Wangelius spells for money. Conspiracy of Vanga for money

Baba Wang. Her real name of Wangelia Pandeva Dimitrov, but everyone in Bulgaria knew her as "Baba Wang" or just Wanta. At first she lived in the end, but at the end of his life moved to the Bulgarian city of Petrich. In her life level a lot of questions, but the biggest mystery is associated with its blindness. According to one version in his youth, she kidnapped her a sudden hurricane, he raised her into the air and threw it on the ground. Her eyes fell asleep sand, and the vision has never returned to her.

Vanga, thanks to his great gift of prediction, famous worldwide, and even after his death, clairvoyant does not lose popularity

A little about Ne.

Father in Vangu was Bulgarian, mother - Macedonka. Born on October 3, 1911 in the Macedonian city of Strumic. Wosted by three years when mother died. After you blinded, my father sent it to school for the blind to Zimun. When she was seventeen years old, her stepmother died, and she returned home to take care of his brothers and sisters. Most of the life spent in the village rupts. It was her place where she had dragged the power, he was eating in energy and where he raised the prayers to God. The place where her gift of clairvoyance received recognition and fame. On August 11, 1996, he died in a hospital in Sofia, and her ability of clairvoyance had gained enormous popularity not only in Bulgaria, but also around the world. On the action of strong conspiracies and prayers, spoken by Wangi, are told by whole legends.

IN lately Her prophecies began to analyze and consider Western media.

Although there were already two decades, as she left this world, the disputes around her gift are not stopped. Her extraordinary abilities used in his work KGB, and since 1967 it consisted of serving Bulgarian intelligence as a clerk with a salary 200 levs per month.

Oddly enough, it sounds, but even the American military was afraid of her. Especially leaving the fact that the blinding clairvoyant can "see any document on the table of each leader in the United States". Through threats from this grandmother were seriously, they also planned the operation of its abduction.

Baba Wang predicted

Interesting is that Vanga could predict upcoming events. The list of her predictions belonging to the modern world is impressive. Researchers argue that all its prophecies come true by 85%.

  1. Hitler's arrival to power.
  2. The beginning of the Second World War.
  3. The collapse of the Soviet Union.
  4. Choosing a black president in the USA.
  5. The death of the submarine Kursk.
  6. Attack on the World Trade Center in New York.

The Bulgarian also had a lot of prophecies for the future. At the beginning of the nineties, he spoke about the "Muslim War in Europe". This warning is particularly relevant in our time. The threat of warriors of Allah, who penetrated into Europe as refugees, is visible for every sensible human beingsAnd their scope is still growing.

Currently, many are skeptical about Vanga predictions, others find more and more confirmations of the truthfulness of her words.

Prophecy for the future

The following prophecy is the seizure of Europe of Muslims and the introduction of caliphate in 2043. In her opinion, against Europeans will use weapons of mass destruction. Shortly after that, Europe will completely empty.

  1. Search alternative sources Energy on Venus (2028 g).
  2. Creating an artificial sun.
  3. Immortality of mankind.
  4. Life of people in space.
  5. Communication with representatives of other planets.
  6. Life in complete harmony and the state of direct communication with God.

Immortality is a very tempting prospect, but the predictions seem implausible, since its previous forecasts regarding the future land are greatly exaggerated. It is also necessary to remember that Baba Vanga is 15% mistakes. In 2010, she predicted the third world Warwhich will last four years. Prayers and conspiracies of Vangu, its advice are effective and not very help people overcome depression, improve health, find a job.

Bulgarian clarifier, the propheted, which is valued and respected all over the world, sought to live in harmony with the world and nature, respect its laws. Vanga said that the path to happiness and health lies through the restoration of spiritual harmony. Vangi's practical advice in the modern world are popular and relevant, because they have repeatedly proved their believability, reliability and efficiency. The propheted says that her tips are effective and help people with pure soul and bright thoughts.

Use every day

Vanga helped all people who came to her for advice: helped achieve success, acquire work. Her prayers attracted happiness and good luck, helped earn money and achieve success. Her simple tips helped change life for the better.

For men and women:

  • In order to protect your home from various negative effects and unreasonable guests on the door you need to hang the cross, and over it is a branch of elder. You can put the horseshoe before the threshold, it will attract good luck, money and prosperity. All the keys hosted nearby will increase its strength.
  • In order for you on this day, luck and success, in the morning you need to get up from bed and put the first right leg on the floor, and then left. It is also important before putting the slippers, put them together, alongside.
  • So that you always had money and there were no problems with their shortage, we carry a piece of green or turquoise quartz in the wallet. Do not leave a knife in bread, as it will lead to loss of money and poverty.
  • If you want to change your life for the better, find a new job, attract success, health, money, prosperity, you need to rearrange the furniture in the house.
  • With the occurrence of the failure period, it is necessary to take the salt and draw horizontal stripes on each windowsill. Salt absorbs negative energy and takes all problems. When negative phenomena in life and problems at work are preserved, it is necessary to assemble the salt on the newspaper sheet and throw it out of the window, the courtyard.
  • Who is interested in preserving the figure or wants to lose weight, he needs once a week there are boiled grains of wheat, drinking them boiled water. This will help clean the body from toxins.
  • When cooking, do not swear, do not shout and not even think about the bad. The healer said that food absorbs all the negative energy and besides harm, it would not bring anything to the organism, but only illness and problems.
  • Many people are interested in Vangu's advice on health, as she had the ability to heal from various diseases. Vanga appreciated the summer time most. At this time, you can walk barefoot and get energy from the ground that helps maintain a healthy mind in the body.
  • People should not take drugs, as they block and overlap the access of positive energy and the "entrance" of the useful substances into the body.
  • If in the room where the patient was located or dead manMirror hung, we must wipe it with holy water, as its surface absorbs the whole negative, which will adversely affect other family members and guests.
  • It is impossible to leave on the table a pieces of inspired bread, because together with them a person loses strength and health. Related bread can not be thrown into the trash can, will correctly give it to birds and animals.
  • For a peaceful atmosphere, tranquility and silence in the house, you should not forget to feed the brownie - the invisible and unlawful owner of the homely hearth. Each domain should have their own bowl in which to pour a bit of warm fresh honey and put it near the furnace or in the corner near the battery. In the morning, pour honey away and in no case there is.

If you follow this simple, but strong in your own value advice, you will see how your life has changed in best side.

Conspiracy on wealth

The ritual ensures the attraction of money with a young moon. It is worth only to perform a spell and hold a rite that will attract money to the house.

Not found in the light of a person who would not want to become rich, have a lot of money and be independent

  1. At noon ( best time For a conspiracy to attract money) on the table. Put two light green candles and burn them burn.
  2. Put a small bowl and a teaspoon, as well as take three small coins of a small nominal.
  3. Into the bowl pour a teaspoon muscat walnut And the same cinnamon.
  4. Mix the ingredients and constantly think about the amount of money that you would like to have. But not too greed, because it can get a notorious figure, as in a fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish.
  5. Think about the number of money without ceasing. Take three coins in your hands and throw up one eagle and two rivers fall. After that, put coins together with spices. Place in the old wallet and say the spell:

    "Powder that helps me to attract money, let it be. I went so much happiness as I need. "

  6. Place the wallet with the content in the place where you keep financial documents, accounts, discharge from bank deposits. Do not throw a wallet.

After some time at work you will be raised in the post and will increase wagesThe cases will be applied, you will be expected successful and prosperity.

Raspberry plot

It is for new work. Think about your career and use summer gifts to make a special raspberry ritual. This will help get a promotion or find a new job.

In rustic magic is considered - red raspberry in the garden protects the house from bad eye

  1. Regardless of whether the unemployed you, employee, working or want to change the employers, is a spell effectively for all.
  2. Find a piece of bark in the park or forest (you do not need to take from the growing tree, just to find the one who fell off) and bring it home. Remember the place where they found it.
  3. Type to Malina bowl. Some ripe berries Raspberries in the smooth part of the bark so that the wood acquires red.
  4. Take a handle with black ink and write the name of the company and work about which you dream. Nearby Write your name.
  5. Skip a piece of bark under the tree, next to which you found it.
  6. The rest of the raspberry eat, thinking about new work And repeating the words:

    "Let my career matures like raspberries."

  7. Conspiracy Pronounce on Wednesday, because this day, is under the auspices of Mercury, which favorably refers to professional problems and helps to achieve success.

Conspiracy on economy

Water symbolizes money flow magic. Therefore, make sure that all cranes are closed, and water is not waste.

  1. Buy a red ribbon and tie it to the flow of pipes. Tie eight knots. This symbolically stops the outflow of money from the house, and the red color attracts success and wealth.
  2. All your expenses are recorded in a notebook with a red cover.
  3. Sent home Basil and money tree. Pots should be red. Put them in the left corner of the longest door of your home.
  4. On the table, put and burn four light blue candles as a sign of stability. Take a gold or yellow tape and tie her cross on the cross (like a box with gifts) on money, credit cards and other securities you want to save.
  5. Say the spell:

    "Let my money multiplied, cling to me and multiply."

  6. Do not remove the bow with money. When you take out the banknote or credit card under the influence of the moment, the bow will remind you of the ritual.


