How to clear a blockage in a sink are the most effective and quickest ways to remove it. How to get rid of a blockage in a kitchen sink How to break a sink at home

Communications of any type are prone to emergencies, and the apartment's sewer system is no exception. At the most unexpected moment, the water from the sink stops leaving, and the kitchen is filled with unpleasant odors. If calling a plumber for any reason is not possible, cleaning the sewer pipes at home falls on the owner of the dwelling. Nothing wrong with that. Knowing several ways to clear the pipe in the kitchen from the blockage, it will not be difficult to cope with this problem.

The pipe in the kitchen is clogged, this happens to everyone and the problem must be solved

Effective home remedies for clogging

There are several reasons for the occurrence of a blockage in a private house or high-rise apartment:

    Over time, the coating of the inner surface of the pipes with fatty deposits leads to a decrease in their diameter. As a result, even a small foreign object can cause a blockage.

    The metal parts of the pipes are prone to corrosion, which causes clogging.

    Ingestion of food particles, hairs, and other waste into the sewer system.

The first step when you need to determine whether this happened with a specific pipe or a common sewer system. To do this, it is worth checking all the plums available in the apartment. If the water is only in the kitchen sink, you will have to deal only with it, which greatly simplifies the matter.

First of all, you need to prepare a solution from a pack of soda and a bucket of boiling water. This liquid is used to soften the fatty deposits. If this does not help, then you should use one of the following methods to clean the pipes at home.

The use of chemicals: soda, vinegar and others

Special chemicals with a caustic composition. Sterile, dash, or pipe cleaner are available at many household chemical stores. When using them, it is important to follow a few rules:

    when choosing suitable remedy remember that alkaline drugs deal better with fatty deposits, acidic ones - with hair, food waste;

    the use of drugs is undesirable with a completely clogged pipe, as this can lead to a sharp splash of liquid, which will damage the surface of the sink;

    overly frequent use chemicals leads to damage to the sewer pipe.

To clear the blockage in the sewer pipes, it is worth pouring the amount of cleaning agent specified in the instructions into the hole kitchen sink... After the required time has elapsed, a stream of water is launched into the sink to check if the blockage has been removed.

A plunger for cleaning drain plastic pipes in the kitchen

An easy way to clean pipes at home is to use a plunger. It is a device consisting of two parts: wooden handle and a rubber tip fitted over the end of the handle. It is easy to clean the sewer with a plunger if you follow these steps:

    the water discharge hole is tightly closed with a plug, after which the sink is filled with water;

    several sharp movements are made with the plunger up and down, preventing it from coming off the surface of the sink;

    the plunger is lifted off the surface with a sharp movement.

The described actions will create excess pressure in the pipe, due to which the blockage will move from its place.

Parsing the siphon

If the listed methods did not help to clean sewer pipes, it is worth resorting to disassembling the siphon. This is done as follows. The sump cup is unscrewed, if provided for by the design. Otherwise, unscrew the fastening nuts with spanner and the siphon is removed. After the liquid drains into a previously prepared container, the siphon is cleaned of possible accumulations with warm water and detergents.

It is advisable to check the section of the sewer pipe behind the siphon for the presence of various kinds of deposits. This is done using a small piece of wire with a bend at the end.

Plumbing cable against clogged drain pipes

In case of a serious blockage, cleaning the sewer pipes in a private house or apartment will help special device- plumbing cable. It is a wire wrapped in a spiral, at one end of which there is a handle, and at the opposite end - a drill. Such a device can only be used in metal pipes Oh.

When used by plumbers, you can make a plumbing cable with your own hands. To do this, you can use a strong and flexible metal cable at the same time. Its end is bent and slightly fluffed up. The opposite edge is equipped with a rotating aid ring.

To break the blockage in the pipe in the kitchen using a plumbing cable, start by disconnecting the siphon. After that, a cable is slowly introduced into the opening of the outlet pipe. Its advance is accompanied by the rotation of the handle. Do not forget that the cable must always remain taut to avoid twisting.

Turning the cable, you need to push it further and further until it hits the blockage. When it is detected, the blockage is eliminated by reinforced jerks of the cable. At the same time, one should not forget about the rotation of the handle: this will help to bypass pipe bends and butt joints.

To clear the blockage in the pipe, it is advisable to pour into it in parallel with the action of the cable hot water... This will help loosen the blockage and remove it.

