Type of lily of the valley fruit. Why don't lilies of the valley bloom? How lily of the valley reproduces

May Lily of the Valley and the Red Book - these two concepts have long been a single whole. The love of people for a fragrant plant with small white bells collected in graceful inflorescences has brought the lily of the valley to the brink of extinction. It is believed that the appearance of lilies of the valley is a message about the arrival of summer. As a result, the plant has become entrenched in an alarming list of endangered species.

Taxonomy, signs and distribution

This plant belongs to the herbaceous genus. Scientists have long been trying to put things in order in the taxonomy of this single species of the genus. It would seem that here to direct - if there is only one view, then there is nowhere to put things in order.

However, the problem is that this species grows in regions that are distant from each other by insurmountable insulating barriers.

The range of lily of the valley is extensive. These plants can be found almost throughout Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, China, and North America.

The Russian part of the range is represented by the European part, the mountainous Crimea, Transbaikalia, the southern part of the Far East, including Sakhalin and the Kuriles.

Such a wide range of habitats forms isolation between different populations, which is the main factor in speciation. For this reason separate types recognized lilies of the valley, Transcaucasian and mountain, as well as lily of the valley Keiske (Far East).

A short description of lily of the valley may look like this:

  1. A perennial herb, reaching a height of 20-35 cm.
  2. Reproduction is sexual and vegetative. The latter is carried out due to the creeping rhizome, which in upper layers the soil hides pale grassy leaves, ready to begin active growth as soon as the illumination of a given place becomes optimal.
  3. The root system is represented by many fibrous roots.
  4. Aerial shoots are short. Their structure is simple. At the base of the shoot are lower leaves. They are followed by 2-3 large solid oblong-elliptical basal leaves. There is always a large bud on the rhizome between them.
  5. The peduncle emerges from the corner of the lower leaf. Inflorescence is a raceme consisting of 7-18 flowers facing one side. The stem is predominantly leafless, sometimes small leaves may appear under the inflorescence.
  6. The flowers are simple, spliced, rounded bell-shaped. In length, the flower reaches no more than 8 mm, in width - 6 mm. They have a delicate aroma. The color is always white, but there are also slightly pinkish flowers.
  7. Lily of the valley fruit is a spherical berry similar to lingonberry. Inside the fruit are two globular seeds. The berries appear two months after flowering, that is, in June or early July.

This characteristic of the lily of the valley allows them to be well identified without confusion with other plants. Nevertheless, bouquets of flowers called pink lilies of the valley sometimes appear in the markets. They are sold at a higher price as more rare and original. However, these pink flowers have nothing to do with lilies of the valley. Most often, pears are sold under the guise of lilies of the valley. If, at the same time, wrap a bunch of lily of the valley leaves, then you get a pink lily of the valley that does not exist in nature.

Growing places

Where do lilies of the valley grow? Yes, everywhere, where there is or more recently there were broadleaf, coniferous or mixed forests. Most of the lily of the valley fields can be found in mixed or deciduous forest.

The fact is that these plants love moderately moist soil, rich in organic matter... In addition, they need good lighting, but with occasional shading.

All these conditions are best combined on forest edges and clearings. If lily of the valley glades are found in a meadow, where there seems to be no forest, this means that a few years ago there were trees, shadow and annually falling leaves that formed the forest litter, in which the rhizome of the lily of the valley grows well.

If at this place they constantly collect bouquets of lilies of the valley, cows graze and agricultural fires are held annually, then there will soon be no lilies of the valley. Cereals and sedges will take their place. So these plants got into the Red Book.

The healing properties of the plant

Lily of the valley is a poisonous plant, and completely and completely. This is why it is so dangerous not to know which berries are edible and which are not. But the red fruit of the lily of the valley seems so delicious.

This plant contains a strong glycoside, Convallatoxin. However, the presence of toxins is not a reason to abandon such a medicinal plant as lily of the valley. After all, drugs are even made from dope and belladonna.

Preparations based on lily of the valley are made from ground parts of the plant. Raw materials are harvested at the very beginning of flowering, when the buds are just beginning to bloom. The inflorescences are cut at a level of about 3 cm from the location of the lowest flower. Leaves must be cut at the level of the lower film plates. It is forbidden to uproot the whole plant at once. This will kill its rhizome, making it impossible for further vegetative propagation.

Lily of the valley is a poisonous plant, and poisons are treated

You need to collect raw materials with clean hands, so that you do not wash the leaves and flowers later. Water will reduce the healing properties and provoke the appearance of putrefactive processes. Flowers with leaves are dried in a ventilated area without access to direct sunlight.

Lily of the valley herb contains:

  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • steroidal saponins;
  • coumarins;
  • organic acids;
  • starch;
  • essential oil.

This composition allows the use of drugs from May lily of the valley with a whole complex of diseases. They are usually used to heal from:

  • spasms of any origin;
  • hypertension;
  • liver disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • dropsy with heart failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • paralysis;
  • headaches of a spastic nature;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • edema of any origin;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • fever;
  • rheumatism;
  • neuroses;
  • chronic insomnia
  • bronchial asthma;
  • throat diseases
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • malaria.

For all these diseases, lily of the valley is used both in pure form and in composition with other ingredients.

Contraindications and side effects

If you are not sure of your knowledge, then it is better not to take up the collection of natural raw materials from lilies of the valley. Otherwise, your medicine may become poisonous.

It is necessary to use preparations from lily of the valley with extreme caution, observing all the dosages of doctors.

Overdose with lily of the valley drugs causes many unpleasant consequences... These include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • violation of the heart rhythm (mainly bradycardia);
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • extrasystole;
  • noise in ears;
  • arrhythmia;
  • stomach ache;
  • dilated pupils;
  • overwhelming drowsiness and weakness;
  • heart failure.

When the first signs of an overdose appear, you urgently need to rinse the stomach, drink adsorbents, and do an enema. However, all this is done before the arrival of the doctor. Don't expect everything to work out, be sure to seek medical attention. Otherwise, treatment with lily of the valley can be too expensive for you.

Drugs are completely contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, especially in the acute stage: with an exacerbation of myocarditis, any diseases of the digestive system, endocarditis, cardio and arteriosclerosis.

