Is it possible to put sawdust under plants. Mulching with sawdust

Mulching has many benefits. This agricultural technique allows you to keep moisture in the soil, reduce the amount of watering and loosening, and effectively fight weeds. In addition, mulching prevents soil erosion, freezing in winter and overheating in summer. For this purpose, straw, hay, compost, peat, humus, etc. are used. Did you know that sawdust can also be used to mulch the soil? Let's find out what effect they have on garden soil and what are the rules for using sawdust as mulch.

If you are afraid that such a mulch can harm a future crop, try to take a chance and mulch at least one bed this season. You will see that mulching with sawdust will only bring benefits. That is why many people use this material for mulching - it is cheap, easy to use and safe. It is possible to cover with sawdust both the surface of the beds and the passages between them, as well as near-stem circles of trees, the surface of the earth under raspberry bushes, currants, etc.

Mulching with sawdust is widely used in closed ground - in greenhouses and greenhouses. This material is excellently combined with manure, which is also used to fertilize the soil in the greenhouse, with tops and other plant remains. Such compost, flavored with sawdust, rots faster and at the same time remains loose and breathable. However, it should be noted that only fresh sawdust is used with fresh manure, and only rotted sawdust, respectively, with rotted manure.

Mulching the soil with sawdust can be carried out both in spring and autumn. After the end of the season, sawdust can also be embedded in the soil along with straw, fallen leaves, and mowed grass.

How to prepare sawdust for mulching?

You can use either rotted or semi-rotted sawdust as mulch. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the process of overheating sawdust naturally very long and can last up to 10 years. Therefore, for mulching, fresh sawdust is prepared in a special way before sprinkling vegetable beds with them.

This is one of the most common preparation methods. Need to spread a big polyethylene film, pour 3 buckets of sawdust and 200 g on it, and pour 10 liters of water on top, trying to evenly moisten the sawdust. Then this procedure is repeated several more times to obtain several layers of wet sawdust sprinkled with urea. The film is hermetically sealed and left for 2 weeks, after which the sawdust can be safely used for mulching.

Experienced gardeners say that fresh sawdust can be used as mulch without preparation. This is possible only if the sawdust lies on the surface of the earth. Then they will not take nitrogen from the soil, as is the case with the introduction of fresh sawdust into garden soil. If you plan to use sawdust not only for mulching, but also as a baking powder for the soil, then in order to avoid the problem of nitrogen deficiency, you can additionally apply nitrogen fertilizers.

Also, many novice gardeners are interested in the question of which sawdust is best used for mulching. In principle, any sawdust is suitable for this, except for those left from cutting chipboard, fiberboard and similar materials. To mulch vegetable beds, aisles or garden paths, you can use sawdust of any hardwood. But coniferous wood is especially relevant for garden strawberries: due to its characteristic smell, such sawdust repels the weevil - one of the main pests of strawberries. Coniferous sawdust is good for laying in a warm bed. They play the role of biofuel, warming up the bed from the inside in the process of decay.

Mulching with sawdust protects crops in beds from drying out in summer and freezing in winter. Mulch retains moisture, maintains temperature, and inhibits weed growth. Consider in the article how to make mulch, what advantages and disadvantages this method has.

Features of mulching with sawdust

There are many organic materials for mulching. In view of the development Agriculture more often sawdust is used for mulching. Despite its cheapness, the material brings great benefits. Sawdust is used both in winter and in summer. They do not allow the roots of crops to freeze. It is enough to lay them out on the beds and tamp. To prevent sawdust from fluttering in the wind, cow dung is added to the mulch.

The soil for the winter is mulched in mid-October or early November. A layer of up to 3 cm is laid on the beds. But mulching with sawdust is not suitable for all plants and soil types. Be careful with oak and coniferous sawdust! Under different cultures select the thickness of the mulch layer:

  • for tulips, garlic and onions, it is 6 cm;
  • for strawberries and carrots - up to 4-5 cm.
From the beds of strawberries and strawberries, the mulch is not removed all year round.

Hay and straw are similar in their characteristics to sawdust. Read also the article: → "". We give in the table the features of mulching with various organic materials.