It is undesirable to use a metal cable for plastic sewer elements, since it can damage the smooth surface of the pipe, which will create the preconditions for the occurrence of blockages in the future.

The best clogging for plastic pipes is a plunger and boiling water. If they do not help, you should be careful to introduce a chemical pipe cleaner. It is worth paying attention to the fact that there is a mark on the packaging of the drug that allows it to be used in plastic pipes.

Smell of sewage in the kitchen

Surely every housewife, no matter how clean she is, sometimes has a situation when it stinks from the kitchen sink. What to do to eliminate bad smell independently without the help of specialists, we will now tell you.

First of all, let's define what causes the sewer odor. The most likely reason is the deposition of fat particles and food debris on the inner surface of the siphon. When they accumulate, the process of decay begins, causing a stench. The way out of the situation is simple: you need to disassemble the siphon and rinse it thoroughly warm water using detergents.

My advice to you: at least once every six months, disassemble and clean the siphon to prevent extraneous accumulations

Another possible reason for the occurrence bad smell from the kitchen sink is covered in water evaporated from the siphon. This is possible if the sink has not been used for a long time, for example, after going on vacation. Eliminate the consequences of this situation as follows: lower a large amount of water into the pipes. In the future, in the event of a long absence, it is worth pouring a small amount into the sink drain sunflower oil... A thin film formed on the water will delay the evaporation of the liquid.

An incorrect siphon connection or an installation diagram with no siphon can also cause an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is better to entrust this business to professionals.

There may be situations where the stench has nothing to do with the water seal. The problem may lie in mechanical damage to the drain pipe, a violation of the seal between the drain and the sewer. To eliminate these violations, you should contact the housing office.

A little about sewer pumps

In some cases, the methods described above for cleaning the sewer are not effective enough, so you should think about using a pump.

One of the types of such equipment is a manual hydraulic pump. Due to the directed movement downward or upward, a powerful stream of water blurs the plug in the pipe.

Use process hand pump consists of the following stages:

    The overflow hole of the sink is closed with a special pump or a damp cloth.

    The pump capacity is filled with tap water.

    The hydraulic pump nozzle is firmly pressed against the sink drain hole.

    The handle of the device swings until the blockage is removed.

If, in the process of renovation in the kitchen, you have a desire to transfer kitchen sink to another place that is not intended for this by wiring sewer pipes, you should think about purchasing a stationary pump. Its purpose is to collect and pump water when it is impossible to drain it independently into the sewer system of an apartment or house. Often a household waste shredder is built into the sanitary pump.

It is worth entrusting the transfer of the kitchen sink to professionals. This will save the owners from blockages and other problems with the sewage system.


The best remedy for blockages in pipes is to prevent their occurrence. In order not to worry about cleaning pipes at home, it is important to follow these guidelines:

    do not pour liquids rich in cooking oil into the kitchen sink;

    before washing dishes, it is important to thoroughly clean them of food debris;

    to prevent food particles from entering the drain hole, you need to equip it with a filter mesh with small mesh sizes;

    preventive cleaning of the kitchen sewerage system using a plunger and hot water should be done at least once every two weeks;

    once a quarter, it is worth using special chemical agents for cleaning pipes;

    when replacing the sewer system, it is advisable to install plastic pipes because they are not subject to corrosion, which is one of the causes of blockages.

Watch out for waste in the sink

An effective means of cleaning sewer pipes as preventive measures is the following recipe. A glass of salt is mixed with a glass of baking soda and a quarter of a glass of tartar. One fourth of the mixture is poured into the drain hole, after which it is poured into a glass of boiling water. After 5 minutes, the drain is flushed with several kettles of hot water. Repeating the procedure once a week will minimize the risk of blockages.


If the above recommendations did not help, and your sewer pipe is still clogged, thanks to our recommendations, you know what actions to take to clean the pipes of your apartment. Now you know how to clean the pipe in the kitchen.

No matter how modern our kitchens are, problems with clogged pipes are rarely avoided. The solution options are different: from “old-fashioned” methods of self-cleaning the pipe using home remedies to calling specialists who will do the job quickly, professionally, but for money. Tips and videos at the end of the text will help you choose your path in the current situation and taking into account specific conditions.