The popularity of lily of the valley is extremely high. It is grown as an ornamental plant in flower beds, along with ephemeroids, ephemeres and low-growing perennials. However, in the most destructive way its popularity affects those plants that live in nature. In May and early June, a real hunt for dealers in live goods begins for cute flowers. Lily of the valley glades are cleared out so that seed renewal becomes impossible, and this beautiful and so useful view gradually retreats to the most inaccessible places for humans.

Some of the most famous and beautiful flowers lilies of the valley are considered springs. These beautiful flowers are quite rare and are listed in the Red Book as an endangered plant species. They have an unusual aroma, long stems and lovely little buds. As soon as the lilies of the valley are not called in different corners countries, there are also such names: rejuvenating flower, maevka, hare flower (salt, ears), forest bell. This plant is a genus of lily flowers, and the literal translation from Latin means "lily that grows in the valley."

Lily of the valley (Convallaria) is a herb-type perennial plant. Belongs to the family of asparagus, the subfamily of nolin. Some botanists classify the flower as monocotyledonous, while others as dicotyledonous.

Botanists have been arguing for a long time about the subtype of this flower and distinguish between mountain lily of the valley and Keiske. The differences between the species are minimal, therefore it will not be a mistake to consider it May, since this is its main species.

If you describe the lily of the valley, then do not forget about its root system, which is very well developed, and also has many thin roots. The nodes located in the rhizome have leaves, similar to scales, buds, due to which new roots appear. If we consider the vertical rhizome of the flower, then you can see that small leaves grow from it, having a dark purple or olive color on the same scaly leaves.

Leaves grow practically from the ground, and a pair of leaves radiate from the top of the root. The leaves themselves are very beautiful, green in color and with sharp tips. One of the leaves has a bud at its top, designed for a stem that reaches 25 cm in length, and those grown by gardeners have a stem reaching half a meter. The plant blooms once every couple of years. The flowers themselves appear only in the seventh year, the peduncle does not form in the 10th year. After that, 2 - 3 years pass and the system itself falls apart, after which individual plants are formed.

Few will know that, for example, lily of the valley is the national flower of Finland and is even depicted on one of the coins. And he became symbols in 1967.
The ancient Egyptians, long before the birth of Christ, bred lilies of the valley, but they did it practically all year round... There is archaeological evidence for this.

During the chemical attacks of the First World War, lilies of the valley were used as a placebo for those who were gassed.

They are very poisonous in themselves, therefore it is better not to smell them for a long time, and it is highly discouraged to eat at all - at least you can get poisoned.

In France there was a custom where at a public event in the village. If a man invited a girl he liked to dance, he had to give her a bouquet of lilies of the valley. If she accepted it, it meant only one thing - she agreed to a relationship, walks under the moon and in general, she liked the gentleman. And if she didn't just refuse, but threw it at her feet, this meant that the lady despised her gentleman to the utmost.

Interesting facts about this plant can be found in the pages of many old books. For example, in France, even in the 16th century, there is a very beautiful custom - on the first Sunday of spring, which residents call "Lily of the Valley Day", it was customary to give their loved ones bouquets of lilies of the valley or artificially made bouquets.

Among the peoples of the world, you can find many interesting fairy tales, beliefs and legends about the lily of the valley. Residents of neighboring countries, for example the Netherlands, argue that if they plant lilies of the field in the garden of the newlyweds, then they will love each other forever. The plant symbolizes the brightest feelings, sympathy.

According to many dream books, to see this flower in a dream means that close person is frank with you and does not hide anything. If you see a dry flower in a dream, then this suggests that you have greatly overestimated requirements for life and for the people around you, irritation and discontent. To see lilies of the valley in a dream means sadness and regret about past love. If a girl dreams of these flowers, it means that soon she will meet a man who will interest her. And if a man dreamed about it, then it promises him success in matters of the heart.


Legends are made from where the lily of the valley came from. In Russia there was a legend about the princess of the waters of the sea Magi, who fell in love with a simple guy named Sadko and the love turned out to be non-reciprocal, because he loved another. And the princess cried, and tears rolled down the blush and onto the ground. And these tears turned into unusual flowers. Thanks to this legend, lilies of the valley symbolize love, unrequited and sad.

Ancient Rome had its own legend about the origin of lilies of the valley. It is the same associated with unrequited love, but this time the lilies of the valley appeared from the drops of sweat of the goddess Diana, who ran away from the Faun, unrequitedly in love with her.
In England, the appearance of lilies of the valley is associated with the legend of the knight Leonard. Only this legend got by without love: lilies of the valley began to grow where Leonard killed the dragon.

There is another very beautiful legend - forest bells sprouted from the beads of Snow White's necklace, which once burst. Now faithful friends Snow White gnomes find their way home, which they illuminate.

This flower is especially loved by the French. They praise the lily of the valley so much that they even arrange folk festivals in his honor.

Not without lily of the valley in love traditions. For example, it is believed that if a girl receives this flower as a gift from a man pin it to her hair or dress, then this is a sign of consent to become the wife of this man. The dropped lily of the valley reports the girl's refusal.

There is another beautiful legend about a large scarlet berry. It appears in the place of crumbling petals after the May lily blooms. There lived one young man with nice name Lily of the valley. And Spring made him an amazing gift - an inexhaustible ability to love life. He was very grateful to her for such a gift. He told her a lot kind words and Spring could not resist him and fell in love with him. But, as you know, the Spring girl is not permanent. Giving everyone her affection, she could not stay for a long time with him. After her departure, Lily of the Valley was inconsolable - his tears turned into beautiful flowers, and his blood loving heart gave a red color to the berries.

Lily of the valley has some more amazing properties. For example, those collected on the new moon early in the morning will be a sign of passion and ardent love. If you want a man to be more affectionate and gentle, then put May lily flowers collected on the growing moon next to his bed. Such a bouquet will have the opposite effect on a woman - she will become more emotional.

Well, if your task is to add a spark to the relationship, then give the girl a bunch of lilies of the valley on the eve of the new moon - this will make her more depraved and lustful.

Let the lily of the valley be beautiful flower, but he still possesses really useful properties... It is used in the production of herbal medicines. Also, he was overgrown with all sorts of legends, like other medicinal plants. Among them is the belief that the infusion on these flowers is a panacea and helps against all diseases, which made it a very expensive plant.

When do lilies of the valley bloom?

This flower is called "May" for a reason. The beginning of flowering falls on this particular month. The duration is 2 - 3 weeks. The buds bloom from the bottom up. Of course, flowering does not start exactly on May 1 - it all depends on the climate, weather and other factors. In colder regions, this period can begin as early as mid-June.

