Fiberboard Green Board. What is fiberboard? Where is fibrolite used? Its advantages and disadvantages Fibrolit gb

The production of fiberboard boards under the Green Board trademark is carried out by Stroitelnye innovatsii LLC in the village of Bavleny Vladimir region... The enterprise is equipped with the most modern equipment of the Dutch company "Eltonation", which today is one of the world leaders in the production of fiberboard. LLC "Stroitelnye innovatsii" have a full production cycle, including the procurement of raw materials, molding of plates, their drying and storage.

Wood wool is a ribbon-like fiber with a thickness of 0.2 - 0.5 mm, a width of 1 - 8 mm and a length of up to 25 cm, cut on special equipment. As part of fiberboard, it acts as a filler. To obtain wood wool, wood of various species, including deciduous ones, can be used.

Portland cement acts as a binder.

Usage liquid glass in the manufacture of fiberboard due to the fact that when mixed with cement, wood releases water-soluble sugars that prevent the hardening of cement. When processing wood wool with a solution of liquid glass, the thinnest waterproof film is formed on its surface, which prevents the interaction of wood sugars and cement, while reducing the "setting" time of the cement and improving the "adhesion" of wood and cement.

In principle, this is a single composition of components for all wood-cement materials - DSP (cement particle boards), DSP ( particle board), VELOX boards, etc. The differences are in the cement / wood ratio, the shape and size of the wood particles used and the density finished products... So, for example, in the production of CBPB, wood plates are used with a length of 5 - 10 mm, a width and thickness of 1 - 2 mm. Cement content 60%, wood 40%.

The main distinctive features slabs greenboard "Green Board",

which largely determine their breakthrough, innovative nature

in the domestic market of board materials and insulation,

are just laid down at the production stage and

provided by the following factors:

The production of the Green Board fiberboard itself includes several stages, and in terms of duration (not taking into account the preparation of wood wool) it takes about a month (28 days is the time of final hardening of the cement to obtain its branded strength). Initially, wood wool is treated with a solution of liquid glass by spraying. Next, it is mixed with dry cement. To hydrate the cement, moisture from wood wool is used, and an excessive temperature and humidity regime is created in the production room, where the boards are formed, pressed and cured. Further, the process of pressing the plates takes place in a continuous mode.

The density and grade of the slab is primarily determined by the content of cement in the prepared raw material mass and the degree of pressing of the slabs. Plates of high density at the initial stage of hardening are additionally subjected to steaming at elevated temperature and humidity. After finishing the drying process, GB-3 and GB-1050 boards (boards of high and increased density) are additionally subjected to grinding of their surface.

Plates brands "Green Board" (Greenboard). Application area


Description and application

Serially produced products

Thickness, mm

Density, kg / m 3

Slab GB1

Low density slab

The main application is heat and sound insulation, noise absorption, thermal and hydro regulation of the room microclimate

Plate GB-450

Low density slab

The main application is heat and sound insulation, noise absorption, thermal and hydro regulation of the room microclimate. Used as permanent formwork and cladding of frame walls that take limited loads

Plate GB-600

Medium density slab

Main application - as permanent formwork in monolithic structures from heavy or lightweight concrete; outdoor and / or interior cladding walls of frame buildings, partitions; filing ceilings

Plate GB-3

High density slab

Plate GB-1050

High Density Structural Board

The main application is as external and / or internal wall cladding of frame buildings, partitions; outer cladding SIP-panels, structural elements of rafter-beam systems, ceilings, roofs, subfloors





Physical and mechanical characteristics of GreenBord plates.

Indicator name






Thickness, mm

50, 100

25, 35

14, 25, 35, 50

10, 12


Density,%, no more



Humidity,%, no more

Swelling in thickness in 24 hours,%, no more

Water absorption in 24 hours,%

no more

Elastic modulus, MPa,

not less



Flexural strength, MPa,

not less

Compressive strength, MPa,

not less



Tensile strength perpendicular to the plate face, MPa, not less





Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / ( m * K)






Specific heat,

kJ / ( kg * K)

Hardness, MPa, not less

Specific resistance to pulling screws out of the plastic, N / mm, not less



Calculated vapor permeability coefficient, mg / ( m * h * Pa)






As already noted, the uniqueness of the Green Board fiberboard lies in the peculiarities of production and the equipment used.

Long fibers of wood wool, with their uniform and multidirectional laying, make it possible to reduce the cement content in the material without significant deterioration of the properties imparted to the material by cement. Such a decrease does not have a particular effect on the strength characteristics of the slabs, but significantly reduces their weight, which gives them additional technological advantages during installation. (they are lighter), significantly less dust when sawing, and they are also much less fragile. When exposed to a concentrated local load (screwing in self-tapping screws and hammering in staples), the fibers of the plates seem to move apart and allow screwing in a self-tapping screw without pre-drilling holes and at the same time, compared to other wood-cement materials, the Green Board has the highest pull-out force.