From simple to complex: you do not need to grab the wire ruff right away, you will have time. First of all, check how the water is leaving the bathroom and toilet. If without delay, then the blockage was formed only in the kitchen compartment of the pipes. And the war against pollution should be started there.

Using a vacuum cleaner

If your vacuum cleaner is designed in such a way that it can not only suck in air, but also act exactly the opposite, then you have the opportunity to push through the plug with air. Cover the side drain hole of the sink with tape or a regular napkin. Wrap a rag around the vacuum cleaner tube and insert it into the drain so that the connection is as tight as possible. When you turn on the vacuum cleaner, a stream of air will create pressure on the cork, and if it is not too dense, you will be using a clean sink in a minute. If not, then go to water procedures.

Hot water and salt with soda

The grease plug that clogs the drain can be loosened with hot water. To do this, add soda and salt to boiling water. and then pour it into the sink, after clearing the drain from visible debris, crumbs. It is great if the water immediately or after a few minutes makes the cork soften and pass through the pipes further. If after 20 minutes this did not happen, more drastic measures will have to be taken.

Ventus - Savior of Shells

A plunger can help hot water do its job. Fill the sink about a third full of water before using it. Lubricate the lower rim of the rubber part of the tool with oil for a better fit. Press the plunger firmly against the drain hole and several times sharply move up and down, as if pumping water back and forth. It is this kind of physical impact that will completely cope with a not very dense cork.

Important! If your kitchen is equipped with a double sink, then you need to work with two tools at the same time.

Vinegar and soda work wonders

In addition to water and salt, there are other folk remedies for cleaning blockages. For example, vinegar.

Remove as much water as possible from the sink. Pour baking soda into the hole, about half a cup. Quickly pour the same amount of vinegar on top, immediately closing the drain tightly with a stopper so that the foaming mass acts towards the blockage, and not outward. After the reaction is complete, repeat the procedure with the plunger and hot water... Such an effect is already more effective than just boiling water, however, a dense cork may not dissolve. Should use modern means impact on blockage in pipes.

Soda and vinegar - a proven remedy

Chemical attack

Modern means of removing blockages from pipes are so numerous that it can be difficult to choose the right one. Variety doesn't guarantee the chemical you choose will help, but it's worth a try. Seek advice from those who have already used "chemistry" to solve the problem, so you can avoid unnecessary expenses.

It's great if you know at least approximately what kind of congestion you have. It can be a soap plug, then the drug should be chosen "sour". If you have cats or dogs living in your apartment, there is reason to assume that the plug was formed from the fat and loose hair of your pets. The alkaline composition of the cleaning agent is likely to be suitable for the described case.

Advice. Do not pour a large amount of the product into the sink - a chemical reaction that occurs when the product interacts with a blockage can push the excess product back with a fountain.

Precautionary measures:

  • be sure to read the instructions carefully before working with chemicals;
  • the room must be well ventilated during the cleaning period;
  • use to protect your hands latex gloves, and for the nose and mouth - a respirator or gauze multilayer bandage;
  • be sure to remove children and animals from the kitchen.

Plumbing cable

Not every house has plumbing equipment, in particular, a thin cable with a brush or a spiral at one end. It is used to remove dense plugs that have formed in pipes that could not be removed using simpler methods.

The "ruffled" end is inserted into the drain and moves along the pipe until the blockage. In this case, the cable must be constantly rotated so that the brush or spiral can act more actively, winding dense dirt on itself. Periodically taking out the cable along with what it was possible to "wind up", repeat the procedure several times until the blockage disintegrates and its remnants are washed off with running water.

WITH cast iron pipes, in the absence of a special cable, you can act in a more "hard" way if in your house there is a wire hanger for clothes, the so-called "hangers". By unbending them, you get a tool that will move the mud plug. Unless, of course, the blockage is not so far away and the wire does not have to overcome numerous pipe bends.

Important! This method should be used with caution if the pipes are polypropylene. In this case, it is preferable to use only a cable.

The best way is prevention

So that you do not have to resort to extreme measures in the fight against blockages, follow these simple rules:

  • remove food debris from the sink after washing the dishes;
  • rinse the sink with hot water and detergent after finishing the kitchen work;

  • do not peel vegetables and fruits in the sink so that small crumbs do not get stuck in the pipes;
  • Use buckets to clean the house so as not to wash work rags under the tap, so small debris and animal hair will not clog the sink and pipes.