Lilies of the valley begin to bloom in May if the climate is good. In colder climates, they bloom a little later in June.

It lasts 3 - 4 weeks, while the aroma of the flower gives off in the spring and is incomparable with anything. And their color (snow-white) gives a sense of purity, purity and romance.

But this flower in the fall gives scarlet berries, ranging in size from 5 to 9 mm. Each berry consists of three chambers, each of which contains a pair of seeds. These fruits stick to the flower pretty long time and very fond of rodents, but for most animals, as well as for humans, they are dangerous and even poisonous.

What does a lily of the valley look like?

This May flower reminds everyone of spring, because its scent is closely associated with this particular season. Outwardly, it looks like a fragile plant, but this impression is deceiving: its stem may well pierce a strong stone or asphalt. One stem carries several bells (6 to 20). It multiplies very quickly, and the climate does not play a key role for it - with its ability to take root, this is not difficult.

How many leaves does a lily of the valley have?

In early spring, the tightly collected lily of the valley leaves rise. Curious flora lovers ask themselves: "How many leaves does a lily of the valley have?" The plant most often releases two leaves, but in rare cases, the lily of the valley can release three leaves. Aerial shoots of a forest bell have a simple structure: lower leaves at the base of the shoot, two or three large leaves oblong-shaped lilies of the valley are located near the roots, and between them, at the root, there is a large bud, from which a peduncle grows.

The romantic plant is delightful, legends have always been dedicated to it, canvases were written about it, poems were formed. The most famous poem was written by the poet Afanasy Fet "The First Lily of the Valley", forcing the reader to see the beauty and sophistication of the forest bell.

Where does May lily of the valley grow?

On the map of Europe, you can find many places where this flower grows. These cute bushes with fragile stalks can be found in clearings in forests. different types, in meadows and fields that are next to rivers. It should be noted once again that lilies of the valley are rare and endangered species, listed in the Red Book and protected by law.

Types and varieties

Researchers claim that given view is far from the same type (that is, consisting of one type "Maisky"). They argue based on the difference in the structure of flowers, which is associated both with the climate in which the flowers grow and with the place of their growth.

May lily of the valley

May lily of the valley

The most famous and widespread type of lily of the valley. It grows mainly on the edges of all types of forests. It has a horizontal arrangement of the root system, thin roots prevail in large numbers. They are located practically without deepening into the ground.

During wintering, only the rhizomes themselves remain in the ground. A pair of leaves, which originate precisely from the root, end with a sharp end. The height of such a plant reaches 30 cm. The buds themselves are located on a kind of "footboard", with teeth at the top and bottom. The color of the buds is delicate white, they have a peculiar, alluring aroma. The berries are rather red - red in color, 5-9 mm in size. They bloom in May and bear fruit in the fall.

Despite his dear appearance and a wonderful smell, is a poisonous plant: it contains the plant poison convallatoxin. Even in the form of drugs, in case of an overdose, it causes poisoning. Those plants that were not grown in the wild come in many varieties.

Here is some of them:

  • Albostriata. This variety is different in color. It is expressed in stripes beige colour, on the leaves;
  • Aurea. The leaves are bright yellow;
  • Aureovariegata. There are yellow or sandy stripes along the leaves of this variety;
  • Flore Plena. The height of this variety delivers about 25 - 30 cm, and the buds themselves are much larger - 12 pieces on average, compared to the usual ones - they are much larger;
  • Grandiflora. Differs in much larger buds and larger leaves;
  • Green Tapestry. Differs in very bright leaves of yellow - light green color;
  • Hofheim. The border of the leaves of this variety is pale brown;
  • Prolificans. There are much more buds than on a wild lily of the valley. Flowering is about two months, the size of the plant is small;
  • Rosea. It is a pink lily of the valley. There are also more buds, about 12-14 pieces.


Mountain lily of the valley

This type of lily of the valley grows mainly in the mountainous regions of North America. It has a developed root component, and the stem itself is much shorter. The leaves emanating from the root reach a length of 40 cm, and a width of about 4 cm. The number of buds themselves is different, the spread is from 5 to 16 pieces, no more than 9 mm long. Also, in the fall, red berries grow, about 8 mm in size.

Lily of the Valley Keiske

Lily of the Valley Keiske

This lily of the valley grows in forests where moss is abundant. Also, it can often be found at the sites of forest felling, in the fields near rivers. The main halo is Siberia and the Far East. It can also be found on Sakhalin, near the Amur River (both from Russia and China). The rhizome is much longer than that of others. Closer to the root, the plant is brown or green. The stem reaches 20 cm in length, and the leaves (from the root) reach 15 cm. The buds are much larger than those of other lilies of the valley, about 1 cm, their number is about 10 pcs.


Lily of the valley is an unpretentious plant that does not require any special care and constant monitoring.

The only thing you need to watch out for is that in hot and dry weather, you need to constantly water the plant, if you do not do this, the flowering may be delayed or the whole plant will wither.

Also, after fertilizing or watering, you need to weed around the lily of the valley. The humidity should always be increased. The soil should be rich in content organic fertilizers, acidity should be minimal. Before planting this crop, the area where it will be sown must be cultivated to a depth of 40 cm. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized with special fertilizers.

After sowing, after about a month, you need to re-fertilize the land with organic matter, but not mineral fertilizers... A year later, the earth is again fertilized with organic matter (with nitrogen), in the spring. In the first month of summer, they again fertilize with organic matter. Only in the third year will the lilies of the valley begin to bloom. Unfortunately, this cannot be accelerated.

Lilies of the valley grow very quickly, occupying the largest flowering area. To avoid this, it is necessary to dig an obstacle, for example, made of steel, into the ground. The depth must be at least one meter. On such a fenced area, lilies of the valley will grow for about 10 years. When cutting, you must remember that this plant will take away from other flowers nutrients from the water, which will lead to rapid wilting.

Why don't lilies of the valley bloom?

One of the main reasons for this problem is both the lack of normal sunlight and its excess. These flowers should grow in relative shade, therefore, when planting them, it is important to consider how much they will spend both in the light and in the shade.

For normal growth, a humid environment is also necessary, so they should be watered often. On dry soil, especially mountainous or stony, the plant will take root bad, or even fading altogether. This culture treats transplants well, but it should not be abused either.

