Shelf for shoes with your own hands. Shoe shelf with their own hands - a wide field of designer capabilities shelf for shoes from lining with their own hands

The shoes are a solution to the problem of how to store shoes in the house in aesthetic and economic plan for small housing.
Stand for shoes into the hallway as one of the options can still become an element of the interior.
As a material for the manufacture, a heavy tree is used, fiberboard, lightweight plywood or metal.

Equip the steps of a pair of drawers - and they can accommodate a lot of things

Each makes an individual decision on how to store shoes, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and personal opportunity, however, using some tips, you can extend the life not only to your favorite shoes, but also home slippers. Stand for shoes in the hallway as a constructive element should be simple and reliable, and as the subject of the interior - fit into the overall design of the room. Modern manufacturers have provided all options and so diverged the range that the consumer has the ability to decide on the purchase even on the basis of the photo. In addition, you can show fantasy and make a junkie with your own hands. Recently, shelves and stands, which make the storage of shoes as comfortable as comfortable are highly popular.

Stands for shoes in the hallway from the metal. Advantages and disadvantages

Depending on the overall design of the hallway, an individual solution is made, from which material to perform or buy a shoe, but it is worth thinking over next to the advantages when using a footwear to the hallway from a metal:

  • the possibility of natural ventilation in the open version;
  • durability, as the metal does not floss and, accordingly, does not rust;
  • does not absorb smellors from the industrial shoes;
  • if you decorate forged elements, it will not leave any of the households indifferent.

There is no advantage of the merits of the metal storage for storage such available disadvantages:

  • high weight of the product, especially if the locker is significant;
  • in open areas, dust is going.

The easiest option for storing shoes in the hallway is the so-called plant

Types of products for open-type shoes

A variety of modern racks and shelves under open-type shoes are quite large. The easiest option for a small number of shoes and hosts prone to minimalism is a few light shelves or a small closet.

Shoes - an important element of our wardrobe that many stored as planted, thereby reducing the service life of the favorite pair

A good idea for craftswear to make your own hands - make a stand for shoes into a multifunctional hallway, i.e. Adjust under the bench or the otfik. The upper part of to closer to any material available in the house: slices of leather, dermatitin, cloth, etc. It turns out a very convenient and original piece of furniture.

Buying a finished product, you can choose a visually heavy shelf for shoes or elegant with thin carved elements.

When it allows an entrance area, the set will look at the set, which will include shelves for shoes or a wardrobe, clothes hanger and accessories stand.

Stands for shoes in the hallway are practical, convenient and do not occupy a lot of space, and a large range allows you to purchase a model corresponding to the taste of any consumer.

For storage of sandals, a kind of staircase will look original, which will be in a vertical position and solve the issue of saving area and the availability of space for a large number of shoes.

Tip! Select a storage cabinet or make it recommended it with your own hands depending on the type of shoes, for the storage of which it is intended. For summer shoes there is enough classic option, and to fit boots, the distance between the shelves should be greater.


More Perfect Calley Option - Sliem Shoe Wardrobe

The most popular object of furniture for the hallway is a canter - Slim. The classic option is equipped with several compartments and the corresponding number of doors - such a shoe wardrobe. Its depth is about 20 cm, which just perfectly allows you to fit into the situation if there is little free space after installing the main furniture. The idea of \u200b\u200bdesigners is simple: if you close the door of the locker, the shoes take a vertical position, due to which they slightly slightly sizes. The inside of the door has a compartment where shoes are directly stacked. When opened, it leans. Nothing extensive, quite spacious and at the same time compact. Having studied the appropriate photos, you can make an individual order, increasing the size of individual lockers for storage or the entire cabinet as a whole. If the area allows, at the request of the client can make a closet-slam with swing doors, but then there will be more spaces for its installation.

Other types of closed-type products for shoes

Welded jackets manufactured in the form of a box are common. Inside are equipped with shelves for shoes. The interior decoration will be the product, painted or plated in the tone with the main upholstery of the room. This method of storage shoes is convenient for those who have unmanaged animals. In addition, in this case, the shoes will not expose to dust.

The issue of storing shoes is especially relevant with the onset of cold weather - the shoes are becoming more and more and it can take all the free space.

