Moss in a pot of flowers. A moss garden: the secrets of creating decorative green masterpieces at your dacha

These ancient land plants are very unpretentious. They need a lot of moisture and a little light to grow comfortably. And to the question: is it possible to grow moss in an apartment, the answer will be unequivocal - it is possible, and with great success.

How to grow moss at home?

As you know, mosses have no roots, and that's all nutrients they get by absorbing moisture across their entire surface. Moss care is not at all difficult, but with their help you can create amazing living compositions, mini-gardens, forest landscapes.

You can grow mosses in any containers, but they look most impressive inside glass transparent bowls, vases or in small ones.

Growing moss at home inside a vase

So, in order to grow moss in a jar, vase or other container, you need to pour a layer of small pebbles or expanded clay on the bottom of it. This is necessary to prevent moisture stagnation. The next layer is granular coal. Only after that is the substrate poured.

It's time to start landscape design... It is not necessary to strive for a flat surface - hills and depressions will only add naturalism. You can add pieces of wood, pebbles, plant moisture-loving plantsto make the composition look like a real forest landscape.

The moss itself can be taken in the forest by cutting it off along with the sod. Or you can buy it in a specialized store. In the first days after planting, the pads should be sprayed daily. After the end of the adaptation period, watering should be reduced so as not to cause an excess of moisture. It is optimal to moisturize the moss every 3-5 days.

As you can see, growing moss at home is a snap. Moss will start to grow very soon after planting. For normal development, bryophytes need to provide access to cool fresh air and partial lighting. It is enough to expose them under the morning sun rays for 2-3 hours. This lighting makes the color of the moss more intense and beautiful.

Mosses are among the most ancient land plants living in our time.

For a comfortable existence, they need moisture and a little light.

Emerald mossy pads are not quite ordinary plants - they lack roots, flowers, seeds.

The bryophytes, the essential nutrients known as bryophytes, are obtained from water, absorbing it over the entire surface.

Growing moss in your home is not difficult at all, and caring for it does not require much effort.

With the help of these tiny plants, you can create amazing living compositions, miniature gardens and forest landscapes that will give your home an atmosphere of harmony and unity with nature.

You can grow bryophytes in any container, but they look most effective at the bottom of transparent round vases, bowls, in small florariums.

To begin with, put a layer of small pebbles or pea-sized or slightly larger on the bottom in the container of your choice. This will improve water permeability and prevent moisture stagnation. Lay the next layer out of granular charcoal. Then add the substrate.

The surface does not have to be flat. You can make small hills and depressions, add pieces of wood, pebbles, plant small moisture-loving plants and lichens, giving depth and sharpness to the composition, which will look like a real forest landscape.

From an artistic point of view, it is better to use stones of the same type but different sizes.

Of indoor plants it is better to plant small ferns, selaginella, alocasia, coleus, asparagus, which can be placed in separate zones of the landscape.

Moss pads can be taken from the forest by cutting upper layer together with turf, but it is better to purchase them in specialized stores in order to exclude various plant diseases from entering the house. In the first days after planting, the pads should be sprayed daily.

After a short period of adaptation, the moss will begin to grow.

An excess of moisture can be recognized by the color of the moss layer - if it has darkened, then reduce the frequency of spraying. Optimal mode moisturizing after adaptation - every 3-5 days.

Moss fragments look beautiful on the surface of a tree or large stones. You can secure them using thin fishing line and nylon thread, or you can grow a moss layer yourself.

To do this, prepare a thick suspension in a blender from pieces of moss, kefir or beer and apply it to the desired surface. Beer or kefir will provide the plant with the necessary nutrients, stimulating its growth. It should be sprayed 2-3 times a week.

Tiny mossy prefer cool wet air and partial lighting. 2-3 hours of morning sun or indirect sunlight is enough per day. This lighting makes green tint bryophytes more intense.

(19 estimates, average: 4,00 out of 5)

Each of us has heard of such a plant as moss. It is considered by right the most ancient plants on Earth. Like any other plant, it has its own types and classification. Let's find out together what types of moss exist and what they are used for today.

A special science is engaged in the study of varieties of mosses, including decorative ones. It is called bryology... With the help of this science, many, once unknown plant species have been investigated and discovered. Also, gradually mankind learned the features of the growth of green moss and other types. Unlike other plants, throughout the entire history of the Earth, this plant has not changed. In most cases, we know of its forest variety. It is sometimes mistakenly confused with lichens. Therefore, in order to avoid such confusion in the future, it is necessary to get to know these plants better. First, let's get acquainted with the so-called general characteristic.