Since the lily of the valley captures every piece of land, over time, the planting area will increase and you will get a very beautiful flower bed.

Diseases and pests

When gray rot appears, it is better not to cut off the affected area, but to remove the entire plant. Of course, now for better protection use special means - reagents.

Gleosporiasis is a dangerous disease for the plant. It looks like beige spots with a brown border on the leaves. The main way to avoid damage to other plants is to cut off the problem leaf. As an option for prevention - spraying with fungicides.

Timely and high-quality care for any flowers, including lilies of the valley, is very important. Care is understood to mean both watering the plants and fertilizing them, cleaning the soil from weeds and keeping a distance from the nearest plants. If all this is left to chance, then the risk of getting sores on the plant will be much higher. Nutritional deficiencies are easily noticed by the characteristic yellow color of the stem and leaves.

Planting and breeding

Lily of the valley very unpretentious flower, therefore, no special knowledge or skills are required for planting. The place in which to plant them should be balanced in terms of shade and sunlight. Reproduction takes place both with the help of fruits (berries) and with the help of underground rhizomes. Reproduction is quite fast.

These crops are planted in early - mid-autumn.

The soil is pre-plowed, adding fertilizers and creating humus. For planting, rhizomes with buds are needed, but leaves in bundles (rudiments) are also suitable. This should be done in such a way as to prevent excesses. If there are sprouts, then they should protrude, and there should be no more than 2 cm covered. This crop is planted in rows, keeping a distance of 9 - 12 cm. But, by the way, sowing in spring is also allowed.

Forcing lilies of the valley

If we talk about garden varieties that are used for forcing, then they are planted and cultivated in such a way that their flowering would be off-season. But field lilies of the valley do not like any kind of experiments.

For planting garden lilies of the valley, preparation of the soil and the material itself is done in the fall. Cuttings are harvested, the length of which should not exceed 4-5 cm, stems with a clearly visible ellipsoidal bud are cut from the rhizomes. After that, the cuttings should be placed in a warm room, in a box, while they should be placed strictly vertically and with sand.

When stored in cold climates, additional insulation is required, for which the same straw is used.

Winter forcing should take place with the treatment of plants with wet crops, such as moss. After that, the workpieces are placed in a room with a temperature of -1 degrees for 21 days. Further, on day 22, the sprouts are placed in warm water, the temperature of which should not exceed 35 degrees.

If we talk about wild lilies of the valley (field), then forcing is slightly different. They should be placed in boxes, but with organic-rich soil. The layer should be 4 - 6 cm. Moreover, the vertical arrangement is not essential. The buds should stick out half an inch from the ground. After that, the box is filled with warm water in large quantities and moss is thrown.

Further, all this is placed in a dark and warm (30 degrees) room. The ground should be about 20 degrees. Several times a day, the seedlings should be watered with water (28 - 32 degrees), after which they should be ventilated. The temperature should always be around 30 degrees, so watering should be regular. When the lower bud gets color, the water temperature is lowered to 15 - 17 degrees.


Frequent transplants are undesirable, because the lily of the valley does not tolerate this well - the roots are damaged. But if you still need a transplant, then it must be done in early autumn. The soil should be ready for this moment, having the same fertilizer. Flowers are planted in the same way, but the distance should be at least 20 cm. The main thing is to transplant the first few flowers - then everything will go much easier and faster.


Landing is made or early autumn, or in early spring... The distance between each plant should be about 9 - 11 cm, while bending the roots is undesirable. The sprouts should be lightly sprinkled with soil: from 1 to 2 cm. After this is completed, the planting site should be watered. At the onset of the first cold weather, the place with lilies of the valley is covered with ground peat or humus. If the flowers were planted in spring, they will not bloom this year.


Reproduction takes place both with the help of rhizomes and with the help of seeds. Much more often, of course, the rhizome is involved. If flowers were planted with a rhizome, then flowering should be expected in the third year, but if the seeds were used, then after 6-7 years.

To apply the first method, rhizomes are taken, which have buds and roots. The sprouts on which there are buds, as well as the diameter of the sprouts themselves, depends directly on the age of the root system.

You can separate the roots in the fall and spring if you don't want to kill the plant. Planting such a culture is far from a quick process, as well as caring for them.

Medical use

The medicinal properties of these plants have long been known. They provide over 30 cardiac glycosides, convallotoxin, convallotoxol and others. This is due to the presence of glycosides throughout the flower. The flower also contains other elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, cobalt, and so on) that are essential. Since it contains essential oil, aspirin, household acids.

The main use in pharmacology for lily of the valley is that it has a positive effect on vascular, abdominal and other diseases. Blood circulation becomes much better, the work of the heart is normalized, relieves pain and spasms. They also contribute to the normalization of liver function.

Those drugs that have this herb in the composition have a positive effect, improving the quality of the heart, but reducing the number of strokes. Acts almost like an analgesic, relieving spasms and pain. It is also used against diseases such as disorders of the thyroid, central nervous system and fever.

Topical use of this herb is most commonly used to relieve back and lower back pain. Collect this material on dry days, but after the dew has disappeared. Next comes the preparation of the ground part, but the berries do not belong to the blanks. The cut should be up to 4 cm from the ground.

Drying should be done in a ventilated place with a temperature of about 45%. Also, drying should be done on the same day, otherwise the plant will gradually die. The fruits themselves, both the rhizome and the seeds, are poisonous. Therefore, at home, without knowing the proportions, it is better to cook a little more.


Since the plant is poisonous, it must be used with caution. In case of an overdose, it causes vomiting, slows down the work of the heart and central nervous system... You can not use these drugs and people who have the above, as well as those who have a pathological condition. The heart muscles start at the weakest. But there are some diseases, for example, the gastrointestinal tract, which are very sensitive to certain foods.

Self-medication is also not worth it - a referral for examination, treatment and a prescription can be obtained from your attending physician. But if, nevertheless, poisoning has occurred, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage.

Application of lily of the valley

We have discussed the medicinal characteristics of this plant above. Many drugs are only available with a doctor's prescription. As a prophylaxis, concentrates based on this herb are used in organic quantities. This includes actions for the treatment of the liver, gastrointestinal tract. Special drops are made via the Internet.

But from the useful ones that are not dispensed by prescription, one can single out a good and aromatic flavoring oil, which has a positive effect on physical and brain activity, as well as on other activities. Acts as a pain reliever but is mild. Traditional medicine, on the other hand, presents a list of what it does on the basis of this drug. With its help, lily of the valley and its derivatives help with vision, blood circulation and rheumatism. This drug is still useful for people with allergies, edema, or people with a fever.