If it allows an area of \u200b\u200bhallway, it is better to make an individual order in accordance with the size of the room. The master, listening to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe customer, will make a rack with a number of shelves for shoes that will meet the requirements. It may be racks for the entire height of the wall or closing only empty rooms. But it is first necessary to think about which shoes are more likely to be in everyday life, since the heel requires a deeper cabinet.

The same space can be equipped with a design simpler if you need to visually facilitate the space. Capacious racks will provide enough space for shoes and sneakers. Shelves for shoes at the request of the Customer are arranged strictly horizontally or obliquely, which will provide shoes storage at a certain angle. The second option is convenient for boots, and shelves are better visible, which can be manufactured extended. After reviewing the photo, it should be taken for yourself a more optimal solution.

Shelf do it yourself

For homemade craftsman, the manufacture of the shelf will not be difficult, and the presence of original ideas and desire will help in this. Each house will find waste suitable for using elements.

Option 1

For example, a shelf for shoes can be made of remnants of plastic water pipes. The process does not take much time, and the result will save on the family budget:

  • make an exemplary drawing with the size of the future product;
  • buy, if not in your home workshop, material for future crossbars and fittings;
  • collect with the help of fasteners ready-made design, paint the paint desired color scheme;
  • If you have an old wooden staircase, you can turn it into a shelf to store shoes

    Another homemade shoe regiment, which can be found on the Internet. The method of its manufacture is so simple that even a novice homemade master will be able to create this item with his own hands as soon as possible. And the process is primitive:

    • from the old who came to the disrepair of the ladders, cut a piece of the desired dimensions (the number of steps is chosen at will);
    • Paint her so that she fit into your interior and gently spread the shoes on the steps of the stairs

      The last option is suitable for a small hallway and a small number of shoes.

      So, by making the decision to update the design of the hallway, use the Council and purchase a shelving for storing shoes with a closed photo or embody the idea of \u200b\u200breality with your own hands.

The issue of placing shoes in the house remains relevant both in the summer and in winter. Often an entrance hall for won shoes, especially in the evening, when the whole family returned from work, study home. To avoid such a problem, you can make special shelves for shoes in the hallway, which will help not only decide on the issue of storage, but also decorate the room. Each hostess knows that such a useful item is needed in the house, since the durability of the shoes depends on both the proper care and proper storage, which is capable of providing a well-designed shoe shelf to the hallway.

This piece of furniture should be characterized by multifunctionality, compactness, because the hallway usually has a small quadrature. Shelves for shoes in the hallway can be manufactured in various versions. Among the varieties that can be made with their own hands, are popular:

  • Models for walls. The ideal option in a small-sized hallway, where to impractically install the cabinet. Such a shelf is easy to create yourself using a tree as a material. If you wish, you can find many photos on the Internet and make a product according to the picture;

  • Racks. The most successful choice for the design of free space. The upper part of the shelf plays the role of a shop or used in the quality of the stand for various useful items;

  • Tumba-Slim. Such shelves are practical and comfortable, as they hide shoes from prying eyes. For opening, the product is turned on 45 degrees. You can make any shelf for shoes in the hallway: straight, rounded or angular;

  • Stands. The most common type of floor shelves. In the manufacture, you can use the usual bottom of the cardboard box, plane it with any material that does not roam, pour pebbles.

What materials can make

From a large number of different materials, you can choose the one that is suitable for personal preferences and financial capabilities. Among the demanded materials: profile, rails, laminate, metal, wood, even cardboard.


Plywood is not less popular from which you can build a convenient and practical shelf. This kind of shelves is attached to the wall, while occupying a minimum of space, saving free space of the room. Phaneur must be cut into smooth pieces of rectangular shape, for example, 20x30 cm. Billets are primed up, and then the assembly of parts begins. From sheets you need to form the designs of the P-shaped and put in each other.

In the hallway you can suspend any required number of blocks.

The shelf is attached using wood pins, as well as pre-prepared holes in plywood. As a result, the product will acquire an approximately such kind as on this photo:


You can make a shelf for shoes from chipboard. Here it is advisable to make narrow or angular models, with straight or rounded ends.

