What the left head is cleaned. What itchies the left or right eye

There are such events in the life of every person when some part of the body itchs or tingles. The people say that this is something, but it means. Each person, I think, screamed chin.

If a Bracked chin, the people say that it is somehow connected with a romantic date. What could be better? So if you decide to invite a girl on a date and hesitate, and the chin itchs - then do not think, you can safely show the initiative.

There are some underwater stones in this sign. For example, if the chin is scratched on the right side, then you should wait for trouble. And most likely, it is very soon to fall on his head. There is even an expression "get into the jaw" - so be alert and consider it as a warning. It is likely that the fight itself will not be, but some conflict is brewing.

If the chin is scratched on the left side, this suggests that you can wait for pleasant news or a long-lasting question for you will be resolved with a positive result for you.

Neck itches - To acknowledged or beatings.


Eyes always scratch Unfortunately and tears. True, our ancestors came up with "antidote" to this take it from unwanted consequences. You must simultaneously scratch both eyes and cross them three times. It is believed that in this case there will be no tears.


Makushka itches - To meet with the teacher.

In the leg of Operach - To joyful news.

Right eyebrow itching - to a date (meeting) with a friend left- With a secret enemy, or someone at that time scolds you.

For what Itchies or twitching left eyes.

Different people know different interpretations of this signa, and some believe that the value, both the cushioning and twitching eyes, will be the same, and others are convinced that these phenomena should be interpreted in different ways. However, if we talk about the most common values \u200b\u200bof the signs, it can be noted that most of our contemporaries are convinced - the left eye itches:

  • to disappointment;
  • to tears;
  • to joyful news;
  • to a pleasant meeting;
  • to a romantic date.

And the most common non-negative interpretations of signs

But if you wonder for what is the right eye twitching, then learn the following options:

  • to tears;
  • to the conflict with a close man;
  • to unexpected news;
  • to profit;
  • to luck.

Moreover, in this case, the "positive" interpretations received greater distribution. In particular, it is believed that a quarrel or tears await a person only if he will have the right eye at the same time with the left, and in all other options for developing events should be waiting for joyful news.

Therefore, if your right eye twitches, it's not particularly about what, but if both eyes were born, and it bothers you, spend the next simple ritual. Lower the eyelids and at the same time spend them with both fists, and then cross the hands and repeat the procedure, and all this time you must read any prayer. That was how our ancestors did to drive away possible troubles, and you, too, if you are a superstitious person, you can adopt their experience.

In nose Operabit (itchies nose) - To drunk

A) to joyful news; If it is for a long time - to a runny nose, cold.

B) I must say that the sign that is associated with the scratching of the nose is special. In this case, the nose is not fully considered, the individual components are often taken: the tip of the nose, the nostrils is the right or left, nose. The people are simply said: "The nose was worshiped - you will drink wine!"

But it was not there. It turns out that only the tip of the nose is shown to the feast and drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages. But if the nostril was triggered - someone from relatives or acquaintances are invited to christening. If the nose itches from any side or side - wait for good news. Worst of all, if suddenly broke the nose, they say, this is a sudden misfortune or death, not necessarily some of the relatives, maybe someone from the distant acquaintances.

In the nose can just easy sensations - Always K. good news. When the right nose wing is drawn, a person awaits very pleasant and unexpected news. If the left wing was combed, lead will be afar and not very good. In the morning, the nose was worshiped - it will be a guest in the evening, perhaps a close buddy will look at a time to spend the evening in a friend's circle, or a neighbor will go for anything and stays sit and chat.

In front of the salary itchs the nose from the factory workers: therefore, they will always celebrate the event of obtaining another salary. It goes without saying that if a great walk or a feast is expected, for example, a wedding, the nose will be hung over the week.

Sometimes the nose can be in people having allergic reactions. It may be a poplar fluff, and dog wool, and even the fragrant French perfume. However, if a person has any allergies, the phenomenon is far from pleasant. It is better to immediately seek help to an allergist for help and urgently take certain precautions to protect yourself from further complications.

Under the nose of chestsi am a disclaimer or some kind of ungrateful.

In the throat Peshut - to the angina; Pop up the throat marine Solumaybe swears.

Zaseil itching - Clear. The forehead itches - puzzled.

Itchies language - As a rule, it is not good. Sometimes it will be necessary to lick ass head soon, and sometimes because someone shredded in direct or in a figurative sense. In badly brought up - from the desire to spit in the interlocutor, in pilingists - from the desire to spit on everything.