One of the most common wild lily of the valley products is the infusion. Its recipe is very simple, you only need boiling water and flowers. It is done as follows: 5 grams of lilies of the valley are taken per vessel, with a capacity of half a liter, filled with boiling water for 45 minutes. They drink one spoonful a day.

Of the merits, I would like to note that it relieves cramps, fatigue. Folk recipe infusion for pain in the heart is made as follows. To do this, you need a can of three liters, where the tea leaves from mountain flowers are poured in by a third. They drink 12-14 drops three times a day, regardless of the intake. With conjunctivitis, this solution is taken and with a ratio of 1 to 10.

There is also a traditional medicine aimed at treating diseases. of cardio-vascular system... To do this, take dried hawthorn flowers, fresh buds of lily of the valley (field) and motherwort. They are mixed in the following sequence: After that, the vessel is filled with water (1) and vodka (5), after which it is infused for two weeks, and then filtered. After that, the broth is ready for use, you need to drip 22 - 24 drops, but into a glass of water (100 ml).

If there is an eye problem associated with damage to the optic nerves, as well as the retina, then ethnoscience advises to make a decoction from our culture and nettle (oddly enough, the same may be the same), but the ratio will be 1 to 5. The cooking process is very simple: they prepare the product itself (raw materials), then put a spoonful of liquid and leave for 6 hours. After that, the herb is mixed with soda, but in gauze and applied to the eyes 2 times a day. Use healing properties lily of the valley and for the better functioning of one of the critical systems of our body - endocrine. Therefore, for its better functioning, certain herbs are harvested: lily of the valley, parsley, fool. Then the solution is poured with boiling water and the time goes for 15 minutes. When the broth is ready, they drink it three times a day half an hour before meals.

Many useful material should go into an aqueous solution. From 10 drinks for each one it turns out you need a glass of water and a lid. If you have neurosis, then it is worth brewing other herbs: take one tablespoon of dry grass, after which it is all poured with soda. They drink this three times a day, though from a spoon. In general, lily of the valley is perfectly brewed like ordinary tea, not at the expense of quality.


Some experts (nutritionists, fitness doctors) talk about an excellent alcoholic tincture on lilies of the valley. It is a clear liquid that has a khaki color, but closer to brown. The taste will be very bitter, and the aroma will be very specific. This tincture is highly recommended for disorders in the cardiovascular system, as well as with a high pulse rate (over 90 beats per minute).

In addition, it perfectly helps with depression, insomnia. After taking this tincture, you will want to rejoice and sleep. Such a product is quite easily sold in almost any pharmacy. Doctors prescribe this drug 25-35 drops, strictly 3 times a day. In different situations and cases, in addition to infusion, you also need to take additional drugs that will help remove harmful toxins from the body much faster. An example is the famous valerian, belladonna and others.

Currently, enterprises specializing in the production of pharmaceutical products are producing drops, the basis of which is actually an alcoholic tincture of lily of the valley:

  • Lily of the valley and valerian drops, where the ratio is 1 to 1;
  • Lily of the valley and valerian drops, but with adoniside. The ratio is 1 to 1 to 1;
  • Drops of lily of the valley and valerian, but with sodium bromide. The ratio is 1 to 1, and the bromide content is 8.5%;
  • Drops of lily of the valley and motherwort, and the ratio is the same, 1 to 1.

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetologists actively use not all parts of lily of the valley, but lily of the valley oil, which impresses with its fresh, cool, delicate aroma, incomparable with any other. Lily of the valley essential oil is added to cosmetics that are able to restore skin and hair tone, improve microcirculation, strengthen capillary walls, and relieve congestion.

Creams, balms, tonics and other cosmetic products are saturated with oil. The result of using cosmetics is visible: with oil, the skin becomes softer and more well-groomed, beautiful smooth, clean.

Mask recipe for dry hair: mix one yolk, 50 ml of honey, 5 ml of May lily of the valley essential oil, then apply the mixture to the hair, from roots to ends, cover the head with polyethylene for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Hair after this procedure gains elasticity and shine. Recipe for a tonic for dry skin: add 100 ml of a spoonful of aloe juice, 2 drops of lily of the valley oil to 30 ml of freshly brewed green tea. This tonic is applied before going to bed on the face, every day.

The smell of lily of the valley in perfumery

Lily of the valley is a highly sought-after fragrance in the perfumery market. It has a very delicate and elegant aroma, with notes of freshness and the smell of wildlife. It is very convenient to compose different perfumery palettes and compositions with this scent.

Unfortunately, until now the natural smell of lily of the valley has not been obtained, therefore all these fragrances are a synthetic copy of the original, which, by the way, is in no way inferior. And the impossibility of obtaining a natural aroma is associated with an extremely low derivative of essential oil from lily of the valley, which makes it impossible to extract ether from it.

Modern perfumers have learned to handle the synthesized aroma of lily of the valley so much that perfumery with this base is in demand in the elite circles of our society!

Application in landscape design

The lily of the valley has taken root so much in the culture of European society, including in Russia, that no park or square can do without this plant. After all, he almost does not require care, but it looks very presentable. They decorate all kinds of flower beds, interfering with other flowers, make intricate patterns and other objects of decorative aesthetic beauty.

Of course, this lily of the valley is not wild and is specially grown and crossed, getting unusual colors and combinations. For example, pale purple flowers that can decorate not only the festive day of the townspeople, but also the object of leisure itself, for example, a park. But it would seem that they bloom for only a month and that's all - and they are not needed. But it was not there, almost the whole year it will be beautiful, low and dense bushes, which, as a rule, are lined near sidewalks and paths and create the feeling that everything around is absolutely green!

Planting wild lilies of the valley is very ineffective due to the fact that they are of certain colors, length and character. They bloom in May, but garden ones, artificially grown, can bloom, say, in August. The main thing is that it would be warm. And garden plants are much easier to combine with other plants growing in the flower bed.

They go well with ferns, when out of season they hide with him, with peonies, making the visual row of the flower bed unforgettable. But it is important to remember that there are not many flowers in the flowerbed next to the lilies of the valley. After all, these beautiful forest bells grow rather quickly, capturing new territories and even crowding out other flowers. Therefore, even in parks and squares next to the lilies of the valley there is a dividing underground wall, half a meter long.

