A vegetable garden on the windowsill: how to grow sweet peas in an apartment. How to plant peas on a windowsill at home

Honestly, I would never have thought of growing peas on the balcony, if not, thanks to which I got such seeds. I planted them purely out of curiosity, not really hoping for success, but in the end I even recently gathered my first "funny" crop. But, of course, the harvest could have been richer if some unfavorable events had not happened to my green peas, but there will still be: there is still a lot of time before the end of summer, not a single batch will have time to ripen!

Planting seeds and varieties of my peas

The first variety of peas, the seeds of which I got, is the Early 301 Pea. The package contained 3 dried peas and everything needed for planting: peat tablet and a glass.

Read also: I unceremoniously planted all 3 peas close to each other in a small container. After 2 weeks, my peas had already become 10 cm plants and urgently needed planting in a large container. I traditionally planted them right in peat cup into a plastic container from a five-liter bottle and stuck a support next to it:

I bought the second grade of peas myself. These were the "Alpha" vegetable pea variety. So that the seeds do not "disappear", I poured the whole pack into the bottle at once. Of course, everyone ascended, but surprisingly everyone began to bear fruit, although the plants grew in a terrible cramped situation.

I planted both those and other seeds in universal soil, and small expanded clay was poured onto the bottom. The peas themselves were sprinkled with a small (up to a centimeter) layer of earth, having previously removed all foreign inclusions (sticks, hard lumps, and so on). After - well watered and under the bag.

Difficulties of growing peas at home

The difficulty in growing the first grade of peas "Early 301" consisted of 2 things:
1) Sowing too early - on March 14, when the daylight hours were still very small, and sometimes it was frosty outside, plus it was very cloudy;
2) Seals piled several containers with plants from the windowsill. Among them was my green peas. The plant lay on the floor for some time, managed to wither, and the once elastic stems sadly drooped, which led to deformation in the future (but at least not death):

There were also 2 difficulties in growing the second grade of peas, but only of a different nature:
1) Too close proximity. I assumed that it would be so, but, for some reason, I do not like it when untouched seeds remain in the pack. I will improve.
2) The lower leaves of plants burn out in the sun. It didn’t seem to affect the amount of the harvest, but I don’t like it anyway:

My first harvest

At first, as it was logical and expected, the peas "Early 301", which were planted on March 14, began to ripen. We picked the first pod just a few days ago. There are 2 more on the way. Of course, it’s even difficult to call it a harvest, but considering the conditions in which the peas grew and what kind of injury they suffered, we should be glad that they did bear fruit in general.

We divided 4 peas in half with the eldest daughter. I want to say that I have never tasted such sweet peas in my life! Like candy! We also ate the peel, and after that the child began to beg me to pluck the rest, immature pods, but I still do not give in)))
We have not tried the second variety of peas yet, but things there with the harvest are much better: this is what the daylight hours have increased and the sun has begun to look out. In a small area, you can count as many as 6 pods:

Plus, every day more and more flowers are formed, and there are practically no barren flowers. Of course, for open ground, when there is an opportunity to sow a whole garden bed, this is a funny result, but for the first experience of growing peas on the windowsill it is quite tolerable, especially considering that the Alpha peas were planted on April 11, and at the beginning of June we will be guaranteed to eat its first pods. A plus, useful space the minimum was spent.
But here, of course, if I hadn't skimped on additional capacity, I could have gotten a richer harvest :)

Pea care during cultivation

I was convinced that peas are very fond of abundant watering. If I water all other plants every 2-3 days, then the peas require daily watering. I'll skip a day, and the leaves immediately begin to wither.
In addition, there were some difficulties for me in garter peas: I thought it was climbing plant, for which it is only necessary to stick a support, and it will do everything by itself. But it was not there. The peas could hardly grasp the support with their little antennae, and only braided themselves. Therefore, in addition to the support, I also cut ribbons from a plastic bag and fixed the thickets of peas in a circle around a large stick.

