Wallpaper color: how to choose combinations and general rules for different rooms (119 photos). What color wallpaper to choose for different rooms of the house? Cool and warm colors of wallpaper are combined

empstenup / January 17, 2017 / Wallpaper/ 0 comments

Almost every person wants his house to look as beautiful and prestigious as possible. This can be achieved with the right finish. For this, decorative plasters, wall panels, wallpaper and much more are used. The best option may be a combination of wallpaper in the interior of different colors.

Basic rules for combining

Wallpaper is the most common type of finishing material. They are used to decorate various rooms, up to the kitchen and bathroom. Modern wallpapers of different colors have high technical characteristics, which allows them to be used in rooms with high humidity and mechanical stress.

With the help of such materials, you can decorate the premises in the house in an original way. The main thing is to know how to correctly combine wallpaper in the interior of different colors.

The correct combination of colors allows you to create an original and unique interior of the room. To achieve this result, you must follow the established standards. With their help, the optimal color combinations are selected. Depending on the complexity, the combination methods are divided into:

  • simple - the use of two colors that complement each other;
  • difficult - a combination of colors that differ from each other;
  • an extraordinary combination involves the use of three or more shades in the interior.

To simplify the process, the designers have developed a so-called color wheel. The wheel is divided into several sectors, in which a certain shade is located. There are cold and warm colors here. With the help of a certain arrangement of sectors on the color wheel, everyone will be able to choose the right combination of colors for decorating a house.

If you dream of a calm and soft interior, then it is better to use a combination of the same shades. They are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. So, for example, you can choose a combination of green and yellow-green hues. This combination is ideal for bedroom decoration. This will create a calm and peaceful environment that will have a beneficial effect on sleep and relaxation.

(Rules for choosing colors for walls)

Gray color will also become an extraordinary way of interior decoration. It has several shades with which you can create an original combination. Many people find this method somewhat boring. But, in fact, this is far from the case. Such wallpapers are widely used in modern interiors. They can be easily combined with black, white and other shades.

Warm wallpaper

If you want to create a homely and cozy atmosphere in your home, then it is better to choose warm wallpaper. Of course, here it is worth considering that warm colors visually make the room somewhat narrower. Therefore, they are used in spacious rooms. Warm shades awaken the appetite, they are widely used in the design of the kitchen.

For brave and active people, combinations of red shades will be the best option. Red is combined with browns, pinks and other warm shades. Particular attention is paid to the bright red color. Wallpaper with such a shade will not be the best option for decorating a room. They will crush a little. Red is best suited for curtains and various accessories used to decorate a room.

To create an exquisite and strictly classic interior, wallpaper with a combination of burgundy colors will be the best option. Burgundy shades work well with dark wood and emphasize the importance of the room. They can be combined with black, pink and other colors.

If the burgundy color is too dark for you, then you can pay attention to the pink wallpaper. A combination of these wallpapers can create a romantic and soft atmosphere. Pink wallpapers are organically combined with milky, brown and other colors. You can add brightness to the material with a purple tint. Pink wallpapers are often used to decorate children's rooms for girls. With their help, you can create a classic interior for another room in the house.

A few more options for warm wallpaper

When looking for a warm and cheerful combination, you should pay attention to the orange color. It is recognized as the warmest shade. Thanks to this, he is able to overcome even the coldest room in the house. It goes well with brown, caramel and other shades. By combining these colors, you can create a really warm atmosphere in the room.

As for the brown color, it is suitable for conservative people. With wallpaper in this color, you can create a solid and practical room design. This option is considered the most practical and easiest for home decoration. After all, such colors are easily combined with other shades. They can form the basis of a design or become a separate element.

Peach and beige wallpaper is best used for bedroom decoration. They create a soothing and calm atmosphere in the room, they can be easily combined with all bed shades.


Wallpaper colors for the bedroom

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, light colors should prevail in the bedroom, which will give a positive mood, create warmth. These are cheerful shades, but not too bright, distracting. For the bedroom, cream, delicate yellow or green are optimal. They will help a person recuperate, forget about the hassle and tune in to sleep.

For the bedroom is not recommended to choose pure white color, it will make the room similar to a hospital room.

For a healthy sleep, you can also choose wallpaper in muted tones with ornaments and patterns. For example, with a floral print or flying butterflies. The color of ivory, beige is capable of lulling. In addition, these shades visually make the room more spacious.

In the bedroom, you can combine wallpapers of different colors, for this the brightest shade or print, the photo wallpaper is placed at the head of the bed so that, falling asleep, the owner of the home is not distracted before going to bed.

Unusual bedroom solutions

If the bedroom has low ceilings, using the wallpaper of the desired shade, you can visually stretch the room up. To do this, the wallpaper seems to flow from the walls to the ceiling, achieving the desired effect.

All shades of blue in the bedroom relax well, they help to slightly darken the room, so it is easier to fall asleep in such a subdued light. Natural shades - green, woody - relieve tension, while browns create a cozy atmosphere.

For a women's bedroom, you can use a muted pink or lilac color, do not experiment with red, orange, bright purple. They have an exciting effect on the nervous system.

Always a winner in the bedroom look Golden, emerald, silver, and other complex nuances.

For vintage-style decoration, striped wallpaper is chosen; for this, the option with stripes of related tones is better suited, and not too contrasting combinations. Textured wallpapers look original, in which case they should be monochromatic so as not to overload the interior.