And if you plant lilies of the valley near trees, for example, larch or linden, you get a wonderful corner of living, even wild nature. But if you gave your beloved a bouquet of fresh, just picked lilies of the valley, it is better to make sure that there are no other flowers in the vase, otherwise the lilies of the valley will deprive them, drinking all the water and grass of the neighbors with unpleasant odors. This smell can give a person a headache or feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

But the best solution would be to make a flower bed of lilies of the valley in your country house - after all, this way you will get a wonderful corner of almost wild nature, the crown of which is the flowers from the Red Book!

Family: liliaceae (Liliaceae).


Lily of the valley grows throughout Russia, as well as in the temperate zones of Eurasia, the Caucasus and North America.

The form: herbaceous plant.


Lily of the valley is an unusually beautiful rhizome plant. It is prized primarily for the beauty of small bell-shaped flowers, collected in drooping racemose inflorescences and possessing a strong aroma. The color of the lily of the valley petals depends on the variety, but most often the petals are white. Lily of the valley inflorescences are located on a long thin peduncle. Lily of the valley flowers are among the first to bloom in spring - from mid-May. No less beautiful smooth lily of the valley leaves have a wide elliptical shape and are colored dark green; veins are sometimes clearly visible on the leaf blade. In culture, the most common lily of the valley may be found.

(C. majalis) is a herbaceous perennial plant. Lily of the valley rhizome is creeping, leaves are broadly ovate, dark green, shiny. The flowers are small, strong-minded, graceful, white petals. After the end of the flowering period, the fruits of lily of the valley appear - small red berries.

Growing conditions


Lilies of the valley in the garden are used for planting with other spring-flowering crops. All parts of the lily of the valley are poisonous, so it should be kept out of the reach of children.

Despite the apparent fragility, the lily of the valley flower is quite hardy and retains freshness in water for a long time. That is why it is often used to decorate living quarters. The strong scent of tiny flowers can cause a headache, so the room in which there is a bunch of lilies of the valley must be regularly ventilated.


Most often, garden lilies of the valley are propagated by segments of rhizomes in spring or autumn. The seed method is used much less frequently. Lily of the valley seeds are sown in the ground in the fall.

Diseases and pests

Lily of the valley may be amazed fungal diseases... Of the pests, sawflies and nematodes are the most annoying.

Popular varieties

Lily of the valley varieties:

    'Grandiflora'- the variety differs from the main species in larger flowers;

    ‘Rosea’- pink lily of the valley;

    'Latifolia'- a very decorative variety with double flowers;

    'Variegata'- white lily of the valley, the variety differs from the main species in leaves, against a dark green background of which white longitudinal stripes are clearly distinguished.

“Hello May,” is sung in a naive old song about how nice it is to receive a “modest” bouquet of delicate and fragrant lilies of the valley instead of chic roses, tulips or lilies as a gift. Alas, this popularity of spring forest flowers has led to a sad result: their number in the wild has decreased so much that the plant at some point even threatened to disappear completely.

Botanical description

May lily of the valley, also called convalia (Latin name Convallária majális), is a perennial herb of short stature (15-35 cm) belonging to the Asparagus family.

Its terrestrial part consists of two (sometimes three) very large wide, bright green basal leaves of a lanceolate or elongated elliptical shape with pointed tips, below which there are almost imperceptible lower leaves, and from them comes a long, usually leafless, less often - with threadlike leaves - stem with flower brush.

The inflorescence is laid in the summer next year in a large bud located in the upper part of the rhizome. The number of flowers per inflorescence varies between seven and twenty, and all of them, as a rule, are facing in the same direction.

Flowers are arranged on long, curved pedicels ending in bracts. The perianth is white or pale pink, has the shape of a rounded six-lobed bell, lowered down. The size of the flower is small: length from 4 to 9 mm, width - from 3 to 7 mm.

Video: description of May lilies of the valley

There are six stamens inside the bell. Convalia May blooms from one and a half to two weeks in late spring, which justifies its name (during the flowering period, the plant has a very decorative view and has a delicate and delicate aroma, the rest of the season, in general, does not attract attention to itself).

Did you know? Touching flowers with their heads gracefully lowered down gave rise to many legends, one way or another linking the origin of the lily of the valley with women's tears that fell to the ground. Christians believe that the snow-white "droplets" symbolize the tears of the Virgin Mary mourning the Savior; the Slavs believed that the plant sprouted where the sea princess was sad for Sadko, who left her for earthly love; and the Ukrainian parable connects the appearance of a flower with the tears of a nameless girl who was waiting for her beloved from a military campaign. And only among the ancient Romans, snow-white "bells" were associated with drops of sweat flowing from the body of Diana, the young goddess of the hunt, when she ran away from the fauns pursuing her.

After the end of flowering, a round bright red fruit with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm is formed from a rounded ovary, inside which there are one or two seeds, also having a rounded shape. The berry remains on the plant for a long time.

The root system of the convalia is fibrous, it consists of many small shoots that spread horizontally under the surface of the earth and throw out lower leaves, from which new plants are subsequently formed. Besides this way vegetative propagation, seed is also possible, but lily of the valley grows from a seed for a very long time and begins to bloom no earlier than in the seventh year.

Popular name

Thanks to unusual shape and a delicate aroma, lilies of the valley are one of the most popular flowers, long loved by the people. It is not surprising that people gave this plant a variety of affectionate nicknames, reflecting not only its external characteristics, but also the beneficial properties that it possesses.
Here are just a few of these names that have survived to this day:

  • may lily;
  • field lily;
  • forest bell;
  • forest language;
  • canine tongue;
  • hare salt;
  • hare ears;
  • May Day;
  • rejuvenated;
  • youngster;
  • soapy grass;
  • eye grass;
  • the culprit;
  • shirt;
  • lanushnik;
  • smooth;
  • meadow cherry;
  • raven;
  • lumbago;
  • silversmith;
  • snow droplets;
  • bells of Mary.

Did you know? It is noteworthy that the modern Latin name of the plant has survived since the time of the Swedish naturalist and physician Karl Linneus (1707-1778), who, in turn, modified the ancient Roman name for the flower - lily of the valleys (lilium convallium). And in English, Danish, Spanish and some other languages, lily of the valley is literally called the lily of the valleys today (Lily of the Valley, Lirio de los Valles, etc.).

