Safe protection of plants from diseases and pests in July and August. When to plant bird cherry in the ground

Once upon a time there lived a peasant with big family a bunch of children, small small less. He was so poor that at least go and beg for alms. He worked from dawn to dawn, and his earnings were not enough to feed his family. One evening, a peasant says to his wife:
“Listen, wife, tomorrow morning I’m going to wander around the world. I’ll look for work, maybe I’ll earn money for you and your children.
He walked for five days and five nights, reached a rich city. He did not have a single soul familiar in this city. For a long time the peasant wandered along the streets, suddenly sees: on one of the balconies there is a richly dressed woman.
- Hey, guy, - she says to him, - come on up to me, we'll talk.
The peasant was delighted, thought: "Probably, there is work in this house!"
He went upstairs and stopped at the last step.
- What are you standing? - the woman invites him. - Don't stop, go into the rooms.
The peasant was embarrassed.
- Khanum, why am I going to the rooms? If you have a job, let's make an agreement here.
- Yes, come in, do not be shy, you will be a guest.
A peasant came in, and this woman sat him on pillows, began to treat him with wine, various dishes. And she added powder to the wine, from which the peasant forgot everything: and that he is poor, and that he has a bunch of children - less small. They ate and drank, and when they ate and drank, this woman says:
- Marry me, we will live, live, I have a lot of good, ten shops in the bazaar, ten houses in the city, ten chests of all kinds.
- Well, - says the peasant, who has forgotten about everything in the world, - let's get married.
“Follow the priest,” the woman says. - Only until we are married, I will say, and you remember: I do not eat meat. Therefore, never bring meat into the house. If you like it yourself, eat a barbecue or kebab at the bazaar.
“Let it be your way,” says the peasant. They got married and lived together for three years.
Once a rich merchant from Istanbul came to their city and brought all kinds of things from there, apparently invisibly. The peasant entered the shop of the merchant and said:
- Give me something good from what you have, I want to give my wife a gift.
“Here,” the merchant says, “you can't imagine better: a silk shirt embroidered with pearls.
The peasant brought the shirt home.
- Look, - he says, - wife, what a wonderful gift I brought you. Take this shirt embroidered with pearls.
“No way,” the wife says.
- Why? - the husband was surprised. - Do you think too dear? Do not be afraid, I don’t feel sorry for the money, put it on, please.
The wife frowned.
- You want my death? she says. - Okay, then, I'll put it on.
- No no! - the peasant waved his hands. - If so, don't.
And he carried a shirt sewn with pearls back to the merchant.
- What, - asks the merchant, - is she small for your wife?
“No,” he says. - Something she is afraid of this shirt. - Ah well! - says the merchant. - So your wife is a snake!
- What are you saying! How can a woman be a snake?
“You’re a naive person,” says the merchant. - I've traveled all over the world, I know. Tell me, does your wife eat meat?
“No,” the peasant says, “he can't even stand the smell.
The merchant shook his head, gasped, and then said:
- And there is no doubt that the snake. I heard about this woman from a stranger. You lived with her for three years, and she gave you three more years. She has worn out so many men. Lives with them for six years, and then ruins. She made her fortune this way: she took for herself the goods of her ruined husbands.
- Save me, good person, - the peasant begged. - Teach me what to do now?
- All right, - the merchant says, - I will teach. Go to the market, buy a piece of good, fatty lamb and bring it home. Tell your wife to make a barbecue. And when you eat, beg to eat it for the company at least a piece. As soon as she leaves the house for something, drink all the water that is, and only leave a little in one small jug and hang it under the ceiling. And see what happens. And in the morning come to me again.
So this peasant did everything. And at night he woke up and saw: his wife was fumbling in the dark, looking for water, tormented by her thirst. Suddenly she saw a jug just above the ceiling. Here she stretched out like a snake, and her head immediately became snake, reached up to the ceiling, got drunk and pulled back. The peasant was convinced that the merchant was telling the truth.
In the morning he went to the merchant and told everything as it was.
“Didn't I tell you she was a snake? - the merchant answers. - Now listen. You will come home and say to your wife: “Bake me a gata, dear little wife. It's been three years since you and I have been married, and you have never baked gats, pamper your husband at least once. " As soon as she melts the tonir and starts sculpting the gata on the walls of the tonir, grab her by the legs, throw it into the tonir and close the lid. Open in an hour - you will get two charred pieces of dough. Take one for yourself, and bring the other to me.
(Gata is a stuffed pastry.)
The peasant came home. Is talking:
- Wife, the soul of a sweet gata asks for something, bake me a couple.
“Okay,” his wife replies.
I prepared everything right. And as soon as she began to sculpt cakes on the hot walls of the tonir, the husband once threw her by the legs, threw it onto the hot coals and closed the lid. After an hour, he began to take out the charred pieces of dough, all the ash got dirty. He washed his hands, and what does he see? And the water in the basin turned into gold, and the basin became golden.
The peasant understood what wealth came into his hands.