How to choose a color scheme for a bedroom

What color of wallpaper in the bedroom should be chosen exclusively by the owners of the bedroom, relying on their own taste and fashionable interior novelties. One has only to add that the color of the bedroom plays a huge role (see What is the best color for the bedroom to choose), since it can affect the human body.

Note. Studies have shown that a bedroom of the “wrong color” not only contributed to poor health, but also to the lack of sound sleep.

What should be the color of the wallpaper in the bedroom to complement the room not only with bright, rich colors, but also have a positive effect on the state of the body as a whole?

If you are interested in how to choose wallpaper for the bedroom, then you should opt for or take into account the following points:

  • Blue-blue tones (see Blue bedroom and decoration details), are able not only to visually expand the room, but also to create a cozy atmosphere. Because this tone is very calmly performed and languid.
  • Green and yellow tint, perfectly complement and saturate the bedroom with colors. Have a positive effect on the emotional health of a person.
  • Red wallpaper, perfect for people whose choice fell on a romantic setting. After all, red is a shade of love and passion. It also has a beneficial effect on a person's healthy sleep.
  • Wallpaper color white, is a fairly sophisticated shade, but do not overdo it with color, as you can turn a sleeping place into a hospital room.
  • It is preferable to give the choice to shades of pearl, cream and beige (see Bedroom in beige tones in the interior of the apartment).

Advice. Before deciding which color of wallpaper is best for the bedroom, you need to think that the choice should be based on age categories, since it is unlikely that a child will want to stay in a bedroom with red wallpaper, and older people with white.

Consider all the nuances when choosing and creating a bedroom decor, since we create the atmosphere of the house ourselves.

In this matter, you should not rely in the same way, only on your taste and your desires, the color of the bedroom should not differ too much from other rooms. Because the rooms should be harmoniously combined with each other.

Pay also attention to the quality of the wallpaper. It should be made from the most natural raw materials. Fewer chemical components, they negatively affect the state of the body.

Advice. A good choice would be a combination of two colors in the bedroom. It should also take into account the nuance that the selected colors should be harmoniously connected with each other, creating an acceptable contrast.

How to choose wallpaper in a bedroom in two colors so that it does not look pretentious and elegant, and what tips you should remember:

  • The color that is next to its shade looks great. For example, blue with blue, red with pink, and orange with yellow.
  • You shouldn't combine bright colors with each other. Not an interesting composition will not come out of this. Bright colors look harmonious with dull ones. This creates a very interesting contrast.
  • Note also that some colors do not match at all. For example, red with green, burgundy with purple.
  • The combination of cold shades with each other looks great (see Combination of colors in interior design). This is a safe bet.
  • Add a play of colors to the creation of colors. Thanks to this, the interior will acquire an individual taste.

Advice. The white color of the wallpaper goes well with almost any shade, but the opposite color of white - black will not harmoniously combine with every color, especially with blue.

Light and bright colors

The beige color will not only brighten up the imperfections in the room, but will also go well with the palette of light shades:

  • Light green.
  • Golden.
  • Yellow.
  • Pink.
  • Peach.

The above red color will go well with:

  • Black.
  • Blue.
  • In yellow.

Note. Yellow creates a very bright contrast, filling the room with rich notes.

Yellow color, goes well with bright shades.

A more successful choice would be intercourse with a yellow tint:

  • Red.
  • Blue.
  • Brown.

Note. This palette will perfectly complement the room with coziness and rich colors of peace.

Green is a color that has a positive effect on the emotional state, looks good with it:

  • Orange.
  • Yellow.
  • Light green.
  • All warm shades.

Note. One of the trendy shades this year is leopard print. White, brown, black, blue, red perfectly complement it.

It should also be noted that:

  • Warm colors visually make the room smaller. They create a kind of comfort and warmth. They are well suited for bedrooms and living rooms. Warm colors include: white, beige, blue, pink, yellow.
  • Cold tones on the contrary, they increase the space, saturate the room with some energy and tone the room. It should be noted that you should not use a lot of cold shades, as they can be unpleasant. Cold shades include: black, blue, purple.

The color scheme of the bedroom plays a major role in the creation of the design. Which shade should be chosen for the bedroom is determined independently.

People perceive the same color differently. For one, a white shade is soothing, for another, an annoying factor. The choice of wallpaper for the bedroom is a purely individual taste of everyone.

Types of wallpaper for the bedroom

It should be noted that for the interior of the bedroom, wallpapers are usually chosen from those groups: textile fabrics, paper-based material and foamed vinyl.

Let's consider their main advantages and disadvantages:

  • Wallpaper based on paper. They are one of the worst options, because after a year or two, they can simply come off. Poorly withstand the sun's rays, and excess moisture.
    They are the most economical option. The positive aspects include: environmentally friendly material, and the width of the assortment. Also, the fact that the purchase will not hit your pocket hard.
  • Vinyl canvases are a better material. Not only copes well with increased moisture, but is popularly called as "washing wallpaper". The material will last for many years, but the price is much higher. But the quality completely covers this financial moment.
  • Textile wallpaper is not only sophisticated, but also environmentally friendly material. Of course the price is high, but these wallpapers look very elegant. At the same time, creating the feeling that the walls of the bedroom are covered with expensive fabric.

Not everyone can afford these wallpapers, but their quality can rightly be called the best.

Wallpaper Tools

Tools, not only to facilitate the very process of gluing wallpaper, but also to make it better.