Peas "Alpha":

Peas "Early 301":

To prevent the roots from suffering from the sun, I put a black opaque plastic bag on the containers in which the peas grow.
I started feeding the plants 2 weeks after germination, first with Agricola for seedlings, and now with Biohumus, which I plan to stop at for now.

1) Peas have a very powerful root system, therefore they require space. I think that for a "comfortable stay" it is enough to plant 2 peas in one 5-liter container. The harvest will be better;
2) If you plan to plant peas at home in winter, then you need to supplement it. Without the sun, there will definitely not be a good harvest (tested on peas "Early 301").
3) Peas like very abundant watering, and for this it is necessary and good drainage: this is so far the only container in which I made holes from the bottom to drain excess water;
4) It is better to choose something thin as a support, because peas are not able to grab a thick support;
5) Timely feeding will help to get good harvest:)

Tells about how not just to grow pea arrows correctly, but also to wait for the ripe pods of this delicacy to ripen.

The process of growing peas will not be quick. For a successful outcome of your "agricultural attempts", you must strictly follow the instructions for action and not accelerate the growth of peas artificially.

It is best to grow peas in an outdoor greenhouse in winter. You can also grow sweet peas at home. To do this, you need to stock up on spacious containers for planting shoots, prepare the bases to support the arrows and provide the plants with a sufficient amount of light, oxygen and moisture.

What varieties are better to grow

Norley(Norli). Peas of this variety are early ripening and high-yielding. Plants can grow up to 1 m in height.

Oregon Sugar Pod(Oregon Sugar Pod). It can be grown in greenhouses in winter. The stems reach a height of 1 m.

Sugar Ann(Sugar Ann). Early ripening and long-term fruiting variety. The plant grows to a height of about 1.5 m and needs strong support.

Pea seed preparation

Pea seeds should be chosen so that they are not too old, but also not plucked from unripe pods. To begin with, the seeds should be wrapped in cheesecloth and filled with water for 3 hours. After that, the peas must be kept in damp gauze for 3-5 days. This is followed by sowing for growing seedlings.

How to sow peas

The soil must be chosen moist, loose, alkaline, so if the soil is too acidic, lime must be added to it.

You can add a little sawdust, straw cutting, humus (up to 30% of the soil volume) and a solution of complex mineral fertilizers(20 grams per 10 liters of water).

Before sowing, pea seeds must be treated with nitragin or boric micronutrient fertilizers. Peas are sown very densely.

Sow pea seeds for seedlings should be on the wall beds in winter. Seeds must be sown one at a time in staggered rows with an interval of 10 cm. And after 2 cm in a row to a depth of no more than 3 cm. After 15 days, the seedlings can be planted on permanent soil.

In the greenhouse, seedlings must be planted in boxes in beds at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Leave no more than 10 cm between the seeds.

After planting, the seedlings need to tamp the root part of the plant a little and pour from a watering can with a sieve.

How to care for peas

Peas are a very moisture and light-loving plant, so they need to provide maximum lighting and moisture, both for the soil and for the leaves.

For full growth and a good harvest, peas need supports: poles for low-growing (90 cm) varieties and nets stretched between the columns - for high grades(1.5 m). It is necessary to install supports when the seedlings grow up to 8 cm.

The soil should not be allowed to freeze. Peas are sensitive to low temperatures, and with prolonged cold snap, the seeds may decompose in the soil and not sprout.

For many years of the Soviet past, balconies and loggias were reserved for storing trash and seasonal items. However, today these areas are increasingly preferred to be used to create blooming gardens, planting beautiful compositions both on the balcony itself and in sapwood boxes.

The choice of plants for these purposes is enormous today. In this article we will introduce you to one of the most interesting software outward appearance and unassuming to care for - sweet peas. How to grow sweet peas on the balcony, about its popular varieties and cultivation features, read below.

The best varieties of sweet peas to grow on the balcony

Sweet pea(lat.Lathyrus odoratus)annual flower culture, belongs to the legume family. It got its name due to the fact that it exudes a very pleasant aroma during flowering. Another name for the flower is fragrant rank. The origin of this plant goes far into antiquity and is not known for certain.

