REHAU Estet - high quality and durable plastic windows. REHAU Estet - high-quality and durable plastic windows Collection and use of personal information

Concern REHAU releases profile systems for windows of various price categories:

  • Blitz, Grazio, Estet - budget;
  • Intelio, Delight - luxury class;
  • Brillant, Geneo - exclusive.

The budget profiles "Blitz", "Estet", "Grazio" of the German brand are in no way inferior in quality to the exclusive "Geneo" and "Brillant". Products of different series differ, first of all, by their operational properties and the range of tasks to be solved.


  • Grazio- budget series with elegant design and high thermal insulation. With a minimum plastic width of 104 mm, the profile allows maximum light to pass through. Suitable for glazing in areas with harsh climates.
  • Estet- 3-chamber profile with unique sashes, which were previously only installed on premium windows. A system with increased burglary protection and heat and sound insulation.
  • Blitz- budget profile for reliable glazing with no frills. The scope of delivery includes a profile frame with a glossy surface, a single-chamber glass unit, basic fittings and a rubber seal.
  • Intelio- legendary "quiet" 6-chamber windows from REHAU, blocking cold and sound from the street and letting in maximum light. Provides for the installation of double-glazed windows up to 52 mm thick. For tightness, they are equipped with a 2-circuit seal and convection stops.
  • Delight- energy-saving profile with 5 chambers, reinforced with reinforcement. Decorated with an elegant glazing bead.
  • Brillant- warm five-chamber profile with increased burglary protection. Lightweight, durable, suitable for creation window systems any size.
  • Geneo- the most reliable mass-reinforced profile made using the innovative RAU-FIPRO ® material. Lighter than analogues by 40%.
Profile Thickness (mm) / Number of chambers Thermal conductivity (m2 * ° C / W) Options Sound insulation class
Blitz 60/3 0,7 Drainage 4
Grazio 70/5 0,85 Double sealing rubber with 6/8 mm overlap 4
Estet 60/3 0,64 Installation of reinforced locking fittings is possible 4
Intelio 86/6 0,95 Convection limiter, perfectly flat surface 4
Delight 70/5 0,8 Drainage system, 2-contour seal 4
Brillant 70/5 0,79 Drainage system, double-circuit seal, innovative design, burglar-proof 4
Geneo 86/6 1,05 Condensate drain, mirror surface, double sealing circuit 4


A characteristic feature of all REHAU systems is a perfectly smooth surface. It can be matte or glossy. Somewhat angular - in the Blitz series, with soft lines - in Brillant, mirror - in Geneo. Delight profile recognizable by the rounded frame corners. The filling of any model is not limited in design - it can be stained glass, tinted, colored, with lamination for wood, metal. The plastic is painted white or any other tone, including wood-like.

Profile selection

Blitz - inexpensive solution for glazing of office, retail, industrial and residential buildings. Designed for use in mild climates. This is a laconic solid profile that harmoniously fits into the exterior of multi-storey buildings.

"Brillant" is an exclusive system that retains heat as much as possible and reliably protects the opening from burglary. Maintains functionality in all climatic conditions.

Delight is a luxury profile system for aesthetes. Its frame can be designed individually, for a specific interior.

Geneo is the solution for the discerning homeowner. The plastic of this series is unprecedentedly light thanks to innovative material and can be installed on demanding bases.

A premium German brand on the Russian market since 1995. With us you get real German quality from a company with a 48-year history all over the world.

  • ALL profile systems of the highest class "A"
  • ALL are frost-resistant and marked with the letter "M"
  • ALL have a maximum 4-sided steel reinforcement
  • Uniform quality standard regardless of the country of production

The more air chambers, the less air exchange and, accordingly, the higher the thermal insulation.

The wider the profile and the greater the installation depth, the higher the thermal insulation.

Profiles ONLY of the highest class "A"

According to the thickness of the inner walls, ALL our profiles are upper class"A" - the thickness of their front wall is not less than 3 mm.