Fiberboard Green Board due to the long grain structure of wood wool also have increased bending strength and better elasticity. In addition, the presence of such timber frame allows you to redistribute inside it, without compromising the strength of the slabs, various shock loads arising from daily use (shrinkage of the house, various work during construction, uneven heating / cooling of various parts of the house, seismic loads, etc.). The number of times such loads are applied without destroying the plates is practically unlimited.

Long wood wool fibers ensure the material has the effect of comfortable hydraulic regulation(active protection against moisture). The effect is expressed in the maintenance of the humidity of the internal atmosphere of the room by the material in the range of 35-50%, which is the most comfortable for a person.

With an increase in air humidity, excess moisture from it is consumed by the material (the air is dried), with a decrease in humidity, moisture is released from the material into the air (the air is humidified). Those. works like a huge accumulator, smoothing out fluctuations in the air humidity of the internal atmosphere of the premises.

Comfortable humidity is the level respiratory diseases, the condition of the skin, wrinkles, the work of the nervous, immune and metabolic systems and much more, which make up human longevity.

In addition, the ability to quickly remove moisture from the Green Board fiberboard provides such an important quality as frost resistance, which is essential for external cladding of facades. The same factor provides protection against pathogenic bacteria, fungi and insects that start up in high humidity conditions.

Long fibers make it possible to obtain material, even in a loose form. Fibrolite GreenBord is the only wood-cement material with this property. The looseness of the material, the presence of numerous air pores in it allows the use of low density fiberboard as an effective heat insulator.

The loose structure of low and medium density fiberboard makes it an excellent damper for the reflection of sound waves.

This is facilitated by the relatively large mass of the slabs in combination with the cellular structure. The sound seems to get entangled in the fibers, while giving them its energy, and comes out of the material weakened and soft. This effect is especially necessary for creating acoustic comfort.

This operation provides a high-quality blocking of wood fibers, first with liquid glass, and then with cement. Thus, a material is obtained that combines the positive qualities of wood (environmental friendliness and comfort of living, structural strength, good thermal and hydro regulation, etc.) and cement (water resistance, durability, fire safety, biological and chemical resistance, etc.). They really complement each other very harmoniously, while cement extinguishes the imperfections of wood (low durability in a humid environment, flammability, etc.), and the selected proportions of the initial components and the production technology make it possible to obtain materials that combine a lot of positive properties. The main such properties of this wood-cement composition are:

In the material, wood wool fibers are surface impregnated with a sodium silicate solution (water glass). Sodium silicate completely clogs the surface pores of the wood, making them not only impenetrable, but also immobile. The surface of the wood wool is covered with a thin layer of cement, which prevents the wood from contacting with the external atmosphere.

In addition, the material, due to its active resistance to moisture, always remains very dry (with a moisture content of 8-11%). As a result, the wood in the "Green Board" slabs is practically not subject to moisture expansion-contraction and biological effects. The almost complete absence of contact of long wood fibers (wood wool) with gases contained in the air (oxygen and chemically active impurities) leads to the fact that there is practically no oxidation of wood in the material and the service life is determined by the service life of the cement, which significantly exceeds 100 years, and he is inert to chemical composition ambient air, which makes it possible active use in aggressive environments such as livestock buildings, salt and fertilizer stores, etc.

The service life of the Green Board fiberboard is comparable to the service life

materials such as steel, reinforced concrete, etc.

The service life of the Green Board allows you to create houses on its basis that do not require overhaul throughout the entire service life, which significantly reduces operating costs.

High fire safety

High fire-resistance properties are a consequence of the structure of the Green Board. The high fire resistance of the material is determined by the fact that the wood wool fibers in the airtight "cement cocoon" have a small thickness (0.15-0.25 mm). Sealing of wood fibers with cement makes the material hardly flammable. The absence of synthetic components in the material leads to the absence of smoke and toxic substances.

In houses built of Green Board fiberboard, you can avoid the fear of fire associated with the burning of these plates, collapse of evacuation sites, as well as poisoning by the products of combustion of the material.

On the basis of Green Board plates, it is possible to create an integral fire-retardant barrier for a house or its individual rooms.

In accordance with regulatory documents,

slabs have the following classification:

Low-flammable ( D1)

Non-spreading flame ( RP1)

Hardly flammable ( IN 1)

Low-hazardous combustion products in terms of toxicity ( T1)

With low smoke-generating ability ( D1)

At the same time, the Green Board fiberboard has other properties,

increasing fire safety:

  • high thermal insulation property, i.e. the property of slow transfer of elevated temperature from the surface layers into the depth of the material. The experiment shows that when forcibly firing one side of the slab with a jet of open fire and, accordingly, charring it, the other side remains cold.
  • mechanical stability at high temperatures , i.e. the material does not soften in case of fire, "does not flow".

High adhesion to the surface and maintainability

Fiberboard greenboard "Green Board" is a cement-containing material with a pronounced porous structure. This determines that they have excellent adhesion with an overwhelming number of building materials... These include both finishing materials (putties, tile glue) and materials for monolithic housing construction ( concrete).