Watching the video will show you how to deal with blockages in the kitchen.

How to clear blockages in pipes: video

How to remove blockages in pipes: photo

Constant use of the sink often leads to the formation of blockages. You can deal with this problem yourself. It is important to know how to clear a blockage in a kitchen sink at home. .


A blockage is a formation that reduces or completely blocks the passage of water through the sewer pipes.

The reasons may be:

  • Deposits and deposits on the pipe walls, which over time narrow the diameter of the free space, making it difficult for water to pass.
  • Intrusion of foreign objects into the system.
  • Throwing out large food items into the drain.
  • Violation of the pipe arrangement technology during installation (blockages occur when the angle of inclination of the pipes is insufficient for free water drainage).


  • unpleasant odor emanating from the sink drain;
  • poor water permeability;
  • complete absence of water outlet through the drain.

In modern sinks, a special structure of the outlet mesh is provided. The position of the grid adjusts the degree of water drainage - pressing it to the limit completely blocks the drainage of water. Be sure to check the position of the outlet mesh if you suspect a blockage.

Water drainage system

It is impossible to effectively solve the blockage problem without knowledge of the principles of the design of the water drainage system from the kitchen sink into the sewer system. The classic kitchen drainage design consists of:

  • Sink;
  • Overflow;
  • Release;
  • Release grid;
  • Sewer pipe system;
  • Pipe branch.

Key value in effective work the system has a siphon, which acts as a water seal. Due to its design, it does not allow odors from the sewage system to enter the room.

Siphon elements:

  • Connecting nuts;
  • Sealing gaskets (rubber or silicone);
  • Washbasin connection;
  • Storage tank;
  • Discharge branch pipe.

Areas of the water outlet system in the kitchen in which blockages are formed:

  • Sink drain;
  • Sewer pipes;
  • Sewer riser.

The place of blockage formation determines its complexity and method of elimination. The "simplest" place is the drain, the "heaviest" one is the sewer pipes located below the siphon (to remove the blockage, you will have to disassemble the siphon).

With blockages in sewer riser you need to contact the employees of the organization in charge of maintaining the sewerage system of the building.


Before removing the blockage, you need to prepare. First, prepare necessary materials... For cleaning it is worth taking: rubber gloves, a small flashlight, a thin brush, a basin, a bucket or other container, an unnecessary rag.

Secondly, select the tools and materials necessary to break through the blockage. For elimination are used:

  • plunger;
  • plumbing cable;
  • special cleaning agents;
  • materials at hand.

Third, you need to prepare your workspace. If the sink is built into kitchen set, all items must be removed from the cabinet with a built-in sink. Under the siphon and pipe connections, a rag is laid or a basin is substituted to avoid water spillage when disassembling the siphon (if such a measure is needed).

Cleaning methods

There are several ways to clear a blockage in a kitchen sink. Ways to clear a blockage in a sink , divided into two groups:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

Mechanical methods include actions that involve the use of a plunger and a plumbing cable. TO chemical methods includes the use of special chemical or "folk" means.

Similar methods can be used to clean the bathtub and sink in the bathroom from blockages.

Hot water

The easiest way to remove blockages at home.

Cleaning sequence:

  • Hot water is turned on under pressure, the tap is directed to the drain hole of the sink.
  • Leave the included water for 10-15 minutes.
  • It is worth considering the nature of the blockage. Water spillage is possible if a small plug has formed in the system, which interferes with water drainage (the liquid leaves slowly), but does not completely block the pipe. If the blockage is solid, then the water will quickly fill the sink and begin to overflow. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the filling of the sink.
  • After the time has elapsed, the water is turned off. If the liquid leaves quickly, the blockage has been removed.

The hot water method is not in an efficient way, since it does not allow to completely clean the inner surfaces of the system from plaque and other elements. The problem is solved in this way temporarily. More effective measures should be used.


The plunger is a special plumbing tool designed for mechanical cleaning of pipes from blockages and "stagnant" air. The plunger consists of two parts: a "working" bowl made of rubber and a handle made of wood or plastic.