Once upon a time there was a peasant. He had a son. He lived with his father, finally left him in all four directions.

He walked for a long time and, finally, in the forest he saw a three-story house. He entered it. He sees an old woman sitting. She asked: “Why are you here, child? The serpent will come and eat you. "

But the guy was not scared: "What will be, then be." The old woman hid him behind the stove.

Soon a snake comes and says: "Fu-fu, carries the Russian spirit."

When the snake got into a good state of mind, the old woman began to ask: "Do not eat a man, let him be your younger brother." - "If he is stronger than me, let him be my older brother, and if weaker, let him be his younger brother."

When the peasant's son came out from behind the stove, the serpent entered into a struggle with him, to try strength. The serpent immediately overcame and said: "Be my smaller brother." And he gave him the keys to the barns and ordered him to go to all the barns, except three, into which the serpent forbade him to enter.

The next day the serpent left. The peasant's son did not enter those barns into which the snakes were allowed, but went to the forbidden barns, saying: "What will be, then be." In the first barn, he found a girl who was sewing a shirt. The girl said: "Why did you come here, Ivan, the snake will fly in and eat you." The girl was dressed in a thin shirt, through which her little body was visible, and through the little body the bones are visible, through the bones the brain can be seen how the cerebral poured from bone to bone. This girl has been sitting here for thirty years.

He locked it and went to another. And in this barn there was a girl who was sewing a shirt. She asked him the same question as the first. “To save you, go to the third barn - there by right hand there is strong water, weak on the left. Strong water has a strong watermelon on a platter, and weak water there is a weak watermelon on the platter. "

The peasant's son entered the third barn and began to drink strong water and eat strong watermelon. He drank almost all the water and ate almost all of the watermelon and became so strong that the barn began to shake under him. He took in strong water poured weak water, and instead of strong watermelon put weak water. Having closed the barn, he went to the old woman and fell at her feet, asking forgiveness for having drunk the water. The old woman did not forgive, but finally forgave.

He left the house and walked through the yard. In the middle of the yard, he noticed a cast-iron trap. He opened it and saw that a horse was standing on twelve chains and twelve locks. The peasant's son came down and went to this horse. The horse said to him: “Why did you come in? The serpent will come now and eat you. " The guy replied: "I'm not afraid of him." The horse asked him to forge the chains, unlock the locks, put him on him and said: “Ride on me; if you sit on me, then you can fight the snake, and if you don't sit, I will kill you. "

The peasant's son rode, but could not sit and fell, but sat down again and galloped off. The horse dropped the rider another time, the rider sat down for the third time, and so firmly that the horse galloped through forests, mountains and could not drop the rider, and said to him: "You are twice as strong as a snake." And took him home to the snake.

The horse stood in its original place, and the guy went down, locked the horse with twelve locks and chained it with twelve chains. The horse turned the guy into a grain of barley and put it under his hoof.