No less interesting are the names given to the plant by other peoples. For example:

  • among Bulgarians, lily of the valley is the “tears of a girl”;
  • for the Czechs - "bun";
  • the Germans have a "May bell";
  • among the Poles - "doe's ear" (because of the leaf shape similar to the doe's ear);
  • the French and Italians have a “milkmaid” (muguet and mughetto, respectively).

Where do lilies of the valley grow

Lily of the valley is called the lily of the valleys for a reason. This plant prefers a little shaded (but at the same time well-lit) and floodplain areas with very wet and fertile soil neutral acidity.

It is found both in coniferous and deciduous or mixed forests, oak forests, in glades, between bushes, in moss, growing on quite large territories... Favorite "neighbors" -, and. Sometimes you can see lily of the valley meadows on open areas, but such places are not suitable for a flower.

Geographically, the distribution area of ​​lily of the valley covers almost all of Europe and the Caucasus, in addition, the conval can be found in North America, Anatolia, East Asia and China. Strictly speaking, normal natural conditions for a plant, this is the Northern Hemisphere, a zone of temperate climate.
In Russia, in addition to its European part, lily of the valley grows in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, in particular, in Primorye, Amur and Transbaikalia, on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

It is clear that such a vast territory of distribution presupposes unequal natural conditions, therefore, adapting, the plant has undergone certain specific features over the centuries.

As a result, depending on the place of growth, there are four varieties of lily of the valley:

Important! The pink lily of the valley, which is often found in flower markets as a particularly rare plant, is actually a product of marketing. In nature, pink lilies of the valley, like the "blue bird", do not exist. There is a special hybrid of convalia and tulip, which looks like a lily of the valley, but has pink flowers (this plant is called tsutsumi), but under the guise rare plant they can also sell the wintergreen - a completely different flower, similar to a lily of the valley very distantly and, in any case, not possessing either its beneficial properties or its characteristic aroma.

It must be said that lilies of the valley have been successfully cultivated by humans for a long time, which made it possible not only to preserve the species that had reduced its population, but also to bring out many new hybrids of various shades, sizes and shapes.

Why is lily of the valley listed in the Red Book

Taking into account the favorite habitats and remarkable decorative qualities, it is not surprising that the population of lilies of the valley on the planet began to decline sharply with the development of technological progress.

On the one hand, this is largely facilitated by the massive deforestation and the construction of new settlements where, until recently, nature remained virgin, and, on the other hand, delicate bouquets, touchingly glorified in songs and poems, are invariably popular in the spring, and demand, as it is known to give birth to a proposal.

In addition, the convali is widely used in medicine and perfumery, and this also does not contribute to an increase in its population. In a word, it is quite natural that the May lily of the valley was included in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature at a certain stage as a plant endangered and in need of protection.
It cannot be said that this led to a halt in the uncontrolled cutting of flowers "for bouquets"; they simply sold them carefully, looking around and fearing an administrative fine. The belief in the illegality of such actions for many years has taken root in the minds of people, although today these fears are already groundless.

Important! Currently, lily of the valley may not be included in the composition of plants included in the Red Book.

Indeed, over the years while the convalia was under official protection, it managed to significantly restore its population. And, if you refer to wildflower carefully, being careful not to damage root system when cutting, a small bouquet can be brought with you from the forest, and this will not harm nature.

Another thing is that it is not worth abusing this (and even more so turning it into a business), otherwise in the near future the plant will again need to be entered into the Red Book.

The poisonousness of the plant

Like many other medicinal plants, convalia is poisonous. Moreover, it is fatal. The most dangerous substance in the lily of the valley is the glycoside convallatoxin. It is found in absolutely all parts of the plant, but the highest concentrations of the poison are found in fruits.

Convallatoxin poisoning is evidenced by:

  • nausea;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • headache;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • slowing down the pulse;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • loss of consciousness.

Important! Just a couple of red berries, swallowed by a person, can cost him his life. Severe poisoning also often occurs in domestic cats, and the animal can be poisoned, even after eating poisonous water from a vase where there was a fragrant bouquet.

In the absence of immediate and adequate help, lily of the valley poisoning can cause cardiac arrest, so the first thing to do at the same time as calling a doctor is to immediately flush the stomach.


No matter how beautiful the lily of the valley is, decorative spring bouquets from it are not the main area of ​​use of the plant. The application of the convali is much wider and more varied.

In gardening and landscaping

Konvalia is very fond of gardeners and summer residents, and, despite the abundance decorative varieties plants, does not give up its positions and the usual May lily of the valley, growing in the wild.
Experts say that there is no need to buy a plant; it is quite possible to dig it up on your own in the nearest forest. This is best done in the off-season (not during flowering, of course) and remember to wear gloves to avoid poisoning.

We select a suitable bush, dig under the root with a spatula, be sure to capture a fragment of the rhizome, thin processes and a bud, from which a peduncle will grow next year. Using seeds for growing a flower bed is not a very successful option, such plants, as already mentioned, will not bloom for a long time.

Lilies of the valley look great in flower beds (especially in combination with ephemeroids and ephemera), near artificial reservoirs and along the curbs.
The only problem with growing a conval is its reverent attitude towards light and moisture. This plant will not take root in sunny areas, but if you need to decorate a secluded place in the shade of trees or small bushes, then this is better. delicate flower difficult to imagine something.

You just need to make sure that the earth contains a sufficient amount of humus, for this you need to put a thick layer of fallen leaves on top of the soil a year before planting and leave it to rot for the winter.

In perfumery

Many women remember the Lily of the Valley Serebristy perfume of the Novaya Zarya brand, which was very popular in the 80s of the last century. Their aroma, as you might guess, is based on the exquisite notes of the convali.

The scent of lily of the valley, delicate, delicate and chaste, attracts us very much in this flower, but what is so widely used by perfumers, in fact, has very little in common with a real lily of the valleys.

Important! May lily of the valley contains a very small amount of essential oil, and therefore it cannot be used in the production of perfumery. "Lily of the valley" notes are possessed by an artificially selected composition composed of several other essential oils, in particular, roses and orange blossom, ylang-ylang, etc. For this reason, by the way, "lily of the valley" in the products of various companies can "sound" completely differently.

The fragile, quivering and lyrical notes of this fragrance, in combination with other floral lines, are usually used in women's perfumery; these scents are much less suitable for the stronger sex.