It is possible to use Green Board slabs as a permanent formwork with all types of concrete (heavy, foam, aerated concrete, concrete with fillers), foam gypsum concrete, etc. At the same time, this structure does not exhibit peeling of the fixed formwork from the wall. The exception is polystyrene concrete. This material can only be used with low and medium density Green Board fixed formwork.

In addition, any potholes and chips on the surface of the slabs are easily and efficiently sealed with cement-based mortars and glue.

Slabs Green Boards have a high level of sound insulation. Active absorption of sound waves occurs due to the fact that each fiber in the material is a 5-layer structure with layers of different density: 2 layers of cement, 2 layers of wood impregnated with liquid glass, 1 layer of untreated wood. Considering the high density of layers in the material (for example, in high-density slabs, there are up to 5 layers of fibers per 1 mm of slab thickness), sound waves are damped even in slabs of small thickness. Due to the fact that the layers have different densities, sounds of all frequencies - from high to low, as well as not only everyday, but also percussion noises are effectively suppressed.


Highly toxic substance. The heart suffers from micro doses of styrene. It has an effect on the liver, causing, among other things, toxic hepatitis.

Styrene vapor irritates mucous membranes. Sweating increases. Women are particularly susceptible to styrene exposure. Menstrual irregularities are frequent. Styrene is an embryogenic poison that causes fetal deformities in the womb. Styrene is practically not excreted from the body, accumulating in the liver. Those. after being in a "styrene" atmosphere, it is impossible to remove it from the body and, therefore, it is impossible to recover. Styrene vapors pass through any wall, be it wood, brick or monolithic reinforced concrete wall... The process of styrene penetration cannot be stopped.

Bromine-containing flame retardants

Dangerous when free radicals combine to form molecular bromine. There is irritation of the mucous membranes, dizziness, and with a high content - respiratory tract spasms and suffocation. The presence of bromine-containing flame retardants is often associated with delayed brain development, learning and memory problems in children.


A chemical compound that contains chlorine. It is a chemical warfare agent. After inhalation of a small amount of its vapors, toxic pulmonary edema occurs, which manifests itself after a latent period of several hours. During this period, the sent person feels good, and, as a rule, is quite capable, then death occurs.

For example, during a fire in the notorious Lame Horse club (Perm, 2009, the death toll was 156 people), where the walls and ceiling were decorated, including with foam, many people died precisely because of food poisoning burning (fatal pulmonary edema from the action of phosgene occurs after 2 - 3 breaths). In addition, as a result of the constantly occurring process of destruction (destruction) of the foam, which is inevitable and leads to the fall of its mechanical and thermal insulation properties, the service life of the foam is no more than 20 years.

Low moisture protection

As you know, water has low level thermal insulation (λ = 0.6 W / m about C) and, accordingly, in the insulation, areas of the material that are covered with moisture are practically excluded from the process of preventing heat transfer.

Water leads to destruction of the structure of microfiber insulation. Such heaters include mineral wool heaters, ecowool, etc. These insulation materials consist of the smallest fibers, which do not obstruct the passage of water vapor through them. In comparison with traditional materials, these materials have a significantly higher vapor permeability index. When steam condenses in the thickness of this insulation, the formed tiny particles of water lead to a change in the geometry of the insulation microfibers. Under the influence of water droplets, some of them break off, the other sticks together. This process goes so stronger than more water condenses in the thickness of the insulation. As a result, we get clumping and settling of the insulation, which sharply increases its thermal conductivity.

Now, to prevent mineral wool from getting wet, passive protection is being installed - an additional vapor barrier. However, it is only theoretically possible to make such a complete insulation of the insulation. Carelessness in work, savings on gaskets, low qualification of builders, holes in the walls from exterior decoration, furniture, etc. make the process of wetting the insulation only a matter of time. 10-15 years, this is the period when, as practice has shown, the wetting of mineral insulation reaches a critical value.

In the event of emergency leaks and wetting of these heaters, they are not restored and must be replaced. In addition, the presence of constant, non-drying dampness in the volume of cotton insulation is the best place for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi. These biological forms, their spores are the strongest allergens and initiators of asthma.

Release during operation of substances harmful to human health

Heaters based on mineral, glass and basalt fibers

release phenol and formaldehyde

throughout the entire period of its existence.


A carcinogen with high toxicity. Negatively affects heredity, reproductive organs, respiratory tract, eyes, skin. Has a strong effect on the central nervous system... Formaldehyde causes nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia.


Poisonous substance, the vapor of which irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, skin. With a single or irregular exposure to small doses of phenol, fatigue, dizziness, headache, decreased immunity, exacerbation of allergic reactions. With regular exposure, phenol vapors lead to chronic diseases liver and kidney.

Often, when buying and moving such cotton wool, you can see with the naked eye that many such heaters "push" very strongly and there is a whole cloud of fine dust above them, which consists largely of phenol-formaldehydes. The volatility of this dust is such that it easily passes through the pores of the vapor barrier film.

