They are made of cast iron, aluminum, steel, bimetals. Many of the models are transformed from wall to floor and vice versa, using brackets.


  1. Fire - and safety.
  2. Uniform space heating.
  3. A variety of shapes and sizes to suit the style of the interior and at the request of the buyer.
  4. The use of copper in the heat exchanger improves the anti-corrosion properties and increases the service life.
  5. Built-in electronic and automated control.
  6. Profitability.
  7. Installation is possible in any place of the room where a pipe with hot water supply is supplied.
  8. Ensuring natural convection.
  9. Embedded additional functions warm and purify the surrounding air.
  10. A floor heat exchanger is a convenient option in rooms where there is no possibility of installing wall-mounted ones due to weight, or panoramic windows are installed.
  11. Compact dimensions.
  12. Increased heat dissipation.
  13. Resistance to mechanical influences.


  1. Installation problems are possible, since the installation of a floor radiator involves the supply of pipes hidden under the floor.
  2. The cost with copper pipes and aluminum plates is quite high. Cast iron models are cheaper, but have lower thermal conductivity. Steel floor models have low heat dissipation.

A comfortable atmosphere in the bathroom, lack of dampness, unpleasant odor, maintaining the optimal level of humidity will provide a properly installed radiator.

They are divided according to the method of heating and form:

  1. Water, heated by running water

They are connected to the heating system of the house according to the usual wall-mounted method. In addition, it can be equipped with temperature controllers, with the help of which the required surface temperature is set.

It is recommended to use stainless steel, copper or brass as the external coating of the water unit.

  1. Electrical

It functions autonomously, a heating element operating from the mains is built in. Ease of installation. It is not able to heat the entire area of ​​the bathroom, so it is advisable to use it in conjunction with other heaters, for example, with a floor heating system. In addition, this type is more expensive to maintain than water.

  1. Combined: water and electric.

Able to function from the heating system and from the network. Of the minuses - the cost. There are simple forms and designer ones.

Depending on the material, there are:

  1. Cast iron.

Pros: increased heat dissipation, cheap price, good service life.

Cons: unattractive appearance. If there is no protective polymer layer, peeling of the outer layer will occur. paintwork, and the battery will lose its appearance.

  1. Steel.

Cons: susceptibility to corrosion, the occurrence of leaks over time, which, under strong water pressure, make a breach.

  1. Aluminum.

Pros: light weight, compact size, attractive appearance.

Cons: not suitable for a system with central heating, because they do not tolerate water hammer and polluted with sand and chemical impurities, the coolant.

  1. Bimetallic.

Pros: service life (up to 20 years), good performance heat transfer, resistance to water hammer and pressure drops.

Cons: cost.

  1. infrared.

Pros: convenient mounting anywhere in the bathroom, while maintaining the usable area of ​​the room, the ability to control the temperature, heating objects in the room.

Cons: high cost.

The radiator in the bathroom, regardless of type and shape, can be covered with a decorative panel. So the surface will not be exposed to external influences with a constant amount of radiated heat.

Radiator for an apartment

In apartment buildings, not every unit can be used effectively for many years.

It is necessary to take into account the features of the central heating system:

  1. The coolant has contamination in the form of various chemical impurities that can cause corrosion over time.
  2. Hard grains of sand and other blockages, over time, act on the walls of the pipes, calling for their abrasion.
  3. The temperature of the water changes, as does the level of acidity.
  4. Pressure surges cause the divergence of the joints of the welds on the walls.

Selection options:

  1. Specified by the manufacturer operating pressure in the unit exceeds the pressure in the heating system.
  2. The heating device is resistant to water hammer.
  3. The inner surface of the walls of the heat exchanger must be with a special protective coating, protecting from the chemical action of the elements on each other, and the wall thickness must withstand the physical effects of clogging particles from the inside.
  4. It is worth choosing with the greatest heat transfer.
  5. The duration of the service life.
  6. External design.

Options suitable for installation in an apartment:

  1. Bimetallic.

They are suitable for all the necessary parameters for installation and long service life in an apartment of a multi-storey building. Withstand hydraulic shocks, the maximum working pressure is up to 50 atmospheres, internal and external treatment with a protective coating keeps the surface from corrosion and wear.

Light weight makes it easy to install, and the appearance is attractive in any interior. The only downside is it's expensive.

  1. Cast iron.

Long service life, thick walls, resistance to corrosion, chemically passive material of such heat exchangers creates conditions for use in an apartment. Cast iron retains heat for a long time compared to other materials. Heating by radiation is more efficient than convection.

Good heat dissipation, affordable price, when draining water from the system, the inner surface does not rust. Cons - cast iron may not withstand too large pressure surges, it is heavy and creates inconvenience during installation.

Not suitable for installation in an apartment:

  1. Steel.

They do not withstand the pressure typical of a central heating system, despite good heat dissipation and economical use of resources.

  1. Aluminum.

Aluminum quickly corrodes in combination with water with chemical impurities and its pH level, and does not withstand strong pressure in the heating system.

Bimetal and cast iron are suitable. If the height of the house is more than five floors, and non-cast iron batteries were originally installed in the apartment, it is recommended to install bimetallic ones.

For right choice heater in a private house you need to rely on the following features of an autonomous heating system:

  1. Unlike a centralized heating system, an autonomous heating system operates at low pressure and without chemical impurities.
  2. No large pressure drops.
  3. The acidity level of the water is relatively constant.

Before choosing, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of the released thermal energy in accordance with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises.

The heat losses of the building must be taken into account in order to correctly select the power. Important factors are its size, as well as the ratio of price and quality.


  1. Steel.

Sectional and panel types are an affordable option with good heat dissipation and attractive appearance. In a private house with large window openings, it allows you to block the access of cold air from the outside.

Tubular steel are similar in positive characteristics, but the price is higher.

The advantages of steel heat exchangers when used in a private house: light weight, convenient size, long service life, economy and lack of oxidization from low-quality coolant.

Cons: the need for constant filling with water to avoid corrosion, maintenance every three years to prevent blockages inside the battery, as well as sensitivity to mechanical stress.

  1. Aluminum.

Due to its high heat output, the aluminum heat exchanger is suitable for independent heating systems. For long life, you need to monitor the pH level of the water.

When choosing this type of radiator, you need to make an accurate calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, otherwise there is a risk of a temperature difference between the floor and the ceiling. Must be equipped with temperature and pressure sensors and dirt filters.

  1. Bimetallic.

Characteristics suitable for use in a private home, but the cost is high. Since an autonomous heating system does not require resistance to powerful pressure surges and an aggressive coolant medium, you can find a profitable option with the parameters necessary for high-quality service.

Price bimetal radiator will pay off due to the long service life.

  1. Cast iron.

Due to the fact that the cast-iron radiator cools slowly, you can save on fuel resources. Increased corrosion resistance and strength in relation to low cost can provide a long service life, which is suitable for heating a private house.

The disadvantage is that periodic maintenance, cleaning, painting, and the need for a strong fastening of the cast-iron battery are required.