Material Application features
Suitable for bulbous (flowers and vegetables), strawberries, carrots, beets and berry bushes.
Like sawdust, it rots for a long time, so it is used for early crops. The layer reaches 10-15 cm.
Suitable for all vegetable crops.
Grass (hay) Quickly rots and saturates the soil with nutrients. Grass or hay is laid in a layer of 4-6 cm.
Fallen leaves Suitable for cabbage and beans. They also cover the flower beds for the winter.

There are several approaches to soil mulching. Mulching according to Kuznetsov has its own characteristics:

  1. The aisles are covered with a thick layer of sawdust to prevent the growth of weeds.
  2. Biocompost is introduced into the ridges themselves. If the earth is clayey, then add sand.
  3. As crops grow, sawdust is sprinkled between the rows, the ridges themselves are loosened and biocompost is regularly introduced.
  4. Berries are covered with a layer of sawdust, mulch is regularly sprinkled.
  5. Sawdust can be applied on top of the manure, which will retain moisture.

For loosening the soil, improving its structure and accelerating decomposition organic dressings it is worth launching earthworms on the ridges. Alexander Kuznetsov refutes the opinion that sawdust, like mulch, enrolls the soil, because they are brought on top of the soil. The soil is acidified not by sawdust, but by fungi that destroy them.

Sawdust is tightly laid in row-spacings on vegetable beds.

Advantages and disadvantages of mulching

Sawdust is a reliable means for warming crops. Mulch protects the roots from freezing in winter and rotting in autumn. In summer, sawdust is used to prevent overheating of the soil and moisture retention. The benefits of sawdust as mulch are as follows:

  1. Cheapness.
  2. As they decompose, they turn into organic fertilizers, loosen the soil.
  3. Retain moisture in the soil.
  4. They retain heat and prevent the soil from freezing, but at the same time allow air to pass through and allow the roots of crops to breathe.
  5. Protect crops from disease. Sawdust, especially coniferous ones, do not allow the development of pathogens. Slugs and other pests dislike them.
  6. Protect ripening berries from decay and pests.
  7. Cured from fungal diseases.
  8. Protect roots from sudden changes in temperature.
  9. Coniferous sawdust protects carrots from carrot flies.
  10. Hiding in the mulch beneficial insects and live microorganisms that improve the structure of the soil and loosen it.

Sawdust is a natural mulch that supports the growth and development of beneficial microorganisms to improve soil structure.

Mulching with sawdust has its drawbacks. Large sawdust rot for several years. This takes a lot of nitrogen, causing plants that grow in such beds to be deficient in this nutrient. Their growth and development is deteriorating.

Fresh sawdust increases the acidity of the soil, which affects the development of crops. Coniferous sawdust inhibits the development of pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms. The latter are recycled organic matter which are essential for plant nutrition.

When to use sawdust on the ridges

Sawdust is suitable for poor soil. They enrich the earth, activate the growth and ripening of fruits. Under a layer of mulch root system protected, it receives all the minerals and moisture. Mulching is carried out after the descent of sprouts. As a result of this, the earth does not dry out, a crust does not appear on the surface, and the soil remains loose.

In summer, vegetable beds with tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and beets are covered with sawdust. This prevents crops from drying out.

Mulching strawberries has many advantages:

  1. Productivity increases.
  2. The berries are protected from pests and decay.
  3. Due to the lack of contact with the ground, the berries are clean and dry.
  4. Stops the growth of weeds.

Tip #1 Mulch beds with potatoes. After hilling, furrows are sprinkled. A layer of mulch retains moisture and stops weeds from growing. Productivity increases, especially the effect is noticeable during dry summers.

Mulching trees and shrubs

Sawdust is used to cover the roots of trees and shrubs for the winter. Such shelter is considered the most reliable. Large sawdust as a heat-insulating material is buried in pits when planting grapes and flowering shrubs. They reliably protect from frost.

Sawdust is poured around the tree trunk in a large layer.

Sawdust mulching is suitable for the following horticultural crops:

  • fruit trees;
  • shrubs (raspberries and black currants);
  • grapes;
  • clematis.

Raspberries respond especially well to mulching. Sawdust helps to increase fruiting and improve the taste characteristics of berries. With annual mulching with raspberry sawdust, bushes are grown without replanting for up to 10 years. For the winter, vines of grapes and weaving flowers that are on the ground are covered with sawdust along the entire length. Do it late autumn otherwise mice will get in the mulch and damage the crop.