The process is very simple and looks according to this scheme:

Drill holes in chipboard

This is a very economical and simple version of the manufacturer, since the value of the chipboard is very low.


The tree is considered the most convenient in processing, does not release toxic substances and is considered absolutely safe.

It is easier to work with a tree, as it is amenable to various processing processes, and it will not be difficult to find it. For material processing, a variety of tools are used:

  • plane;
  • a hammer;
  • paper (machine) for grinding;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw;
  • pencil or roulette.

Tools required for working with wood

Making your own hands

The most simple in the manufacture are shoe racks. They can be easily made with their own hands using ordinary tools, materials, visual photos for example.

Finished shoe shelf made by hand

To create such a furniture item, it is enough to take:

  • 6 wooden bars;
  • practical screws with a diameter of 3 mm and a length of 25 mm;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • special coating varnish.

Creating a shelf with your own hands should be started with the sidewalls. The depth should be approximately 33 cm, which is very sufficient for various sizes of shoes. First you need to unlock 6 smooth bars of 33 cm each. Next, on the preparation of the workpiece, you should smoothly distribute four bars and make a pressure corresponding to their depth.

Bruks - blanks for sidewall shelves

The optimal width of the shelf is at least 62 cm to place at least a few pairs on one compartment. Each shelf involves the creation of four blanks of a certain length. After that, in the finished recesses, the preparations made pre-billets are inserted and fasten together with the design of self-draws. With the rest of the shelves, it should be done the same, then thoroughly gluing with special paper acute elements of the side parts. Each separate shelf will look like this:

Assembling one section Shelves

The height of the shelf made with their own hands is approximately 80 cm. The lower part is mounted at a distance of 25 cm from the floor, for the possibility of placing high types of shoes. The racks are made of wooden planks, 80 cm high. For their creation, a special washed on the thickness and depth of the bar (16 mm) at a distance of 25 cm from each other. At the top it is recommended to leave 10 cm for the top of the shelf. Four identical racks should be prepared, after which insert ready-made shelves in pre-drunk areas.

Connection of sections of each other sidewalls

According to this technology, you can also create a wall shelf with your own hands, which is especially suitable for a parishion with a small quadrature. Ready options with photos are easy to find on the Internet and choose the appropriate option.

From the remaining material it is necessary to make the top of the shelf. For this, special blanks of 33 cm are cut down. The top of the bars is neatly cleansed with grinding paper, but if possible, it is better to use a grinding machine. The finished product is covered with several lacquer layers, and the part of the shelf is fixed with self-draws.

It is necessary to use 4 screws for each shelf and 2 fixing tops.

You can create an almost any shoe shelf. On the Internet there are many photos of finished options, but if you wish, you can experiment and make an exclusive piece of furniture. The main thing is to have a little fantasy and all the necessary materials for work.

Unusual shelf for shoes from plastic pipes

What a wide variety of shoes in stores and markets! Women's half can not keep without buying regular shoes to a new dress. For men, there is a choice of practical shoes and it is also a lot too. How many inconvenience delivers shoes in the hallway? Where is it all stored at home?

The solution can be found in the furniture store, namely, buy a junkie or do it yourself.

Someone has a small apartment and a narrow small entrance hall, and others have a spacious house. Some live with adult children and grandchildren, while others live alone. Host, as well as families, are different, so typical furniture items are not always suitable for a specific room. Comfortable shoes, with your own hands created, will help solve the problem of choice.

With her, your hallway will be transformed into a stylish and comfortable business card at home.

How to choose correctly what you need? To begin with, you will get acquainted with the species of such furniture as Jubia.

  1. Shoe wardrobe.

It is very convenient in small-scale rooms, as the doors are driving around and can be combined with the main wardrobe for clothes.

  1. Showcase-rack with doors.

You can place along the whole wall, the size of the shelves of any, but the disadvantage of such a shoes is instability.

  1. Slime-format wardrobe.

This cabinet has a folding door at an angle of 45-90 degrees. And the name speaks for itself. This type of furniture "thin", shoes will be located under a slope.

High Botfort Type Shoes can be deformed on such shelves.

  1. Calley.

Suitable more for the balcony. Shoes on such shelves dries quickly, but it is inconvenient to store.

