Connecting the pressure switch to the mains. How to connect and adjust the water pressure switch When paying with a bank card, interest is not charged

More circuit diagram connection of the pressure switch and everything connected with it, we have considered.

So, as you can see from the diagram, a three-core power cable is connected to the pressure switch single-phase network (phase, zero and ground), and a similar cable is already coming out of the relay to the pump that pumps water into the system. There are, of course, three-phase appliances and a water pressure switch used appropriately, but in everyday life a single-phase one is usually enough.

In the water supply of a private house, single-phase surface or submersible pumps are most often used, pumping water from a well or well. The electrical power of pumps varies greatly depending on the required performance of a particular device in specific working conditions.

Usually, the power of such a household pump does not exceed 1.5-2 kW, respectively, to connect it, a cable with a core cross section of 1.5 sq. Mm is required. and circuit breaker 10 amp lines.

Connecting the pressure switch to the mains is usually accepted in one of two ways., each with its own strengths and weaknesses:

1. Near the installation site of the pressure switch, on the wall, mounted electrical Outlet, for him. A cable with an electrical plug at the end is connected to the relay itself.

This is a universal, most often the most convenient, connection option. The main disadvantage of this method is the need extra costs on the socket device itself, as well as possible problems at the junction, in the vicinity of the house's water supply system.

2. The second option is the simplest and therefore the most reliable. At the installation site of the pressure switch, a power cable is removed from the wall, with which the relay is connected to the network. In this way, maximum connection reliability is achieved, since The housing of the pressure switch, as well as the cable entry into it, are usually sealed and they reliably protect the contact point from possible adverse effects.

The main disadvantages of this method include increased requirements for the accuracy of choosing the output location and cable length, as well as some possible difficulty in subsequent maintenance. It is always easier to unplug the appliance than to disassemble and disconnect the wires.

In our installation example, the second option is chosen - the cable coming out of the wall. Maintenance problem solved by installing a separate circuit breaker for pressure switches in electrical panel boiler room.

Before connecting the power cable to the relay, make sure that there is no voltage at the installation site!

We proceed directly to connecting the pressure switch to the network, on the example of the Italtecnica TYPE PM/5G model.

First of all remove the protective plastic cover, for this you need a straight screwdriver (slotted), unscrew the fasteners, as shown in the image below

Then in the pressure switch, a supply cable and a cable leading to the pump are laid through the cable glands.

This model uses standard sealed cable glands that are familiar to many. To fix the cable in them, you must first unscrew the plastic nut, then insert the cable first into it, and then through the input, inside the relay and finally tighten the nut until it stops.

Then, having previously prepared - having removed the protective insulation, connect the cable cores to the relay terminals pressure, according to the following diagram.

Do not pay attention that one of the connected cables in the diagram ends with an electrical plug, in our case, a power cable is connected instead, which goes continuously to the electrical panel.

After connecting the wires and control pulling all the terminals, you should get something like this:

This completes the connection, it remains only to carefully put it back protective cover and fasten.

Now, by turning on the electricity supply, you can check the operation of the water pressure switch and adjust its operation.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in mounting the relay, especially if you clearly understand the principle of its operation.

If you still have any questions about connecting the pressure switch to the mains, for example, you have a more powerful pump or it is three-phase, or just a different model of the relay, or you don’t know how to connect and which cable and socket to use, be sure to leave them in comments to the article, I will try to answer everyone promptly.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site

In the heading "Accessories" we will consider a pressure switch that controls the operation of automatic pumping stations, as well as surface , or , if used in conjunction with. Via pressure switch you can set up an autonomous water supply system, irrigation system or fire extinguishing system for the required tasks.On sale are pressure switch RM-5, RM-5G, RM-12 produced by an Italian companyItaltecnica.The main difference of the product RM-5 from RM-5G in that the latter uses a union nut with a connecting size of 1/4″. Relay RM-5G is more convenient for installation.

The main characteristics of RM-5 and RM-12 are shown in Table 1.