Tip #2 Before mulching, it is advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers.

Sometimes an air cover is made for such crops. Boxes are built from boards and plants are covered with them, they are covered with sawdust from above, covered with foil and a layer of earth is poured. There is a wet shelter with sawdust for the winter when the mulch is not covered with anything. But this method is suitable for some crops, for example, roses rot under such cover.

Sawdust is one type of mulch that can be used in greenhouses. Cultures do not rot and deteriorate. They are used to enrich manure and plant waste. They accelerate decomposition organic fertilizers, the compost is loose and breathable.

Mulch is added to greenhouses in spring or autumn. Sawdust is best applied in combination with other components. This mixture is laid in the fall in the ridge. You can make compost:

  • 200 kg sawdust;
  • 50 kg of manure;
  • 100 kg of grass;
  • 30 kg of food waste.

For greenhouses, sawdust can be placed in ridges in combination with straw or hay.

In the spring, the soil is mulched when the increased growth of crops begins. In greenhouses, during heavy irrigation, a crust often forms on the surface of the soil, and the earth around the roots is washed out. In this case, it is necessary to mulch the soil. In addition, mulching reduces the rate of watering and prevents overheating of the root system of crops in the greenhouse.

Tip #3 For a greenhouse measuring 3x6 m, six bags of coniferous sawdust will be required. Mulch is spread in a layer of 5-7 cm between rows and around crop stems.

How to mulch beds in winter

In winter, the beds are mulched with a mixture of sawdust, manure and plants. The thickness of the layer depends on the type of soil. On clay, it reaches 5 cm, and on sandy - 10 cm. When mulching, the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Under the berry bushes, the mulch is never removed. The earth is loosened along with sawdust. In the absence of chemical fertilizers, the mulch is mixed with manure and applied in the fall. This prevents the accumulation of nitrates in the fruit.
  2. If you put a large layer of mulch on heavy soils, then rotting will begin.
  3. Be sure to mulch the soil in summer or late spring after planting seedlings. The mulch is carefully crushed and laid around the gathering place. The results of mulching are noticeable after 3-4 years, since the sawdust decomposes slowly.

Answers to frequently asked questions about mulching

Question number 1. What sawdust is best for mulching?

sawdust are different sizes and from different breeds trees. Depending on their properties, they are used in various areas of horticulture. We present them in the table.

Type of sawdust Application area
Gray-brown semi-rotted sawdust of medium size They are the best for mulching vegetable beds.
large sawdust Used to cover the roots of trees, strawberries and shrubs.
small sawdust Suitable for sheltering young shoots with thin stems.
Fresh sawdust Suitable for mulching strawberries and strawberries.
Sawdust from coniferous trees Used for carrots.

Question number 2. What crops are sawdust used for?

Mulching garden strawberries with sawdust on the ridge

Question number 3. Under what crops is it better to use coniferous sawdust?

Coniferous sawdust contains phenolic resins that protect against diseases and pests. They are suitable for sheltering crops for the winter, such as garlic.

Question number 4. Is it necessary to mulch the soil in greenhouses?

Yes. The soil fertility improves, the soil does not overheat, the irrigation rate decreases, and moisture evaporates more slowly. The crops are even watered cold water while it passes through the sawdust, it will warm up. The preservation of fruits, taste qualities are improved and the ripening period is accelerated.

Question number 5. What is the timing of mulching?

Late spring or early summer is suitable for mulching, when the earth warms up and crop sprouts appear. Before mulching, the soil is fertilized, loosened and watered abundantly. A layer of mulch is at least 5 cm. In summer, as the layer decreases, mulch is added.

Mulching gardening mistakes

We offer a spread of errors that gardeners make when mulching with sawdust:

  1. It is important to choose the right size and type of sawdust. The younger the seedlings and the thinner the sprouts, the finer the chips. But sawdust similar to wood flour is not used at all. It turns into a dense crust on the soil surface, which does not allow water to pass through.
  2. Large sawdust rot for several years. They are not suitable for vegetable beds. Use shavings for trees and shrubs.
  3. Before making mulch on the beds, nitrogen fertilizers must be used, otherwise the growth and development of crops will slow down.
  4. Use rotted sawdust. Fresh ones increase the acidity of the soil, which negatively affects the development of crops.
  5. Do not rush to mulch. If you make sawdust on unheated soil, this will affect the growth and development of crops.