To clean the sink with a plunger, you need to do the following:

  • The bowl is placed on the drain hole of the sink. The rim of the bowl should be around the drain. The plunger is installed vertically. If there is no water in the sink, you can turn it on under low pressure.
  • Pressing movements are performed with the handle on the bowl so that it bends and squeezes air and water through the pipe. The pressure will help clear the blockage.
  • Perform 10-15 pressure plungers. Then they check how the water leaves.
  • If necessary, the process is repeated several times.

Plumbing cable is a tool capable of breaking through a blockage as a result of "contact" impact. The cable is a ribbed wire. The length of the wire varies depending on the purpose (domestic or special use). For household needs, a length of 2.5 to 5 m is suitable. There is a handle at one end of the wire. Depending on the model, the handle can have a variety of design features... All handles are arranged for the convenience of scrolling the wire around its axis. This design improves the pushing and cleaning of the inner surface of the pipes. At the other end of the cable there is a spiral in order to make it easier to break through the blockage.

The sequence of actions with a cable that will remove the blockage:

  • For convenience, the siphon is disassembled beforehand. Preliminary dismantling of the hydraulic seal makes it possible to facilitate the passage of the cable through the pipes, since the siphon has a structure that impedes the passage of the wire.
  • After disassembling the siphon, the cable is carefully pushed into the sewer pipe.
  • The cable runs through the pipe with the help of translational pushes and twists. It is worth considering the bends of the pipes and joints, in these places the wire gets stuck.
  • In the place of the blockage, the wire will rest against an obstacle. With light movements back and forth, the blockage breaks through. To improve the action, the cable is rotated axially with the help of the handle. In case of strong traffic jams, the wire can be pulled back a little and again try to break through the obstacle.
  • When the cable starts moving again, the blockage is broken.
  • The wire runs into the pipe along its entire length, since several blockages often form in the system. Scrolling will clean the surface of plaque.
  • The cable is pulled back. A siphon is assembled (it is preliminarily cleaned and washed). Water is passed through the system. If the water does not leave, the procedure is repeated.


To remove blockages from pipes, special chemicals in the form of liquids or powders are actively used. The connecting means, entering the pipes, bind fats and other elements. The water removes the cleaning agent along with the dirt.

Before use, you need to read the instructions and composition. Aggressive connections of some brands (intended for cleaning metal pipes) can damage the plastic elements of the system. The instructions indicate the method and sequence of use.

For cleaning with chemical agents, you need to do:

  • A pipe solution is poured into the sink hole. The volume is indicated in the instructions.
  • The agent is left for 4-6 hours.
  • After the lapse of time, water is poured into the sink under pressure.
  • The procedure is repeated if necessary.

Folk remedies

The chemical methods of struggle include "folk" methods, which involve the use of improvised means. Such methods are suitable when there is no plunger, cable, special means for "breaking through" blockages in pipes.

The "folk" remedies include:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • washing powder.

All methods are performed in the same way. The sequence of actions for clearing the blockage using soda and vinegar (the most effective way):

  • A glass of soda is poured into the hole.
  • 250-300 ml of vinegar is also poured there.
  • The drain is plugged with a stopper.
  • Leave for 20 minutes.
  • Water turns on and is directed into the hole.

As a means of cleaning, use:

  • soda - a glass;
  • salt - a glass;
  • a mixture of salt and soda - one glass each;
  • washing powder - measuring cup;
  • Alka-seltzer and vinegar - two tablets and 250 ml.

Sink clogging often forms in the elements of the siphon. In his device, he has an area in which water remains so that the smell does not penetrate from the sewer. Here various particles settle and accumulate, fatty deposits are formed. To clean the siphon, you need to disassemble it.

The sequence of actions when disassembling the siphon:

  • Carefully unscrew the nuts at the junction of the siphon with the sink pipes and drainage into the sewer.
  • Take out the siphon reservoir. Care must be taken to ensure that the gaskets do not fall out.
  • The siphon is washed and cleaned with a small brush. Such measures will get rid of plaque.
  • The pipe walls are cleaned with a brush.
  • The siphon is installed back. When connecting, carefully fix the gaskets and tighten the nuts.
  • Spill water under pressure and check the tightness of the assembly - no water should drip at the joints.

Elimination of unpleasant odor

Bad smell is a problem that can occur in a sink without getting clogged. The reason is the formation of a strong plaque on the walls of the elements. drain system... Pipes are a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, which are the source of odor.