Low durability

Low mechanical strength and exposure to moisture leads to subsidence and further shedding of such heaters in structures. The "life time" of mineral wool is no more than 10-15 years.

The composition of the boards "Green Board" does not include harmful or hazardous substances, so there is no release during the entire period of existence of the material.

In addition, this stove creates a very favorable microclimate inside the room, associated with maintaining a comfortable humidity for a person.

High mechanical strength

GB-1 slabs have a density of 250 - 300 kg / m 3. Plates are very convenient for installation:

  • in the walls (frame construction);
  • on the walls (for plaster and various cladding - siding, block house, etc.);
  • on flat roofs under a soft roof.

Slabs "Green Board" does not "melt", do not sag, do not cake, do not clump.

Long service life of "Green Board" boards is due to the fact that they have the properties of natural dryness and quick removal of moisture from themselves while maintaining shape stability when wet, they can get wet and dry an unlimited number of times, without changing their properties.

Energy efficiency is a general indicator that characterizes the total losses of heat energy to provide comfortable conditions human life.

It is associated not only with direct heat losses from the passage of heat through insulated walls, floors and ceilings (thermal insulation), but also forced heat losses from the need to ventilate the premises in the event of a high concentration of harmful substances in them. Energy efficiency is also significantly affected by the thermal inertia of the building envelope (walls, floors, ceilings). It is practically impossible to create comfortable temperature conditions in a room without thermal inertia. In such a room there will always be places where it will be cold or hot.

In a real room, these differences are smoothed out due to the thermal inertia of the walls. When the air overheats, the walls take in excess heat from the atmosphere. With a lack of heat, the enclosing structures give it to the inner atmosphere of the room.

Thermal inertia is a property of the mass of a material. The low weight inherent in modern heaters leads to the fact that in houses with insulation made of light materials, the removal of overheating of the internal atmosphere of the room is possible only by ventilation, i.e. discharge of this air (heat) into the external atmosphere.

Slabs "Green Board" has the highest weight among modern heaters... This allows for complete utilization of heat on the structure of the house, without dumping it into the external atmosphere.

  • higher cost... At the same time, it is not entirely correct to compare the cost of inexpensive low-density heaters and the cost of GB-1 boards, which have a density of at least 250 kg / m 3. For example, the cost stone wool, close in density to GB-1, is higher.
  • more accurate thickness calculation supporting frame , since the slabs have a high density and it is rather difficult to "tighten" them.

Nevertheless, if you yourself are involved in the construction of your house and are trying to understand the building technologies and materials used (and at the same time are not completely limited in your budget), then using Green Board plates as thermal insulation, you will not only take care of your health and the safety of your loved ones, but also forget about your potential operating costs for the rest of your life and the lives of your children.

Fiberboard "Green Board" (GB -2, GB-3) are slab material new generation, and their use allows you to eliminate a number of serious disadvantages inherent in widely used today DSP and OSB boards.

The main advantages of the boards "Green Board"

Alternative to DSP

Fiberboard "Green Board" has excellent adhesion to all modern building materials. Does not fall off exterior decoration... Does not need to be additionally fixed to the concrete core.

CBPBs have a smooth, even surface, and, consequently, low adhesion, even to heavy concrete. Therefore, the fastening of the slabs to the concrete is insured with additional fasteners. It is not recommended to transfer additional load to the slabs from wall cabinets, shelves, etc. These items are mounted on dowels that rest on concrete base walls.

Plates "Green Board" are laid close to each other without gaps, due to the lower value of temperature and humidity expansion. DSP boards must be mounted with a clearance of 3-5 mm.

Less material weight. Plates "Green Board" are lighter than CBPB by an average of 30%. There is less cement in the material, therefore it is easier to process, less dusty during its processing.

Fiberboard plates are more convenient for installation and fastening. Do not require pre-drilling holes for self-tapping screws.

Fiberboard board "Green Board" is not fragile and more resistant to cracking. At the same time, CBPB is a fragile material. Local stresses, shocks are not transmitted through the material, but lead to the formation of microcracks. Microcracks branch, connect with others, and after some time can cause instant destruction of a slab or structure. Moreover, this destruction may not occur immediately, but several years after the start of the operation of the house.

Green Board slabs have more precise geometric dimensions, especially the thickness of the edge of the slab.

Alternative to OSB

Fire safety. Greenboard GB-3 slabs have a class G1 (flame retardant). They are hardly flammable (B1), flame retardant (RP1), with low smoke-forming ability (D1), with low toxicity of combustion products ( T1).

Have OSB boards- class G4 (highly flammable), flammable (B3), with high smoke-forming ability (D3), and high toxicity of combustion products ( T3).

Complete absence of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere during the entire period of operation. This property is ensured by the fact that the manufacturer of the boards does not, in principle, and will not introduce harmful or hazardous substances into the composition of the "Green Board" boards.

In the production of OSB, about 12% of the total mass is made up of binder resins. Manufacturers of inexpensive OSB, which is mainly represented in our market, use resins of very low quality with a high content of impurities that emit harmful substances during current operation (formaldehydes, methanol, etc.) and during combustion.