Wang's spells act if a person believes in their power. Therefore, the soul mood is important. Think about your desire, we lose it, and it will come true. You should also know what the money came after the fulfillment of the ritual to you should spend only for good things, which will help members of your family and other people.

Not necessarily deliberately kill yourself in order to achieve any financial independence - it is enough to use a good conspiracy

  1. Consecrate the driver in the temple.
  2. The next day, with the sunrise, spend the ritual.
  3. Before holding food and drink it is impossible (you need to follow).
  4. Place a glass with holy water and a plate with a piece of black bread. Say words:

    "If the Lord was able to feed all hungry bread, he will help my family. I wish you nothing to need, and that in the house there was always food, and reigned well-being. Show me to wealth the way, and I promise that I will spend money with the mind. "

  5. Repeat the prayer three times without a break.
  6. Drink water from the jar, and the bread distribute all family members.
  7. Do not tell anyone (even the most native), why and why you need to eat this piece of bread or drink water so that the plot does not turn into the other side.

Conspiracy for luck

The most effective and efficient are the conspiracy of Vanga at the entrance door. After all, it is through her in her house various people enter, and with them not only positive and positive energy, but also negatively charged, negative, provoking, failures, quarrels. Over doorways, people broadcast chambers that protect the dwelling, pronounce spells. Conspiracy from Vanga Strong, protect housing from the unclean strength and evil spirit, and not only from failures, but also give strength, confidence in their abilities will make you a real luckycloth, but provided that you believe in the ritual, its strength and Cut it right.

In the life of everyone a lot sophisticated situations. Sometimes not enough elementary good luck to get out of them the winner

  1. It is necessary to conduct a ritual in the phase of the decreasing moon.
  2. Put on the shelf in the hallway a glass with holy water.
  3. Become B. doorway And Tikhonechko so that none of those living with you does not hear, say the words three times:

    "How many people enter my door, so much will be good luck in my life. Let be bad person Login will not be able, only health and wealth will visit my home and will remain forever. Amen".

  4. Moisten your fingers in holy water and cross the front door three times. Splash on the threshold of holy water.

After the ritual spent correctly, only a positive can be penetrated into your home through the entrance door, and misfortune and disappointment will cost your threshold side.

Prayer for money and for good luck

Vanga possessed a strong energy, many of her conspiracies and prayers served and still serve people, helping them to gain health and happiness, as well as material wealth. Prayer Vanga fits all, and no matter what religion he professes how holy worship. Before reading it, you need to tune in to my desire, that you want so that I asked the soul, every cell wanted to fulfill him. And if you read the prayer with such a spiritual setting, good luck will be on your side, you will get everything you want.

Reading the prayer from the leaf, it will not be at all that effect, so you will learn it by heart and, read, turn your face to the east. It is necessary to get up early in the morning to meet the sunrise along with the gar.

  1. Take a glass with water.
  2. Keep it in front of yourself.
  3. Three times read the prayer "Light Angel".
  4. Relax, bow all four sides.
  5. Take water procedures.

"Light angel looking at us from heaven. I bow before your cleanliness and appeal to you with a request. Help me earn money and succeed, not for evil intent, but in order for my life to flow calmly and measured, was secured and quiet. Bright angel, your help is important for me as well as the sun for a clear day, my destinies depends on your help. For the sake of all saint, I went good luck, in front of me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

Using prayer, think only about good and good, about those good deeds that you can make, getting weakness and money. Let good and warm words fill out your soul, and prayer comes from a pure heart.

Do not forget about prayer and take a ritual every morning, going to the balcony or in the garden if you live in a private house. It doesn't matter which side and where money and well-being come from and where they will have, but they will definitely, not every other day, not in two, and maybe a few weeks or months. Do not worry, Vanga's prayer is strong, and is programmed to a positive result and success.

Prayer for good luck

So that you do not leave you or having made your presence, it is necessary:

  1. Wait for the full moon.
  2. Wake up at sunrise along with the sunrise.
  3. To wash the current water and pronounce words on the vessel with water:

    "Driver-driver, my sister. You flowed in the mountains, underground paths, dark forests, wide fieldswhere lowlands and meadows, steep shores, pebbles and sands, mother-earth and clean heaven. Zori did you meet, the nights accompanied, I was wash myself, the sun was rubbed, the white was cleaned with white. Clean and me, water, dirt and sulfur, soul, oho, fill with cleanliness. So that my matters were chicted, the light glowed, the good was full, folded, aroused, were filled with good luck. Amen".

  4. Drink to the water to the temer.
  5. Wash the water from the vessel and wait until it dries on your face.
  6. Save in secret rite that you have done, from all so that good luck does not turn away from you in the opposite direction.
  7. Repeat each full moon.

Prayer protecting failures

So that evil and dark forces could not be offended and did not make an evil, it is necessary to enlist the support of their guardian angel, the appeals to which and prayers will protect and protect from misfortune and any trouble. If your life path is smooth and smooth, it will not be bumps on it, there will be a strong health and family, there will be prosperity, peace and peace, wealth and well-being.

Vanga did not hide from anyone and shared with all people with prayers and conspiracies, her soul was bright and clean, and that everyone could protect him from evil, she advised:

  1. Take to take glass jar and fill it with water.
  2. Put all night to the windowsill.
  3. At dawn, take the jar in your hands and go to the balcony or on the street.
  4. Cross in yourself, cross the water in the bank.
  5. Keep the jar in your hands, look at the sky and quietly read "Our Father".
  6. And now let's read the prayer to your angel from failures:

    "My holy angel, body keeper and soul! An abroad is autumn, in prayer clean to you appeal. I pray you about repentance: Forgive my sins, perfect in ignorant and delusion. The angel is light, do not leave me for a minute of good, no per minute, stand always with me on all my ways and paths. Aim me on the path of the righteous, god pleading, evil from me driven out, and I attract good luck. I have been protected from me to protect and happiness, so that I glorified in the affairs of my name of the God of the Most High, helped my neighbors from the soul. The will of God all approve, the life of the righteous teaching me. Amen."

  7. Make a few sips from the bank. The remaining water with a twig of the Christmas tree, parsley or a clean drawing tassel, sprinkle the house starting from the entrance door.
  8. Go out for the threshold of the house, pour a part of the driver in front of your legs, and the rest splash in front of yourself so that the silent water sanctifies your way.

Prayer to his angel will protect you from "bad eye", will attract good luck to you, will protect from evil intent and your health will be preserved.

Prayers reflect all human needs, aspirations and desire to save the soul

Prayer for the help of saints

The prayer is strong and if the ritual is correct, it will contribute to luck in work, luck in life will help attract money, health, good luck, and all your life path will be filled with joy and love of loved ones. Before proceeding with prayer, it is necessary:

  1. For three days to fast (refuse meat and dairy products). In the diet there should be only fruits, vegetables and consecrated water or frostbed ice.
  2. Refuse alcohol, cigarettes and coffee. Clean your thoughts from the bad, send them to good affairs and thoughts. Read any prayers to the Lord.
  3. Go to church. Standing on the threshold, before leaving the apartment, read the prayer:

    "God's rates, holy patrons! About protection and assistance I ask you humbly. Bring your holy prayers to Jesus Christ about me, a slave sinful Ivan (or your name). Stay with him repentance in my sins, the share of the good and happiness of the earth. According to your prayers I will get the lot of my share, protection against sorrows and diseases. Let my heart fill with the Heavenly love, and the soul with joy. My feet will go through the righteous people, and will lead to the paradise abode of the father of my heavenly. Do not remove the humble request of mine in the name of our Lord and the Savior. Amen"

  4. Do not join the door to the temple in conversations, better wrap. Before entering the church, read the prayer again.
  5. Buy seven candles and put to any icons.
  6. Read any prayer known to you or just contact God and ask him mercy and protection, love and prosperity for yourself, your relatives and loved ones, for friends.
  7. Upon returning home again, read the prayer for the help of saints and continue post until the end of the day.

Tips Vanga constantly helped not only its neighbors and close, but also many other people from around the world. Most of them have real scientific justifications and concern, first of all, the banal everyday wisdom, which our ancestors had. However, some of its recommendations are completely non-obvious and can become an interesting addition, capable of changing your life and satisfaction with it.

In the article:

One of VANGA Soviets for every day is to learn to follow the schedule, relaxing correctly. She warned people from late departure to sleep and waking up. According to Bulgarian propheted, a person must go to bed no later than 22:00, but to get up at dawn. Wake-up at night should be avoided, because the day was created for work, and the night - for rest.

Think before talking about something. All words are material, never express anything you would like. With the help of words, you can call trouble, but you can attract happiness, if you know how to do it.

Another useful advice from Vangi - Teach children to work. People who do not work, give a bad example with their descendants. From the past years you have to deal with them to work, develop craving for work. Children who do not live on all ready, never throw parents in old age.

Move more, engage in mental and physical labor. If there is only a rest in a person, it leads to diseases that destroys the soul and body. Instead of calling the wizard for repair, try to cope on your own. Prepare a delicious dinner instead of a hike in a restaurant. Make a gift with your own hands instead of buying - options mass.