Did you know? Traces of sweet peas lead to Sicily, from where they were brought by the British in the 15th century. The selection of this flower was first begun in the 19th century by the Scottish scientist Henry Eckford. Since then, several thousand varieties of sweet peas have been bred, combined into 16 groups.

The stem of the sweet pea is curly, thin, creeping, weakly branched. The leaves are green with a beautiful bluish tint. At the ends they have antennae that allow them to cling to supports and grow like a vine.

Small flowers (2-6 cm) are collected in racemose inflorescences of 15 or fewer flowers. 5-6 flowers bloom at the same time. The flowering period of each of them is 4-5 days. Their color can be varied: white, pink, cream, red, purple, blue, etc. The flowering period is very long - from June to October.

The varieties are divided into tall, medium-sized and low-growing. The most tall plants can reach 2.5-3 m, flowers that have reached 20 cm are considered the lowest. Tall varieties are planted in gardens, greenhouses (for cutting).

About 100 of the varieties are suitable for planting on balconies, terraces, and gazebos. The most popular varieties are Spencer, Galaxy, Royal, Winter Elegance, Rufled. Low-growing varieties (Mammut, Bijou, Fantasy, Cupid) are used for potting.

Also different types peas differ in the shape and color of the flowers. Not so long ago, a perennial species was bred by breeders.

Important!When choosing a variety of sweet peas, it is necessary to take into account the size of the area on which it is planned to plant it, its shade and the presence of other crops on it.

Sweet peas can be combined with other flowers. If the plans are only vertical gardening balcony, then petunia and hops will do.

With mixed landscaping, roses and geraniums can be planted nearby.

Growing sweet peas through seedlings

Sweet pea flowers are propagated in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings.
Growing through seedlings has several advantages. Firstly, this is how you can plant peas in the most favorable period for its growth. Secondly, a finished plant will already appear on the balcony, which is more resistant to climatic conditions in comparison with seedlings. Thirdly, by planting peas through seedlings, you can achieve its earlier flowering.

Before planting sweet peas for seedlings, you need to take care of the preparation of the soil and seeds in advance.

Soil preparation

If you are planning to plant seedlings in garden soil, then it must be prepared in the fall. As sweet peas are planted in early spring, in this period open ground will still be frozen. Required amount the land is brought onto the balcony and stored until spring in a cool place.

The first weeks of March are the most optimal time when to plant sweet peas for seedlings. 6-7 days before sowing, the soil must be brought into the apartment for warming up. After that, it must be mixed with a peat mixture for growing seedlings (sold in specialized stores).

If you plan to plant peas in purchased land, then the soil "Universal", "For indoor flowers" is suitable for this. For planting seeds, you can use ordinary plastic cups, having previously made in them drain holes, or special containers for seedlings. The containers must be filled with earth and watered abundantly.

Preparation and planting of seeds

After manipulating the soil, it is necessary to prepare the seed material. In order to determine their germination, seeds are soaked in warm (50-60 ºС) water for a day (maybe for several hours). You can also carry out the procedure for their disinfection.

Important! Only dark-colored seeds are suitable for soaking. Light seeds do not like water.

The next day, those seeds that float on the surface are thrown away. Those remaining at the bottom, swollen, are placed on a damp cloth and covered. plastic wrap... Before that, for a greater chance of germination, the seed shell can be pierced with a knife or nail scissors... Although this procedure is best done by experienced florists.

The container with seeds is placed in a warm place for three days, regularly airing them. After this time, they should begin to hatch (a longer period may be needed), and they can be planted in the ground. For this, small holes (2.5-3 cm) are made in the ground in cups, one seed sits in them and is sprinkled with earth. The containers must be covered with foil.

If the seeds are not planted in separate containers, but in one container, then they must be planted at a distance of 8 cm from each other. After planting the seeds, the soil should be watered. As soon as the green shoots hatch, the film must be removed. Place the cups or tray in a sunny place.

Seedling care

Caring for sweet pea seedlings involves observing temperature regime... The room should not be too hot. The optimum temperature is 20 ºС. The room should be regularly ventilated, and the seedlings should be watered moderately (1-2 times a week). Feeding of seedlings with nitrogen fertilizers is possible.

