Is it possible to plant carrots next to cabbage. Vegetable crop compatibility

Beets were brought to us, back in the days Kievan Rus from Byzantium. Has a lot useful substances: carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, organic acids, amino acids, fiber. In the southwestern regions of Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine, the plant is called beetroot or beetroot. This crop is grown everywhere, and not one garden can do without it. To get a rich harvest, you need to take into account some points, and most importantly, find out with what to plant beets in one garden, and with what it is not recommended. So about all this further in the material.

Beet (beet)

Features of growing beets

The plant is unpretentious and cold-resistant, which grows well on loose, rich in organic matter, soils. Beets do not tolerate thickened seedings and shaded areas. Seeds of this culture begin to germinate at temperatures above 4 degrees, shoots can endure short-term frosts down to -0.5-1 degrees, and adult root crops - up to -2 degrees. Optimum temperature plant growth and development - 15-25 degrees. At temperatures below 8 degrees, their growth practically stops.

Please note: If the summer is cold and damp, then already in the first year of life, flower-bearing stems appear, which drastically reduces the yield.

Compared to other plants, beets are fairly drought tolerant. Temporary lack of moisture in upper layers transfers soil, thanks to a powerful, deeply penetrating, root system.

During long dry seasons, the root crop requires watering, but excess moisture and proximity ground water are unfavorable for him. So, in such conditions, beets should be planted on ridges.

Where are beets grown?

The most suitable for it are loamy soils, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction, well seasoned with organic fertilizers.

Planting beets

The plant's need for trace elements is not very great and, as a rule, is satisfied by their reserves in the soil. Moreover, however, a lack of iron, magnesium, manganese - leads to chlorosis of plants, and a lack of copper - to decay.

Reference! Table beet does not tolerate repeated crops.

Burak can be sown both in spring and autumn before winter. For the second option, at the end of October-beginning of November, special cold-resistant varieties should be selected that do not shoot for a long time.

In the spring, beets are sown one to two weeks later than carrots.

With what to plant beets in the garden?

In order to start p, you should consider several factors:

  1. Root systems need to be compatible with each other. Ideally, they should be located at different levels of the soil;
  2. There must be habit compatibility;
  3. You need to make sure that the requirements for the composition and acidity of the soil are the same.

You can plant beets with the following crops:

Attention! A good result can show - growing beets, along the edge of the beds, with other crops (friendly). The main thing is that they do not shade the root crop.

What to plant with beets?

Also noticed by gardeners that you can plant beets with various varieties cabbages (broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower, as well as daikon, asparagus and beans) that are well compatible with this crop.

Spinach, grown together with beets, is able to stimulate its growth.

Attention! As a compactor of beet plantings, they showed themselves perfectly: different varieties lettuce, parsley, dill, marjoram, coriander.

Also, it works great on cucumbers, potatoes and cabbage beans.

Beets can be grown next to carrots

Is the fit too tight? Then the carrots can easily take root and not interfere with each other.

Also, it is well compatible with garden strawberries.

Neutrally interacts with tomatoes.

What can't be planted?

Due to the ability of beets to accumulate nematodes in the soil, beets are not recommended to be planted after the following crops:

As an undesirable neighbor, which can negatively affect the planting of beets, are:

  1. weaving beans;
  2. rhubarb;
  3. corn;
  4. potato;
  5. mustard;
  6. chives.

Attention! The corn will greatly shade the beets, which will make them lack light. The fruits will develop poorly, remain small.

Growing beets in one place should be carried out no more than once every three to four years.

Video: Growing beets along the edge of the garden


As a result, it is worth saying that beets are a very useful root crop. It is useful both in raw and boiled form - in which it loses little useful substances.

But moreover, this culture cannot be used by people who have stomach problems. For starters, you should consult your doctor. And also, it is dangerous in diabetes, for the reason that beets can increase blood sugar.

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A properly organized neighborhood of vegetables in the beds can allow you to collect good harvest, as well as protect plants from harmful factors. It could be pests or diseases.

If you follow simple rules, then planting vegetables will not be a problem for you, and the harvested crop will be of high quality and excellent. Do not forget that the wrong neighborhood of vegetables will negatively affect the yield and growth of crops. Not all vegetables can get along.

Asparagus will get along with any kind of crop, but it will be better if you place it next to tomatoes, parsley or basil. Place beans with cucumbers, strawberries, corn or potatoes. Some types of beans are quite picky. They may not get along with all vegetables.