General characteristics of the plant

Moss is often referred to as stunted plants. Unlike other plants on our planet, they completely lack a root system. However, this does not at all prevent green mosses from existing and growing. Root system they have rhizoids replaced. Rhizoids, in turn, are called outgrowths of the epidermis. Rhizoids allow mosses to attach to the substrate. The plant receives water through the substrate.

Water for this plant is vital. The resulting water contains useful minerals. These green plants are great at experiencing others unfavourable conditions in nature. In the presence of oppressive conditions, the plant simply falls into suspended animation. In such a state, green mosses can successfully live for decades. Anabiosis itself contributes to the cessation of the functioning of life processes.

The plants themselves, during their existence, have learned to adapt to high and low temperatures... At the same time, it is in dire need of moisture. For this reason, mosses live in humid places. They can be found in different corners our planet. There are moss gardens. The only environment in which it does not grow is seas and saline soils. It is often called an oligotrophic plant. It is found in a wide variety of soil. However, the growth process is very slow and this is perhaps one of its main disadvantages. Animals do not eat these plants. Animal world does not pose a danger to these ornamental plants... Therefore, they are planted everywhere, including in gardens.

Main types

In our time, whole species of mosses are known. Each species has its own characteristics. Let's pay attention to several types:

  • Christmas... The name of forest moss was determined by the shape of its leaves. All of his leaves are shaped like Christmas tree needles. Christmas moss grows slowly. It can grow safely only under special conditions. The temperature for successful growth should not exceed 22 degrees. Outwardly, this view looks very beautiful. And all thanks to its needle leaves, which grow in layers and form excellent compositions;
  • Fern... The leaves of this species are similar to those of a fern. Therefore, fern is often confused with moss. Fern is rather dense. It is better for him to grow up in the shade. As a rule, it is a small fern species. Can be used for planting in the garden;
  • Richia... One of the most widespread species known all over the world. Richia are glomerular. This species completely lacks root and stems. The root, leaves and stem in this case replace the layers of twigs. Moss ricia grow successfully under all conditions. For example, he needs good sanctification and aquatic environment... The intensity of the consecration influences not only the growth process, but also the color. Under the influence of consecration, the color of ricia can be significantly swept. The standard shade is bright green;
  • Hypnum moss... It grows on stone, tree trunks, on the ground and on branches. The hypnotic look is in dire need of shade. Although it is able to withstand solar attacks. Great for building a variety of garden paths and lawns located in the garden or around the house;
  • Key... Like ricia, key moss is known to a wide range of people and is distributed almost all over the world. Australia is an exception. The color of the key species depends entirely on the power of the consecration. It can be red or it can be dark green. In addition to consecration, the color is significantly influenced by the composition of the soil in which it resides. The decorative moss itself consists of stems, on which there are many leaves. The key type does not require supernatural containment;
  • Peat... This type is most often found in swamps. It is the swamps that are its main habitat. Peat mosses are rich in different color shades. Shades are red or green. It is often used to maintain the required level of soil moisture in flower pots... In some cases, they are decorated with garden ponds near the house;
  • Coastal leptodictium... Another type of moss with a very interesting name. Its name comes from stems. Appearance very original. The same stems are located far apart. Their vertical direction gives the plant a real airiness, which will not leave anyone indifferent. The coastal species is very difficult to confuse with another species of these plants. Coastal are considered unpretentious plants with regard to leaving. The acceptable temperature for him is no more than 28 degrees. He feels good in water, for example, in a reservoir near the garden;
  • Weeping... This species received this name due to the shape of the structure of its branches. The branches are like a weeping willow. The height of this moss is no more than 50 cm. Weeping species comes from China. It was later brought to Europe. The habitat of the plant can be both driftwood and various pebbles near country garden. Optimum temperature for normal life should not exceed 28 degrees;
  • Dikranum... This species prefers to grow on concrete walls and stones. Today there are several types of dicranum moss. All species differ in shades, as well as in the shape of the leaves. Dikranum is low. Its height is 4 cm;
  • Javanese... One of the most famous species. Javanese plants are considered the most unpretentious in terms of care. Most of the time they are used by the aquarist. Javanese moss does not need a specific temperature conditions... He feels great in both dark and light reservoirs. Its stems are intertwined. During growth, the stems are pulled down;
  • Common polytrichum... This species is used in a wide variety of areas of our life. It has proven itself well both in medicine and in the field of garden decoration. The usual habitats are swamps and woodlands;

All of the listed moss species are used in different fields and fields of activity. Some people decide to grow moss on their own at home. Let's find out how to do this and what advice is worth listening to.

Features of self-cultivation of moss

Growing moss at home is not difficult, but requires certain skills and knowledge. There should also be some tools on hand. For successful cultivation you will need:

  • a transparent container (a round vase or a round thicket can become such a container);
  • blender;
  • water, buttermilk, or milk.