And so you can't do without what tools:

  • A paint spatula is a metal tool, literally 35 centimeters wide. Use it to trim excess wallpaper.
  • A painting knife is a metal tool. Serves for cutting wallpaper, or other materials.
  • Roller. Designed for pressing the wallpaper and rolling it so as not to leave excess air between the wall and the wallpaper.
  • A paint bath is a plastic container that serves to evenly distribute the glue on the wallpaper.
  • A paint roller with lint is very similar to a standard wallpaper roller. This roller is designed to apply glue to wall surfaces.
  • Bucket. An ordinary deep container is suitable for diluting the glue.
  • Painting plumb line with thread - designed for even application of wallpaper on the wall.
  • A paint brush will become simply irreplaceable when it comes to applying glue to hard-to-reach places.
  • A tape measure is needed to measure the length of walls and wallpaper.
  • A soft cloth will be an assistant in removing excess glue on the surface of the wallpaper.
  • An ordinary pressing trowel, used to press the wallpaper immediately after gluing.
  • Stepladder, serve for a comfortable application of wallpaper on the ceiling and walls.

It should be added that you should not skimp on tools that help in wallpapering, since they are responsible for the term of use of new wallpapers. The instructions for using the glue are on the packaging.

You can also watch the video in this article, which will help you make the repair yourself.


Criteria for choosing wallpaper for the living room

Often, coming to the store, we get lost from the variety of colors, textures and materials. In order to clearly understand what exactly you need, we will give the main criteria for choosing wallpaper for the living room, for which designers recommend paying attention to:

  • The size of the room. This parameter can be considered the main one. If in large rooms creative imagination can not be limited, then in small rooms only wallpaper in light pastel colors will look good;
  • The illumination of the living room. When a room faces south and most of the time it is warm and light, then you can experiment with dense textures and bright deep tones. If the living room is located on the shady side, you will need to harmonize the space with wallpaper in warm colors;
  • Ceiling height. To visually increase the height of the ceiling, the walls are pasted over in a vertical strip. If there is a task to lower the height a little, canvases with horizontal lines and ornaments will do;
  • The quality of the material. If you decide to save money and buy paper wallpapers, you will become the heroes of the saying "a cheapskate pays twice." Cheap wallpaper is thin, flaunting all the inaccuracies of the wall. To make the paper canvas look decent, you need to perfectly align the walls. Agree, it is better to choose non-woven or vinyl options. They are denser and have almost no fading.

How to choose wallpaper in the living room (video)

The choice of wallpaper depending on the style of the living room interior

Before you go to the store, you need to have a carefully thought out room plan, including not only color schemes, but also the overall style of the living room. Much will depend on the style of the interior., and furniture, and artificial lighting, and, of course, wallpaper. In what style can the living room be decorated? Let's dwell on the most popular ones.


Calm, cozy design, devoid of flashy colors and pretentiousness. Neutral and light shades are present in everything, in the interior, accessories, and the color of the walls. The main colors of the classic style: white, beige, sand, brown, pistachio, pink. Wallpaper can be either plain or with a small pattern.

Options with horizontal zoning of the wall using strips are possible. Such a design welcomes the presence of paintings or posters on the walls, made in soothing colors. They often lay out a fireplace, or make an imitation of it.

Classic style of living room interior

High tech

This style promotes the minimalism and functionality of each piece. In the design of this direction, glossy surfaces, chrome fittings, glass and cold shades must be present.

For high-tech style, gray, black, blue, or pure white wallpapers are perfect. Usually these are plain canvas without a print.


Suitable for creative people and those associated with art... This style allows you to give free rein to your imagination and make your wildest dreams come true. The Art Nouveau style is distinguished by an abundance of leather and fur accessories, a variety of metal or wood products. Bright colors, as well as natural and animal motifs, are suitable as wallpaper. Mosaic and bright textiles in furniture look spectacular in such an interior.

Country style living room interior


Perhaps the coziest of all styles. Differs in the presence of a variety of cushions in bright colors, soft flooring, and multi-level fabric structures. Wallpaper for the oriental style is chosen in the same spicy shades: burgundy, orange, green, yellow. Usually they have a national ornament or they are made in the style of compressed fabric.


This orientation in the interior is suitable for country houses, as well as living rooms, whose owners love everything natural. There is a lot of wood and upholstered furniture in this style. Warm, light shades make a country-style living room feel fresh and cozy. Wallpapers are selected in neutral tones with a small floral pattern. In contrast to a similar "Provence", in the country style there are much fewer trinkets and different figurines. Everything is cute, but strict.

Modern style of living room interior

How to choose the right wallpaper color

Everyone has different color preferences, so sometimes it's not easy to come to a common solution. Designers are advised to go through the main criteria that we talked about above in order to determine the quality of the wallpaper and their shade. The easiest way to combine light tones, with them you can not be afraid to "overdo it" with color. If you are not a creative designer who knows how to masterfully combine the incongruous, choose canvases with the same texture and similar "temperature".

  • For sunny rooms, pastel or cold colors are suitable: white, gray, blue, purple, pink.
  • For rooms with little light, walls of warm colors are needed: peach, orange, yellow, brown, milky.

It must be remembered that light wallpapers will make the living room visually larger, while a dark color takes up space.

Living room design ideas (video)

Selection by texture and pattern

Modern collections usually present two or three types of wallpapers that match each other, but differ in texture and pattern. This allows you to expand the range of possibilities and design the living room in an individual style.

Non-woven, vinyl or fabric wallpapers are most suitable for the living room. The first two types have a dense structure, are not afraid of wet cleaning, and are resistant to color fading. They can be repainted up to 15 times, thus saving money on repairs.