Specifications RM-5 RM-12
1. Operating pressure range (bar) 1-5 3-12
2. Factory setting of cut-in and cut-out pressure (bar) 1,4-2,8 5-7
3. Minimum differential pressure (bar) 0,6 1,5
4. Temperature working environment up to (°С) 55 55
5. Maximum operating current (amps) 16 (10) 16 (10)
6. Voltage (volt) 250 250
7. Connection internal thread(inch) 1/4 1/4

Table 1

Note: When using a pressure switch to control pumping equipment, the maximum switching current is 10 A.

V Lately product RM-5G (25 A) with maximum switching current to control pumping equipment constituting 16 A.

Relay design

Structurally, the relay is assembled in a plastic case and closed with a lid. Figure 1 shows the main elements. To remove the top cover from the product, use a slotted screwdriver to unscrew plastic stopper on his butt.

Pressure switch device

1. Case - all elements of the pressure switch are located on it;

2. Connecting flange, used to connect the automation to the water supply system. Connecting size of the flange - internal thread size 1/4″. The flange contains the working chamber and the membrane. The flange and membrane are attached to the relay body with four screws;

3. Nut for adjusting the pressure difference ΔР between the on and off pressure. The more we compress the spring (tighten the nut), the greater this difference will be;

4. Nut for adjusting the switch off pressure. When the nut is tightened, the cut-off pressure will increase, and when the nut is loosened, it will decrease. The top cover is also attached to this rod with a plastic stopper;

5, 6. Terminals for connecting electrical wires;

7. Terminals for connecting ground wires from the mains and motor;

8. Couplings for clamping cables, used for rigid fixing of the mains cable and motor connection cable.

Wiring diagram for pressure switch

On Fig. 2 is a diagram electrical connection relay RM-5, RM-5G, RM-12.

Connection diagram for pressure switches PM-5, RM-5G, RM-12.

The scheme for connecting the relay to the electrical network is very simple. Wires are connected to terminals 5, 6 (see Fig. 1). Moreover, it does not matter which pair of terminals is input (connection ~ 220 V.), and which is output (connection to the engine). After connecting the wires, make sure that they are in good contact with the relay terminals; if necessary, tighten the contacts.

Operation, maintenance and adjustment of the relay

Pressure switch RM-5, RM-5G, RM-12 very simple and reliable control devices autonomous system water supply. If the operating conditions are observed, they work without failures and failures for a long time and reliably. However, given the quality of our water, voltage fluctuations or high humidity, malfunctions occur. Improper operation of automation, as a rule, leads to failure of the pump.

Let's consider the most common cases.

Hard water. In case of hard water or in water with a high iron content during operation, a gradual “overgrowth” of the passage to the working chamber occurs, or the chamber itself overgrows. The diameter of the passage is small 5–5.5 mm. There may come a time when the relay does not turn on or vice versa does not turn off. To eliminate this defect, you need to clean the passage or the chamber itself by following these steps:

  1. Disconnect the product from the mains.
  2. Relieve excess pressure by opening the tap.
  3. If the automation is RM-5G, then with the help of open end wrench unscrew by 17 union nut and remove the relay. If the automation is RM-5, then it is necessary to remove the cover from the pressure switch by unscrewing the plug of the fixing cover with a slotted screwdriver, disconnect the cables from terminals 5, 6 and ground (Fig. 1), loosen the cable glands, disconnect the cables from the product using a wrench 17 unscrew and remove the relay.
  4. Using a match or other blunt object, clear the clogged passage. You need to clean it carefully for two reasons: the first is that water can splash from the working chamber and the second reason is not to damage the rubber membrane. To clean the working chamber, unscrew the four screws securing the flange to the relay housing. Remove the flange and membrane (do not lose a special “penny” during disassembly - a round metal plate with two ears), rinse and clean the flange and membrane.
  5. Reassemble in reverse order. If the automation is RM-5, then before installation, it is necessary to seal the thread with fum tape or a special sealant.

Increased humidity. Very often, the station or automation is located in the pit. Lack of adequate ventilation leads to high humidity, and humidity leads to oxidation and burning of contacts in the pressure switch. In this case, the automation starts to work unstably, turns on with a delay, or it turns on when you lightly tap on the case. If there is moisture on the surface of the product when the cover is removed, and there are marks on the metal parts white plaque, then there is a high probability that the contacts are burnt. To repair such defects, you must contact the nearest service center, or call a service technician at the installation site of the station or automation.