  • class "A": front wall not less than 3.0 mm
  • class "B": front wall not less than 2.5 mm
  • class "C": wall thickness is not standardized

Please note that 80-90% of the Russian market is “B” and “C” classes and only 10-20% of “A” class profiles. At the same time in our assortment there are ONLY A-class profiles.

In principle, we DO NOT use profile systems of classes "B" and "C" (with a front wall width less than 3.0 mm).

ONLY frost-resistant profiles

According to GOST 30673-99 "PVC profiles for window and door blocks" in terms of resistance to climatic influences, ALL our profiles are "frost-resistant" - for areas with an AVERAGE monthly air temperature in January BELOW minus 20 ° С.

GOST standards for different classes:

  • normal version "H": average temperature in January - minus 20 ° С and above
  • frost-resistant version "M": the average temperature in January is lower than minus 20 ° С

Our range includes ONLY frost-resistant profile systems, marked with the letter "M".

Heat transfer resistance (thermal resistance) is the main coefficient of thermal insulation. It is determined by the ratio of the temperature difference between the outside and inside the room to the heat flux passing through the window. The higher the number, the better the insulation performance.

Evolutionary glass units SmartGlass 2.0

Our multifunctional double-glazed windows work for you both in winter and in summer. In winter, the deposition of silver particles saves up to 90% of thermal energy heating appliances, and in the summer, a double-glazed window reflects 25% more solar heat than conventional plastic windows.

  • 42% more HEAT in winter (energy saving properties)
  • 25% less HEAT in summer (sun protection)

All our insulating glass units contain special energy efficient glass. We DO NOT use conventional glasses, even in the most basic configurations.

Climate control systems AirDrive I, II and III

Optimal ventilation mechanisms are built into the windows - the sashes open slightly by 1-5 mm, depending on the selected mode. These are NOT external devices (combs or valves), namely BUILT-IN hardware ventilation.

Three options:

  • AirDrive I: slot ventilation (1 mode)
  • AirDrive II: discrete multi-stage ventilation (3 modes)
  • AirDrive III: discrete multi-stage ventilation (5 modes)

We try not to put combs because of their appearance(only at your request). In principle, we do not use valves due to the fact that they violate the integrity of the window, reduce its tightness and strength (since the profile and its reinforcement are drilled through).

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Your privacy is important to us. For this reason, we have developed a Privacy Policy that describes how we use and store your information. Please read our privacy policy and let us know if you have any questions.

Collection and use of personal information

Personal information refers to data that can be used to identify a specific person or contact him.

You may be asked to provide your personal information at any time when you contact us.

Below are some examples of the types of personal information we may collect and how we may use such information.

What personal information we collect:

  • When you leave a request on the site, we may collect various information, including your name, phone number, email address, etc.

How we use your personal information:

  • The personal information we collect allows us to contact you and report unique offers, promotions and other events and upcoming events.
  • From time to time, we may use your personal information to send important notifications and messages.
  • We may also use personal information for internal purposes, such as conducting audits, data analysis and various research in order to improve the services we provide and provide you with recommendations regarding our services.
  • If you participate in a prize draw, competition, or similar promotional event, we may use the information you provide to administer such programs.

Disclosure of information to third parties

We do not disclose information received from you to third parties.


  • If it is necessary - in accordance with the law, court order, in court proceedings, and / or on the basis of public requests or requests from state authorities on the territory of the Russian Federation - to disclose your personal information. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that such disclosure is necessary or appropriate for security, law enforcement, or other socially important reasons.
  • In the event of a reorganization, merger or sale, we may transfer the personal information we collect to an appropriate third party - the legal successor.

Protection of personal information

We take precautions - including administrative, technical and physical - to protect your personal information from loss, theft, and abuse, as well as from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

Respect for your privacy at the company level

In order to make sure that your personal information is safe, we bring the rules of confidentiality and security to our employees, and strictly monitor the implementation of confidentiality measures.