Fabrics have an excellent textile texture. Any living room becomes spectacular and rich. But here you need to be prepared for the fact that this species is capricious in cleaning and accumulates a lot of dust.

Wallpaper drawing can visually make a room look larger or smaller. Large ornaments or voluminous flowers conceal the space, so they are more suitable for spacious living rooms with high ceilings. Small drawing, especially directed vertically, will make the room more spacious and comfortable.

Living room wallpaper options

What kind of wallpaper you decide to decorate the living room with depends on individual color preferences, as well as on the characteristics of the room. It is necessary to take into account the temperament of the owners., because each shade has a different effect on the human psyche.

For young and energetic families, bright colors and wallpapers are suitable, which will help to cheer up and recharge with new strength, psychologists advise people of age to decorate rooms in calm, pastel colors. This design calms the nervous system and allows you to have a good rest. In either case, you need expert advice on how to correctly combine bright and pastel shades, choose texture and pattern.

The use of wallpaper in light and neutral tones for the walls in the living room

Matte, neutral shades of wallpaper give the room airiness and lightness, in such a living room you can relax and have quiet conversations over a cup of fragrant tea. Pastel colors go well with each other, smoothly moving from one delicate shade to another. The color scheme here can be any, from golden sand, to blue or olive.

Neutral tones are versatile and can be used in both north-facing rooms and sunny living rooms. These colors do not cause irritation and are suitable for many style solutions when decorating a hall.

Bright, colorful wallpapers look spectacular and stylish, provided a competent approach to their combination

Features of decorating the living room with bright wallpaper

Bright, colorful wallpapers look spectacular and stylish, provided that a competent approach to their combination is used. Before decorating a room with bright wallpaper, you need to understand what effect you want to achieve. The rich colors are definitely beautiful, they energize and create a festive atmosphere. With their help you can:

  • Zoning the space, highlighting part of the room with color, without erecting bulky partitions;
  • Highlight bright accents to make the interior look lively and stylish;
  • Emphasize the chosen style of the living room;

Important to remember, that when choosing bright colors for a room, it is better to highlight one or two walls for an accent, and glue the entire perimeter with flashy paints. This kind of design will be annoying. Usually, no more than three shades are selected, and one of them must be in light colors, and one as a bright accent.

A good solution would be to combine wallpaper of the same color, but in different shades. For example, red looks good in conjunction with orange and yellow tones; green wallpaper looks beautiful with olive, turquoise or blue accents; purple is combined with pink or light green.

Wallpaper with bright stripes looks stylish and beautiful. By combining such canvases with monochromatic ones, you can visually harmonize the space: raise the ceilings, reduce the width of the wall, highlight a niche or a separate area.

Matte, neutral shades of wallpaper add airiness and lightness to the room

How to use dark wallpaper when decorating your living room

The use of dark wallpaper in the interior is not so common. Light tones are easier to combine, while it is better to consult a specialist with deep saturated tones. The main fear when choosing dark wallpaper is not to keep the proportions, which will make the living room look gloomy and devoid of comfort.

Designers advise using dark shades for zoning a room, highlighting accents, changing a space, or highlighting the overall style. The most winning colors for the living room:

  • Violet;
  • Burgundy;
  • Green;
  • Blue;
  • Brown;
  • Black.

Using dark tones of wallpaper, the most correct solution would be to combine canvases of saturated colors with wallpaper in neutral or light tones. Thus, you will not overload the room, but create a stylish and harmonious interior.

When decorating the living room in dark colors, pay attention to natural light. A lot of sunlight should enter the room. That is why experts recommend making those walls that are located opposite the window dark. If this is not possible, but you really want rich colors, consider good artificial lighting in the living room.

Designers advise using dark shades for room zoning

Stylish wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Any wallpaper that correctly complements the overall design of the room can be considered stylish. For each style in the interior, a certain texture and color scheme are selected. One of the fashion trends in the world of modern design is wall murals with bright, colorful prints. Such a canvas usually occupies one of the empty walls, or the wall where the sofa area is located. Depending on your preferences, such wallpapers can be printed with city landscapes, pictures from wildlife, or musical or other themes.

Wallpaper in the living room with flowers

It is believed that floral motifs in the interior are a purely feminine theme. But these stereotypes have long been in the past. There are many colors on the market in browns and grays with flowers that will brighten up the men's living room too.

  • Bright large flowers on the wallpaper go well with a calm atmosphere in the interior. Upholstered furniture and accessories in this design should be neutral;
  • Small flowers in pastel colors are perfect for styles such as: Provence, Shabby Chic, Country and Classic. Large bright flowers are combined with modern trends;
  • Red, gold, brown floral colors give the living room solemnity and festivity, while light shades make the room more calm and light.

Any wallpaper that correctly complements the overall design of the room can be considered stylish.

Combining wallpaper in the living room of two types

To decorate a living room using a combination of several types of wallpaper, you need to think in advance not only about the design of the walls, but also the furnishings, including furniture and accessories. It is important not to overload the room with an abundance of bright colors, textures and a combination of styles.

Usually one dominant color is chosen, around which the rest of the space is created. It can be a bright or dark accent; derivative tones can complement it. For example, bright blue flowers can be combined with wallpaper in neutral shades such as blue or beige.