A kite flew in, learned from the old woman that his younger brother had visited the forbidden barns, and began to look for it, but could not find it anywhere. The serpent opened the trap and entered the horse: “Tell me, faithful horse, the whole truth, where is my smaller brother? " The horse asked: "Don't you want him?" The serpent said: "I will eat him for not obeying me." The horse said: "He is twice as strong as you." And after these words he raised his hoof, saying: "Come out."

As the guy jumped out, the whole earth trembled. The snake got scared, asked him to be an older brother, and called himself the younger.

Once upon a time there was a peasant with a large family, a bunch of children, small and small. He was so poor that at least go and beg for alms. He worked from dawn to dawn, and his earnings were not enough to feed his family. One evening, a peasant says to his wife:

Listen, wife, tomorrow morning I am going to wander the world. I’ll look for a job, maybe I’ll earn money for you and your children.

He walked for five days and five nights, reached a rich city. He did not have a single soul familiar in this city. For a long time the peasant wandered the streets, suddenly he sees: on one of the balconies there is a richly dressed woman.

Hey, boy, - she says to him, - come on up to me, let's talk.

The peasant was delighted, thought: "Probably, there is work in this house!"

He went upstairs and stopped at the last step.

What are you standing? - the woman invites him. - Don't stop, go into the rooms.

The peasant was embarrassed.

Khanum, why am I going to the rooms? If you have a job, let's make an agreement here.

Yes, come in, do not be shy, you will be a guest.

A peasant came in, and this woman sat him on pillows, began to treat him with wine, various dishes. And she added powder to the wine, from which the peasant forgot everything: and that he is poor, and that he has a bunch of children - less small. They ate and drank, and when they ate and drank, this woman says:

Marry me, we will live and live, I have a lot of goods, ten shops in the bazaar, ten houses in the city, ten chests of all kinds.

Well, - says the peasant, who has forgotten about everything in the world, - let's get married.

Follow the priest, the woman says. - Only until we are married, I will say, and you remember: I do not eat meat. Therefore, never bring meat into the house. If you like it yourself, eat a barbecue or kebab at the bazaar.

Let it be your way, - says the peasant. They got married and lived together for three years.

Once a rich merchant from Istanbul came to their city and brought all sorts of things from there, apparently invisibly. The peasant entered the shop of the merchant and said:

Give me something good from what you have, I want to give my wife a gift.

Here, - says the merchant, - you could not imagine better: a silk shirt embroidered with pearls.

The peasant brought the shirt home.

Look, - he says, - wife, what a wonderful gift I brought you. Take this shirt embroidered with pearls.

No way, - says the wife.

Why? - the husband was surprised. - Do you think too dear? Do not be afraid, I don’t feel sorry for the money, put it on, please.

The wife frowned.

Do you want my death? - she says. - Then okay, I'll put it on.

No no! - the peasant waved his hands. - If so, don't.

And he carried a shirt sewn with pearls back to the merchant.

What, - asks the merchant, - is she small for your wife?

No, he says. - Something she is afraid of this shirt. - Ah well! - says the merchant. - So your wife is a snake!

What are you saying! How can a woman be a snake?

You are a naive person, - says the merchant. - I've traveled all over the world, I know. Tell me, does your wife eat meat?

No, says the peasant, he can't even stand the smell.

The merchant shook his head, gasped, and then said:

And there is no doubt that it is a snake. I heard about this woman from a stranger. You lived with her for three years, and she gave you three more years. She has worn out so many men. Lives with them for six years, and then ruins. She made her fortune this way: she took for herself the goods of her ruined husbands.

Save me, kind man, - the peasant begged. - Teach me what to do now?

Okay, says the merchant, I'll teach you. Go to the market, buy a piece of good, fatty lamb and bring it home. Tell your wife to make a barbecue. And when you eat, beg to eat it for the company at least a piece. As soon as she comes out for something from the house, drink all the water that is, and only leave a little in one small jug and hang it up to the ceiling. And see what happens. And in the morning come to me again.

So this peasant did everything. And at night he woke up and saw: his wife was fumbling in the dark, looking for water, tormented by her thirst. Suddenly she saw a jug just above the ceiling. Here she stretched out like a snake, and her head immediately became a snake, reached up to the ceiling, drank and pulled back. The peasant was convinced that the merchant was telling the truth.