To properly develop a planting plan, there are Plant Compatibility Tables, as well as planting schedules.

And we offer you some simple combinations of vegetables that are easy to remember.
1. A wonderful trio: corn, pumpkin and beans. The American Indians knew the secret of their joint cultivation. Corn will give support to peas, which saturate the soil with nitrogen. And pumpkin, in turn, does not allow weeds to grow.

2. One more thing good combination: onions and carrots. Onions save carrots from pests, as they release a substance (allicin), which has an insecticidal and fungicidal effect.

3. Tomatoes and basil are not only a good combination for a salad. These plants need the same soil and the same watering. In addition, the smell of basil is unbearable for caterpillars, which often infect tomatoes. And the tomato crop will be much tastier if it ripened next to the basil bushes.

4. String beans, bell pepper and eggplant. Peppers and eggplants are known to belong to the same family (nightshades) and require the same growing conditions. And the string beans growing nearby will protect the eggplants from colorado potato beetle.

Quite unpretentious celery. It will grow well with any vegetable. You can plant it with cabbage, tomatoes or onions. Carrots get along well with onions or salad. If you plant cucumbers and potatoes nearby, the cucumbers will not grow. good quality. Corn does not tolerate close proximity to tomatoes. But it will grow well with potatoes, peas, pumpkins and cucumbers.

Plant onions next to carrots. You can also plant it next to lettuce, beets or cabbage. Do not place it next to beans or peas. you can harvest Bad quality. Next to corn, beans or cabbage, potatoes will be comfortable. Picky are tomatoes in terms of neighborhood, as well as in terms of land quality. They are best placed next to parsley, carrots, cucumbers. Potatoes and cabbage can negatively affect the growth of tomatoes.

Don't be afraid to experiment. You can change the combination of plant placement when planting every year in order to achieve a good result. Don't forget about fertilizers.

When planting tomato seedlings, make sure that in the future neighboring plants do not oppress each other and do not exchange various diseases, as well as pests. Ideally, if neighboring cultures will help and protect each other.

What can be planted next to tomatoes

Tomatoes get along well with all green manure: mustard (protects against late blight and scab), cereals and phacelia. Peas and beans are also suitable for growing together. They will saturate the soil with useful components and improve its structure.

Almost all types of greens (lettuce, parsley, celery, sorrel, onions, spinach) have a favorable effect on tomatoes - except for dill and fennel. Melisa is also not liked by tomatoes, but spices, such as basil, mint, thyme, thyme, are also good neighbors for tomatoes.

Almost all herbs repel harmful insects from tomatoes, and nettle also protects them from soil pests.

What else can you plant tomatoes in open ground with? In the neighborhood with tomatoes you can plant:

  • Carrots, radishes, beets are excellent neighbors for tomatoes;
  • Pumpkin and gourds (melons and watermelons);
  • Early strawberries (tomatoes should not be too tall);
  • Currants and gooseberries - in this case, the tomatoes are driven away from the berry bushes of fire and sawfly;
  • Bird cherry - scares off the scoop from tomatoes.
  • Marigolds - also repel a number of soil pests.

Tomatoes and cabbage - is a neighborhood possible?

Many gardeners are interested in the question, is it possible to plant cabbage next to tomatoes? The answer is yes, but only cabbage, and only early. First, in the spring, cabbage seedlings are planted at a distance of one and a half meters from each other, and when the time for planting tomatoes comes, they will perfectly fit between the grown cabbage and will be well protected.

For cabbage, the neighborhood with tomatoes is also favorable. Cabbage butterflies are afraid of nightshade and will not touch the cabbage crop.

Onions and garlic, planted with cabbage and tomatoes, will release phytoncides and protect plants from late blight. Together with white cabbage and tomatoes, you can plant chinese cabbage, but it is better to refuse the neighborhood with cauliflower, kohlrabi and broccoli.

Potatoes and corn do not get along normally next to tomatoes. All these cultures are very demanding on nutrients in the ground and will compete with each other. In addition, they have the same pests that will be exchanged when they grow together.

Important neighbors in the greenhouse

What to plant next to tomatoes in a greenhouse? Here the choice is a bit more complicated due to closed space and microclimate. At mixed fit vegetables, you need to choose plants with requirements for growing conditions, like tomatoes, which love sunlight, moderate air temperature and ventilation. In addition, the size of the greenhouse and its material should be taken into account.