With the help of contrasting wallpaper, you can highlight areas in the living room by pasting them with vertical canvases. Here you can play both in shades of the same color and in contrast. Inserts from colored wallpaper or fragments of photo wallpaper, limited by moldings, look advantageous.

How to choose wallpaper for a living room combined with a kitchen

Modern apartments are often built in the form of a studio, that is, without a clear separation of the kitchen and living room. If this is your case, here is a few tips from designers on how to choose the right wall decoration for such a layout:

  1. Almost all designers agree that it is necessary to separate the two functional zones not only with the help of different wallpapers, but also thanks to the flooring. It is more practical to lay out the floor of the kitchen area with tiles, while in the living room, a soft coating is more suitable.
  2. It is important to maintain the same style of living room and kitchen. If the color scheme and texture of the wallpaper contrasts strongly and differ in style, the overall harmony will be violated.
  3. Large surfaces, such as walls and ceilings, are best decorated in discreet, neutral colors, while furniture items, the facade of the kitchen unit and accessories should be chosen brightly. This design will look stylish and not pretentious.
  4. Pay attention to the psychological effect of colors when decorating your kitchen. It has been proven that blue and purple colors discourage appetite, while orange and its shades, on the contrary, increase it.
  5. It is better to choose furniture and wallpaper for a living room combined with a kitchen that are not easily soiled, made of easily washable material. These types are vinyl, non-woven and fiberglass.

Perhaps the most important corner in every apartment is the bedroom. This is where you relax after a hard day's work. The bedroom should be as comfortable as possible for relaxation. The color scheme of the interior determines how peaceful you will feel being in the room. This means that the choice of wallpaper color must be approached with all responsibility. Read on to find out which wallpaper color to choose for your bedroom.

When planning your bedroom renovation, it is important to be clear about the result you want. You should think over all the details of the interior. The selected wallpaper should look harmonious, match the decoration, furniture and accessories of the room.

Not everyone has a large number of square meters, so you have to combine the bedroom with other functional areas - for example, with the work area. In spacious and well-lit rooms, a wardrobe or a special partition can be used as a separation of zones.

In the case of a small room, you will have to look for other ways. Alternatively, the wallpaper can be glued using the combined method. This will help to visually make a cramped room a little larger, expand the space, make the ceiling lower or higher, divide the room into zones (for example, a work and a recreation area).

To choose wallpaper for the bedroom, be sure to pay attention to their quality, the material from which they are created, the texture you like, as well as the color.


Worth considering existing types, their advantages and disadvantages, to understand which options are best for each specific case.

  • Paper wallpaper relatively easy to glue, they are environmentally friendly, breathable, and come in many different colors, patterns, textures. They can be purchased at an affordable price. However, they will not last long, as they fade in the sun, are damaged by moisture and mechanical stress.
  • Vinyl wallpapers They are also easy to stick and come in a wide range of colors, patterns and textures. Such wallpapers will last longer than paper ones, because they are resistant to mechanical stress and moisture, they can be washed.

However, vinyl wallpaper does not allow air to pass through, accumulates moisture under it, which can provoke the appearance of mold and mildew. It is necessary to use a special impregnation with them.

  • Non-woven wallpaper have a high degree of breathability, they are very resistant to damage. They are quite easy to stick on, you can even paint them several times. However, such advantages come at a price, and the range of colors and textures is very limited.
  • Textile wallpaper absolutely environmentally friendly, they look very beautiful and luxurious. They are resistant to damage, good air permeability, and provide sound insulation. But it will be rather difficult to glue them on your own, it is better to entrust this to professionals. In addition, such wallpapers accumulate dust on their surface, and they will be quite expensive.

  • The liquid wallpaper Is a completely new fashionable look. Among their advantages are environmental friendliness, ease of use, the ability to correct damage, sound insulation. They will not fade. On top of them, you need to apply a special composition so that the wallpaper lasts as long as possible and is not washed off from the water. The price for them is quite high.
  • Fiberglass Wallpaper they are environmentally friendly, they are durable, hide the unevenness of the walls, and are suitable for repeated painting. The assortment is not very wide, in addition, you will have to pay a lot.
  • Natural wallpaper made from environmentally friendly materials (bamboo, cork, linkrust). They are very limited on the market. These wallpapers will not organically fit into every bedroom.

Variety of textures

When buying wallpaper for a bedroom, keep in mind that each of the above types also has a variety of textures: drawings, patterns, imitation of materials. Most often, wallpaper is created to imitate fabric, leather, marble surfaces, brick, stone, plaster and more.

If you decide to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, you can choose several types of textured surfaces with different patterns. It is not at all necessary to be attached to the color - you can always get the desired shade.

The advantage of paintable textured wallpaper is that it is very easy to care for - you just need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth from time to time.

Which shade should you choose?

Perhaps the most difficult, but interesting task is to decide on the color. Designers offer bright colors. However, the bedroom is a room in which the setting should be relaxing and soothing, not annoying. Psychologists advise muted pastel colors. Feng Shui fans are advised to focus on certain recommendations. It is worth dealing with everything in order.

Color really affects the psycho-emotional and physical state of a person.

The choice of the shade of the wallpaper is a crucial step, on which the mood during your stay in the room will depend in the future.

Many different wallpaper colors allow you to create a unique room interior. Be guided by your own instincts and individual preferences, but keep in mind the following important nuances:

  • Wallpaper must be in harmony with the furniture.
  • If the bedroom windows face the north side, wallpaper in warm colors is more suitable, if on the south, then cold ones.
  • If you decide to use saturated colors, then they should be "balanced" with calm shades.
  • The color of the wallpaper should promote relaxation and sleep.