When growing plants in home gardens, various agricultural practices are used to improve their development, as well as to facilitate the work of the vegetable grower. Mulching sawdust beds is one of them. Consider its advantages, technology and rules for performing work.

The advantage of using sawdust as mulch is that it reduces the evaporation of moisture from the soil surface (this makes it possible to reduce the number of waterings). They improve soil structure, stop erosion. The shavings serve as a nutrient medium for beneficial soil microflora, allowing air to penetrate to the roots of plants, since after watering a crust does not form under the mulch.

A layer of mulch protects the soil, plant roots from overheating or, conversely, from freezing, prevents weeds from growing, prevents the movement of slugs, the fruits that lie on the mulch do not rot when in contact with the soil surface. After some time, after the bacteria process the sawdust, they become a fertilizer, environmentally friendly and natural.

Sawdust for mulching is suitable for use on all types of soil, it can be used both in greenhouses and in beds in open ground. This cheap material, sawdust in the country can be stored in a shed in bags in a dry place for more than one year, they will not deteriorate.

Despite the benefits of sawdust in the garden, in some cases they can be harmful. For example, fresh raw materials acidify the soil, so apply it to areas with acidic soil does not follow, large decomposes for a long time, drawing nitrogen from the soil, and sawdust coniferous trees can destroy not only harmful microorganisms, but also useful ones. Also, mice can settle in a layer of sawdust and undermine the roots of plants, bulbs. But all this can be avoided if they are used correctly, in accordance with the way it is provided by the technology of their application.

What sawdust can be used

Under different crops in the garden, sawdust is used from various kinds trees. For example, it is not recommended to take oak sawdust, as well as from poplar wood, walnut: they contain toxic substances that inhibit the growth of cultivated plants.

Coniferous sawdust acidifies the soil, so it is advisable to use them for those crops that can grow in a slightly acidic environment - for potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, greens, pumpkin family crops. Under plants grown in slightly alkaline soil, for example, under cabbage, beets, needles are not used. The use of pine sawdust in the garden is possible to protect plants from various pests and pathogens. Birch sawdust and from fruit trees can be used without restrictions.

The benefits and scope of sawdust depends on their size, for example, small ones quickly cake, a crust forms on them, a loose layer is obtained from large ones, and it is quite difficult to compact it. But they can be used to warm plants for the winter.

What crops can be mulched with sawdust

Sawdust mulch is suitable for all crops. Mulching cucumbers in a greenhouse is done to protect against evaporation and pests. Coniferous raw materials are used as biofuel for warm beds, they are filled with infused slurry, then sprinkled with earth. Sawdust is poured into raspberries around the bushes, protecting the roots from freezing.

Mulching onions and garlic prevents soil moisture loss and earth cracking. Coniferous material fit for carrots, it will protect the plants from being damaged by the carrot fly. Mulching of roses is carried out in the fall, to protect the bushes from freezing: the surface of the earth around the plants, like the bushes themselves, is covered with sawdust, covered with a piece of film so that moisture does not penetrate inside, and sprinkled with earth. Similarly, you can cover grapes and clematis. This is the so-called "dry" method of shelter. Large chips can also be put in planting holes when planting these crops, they will protect the roots from the winter cold.

You can mulch with sawdust and tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, all berry bushes. In the case of shrubs, moisture remains under such shelter for a long time, nutrients, as a result of which the bushes do not need to be transplanted for several years.

Mulching cabbage rows with sawdust will help reduce the frequency of watering, retain soil moisture, especially in the heat, and, accordingly, get larger and juicy heads. Potato mulching is carried out after hilling, the chips are scattered along the aisles.

Terms of work

In order for the material to begin to "work", it must begin to decompose. It only happens when exposed to heat, so best time when you can mulch with sawdust - spring after the onset of heat or summer.