In any situation, stay people and do not disgrace a kind. You can not lie, steal and kill. Do not consider yourself above someone, only God knows who and how much is above. He will be able to listen to other people, respect them and take attention to the interlocutor. Do not hurry to judge a person until you understand the situation entirely and not decide how it would be on his place.

The day you need to start with a smile, only then he will bring joy. Resentment, fear and anger lead to diseases, avoid them, and you can maintain good health to old age. Make every day a good deal, at least one thing, for which you would have enough time. In old age, you remember these things and realize that life was not in vain. Vanga said a lot about the inadmissibility of revenge and life in evil, even the last words of the predictor were devoted to this.

Do not waste time in vain. If you wish to have time to entertain, learn to manage your time, and only then it will appear. If you have fun instead of doing things, the time will not add from this.

Another advice of Vanga for good luck and money is to maintain the body clean. Dirt is the cause of diseases, as well as shame for a person. God's creation is always clean and beautiful, and the dirt eats him. The souls wash off all the experiences, poor mood and negative energy. It is better to do it before bedtime. If in the evening you do not have the opportunity to take a shower, wash at least the legs to get rid of fatigue and everything that has accumulated per day. But you do not need to wash too hot waterWater for washing should be natural for human temperature.

If you are given great abilities and opportunities, God will ask you more than with those whom it got less. Only persistence and productivity can justify the expectations of the Most High, which it imposes on you. Develop and achieve your goals by directing this effort to this.

In order for the enemies, the evil eye and damage, as well as other troubles, you can make a simple charm. For this thumb entrance door from inner At home you need to hang the cross from the bins of the elder.

You can not swear during cooking and dying in a bad mood. Negative energy It takes into food and will lead to diseases, failures and other poor consequences.

If in a room in which someone has a long sick or died, there is a mirror, it first hung at the time of the funeral, and then wipe with holy water. Mirrors have a memory, and those who were near unpleasant events can negatively affect the lives of people who will enjoy them.

The main advice of Vangu for every woman who happened to come to the provincial for help was in conclusion to the main purpose for a woman. Vanga believed that the main thing was the birth of children and their upbringing. This is how a woman should devote his life. According to the famous appearance, without the desire to start the children of love can not be.

Vangang was famous for a sharp attitude towards people who should have helped, but could not boast the presence of sympathy. Providian never refused to help, but could not shine on a person who comes in her opinion is wrong. Vanga's adopted daughter remembered a woman who was going to go to the lover, and then got sick. The appearance shielded to her and said she returned to the family to her husband and children.

True, Whether to follow the advice of Vanga regarding childbirth, family and love - that another question. From it is known that her husband died due to alcoholism, and the children in the family clairvoyant were receiving. In addition, now is not the Middle Ages, and you can find a lot of interesting activities, except for solving household difficulties and raising children.

Among everything that remains from the great predictor, Vangu tips are relevant in order to marry. Women who did not have to find or attract the lover, she advised to keep houses rounded stones and shells. Gemstones and minerals also become assistants in gaining family happinessIf they are smooth to the touch. It is best to bring stones and sinks from vacation. You can only take them as a gift from loved ones in which you are confident.

Stones and shells keep in themselves the power of the Earth, which is needed to continue the kind, and this becomes impossible without a relationship and marriage. Therefore, such items attract love, give happiness in marriage and promise the birth of healthy children. In order for it to work, the objects need to admire it more often. It is better to even highlight the shelf specifically for stones and seashells. If there is an opportunity to store them on the windowsill, let the lunar light be more often on them.

The attractiveness of a woman depends on its female strength. It can give a comb from natural material - horns, bones, stone or wood. A woman who uses such a ridge will not remain lonely. Keep the comb is needed above the bed, hanging it on flax thread. Every evening, before bedtime, it is necessary to comb comb. The ridge will help and from poor well-being in critical days, and marry leave.

Each woman should have a cover or handkerchief. He is not given a man, especially if this is a husband - to quarrels in the family and treason. It needs to be made independently from a cut sliced \u200b\u200bof a bang or red tissue - these are the colors of the Virgin, with the cover of which and identified Vanga bedspread or a female handkerchief. It can be a drawing - flowers or birds. But there should be no black thread on cover. The edges are bright, you can decorate the handkerchief with a fringe, braid and other decorative elements.

In the handkerchief, wrap the icon Virginia And keep among personal items, but not where underwear is underwear. Icons and candles are put on the handkerchief, read prayers in front of them family life, prayers to the Virgin, communicate with the cover in their own words. Cheerful Pokrov shares feminine power with his owner.

Consecrated church korger will help with family quarrels, if you drink a little together with my spouse. He is poured down to all people, whose relationships are spoiled. You can serve such wine enemies if you have to sit with them at one table, then they will not be able to harm you.

Tips Wangi, if you believe rumors are popular among the rich people of our country. Perhaps this is true, because some of the tips really has a practical meaning. Vanga was not only a prunerator, but also a wise woman.

Money, in her opinion, must be spent, not to save. Clairvoyant often said in life that we won't make wealth in the coffin. Money is not a goal, but a means of achieving goals. Avoid meaningless storage of money, spend them on new impressions and things you need. The one who sails money will not take advantage of them, will give another.

Actual - not to postpone affairs for tomorrow and not to be lazy. Life is severely punishable inactivity and encourages any movement. Troy on the way to your goal, but do it with the mind.

Nobody talks about the size of your salary. Do not answer questions about how much you earn, and even more so do not start a conversation about the amount of income. If you fail to get rid of obsessive questions, it is better to say a smaller amount. The point is not only in the possibility of the evil eye or human envy. Even simple curiosity can overlap cash flowAnd this problem will have to be addressed.

In order for a whole year in the wallet, money was found, you need to recalculate money on New Year's Eve. At the same time, the amount should be large and belong to you personally. You need it every year.

In order to make money in the house, store under the carpet in any room a little moss or algae. This is one of the most simple Soviets Vanga to attract money, because in our time there is algae in almost every refrigerator.

Many things can not be made at all. If you are going to give a wallet, put a bill in it or at least a coin. So you bring revenue near manBut you also will also start the money. Empty bags and suitcases can also be given for the same reason. Put something in them, even if you even have a free newspaper. Also come with dishes and any tanks, such as vases. The latter can be given together with flowers, dishes - with treats, etc. So you need to do and during the return of borrowed things.

The strongest conspiracies for money are made on gold and gems. In order to attract money, you can wear a small piece of turquoise or quartz in the wallet.

It is impossible to leave a knife in bread, it takes money from the one who did it.

Herbal teas are a source of forces that will help bring out the appearance and strengthen health. Explore trail literature, replace tea and coffee with useful herbal fees. Especially good teas from forest herbs and plants that grow in your climate. Bulgaria, according to healers, a blessed country in which many healthy herbs is growing. Bulgarian herbal fees may be useful for people who do not want to collect plants.

If there is such an opportunity, you need to replace all the medicines of herbs. Medicinal preparations cover the road of positive energy, which enters the body together with healing plants. There are diseases under which it is impossible to do without drugs, but the usual cold to cure very easy to cure vegetation. Herbs are useful not only in tea. You can rip the pillow with hop and natural hay, then it will be easier to fall asleep.

The main and most relevant from Vangu Soviets about is a gradual decrease in fat in the diet. It is impossible to overeat, too abundant nutrition harms the body, overloading the digestive organs. In addition, Wang knew that in the future the products would contain many chemistry, and this is another cause of restrictions in nutrition.

Meat is needed only to sick and weak people. If you are healthy, you should gradually refuse meat dishes. The same applies to dairy products and eggs. The basis of the diet of a healthy person should be vegetables, fruits, cereals, mushrooms, nuts and vegetable fats. This contributes not only strong health, but also to expand consciousness.

At least once a week you need to eat a boiled rye or wheat to protect yourself from diseases and not have overweight problems. Rye bread is also useful. Vangang somehow said that if she was asked about what to sow on the field, she would advise Rye. She considered this culture of one of the most useful.

Morning dew has special properties. It can be bathed in restless children, the washing of dew will make the girl more attractive without any conspiracy on beauty. Wanta believed that many useful substances allocate the plants early in the morning, therefore Rosa has healing properties. Rosya Providian advised to moisten the bedspread or towel and wrapped in it.

If summer on the street, you do not need to prohibit the children to play where they want it. The Great Vangu Council - let the children get dirty, earn scratches and bruises. In winter, it will protect their diseases. Active childhood increases human immunity. If you have children, resting better in the forest, and not at sea, it brings more health benefits. Bathing in river water well affects the treatment of insomnia in a child.

Vanga advised to use domestic soap and other cosmetics. If you reduce the number of factory household chemicals and cosmetics, It is not bad to take care of your health. But this is not the only reason who worried the provincial. She knew that in the future the planet would be strongly polluted, and nature would be chosen due to a large number of chemicals and fertilizers. Once a month you can wash in the brave of a violent grass - thyme, it enhances immunity.

Tree maintains health. If you get sick, wear decorations made of wood. The house should be as much as possible wooden furniture and household items. Wooden rosary will be a good facing health. It is useful to walk barefoot on the wooden floor, lying on the boards.

One of VANGA Soviets for good luck - more often walk barefoot on bare earth. So a person restores the connection with the Earth, which gives him good luck, glory, health and wealth. It is easy to do in the summer, at least on the beach or in the country. If you live on the first floor, it is better to forget about slippers and walk barefoot around the house.