Itches in groin - to the doctor

Scratch's ears

Scratch's ears - warning, someone wants to deceive you or fool

Ear left itching - This sign suggests that someone is scolding you.

Ear right itching- To Brahi.

Own sink itchs - We are waiting for condemnation.

If a own sink right, then you will condemn close people.

If lefti am extraneous.

Sole sole - To the road to the creation house. It is possible that to the doctor, from fungus to be treated

Luba scratch - To kisses. After kisses, the lips are scratching - to bad illness

Cheshable left hand - to money, itchies nose - to drinking, if something else - To drink on free

Itches in the crotch - Bad sign. Beware so as not to be a victim of medical errors, intrigue or rape. Perhaps you became an object of someone's secret lusts.

Spin itching - Be careful, you are watching or followed

Lobok itches - If there are no well-known problems with insects, then to a romantic date.

Itchies heel- To the defeat, losing, annoyance. Someone or wants to reveal your secret, or brazenly fuck

Itchies midge - to the scientific discovery

Holds a leg - Stumble at stays

Itch your hands copy the page without reference - to trouble, headaches, possibly to the ambulance loss of the tooth or eyes

Ears are scratched - Overdose from the TV. Stop watching TV and shook noodles

Itchies right hand

B)As an example, here you can give a well-known observation: itchs right palm - Specifications pointing to the coming meeting with a good acquaintance or yet unfamiliar manwhich can later become good friend. What other signs and beliefs are associated with human sensations?

According to the old beliefs, the palm of the right hand can be bored shortly before certain events (commonly wearing a positive character). According to the most famous sign - this event is an ambient meeting or acquaintance, since it is exactly the right palm we conclude a friendly handshake.

A number will also indicate that the palm of the right hand can also be committed to the commission of various operations with money (or to receive, or to return their own debts). In order to believe in acquiring a positive character, and contributed to the receipt of money, and not parting with them, it is recommended to scratch the bottom edge of the table or lose any red subject. At the same time, it is preferably mentally or loud to pronounce "Tru Podoman about red to not be in vain." Another way to attract money is to grab the handful of trifles or clamp of any dignity, barely right hand will begin to hide.

Left Ladoshka itches?

BUT)I congratulate you - they scratch money towards you. This is for money if you, of course, do all the following actions exactly with the instructions *).

*) And the instruction says: We must mentally submit money in the palm. This, I have to tell you, is not at all difficult. Then make a palm cluttering movement to yourself and squeeze your hand in the fist. Presented?

That's the whole procedure.

B)L. eva LadonAccording to the ancient beliefs, it is related to the receipt of money. Thus, briefly answering the question of which the left palm itching, the folk wisdom is concisely reading - "to profits."

So that the sign came true, and in the very near future made it possible to improve the material situation, the left palm should be captured for the pocket and say to myself: "To the money! So be ".

It should be noted that the specified sign indicates that the stronger the left palm will begin, the greater profits should be expected to be expected. So why not take advantage of an old wisdom at a convenient case?

If a Left chest itchingThis means that your young man thinks about you, you can admit memories of you or longing. No wonder there is in mind the left chest - the one that is on one side with a heart.

Also, the left chest can be hung towards money. There is a belief that provides wealth if you have a left chest. But you will have this situation, most likely, only the first half of life. You can also notice for personal life: Left chest itching, it means everything will be fine, but only at the beginning of your life path.

Itchies right chest. The most common belief - in these moments you change your loved one (the truth is, who is and how checked is a mystery). Also, such an event may mean that on an early course, you fell a lot of suffering. But according to the law of the logic and the principle of believing, all adversity should be the abyss and only light and happiness will be ahead.

There is also a belief to the account that both breasts equally itch. Still, does not interfere with the wash. But if it did not help - then this is a good sign, which promises a good, quiet, but prosperous life.

Head itches - You will scold.
Belly itchs - To sorrow.
Zaseil itching - To sorrow.
Elbow itching - To the grief, someone else's bed, quarrel and even a fight.
The blades are scattered- This sign is to bad weather.
Harbo and gums squeeze- You will strongly agree, and the unfair will remain unknown.
Nostril itches- To the christening.
Fingers squeeze on both hands - This sign suggests a clear sign of Malokrovia, and you urgently need to be treated.
Packs itching - Wait for trouble.
The bridge is sick - This sign, as our ancestors believed, suggests that soon you will hear about the deceased.
Under the knee itchs- To the change of weather, with the warm direction.
Armpits are scratched- This sign foreshadows a light disease: on the right side - yours, with the left - the disease of someone from people close to you. Or you recently shaved armpits ...
At all all that lower shoulders, usually it is not for good.
Pop Chesha - This sign means that someone praises you

Left buttock Itchies before the disease.