High durability. The service life of the material exceeds 100 years.

The presence of the effect of regulating humidity in the internal atmosphere of the premises. Plates "Green Board", as well as wood " breathe. "

High biostability. The material does not rot, even in a humid environment, does not “peel off”, bacteria and fungi, etc. do not grow in it.

Characteristics of GB-3, DSP, OSB boards.






Length, mm

2800, 3000

3200, 3600

2440, 2500

Width, mm

1200, 1250

1220, 1250

Thickness, mm

10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 25, 35

8-36 (graduation every 2 mm)


Density, kg / m³




Humidity, %

12 ± 3

9 ± 3


Swelling in thickness

for 245 hours in water%, no more

Water absorption in 24 hours, by weight,%, no more

Flexural strength, MPa, not less


For thicknesses 8-16 mm - 12.0

For thicknesses 18-24 mm - 10.0

For thicknesses 26-36 mm - 9.0

Prod.axis. 158-22

Transverse axis 9-11

Flexural modulus, MPa, not less



Prod.axis: 3500

Lateral axis: 1400

Tensile strength perpendicular to the plate face, MPa, not less



Compressive strength, MPa, not less


Impact strength, KJ / kg * о С



Specific resistance to pulling screws out of the plastic, N / mm



Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / m * о С



Specific heat, KJ / kg * о С


Vapor permeability coefficient, mg / m * h * Pa


Resistance to cyclic temperature and humidity influences:

Longitudinal axis 60%

- decrease in bending strength,% (after 20 cycles of temperature and humidity effects), no more

- swelling in thickness (after 20 cycles of temperature and humidity effects),%

10% and more

Frost resistance (reduction in bending strength after 50 cycles),%, no more

Flammability group

( slightly flammable)

( slightly flammable)

( highly flammable)

Flammability group

( hardly flammable)

( hardly flammable)

AT 3 ( l flammable)

Flame spread group

RP1 ( n distributing)


( non-proliferating)

RP3 ( at steadily spreading)

Smoke-generating ability


(group D1)


(group D1)


(group D3)

Hazard class for toxicity of combustion products

Low hazard

(group T1)

Low hazard

(group T1)

Highly hazardous

(group T3)

Fiberboard is a multifunctional building material based on wood chips. Fibrolite has many useful properties of natural wood, but unlike wood, fibrolite is resistant to fire and is not subject to decay processes.

For the first time, fiberboard plates began to be developed at the beginning of the last century. Initially, they were made from shavings, sawdust, wood chips and various other waste from the woodworking industry. The first fiberboard plates were characterized by good heat and sound insulation, but had extremely low strength. Over time, the technology for the production of fibreboard has improved markedly.

Modern boards are made from fine wood wool from softwoods. The bonding element is cement, water glass or caustic magnesite. Magnesite-based fibrolite boards are considered the most environmentally friendly and on this moment have no analogues in the world.

Fibrolite boards, in principle, cannot be called a new building material. The technology of using cement and wood chips has been known for a long time, including the production of fiberboard. In addition to fiberboard boards, there is also DSP, in which chips and cement are also used, but the chips are crushed (chips).

Technologies are changing towards improvement. The standards issued in the days of the Union, which are still used, are becoming obsolete, and the material acquires new properties and areas of application. This fully applies to fiberboard plates.

Fiberboard history

The current GOST for this group of products has a revision of 81 years. It was also developed by the relevant ministry of the USSR. In accordance with its norms, fiberboard plates are provided with three grades that determine the characteristics of the material:

  • F-300 (average density with a spread of 250-350 kg per cubic meter);
  • F-400 (351-450);
  • F-500 (451-500).

The first type is heat-insulating, the second is heat-insulating and structural, the third is in the first place, structural properties, it is named so - structural and heat-insulating. In addition, F-400 and F-500 are used for sound insulation. The standard stipulated dimensions, strength, water absorption and other characteristics.

Modern manufacturers have gone further: they have expanded the range of board densities, and therefore the scope of use. You can say they have delineated the boundaries more clearly. The density and size of the slabs are different, it depends on where they will be used:

  1. A material with a low index is more often used as a sound insulation material.
  2. Medium density slabs, mainly for fencing.
  3. For the construction of complex structures, fiberboard with a higher density is required.

As illustrative example it is worth bringing the plates produced on the equipment of the Dutch company ELTOMATION. They classify a low-density slab in the entire range of the domestic standard, and in addition produce two more categories of slabs: with a density of 600-800 kg / cubic meter. m and up to 1100 kg / cu. m.

Plates with the Green Board trademark are classified in three grades - GB1 (density 250–570), GB2 (600–800), GB3 (1000–1400).

Already by the characteristics of the density, it is clear that in addition to the scope of use specified in the domestic standard, brands have been added that can be used as construction and finishing materials. One could object: why invent something new for enclosing surfaces and cladding, because there is plywood , Chipboard and OSB, which have high strength characteristics. But fiberboard boards have a number of advantages over them.