  1. Rack.

It is the most simple design, but unstable and unstattic for the hallway.

  1. Cabinet-cabinet.

The most common and practical junction.


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Closed junction will suit people with pets. It will help protect shoes from all sorts of damage from the favorites.

For the couch, you can make the doors folding, sliding and ordinary. So she will take little space. The junction made of LDSP will be durable and long will not fail.

Models made of wood is easy to make with their own hands, which saves a family budget.

Shelves and boxes in the closet can be done under any kind of shoes. And on top there is an opportunity to make a table either to hammer with a cloth, there will be a shoe with a seat in the hallway.

The seat replaces the emblem or a stool for convenient dressing.

Types of materials that can be used for shoes:

Metal and wood are dried by a cabinet, in plastic shoes will not breathe. MDF is a good choice, but not cheap. The most suitable storage material for shoes- Chipboard. Does not let go of the junk and simple for the assembly.

Today it is the most sought-after material in the furniture segment for shoes.

And so, let's stop at the cabinet of the Tumba from the chipboard.We need from the tools:

Workbathing details

Instructions for assembling shoes do it yourself

Chipboard Chipboard + width of the intended shelf + half of the thickness of the chipboard.

For example, the part 12mm, the width of the shelf 300. It turns out: 12 + 300 + 6 \u003d 318mm.

So do from the right and left edge. Drawing tolerate directly on the inside of the chipboard and sign each item, where it will be located. Then when assembling you do not confuse anything.

When laying the height holes and the shelves width, you need to take into account the rear part, since from this side the entire type of the couch is located in the same plane.

  1. Inside the shelves will be held on the shelter. For them you need to drill holes. To calculate the correct location of these holes, it is necessary to take every thickness of the partition from the height of the rack and divided into the number of shelves.

To obtain the result, add the thickness of the shelf and half the diameter of the phase holder.

For example, a rack height is 600 mm. Two shelves are planned. Shelf thickness 12 mm. The diameter of the 5mm floor holder.

The procedure for calculations will be the following:




Consequently, the top will need to measure 308 mm.

After the holes are drilled, the bay holders can be put, bay them with glue and navigating the hammer.

Assembling shoes by drawing with your own hands

When all holes are made, you can start assembling on the confirmation. On the bottom item, the middle racks are fixed, then extreme. Watch that there were no protrusions at the junctions.We attach the lids to the corners, put the shelves on the holders and install ready-made boxes on the guides.

At the doors attach furniture handles in any location. Also, they can be attached to the canopies, and you can install sliding.

Decorating the shoes made with their own hands can be diverse.

Furniture made with your own hands always distinguishes the interior from other apartments where typical chest and cabinets are.

Video: Wardrobe for shoes with your own hands.

Footwear under his feet in the hallway creates inconvenience and climbs the space. Buy a special shelf or even a locker for many expensive and why, if you can create not only the functional design from the girlfriend in the house and garage, but also to emphasize the design of the hallway. For the assembly, we will use both the usual materials from wood and non-standard - PVC pipes, pallets and even cardboard.

Depending on what shoes you keep in the hallway, the diameter of the pipes will depend. Let's start with a simpler option that is suitable for the storage of demi-season, summer, children's, as well as home shoes. As a basis, we use sewer PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm. This is enough to place shoes up to 42 sizes. For shoes, more than the size we recommend using pipes with a diameter of 160 or 200 mm. Additionally, for shoes, you need a hacksaw, a screed belt, an aerosol can with paint. The procedure for the work is as follows:

  1. 1. Screw the desired pipe length with hacksaw. We recommend 30 cm, but you can make a length less or more, everything will depend on the sizes of shoes. One such pipe is a cell for one or a pair of shoes. We make so many such cells as you need to place the entire collection.
  2. 2. Formed after cutting sharp edges with sandpaper grinding paper
  3. 3. so that the shelf is better combined with the interior, stain it in the selected color. It is more convenient to work with aerosol paint, but you can use other materials
  4. 4. I exhibit the pipe with a pyramid and tighten their belt.
  5. 5. Insert the shoes into each cell and enjoy the result.