After the first leaves appear on the seedlings in the tray, they must be thinned out, leaving a distance between shoots of 14 cm. When buds appear before planting, it is better to remove them.


In the balcony boxes and pots, the sprouts are planted along with a lump of earth after the establishment of warm weather. The planting procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the still fragile sprouts and poorly developed root system.

This will work best if you first water the seedling well, and then cut the glass in which it is planted with scissors and remove all the soil from there. At the same time, depressions are made in the soil in the balcony container, which can accommodate the sprout along with the whole lump of earth.

If several plants are planted, then the gaps between them are left at least 20-25 cm long, depending on the selected variety. Tall plants are planted at 4 pieces per 1 sq. m.

It will take about two weeks for the peas to get used to the new place; during this time, it may have a lack of growth. During this period, it is recommended to shade the sprouts from the sun's rays.

Sowing sweet pea seeds directly into boxes on the balcony

You can skip the stage of growing sweet pea seedlings and start growing from seeds right in the place where the flower will grow later. And if you are going to plant peas next to other plants in a balcony box, then this method will be the only possible one.

One of its significant disadvantages is that the flower will bloom later, in July-August. Although this problem can also be solved - it is enough to cover the box with plastic wrap a week before planting the seeds. This is done so that the earth warms up well.

Preparing soil and seeds when planting directly into balcony boxes is no different from this procedure when breeding seedlings. For normal development, sweet peas need a deep (at least 60 cm) and not very wide container.

Important! Planting sweet peas is best done with seeds purchased in specialized stores.

Choose fresh seeds for planting, with a shelf life of no more than one year. After the appearance of the third pair of leaves, it is recommended to carry out plant pinching,this will stimulate the development of lateral shoots. Have early varieties flowering occurs 60 days after sowing.

How to care for sweet peas on the balcony in summer

the plant is unassuming to care for, but still requires little attention and compliance with some agrotechnical rules. In particular, this flower does not tolerate:

  • direct sunlight;
  • full shadow;
  • excessive moisture;
  • a sharp temperature drop.
Therefore, for its normal development, it is necessary, first of all, to protect it from these unfavorable factors.

Did you know? Sweet peas are just ornamental plant, one should not think that it is possible to grow a seasoning from it. The same name for a flower and a pepper is just a coincidence.

An important procedure for leaving will be the immediate removal of wilted flowers in order to prevent the formation of fruits. After all, when peas begin to bear fruit, their flowering slows down.

Many people prefer all year round have in the diet fresh vegetables and arrange on balconies or loggias small vegetable garden... At any time of the year, they pamper themselves and their households with self-grown green vitamins. Peas are an undemanding crop that can be grown at home. Pods with sweet peas grown on the windowsill are healthy and tasty, and every home farmer, having collected a ripe crop, immediately tries to germinate pea seeds for new plantings.

Conditions for growing at home

It is possible to grow peas in non-standard home conditions, but for this you should take into account all the preferences of the culture. By creating plants the necessary conditions, you can get a good harvest. To grow peas indoors, you will need:

  • Volumetric, capacious container.
  • Nutritious, light soil enriched useful substances.
  • Adequate amount of light, but no direct sunlight.
  • Regular soil moisture.
  • Fertilizers and feeding.
  • The most favorable temperature conditions.

Soil and containers

A spacious and capacious container is suitable for growing peas at home. The wide container for balcony flower plants can be used. The box should have good air permeability and the ability to fit garters and supports.

Homemade peas prefer loose and moderately moist soil, the fertility of which in an enclosed space is compensated by all kinds of biological additives, dressings and nutrients.

Temperature and illumination

Create the required temperature conditions for home cultivation quite simply, since the most acceptable air temperature is in heated living quarters. After the first shoots appear, the container with the plants is moved to a well-lit place. The container should be kept away from glass and direct sunlight. Ideally suited for this wide window sill or a bright corner on a heated loggia.

Preparing beans for sowing

Sugar and shelling varieties of green peas grow well at home. To get healthy and strong plants, seed material for planting is prepared in advance. First of all, the beans are calibrated and rejected.