The method of mulching the soil with sawdust involves preliminary training material and its proper use.

sawdust preparation

Fresh raw materials contain little nitrogen, but a lot of cellulose and fibers. In addition, it contains caustic substances that can damage the delicate roots of young plants, so it is not advisable to use it for seedlings in the spring. If fresh sawdust is used, then it can only be used as a baking powder in soil preparation, and not fertilizer. Only after some time, microorganisms begin to process them and plants in the current season do not have time to use the nutrients they have produced. To speed up the transformation of the material into fertilizer, you must first prepare the sawdust. The easiest way is to compost them.

The purpose of the preparation is for bacteria to settle on the chips, which will process the material into organic matter available to plants.

To make rotted sawdust, you will need shavings, water, ash, urea, if there is vegetable and household waste, manure, then they can also be used.

  1. Put all the components in a pile, mix and pour with a solution of urea (200 g per bucket of water).
  2. Cover with a thick film.
  3. Every 2 weeks, the raw material must be shoveled to allow oxygen to penetrate.
  4. The compost will be ready when the chips turn brown.

Sawdust can be prepared like this:

  1. Pour shavings on the film in the amount of several buckets.
  2. Pour 70-80 g of calcium nitrate on top of them for each bucket of raw materials.
  3. pour over warm water, cover the pile with cling film.
  4. You can use it when the chips turn brown.

The compost requires a temperature of at least 15°C to rot and high humidity. Without such preparation, this mulching material reduces the fertility of the soil, since the bacteria that decompose them destroy the nitrogen available to plants.

Rules for spring and summer mulching in the open field and greenhouse

The placement of prepared sawdust on the beds has its own nuances. Mulch them in the spring annual plants immediately after planting, for example, you can mulch tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and all crops that are planted with seedlings. Perennials on garden plot it is permissible to sprinkle with chips after warming up the soil, before removing the old layer or digging it up, root crops - after thinning, when they grow at least 5 cm.

Shrubs and strawberries, young trees must be mulched before flowering. The layer of material for mulching the soil should be at least 3-4 cm, but not more than 7 cm. In the greenhouse, mulching is also carried out after planting or in the near future after it. It is convenient to use such a feed mixture: 3 buckets of shavings and good humus + 10 liters of water. Mix everything in a bulk container, leave for 2 hours, then use to apply to the soil.

Preparing beds with plantings for winter

Sawdust can also be used in the garden and garden as an excellent insulating material for the winter. In autumn, it is also better to apply rotted rather than fresh material. This agricultural method must be combined with the application of nitrogen fertilizers.

The use of sawdust in the garden involves 2 ways winter shelter: "dry" and "wet". The first is a shelter using a film that protects plants and sawdust from precipitation, and insulating material like spruce branches, roofing material, foliage, etc. In the second case, only sawdust without a film is used. The second option is not suitable for all crops, for example, it is not suitable for roses, grapes, clematis (they can rot under cover without air access). However, it is quite suitable for garlic, which is not afraid of the ice crust that forms in winter.

Mulching with sawdust is a well-known technique of experienced gardeners.

Nature itself suggested simple actions to us, because in forests and wild places, roots and plants that people do not care for somehow survive cold and heat.

The reason is the natural covering of fallen leaves, brushwood, needles. Such a mantle reliably protects the soil from leaching and erosion, as well as from insects.

Therefore, in the garden or in the garden, for beds, mulching can also be used, and sawdust, pieces of bark, coniferous needles, film, gravel, straw can be used as bedding.

This method is equally good in the greenhouse and for beds.

Mulching in this way is suitable for any soil. It not only protects the soil and plants from the cold, but is often used as a fertilizer that will enrich even poor soil.

For example, if your flowers in the spring, bush plants (raspberries, currants) or vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage) at a later time lack fruits and ovaries, then mulching can be an excellent way out.

Layered mulch allows plants to "breathe" and absorb fertilizer better. For growing tomatoes, this is the most effective method improve the quality of the crop.

Since sawdust tightly covers the ground, without sunlight, a large number of bacteria develop in the layer.

They process most of the sawdust, so we get fertile soil at the output.

In addition, mulching with sawdust for tomatoes or potatoes, for example, is simply necessary when the dry season comes.

This is logical, because open ground heats up faster under open sunlight, and these plants (this applies to both tomatoes and potatoes) deteriorate very quickly in such soil.

Sawdust retains moisture and protects the earth from overheating. With this approach, you can water vegetables and bushes less.