Itching right buttocks foreshadows mercenary intentions from someone's parties.
Small of the backitches for bad weather.
A heart- itches in the heart of the heart, it means to free
Back according to folk signs Itchies to sadness.
Foot itching - This sign is preparing you a certain way.

Cheeks are scratched - This sign prompts tears. If the cheeks do not bope, but burn, then in this case there may be another version of the signs - you are discussed. Moreover, to find out, good or bad about you say, you need to spend the gold ring on the cheek. If the track from the ring will be black, then you speak badly, white - good.
Language itchs or tip of the tongue - This sign is to unkind gossip and atrocities against you. However, there is a way to "return" these troubles back to unfriendly. To do this, it is necessary to pour the tip of the tongue with a needle or something sharp, or sprinkle with something tart, for example, pepper. And you can simply tie somewhere strong knot. In this case, the misfortuners also "will be tuned" mouth ...


The head is one of the most important parts of the body. It's believed that itching head foreshadows quarrels. To avoid swearing, it is recommended to wash it to wash off bad thoughts.

Area near the temples itches to failures in win-win at first glance situations. There is also a positive sign. The head can be hung towards acquisitions or gifts.

What itchies the left or right eye

From a physiological point of view, the left eye is responsible for working capacity, and the right eye symbolizes the emotional side of the person. The left-handed sign acts on the contrary.

According to folk wisdom, right Eye Itches to Positive Changes in Privacy. At this time, you can safely appoint meetings and make dating. In the evening, signs the prophetic dream.

If the area is drawn near the right ear, then it is worth waiting wise Soviets. And itching around the left ear, on the contrary, promises willingness to help close people in solving authorized problems.

According to European specialists, the right eye itches to the material benefits.

What does the left eye draw? Alternatively, to difficult work.

Left eye is a harbinger hard work which will take a lot of strength and energy. In the West, it is believed that the left eye is drawn due to overwork or hidden diseases.

Also, the sign speaks of ill-wishers and evils that it is feared. In the east, on the contrary, it is believed that the left eye itches to change and new discoveries.

If your eyes are squealing at the same time:

  1. We need to fear the betrayal of loved ones.
  2. Emotional shocks are possible.
  3. Soon the long-awaited meeting will happen.

Itchies right or left eyebrow -

In the old days it was believed that itching the right eyebrow foreshadows happy events, Such as the birth of a child, recognition of success, fateful meetings.

Left eyebrow, on the contrary, warns about danger. It is worth considering others carefully.

An adverse acquaintances are possible, which will continue to bring unfortunately. It is not recommended to plan long roads.

Good sign, when both eyebrows are squealing. This foreshadows replenishment in the budget, Money win, increase salary.

Why the forehead

The forehead area is associated with the mental activity of a person, which explains the rubbing of the forehead during the thinking of any questions.

The upper part of the forehead is itching to treason. There is a belief that "the horns grow." If there is no second half, then there may be betrayal from the people around the people.

Itching in the area of \u200b\u200bbriefs successful decision long-standing questions. And if the forehead itches in the middle, then you need to be prepared for important meetings and negotiations.

Itching ear - what does it mean

The ears are among the hearing authorities than justify the connection will take about them with discussions and negotiations.


  1. Middle of the right ear. Itches to a big quarrel. It will be smoothed with the help of restraint and weighty arguments. Also itching can talk about the deterioration of the weather.
  2. Right ear inside. The surrounding will find out the truth that will make them up and entail gossip. Do not do in situations accent.
  3. Right ear outside. You can expect pleasant surprises and arrived. Free girls will meet the second half.
  4. Light Ear. Itchies to the conflict, in which a conciliation will be played. The scandal may touch relationships with colleagues than entailing problems with the bosses.
  5. Left ear inside. Indicates the glooms surrounded for which it will have to be excused. On the other hand, the situation will show the true face of friends.
  6. Left ear outside. Explain the cash and return of old debts. The clarification of relationships with loved ones and friends is not excluded.

Nose itches - folk sign

What itchies the nose, according to the folk, is judged on the basis of the hosting area. The tip of the nose is itching to merry gatherings.

Left wing foreshadows bad news. But it is not necessary to worry about them, the situation is permitted in a positive way.