In the morning he went to the merchant and told everything as it was.

Didn't I tell you she was a snake? - the merchant answers. - Now listen. You will come home and say to your wife: “Bake me a gata 1, dear little wife. It's been three years since you and I have been married, and you have never baked gats, pamper your husband at least once. " As soon as she melts the tonir and starts sculpting the gata on the walls of the tonir, grab her by the legs, throw it into the tonir and close the lid. Open in an hour - you will get two charred pieces of dough. Take one for yourself, and bring the other to me.

The peasant came home. Is talking:

My wife, the soul of a sweet gata asks for something, bake me a couple.

Okay, - the wife answers.

I prepared everything right. And as soon as she began to sculpt cakes on the hot walls of the tonir, the husband once threw her by the legs, threw it onto the hot coals and closed the lid. After an hour, he began to take out the charred pieces of dough, all the ash got dirty. He washed his hands, and what does he see? And the water in the basin turned into gold, and the basin became golden.

The peasant understood what wealth came into his hands. And then he saw his house, his wife and children in a golden vase, he grabbed his head and immediately remembered everything. He gave it to the merchant big piece gold, the other left for himself and went home.

He arrived home at dusk, his wife opens the door and asks:

What do you, traveler, want from a poor widow?

What kind of a widow are you? - exclaimed the peasant. - Don't you recognize me?

The wife looked, and this is her husband.

Welcome, he says. - Where have you been for so long?

The peasant answers her:

I have been for a long time and amassed a lot. Gather the children, enough suffering in the village, bending your back. Let's move to the city.

What are you, - says the wife, - how to live in the city with our poverty?

Don't worry, wife, the peasant tells her. - Now I have so much gold that you and I, our children, and our grandchildren will have enough.

They got together and left for the city, bought a new, rich house, and lived peacefully and happily.

Three apples fell from the sky: one - to the one who told the tale; another thing who listened to the tale; and the third - to the one who reeled everything on the mustache.

Once upon a time there was a peasant with a large family, a bunch of children, small and small. He was so poor that at least go and beg for alms. He worked from dawn to dawn, and his earnings were not enough to feed his family. One evening, a peasant says to his wife:

Listen, wife, tomorrow morning I am going to wander the world. I’ll look for a job, maybe I’ll earn money for you and your children.

He walked for five days and five nights, reached a rich city. He did not have a single soul familiar in this city. For a long time the peasant wandered the streets, suddenly he sees: on one of the balconies there is a richly dressed woman.

Hey, boy, - she says to him, - come on up to me, let's talk.

The peasant was delighted, thought: "Probably, there is work in this house!"

He went upstairs and stopped at the last step.

What are you standing? - the woman invites him. - Don't stop, go into the rooms.

The peasant was embarrassed.

Khanum, why am I going to the rooms? If you have a job, let's make an agreement here.

Yes, come in, do not be shy, you will be a guest.

A peasant came in, and this woman sat him on pillows, began to treat him with wine, various dishes. And she added powder to the wine, from which the peasant forgot everything: and that he is poor, and that he has a bunch of children - less small. They ate and drank, and when they ate and drank, this woman says:

Marry me, we will live and live, I have a lot of goods, ten shops in the bazaar, ten houses in the city, ten chests of all kinds.

Well, - says the peasant, who has forgotten about everything in the world, - let's get married.

Follow the priest, the woman says. - Only until we are married, I will say, and you remember: I do not eat meat. Therefore, never bring meat into the house. If you like it yourself, eat a barbecue or kebab at the bazaar.

Let it be your way, - says the peasant. They got married and lived together for three years.

Once a rich merchant from Istanbul came to their city and brought all sorts of things from there, apparently invisibly. The peasant entered the shop of the merchant and said:

Give me something good from what you have, I want to give my wife a gift.

Here, - says the merchant, - you could not imagine better: a silk shirt embroidered with pearls.

The peasant brought the shirt home.