The onset of spring brings not only a good mood, but also the sun, which shines and the first flowers. When spring is already fully in possession, then lilies of the valley appear. Now on any site you can find what a lily of the valley looks like. It is not only perfect for its appearance, but with a smell that resembles spring and even it can suddenly make your head spin.

Description of lily of the valley flower

The lily of the valley, named Convallaria majalis, belongs to herbaceous plants... This is primarily determined by its structure. Stems (soft, hardy). They die off as soon as the flower stops blooming.

Bells. They have a specific, but very fragrant smell. Usually, on one stem, they can be counted from 6 to 20 pieces. Color can be or white or white-pink.

Lilies of the valley can be found in woodlands. But if you look at its appearance, for example, in the photo, then it always seems that this flower is delicate, defenseless, and requires constant care. But this is not the case.

Lily of the valley - very strong flower, which easily takes root, multiplies quickly, and even captures the territory for its reproduction. Drops temperature regime also do not fear him.

Recently, new types of lily of the valley have appeared, where the bells can have a purple-red color or the flowers are similar to double ones. But so far, we see such flowers only in the photo. There is one more modern look: he has leaves painted with yellow stripes.

Lily of the valley begins to bloom in May, and this flowering lasts about 20-25 days. When the flowers have already faded, then on the stem tiny berries will appear, which later, in the fall, will turn red. Rodents and birds adore these berries, considering them as a kind of delicacy.

On any flower bed, lily of the valley will look very beautiful even without flowering, since the leaves of this floral plant large and beautiful... This can be seen if you consider the lily of the valley flower in the photo. In general, the leaves of the lily of the valley are somewhat reminiscent of the ears of a fallow deer, hence the people got their one more name "landushka".

Varieties of lily of the valley

If you turn to botanists for help, they will say in the affirmative that so far only one species of lily of the valley has been bred. And all those flowers that can be seen, for example, in the photo, are just its diversity.

But such subspecies are undoubtedly differ different characteristics : leaf shape, color and even bell size.

The following types of lilies of the valley are considered to be the most common in Russia:

  1. May.
  2. Transcaucasian.
  3. Keiskei.
  4. Silver.
  5. Pink.

Variety of lily of the valley flowers

All these species are active used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases. So, May lily of the valley was bred in the 18th century, and almost immediately its description appeared in magazines.

And then in 1737 he received such a name. The name of the flower comes from the Latin language and literally means "lily of the valleys".

Unfortunately, today this subspecies of lily of the valley is considered very rare and even listed in the Red Book... There is a belief that where such a flower settles, it quickly occupies the entire territory, but once you pluck at least one of them, the whole blooming area immediately dies.

The thing is that the forests are getting smaller and the lily of the valley somehow disappears by itself. But people are losing such beauty! To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at photos of lily of the valley flowers, which usually adorn many sites on the Internet.

But not only deforestation has led to such a state of the lily of the valley in our country. This, of course, is the result of the fact that a person collected it for a very long time as medicinal plants, but at the same time did not give anything in return (planting, care).

Lilies of the valley in personal plots and flower beds

It is very easy to grow a white lily of the valley in a flower bed or in flower beds, because it does not require any special care. Just for the beginning, so that the flower "takes root" you need to choose a place that suits him perfectly.

For example, one that will be hidden from the sun is best chosen somewhere under the trees. If the landing turns out to be successful, and the place matches the conditions of the lily of the valley, then it will delight its owners with beauty and aroma for a very long time.

If the place where it is planted is in the shade and cool, then it will bloom for almost five weeks. In this case, all the roots of a beautiful and fragrant flower plant usually grow together and begin to spread further, occupying the territory that is nearby.

Very often lilies of the valley are used to harmoniously arrange flower beds mixing with other plants.

How to grow lily of the valley

There are rules for both care and growing lily of the valley. It is known that this floral plant lives in one place for about 10 years. But for this it is worth taking care of the place itself so that it is cool, and the soil is rich in organic matter.

Before planting lilies of the valley, it is necessary to prepare the ground... And for this you need to do the following:

  • dig up the ground (about 25 cm);
  • fertilize with manure, but not fresh, but such that it has already rotted (manure can be replaced with peat-distilled compost).

A good time to plant such a plant is autumn or early spring. As soon as the flower is in the ground, then it follows it water hard until it is accepted.

Now a few words about the reproduction of a fragrant plant. There are two ways to breed lily of the valley:

  • Seeds.
  • Rhizome (division).

If the flower propagates with the help of rhizome, then it stands from the roots cut off small pieces 6-8 cm. But you need to choose those where there are kidneys that will rush up.

When such roots sink into the ground, it is worth making sure that they do not bend. You should also look so that the sprouts are on the surface, and the distance between them is at least 8 cm.

When propagating by seeds, you should know that you should not expect any harvest in the first year. The plant should spend this time on taking deeper roots into the ground. But in the second spring, leaves will appear, but only they will not open, but will be tightly pulled together.

And the more the lily of the valley rises, the more these leaves will open. The more the first leaf is opened, the faster the second will appear.

At the same time, in the second spring, the rhizome also begins to grow, becoming more and more thick and occupying more and more territory.

Healing properties

It is always worth remembering that lilies of the valley are great medicine but only in reasonable hands. If a person does not know how to handle this plant, then he immediately turns into a poisonous drug.

Before using this wonderful remedy for treatment, it is necessary to study what healing properties it has.

It is known that this plant began to be used for medicinal purposes as early as 1861. The first doctor who used it was S.P.Botkin. The plant contains glucose, as well as cardiac glycosides.

For the treatment of what diseases can this flower plant be used? In the first place will be the following diseases:

  1. Nervous system.
  2. Arrhythmia.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Fever.
  5. Elimination of physical stress.
  6. Rheumatism.
  7. Headache.
  8. Dropsy.
  9. Epilepsy.

If it is wrong to use decoctions, infusions and medicines from this plant, then the body will not be helped, but great harm done... If a person has kidney disease, stomach problems or liver disease, then medicines based on such a plant are strictly prohibited.

Lily of the valley is a beautiful-looking, fragrant plant that is delicious. will decorate any flowerbed or another area. But with many medicinal properties, this plant can be poisonous to humans.

So it should never be overused medicines, made on the basis of it, or used independently, without a doctor's prescription. And one more thing: always, when caring for lilies of the valley, do not forget about safety measures and always wash your hands thoroughly!