If we are talking about fruits that are close to the ground, then mulching helps to avoid rotting.

This is true for cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and also for strawberries, which most often lie directly on the ground.

To collect good harvest, you need not only to weed the beds and paint the fence in the country, but also to do fertilizer.

How to use mulching as fertilizer?

Many types of fertilizers are quite expensive. Sawdust in this regard is a very profitable option, in addition, they are absolutely safe. They act as the basis for the nutritional complex.

The best way to prepare it is to pass the sawdust through the compost. However, remember that it is forbidden to introduce clean, fresh sawdust into the soil (as fertilizer).

It is necessary to apply natural fertilizer based on mulch and compost in the spring, because certain, rather high temperatures are necessary for decay.

Fresh sawdust is not a fertilizer, it is extremely low in nitrogen, it is fibrous and contains cellulose.

However, the lignin contained in the mulch helps form the stem of the plant and conducts nutrients to it.

After some time, microorganisms begin to use mulch as a medium, saturate wood chips with useful elements.

If you do not put sawdust in compost pit, then the process of soil decay will take several years. In compost, this period can be significantly reduced.

Sawdust compost is pretty easy to make. As ingredients, we take fresh shavings in in large numbers, urea, water, ash.

If you have household organic waste, straw, grass, then they can also be added to the compost pit.

Urea is first dissolved in water, and then the materials of the future fertilizer are watered. You can also add manure to enhance the beneficial properties.

Do not forget to re-paint the curbs and fences after the work has been done to betray summer cottage cozy look.

What plants need to be mulched?

Many gardeners use sawdust mulching everywhere and for any plants. This technique is suitable both at home and in the country, where the owners will appear infrequently.

Why? Mulching allows you to inhibit and slow down the growth of weeds, and also saves moisture, which is very useful during hot periods.

This approach is relevant if you have a lot of rose bushes or other whimsical flowers in your greenhouse.

Passages between the beds of tomatoes, currant and raspberry bushes, paths on the site and near the flower beds are also sprinkled with shavings, because this allows you to give the area a neat look without weeds and pits.

Mulching is also used when planting potatoes. So, when hilling potatoes, the resulting "furrows" are covered with a substrate, which allows you to grow healthy fruits.

This layer is also useful for potatoes because it retains moisture in the ground and it is not necessary to water the bushes (and sometimes these are entire plantations for which there is simply not enough water).

Therefore sawdust - best way out for potatoes and other root plants - carrots, garlic, onions.

For growing cucumbers, small sawdust is used for mulching. Coniferous sawdust is also suitable, because they additionally warm the soil in winter.

They are laid in the base of the beds, after which they are covered with manure.

After that, another layer is applied, and then you don’t have to worry that the cold will cause the cucumbers to freeze, but the laying should be done in the fall, not in the spring.

Very often mulching is used for raspberries.

So, raspberry roots after the procedure, where the soil is covered with a thick layer, retain moisture and nutrients better, and as a result we get delicious fruits, which goes more per bush than usual.

Thanks to this method, you can not replant a raspberry bush for up to fifteen years.

Also experienced gardeners not without mulching for tomatoes, strawberries, whimsical plants (like roses) and much more.

In general, any plants grow better if mulching is applied to them, but only if they are combined with nitrogen fertilizers. So, onion feathers after the procedure will grow taller and turn out juicier.

Mulching to loosen and cover the soil

Since fertilizer sawdust rots rather slowly, it is often used to loosen the soil.

Most often, mulching for such purposes is carried out in a greenhouse, for tomatoes, raspberries of exotic varieties, flowers.

In a small greenhouse, we need three buckets of shavings, three kilograms of humus and ten liters of water.

All this is mixed in a container (trough, barrel) and left to brew for a couple of hours. Then they are evenly applied to the soil.

If we are not talking about a greenhouse, but loosening is required for open soil, then sawdust can be used during digging.

Just add small portions of the substrate to the soil, from which it will be loose. Therefore the need for frequent watering disappears by itself.

sawdust are ideal material for laying the ground for cold weather.

More than once, the owners on their plots faced the problem of freezing, especially in those latitudes where winters are characterized by great frosts.

Chips are easy to store in any dry place, they do not deteriorate over time - just pack them in bags and leave them in the pantry.

Soil cover is considered the most in a safe way weather the cold.