In the greenhouse, as well as in the open field, you can plant onions and garlic on feathers, greens, radishes, and kale even before planting tomatoes. By and large, all the crops listed above can be grown in a greenhouse along with tomatoes. open ground. The only condition is that the plants do not interfere and do not obscure each other.

Cucumbers next to tomatoes

Many summer residents prefer to plant cucumbers and tomatoes together in a greenhouse. However, is it possible to plant tomatoes with cucumbers? Of course, tomatoes and cucumbers do not interfere with each other, but the problem is that they have different requirements for climatic conditions.

For example, tomatoes love airing, while cucumbers, on the contrary, do not tolerate drafts. Tomatoes love moderate temperatures, and cucumbers love heat. They do not welcome top dressing, but prefer abundant watering. Therefore, if possible, it is better to separate these cultures.

Peppers next to tomatoes

Tomatoes and peppers have similar requirements for growing conditions. In addition, tomatoes repel such pests as aphids from peppers. However, they have similar pests and when cohabiting they will move from one crop to another. Therefore, whether to plant tomatoes and peppers is up to you.

Eggplant next to tomatoes

Can I plant eggplant next to tomatoes? Here the situation is the same as with pepper - the presence of common pests. Growing conditions are also slightly different. Blue ones demand more light for full growth, more heat-loving than tomatoes, love wet air and abundant watering. Therefore, if possible, avoid this neighborhood.

If it is not possible to grow the listed vegetables separately, then good way out from the situation there will be a division of the greenhouse into zones with their own microclimate. This can be done using sheets of plywood or film.

In any case, when planting incompatible crops next to tomatoes, a decrease in yield will be observed.

Each plant has its own characteristics of development. The secretions of leaves and roots can either inhibit the development of a neighboring crop, or, on the contrary, protect it from pests and diseases, promote growth, and improve taste. When deciding what to plant next to potatoes, it is necessary to take into account the positive and negative influence of plants on each other.

Potato compatibility with nightshade

It is impossible to plant potatoes next to other plants from the nightshade family: they have only diseases and pests. Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers growing next to potatoes are automatically in danger of being eaten by Colorado potato beetles or dying from late blight. The problem is that if other nightshades are sprayed with pesticides in the same concentration as potato tops, their fruits will accumulate too large doses of toxic substances.

If the area is very small and separate place not to be found for tomatoes or eggplants, it is recommended to separate them from the potato plantation with a strip of calendula or marigolds (they repel the Colorado potato beetle) and a “veil” of 2–3 rows tall plants: green beans, beans, corn.

Potatoes and beans

Best neighbors potatoes in the garden - plants of the legume family, on the root system of which bacteria live, enriching the soil with nitrogen. The smell of legume roots repels the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm (larva of the click beetle).

But each plant from this family has its own “relationship” with potatoes:

  • Bush beans of all legumes are best combined with potatoes. It can be planted not only next to a potato plantation, but also in the aisles;
  • beans for development require a large amount of nutrients and in the struggle for them are stronger than potatoes, which affects both the size and taste of the tubers. Therefore, it is useful to sow beans only along the edge of the potato plantation, but not in the aisles;
  • some agronomists generally do not recommend sowing peas next to potato beds. The problem lies exclusively in agricultural technologies: the ripening of peas coincides in time with the treatment of potatoes with pesticides from the Colorado potato beetle. If, when growing root crops, only organic methods and pest control without the use of chemicals, then the neighborhood of two cultures is quite acceptable. Rows of peas should be arranged from north to south, so that they do not obscure the tops of potatoes;
  • green beans - it is allowed to sow along the edge of a potato plantation.

Potato and pumpkin

A common problem for potatoes and plants from the pumpkin family is late blight. Cucumbers are especially susceptible to it. Therefore, in the literature there are categorical prohibitions on planting cucumbers and pumpkins near potatoes.

In practice, cucumbers can be planted near potatoes, but only in a mini-greenhouse. Wooden or metal arcs are installed on the garden bed, a film is pulled from above. In dry weather, the film is removed, giving the cucumbers access to air and sunlight. But at night, the plants must be covered, protecting the leaves from dew. Also, pesticides should not be allowed to get on the cucumbers during the spraying of potatoes.

Zucchini and squash are less vulnerable; they do not need a greenhouse. As for the pumpkin, you need to constantly correct its lashes, preventing them from getting close to the potato tops. When pumpkins begin to pour, it is better to exclude their contact with the ground by placing boards under them.