The harvested grains are sorted out, sorted and seeds with obvious defects are removed. The selected material is placed in a saline solution, which is prepared with the calculation of 1 large spoonful of table salt per 1 liter warm water... The solution is stirred before use.

Empty, incapacitated peas float up, they are thrown away. Qualitative specimens suitable for planting sink to the bottom of the vessel. The grains are taken out and slightly dried. Thus, all beans with defects are calibrated by the selection method.

Do I need to germinate seeds

There is an ongoing debate among gardeners about the germination of pea seeds. Most are sure that only swollen grains with germinated sprouts after planting will quickly sprout and will grow and develop better.

Adherents of dry planting of seeds argue that soaking is not necessary, since regularly moistened soil will do its job, saturate the seeds with moisture and give them the opportunity to germinate in their natural environment.

Pretreatment and germination

If a decision is made to plant peas, it is necessary to pre-treat the seeds and start germination before planting. To do this, the gauze folded in several layers is moistened and laid out on a saucer. The prepared grains are placed in a container and covered with the same layer of fabric.

The seed plate is removed in a warm place. The grains should be soaked for several days, periodically soaking the gauze with moisture. After the expiration of the period, the germinated peas must be washed in clean water and only then proceed to planting.

Seed material can be germinated in growth biostimulants. After soaking in special formulations sprouts will appear much earlier.

Landing technology

It is not difficult to grow peas on a balcony or loggia, since even a novice gardener can plant peas in the ground, and if all agrotechnical requirements are observed, the result will please. When finished preparatory activities, start planting seeds. The landing technology is carried out in this way:

  • The container is filled with soil, which is harvested independently or purchased in specialized retail outlets.
  • The soil is moistened and shallow holes are made in it. The distance between them can be several centimeters.
  • One seed is placed in each hole, with the sprout down.
  • The pits are lightly sprinkled with earth, without compaction, and covered with a film material.

The first shoots usually appear two weeks after planting. When the main leaf appears on the sprouts, the film material is removed. During this period, crops require only timely watering.

Home care

The rules for caring for growing plants are simple, but you still need to follow some requirements. Preliminary preparation and the cultivation of culture on the loggia provides that peas need a long daylight hours, for this on winter period establish fluorescent lamp.

When the plants reach 15 centimeters, a coarse mesh is vertically hung over them. As the shoots grow, they are directed along the trellis so that the light is evenly distributed along the lashes. Home-grown whips of peas are able to lie and shade each other.

The main care of the crop is timely watering and regular loosening of the soil. Water the plants sparingly until flowers appear. After the beginning of flowering and the formation of pods, soil moisture is increased. The culture in the flowering phase is regularly fed with nutrient solutions.

Growing peas at home is a fun and entertaining process. People leading healthy image lives accustomed to following norms proper nutrition get maximum amount self-grown vitamins and minerals.

Sprouted peas as food

Every healthy person should have some amount of legumes in their diet. Peas are rich in protein and so nutritious that they can replace even meat products, but most of all the benefits of sprouted peas.

It is a valuable food product for vegetarians, indispensable for raw foodists. When losing weight and dieting, it saturates the body with useful substances and microelements. Fresh, it is considered the most useful and is used for the prevention of diseases and during treatment.

Adherents of dietary, healthy food prepare vitamin salads with sprouted peas and all kinds of greens, since a product rich in amino acids is a good alternative to animal proteins.

Growing green vitamins in your home is easy. The main conditions in this process are the fulfillment of all agrotechnical requirements and instructions. Even starting this activity for the first time, you can get a harvest.

Peas are a multifunctional vegetable; housewives use it for various purposes. Some people like to use it raw, others cook various dishes with it, and still others - canned or dried. However, not only delicious green peas are eaten. The stems and blades of peas (sugar varieties) can also be used in cooking. In addition, the spatulas contain a lot of vitamin C, which makes them an excellent preventive measure against colds. How to germinate peas at home and what is required for this?

Conditions for growing peas


It is necessary to grow this culture at home on the lightest balcony, since polka dots love good lighting.