Pipes for such a shelf it is better to fasten with liquid nails

But if you need a more voluminous shelf for shoes into the hallway, buy sewer PVC pipes with a diameter of 300 mm. In it, not only shoes and sneakers, but also long boots. The selected pipe is divided into equal sections with a hacksaw and we also clean the sharp edges with sandpaper. For decorating compartments, we propose to use paper wallpaper or self-adhesive vinyl film. Decorate not only the outer, but also the inside so that the shelf had a complete view. Hide the joints formed along the edges will help the insulating or tissue tape of the appropriate size. Next, fasten the blanks with each other using hot glue or bolted fastening. The number of sections in each row you are regulating yourself. They may be the same, presented in the form of a pyramid or cells, your fantasy is already working here.

Classic rack from wooden bars

Shelf for storing shoes from a tree is a simple and convenient option. Due to the fact that the tree is well processing, it is easy to work with it. To achieve the desired shape and sizes, you will need a planer, grinding machine, saw, hammer, screwdriver set, and a pencil and roulette for marking. To create the shelves, prepare in advance: wooden bars and planks, screws, lacquer for opening.

We cut down six equal bars long 33 cm, it will be the sidewalls of the design, 2 for each shelf. Their length is the depth of the rack, which is enough to comfortably put an adult pair of shoes. On the sides of the sides of the sidewall, we make a pressure that corresponds to the depth of long bars on which shoes will stand. For each shelf, we propose to provide 4 transverse timber with a length of about 62 cm so that several pairs of shoes can comfortably accommodate on one tier. Insert the long bars into the deepening sidewalls and fasten them together with self-draws. We do the same procedure with the rest of the shelves, their quantity you choose themselves. Sharp edges with sandpaper sandpaper.

The optimal distance between each shelf should be at least 25 cm so that you have the opportunity to place not only short shoes, but also long boots. In our case, the overall height of the design will be a little more than 80 cm, consist of three shelves. To connect the shelves, we use wooden planks, we also do it on the depth of a bar every 25 cm.

In our case, the lower guilt is done at a distance of 25 cm from each other, and the last after 33 cm. Thus, after connecting the shelves, the upper part of the structure will perform literally by 7 cm, this is enough. Upper side planks overlap the transverse bar, making a side. Sharp edges with machine or sandpaper, open the design with varnish in several layers. Shoe regiment ready. With your own hands, where at least three pairs of shoes will fit on one shelf.

In order to make this unusual shelf, you will need plywood and shoe brushes, you can need old Soviet type. First, we will define the size of the upper part. Measure the dimensions of the future shelf. The length of the design will depend on the number of brushes. The depth of the shelf is made by 5 cm more width brushes. Determined with the dimensions, now we cut out two completely identical billets and connect them together by the "book", it turns out an angle at 90 °. To connect the parts, retreat from the edge of the bottom of the shelf 1 cm and combine both ends with a screw. Similarly, we do with the second party. Next, we drink two identical squares from plywood, the sides of which correspond to the width of the shelves, and fix them on both sides, closing the corner.

Write brushes. If they are with handles, cut them with hacksaw, smooth the rough edges with a file. We drill in each brush for two holes on each side, with the help of screws, screw them to the bottom of the shelf to one or more rows - it all depends on the amount. The first part of the design is ready, we assign it to the side.

If brushes with handles, they need to spill

Take another sheet of plywood. It should be equal to the length of the first part, and its width correspond to the largest fitting size. On average, you will have 35-40 cm, which corresponds to 43-44 sizes. To make a bottom side, cut out another one of the plywood equal to the total length and 15 cm wide. Fix both parts at 90 °, connecting ends on the same principle as in the first part of the structure. We get a facet for shoes.

Now we combine the first and second workpiece together with screws, paying special attention to the corners. Strace, and when the paint serves, we do two side openings in the back panel under the wall mounting. Such a shoe regiment is suitable for any entrance hall and will not take a lot of space. Thanks to the holders from the brushes, the shoes will not fall.

This shelf for shoes is more complicated. To make it with your own hands, you will need certain carpenter skills, additional tools and materials that may not be in the arsenal. We will analyze two options round rotating shelves with shelves - usual and with a soft puff for seating.