It is necessary to wait for the new moon and begin the permutation of the furniture.

To good luck, do not leave your home, do not leave abdicted pieces of food. This is especially true of bread. If they still appeared, do not throw them away. Give the remnants to animals or birds, you can leave in a place where they are often.

If the luck turned away from you, you can speed up the change for the better with salt. Pour some grievances on all window sills in the house. Only when the failures will leave, salt can be removed and throw away without touching her hands. A package with salt is better to bury the negative to do not get someone else.

In order not to smooth out and not to scare away, telling about something good, stick on the tree and split three times.

Horseshoe - a symbol of good luck and happiness. Each house should be horseshoe. It is naked at the front door or above it. Finding horseshoe - fortunately and good. The amulets and talismans in the form of horseshoes also bring happiness, they are simply a personal mascot, and not a facing house. In the last role of Horses, the evil is distilled off and does not allow enemies into the house, brings wealth. Wear a horseshoe, according to Vanga, you need in the form of a bowl, horns up.

You can not eat and drink from cracked dishes with chips. If you have found dishes with a scroll or crack, throw it away. Like cracked the dishes, life can be cracked. From the life of those who use spoiled things, good luck, health and happiness. Even if the defect is not too noticeable, it is better to get rid of the tank without regret.

In order for the day to be successful, you first wear shoes on my right leg, and then to the left. In order not to push away, it is impossible to walk, the program is one boot, in search of the second. First, find both shoes, and then watch.

In general, some of the Soviets of the old Bulgarian clairvoyant may seem more than strange, others just do not fit with in modern way Life, however, in general, Wang advises many useful and well-known things, from which people sometimes learn and ignore. At the same time, most of the recommendations concern the little things, therefore, it is unlikely that something can prevent you from making such small changes in their lives to make yourself convinced in the unique gift of the provisians.

In contact with

Consider consultation in detail and read from Vanga on sugar - with detailed description All magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Sugar is the most affordable product in everyday life. Since ancient times, he was attributed to a lot of mystical properties. A lot of legends are connected with it. Conspuses and rites on sugar are quite simple. They have a strong positive effect and cannot harm the health or life of the artist. Maximum that can be obtained from an incorrectly conducted rite or attitude towards it - no effect on action.

The famous provincial Vanga constantly used sugar in his work. Consisting of crystals, it more efficiently transfers the energy value of the stirred words to the object.

That is why love spells on salt or sugar are considered the most efficient. During the rite, the smallest crystals absorb all emotions, feelings, thoughts of the performer, as if water. Very quickly, the energy is transmitted to the object of lust, starting to imperceptibly influence it from the inside. Conspited Sugar pieces help in trade, in relations with colleagues at work, in well-being.

How to restore health, reading a plot for sugar

Conspiracy on sugar or salt is done when it is necessary to return or restore the health after prolonged disease.

Before ritual, accept warm bath. After it, all rooms in the house or apartment are around, opened windows, ventilate the premises. Sit at the table, ignite church candles in the number of three pieces. So many pieces of sugar are put on a small saucer, from how many illnesses wish to get rid of. Hands pull forward, palms are directed down. Sitting in this position, read the following conspiracy.

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord, bless, Lord, help. As the Lord God created the land, and the sky, and the water, and the stars, as he devie, everything approved, and he strengthened his power, yes, as on earth, he has no disease and every child, nor nippers, nor bloody wounds, Neither the tumor, nor fraction, and I, the slaves of God (name) will not be disease. Like the land and stars, and the Lord God created me, yes, the will approved, yes by force strengthened. It will not be on my body, by the will of God, no illness, will not be on my heart, on the bones of my whites, on my red blood. I will not have a tumor, nor fraction, nor tongs, nor wounds. One is the key of the Archangels, one and the wrong. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to get a husband in a family?

Return a husband and separated with a rival will help a simple ritual. For him, you need a cup, from which the husband constantly drank tea or coffee. It puts pieces of sugar and crucial text.

"As a stream with a stream together, the trees are growing together, how the rocks in the mountains turn into how the color one with the color is merged, and the grass in the fields grow up, and we, the slaves of God (names), go, and be together. I will come out on the field wide, Torva with herbs color is bright, let him go to the valley. On that valley we break a wide tropine, I will take myself an earthquake. I will go through the forest, and I will go on a green meadow, I'll see there on all four sides, I will see if the servant of God (name) is not going to me. And I'll throw a clean strawberry in the field, and a green grass color. As a stream with a stream together, the trees are growing together, like rocks in the mountains turn, like a color one with the color of others merge, and the grass in the fields grow up and we are, the slaves of God (names), go, and together be. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy on love

For sugar stimulus:

  • church candles in the number of five pieces;
  • a red tablecloth (in the absence of such, it is allowed to use a piece of fabric or handkerchief);
  • lump sugar;
  • the ritual must be carried out only in the period of the growing moon.

Ritals with salt and sugar are the most effective in magic. After the love spell on love, sweet pieces must be in the beverage at the object of the lust, so a large amount will not need.

  • On the first night of the growing moon, spread the tablecloth or matter on the table.
  • Candles arrange so that they resemble a figure in the form of a heart.
  • Sugar pieces are put on a golden-colored saucer. He is put in the center of candles.
  • Light candles. Fully focus, eliminate nervousness and excitement. Look at the flames of candles until you feel a peace.
  • The text of the conspiracy is pronounced by looking at sugar. Therefore, words will have to learn in advance.

"In the name of the Father and Son, he progress on sugar, love sentenced. Let the slave of God (name), feeling sweetness on the lips feeling, will turn over, in love, the slave of God (name) will forever swam! Like not sweet tea without sugar, so life of the servant of God (name) without slave of God (name) Presna and Gorky! Only longing he will remain if it turns away from me! Let the blood flies on blood, brings us both joy! Amen".

  • Conspiracy read in a row three times. Next, sit and look at the sweet pieces until the candles are completely burned.
  • At this time fantasize, dream of love, imagine all the most bold desires. Think as it will be good together with a lined object, concentrate on it.
  • When the flame goes out, immediately fall apart.

The next day of your loved one young man Call and treat tea or coffee with sugar conspired on love. It will be perfect if he himself puts them to his cup. For a strong and rapid result next to candles, you can put a vase with alive colors. Nature energy will help strengthen the effect and cause love. Before starting the ritual, ask them for help and luck.

Conspiracy to attract profits and good trafficking

Sugar sugar help both in trade, attracting buyers. For this, they are put in thought of the most ordinary oven and begin to pull it with aspen firewood. When the fire turns around, the flame will become strong and bright whisper:

"The fire-fire, my sugar is not tried, and the tribes of people, moved, they went for the goods. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

From pissed sugar removal only right hand, It is impossible to clean it from the nanile ash. Pieces take with them to work. The ritual for successful trading is held at night, long before sunrise. Conspiracy can also be used for successful cases in business. He will not only help ensure good tradeBut also contributes to attracting new customers to the company.

Ritual for good relations with the boss

Very rarely, subordinates are a good relationship with the boss. Because of this, at work sometimes playing whole dramas. Expect the prospects and new high-paying position in such an environment of the head. But quickly and radically change the attitude of the manual to yourself using a simple conspiracy and sugar.

Exactly at midnight take the tablespoon, sugar sands pour into it and read the following:

"PREPARY, LOOKING ON MY SAKHAR, SHAR of God (chief name). As a fly lippes to the syrup sweet by all organs, so you, the slave of God (name), turn to me, God's slave (name), with love and humility. Tip hold, in the absence of tillage, apply and take care, as appreciated and cares the most expensive. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In the morning, the conspiracted sand is scattered in front of the chief door.

Rite for good relations with colleagues

Often the unbearable situation at work creates not only the boss. Envious colleagues can interfere with your promotion on the service stairs and also customize the boss against you. In this case, the ritual from envy will help.

The rites are spent only in the rainy Friday. A bit of sugar pieces are put in a glass container with a lid. It is put up for the rain. Before bedtime, take dishes in the left hand, knocking on the glass three times and sentenced:

"As water can not harm the sugar and the slave of God (the name of the envious) can not be evil to cause the slave of God (your name)."

Then it remains only to add a conspiracy product in tea or coffee envious.

Important moment: If you see that Sugar Promkov, in no case do not spend the ritual. Throw it out on the street, through the left shoulder. Repeat the rite for good luck on another day. Protection against envy depends on rain intensity. Than more water It hits the glass, the stronger your defense will be. By changing the attitude of colleagues and boss, removing envy, you will attract success and good luck to work.

Ritual for good luck in everything

The rite to attract good luck can be done when things go well to keep the fortune next to them, especially in trade. The text is crucial to a conventional pin, which the charm is worn everywhere. It is impossible to hold a rite only in the period of decreasing moon.

For conspiracy needed:

Three tablespoons of salt are poured on the plate in the back in the evening, then as much sugar and rice. In the slide stick to the unbuttoned pin and say:

"Good luck to the pin, and from the pins to me!"

Everyone leaves no changes for the whole night. In the morning, the pin is fastened to the involving side of the clothes. It should be hidden from prying eyes. A small subject will definitely attract good luck and luck and hold them for a long time. After all, the action of the conspiracy is enhanced by such elements like salt and sugar.