The process of growing at home consists of several stages. Before growing, it would not hurt to read the following tips:

  1. Before planting, you should clean the selected area from dirt, debris and leaves.
  2. When preparing a plant for planting, remember that the growing area must match the previous habitat of the moss. For example, a plant taken from trees will take root exclusively on a tree. For example, in the garden. It is useless to grow it on the ground.
  3. The planting site should not only look similar, but also be in the shade. Continuous exposure to the sun will simply dry it out.
  4. The growing medium should be moist and acidic.

Now let's reproduce the order by growing.

Planting and growing stages

For planting, you first need the moss itself. It can be obtained in the forest, in the shop or in the yard. Any species growing in your area can be used as a planting material. The taken plant can be either dried or alive. Next, they begin to prepare for planting:

  • two glasses of water along with two glasses of milk are poured into a blender;
  • moss is placed on top of milk and water;
  • Beat all ingredients well. The resulting mixture should resemble a milkshake.

This mixture can be applied to trees, fences or even foundations.

It is advisable to plant in rainy weather. This advice is especially relevant when landing on the ground. The plant must be carefully laid out on the ground (pressing is prohibited), and then soak in a special nutrient medium. This medium is made from fermented kefir and unfiltered beer. When the soil is saturated with an acidic environment, cover the plant with a film. In these conditions, that is, under the film, it should remain until it sticks to the ground.

In addition to soil and trees, moss is planted on rocks.

How to grow moss on stone? For planting on a stone, you will need to create a special pasty mixture. Mix two glasses of yogurt with a glass of crushed plant. The resulting mixture is applied to the stones by hand or using a brush. The surface of the planting stone must be rough. Then the stones are poured with water and covered with earth.

How to care for plants?

Caring for planted plants involves monitoring the process of its growth. They need daily watering. They should be watered at least once a day for three weeks. At the same time, monitor their condition after watering. If the plant begins to turn yellow, it means that you need to water it not once a day, but two, or even three times. Also remember to keep the air humid under the film. To do this, spray the plants with water. A humid environment is an ideal condition for the successful growth of planted plants, including garden ones.

Once, having seen enough of the beautiful bonsai trees at the exhibition, I was tempted by the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving the same beautiful meadow of moss at the foot of my indoor plants. I read how such beauty is obtained and got down to business.
Mosses reproduce by spores, like mycelium. They have no seeds. Therefore, you can sow moss by drying the ground part of the moss. (By the way, mushrooms, if desired, propagate on their own summer cottage). I collected moss in the forest, chopped it finely and dried it, and then completely ground it into powder and sowed it into pots for gardenia, ficuses, dracaena - in a word, I got it.

Here is the moss at the foot of my gardenia.

Moss near the ficus.

Moss near dracaena.

Moss near a large ficus.

Moss near a ficus tree with woven trunks

And then it turned out that near the ficuses, which are grown as bonsai, moss is sown only for the period of exhibitions, and then they are removed!

Moss loves shade, moisture and acidic soil pH. And in theory, it should grow well next to those plants that like similar conditions.
And in large pots in which homemade ficuses grow, he certainly does not belong. The ground slowly dries up, and the roots are deprived of the necessary air. I had to remove the moss.

On reflection, I decided that it would ideally grow only near the gardenia: I have no other plants that love similar conditions.
Her crown is thick and spreading, which means there is a shadow. And the thick trunk rises 15 cm above the ground - so the clearing will look beautiful.
But even for a small dracaena, moss will not hurt, since in a small pot the earth dries out too quickly, and the moss retains moisture. But on condition that the pot will not stand in direct sun, but in the shade of taller plants.

Moss, pine needles, cones, rotted sawdust - at the foot of a large gardenia. All ingredients make the soil more acidic, which is what gardenia loves. But this shelter is only for the summer period.

But even here it is necessary to observe the measure. Leave bald patches on the ground so the roots can breathe.

How to grow moss at home? Just don't ask why. And don't say that he grows well on the street. On the street - it's not in a pot on the windowsill.

Grow it first in a large, circular aquarium with appropriate surroundings. Admire. Then we'll see why or go crazy, give two!

Moreover, where it grows, let it be there. And at home you still need to work hard to grow this. Strict points on humidity and the amount of light will not allow you to shove a piece of moss from the forest into a jar and sit waiting for a beautiful picture.

So. We plant moss at home. Stop. How do we plant? Neither species has roots or seeds. How will we propagate? By disputes, as in nature. And where to get them? Not to wander with a microscope in search.