The plant is not afraid of cold weather, and it is very unpretentious to care for, so it will not be difficult to grow it at home.

Peas take out low temperatures up to -5 degrees, so that even on an unglazed balcony, it will bring good results. Although at the initial stage, it is better to grow peas on a windowsill.


The flowerpot is not well suited for planting peas. It is best to take an oblong box made of wood or plastic for growing a plant at home. There should be holes at the bottom of the container to drain excess moisture.


Peas should be watered as the surface layer of the soil mixture dries up. Irrigation compacts the top layer of the earth, and this crop requires maximum air penetration to the root system. Therefore, after each application of water, it is advisable to loosen the soil. This procedure will allow you to grow a good crop of beans at home.

Soil and its fertilization

For planting peas, garden soil, harvested from September-October, is suitable. The land is taken from those plots where pumpkin or nightshade crops were recently harvested. The taken soil is diluted with loosening components in a ratio of 1: 3. As a baking powder, you can take sand, small stones, sawdust or peat. Before planting peas on the balcony, it is better to treat the soil mixture with a special preparation that prevents fungus and other diseases. The soil mixture for planting can also be fertilized with a solution of mineral fertilizing.

To grow a good harvest at home, you need to feed the plant on time. While the ovaries have not yet formed, the culture is fertilized with top dressing, which contains abundant potassium and phosphorus. In order for the leaves and stems to be strong and healthy, fertilizers containing copper should be applied to the soil as a preventive measure.

Selection and preparation of seeds

At home, before planting in a prepared soil, the seed can be germinated in the tissue, thus in further seedlings rise faster. However, peas can be introduced into the soil without germination, having previously soaked them in a solution of potassium permanganate or fertilizers. But first you need to choose seeds for planting at home.

Most often, gardeners choose hulling and sugar varieties of peas. The latter have a more pleasant taste, while the latter are easier to grow at home. The treated seeds are planted in loose, moist soil to a depth of 2 centimeters.

When planting, they form even rows, observing an interval of 2-3 cm, the distance between the peas should be 1-1.5 cm. After planting, watering must be done.

How to germinate peas?

After the variety of legumes is selected, we proceed to germination. A small piece of tissue is needed to germinate a seed. The fabric is best taken from natural fibers (linen or cotton).

We take the grains and wrap them in a piece of cloth, fill them with water and wait for 2-4 hours. Then the excess liquid must be squeezed out so that the material remains wet. Store the grains in a moist rag for 3 to 6 days. At this point, the beans should have sprouted.

The main rule is a damp cloth, if it dries up, the seeds will disappear. After pecking the seed, plant it in a prepared container to a depth of 1-2 cm, bury it and water it.

Instructions for planting and caring for peas

    You can grow seedlings on the balcony with or without seed germination. In the latter case, the selected peas should be soaked in water, to which a small amount of fertilizer was added. When the seed swells, it is transferred to the soil. Peas are planted in rows, 5-10 cm apart between them, there should also be an interval of 1-3 cm between the grains. After planting, the container must be covered with a film. After sprouting, the film is removed and the container is placed in a well-lit place. On the balcony, the seedlings will feel perfect, because thanks to the ventilation they are supported optimum temperature for growth. When the "young" grows up enough, it must be transplanted into a permanent container. Do not damage the root system during transplantation. There should be an interval of 17-23 cm between the planted shoots in a new container. For the first 2-3 days after transplanting, young plants should be protected from direct sunlight by shading them.
  1. When the seedlings grow up to 12-15 cm, the stems should be tied to the support. For this purpose, at home, use a wooden mesh with large cells.
  2. When the plant blooms, it is necessary to water it more often and feed it regularly with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  3. At home, harvesting begins when the peas become very large, up to 6 mm. Peas can bear fruit for a long time - within fifty to sixty days. Each individual plant can produce up to 0.5-0.7 kg of tasty green peas.

As you can see, it is not difficult to grow this unpretentious culture on the balcony, but you need to know some of the nuances and observe them. Then you will get amazing results! Good luck!