  • Uneven walls can be visually corrected with a diagonal pattern.
  • Glossy wallpaper gives the bedroom a cool atmosphere.
  • Light-colored wallpaper will help to visually increase the space of a small bedroom.
  • Combining wallpaper is a great way to zone a room, hide certain defects, and make the interior extraordinary.

A very good option for a bedroom would be a combination of two shades of wallpaper. Be sure to consider the following nuances when combining colors:

  • Not all colors can go well. Red and green will not look very good together. A combination of two shades of the same color - for example, blue and light blue - looks great.
  • It is recommended to dilute a saturated color with a dull one, as an option - any dark color can be shaded with beige.
  • Cold tones (blue and white) look good.
  • You can combine warm tones with cold ones (for example, green and yellow).
  • White will perfectly complement any other color. A combination of white and black is a very good option.

  • To light furniture choose wallpaper in light colors - this way you will visually increase the space in the room. For a large room, contrasting wallpaper would be a good option, but then you need to be careful with the choice so that the interior does not "crush".
  • Dark furniture warm colors are suitable - both light and dark.

When deciding on a color scheme for the bedroom, be guided by the following features:

  • Blue-blue gamut visually expands the space of the room.
  • Green and yellow revive the interior, restore the emotional state and health.
  • Red creates an atmosphere of passion, which is why it is ideal for the bedroom of newlyweds.
  • White wallpaper will suit everyone, but the abundance of this color can turn a restroom into a hospital.

Popular options

  • Green has many shades, it will fit well with any style of the room. This color helps to relax, get rid of irritation. Recommended for people engaged in intellectual work. Green looks best paired with yellow, discreet orange or red, white and all pastel colors.
  • Blue wallpaper has a calming effect, reminiscent of the sea and relaxation. Dark tones will steal the space of the room, so they are not recommended for small dark bedrooms. Blue is in harmony with almost any other color - with the exception of black and purple.

  • Blue gives an atmosphere of lightness and romance, visually enlarges the area. It looks great in any room, with a wide variety of furnishings. Blue can be supplemented with different shades: gray, beige, white, turquoise and others.
  • White is ideal for small rooms. It can be used as a basic tone and in conjunction with absolutely any other shade.
  • Beige wallpapers are versatile too. They are suitable for any bedroom. Can be used alone or paired with rich color wallpaper.
  • Purple wallpapers are rarely used for bedroom interiors. It will be better to take a lilac or light lilac shade. We recommend using purple to create accents. You can combine it with white and pastel colors.

  • Red wallpaper is a really bold solution for the bedroom. This is a rather bright and heavy color. Not everyone will make a choice in his favor. If you still want to use red, take a look at its softer shades. Complement the red wallpaper with other muted tones.
  • The black color of the wallpaper is a rather non-standard option. It is not recommended to use only it, but it is quite possible to make accents with the help of this color. Be sure to pair black with other colors. For example, black and white will look very stylish.
  • Yellow will create a warm and cozy environment, especially in a small dark bedroom. Give preference to discreet light tones of this color.

  • Orange cannot be called a good color for the bedroom, as it is too catchy. Such an interior will invigorate rather than calm and promote relaxation. Unless you can create bright accents with it. Or choose a muted shade of orange.
  • Brown wallpapers are great for the bedroom, they look stylish and expensive. The range of shades is very diverse, you can combine light tones with dark ones. This range creates coziness, helps to relax.
  • Gray wallpaper is a completely neutral option that will not crush. Metallic colors look very fashionable. Calmer colors will perfectly complement any interior. Here you can also play on contrasts.

The psychophysical and emotional state of a person largely depends on the color scheme of the premises in which he has to spend a significant part of his time. The choice of color, pattern and not only a pleasant creative process, but also extremely important in the situation.

Especially when it comes to a person's dwelling or office, a production facility in which we spend half of our lives.

Influence of color

It is important to understand that our psychophysical influence largely depends on the environment, and if you look at it in more detail, it is the color that plays an important role. It would seem that wallpapers, interior items, accessories of various shades build our mood, our emotional background.

Here is a small list of what shades of a possible color palette can influence:

  1. Human reflexes are unconditioned and conditioned.
  2. Physical state.
  3. Creation of one or another emotional background, preferably:
  • Coziness.
  • Security.
  • Comfort.
  • Composure.
  • Confidence.

The entire gamut of colors and shades includes up to 1.5 million options that can be distinguished by the human organ of vision, and modern production of finishing materials use this wealth 100%. The proposed color range of wallpapers is almost limitless, since a number of color combinations in various patterns and texture solutions are added to a million shades.

Features of the choice of wallpaper color

When planning repairs in an apartment with your own hands, first of all, you make a design decision for the main and auxiliary rooms. Of course, most people make wallpaper color decisions primarily based on their own taste and the preferences of other members of the family ().

But in addition to personal color preferences, you will have to take into account the laws of the influence of color on:

  • The geometry of space.
  • Creation of a certain psychological microclimate.

Dividing the color palette

All colors of the rainbow, including wallpaper, are conventionally divided into separate segments:

  1. Warm group colors- represented on the chromatic circle by a palette from red-violet to yellow. If I can put it that way, the degree of warmth of the same color can change when combined with colder shades or warmer. Warm colors of the wallpaper will create a comfortable atmosphere in living rooms, bedrooms, hallways, kitchens, children's rooms.