How to strengthen conspiracy

The strength of the conspiracy for good luck, love, healing, money depends on the thought. The way it will be alive and affects the effectiveness of the ritual and its speed.

Texts for rites are canonical, so each word should sound as written.

Very helps to focus meditation. To do this, it is enough to sit for a few minutes in silence, looking at the flame of a burning candle.

Everything else is the power of your faith in yourself.

Conspiracy of Vanga for money. To read the conspiracy of Vanga for money and good luck at home

Conspuses and prayers for money and good luck from Vanga have already helped many to establish prosperity in cash and return good luck in life. In the reviews, those who had the opportunity to read the conspiracy of Vanga to the rapid attraction of money everyone claims that these are the strongest and fast conspiracies for money that is saved from lack of money and after which luck comes in all matters and endeavors. You can independently read the conspiracy from Vanga for money can anyone and for their reading you do not need to go anywhere, money conspiracies should be read at home, right where you live. Mustache? Do not waste your time and the consequences of the conspiracy on money "will bring the financial stream on you, endless luck and self-sufficiency."

Vanga spoke, take a piece of sugar and tell me the words of prayer - conspiracy for money and good luck :

Like sugar sweets, and how he attaches bees he to himself,

How everyone loves him, so let me live sweetly,

Let money like bees on my sugar to me in the wallet fly,

Good luck in all cases respond.

Conspiracy for money and good luck to read from Vanga is needed strictly on Thursday, after which they put sugar in the wallet overnight, and in the morning on an empty stomach, dissolve the conspiracy sugar sailor each sip after a complete dissolution of the drink of water.

The souvenir spoon is a rhe money for a conspiracy to attract money will make its owner with a rich and influential person. On how to independently make a spoon for money for money and what a conspiracy should be read on it today and tell you, taking you to the cash rite to attract good luck and money. At all times and in all religions of the world, a spoon is considered a symbol of abundance and rich table, if you read the money conspiracy yourself on your own, they will succeed cash talisman Attracting money and wealth to the house. Such such spoons of the rhe bubbers were reworked by the Old Believers to attract material goods and attracting money energy. Old

At the time of monetary needs in Russia read this strong plot For money providing a powerful magic blow by mutuality. Subsequently, this monetary conspiracy that needs to be independently read at home, money and prosperity came to the family. Before you gather to read a conspiracy, put copper coins on white without pattern saucer, pour on his bottom over the coins of wheat grain and cover them from above with a green scarf. Houses every three days with holy water, abundantly water the saucer, without raising your shawl (do not even touch it!). Every time you watered wheat sprouts to read a plot

Cash magic and a very strong conspiracy to attract money told by Wangi will help to attract money. If your life has come and money goes like sand through your fingers, read this strong conspiracy attracting money and your life with the arrival of big money very quickly change for the better. To read a conspiracy, make two glasses of wheat, a glass of holy water and a church candle of yellow color. At the growing moon, as soon as the evening evening in the church, go to the window holding a glass of holy water in my left hand and in the right grilled candle and tell the words of the conspiracy to attract

Home conspiracy for money needs to be read in a new moon on a coin that will perform a magical attraction of money and good luck. The money conspiracy told the money conspiracy that needs to read for money is a very strong and old ritual of Money Magic, Vanga called this conspiracy with a money magnet of good luck and wealth. The moon is the most huge natural magnet attracting water (tides and lowers), a controlled by consciousness and subconscious of people (Lunatism). Conspiracies and rites for money that you need to read at the moon are so strong and loved by all practitioners, and the fact that you can read a conspiracy for money at home

Rituals and rites for money in full moon always contributed to the increase in money and wealth with a conspiracy on big money. The fastest way to become richer with magic is to independently read a conspiracy for money in full moon. Those who in the night of the full moon had a chance to read a monetary conspiracy to attract money on a green candle could very quickly get rid of lack of money and give all their debts to heal in wealth and prosperity not knowing. Want to spend a ritual for attracting and multiplying money and in heaven just full moon, it means there is an opportunity to find out what the magic of money is capable of full moon in business and read an ancient conspiracy for money that is real

If you read a conspiracy for money on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you can very quickly get rich and get big money from life for a very short time. Magic on Assumption The strongest and conspiracies for money read before the icon of the Virgin actor an instantly enriching man and making it lucky in all matters. If you remember the traditions and customs of ancestors a day on the Assumption of the Virgin Mary of the Virgin Mary who relate to the money, then on this day, many knowledgeable people going to the church read a special vintage conspiracy - a prayer for money so that immediately after the holiday becomes richer and spiritually and financially. In the church before the start of the service you need to put 3 candles if you do not have a family or

What they do to the reference of the Lord so that the money was, of course, a money rite and a conspiracy - a prayer for financial well-being that attracts money to his owner. If you are experiencing problems with money, reading a conspiracy for money on the day to refer to the Lord, you can improve financial affairs and attract big money to your life with the help of white magic. Independently spent money rite and fulfilled conspiracy - prayer for money and good luck is a truly magical tool with which you can quickly get rich and become richer to one moment. After you can get rich to the reference with the help of the monetary conspiracy, do not forget about the gratitude to the Most High express

All monetary conspiracies, prayers and rites that can be read on the cover of the Most Holy Theotokos are aimed at attracting money and strongly attract wealth to man and good luck in all of his affairs. The strongest conspiracy - prayer for the cover is read on money, and rather to one any coin that you need to carry with it in a wallet. To independently and correctly perform magic ritual to attract money you need to choose unusual coin. For this purpose, the anniversary or coin of a special series of silver or gold acquired in any bank is best suited. Such a coin is a talisman, it is definitely not confused and not to spend mistaken. Read the conspiracy

On the Christmas post magicians carry out rites attracting money and luxury with a strong money conspiracy of wealth. A fairly simple Christmas conspiracy for money will make a poor person rich and influential her luck in every manner. With the help of a conspiracy read on any day before Christmas, a person's life changed in the root. Businessmen and sellers expanded their business, office employees received an increase in service, someone had fate so that during a short time it turned out to successfully marry and instantly become a rich wife of a successful businessman and of course helped in this conspiracy on money read on Christmas

In the fact that with the help of magic you can quickly get rich and in a short time get a lot of money, you will not surprise anyone today. But what a conspiracy for money you need to read in the days of the post to improve your financial situation, a business or just to get rich knows not many. There is one good and proven money conspiracy for quick money that is read on any day of the Assumption post and if you correctly fulfill a simple magic ritual, your wallet will start attracting money, and you will pick up good luck to quickly rich. Conspiracies for wealth is a very old and time-tested magical way as not to attach efforts to become a financially independent person. In Our.

There is a believer that if any day when the Assumption post is going to hold a special rite of money on the tradition of ancestors and read a special prayer in the church attracting wealth, then the person will live in a sufficient need for anything else. Perform it enough simply and does not require you a lot of time, and even more money. As mentioned earlier, you need to wait for the post's post. After examining the prayer that you need to read in the church on Petrov Post and go to the nearest church to fulfill a cash rite that will help get rich. Before the rite of day you need to fast, and come to the church to put a candle in front of the icon of the Virgin and 150 times

The rite of money on any day on Petrov's post is a white magic of money that helps to get rich very quickly attracting money to man and good luck. Previously, to perform a magic ritual for wealth knew units, now this method of rapid enrichment with monetary magic is available to everyone. The rite attracting money on Petrov post is very simple for independent execution and is as follows. On any day when Petrov will begin the post you need to make the next cash rite and read the plot

If you read this conspiracy for money in Petrov, you can have an average to get rich. In many, who in the days of the post held a cash rite and read the conspiracy attractive money and good luck, it turned out very quickly become a rich and influential person and in a short time to get enough money. Petrov post begins a week after the Trinity and lasts a few days, so time to conduct a cash rite and get rich from you

On the eve of the Annunciation, every woman can hold rituals and read the conspiracy for money and wealth and the Most Holy Virgin will help in the exercise of your desire and will give you what is asking for. Blagoveshchensky monetary conspiracy as well as prayers to receive wealth really work and help people attract cash flow after whom the person's money arrives will increase and always lead. What is this magic prayer for multiplying the wealth of the Most Holy Virgin, reading which you can get rich for the Annunciation? It turns out everything is very simple and available for self-conducting any person. To read this white plot - prayer

The rite made on honey saved will attract big money to your home. Read a special conspiracy on money in honey on the jar of the bee honey and a coin on the day of honeyside and the whole year will not know the monetary needs. For the rite you need to use only natural bee honey and any coin you have received for surrender from another person. Pour honey to a small jar or a bubble from under the medicine, but this size so that it can be placed in it. Without closing a vessel with honey and coin Read the conspiracy to big

Conspiracy for good luck and money for sugar

Sugar has long been applied in magic, like salt. Usually, sugar in rituals and conspiractions are used when you need something to "sweeten" - life, work, relationship, a certain person. We invite you to learn about the conspiracy to attract good luck and money on sugar.

Conspiracy for luck

For a conspiracy need crumbly sugar. Fill the sugar to the edges with sugar, take a spoon, stick it into the center of the sugar bowl and start to drive it clockwise, saying the words of the conspiracy for good luck:

"White, sweet sugar,

Help you, my friend.