Voltage fluctuations also lead to unstable operation of the pressure switch. electrical network and entry into the water supply system.

Pressure regulation. Two adjusting nuts and springs are designed to adjust the pressure (Fig. 1). Nut 4 and a large spring can be used to adjust the cut-off pressure of the system. The more we compress the spring, the greater the pressure in the system will turn off the automation. One of the most common causes of non-stop operation of the pump is the incorrect setting of the pressure switch. Before setting up the automation, you need to look at the operating parameters of the pump, namely, what is the maximum pressure it produces. For example: the pump delivers a maximum head of 40 meters of water column or 4 bar (atmosphere). Theoretically, the maximum relay setting pressure can be 4 bar, but, given the mains voltage fluctuations, the gradual wear of the equipment, the maximum pressure for which we can set the automation is no more than 3.4–3.5 bar. Using nut 3 and a small spring, we adjust the difference ΔР between the pressure on and off the pump. The more we compress the spring, the greater the difference between turning the pump on and off. The smallest difference between the pressure on and off the pump is 0.6 bar for the RM-5 and 1.5 bar for the RM-12 relay - this is when the small spring is completely released. On the one hand, the difference between the switch-on and switch-off pressures must be set as small as possible in order to reduce pressure drops. On the other hand, with a minimum range, the number of pump on and off increases, this problem is solved by increasing the volume of the accumulator. For optimal performance pumping equipment and an autonomous water supply system, it is necessary to choose a middle ground between the pressure on and off the pump and the volume of the accumulator. In addition, you can see how to set up and adjust the pressure switch. If you have any questions, please write in the comments.

Thank you for your attention.

When organizing a water supply system at home, not only a pump is needed, but also automation to ensure its operation. One of the necessary devices is a water pressure switch. This small device turns on the pump when the pressure in the system drops and turns it off when the threshold value is reached. The value of the on and off parameters can be adjusted. About how this device is arranged, how to connect it and how to regulate it - in the article.

Purpose and device

In order to maintain a constant pressure in the water supply system of a private house, two devices are needed - a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch. Both of these devices are connected to the pump through the pipeline - the pressure switch is located in the middle between the pump and the accumulator. Most often it is located in the immediate vicinity of this tank, but some models can be installed on the pump housing (even submersible). Let's understand the purpose of these devices and how the system works.

A hydraulic accumulator is a container divided by an elastic pear or membrane into two halves. In one, air is under some pressure, in the second, water is pumped. The water pressure in the accumulator and the amount of water that can be pumped there is regulated by the amount of air pumped. The more air, the higher the pressure maintained in the system. But at the same time, less water can be pumped into the tank. Usually it is possible to pump no more than half of the volume into the container. That is, it will be possible to pump no more than 40-50 liters into a hydraulic accumulator with a volume of 100 liters.

For normal operation household appliances require a range of 1.4 atm - 2.8 atm. To support such a framework, a pressure switch is required. It has two operation limits - upper and lower. When the lower limit is reached, the relay starts the pump, it pumps water into the accumulator, and the pressure in it (and in the system) increases. When the pressure in the system reaches the upper limit, the relay turns off the pump.

In a circuit with a hydroaccumulator, for some time water is consumed from the tank. When enough flows out so that the pressure drops to the lower threshold, the pump will turn on. That's how this system works.

Pressure switch device

This device consists of two parts - electrical and hydraulic. The electrical part is a group of contacts that closes and opens on / off the pump. The hydraulic part is a membrane that exerts pressure on the metal base and springs (large and small) with which the pump on / off pressure can be changed.

The hydraulic outlet is located on back side relay. It could be the release external thread or with a nut like an American. The second option is more convenient during installation - in the first case, you either need to look for an adapter with a union nut right size or twist the device itself, winding it onto the thread, and this is not always possible.

The electrical inputs are also located on the back of the case, and the terminal block itself, where the wires are connected, is hidden under the cover.

Species and varieties

There are two types of water pressure switches: mechanical and electronic. Mechanical ones are much cheaper and usually prefer them, while electronic ones are mostly brought to order.