Requirements for the interiors of a children's room directly depend on the age of its inhabitants:

  • Pastel, blurry shades of decoration with medium-sized neutral patterns in the form of flowers and stars are suitable for children under the age of four. It is desirable not over the entire surface of the walls, but only on curbs or small inserts.
  • Children from 4 to 7 years old will love story wallpapers with animals or cartoon characters, or classic cars, airplanes for boys and dolls for girls.

Note! For teenagers, you should arrange a room with a division into zones: relaxation (calmer wallpapers of warm colors) and active lessons and sports, games. Here invigorating, tonic, bright and rich orange, red, yellow from the intensely warm spectrum are appropriate.

  1. Cold spectrum palette located between blue-violet and yellow-green hues.

Other nuances of color

In addition to dividing into two large groups, cold and warm colors are distinguished into subgroups:

  • Pale or light, with sufficient white.
  • Dark, which, in addition to the main one, include black or other colors.
  • Bright, in other words, saturated colors without impurities.
  • Dull, diluted with gray or other complementary color.

Now a small instruction on the influence of interior color solutions on a person:

  • Blue is associated with lightness, carelessness, reduces appetite, expands space.
  • Yellow is a symbol of wealth, light, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, fertility. Effective stimulant of brain activity. Expands the space.
  • Gray is neutral and can be combined with almost all other colors. Ideal for the bedroom.
  • Blue relaxes, calms. A room in blue tones will be elegant and even sophisticated. Suitable only for large rooms, as it narrows the space.
  • White is a symbol of purity, joy, innocence. Indispensable for expanding space. Combines with any colors and shades.

Interesting! Modern manufacturers do not stop there and offer us more and more interesting, sometimes unusual wallpaper options. Among these, it is worth noting wallpaper that changes color.

A very interesting effect can create a unique atmosphere in the room, where, under the influence of one factor or another, the wallpaper smoothly changes its shade. For example, flowers on a wall will change in color as the room temperature changes.

Of course, color is not the only parameter that buyers pay attention to. Not unimportant here is the quality of the products and the price that you are able to pay for the finishing material.


It is important to understand that only the interior that you have created "for yourself", taking into account all the possibilities and features of finishing materials, is able to fill your home with coziness and comfort. But, as often happens, in pursuit of fashion, people neglect their desires, preferring what is popular over what they like. Remember this, then your home will exude warmth and joy ().

In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

To create a complete beautiful interior, you need to properly arrange the walls. How to choose wallpaper for the living room, what colors and for which rooms, how to combine them, all with a lot of photos - read on about all this.

How to choose a color

They select wallpaper for the living room, focusing on several criteria at once. First of all, this is the style of the interior, the existing or planned furniture, and the color of the upholstery. If the furniture is in rich colors and the floor is dark, the walls should be light. In this case, the interior is lighter. Since the dark floor visually reduces the height of the room, you can choose wallpaper with vertically arranged patterns or stripes.

In living rooms with a light floor, there are no such restrictions. Walls can be dark or bright, patterned or plain.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the size of the premises and its illumination. If the room is small, and even directed to the north, dark colors are contraindicated. Choose a light shade of a warm tone that is suitable for the scale - the color of milk, cream, a little with a pink tint, golden shades.

Warm shades are suitable for living rooms facing north or west

Wallpapers with a slightly shiny surface make the room much lighter. They are called silk-screen printing or satin, precisely for this effect - the shine of silk. A brighter reflection is given by canvases with the effect of silvering or gilding. If your living room is not “royal” in size, then there should be one such shiny wall, otherwise the “effect of a box” - a very cramped stuffy room - will appear.

Slightly different color - a warm shade is suitable for a small living room facing west or north

Cool gray - different sensations

If we talk about general trends, wallpaper for the living room is often chosen in neutral colors. This option is universal - you can select any accessories, textiles for it. If the walls only serve as a background, it is easy to change the annoying design. You change textiles, lighting, use new accessories, get a new design. If the walls are bright, you will not get off so easily. We'll have to re-glue.

Unusual options

Wallpaper made of bamboo or cork looks unusual in the living room. Moreover, the eco-style is becoming more popular. They are ideal for an oriental-style interior, but for a modern one they can become a highlight.

Dyed bamboo can have one wall

Brick or stone walls are popular in many trendy interiors. It is not at all necessary to lay tiles or upholster plaster for this. Textured foam or heavy vinyl wallpaper can be used.

Wallpaper for brickwork in the living room

They imitate very well brick and masonry of various types. It is difficult to visually distinguish it from a real wall.

Brick or masonry is the latest fashion when decorating a living room

Wallpaper with a pattern in the interior of the living room

Walls in colors are typical of the trendy Provence style. If you see your living room like this, look for floral designs. Ideally, it is advisable to find textiles that repeat the pattern on the walls, or choose the fabric in one of the colors available on the wallpaper. This way, you can avoid variegation and achieve a harmonious sound of the interior.

Flowers on the wallpaper can also be in the interior of a modern style. Only in this case they are more graphic and stylized. Drawn against a neutral background with bright strokes.

Combined wallpaper for the living room

The latest trend in indoor wall decoration is the use of different types of wallpaper. They are also called companions, and the reception is a combination. You have already seen many examples. Since this direction is relevant, it is very often used.


Once such a fashionable theme is back again: wall murals have become popular again. Only the printing level is already different. Modern technologies allow you to transfer any photo to paper, and large-format printing allows you to print everything on one sheet. So no seams and photographic clarity create a 3D effect.