Make sweet life my

This conspiracy will configure sugar on a good way. As you know, salt and sugar absorb energy and any information. So if you say over the sugar good words Or a conspiracy for good luck, then this product will really give strength and attract good luck. Corporate sugar can be safely adding to tea and drink every day!

Conspiracy for money

With the help of sugar, you can also attract monetary success. To do this, you need to form my desires regarding money on paper. It is better to write all more about what and how much you want. Then seal a piece of paper into a white envelope, pour a bit of sugar there and put any bill. On the envelope should write "Sweet Life". After that, a conspiracy is pronounced: "My life, sweet, my smooth life, I live in sufficiency, and all the troubles are behind the fence. White sugar is clean, free life in abundance! May it be so!".

Envelope can be stored at home, you can carry with you in the bag. Do not open until the results achieve. When something comes from the list, the piece of paper should be burned, and the sugar is put into the wind. After the ritual can be repeated with new desires.

Live sweet and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Conspiracies and prayers of Vanga for money: secret rituals of the Bulgarian healers

The desire to improve its financial situation is inherent to each person. Few people know, but the Bulgarian Jerrician Wang besides treatment and predictions knew how to attract finance and other material benefits to a person. Conspiracy of Vanga for money for a long time hid from outsiders, because it was her desire. Over time, the information still became publicly available.

About clairvoyant Wangelia

Having gained his gift after an accident, the blind girl Wang initially frightened his relatives and his ability to foresee the future. Then the prunerator realized that her vocation was to help others. For his work, she never took a fee, so she lived in very modest conditions. However, those who needed had tools, she was easily given them through their gift.

Periodically, for those who need to significantly correct their financial condition, clairvoyant made strong conspiracies for well-being. Vangi's prayers for money were known even in government circles, because she sent her funds (those she received in gratitude for their gift) and in state funds. Wisdom wanted to make money ever could benefit the whole country.

How to read conspiracy for wealth?

Conspuses and prayers for money work only in certain situations. The blind showers pointed them in the diaries who led with the help of assistants:

  1. a week a person uttering strong texts must fast before reading them;
  2. the wealth that is trying to attract a person should not be drawn against someone else, it is possible to spend it only for good goals;
  3. need conspiracy after sunset;
  4. it is advisable to spend the ritual in a closed room, check that the entrance door is tightly closed;
  5. to the new moon can also be asked about financial and general well-being too;
  6. women should cover their heads, as well as to be in clothes covering the knees;
  7. the man should not have anything with nodules: jewelry, belts, etc.
  8. Read all texts need quietly. Immediately after the ritual to go to bed.
  9. The greatest strength has rituals spent in pure Thursday and full moon.

Conspiracy of Vanga for money held at home

Most of the Soviets are clairvoyant, it is customary to do at home. After all, protect the sacred texts from a bad eye in such conditions is easier. Among the conspiracies for money from Vanga are the most popular are:

You can ask about the tools for business. Work plots for wealth will be if the entrepreneur is not going to deceive customers or partners. Otherwise, strong energy spells will work against a person and his business.

To quickly get up with existing debts, you can use the following ritual.

Conspiracy on sugar

  • take a sugar cube;
  • whisper over it:

"I ask heaven to make my life sweeter than sugar, brighter sun, so that everything is unclean lighting, white sugar of the placase. Amen";

  • repeat the words three times;
  • slice to leave a cotton-covered cloth until the morning;
  • with dawn on the hungry stomach, dissolve sugar.
  • Wangeria cash

    The ritual for bread is suitable if the house has become very bad with finances. In this case, the piece of black bread should be chipped:

    "Bread I give a piece, I get more instead, my bread itself (a) does not care, the money of bread".

    Bread should turn into a tear, after which it is stored in a canvas bag in any secret place.

    Conspiracy of Vanga for money in the new moon and full moon

    If it is necessary that the funds appear quickly, then special words may be needed that pronounce in new moon or full moon:

    "I wish-commanding, I guess to the moon, I teach money, swim to me as a month is clear in the sky."

    Send the text of the conspiracy is better in front of the candle to which the moonlight falls.

    Ritual on bills

    Money, as you know, go to money. Therefore, Vangi's spell is effective for bills. This requires:

    • take any big bill and smooth her so that it becomes tidy;
    • wrap the right upper corner, if you look at the nominal;
    • pronounce

    "Krasnaya money, Zlata money, roll over the field rolling, return to my house."

    Repeat three times;

  • after the ritual, the bill is placed in a new wallet and store.
  • Mother's ritual for children wellbeing

    If parents want to be in the family of children to be well-being, they turn to such a spokesurance of Vanga for money, which is made by the mother:

    "Uti from the clarification, the wings are strong, flew out of the house. We take a money to yourself to day and night nights. "

    You can attract money through water. Conspiracy on wealth must be carried out on the holy or spring water. Take a bright pelvis (better white) and blowing on the water, pronounce:

    "The sea-ocean, in the ocean of wealth, collect from the bottom to be full of life."

    Sat a few sips from the pelvis.

    To Vanga's conspiractions for money, they returned to the house with good, you need to donate not great amount. You can even be in papers.

    Wang prayers for money and well-being

    If you just need to return well-being in the house, it is better to use such a prayer to Nikolai Wonderworker:

    "Almighty Nikolai, the Son of Christ, the Great Wonderworker! My you, do not leave me and my family! You help everyone in the seas and oceans, on earth and heaven. Cryingly asked you, sick from you get. Please give me peaceful lives and well-being. We praise you along with a single trinity forever. Amen".

    Prayer for children allows you to return money to them into the house and in their lives.

    "Holy Mother of God. It is my children to create for creation, do not leave them in the period of darkness, with your face, let's honestly pay for gold-silver. Together with the Trinity, we ask for help. Amen".

    Conspiracies for rapid attraction of the desired amount of money

    Sometimes the money disappears unexpectedly, and the necessary spending appear immediately. In this case, the conspiracy of the Bulgarian healers are made above the coals. Above them before reading the text spend in the air the cross three times. Then they take one corner, ride it in the palms and pronounce.

    Practical Tips Wangi to attract money money will be found every day

    Vanga gave people practical advice For every day, the money and well-being for good luck so life is filled with joy, good luck and sufficiency. Today, the conspiracies will tell one very good conspiracy told by Wangi to attract money to your life to the disintegration of the poor and poverty from your home. Following the advice of Bulgarian clairvoyant money in your wallet will always be found in prosperity and you will not be able to experience anything.

    • So that in your life began white stripeWait for New Moon and stop the furniture in your home. Good luck will come to your home very quickly.
    • Slices of bread and crumbs after meals can not be thrown into the garbage, otherwise weathered from the house. Better to twist birds or animals.
    • Wanta said: If you want money all year you have money, recalculate all the money in the house in the New Year's Eve.
    • If there was a cash succession from you, put a little moss or algae on the floor in your house, very quickly poverty will end and money will begin to come to your home.
    • Tip Vanga for money who should not be neglected - to recalculate, take and give money only in the morning (until noon). If you make money in the evening, you can scare out wealth and money from your wallet.
    • After sunset, it is also forbidden to transmit money from hand to hand - you can smack. To make it not happening, put money on the table.
    • Vanga Practical Council to attract money so, "To make money, wait for the money when a young month will appear after the new moon in the sky, in a secluded place on the street. Show your money wallet.
    • Wanta said - if you want to get out of poverty, wear green quartz pebbles in the wallet or turquoise.
    • If you do not want to know poverty, need and hunger never leave the knife stuck in bread.
    • Never give the money the money that you were given to surrender after buying bread or salt - otherwise you will risk themselves in poverty. Also, do not let the last trifle, which remained in the wallet.
    • A day when I bought a new wallet, put a golden decoration into it for a day and leave it at night open on the windowsill, so that the lunar light on it fell. Big money will be found and wealth will come.

    Observing these uncomplicated tips for every day Vanga data You can live a lifetime in wealth and in your home will always be a lot of money and luck will never leave you.

    conspiracy of Vanga for money

    The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer of Vanga will help you solve such a problem how to attract money . To fulfill the ritual, pour water into the glass dishes and talk to the water out loud plot for money:

    How many in my door will enter so much helpers.

    And enemies, there is no enemies in my door.

    How many times the door will open so much good to the house will come.

    And evil, bad weather, unclean strength, grief and misfortune here there is no move.

    After spraying this water threshold of your home and very soon you will get a big amount of money.

    conspiracy Vanga to find money

    Giving advice to attract money Vang recommended to read this conspiracy attracting money in the morning on an empty stomach, on a piece rye bread. The conspiracy helps to start a new strip in your life - when money will come easily and in the right quantities. Try this tip of the Bulgarian healer of Vanga to attract money and your life will quickly change for the better. Cash conspiracy should be read aloud or whisper, turning his eyes on bread :

    So forth me and my family, abundant full Make my life,

    Good luck to me Turn, Mount - Zlopastra from me a hole.

    Let the road are satisfying and joy in my house will open,

    Let me come to me, and I promise to spend them with the mind,

    For the benefit of everyone, yes wealth to increase wisely,

    Our Lord for Glory.