NamePressure adjustment limitFactory settingsManufacturer/countryDevice protection classPrice
RDM-5 Gileks1- 4.6 atm1.4 - 2.8 atmGilex/RussiaIP4413-15$
Italtecnica RM/5G (m) 1/4"1 - 5 atm1.4 - 2.8 atmItalyIP4427-30$
Italtecnica RT/12 (m)1 - 12 atm5 - 7 atmItalyIP4427-30$
Grundfos (Condor) MDR 5-51.5 - 5 atm2.8 - 4.1 atmGermanyIP 5455-75$
Italtecnica PM53W 1"1.5 - 5 atm Italy 7-11 $
Genebre 3781 1/4"1 - 4 atm0.4 - 2.8 atmSpain 7-13$

The difference in prices in different stores is more than significant. Although, as usual, when buying cheap copies, there is a risk of running into a fake.

Connecting the water pressure switch

The water pressure switch for the pump is connected immediately to two systems: to electricity and plumbing. It is installed permanently, since there is no need to move the device.

Electrical part

To connect a pressure switch, a dedicated line is not required, but desirable - there are more chances that the device will work longer. A cable with a solid copper core with a cross section of at least 2.5 square meters should go from the shield. mm. It is desirable to install a bunch of automatic + RCD or difavtomat. The parameters are selected according to the current and depend more on the characteristics of the pump, since the water pressure switch consumes very little current. The circuit must have grounding - the combination of water and electricity creates a zone of increased danger.

Scheme of connecting the water pressure switch to

Cables are brought into special inputs on the back side of the case. There is a terminal block under the cover. It has three pairs of contacts:

  • grounding - the corresponding conductors coming from the shield and from the pump are connected;
  • terminals line or "line" - for connecting the phase and neutral wires from the shield;
  • terminals for similar wires from the pump (usually on the block located above).

The connection is standard - the conductors are stripped of insulation, inserted into the connector, tightened with a clamping bolt. Pulling on the conductor, check whether it is securely clamped. After 30-60 minutes, the bolts can be tightened, since copper - soft material and contact may be weakened.

Pipe connection

There is different ways connecting a water pressure switch to the plumbing system. Most convenient option- installation of a special adapter with all the required outlets - a five-pin fitting. The same system can be assembled from other fittings, just ready-made version always use flatter.

It is screwed onto a pipe on the back of the case, a hydraulic accumulator is connected to the other outlets, a supply hose from the pump and a line that goes into the house. You can also install a mud sump and a pressure gauge.

A pressure gauge is a necessary thing - to control the pressure in the system, to monitor the settings of the relay. Mud collector is also a necessary device, but it can be installed separately on the pipeline from the pump. There, in general, a whole is desirable

With this scheme, at a high flow rate, water is supplied directly to the system - bypassing the accumulator. It begins to fill up after all the taps in the house are closed.

Water pressure switch adjustment

Consider the process of adjusting the most popular instance - RDM-5. It is produced by different factories. Adjustment limits vary, as different sizes of water pipes require different pressures. This device leaves the factory with a basic setting. Usually it is 1.4-1.5 atm - the lower threshold and 2.8-2.9 atm - the upper threshold. If some parameter does not suit you, you can reconfigure it as required. Such a procedure is usually necessary when installing a hot tub: a standard pressure of 2.5-2.9 atm is not enough for the desired effect. In most other cases, reconfiguration is not required.

The RDM-5 water pressure switch has two springs that regulate the pump off / on threshold. These springs differ in size and purpose:

  • large regulates the limits (immediately upper and lower);
  • a small one changes the delta - the gap between the upper and lower borders.

The parameters are changed when tightening or loosening the nuts on the springs. If you tighten the nuts, the pressure increases, if you loosen it, it drops. There is no need to turn the nuts strongly one turn - this is a change of about 0.6-0.8 atm, and this is usually a lot.

How to determine relay thresholds

The threshold for turning on the pump (and the lower pressure threshold on the water pressure switch) are related to the pressure in the air part of the accumulator - the minimum pressure in the system should be 0.1-0.2 atm higher. For example, if the pressure in the tank is 1.4 atm, the shutdown threshold is 1.6 atm. With these parameters, the tank membrane will last longer. But in order for the pump to work under normal conditions, look at its characteristics. It also has a lower pressure threshold. So, it should not be higher than the selected value (below or equal). Based on these three parameters, you select the switching threshold.