To get rid of the smell, use:

  • preventive spillage of special chemicals into the system;
  • disassembly and cleaning of the siphon.

Another problem that can be encountered when using the sink in the kitchen is a clogged faucet. Sign - a decrease in the volume or pressure of water from the tap.

  • poor water quality with big amount foreign elements (rust, dirt, etc.);
  • long period of operation;
  • rare use.

The blockage occurs due to the clogging of the filter (mesh) located in the spray aerator. To fix the problem, you need to replace the filter. If the problem persists, the valve is replaced.


The best way to remove a blockage from a sink is to prevent it. To do this, you need to periodically carry out prevention. Preventive measures:

  • Make sure that no peels or other large objects are thrown into the sink.
  • Carry out weekly cleaning with special products.
  • Wash sink and drain mesh.
  • Use a plunger once a month.
  • Disassemble and flush the siphon annually.

Compliance with preventive measures will allow several times to reduce the likelihood of blockages and unpleasant odors, as well as extend the life of the elements of the drain system.

The problem of a clogged sink appears from time to time in any home. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs during operation. plumbing equipment... However, to solve such a problem, it is not at all necessary to be a professional plumber or resort to his help.

The sink drain system has a simple structure. If the blockage really formed within the premises, and not in the general sewage system, you can remove it yourself. But first define possible reasons leading to frequent clogging of the sink.

Reasons for clogged sink pipes

Most often a drain pipe clogged for the following reasons:

  1. Reduction of the inner diameter of the pipe due to the formation of deposits of organic and inorganic origin on its surface.
  2. Foreign objects getting into the sink during operation.
  3. The appearance of scratches on the inner surfaces of pipes due to mechanical damage, which inhibits the flow of waste water.
  4. Illiterate installation, namely the wrong angle of inclination of the sewer pipe.

Preparing for cleaning

Remove anything stored under the sink before starting work. Remove the filter mesh from the sink and clear of debris.

Stock up on floor rags and a container where dirty water will drain.

If the sink is empty, pour hot water into it.

  1. Install the plunger nozzle by pressing firmly against the drain hole of the sink.
  2. With rhythmic back and forth movements, create a strong pressure inside the pipe, creating a water hammer.
  3. Try to get as much debris out of the drain as possible by actively using the plunger.
  4. Do not allow contaminated water to flow back into the hole. To do this, immediately cover the drain with a mesh that will filter them. If there is no mesh, plug the sink with a stopper and pump out all the water and debris.

The duration of the action depends on the result. If the water begins to actively leave, we can assume that the goal has been achieved. After that, it is advisable to immediately carry out prevention. To do this, pour a special cleaning agent into the drain and rinse it with plenty of water.

Cleaning the sink with a plumbing cable

  1. Place the cable in the drain hole, pushing it down into the pipe until you encounter a blockage. Most often, debris accumulates in the siphon or in the pipe itself.
  2. When you reach the blockage, turn the cable clockwise. Try to push through or break the resulting plug.
  3. When it becomes obvious that the water is leaving, insert the cable as far as the length of the pipeline will allow. This will help eliminate the possibility that the traffic jam is stuck in the middle of the path.
  4. If everything worked out, the cable is removed, and the sink is well washed with hot water and powder.

Sometimes manipulations with the cable through the drain hole do not lead to the desired result, due to the fact that the blockage is deep. In this case, you will have to disassemble the plumbing wiring and try to clean the pipeline with a cable from the knee and further in the direction of the sewer pipe.

  1. Place a suitable container under a sink to collect water.
  2. All drain systems have a similar structure and are quickly disassembled. Remove the connecting elements by means of which the siphon is attached, on the one hand, to the drain hole of the sink, and on the other, to the corrugated pipe.
  3. Empty the water into a bucket and clean the siphon. It is necessary to remove not only accumulated debris, but also fatty deposits. Use dishwashing detergents to remove greasy deposits.
  4. Check the condition of the pipe itself. Inspect for blockage or fat deposits. Flush the hot water pipe with powder.
  5. Install the sink drain system in its place - in the same order as you disassembled.

The above steps are sufficient to resolve a severe blockage problem. But the sink can be cleaned without resorting to mechanical methods. For this, there are many chemicals, both cheap and expensive.

The safest and most environmentally friendly way to remove the blockage yourself is to use baking soda and vinegar. These substances are cheap and are always available in any kitchen. They help to dispense with the use of expensive and specialized chemical-based products.