With the help of the jigsaw, create circles from wooden plates and place sections

For the first option, we prepare a wooden plate with a thickness of 12 mm and cut it into three equal squares of 70 cm. This will be the bases for the shelves. If you want to make a feeder higher, cut more billets. The square shape of the cut plate is converted into a circle with a radius of 35 cm with an electric jig. Cut the slab on equal plates - these are the walls of the sector, each of which will stand a pair of shoes. And they should not be the same in height in each tier. For example, for the lower shelf they can be made above, the sections are for high boots, and the upper make symmetrical for shoes and sneakers. In order for the sectors to be even, with the help of the vehicle, we mark the corners at 60 °, we make marking on both sides of the circle. For each line of the sector, nails nails until they bring them until it stops. We apply to the markup of liquid nails and secure a plank, finally fix it on the back of the iron nails. So we do with the rest of the shelves.

We make a wooden frame to lift the shelf above the ground level, connect with the bottom shelf. Next, stain all the elements in your favorite color, pre-polishing the edges. We recommend using white paint, and for contrast to make a black edging. To each shelf freely rotate, set the rotary circles between the tiers, fix them strictly in the center, after drilling a hole for a bolt with a nut.

The final stage will be the staining of the shelf

The second option is a rotating shoe shelf with a soft seat. The general principle of its assembly is unchanged. However, instead of three or more tiers, we recommend to make two, adjusting a convenient height for seating. Also, instead of a frame base, you can attach wheels so that the shelf has become also mobile. The top of the shelf is made soft. As a basis, we use batting. Cut from the filler two circles corresponding to the diameter of the shelves, and two more smaller, about 7-10 cm. When installing the batting, we get a protrusion. The upholstery time has come. Cut the fabric to the diameter of the circle with a margin, at least 5 cm. Fix it throughout the perimeter using a construction stapler. For details on what distance to fix the brackets and how to select upholstered material, you will learn in the article about. Excess fabric cut off, and to hide the staples, framing the contour of the upholstery ribbon.

Cardboard shelves for shoes, however, like the rest of the cardboard furniture, are gaining more and more popularity in the interior design. As the basis, ordinary cardboard boxes are used, which will be in the house, perhaps each. If you do not have them, remember about the nearest store or warehouse, where such boxes lie with a squash without a case. In addition to corrugated cardboard, it will take color wide tape, scissors, a ruler and glue, if it is not, you can use the usual PVA.

Rectangles of cardboard on bends folded into triangles

We prepare the cardboard, cutting the rectangle with the sides of 45 × 35 cm. This size will be optimal as for a small and large pair of shoes. Measure the line of 15 cm from each edge and make bends. The parties that we will bend triangle are colored with color scotch, it will be the central part of the stand. In folding cardboard we fold a triangle, fix it along the edges and the center of color scotch. We repeat the same manipulations with all other sections - their number is chosen at your discretion. After you make all the sections according to plan, proceed to the collection of a cardboard shelf. We fasten the lower row of triangles with each other with color scotch, for reliability we go on the joints with glue-gun. We do just with the rest of the rows, fasten them with each other. At the end of work, you will get a stand for shoes from triangles. In through sections, store shoes.

Attention so that the design serve you for a long time, shoes should always be dry and clean.

Another budget invention from cardboard - vertical shelves for shoes. Make this design with your own hands. It is ideal for storing slippers, shoes, sneakers and summer shoes in the hallway, will not take much space. You will need a sheet of cardboard 70 × 60 cm.

We retreat the length of the cardboard from the edges of 2.5 cm. From these points, we measure the vertical line of 25 cm and we carry out a horizontal section of 20 cm long. We connect the parties, we get a 25 × 20 cm rectangle. Between two rectangles, 25 × 25 cm square is formed. From The upper corners of the square retreat 11 cm. We are diagonally at the bottom corners of the square and get two triangles on both sides. Rent a rectangle from the square down the square with the sides of 35 × 25 cm. As a result, you should turn out the T-shaped blank, where the protrusions are two equal rectangles with the sides of 25 × 20 cm, and the central part - the square 25 × 20 cm and the rectangle 35 × 25 See all the unnecessary cut off.