    Words my key yes castle.

    After a conspiracy, a piece of bread should be eaten.

    If your favorite man, a husband or lover regrets money for you, fix it will help a special conspiracy. To read a conspiracy so that the man gave all the money and was not there. Prepare meat on the bone, you can use a chicken and tell me the following words for a treat for removing greed and misfortune with a person. Spell with a greedy man a conspiracy piece of meat and as soon as he dismisses his greed in relation to you calms down and he will become more talkative and loyal to your spent, giving more money on

    How to make the debtor quickly and completely return the money taken into debt. Magic will help to return the debt with the help of a rite in the debtor and reading a conspiracy - prayer for the return of debt, about how to do this with the help of magic, conspiracies on, today will tell you in detail. If the debtor does not want to give money taken in debt, make him pay for debts will help this strong conspiracy on the return of debts and return employed money. Conspiracy - prayer for debt refund read on the boxes of matches and church candle of any color on any day of the week and convenient for you evening at home. Having waited for the evening Read the prayer of our father and wrapped with black threads previously purchased in the church

    In white magic, a conspiracy for good luck and money so that they go to growth, it is customary to read on a growing moon and now conspiracy to tell about one very strong money conspiracy - a magnet that will attract money to you and good luck in all matters, at home and at work. What conspiracies read on a growing moon to make a spell of money in the house know not many, but in vain. If at home to read a conspiracy for money, you need to read on a growing moon, then the ritual to attract money will work very quickly. After you read the lunar conspiracy for money, you can quickly get rich attracting good luck and wealth with the help of monetary magic, you just need to read a plot on

    To attract a permanent success in any matters, read a conspiracy to good luck which will help become more successful. The oldest rite bringing good luck is on the thing. You can talk any new things or items, most often a conspiracy is customary to read on the jewelry that you will wear daily, this decoration becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. The magicians are made to speak the ring for good luck and wealth and wear it on his left hand without removing. The thing conspired to good luck becomes the best mascot makes his owner weassing about which many people say: "He was born in the shirt and that is why he always and lucky." But the secret is constant

    Cash conspiracies for Easter have always been popular and poor and rich all read conspiracies attracting money and wealth on the day of Holy Easter to take poverty and live a year in wealth and wealth. In the villages to this day, Easter conspiracies for money know and every year with the arrival of Easter perform this light rite to attract money and wealth to their home. Want to live rich and so that you always have money in your wallet? For the Easter week, "Light Sadmitsa" read this conspiracy for money in your wallet and all year you and your relatives will not know the needs, and wealth and prosperity will always be in your home. Early in the morning at Easter with no one speaks

    All conspiracies that need to read for Easter really work and quickly give the expected result, provided to accurate fulfillment and faith due to white Easter magic. Good luck has always been not superfluous and that she accompany you all year a day with a bright Easter you need to read the Easter conspiracy for good luck. Like all conspiracies read in Easter, luck is attracted to a painted egg. Immediately after conducting a rite to attract good luck, a person becomes a complete luckycloth, good luck will in the literal sense to accompany him in any case at home and at work. A conspiracy to good luck can receive such benefits that could not even dream of dreaming. Soon Easter and then it's a good time

    If you read this conspiracy on Easter, then wealth and money in your home will be found all year. In deep old, thanks to the Easter conspiracy and light rite for money to attract wealth, people who know the signs and customs got rid of poverty and lack of money in one day of the Holy Easter! Nowadays, anyone knows how important this day is in the Orthodox world. White magic with rites and reading Easter conspiracy for wealth really contribute to rapid enrichment, so what is this mysterious conspiracy attracting wealth and big money in life orthodox man And what you need to independently hold a magic rite for Easter and

    If you are looking for a real way both with magic quickly become a rich man and quickly get a lot of money to spend this magic ritual with reading a strong conspiracy to challenge big money and wealth to your life. To carry out a rite to attract money, you need a bowl of natural clay to be put on the floor near the door in your bedroom. From the moment the bowl has been set for six days every day at five o'clock in the evening, put in a bowl of the coin of the yellow color of the same advantage of the same advantage

    Conspiracy for money you need to read on the growing moon, a cash conspiracy is allowed to read in full moon. Before reading a conspiracy, you need to find a tree that you can easily hug and on the tree should be leaves. Waiting for a suitable for ritual to attract money and wealth moon day, make a linen bag in which put ten white coins, ten yellow coins and one any paper bill. The edges of the linen bag with money on their own red threads, so that your money does not span on your money and did not smooth your money wealth. Go to the previously notable wood and closing the eyes and hugging the tree into the floor of the vote.

    To gain wealth and attract a lot of money to help this strong conspiracy on the wealth read on the egg from the "Roamby" - brown egg With white spots. It is possible to find this on the market, but you have to be like, although the most fortunate find similar eggs very quickly and reading the plot quickly become rich and self-sufficient people living all their lives in wealth and luxury. Having found such an egg on the market without trading buy from the seller the entire ten and all the pass, if it is, leave the seller. At home, choose a egg that has an uneven colorwork or in a shell on the shell on the shell and boil it within 5 minutes by screwing. While the egg is hot

    Poverty conspiracy allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money for a very short time. In difficult times, when money is not enough even on the most needed in the old days they read this good white conspiracy from poverty, who very quickly restored the cash wealth attracting and lining money from a wide variety of sources (excessive delivery in the store, find money on the street and so on) . Conspiracy from lack of money you need to read on a green handkerchief and wheat grains (one glass). Gear wheat in a pan, during the targeting nine times reading ours "Father". Remove the frying pan from the fire and cool the calcined wheat on it. At midnight for full moon or new moon

    Vangi's conspiracy about which will be discussed will help to attract good luck in all matters - at home and at work and luck for life. A strong conspiracy capable of how to become the most lucky person for the next 3 years, after three years, a conspiracy for luck from Vanga needs to be repeated. It is necessary to hold a rite in a quiet sewable place sitting on the ground in standing water, a pond or lake. It is very important that water to read magic plot Vesunchikov was not running. If you already know where there is such a place, early in the morning at sunrise Sit next to the water and take the words of the conspiracy seven times

    On the night of baptism, you need to read a strong money conspiracy for wealth so that money in the wallet has always been and never ended. The ritual of white Money Magic, held at night on January 19, in Baptism, the Lord will very quickly relieve from poverty in need and will make another thing of those people who live in prosperity. In the old days on the night of baptism, this conspiracy was reading all those who know His people - it operates exactly a year and therefore its constant repetition is required for every baptism. With this conspiracy, even trade in merchants went better and brought more profits, and in the peasants the harvest was richer and richer with every new year increasing wealth and blessing conspired on large

    There are special conspiracies for money that needs to be read before Easter - on any day before the Easter week. After reading these monetary conspiracies, the person who made a magic rite for attracting money will live a richly not knowing anything else. This is a very simple conspiracy of money that needs to read on a bright Easter week, it is best to read on Saturday evening right in front of Easter. At 7 o'clock in the evening, take in your wallet the coin with the number 5 and the cooling of it on the table. Tell this Easter plot for money attracting wealth. Rite for Easter with a coin to attract money, good luck and wealth is considered to be finished after you enter the conspiracy

    Strong conspiracies and prayers from Vanga: For wealth and good luck

    - Start recommended from choosing a suitable rite. The result will come, if the strongest prayers, conspiracies for good luck instill hope, and their words in the heart are caused. And, most importantly, in the spell you need to believe, otherwise they will not come true.

    White Magic: Conspiracies and Prayers Strong for luck from Vanga

    On the fourth day, in the morning they go to the temple. At the exit from the apartment, the threshold pray, they whisper the text of the conspiracy. In the church go alone, silently, they do not stop on the way, there are no idle and dialogue in conversations. Questions are responsible briefly, one-way. The entrance to the temple is baptized, prayer read again. In the church shop you buy seven candles, which in front of different icons put, including, and before the face of the Virgin. She pray, as usual, pronounce traditional prayers. About the cherished plot of the house remember that the magic to good luck worked, he is primarily pronounced until the evening, and better until the next morning, the laundry menu holds.

    It would seem, ask the God of material goods sinning. Why a deeply believer providian, who built a majestic temple in Bulgaria, left us a legacy of conspiracies and prayers strong for money? From Vanga bad thoughts did not proceed, she taught people to good. Just the lead in the poor peasant family grew, where the penny work was difficulty and then mined. She and hunger, and the need to experience had to.

    This rite, the conspiracy to attract money is performed periodically, once a month, in the same number. At the sunrise, the glass is filled with cold water, it is possible to saint, they dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of salt in it. And slowly, the Naraspov is spoken by a driver: "Dawn red is engaged, a clear sun rises, the earth is consecrated by the Light of Divine. And my water for money, honest, charges for prosperity. "

    By the way, Vangu tremended her bread carefully, did not allow damage and never thrown away, otherwise in need, poverty would be rushing. The remains faked in birds or pet.

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    Strong conspiracies and prayers for money and good luck from clairvoyant Vanga

    Is it possible to manage your luck and flow of money that come to your home? Fate has a capricious character and often it happens that the black strip that comes in a person's life does not end in any way. In this case, the advice of the famous clairvoyant Vanga will help.