Right wing, on the contrary, promises good news. Itching bridges foreshadows severe illness or death. Possible trouble.

Each nostril also has its meaning. Right itchies to joyful events, and the left foresign is misfortune.

Couples that are waiting for the baby, itching the right nostrils foreshadows the birth of a girl, and the left is the birth of a boy. All nose isked to a fight or conflict.

Itches above the lip - meaning

If it was combed place above the upper lip, it is worth waiting for condemns and betrayal. Also will have to face the ungratefulness of acquaintances.

In people dependent on meteorological indicators, the upper part of the lips is itching to change the weather for the worse.

What itching the lips of the upper and lower

By popular belief if lips are scratched, wait for kisses. But few know that this applies only to the upper lip.

Also, itching the top lip foreshadows a romantic date, which will start a strong relationship. In the East, it is believed that the sign says about receiving a sweet gift.

Lower lip itches to praiseAfter which it is possible to raise at work and consolidate the status in society. If there is a deal that has been postponed many times, then it's time to take up its execution.

In the case when the lip is drawn after a romantic evening, it is worth waiting for the successful development of relationships.

Cheeks are scratching - what

According to the teachings of Buddhism, right cheek itchs to a long journey. For a patient, the sign is promoting a quick recovery.

Family pairs will have a conversation that will help find out the causes of discontent. After that, the long-awaited reconciliation will come.

The right side of the face is filled with good energy, which means an oversupply of emotions in the body. At this time, it is necessary to restrain yourself so that the energy splash does not affect the misunderstanding of close people.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe face on the left side is responsible for a romantic mood. Lonely signs the success of success in communicating with the opposite sex, and in love with a wave of positive emotions.

Those who are far from home, sign predicts a quick return. Both cheeks are squeezed to tears, but they will not necessarily be from grief.

What itchies language

Language and chatter can be fired to synonyms, so all the signs about the tongue are associated with communication.

This tip of the tongue speaks about the gossip behind his back - At this time, you need to be careful, as the ill-wishers plan to dissolve rumors; the middle - about the desire to slander the invincible person himself; The root of the language is conflict.

It is important not to succumb to provocations and keep feeling under control.

Itching in the mouth and on the teeth - which means

Note indicates a detractor who wants to specifically slander. At the same time, he will act behind his back, and his name will remain in secret.

What does it mean when the chin itch

For a long time, it is believed that chin sodit from jealous. Over time, this sign was really confirmed. If a beloved person behaves unusual, then it is worth thinking about his loyalty.

Free people will fall out long-awaited rest at home. If it is not possible to plan the rest, then pleasant news are expected.

What itchhes neck

First of all, the sign warns about the approaching events. What they will, depends on the person. With a careful study of surrounding factors, you can avoid impending trouble.

Front neck itches to a fun feast. Even if events were not planned in the near future, it is necessary to prepare for unexpected invitations. Festive meeting is inevitable.

The reverse side of the neck promises unfair punishments. At this time, you should not tempt fate and get involved in dubious companies.

Itching elbow - sign

According to Russian signs, it was considered a good sign, when both elbows are cushed. This meant that global changes in life are approaching..

In most cases, positive events are expected, but there are situations in which they will have to compete for happiness.

Right elbow foreshadows favorable moments. Free girls have to receive gifts and signs of attention. Lovers of beautiful sex can be prepared for the journey.

Men sign warns about the appearance of envious. Both floors of the right elbow can talk about moving.

The left part of the body is considered to be a harbinger of misfortunes, so left elbow itching to the appearance of problems. It is necessary to establish relationships with relatives, their help will be needed to eliminate troubles.

What does it mean when itching finger

Left hand:

What itchies the wing of the nose: left - foreshadowing bad news, right - promises good news.

Right hand:

  1. Thumb. Girls tickling thumb talking about receiving gifts, perhaps even wedding Ring. In the near future, the increase in salary or bonuses.
  2. Forefinger. The outcome of the newly started cases depends solely on the person who is Zudit forefinger. It is worth preparing for envy of ill-wishers.
  3. Middle finger. Just like the profit foreshadows on the left hand.
  4. Unnamed finger. Itchies to big waste that will bring emotional satisfaction. Unnamed finger is associated with marriage than explains the sign on obtaining a suggestion for girls.
  5. Little finger. It is recommended to postpone important things.

Hand Camels - Folk Sights

Left hand harbing material welfare. The stronger it is drawn, the more profit should be expected.