  • Pour a glass of baking soda into the drain.
  • Pour in the same amount of vinegar solution.
  • Leave this mixture for about 40-50 minutes to allow both substances to dissolve the blockage.
  • Rinse off any remaining chemical mixture with hot water.

Baking soda and vinegar react chemically and act on the blockage, dissolving it. If after the procedure the blockage is not completely eliminated, all actions must be repeated.

Unclogging with pipe cleaners

When you can't solve a problem by simple means, you can use specialized cleaners. By the form of release, dry and liquid products are distinguished. Dry can be in the form of powder or granules, sold in a foil bag for one use. Substances in this form are the most concentrated. Liquid or gel cleaners are milder and safer to use on pipes.

Depending on the active ingredient, they can be acidic or alkaline. Alkali tends to dissolve grease, which is ideal for kitchen sinks. Acidic acids have a devastating effect on plastic and metal, shortening the life of the pipeline, but quickly removing the blockage.

Today there are a large number of chemical cleaners from different manufacturers... The most famous brands:

Mole- means of domestic production. Differs in budget price and high efficiency... Eliminates blockages and unpleasant odors.

Tyreth- according to consumers, one of the better means... Suitable for both plastic and metal pipes.

Mister Muscle- counts effective remedy for prevention and for light blockages. The declared action is the destruction of bacteria in the sewer pipes.


  1. Instructions for the use of such funds are usually standard. It is important to worry about safety in advance: to ensure good ventilation indoors, put on rubber gloves.
  2. It is necessary to measure the right amount substances. The dose depends on the nature and complexity of the blockage - detailed information indicated on the package.
  3. Pour liquid cleaner into the sink drain.
  4. Now you need to withstand the time indicated on the package. After that, thoroughly flush the system with hot water by turning on the tap for 10 minutes.

Blockage prevention

Regular maintenance of the sewer system will help to avoid the frequent occurrence of blockages. To do this, fit a filter mesh over the drain hole. It will prevent large particles of food or other debris from entering the pipe. Periodically pour special cleaners or a mixture of soda and vinegar into the drain to prevent the accumulation of plaque on the inner surfaces of the pipes.

It is not difficult to cope with this unpleasant everyday problem. Use the methods described in the article for cleaning the sink drain system. Be patient and you will achieve the desired result.

Video: pipe cleaning at home

The kitchen sink constantly suffers from blockages from food pieces and other contaminants. Often, in order to clean it, you have to resort to expensive and aggressive household chemicals that pose a danger to others.

In fact, there is a simpler, cheaper and safe way get rid of dirt in the kitchen or bathroom. Cleaning the sink with baking soda and vinegar will help get rid of dirt and solve the problem - safe remedy which is easy to use at home.

How to unclog a sink with baking soda and vinegar

A blockage in the kitchen is common. It is pointless to call a plumber because of such a trifle, and to eliminate the "nuisance" on your own is troublesome and gives a low result. A popular "grandmother's" recipe, known to many housewives since Soviet times, will help to effectively clear the blockage in the sink.

As a rule, the cause of the blockage in the sink is the accumulated particles of dirt, which form a "plug" that prevents the water from leaving. You can break it using a simple chemical reaction occurring directly in the drain.

You will need a regular baking soda... Its amount will depend on the degree of contamination: from 4 tbsp. up to 1/2 pack. The amount of vinegar will be calculated based on the amount of soda: 70% of the vinegar essence is required 2 times more than sodium bicarbonate.

We provided detailed advice on the problem in the article "soda and vinegar for cleaning pipes".

Before starting work, be sure to wipe the surface of the sink to keep it dry.

To remove the blockage, you must:

  • Pour soda powder into the drain, pour the vinegar solution into it. Plug the drain hole of the sink with a rag or stopper - in the course of the reaction a large amount of foam is formed, and if the hole is not plugged, it will "climb" out.
  • Wait an hour. If you want to completely remove the "plug", it is better to increase the waiting time by 1-1.5 hours.
  • Take out a rag, pour hot water into the place of cleaning. The best option will become "flushing" for 3-5 minutes.

In this case, the gas formed during the reaction helps to remove the "plug". He kind of "pushes" the clogged area, simultaneously clearing deposits on the walls of the siphon.