    Already many people who followed them returned to themselves and their loved ones, money and good luck.

    A girl who was named Wangeria at birth, was born in the poor family in 1911. Then no one could have to assume what an awesome gift she would have throughout his life and how many people would help.

    The family of her parents had to be often starved, there was not enough money. At the age of twelve, the girl suffered from a hurricane. She was found a day later for a hundred meters from the place where she was before the wind fell. The eyes were covered with sand.

    Doctors insisted on operations to save the eyes of the child. But her parents did not have money for it. Wanga soon completely blinded, but the amazing gift of clairvoyance, which was discovered after an accident, compensated for this flaw.

    Fame to predictor came at the age of 30. During the war, Vanga easily pointed out the location of people missing. Then to her and began to come to the crowds from all the district, who Vang helped to cope with their misfortune.

    Vanga left this world in 1996. She left a lot of predictions and conceptions to people after themselves, wanting to invest over us from the dangers who threaten the world and calmly on our planet.

    Conspiracies and prayers for attraction of money and good luck in work

    So that wealth is constant and sustainable

    It is necessary to read the text of the conspiracy and make the appropriate ritual before noon. Learn a conspiracy by heart. Fueling with holy water from the church. Bypassing a house along the clockwise arrow from the threshold itself, Kroprop's cross will increase with holy water all corners, walls, windows and doors. At the same time, out loud, pronounce a plot.

    The Holy Water, the Holy Spirit full, went to me, the slave of God (name), and to all my home, and my whole house, to all the walls of my, floor, ceiling, doors and windows and every corner of grace, and all sorts of delight. Amen.

    To appear the required amount for the execution of the desire

    When the money appears, you need to spend strictly at the desire that you made. Otherwise, all the money will disappear and the desire will not work.

    It will be necessary to stand early in the morning, preferably before dawn, go out and turn face to east. You can get up by the window overlooking the eastern side. When the light starts, say the spell with a whisper loud three times, despite the text.

    I got up, the servant of God (name), in the morning, to meet the sun, the cherished ideas to execute. There, on the eastern side, the three wise men live, one knows what I should get, the second knows where the querious find, the third knows how to get. I will reveal the mystery of the sages: I want (name my desire). Give, wise men, their wisdom, help you want, get. May it be on all the will of God. Amen.

    Conspiracy to attract a continuous flow of money to a house from Book Vanga

    Prepare in advance collected seeds Plantain dried or fresh. The handful of these seeds needs to be taken into the fist and tang the conspiracy on them. Pre-conspiracy is required to memorize.

    The grass is a gloomy all pathways knows - so tell me the money path in my house. The track is the forever in the foresight, will not flood, and it will grow up and grow, money, good and wealth to my news. Money - to the house, money in the house, money in the house.

    After that, hide the seeds under your threshold.

    To attract wealth to the house

    When reading this spell, it is permissible to pry in the text.

    It will take a small piece of skins, fur or some sheep wool. The text is screwed out loud.

    Sheep lamb, went through the light, wore a fur coat. The fur coat is heat and rich, myself came to the house itself, it brought me warmth and wealth. So full, my house, chiller-silver and all kinds! Whether my home is rich and abundant, everyone for the benefit, everyone for Divo. Be, my words, strong and modeling.

    This wool hide into a secret place in the house so that none of the households can find it. It should go there a year. After that, take new wool and create a ritual again.

    How to return good luck?

    That life is prosperous

    The action of this conspiracy will manifest itself in the fact that your life stabilizes, the well-being and calm will reacted in it, the necessary prosperity will appear, the troubles and misfortune will abandon.

    It takes to go outside at noon or open the window. You must be lit by the sun. Pay hands up to the sun and spend a conspiracy word three times.

    Sun-sun, you warm and affectionately, you walk around the sky, you will help everyone, everyone helps everyone, you all give everyone. So let me, Sunny, your warmth, light and all of the good. May it be so.

    After that, press your palms to your chest and wait for so minute, closing your eyes. Repeat this ritual for seven days exactly at noon, even on a cloudy day. The sun, hidden behind the clouds, still helps you.

    Heriating prayer to your guardian angel to protect against failures in business and trade

    In glass dishes dial fresh in the evening clean water. She should stand on the window all night. At the dawn, rising in the morning, go outside or on the balcony. It is necessary to take water in the dishes in which you poured it in the evening. You must have access to an open sky, so even in case of bad weather, stand up by an open window or a window. Keep water in the glass vessel so far so that it was also an open sky.

    Three times around themselves, and then cross the water three times. Check out the text of the prayer for water. You can look at the text, you do not need to teach it.

    The angel is my holy, angel of Christ, my keeper of my and my soul! The godfather of himself is autumn, in the prayer of heartfall to you fall. You know everything about me, everything you know about my ways. Forgive my sorry, I didn't commit them for an evil will, but only by my gestances and disdain. I repent of sins now and pray for repentance.

    I ask you, the angel is light, do not leave me in good time, nor in a moment of failure, be with me always, wherever I walked. Take me on the right path, righteous, went to me a happy case and good luck, discard failure, so that they are the side of them, to protect against the troubles and the misfortunes of all sorts of, big and small, so that I lived happily, and the name of the god of our Jesus Christ prayed in his prayers And I did the benefit for my neighbors, and my good good things would have succeeded to me. Let them come in all the will of the Lord! Oh semi praying you, benefactor, and so it will be so. Amen.

    Again, turn it around three times and create as much time cross sign above the water. Then you need to make a few sips from the vessel with water. Then to spray this water corners of the house. Going out for the threshold of the house, pour half the water under my feet. The remaining fluid spill forward in the direction where you go, leaving the house.

    The meaning of this ritual is that you sanctify the paths and the roads that you have to walk. You are lined with angelic patronage on these roads. From now on, you will be accompanied by success in all matters. After completing the rite, take up ordinary affairs.

    How to read a plot?

    When speaking prayers and conspiracies have a value for very many moments. In the pronounced words there is a hidden meaning. In combination of sounds - a special order. We need to emphasize the key and iconic words. Before you begin to read, it is necessary to morally tune in to a certain way. The main thing is to pronounce a conspiracy with faith in the result, nothing will happen without this. If you do not believe in conspiracies or in your ability to succeed on this field, do not attempt to make magical actions.

    Some people attract material well-being to themselves, while others live in poverty and their life does not change for a long time. Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga paid special attention Conspirements bringing financial stability.

    Why Wang helped people

    Langua Wang approved the desire of a person to live in prosperity. Throughout his life, Wang was collected and developed techniques for holding rites to attract money. However, every person is individual. Whether the conspiracy depends on what purpose a person is pursuing. When reading a conspiracy in a person, only positive emotions should prevail.

    Clairvoyant Wanta advises immoral people to fear to read conspiracies and resort to the help of the otherworldly forces. Before performing a ritual, you need to learn several mandatory rules. A person must believe the whole being in magic power conspiracy. Texts are best known by heart, then you will not be bored and distracted when reading.

    Magic rituals for attracting money from Vanga

    It is important to clearly comply with the recommendations given in the description of the ritual. Do not try to make something and clearly follow the instructions. If you need well water, Be sure to find the well and type the water there. Do not replace church candles for purchased in a regular economic store: they do not have energy strength.

    To some people, money does not go at all, and other cash bills are not translated. To attract good luck, use the simple and effective plot. In the morning, take a large ruddy apple, cut into two halves and read the spell: "Consider the monetary spirit, in an apple. I eating an apple - I autumn yourself with a monetary spirit. Love me, money, come to me, money. Where the monetary spirit, there and money go. Amen".

    There is a strong conspiracy from Vanga for money so that prosperity does not leave the family all year. Find a piece of sheep furs and read a plot on it: "Sheep-sheep in the light went, wore a fur coat. The fur coat is heat and rich, myself came to the house itself, it brought me warmth and wealth. So full, my house, chiller-silver and all kinds! Whether my home is rich and abundant, everyone for the benefit, everyone for Divo. Be, my words, strong and modeling! "An old plot is valid for a year, then it needs to be repeated.

    • To protect against evil and envious, Vanga recommends hanging over the front door cross the elderberry branches. So you protect yourself from the external negative impact of foreign people.
    • If you want to let the well-being in the house, in the morning, waking up and getting out of bed, go first with my right leg and only then the left. So you will program yourself on everything positive.
    • If you have desire Attract good luck, keep a silver coin house brought from other states.
    • To let a pleasant change in the house, wait for the new moon and stop the furniture.
    • In no case, do not leave on the table overnamed pieces of bread on the table, as it will take good luck from you. Also should not throw bread, because it can negatively affect your material inconceiture.
    • If the well-being stopped often to visit the house and conflicts become frequent, pour salt on the window sills in the house. After some time, carefully collect salt into the bag, take a place for the threshold and jump into the ground.
    • If the house accidentally broke the mirror, then it is necessary to get rid of fragments. Rinse them with water, and then bury into the ground.
    • Never leave the knife sticking into bread, if you do not want to live in need.

    Clairvoyant Wanta has always closely treated conspiracies for money. She believed that luck would definitely smile a good man and turns away from the evil. It is important, with what intentions you decide to ask for help from conspiracy. Try to pay attention to the little things and once again not quarrel. Similar attracts like this. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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