Potatoes and cruciferous

Potato goes well with all types of cabbage. Beds with these crops can be placed side by side, but it is not recommended to follow the advice to plant cabbage in potato aisles: cabbage needs a lot of light, and potato tops shade it. In thickened plantings, cabbage and potatoes get sick with a black leg.

It is also allowed to plant potatoes with other cruciferous vegetables: radish, radish. To save space, radishes are sown in early spring in the middle of double potato beds. In May, potatoes are planted along the edges, and radishes are soon dug up. If the aisles are wide (1 m or more), it is allowed to sow radish in them.

Mustard is one of the best green manure, the secretions of its roots disinfect the soil. The plant is sown between rows, but completely cut off when the shoots are equal in height to potato tops. Mustard roots remain in the ground, decompose and serve as additional fertilizer.

Potatoes and other root vegetables

Carrots and potatoes do not interfere with each other's growth, so they can coexist (but carrots cannot be sown in potato aisles). "Neutral" relations with potatoes and beets.

Frank enemies of potatoes are celery (root and petiole) and parsley. If the beds with them are located near the potato ones, do not wait for a good harvest.

Compatibility of potatoes with onions and garlic

Onions and garlic secrete phytoncides that repel pests. Plants are planted both in the neighborhood with potatoes, and in the aisles.

Potatoes and green vegetables

Potato goes well with dill, lettuce, spinach. They are allowed to be sown both nearby and between the rows.

Potato and strawberry

Planting strawberries or strawberries in the neighborhood of a potato plantation is tantamount to inviting all the surrounding wireworms to dinner. In addition, in rainy weather, the berries are prone to gray and black rot. Infection inevitably affects potato tubers.

Another common enemy of strawberries and potatoes is the nematode. To prevent its spread, marigolds are planted on the border of the potato field. Potato and strawberry beds must be separated by a strip of carrots, beets, radishes or spinach.

Potato and corn

It is useful to sow corn along the edge of the potato field, but so that it does not shade the tops. When planting corn between rows, the following conditions must be observed:

  • the direction of the beds is strictly from north to south (otherwise the potato tops, shaded by corn, will begin to stretch);
  • row spacing - at least 1 m;
  • the distance between corn plants is at least 1 m.

Potato and sunflower

A sunflower growing along the border of a potato field is an ordinary rural landscape. However, many gardeners consider these crops to be incompatible. The fact is that sunflowers need a lot of useful substances. So that potato tubers do not grow the size of a pea, the soil must be well fertilized with organic matter. Sunflower should not be sown between rows. A bed with sunflowers is placed from north to south, so that they do not shade potato tops(the distance between sunflowers is at least 1 m).

Potato compatibility with trees and shrubs

If potatoes grow under the apple tree, the apple harvest will be smaller, and the taste will be worse. When laying out beds for potatoes, it is better to bypass cherries, chokeberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn and grapes.

Each summer resident on the site has a piece of land given over to a garden and a vegetable garden. In the desire to reap a large harvest, gardeners make beds at a close distance from each other, while not specifying which vegetables can grow together, and which are strictly forbidden to bloom nearby.

Culture Features

Bow plays a big role in human life. Its vitamins are able to destroy the microbes present in the body. This healthy vegetable added to almost all culinary delights. They are even used in alternative medicine recipes.

Knowledgeable gardeners prefer to grow onion sets. This type of plant is more resistant to weather conditions, is practically not exposed to diseases, does not require much care, and most importantly, it ripens very quickly. You need to know that the bed for planting onions should be chosen more carefully. His predecessors must leave behind well-groomed soil with a mass various fertilizers. In general, zucchini, cabbage and pumpkin are ideal ancestors for sevka.

Seedlings should be planted when the earth finally warms up, and the weather ceases to threaten with frost. After planting, the bed can be covered with a film, which will save the plant from accidental morning frost.

Onions love sunlight very much, if the site allows, you can make beds in a separate bright place. Against this background, taking into account plant care, the onion yield after ripening will be very high.

Best neighbors

Very good idea plant carrots next to the onion. These vegetables are engaged in mutual assistance and save each other from pests. In addition, carrots good relations with garlic, which can also be wonderfully located on the neighboring ridge.