In fact, everything is simple. Go for a walk. We don't go to the forest. Forest moss that grows on trees is very aggressive and shaggy. Instead of an alpine idyll, you will get the count's ruins after the bombing. We need a moss that grows on stones, snags, old walls. Even just from the shaded side of buildings.

We pinch ourselves a little. You can just remove the plate. Who writes there: be careful not to damage the roots? You should have a bonus. Nobel Prize. After all, for the first time in millions of years, roots were found on moss!

And we calmly stomp home. By the way, in nature, the ripening time for spores is approximately July and August.

Herbal cocktail

If you just put a plant plate on the bottom of the aquarium, it will dry out. And you will not get a beautiful landscape. Therefore, we will make a cocktail. No, not for drinking. For lubricating surfaces. To prepare it, you only need a blender. Here are some recipes:

  • 100 g moss, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 200 ml of pure water.
  • 200 g of the plant, 400 ml of any beer, 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  • 1 tbsp. moss, 2 aspirin tablets, 2 tbsp. plain water.
  • 200 g of a plant, 200 ml of kefir, 300 ml of water, 1 tsp. Sahara.

We take ingredients from any recipe. Well, those that are at hand. Amicably and cheerfully put in a bowl or jug. Then briskly grind with a blender. I warn you right away: the smells of cocktails using dairy products are disgusting. Well, nothing. Beauty always requires ...

Apply the composition

Of course, even before preparing this wonderful slurry, we arranged pebbles inside the aquarium. They put an artificial lock, put old snags. Sand was added to the bottom, a little fine gravel was poured. Wasn't it lovely? But something is missing.

How did the famous cartoon character say there? It will not be enough. Not enough! Let's add aesthetics. By the way, they have already sniffed the stench from the jug. Now we take the old brush. We dunk it well in a cocktail and start writing. Over the stones, over the castle, over snags. We smear from the heart, we do not regret it. You can even splash a little.

We carry what remains to the backyard. There we select the darkest and dampest corner. And we draw with slurry right on the walls. Anything that came to mind. At least your autograph. Good results are obtained when drawing through a stencil. Guests will puzzle for a long time how the moss could grow so. Naturally, keep them in the dark until the very end. After all, this is your exclusive!

Of course, then the moss will fill all the free space. But even just fluffy soft wall attracts the eye. And don't be afraid to damage buildings. Moss does not destroy the base, but only covers it, like a carpet.

The eerie color mixture is over. But our business is not yet. Let's move on to the next step.

Care after sowing

Yes Yes. Our slurry is scientifically called spore seeding. And if there is a crop, then there must be a crop! And what else is required to obtain it? That's right - leaving.

In principle, at home, it consists in periodically moistening the moss and dragging the aquarium into the sun, then back. Just two hours, early in the morning, but always every day. Otherwise, our pet will not have that desired juicy green shade. The rest of the time you can keep it shaded. But not quite at the back of the room. Better somewhere near the window, but with cover.

About moisturizing. In the morning we got up - we look at the glass. Is there condensation? This means that there is no need to water today. Is the glass completely dry? We stomp for a spray bottle. By the way, the water in it is extremely melted. Or filtered. Otherwise, an ugly one will appear on the moss white bloom... We don't need it at all.

Why a spray bottle, not a watering can. Because the moss drinks on the surface of the body. He has no roots. Therefore, we spray the plant a little. Carefully, without fanaticism. Overflow threatens with darkening and death. Bald spots and mold will appear. All beauty down the drain.

Of course, these procedures are carried out only after you see the result of your drawing with liquid. This usually occurs within about 10 days. Until then, it is best to simply cover the aquarium with a piece of glass or thick plastic wrap. Do not wear in the sun during this period! But be sure to air it once a day.

Then, after the microsystem adjusts its climate, you will only have to admire the mini-alpine lawn on your table.

  1. Instead of an aquarium, you can take a wide bottle. And even with a cork. There is a known case when one man planted moss in such a bottle and watered it. I closed it with a plug and did not open it again. This was over 40 years ago. And the microsystem is still alive. With its own climate, humidity levels and, of course, moss. Try again!
  2. By the way, the scientific world still does not know pests and diseases that would like moss. Unless molds sometimes taste it. And even then, only after severe waterlogging.
  3. Do not keep your landings near the battery central heating... Too dry air is harmful to moss.
  4. The rougher the stones in your composition, the easier the plant will stick to them. Smooth stones will remain bald. By the way, they are perfectly replaced by broken shards from ceramic pots. Only without glazing.

How to grow moss at home? It's very simple and fun. Even fun in places. This does not require a lot of effort and material costs. Well, maybe to buy an aquarium.

Video: Create a Living Wall from Moss