Fiberboard dignity

Fiberboard as thermal insulation material inferior to expanded polystyrene or mineral wool, but in its pure form it is practically not used as a heater. If we evaluate the statistics, then 40% of the market consumption share in our country and in Europe falls on fixed formwork. And in this capacity, fiberboard has a significant advantage over expanded polystyrene - it is incombustible (class T1) and has breathable properties.

Environmental Safety
Fibrolite has excellent ecological properties... It does not emit harmful toxic substances and is absolutely safe for humans.

Fibrolite does not deform, is not susceptible to the destructive effects of insects, rodents, mold, fungi and other microorganisms.

Good thermal insulation
Wood has been famous for its heat-shielding properties for a long time. Fiberboard, like natural wood, retains heat well.

Increased water resistance
Fibrolite possesses high level waterproofing. Fiberboard boards can be installed in rooms with humidity up to 75%. In rooms with more high humidity It is recommended to protect fiberboard boards from moisture using plaster or waterproofing.

Fire safety
Fiberboard has a very high fire resistance

Since the characteristics of the boards are high, its application in the construction field is very high. The production of fiberboard boards has existed for many years, but over time, the process has undergone significant changes, and the material has become of better quality. Let's summarize the advantages, the material has the following technical characteristics:

  1. Fire safety. Thanks to the astringent impregnation, the wood product becomes capable of this property.
  2. Moisture resistance. Again, due to the impregnating layer, the material copes well with water ingress.
  3. Strength. Fiberboard owes this quality to wood and a layer of cement.
  4. Resistant to decay and pests.
  5. Increased sound insulation.
  6. Ecological cleanliness.
  7. Excellent resistance to cold temperatures.
  8. Long term of the operational period.
  9. Ease of transportation. Since fiberboard is not very heavy, heavy equipment is not required for this.
  10. Ease of installation.

The rest of the market is for panel-frame (20%) and panel construction (40%). Compared to plywood OSB and chipboard, fiberboard boards do not contain phenolic resins, so they win in environmental friendliness.

Breathability and self-regulation of humidity (absorption in excess and recoil in case of lack) ensure the maintenance of a comfortable home environment. And of course, an important indicator is high fire safety.

General advantages as a building material - high durability, resistance to water (wood is "connected" with mineral additives), good adhesion with building mixtures(plaster, putty), primers and paints.

Where are fiberboard boards used?

Fiberboard boards have standard sizes and low weight, so you can work with them without the involvement of heavy lifting equipment. Fiberboard slabs are also actively used for insulation and sound insulation of interior and exterior walls, sloped roofs, attics, interior partitions and inter-floor ceilings.

Since wood chips are added during the production of the material, the strength increases significantly, therefore fiberboard is often used during monolithic construction of buildings. In addition, it is used by:

  • for low-rise construction of houses as formwork;
  • as when laying an insulating layer;
  • as a finishing cladding, on which finishing will be applied in the future;
  • as soundproofing.

The use of fibreboard in monolithic construction

Reduce construction costs monolithic house succeeds thanks to fiberboard, from which permanent formwork is often constructed. These structures are easy to install, in addition, it is possible to resolve the issue of home insulation. Fiberboard slabs are often used in construction panel-frame houses... Due to their structural properties, fiberboard plates are ideal for the construction of permanent formwork.

Fiberboard slabs are used for construction different options designs. For this, the material is cut according to required dimensions, then, according to the project, the formwork is laid.

The use of fiberboard is most expedient in urban conditions, since it will protect against noise that causes considerable discomfort.

Manufacturing technology and composition

The process consists in mixing wood shavings with a water base and some additives. For this, liquid glass or office glue in a diluted state is added to the shavings. This is necessary so that no chemical reaction occurs between the components.

Initially, wood wool is impregnated using a special knitting mixture. A cement compound acts as a binder. After that, the material is poured and pressed into molds.

Such high properties are inherent in the composition, structure and manufacturing technology. Fibrolite is 60% wood, almost 40% cement, also in the composition of no more than a half-percent mineral additive. There are three main factors that distinguish fiberboard from other wood-based materials:

  • at the first stage - the production of especially thin and long shavings, which are called wood wool;
  • on the second - the mineralization of wood (for example, liquid glass) in order to "close" the access of water to the tree;
  • at the third stage - the horizontal orientation of the wood wool in the process of making the board.

Wood and cement are environmentally friendly materials. Mineralization protects against moisture. The structure of the slab provides a sufficiently high fracture strength. By adjusting the density of the slab, they achieve a certain set of basic operational properties - thermal insulation, sound insulation, structural strength.

There are many other advantages of fiberboard compared to other building materials. Despite the fact that fiberboard is a relatively young building material, due to its unique properties and low cost, it is gaining more and more widespread use in modern construction practice. Watching the video:

What fibrolite, are you asking a question? Fibrolite is one of the most common wood-shaving insulation.

How is fibrolite obtained?

It is obtained by mixing wood shavings (wood strips with a length of 50 cm):

Cement and, of course, water. In addition, wood chips are also impregnated with a solution of water glass or calcium chloride. After that, the mixture is pressed, dried, and boards, called fibrolite, are obtained.