On this occasion, it should be emphasized that garlic is a unique plant. After it, you can plant any vegetable in the same place. But in no case should you plant garlic on a former onion bed. In neighboring combinations, onions and garlic can coexist beneficially, but planting them in the same garden is strictly prohibited. They will constantly compete for moisture and nutrient medium entering the soil. After some time, this struggle will lead to soil depletion, which will adversely affect the quality of the crop.

A good neighborhood will be able to make varieties of the cabbage row of kohlrabi and broccoli. Representatives of the cabbage species appreciate abundant watering, and onions will not mind receiving additional moisture. It is undesirable to plant these vegetable crops on the same bed. Cabbage seedlings can partially block the sunlight entering the onion sprouts, which will affect the quality of the crop.

Onions perceive potatoes and beets well in the neighboring garden. Beets, thanks to a good neighborhood, will bear fruit much more often in time and larger in size. Ever since the beginning of planting beet seedlings, onion leaves protect the neighbor's sprouts from bright sunlight. For several days of such care, beet sprouts become stronger and begin to grow rapidly.

It is considered acceptable for an onion to have a tomato in its neighbors. More precisely, to protect tomato plantings from the attack of aphids and earthen fleas.

And the next year, making a rearrangement in the garden, it can be planted on former beds tomatoes. The soil in this place will be loose, fertilized, everything is as the onion needs for maximum growth.

In no case should cucumbers and onions be planted on the same bed, as many gardeners began to do, only in the neighborhood. Cucumbers require a lot of watering, which can drown vegetables growing nearby. But as neighbors they can help each other.

Near the onion, you can safely plant pepper. It has a positive effect on its Bulgarian neighbor, stimulating its growth, nourishing it with useful minerals and repelling harmful insects.

Strawberries growing next to onions feel extremely protected. Its sprouts constantly save strawberry bushes from rot, feed them with useful enzymes and help grow a good crop.

Onions and dill can be made neighbors in the garden. They will be able to help each other with the exchange of useful trace elements that have a beneficial effect on growth. In addition, they can be planted together in the aisle of tomatoes so that they can protect tomatoes from late blight.

What can not be combined with?

In addition to a favorable neighborhood, there are plants that are strictly forbidden to be planted next to onion beds.

For example, classic cabbage. Unfortunately, there is no consensus regarding the combination of these vegetables. Some say that the onion gives the cabbage strength to grow and drives pests away from it. Others argue that there is no point in their neighborhood, cabbage with its size closes the sun's rays on the onion, thereby limiting its growth.

Beans and peas in neighboring beds will not bring any benefit. The same goes for beans, which the onion buds are aggressively targeted at. The proximity of these plant species can adversely affect the yield of onions.

Otherwise, the vegetable and fruit neighborhood for onions is not a problem. The vegetable is unpretentious, although it requires care during growth. With it, you can even combine plantings not only in the neighborhood, but also on the same bed.

The main thing to remember is that it is impossible to plant onions in one place for more than three years in a row, it is necessary to alternate plantings.

Valid Options

Any rule has its own specific exceptions, the same applies to the neighborhood of the onion with some representatives. vegetable crops and greenery.

Zucchini can be considered as one of the valid neighborhood options. According to the characteristics, this vegetable has a tremendous resemblance to onions. For both of them, landing in the cool period of the year is unacceptable only after the arrival of stable heat. The processes of growing zucchini and onions are very similar, they do not take much work and effort for a person. It is required to produce abundant watering of plants, periodically loosen the soil over plantings and remove harmful weeds.

It has long been proven that the combination of vegetables and various herbs in the beds is considered acceptable. They do not interfere with the growth of their neighbors, on the contrary, they enrich them with the necessary trace elements and minerals on mutual terms.

Combination onion beds with parsley can be regarded as a neighborhood of beauty and health, and joint growth will bring a huge harvest of high-quality vegetables and many bunches of fragrant grass.

main feature parsley is useful properties both during cultivation and during consumption. Parsley nourishes root system its neighbor, thereby exchanging useful trace elements that stimulate plant growth. Onion, in turn, protects its green neighbor from pests.

Lettuce is considered a cold-resistant crop that yields even at the beginning of frost. This greenery loves sunlight, but you can create an artificial shade so that bright rays do not leave burns on the leaves. Lettuce does not like to sit on the same bed for several years in a row. Every year a change of location is required. But in the neighbors there must be an onion. The greens will share useful enzymes with the vegetable, and the onion will protect its green neighbor from aphids.

Tips for the right combination vegetables on the same bed, see the next video.