In newfangled interiors, urban landscapes are often used. The night metropolis looks most impressive, but black and white versions are no worse.

Urban theme is in favor

The second frequently encountered topic is nature, landscapes. It is very common to see the forest at different times of the year, different species and countries.

Full sense of presence

The path in the bamboo forest ...

The next popular motif is flowers. In photographic or graphic design for different styles.

Photo ideas

Many people like the space and comfort in the house. The premises should be filled with sunlight, where everything reminds of the warm season, and the atmosphere is conducive to good rest.

Light wallpapers will help create a pleasant interior in a calm color scheme. These decorative materials set the tone.

Today there is a large selection of stylish products that look efficient and are of excellent quality. Photos of light wallpaper in interiors, presented in various style solutions, together with useful recommendations, will allow you to make a competent decision on your own.

All the secrets of spectacular design

Wall coverings in pastel shades can fit into any interior. Some abandon them right away, thinking that this option is impractical, which will soon get bored. Two popular myths can be easily dispelled.

Wallpaper is always subject to external influences, but today you can choose coatings that are distinguished by their durability. Models with moisture resistance, abrasion resistant. They are not afraid of wet cleaning, after which the walls completely retain their attractive appearance.

And exotic shades will not give you boredom: they are not boring yet. Mint and pistachio with bright accents are a fresh design solution. Light wallpaper in the interior can be used in different ways.

It is not necessary to completely decorate the walls with light coatings. Models with large bright patterns will come to the rescue, they are used for alternation. It should be borne in mind that a light background visually expands the space, and large images narrow the walls.

The matching texture will add elegance to the products. Rough to the touch, the surface looks rich and unusual thanks to its gloss and pearlescent sheen.

Light-colored wallpaper improves the perception of the interior space of a room that is poorly lit. On the other hand, when there is too much light, the effect will be the opposite: bright reflections from the walls in the room will be uncomfortable.

Note! Liquid wallpaper - 150 photos of design examples. Advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper!

Contrasting combinations of pastel shades with dark ones always look advantageous.

Tip: When choosing finishing materials, pay attention to the illumination of the room, its size and purpose. Large multicolored patterns are not suitable for the bedroom, but they will look good in the living room.

Some interiors allow you to select themed wallpapers: for the kitchen, the best option is a photo wallpaper with fruit, for the bedroom - floral motifs, for the living room - abstraction.

It is necessary to think over the design style in detail in advance. Any old style is combined with floral themes, polka dots or geometry.

As for modern trends, abstraction, bitmaps, a monochromatic background with contrasting inserts are appropriate here.

Choice of shade

White products are rarely used so that the coating does not look simple. The new light colors of the wallpaper look natural, allowing you to emphasize the style.

White has been replaced by a whole palette of delicate shades. The noble ivory color is also very popular. Delicate shades bring warmth to the home environment. They blend perfectly with those tones that are darker or brighter.

Important! If you combine two or three pastel shades with beige, then the combination allows you to create coziness and comfort.

Wallpapers in light colors are great for a marine theme. The most popular are blue and green. These color schemes allow you to achieve purity, filling the atmosphere with freshness.

Tip: When decorating the nursery in a nautical style, use special accessories - drawings of islands, ships or maps. A themed bedroom will appeal to any child.

Delicate purple is a spring shade. It looks great in a girls' nursery, kitchen, bathroom and living room. A peach tone is appropriate in a parent's bedroom.

Ecostyle goes well with pale green shades. This wall covering is combined with wood furniture or houseplants.

For kitchens, halls or bedrooms, pale yellow, orange or sand are suitable options. This palette sets you up for the positive. If you combine it with bright colors, then you can't think of a better option for a nursery.

Classic ornaments are usually done in red or brown and beige. These can be elements of elegant floristry.

Severity of geometry and abstraction look great on a white or silver background.

On the wallpaper of light colors, intended for the nursery, drawings of animals or images of characters from cartoons can be applied.

Photo wallpaper helps to divide the internal space into zones. 3D products have spectacular effects, usually dedicated to nature or cityscapes.

How is light wallpaper used in the interior?

Light shades, giving tenderness and comfort, are suitable for bedroom design. Textiles are selected for wall coverings according to the plot and tone. Ideally, when the same storyline can be seen on upholstered furniture or bed.

Remember! In a bright bedroom, it is better to use a contrasting design by alternating with canvases in bright colors or with large inserts.

In a small room, the best solution is to use pastel wallpaper with glossy effects.

Adherents of the classical style buy light wallpapers for the hall. Decorative panels fit perfectly into this room. Moldings and antique frames are also used to highlight accents.

In the kitchen, the dining area is usually decorated with light shades. For the purpose of zoning, it is recommended to combine light tones with dark ones. For the Provence style, the ideal solution is plant or flower arrangements, for the modern style - strict geometry with monochromatic fragments.

Tip: To prevent a bright kitchen from appearing impersonal, use bright dishes, textiles, headsets or works of art.

Both white and pastel canvases can be used in the corridors. The hallway is decorated in two shades: dark and light. The room is visually enlarged, while the walls are not stained so quickly.

Interior in detail

It is necessary that all accessories, wall and floor coverings and other items in the interior are combined.

Textiles can be either light or bright. Dark floors help to stretch the boundaries of the room in height.

Start experimenting, and then spring will forever reign in the rooms of the house with its purity and tenderness. Please your household with fresh design solutions.

Photo of light wallpaper