It will take a large sheet of cardboard.

Now bend along the cardboard lines, first vertical in the center, and then diagonal. In order not to damage the material, we use a ruler for even bending. After that, we raise the lower rectangle (35 × 25 cm), then the T-shaped top and wrap the diagonal bends as the basis on both sides. In Tog you should get pockets with triangular ribs on the sides. Fix the bends on the reverse side of the foundation by conventional glue for cardboard. For reliability, we recommend glue gun. We make several such pocket pockets, after which we connect them together for the top protrusion of the same glue. The number of sections you are regulating yourself. At the request of the shelter, you can decorate, paint and hammer the twine, plane a self-adhesive film. At the end, we do the hole in the last section, hang a vertical shelf on the wall.

Simple shelves from boxes and pallets

Make a shelf for shoes can be from boxes, which will also be in the farm. For their facilities, they will not be needed to additionally acquire complex parts and tools. If you are the owner of the mesh box, fasten them between themselves in a vertical position using a clamp or durable wire. The front part of the shelf remains open, put shoes. The number of tiers is chosen independently, it all depends on the size and depth of the boxes.

Similarly, you can do with wooden boxes. To clean them with each other you will need nails and a hammer. Such a design will be better to look if it is sanding and painted a tree. If you wish, wooden boxes can not be bonded with each other, but hang on the wall in chaotic order.

However, the simplest footrest for shoes is designed from the pallet. All you need to do with it is to polish and repaint in the desired color. By setting the pallet in a vertical position, insert the shoes into the gaps between the planks. It will keep well and will not fall.

In most cases, a limited space is assigned to this room, so it is so important to use it competently.

In the hallway it is necessary to envisage that every thing has its own place: in this case you will not spend a lot of time for fees. At the same time, if clothes are easier and on hooks, then for shoes and accessories it is better to provide special shelves or in the hallway. About them and will be discussed in this article.

Homemade shelves for the hallway: appointment and varieties

Shelves differ in the number of compartments for shoes, in style. In addition, they can be both open and closed. They differ in depth, in height and for a number of other criteria.

One of the most common shelves for shoes is the so-called. It is a full-fledged autonomous design.

Tip! Even if the space allows you to place a few "shoes", it is better to come from the fact that there should be exactly so many shoes on the shelves as all family members are used in one season. The rest of the shoes are much more convenient to keep in boxes.

Shelves for shoes in the hallway do it yourself: photo in a particular entrance style

In case you make the shelves with your own hands, then you have great opportunities to organically enter them in. With this situation, much easier to keep the single style of the room.

Consider which shelves are best suited for one or another popular interior style.

For popular now, shelves are suitable made of natural materials. A tree will be especially appropriate. Such wooden shelves can be decorated with threads and patterns. A bunk model will look very authentic: the shoes itself is located on the bottom shelf, and on the top - under various accessories and trivia. And if this bunk shelf "close" from above "lid", then it can be used as a convenient intended for arms.

The shelves covered with a lid, which goes out of the edges of the shelves, especially harmoniously looks. Such shelves will perfectly fit in. If you are afraid that this functional accessory will look too simple, then note that this is the main concept of these stylistic directions. If you want something more luxurious to the hallway, it is better to choose such styles like ampir, baroque or.

Tip! Using a tree, keep in mind that it should be used well and coat with a protective layer.

Short leaf: "How to make shelves yourself"

Make the shelves for the hallway can be independently. To do this, you will need time, patience and the necessary minimum of materials and tools.

It all depends on the material used for the manufacture of shelves. If you choose, it is desirable to prefer ready-made processed boards that can be purchased in modern building stores. In this case, the manufacture of the shelf will not cause special difficulties. However, if you decide to do everything solely with your own hands, then you will need the following tools and details:

  • plane;
  • emery;
  • special adhesive for wood;
  • metal corners;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • saw;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

We offer to use a standard wooden board width from 25 to 35 cm and a thick of centimeters.

First you should cut the vertical side walls. Each of them should be approximately equal to 80-90 cm. Prepare support bars, as well as transverse crossbars. Then proceed to cutting four fragments, which will become shoe shelves. Their size should be approximately 60-70 cm.