By the way, the pressure in the accumulator must be checked before setting - there are significant deviations from the declared parameters. Under the removable cover (in different models looks and is located in different places) the nipple is hidden. Through it, you can connect a pressure gauge (you can use a car or the one you have) and see the actual pressure. By the way, it can be adjusted through the same nipple - increase or decrease if necessary.

The upper threshold - pump shutdown - is set automatically during adjustment. The relay in the initial state is set to some kind of pressure difference (delta). This difference is usually 1.4-1.6 atm. So if you set the inclusion, for example, to 1.6 atm, the shutdown threshold will be automatically set to 3.0-3.2 atm (depending on the relay settings). If you need more high pressure(raise water to the second floor, for example, or the system has many draw-off points), you can increase the shutdown threshold. But there are limitations:

  • The parameters of the relay itself. The upper limit is fixed and in household models usually does not exceed 4 atm. It just won't work anymore.
  • The upper limit of the pump pressure. This parameter is also fixed and the pump must be turned off at least 0.2-0.4 atm before the declared characteristic. For example, the upper pressure threshold of the pump is 3.8 atm, the shutdown threshold on the water pressure switch should not be higher than 3.6 atm. But in order for the pump to work for a long time and without overloads, it is better to make a larger difference - overloads have a too bad effect on the life.

That's all for choosing the settings of the water pressure switch. In practice, when setting up the system, you have to adjust the selected parameters in one direction or another, because you need to choose everything so that all draw-off points work normally, including household appliances. Therefore, it is often said that the parameters are chosen by the “scientific poke” method.

Setting the water pressure switch for a pump or pumping station

To set up the system, you will need a reliable pressure gauge, the readings of which can be trusted. It is connected to the system near the pressure switch.

The adjustment process consists in twisting two springs: large and small. If you need to raise or lower the lower threshold (turn on the pump), turn the nut on the large spring. If you turn it clockwise, the pressure rises, counter-clockwise - it falls. Turn by a very small value - half a turn or so.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • The system is started, the pressure gauge monitors at what pressure the pump turned on and turned off.
  • Press or release the large spring.
  • They turn on and check the parameters (at what pressure it turned on, at what pressure it turned off). Both values ​​are shifted by the same amount.
  • If necessary, make adjustments (adjust the large spring again).
  • After the lower threshold is set as you want to see it, proceed to adjust the pump shutdown threshold. To do this, press or lower a small spring. Do not turn the nut on it too much - half a turn is usually enough.
  • Turn the system back on and look at the results. If everything suits, they stop there.

What else do you need to know about adjusting the water pressure switch? That not all models have the ability to change the delta, so look carefully when buying. There is a pressure switch for the pump in a moisture- and dust-proof housing. They can be placed in a pit, some models can be installed directly on the pump housing if it has such an outlet.

In some water pressure switches there is also an idle (dry) run relay, in general this device is in a separate case, but there are also combined ones. Defence from idle move it is necessary that the pump does not break if suddenly there is no water in the well or well. Some pumps have built-in protection of this type, for others they buy and install relays separately.

To find out which is stronger - a water hose, pipes or a pump, you can assemble a water supply system without a pressure switch. In all other cases, when water is supplied to the house, a device is built into the system that replaces the manual switching on and off of the supply voltage of the deep pump.

It is impossible to imagine an individual water supply at home without a relay that allows you to automatically turn off the pump as the water supply system is filled with water and turn it on after the water is used up.

Fig.1 Design of the pressure switch

Structurally, a standard pressure switch for pump control is as follows. Housed in a plastic case terminal blocks for connecting the power cable and a mechanical device control system with adjusting spring struts, outside there is a branch pipe with a diameter of 4 inches for connection to the water main. The supply cable enters and leaves the pressure switch through two wide inlets, the wires are clamped with a nut with a plastic ferrule.

Normally, the contacts are normally closed and the connected device powers the pump motor. With an increase in pressure in the system, water acts on a rubber membrane with a piston installed at the inlet of the water pipe of the device. In turn, the membrane piston presses on a movable metal platform hinged inside the device body at one point. The platform plate rises and opens the electrical contacts; when the pressure drops, it returns to its original state, closing the contacts.