In order not to miss the ability to get rich, it should be squeezed into a fist, put it in your pocket and reveal, imitating the folding of money.

Right hand draws to successful negotiations. The sign is justified by the fact that at a meeting or successful transaction, right hands are shown.

Itching right or left palm - meaning

What itchies the palm in the Russian folk version is known to everyone. Left palm Itchies to money, the right palm is Zudit to acquaintance. These are the most popular interpretations of signs.

Species of the left hand warns that you have to part with loved ones.

What does it mean if the wrist

The left wrist is scratched to trouble. An emotional setting will push a person to rapid acts. It may be a quarrel, a fight, problems in relations, even arrest and prison.

Sketches associated with the right wrist foreshadows the praise and receiving deserved awards. Perhaps you have to make serious decisions. But you should not be afraid, in the future they will bring joy.

Itchs chest - what

Both men and women itching left breast predicts changes in communicating with a loved one. Free people should look at their surrounding. Recent dating can grow into a serious relationship.

Men's sign promises financial well-being.

Women signs about the right chest indicates relatives who are waiting for support. The girls who are in a quarrel with the second half can wait for fast reconciliation. Men Itching points to excessive rudeness.

Itches in armpits - folk signs

It has come a favorable time for undertakings - this is why the left armpit itch.

For shy people, this is a sign that it is time to gain self-confidence and achieve success. Coming suitable time For analyzing your personality and fighting flaws.

Species about the armpit on the right side warns about new clothes. Also, the right armp may have a person who cannot defend his point of view.

What itchies the belly - the sign

There are two opposite interpretations of this sign. One side itching belly symbolizes dissatisfaction.

Poor mood entails conflicts in the family, misunderstanding at work, deterioration of the general condition.

These problems can be solved by taking their emotional mood under control. The second option insists on the arrival of huge happiness and well-being in all spheres of life.

What does it mean if the back is itching

Regardless which area was combed, itchy back is explained by the prediction of sadness and disappointment.

The appearance of longing for no visible causes and the development of depression is possible. This does not apply to the owners of moles on the back. They are considered happy overalls. The spine itches to the change of weather.

Prick itching - what

Not in vain says "Find an adventure on the fifth point." Bas warns about unplanned trips. Note warns against deception for mercenary purposes.

What scratching pins

Note foreshadows the arrival of guests. If it did not work for a long time to visit old friends, they themselves organize a meeting.

It is worth being careful in money issues. Cheating or unexpected embezzlement is possible. Also can come bad news.

Chang knees - what does it mean

The stronger itching in the left knee, the more radical will change the weather. In the near future, it is to be engaged in uninteresting work, but they will generously pay for it.

Specifications about the right knee says that soon all the old questions will be solved. At the same time, participation in the decision is practically not needed. It is also worth expecting good news.

What are the legs below the knees

Most of the legs are associated with the movement. Left foot warns of unsuccessful trips, downgrade, material and emotional losses.

Right foot predicts events exactly the opposite. It is necessary to open up new acquaintances, accept invitations to events. All this will entail infinite features and discoveries.

Itchies feet - meaning

Women's feet will be kept to marriage and pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that there will soon have to run a lot after the child.

Men, not burdened with serious relationships, the sign foreshadows thoughts about treason. It will be in reality, depends on the excerpt of the person himself.

Family guys fate treats a pleasant surprise in the form of an increase at work.

When the left foot was combed, a saturated day was expected with the second half. It is also observed when there are unfinished cases that will entail losses.

Before conversation with an influential person, the right foot is drawn. Following the meeting, important issues will be solved in a positive way.

Heel Cheshable - Russian Sick

Both heels are squeezed to change the weather. In the summer, rain is expected to take place, and in winter time, on the contrary, warming.

Also, the heels are considered precursors of the far road. How will the path, depends on which one heel was combed.

P railing heel, like a precursor good luck, promises a good tripwhich will bring both moral and cash satisfaction.

Girls and guys, not burdened with relationships, the right palm itches to a romantic date. Family people sign predicts success in affairs.

With the left heel, it is worth abandoning any trips. They can bring material damages.

What to be prepared if one or another body is sacrible, numerous folk beliefs. Someone unlucky believes in the signs, and someone does not even think about it.

In any case, the life of a person in his hands and even the worst prediction can be corrected by positive actions and thoughts.