How to mulch roses, vines and vines that cannot be dug out of the ground and have vines? We bend them and cover the entire length with a substrate.

Mulching is best done in late autumn so that it does not start to rot under the sun and mice do not start in it.

And in order to completely secure the shoots of roses, you can do air dry shelter. To do this, we make a small frame made of wood, lay a film on top of it, and a layer of sawdust on it.

After once again the film and the ground.

Such a layer will withstand even the most very coldy, it can be used not only for roses, but also for low plants (raspberries, tomatoes) until frost (after all, they are more tender and wait out the winter only in a greenhouse).

However, use rose sawdust wisely.

If in a greenhouse you can save any plants from snow and rain, then on the street constant moisture and temperature changes can turn mulching into an ice crust, without air access and with constant decay of plants under the layer.

Here, again, the frame will help out. However, unlike roses, for garlic, "wet" coating with sawdust is the most successful.

How to protect strawberries with mulching

Few gardeners do not know what strawberries are on winter period do not dig out of the ground. On the contrary, strawberry sprouts are trying in every possible way to insulate so as not to freeze the root and leaves.

If the strawberries freeze, then the next season it will not produce berries. This is true for raspberries and roses (in their case, they will not bloom).

Well, if you are a professional farmer who grows vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) and fruits with berries (strawberries) in a greenhouse.

But if we are talking about open ground, then you can not do without other ways to save heat.

Strawberries are often mulched with sawdust. This method came to us from Western farmers, it is used even on huge farms, as the most profitable and secure protection berries.

This is also true for tomatoes, the trunks of which at the beginning of the season through the ground infect bacteria, popularly called "gray rot".

Simply mulching the soil is enough to avoid many plant diseases (roses, tomatoes, strawberries, etc.).

Every gardener knows that a good harvest can only be obtained on fertile soil. Therefore, carefully prepare for the onset of the summer season, fertilizing your site. Nowadays, there are many novelties in the field of fertilizers, but the good old methods are also widely used on a par with modern preparations and have never failed. One such method is the use of sawdust.

Often summer residents are interested in whether rotted sawdust can be used as fertilizer. The answer is obvious - not only possible, but also necessary, because sawdust essentially pure organic material. The main thing is to properly prepare them before use. Sawdust not only enriches the soil, but also makes it looser and serves as an excellent mulch. In addition, they are more affordable financially.

The use of sawdust for fertilizing the garden

It is not recommended to bring rotted sawdust in its pure form to garden beds, as they very acidify the soil. On such soil, many plants simply will not survive. However, it is thanks to the process of sawdust decay that the earth is saturated with oxygen. To neutralize acidity, sawdust fertilizer should be properly prepared:

  1. Pour fresh sawdust into the prepared pit.
  2. Sprinkle lime on top.
  3. Leave to rot for at least two years.

To speed up the process of decay, a pile of sawdust is poured with liquid kitchen waste without impurities. household products. When the sawdust rots, they fertilize the soil, spreading it over the beds.

It is better to fertilize with sawdust in the first half of summer, so that by autumn they have time to completely decompose. If you fertilize at the end of summer, due to high humidity during the rainy season, water from wood waste will not evaporate well.

Using sawdust as mulch

Sawdust serves as a good mulch for various crops, not only in the garden, but also in the garden. Overripe sawdust can be immediately scattered on the beds with a layer of 5 cm, and fresh ones must first be prepared. To do this, lay them out in layers, alternating approximately in the following proportion: 3 buckets of sawdust - 200 g of urea. Cover the top with cling film and leave for 2 weeks. After the specified time, the sawdust will be ready for use.

Raspberry-type shrubs are mulched with a thicker layer - up to 20 cm.

Mulching with sawdust will allow you to water the beds less often, since moisture will not evaporate as quickly, and will keep the soil structure loose. In addition, the presence of mulch in the aisles will create obstacles for the growth of weeds.

Sawdust in greenhouses and in compost

Overripe sawdust is applied to greenhouse beds in spring or autumn in order to speed up seed germination. Such soil warms up faster. For greater benefit, they are mixed with manure, also rotted.

Sawdust is good to add to the compost. At the same time, they must rot during the year, so that the compost is more nutritious.

Using sawdust in the garden - video