A screw with a spring and a nut is installed in the center of the device, which sets the distance of the contact plate to the membrane piston - if it is smaller, the device operates at a lower pressure, an increased distance will require more movement of the piston with the membrane to act on the contact pad, which is equivalent to increasing the pressure in the system.

At some distance from the main adjusting screw, a second adjusting screw with a smaller spring is placed. It sets the range of movement of the contact metal pad, setting the difference between the pressure that turns the contacts on and off. Thus, a large adjusting screw sets the lower threshold for the device to operate (pressure to turn it on), a small one controls the range of the device to turn off (adjustment depth).

Rice. 2 Wiring diagram

Relay adjustment

Upon purchase, the relay is set to a specific switching mode, the standard values ​​​​are 1.4 and 2.8 atm., That is, at 2.8 atm. the pump will be turned off and turned on if the pressure is less than 1.4 atm. Usually, when installing a device into the system, it is necessary to select the response threshold - for this you need to know what pressure the pump gives in the well.

If the pressure well pump 2 atm., and the standard value of 2.8 atm remains in the relay, then the pump will never turn off (it physically cannot create a pressure that reaches the response threshold) and after intensive work will go to eternal rest. A less tragic situation is when the pump can deliver a pressure of 5 atm., And the relay turns it off at 2.8 atm. In this case, the system does not work efficiently and it is desirable to install a device corresponding to the pressure of the well water pump.

For measurements when adjusting the relay, a pressure gauge is required, the work consists of the following steps.

  • Water begins to be drained from the system, and the pump turn-on pressure is recorded on the pressure gauge.
  • The valves are closed and the pressure gauge readings are recorded at which the pump is turned off.
  • Adjust the device with a large screw, periodically turning the water on and off until you get desired value lower pressure.
  • Then they proceed to adjust the range that sets the upper pressure with a small screw. Water is also periodically turned on and off until the required value is obtained.

Connecting the pressure switch to the water supply system

When installing the relay in the water intake system, the following rules must be observed.

Rice. 3 Scheme for connecting a submersible pump to a hydraulic accumulator
  • The hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems and the connection point of the device to the water supply are located nearby - this will avoid pump switching during sudden short-term pressure surges.
  • When installing, consider temperature regime- some models function only in warm conditions.
  • To simplify installation in modern surface-type pumps, a fitting is installed to which a relay and pressure gauge can be directly connected.

Connecting the pressure switch to submersible pump can be done in two ways:

  1. The device is connected to water pipes through a tee by means of an adapter.
  2. Before connecting the accumulator to the submersible pump, a five-outlet fitting is connected to it, the connected devices (hydroaccumulator, pressure gauge, relay) and the water main are connected at one point.

Overview of popular models

There are two types of pressure switches: mechanical and electronic, the latter are much more expensive and rarely used. The market offers a wide range of devices from domestic and foreign manufacturer facilitating the choice of the required model.

RDM-5 Dzhileks (15 USD) is the most popular high-quality model from a domestic manufacturer.

Fig.4 RDM-5


  • range: 1.0 - 4.6 atm.;
  • minimum difference: 1 atm.;
  • operating current: maximum 10 A.;
  • protection class: IP 44;
  • factory settings: 1.4 atm. and 2.8 atm.

Genebre 3781 1/4″ ($10) - budget model Spanish production.

Rice. 5 Genebre 3781 1/4″


  • case material: plastic;
  • pressure: top 10 atm.;
  • connection: threaded 1.4 inches;
  • weight: 0.4 kg.

Italtecnica PM/5-3W ($13) - inexpensive device Italian manufacturer with built-in pressure gauge.

Rice. 6 Italtecnica PM/5-3W


  • maximum current: 12A;
  • working pressure: maximum 5 atm.;
  • lower: adjustment range 1 - 2.5 atm.;
  • upper: range 1.8 - 4.5 atm.

Pressure switch - essential element in the water intake system, providing automatic individual water supply to the house. It is located next to the accumulator, the operating mode is set by means of adjusting screws inside the housing.

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