Look, - he says, - wife, what a wonderful gift I brought you. Take this shirt embroidered with pearls.

No way, - says the wife.

Why? - the husband was surprised. - Do you think too dear? Do not be afraid, I don’t feel sorry for the money, put it on, please.

The wife frowned.

Do you want my death? - she says. - Then okay, I'll put it on.

No no! - the peasant waved his hands. - If so, don't.

And he carried a shirt sewn with pearls back to the merchant.

What, - asks the merchant, - is she small for your wife?

No, he says. - Something she is afraid of this shirt. - Ah well! - says the merchant. - So your wife is a snake!

What are you saying! How can a woman be a snake?

You are a naive person, - says the merchant. - I've traveled all over the world, I know. Tell me, does your wife eat meat?

No, says the peasant, he can't even stand the smell.

The merchant shook his head, gasped, and then said:

And there is no doubt that it is a snake. I heard about this woman from a stranger. You lived with her for three years, and she gave you three more years. She has worn out so many men. Lives with them for six years, and then ruins. She made her fortune this way: she took for herself the goods of her ruined husbands.

Save me, kind man, - the peasant begged. - Teach me what to do now?

Okay, says the merchant, I'll teach you. Go to the market, buy a piece of good, fatty lamb and bring it home. Tell your wife to make a barbecue. And when you eat, beg to eat it for the company at least a piece. As soon as she comes out for something from the house, drink all the water that is, and only leave a little in one small jug and hang it up to the ceiling. And see what happens. And in the morning come to me again.

So this peasant did everything. And at night he woke up and saw: his wife was fumbling in the dark, looking for water, tormented by her thirst. Suddenly she saw a jug just above the ceiling. Here she stretched out like a snake, and her head immediately became a snake, reached up to the ceiling, drank and pulled back. The peasant was convinced that the merchant was telling the truth.

In the morning he went to the merchant and told everything as it was.

Didn't I tell you she was a snake? - the merchant answers. - Now listen. You will come home and say to your wife: “Bake me a gata, dear little wife. It's been three years since you and I have been married, and you have never baked gats, pamper your husband at least once. " As soon as she melts the tonir and starts sculpting the gata on the walls of the tonir, grab her by the legs, throw it into the tonir and close the lid.

Once upon a time there was a peasant with a large family, a bunch of children, small and small. He was so poor that at least go and beg for alms. He worked from dawn to dawn, and his earnings were not enough to feed his family. One evening, a peasant says to his wife:

Listen, wife, tomorrow morning I am going to wander the world. I’ll look for a job, maybe I’ll earn money for you and your children.

He walked for five days and five nights, reached a rich city. He did not have a single soul familiar in this city. For a long time the peasant wandered the streets, suddenly he sees: on one of the balconies there is a richly dressed woman.

Hey, boy, - she says to him, - come on up to me, let's talk.

The peasant was delighted, thought: "Probably, there is work in this house!"

He went upstairs and stopped at the last step.

What are you standing? - the woman invites him. - Don't stop, go into the rooms.

The peasant was embarrassed.

Khanum, why am I going to the rooms? If you have a job, let's make an agreement here.

Yes, come in, do not be shy, you will be a guest.

A peasant came in, and this woman sat him on pillows, began to treat him with wine, various dishes. And she added powder to the wine, from which the peasant forgot everything: and that he is poor, and that he has a bunch of children - less small. They ate and drank, and when they ate and drank, this woman says:

Marry me, we will live and live, I have a lot of goods, ten shops in the bazaar, ten houses in the city, ten chests of all kinds.

Well, - says the peasant, who has forgotten about everything in the world, - let's get married.

Follow the priest, the woman says. - Only until we are married, I will say, and you remember: I do not eat meat. Therefore, never bring meat into the house. If you like it yourself, eat a barbecue or kebab at the bazaar.

Let it be your way, - says the peasant. They got married and lived together for three years.

Once a rich merchant from Istanbul came to their city and brought all sorts of things from there, apparently invisibly. The peasant entered the shop of the merchant and said:

Give me something good from what you have, I want to give my wife a gift.