Technical characteristics and application of fiberboard

Fibrolite is of different density, respectively, it has different markings.

The one that goes as insulation is marked M300.

М400 and М500 - heat-insulating and structural fiberboard.

The higher the brand, the greater the density and the better the thermal conductivity (or: it is worse as a heater - if so it is clearer). For the actual thermal insulation, the M300 fiberboard is intended, as it has the lowest thermal conductivity. The other two can also be used as a structural material for load-bearing walls (this means that you can find fiberboard houses). True, it is better not to use it in the decoration of wet rooms: it can be affected by a fungus.

Sizes of fibreboard plates: length 2 ... 2.4 m, width 50 ... 60 cm, thickness 5 ... 10 cm.

Advantages of fiberboard

  • Ease of installation (like any sheet material).
  • Low degree of water absorption (compared to other wood-based materials).
  • Plaster adheres well to it (because the surface is rough).
  • Durability.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Fire resistance (does not burn).

Disadvantages of fibrolite

The lack of this material has already been mentioned above: exposure to fungus, which is why fiberboard should not be used in wet rooms.

Fibrolite field of application

Fibreboard in the current fashion for frame construction can be found very often as part of SIP panels.

Permanent formwork is also made of fiberboard:

Fixed fiberboard formwork is arranged like this. On vertical posts fiberboard slabs are attached and a solution is poured between them, for example, foam concrete or wood concrete. Fiberboard plates are not removed after the mortar has solidified, but already serve as both a heater and a base for plastering.

Today, more and more preference is given to multifunctional materials that perform several functions at the same time. Fiberboard plates, the characteristics of which can rightfully be called flawless, are a versatile material used both for flooring, walls, and for heat and noise insulation premises, the construction of partitions and even the construction of permanent formwork.

Properties and characteristics of fibreboard

Fiberboard, the production of which is regulated by GOST 8928-81, contains Portland cement as the main binding element, which accounts for about 40% of the composition.

The cement is mixed with a filler in the form of coniferous wood chips, also called wood wool. Chips can be up to 5 cm in length and 5 mm in thickness.

Wood wool accounts for about 60%. Its main goal is to reduce the weight of the material and provide low thermal conductivity.

Also, chemical additives in the form of water glass, calcium chloride, lime, etc. are added to the resulting mixture of shavings and Portland cement. The direct production of the material is carried out by pressing.


Fiberboard plates GOST 8928-81, depending on the scope, are classified into grades:

  1. F-300. Found their application as a heat insulator.
  2. F-400. Recommended for sound insulation and construction of heat-insulating and structural partitions, barriers, etc.
  3. F-500. They are used as soundproofing and constructional and heat-insulating materials.

The degree of density and strength was the reason for the following gradation:

  • GB1 - low density fibreboard,
  • GB2 - with average density and strength indicators;
  • GB3 - with high density and strength;
  • GB4 - a combined (layered) fibreboard, the production of which is carried out by alternating layers with high and low density;
  • GB1L - endowed with minimum density values;
  • GB3F - fiberboard of the combined type with high density indicators, additionally decorated with a coating.

Comparison by brand

Fiberboard boards have slightly different characteristics, differentiated by brand:

Fiberboard plates, the price of which ranges from 390 to 2000 rubles. depending on density and size, they have standardized geometric parameters.

The length can be 240 and 300 cm, the width - 60 and 120 cm, and the thickness - 3, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 cm. However, GOST 8928-81 allows the release of products with other parameters, previously agreed with the consumer. Therefore, on sale you can find ultra-strong samples with a density of 600, 900 and even 1050 kg / m 3.

Benefits of fibreboard

The ability to soundproof the room plays a special role. Fiberboard allows several times to reduce the intensity of the incoming and outgoing noise. Moreover, he is able to protect households not only from impact noise, but also airborne noise effect.

Along with this, fiberboard plates are distinguished by heat-saving characteristics due to the low coefficient of thermal conductivity, which fluctuates within the range of 0.08-0.1 W / (m ∙ K).

Thanks to this property, the material can be used as a good complement to an existing heating system with the possibility of reducing heating costs.

Fiberboard plates, the use of which is possible for both external and internal use. The material lends itself easily machining, which greatly simplifies the task for the home craftsman and reduces the time for repair work.

In addition, the high flexural strength makes it easy to erect interior partitions... And their lightness, in comparison with concrete, facilitates the work and does not create an additional heavy load on the walls.

The main advantage of fiberboard in comparison with wood-chip analogs is high moisture resistance. Fibrolite board can be exposed to moisture an unlimited number of times, getting wet and drying quickly enough, retaining the structure.

Fiberboard, the production of which is not characterized by the use of harmful phenolic or formaldehyde resins, belongs to environmentally friendly materials. It has high fire resistance and is a hard-to-burn material.

Fibrolite was awarded the classes G1, B1, T1, D1, RP1, which indicates low flammability, hardly flammable, non-toxic with minimal smoke-generating ability and inability to spread flame.