Here, - says the merchant, - you could not imagine better: a silk shirt embroidered with pearls.

The peasant brought the shirt home.

Look, - he says, - wife, what a wonderful gift I brought you. Take this shirt embroidered with pearls.

No way, - says the wife.

Why? - the husband was surprised. - Do you think too dear? Do not be afraid, I don’t feel sorry for the money, put it on, please.

The wife frowned.

Do you want my death? - she says. - Then okay, I'll put it on.

No no! - the peasant waved his hands. - If so, don't.

And he carried a shirt sewn with pearls back to the merchant.

What, - asks the merchant, - is she small for your wife?

No, he says. - Something she is afraid of this shirt. - Ah well! - says the merchant. - So your wife is a snake! - site

What are you saying! How can a woman be a snake?

You are a naive person, - says the merchant. - I've traveled all over the world, I know. Tell me, does your wife eat meat?

No, says the peasant, he can't even stand the smell.

The merchant shook his head, gasped, and then said:

And there is no doubt that it is a snake. I heard about this woman from a stranger. You lived with her for three years, and she gave you three more years. She has worn out so many men. Lives with them for six years, and then ruins. She made her fortune this way: she took for herself the goods of her ruined husbands.

Save me, kind man, - the peasant begged. - Teach me what to do now?

Okay, says the merchant, I'll teach you. Go to the market, buy a piece of good, fatty lamb and bring it home. Tell your wife to make a barbecue. And when you eat, beg to eat it for the company at least a piece. As soon as she comes out for something from the house, drink all the water that is, and only leave a little in one small jug and hang it up to the ceiling. And see what happens. And in the morning come to me again.

So this peasant did everything. And at night he woke up and saw: his wife was fumbling in the dark, looking for water, tormented by her thirst. Suddenly she saw a jug just above the ceiling. Here she stretched out like a snake, and her head immediately became a snake, reached up to the ceiling, drank and pulled back. The peasant was convinced that the merchant was telling the truth.

In the morning he went to the merchant and told everything as it was.

Didn't I tell you she was a snake? - the merchant answers. - Now listen. You will come home and say to your wife: “Bake me a gata 1, dear little wife. It's been three years since you and I have been married, and you have never baked gats, pamper your husband at least once. " As soon as she melts the tonir and starts sculpting the gata on the walls of the tonir, grab her by the legs, throw it into the tonir and close the lid. Open in an hour - you will get two charred pieces of dough. Take one for yourself, and bring the other to me.

The peasant came home. Is talking:

My wife, the soul of a sweet gata asks for something, bake me a couple.

Okay, - the wife answers.

I prepared everything right. And as soon as she began to sculpt cakes on the hot walls of the tonir, the husband once threw her by the legs, threw it onto the hot coals and closed the lid. After an hour, he began to take out the charred pieces of dough, all the ash got dirty. He washed his hands, and what does he see? And the water in the basin turned into gold, and the basin became golden.

The peasant understood what wealth came into his hands. And then he saw his house, his wife and children in a golden vase, he grabbed his head and immediately remembered everything. He gave the merchant a large piece of gold, kept the other for himself and went home.

He arrived home at dusk, his wife opens the door and asks:

What do you, traveler, want from a poor widow?

What kind of a widow are you? - exclaimed the peasant. - Don't you recognize me?

The wife looked, and this is her husband.

Welcome, he says. - Where have you been for so long?

The peasant answers her:

I have been for a long time and amassed a lot. Gather the children, enough suffering in the village, bending your back. Let's move to the city.

What are you, - says the wife, - how to live in the city with our poverty?

Don't worry, wife, the peasant tells her. - Now I have so much gold that you and I, our children, and our grandchildren will have enough.

They got together and left for the city, bought a new, rich house, and lived peacefully and happily.

Three apples fell from the sky: one - to the one who told the tale; the other is for the one who listened to the tale; and the third - to the one who reeled everything on the mustache.

1 Gata is a pastry with a filling.

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