Another feature is the ability to regulate indoor humidity. This effect is achieved due to the loose structure of the material, which absorbs excess moisture and gives off moisture in case of its lack. Thus, a comfortable microclimatic conditions are established. The service life can be up to 60 years.

In most cases, the price of fiberboard plates is even lower than the cost of the currently popular internal finishing materials(in particular gypsum board, chipboard, fiberboard, LSU, OSB, etc.).


Fibrolite has several disadvantages:

  • Susceptibility to fungi when using the material in excessively damp rooms. The recommended moisture content for fiberboard application is 75%.
  • Relatively large mass compared to wood-based panels or drywall. The weight of the slab ranges from 12 to 55 kg, depending on the density and geometric parameters.

Fiberboard plates, the use of which is not limited to internal use, great alternative familiar drywall and chipboard. At the same time, the set of technical characteristics of fiberboard is not only not inferior, but, on the contrary, surpasses the indicators of gypsum board, chipboard and fiberboard.

Wood, as a raw material for the manufacture of building materials, has been used from time immemorial. Technologies become more complex, components change, but not one artificial material and could not catch up with the wood either in terms of characteristics or price. Ever since the 20-30s of the twentieth century in Europe, they thought about the release of an interesting, but difficult to manufacture slab at that time, Wood Wool Cement Board.

Fiberboard plates, what is it

As you might guess from the name, the slabs were made from the so-called wood wool with the addition of different brands of cement. Time passed and technologies improved, but Wood Wool Cement Board was undeservedly forgotten. And only recently the Dutch company Eltomation BV started production of plates according to the old technology on new advanced equipment.

The composition of the fiberboard is simple. It is made from this very "wood wool"on portland cementM500 and add a small percentage of liquid glass. Wood shavings have a length of up to half a meter, which is why it is called wool, and the difficulty in the production of high-quality boards is that the wood material is evenly impregnated with a cement solution. This can be achieved only on special equipment for wetting and uniform laying of fibers in a certain order, as well as the formation of finished boards of a given standard size.Fiberboard pricewhich is indicated in the table, is only gaining popularity, but when planning construction or repairs, it is worth keeping this material in mind.

Slab manufacturing technology

It would seem that the technology of manufacturing a fiberboard slab is no more complicated than mixing a concrete solution. However, it is worth comparing the characteristics of branded Dutch boards and homemade particle blocks, not to mention the appearance. finished material, as it becomes clear that at each stage of the production of the board, all parameters are carefully monitored. The laying of wood chips is carried out strictly in a horizontal plane, so that it is possible to control the density of the finished board. The fiber width is also subject to control and should be between one and 4 mm, depending on the desired board density, and the chip thickness ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 mm.

Such precision and scrupulousness is needed in order to minimize the amount of Portland cement, but at the same time not to lose the required strength and density. To do this, it is necessary to organize uniform impregnation of the fibers along the entire length. Strictly observing these parameters, it is possible to make slabs with different characteristics in terms of thickness and strength using the same equipment.

Characteristics and fields of application

Depending on the density, slabs can have different application... Their characteristics are regulated by the international standard and GOST RF 8928.81. Based on the European experience in the development of fiberboard plates, the largest percentage of the material goes to the devicepermanent formwork, about 40%, about 30% of the material is consumed for frame construction, the rest of the fiberboard plates can be used for the installation of partitions, roofing, and the manufacture of SIP panels.

When choosing a fiberboard board, it is important to take into account its density, and material with different densities can be used as follows:

    Low density fiberboard sheets are used as a heat insulator, a structural heat insulator, and also as an acoustic material, but the relative humidity in the room should not exceed 76%.

    Medium density slabs are used for rigid soundproofing and permanent formwork.

    High-density panels are used as a load-bearing structural material, for the construction of temporary structures and fences, as well asfor floor.

Features, advantages and limitations in application

Actually, based on the characteristics of the material, its scope of application is quite clear. Our slabs are mainly used for monolithic construction as permanent formwork, regardless of the number of storeys. The method of permanent formwork is used to build whole houses from fiberboard slabs, as well as separate foundations, plinths, walls. The slab is light enough that it does not require lifting mechanisms, and it is processed no more difficult than medium-hard wood.

Formulating the main advantages of the material, it is worth highlighting the most important ones:

    fire resistance, the material does not support combustion;

    resistance to biological threats;

    low thermal conductivity;

    high degree of sound insulation;

    long period of operation, about 50 years;

    low cost;

    ease of installation and high speed of construction work.

Despite this, the material has some limitations and disadvantages. If the stove is located in a zone of frequent changes in temperature and humidity, it may lose its characteristics over time, therefore, without exterior decoration no fiberboard is left. The material is somewhat heavier than wood in volume terms, however, it is five to six times lighter than concrete, it depends on the density.

Thus, if you correctly apply a fiberboard board and use all its advantages, it can serve effectively and for a long time at a fairly low cost. Happy choice and successful construction!