What itchies to (folk signs):

What itching left, right hand:

If some part of the body is greatly combed, then you do not need to have hasty conclusions and immediately look for a secret meaning in what is happening. It should be carefully inspecting the itchy place. It is possible that the manifestation of an allergic reaction or dermatological disease. Another reason - insect bite. If there is no redness and rashes there, then you can proceed to the interpretation of this phenomenon. It should be noted that the signs are interpreted equally for men and women.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gadalka Baba Nina: "Money will always be in excess, if you put under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

Head, neck and face

Folk signs about itching places on the head and face:

  • nose to a fight or a noisy party with the use of a large amount of alcohol;
  • ear - you should wait for a serious conversation;
  • left eyebrow - to a meeting with a false and double man; right - to friendly meetings and pleasant pastime;
  • own sink - to clarify relationships with close people;
  • sky in the mouth - to condemnation and spoiled reputation;
  • the left eye is a bad omen, to sorrow and tears; right - to joyful emotions and pleasant surprises;
  • cheeks - to gossip and bad news;
  • forehead - to solve a long-standing problem;
  • chin - to difficult selection;
  • zaseil - to hopeless sadness;
  • lips - to tenders and caresses;
  • language - to empty chatter;
  • makushka - this part of the body is associated with the receipt of news.

In Chesch, gives a few interpretations about the neck:

  • The whole neck is unbearable to a fight.
  • If the right was combed, then a lush feast should be expected, which can end with the use of physical strength.
  • Itches on the left - to exquisite pleasures.
  • Feeling itching with hair, in the occipital part - to the long-awaited meeting with his beloved or beloved.

If the girl had a friend all his face and she feels that the cheeks are burning, then someone will fly intrigue for her back and dissolves untruth rumors.

Back and chest

If the right blade was suddenly combed - to cardiac attachment and love adventure. Left - K. interesting acquaintances and romantic dates. If the zudit is between the blades - to sharp weather changes. Launch is burning - the conceived is not destined to come true.

Burning Copchik foreshadows a lot of misfortune, but if a woman succeeds in keeping his gusts and she will not touch the title place, she will be able to avoid troubles on a happy coincidence.

Superstitions concerning chest and abdomen itch:

  • ribs - to the appearance of envious;
  • breasts to mental suffering and strong experiences;
  • belly - to deterioration of well-being or changing weather;
  • navel - to the celebration;
  • clavicle - to unexpected guests;
  • zudit in armpits - to a sudden fear, which will be delayed for a long time.

Itchies right side - to the return of debt. If farders in the left side, you will have to pay yourself.

Arms and legs

It is important which part of the hand or leg was combed.

Part of the body From the left side On the right side
PalmTo profitTo meeting with a friend
Hand above elbowTo loveBy visiting the enemy
Fingers and wristUnexpected expensesProfitable offer
ElbowA series of sad events who roll the soil from under the feet of man
ShinTo long-distance travel
HeelTo irreplaceable lossTo enhance wages or career growth
Both heels will be achieved at the same time - to a tiring and dangerous road
HipTo the arrival of distant relatives or acquaintances, with whom a person had not seen a long timeTo unforeseen spent right up to full lack of money
SoleTo rampant danceTo walking walks
FootTo the treacherous act of a friend or treason of a loved one. May soon open something very unpleasantTo enjoyable travels with beloved / oh
KneeWait for unpleasant surprises

There are many superstitions and adopt that are associated with the combination of certain parts of the body. Perhaps they will seem strange or ridiculous to someone, but they used many generations of people and continue to use so far, arguing that in most cases, predictions associated with them come true. To find out what is waiting in the near future, it is these signs that these signs. What itchies what itch is, consider in this article. Here are described some of the beliefs associated with Chesia, they are true or not - judge themselves.

Folk Sights: Eye Itchies

It is believed that the eye is left to tears, chagrin or trouble. Legends go that in the medieval times of the Witch before they were burned in the fire, the right eye was made to show everyone that after her death would certainly happen to misfortune. Left Zenica, on the contrary, itches to joy. Such superstition is connected with these signs: if you have a friend of the right eye, you can try to take trouble. For this you need to scratch right hand Left Oko, after that cross and read prayer. The people have such a saying, associated with this admission: "Left eye to tears followed, right - to look at anything."

What is the nose?

Signs associated with this part of the person have several interpretations. The most popular is the speaker that the nose itchs to drinking ("the nose is drawn - in a glass look"). Although some believe that such interpretation has come up with today. Another meaning of signs is the upcoming unpleasant conversation with someone, a quarrel or even a fight. As the saying goes, "a good nose fist for a leaf of feel."

What do lips scratch?

If you are feeling it on lips, it is possible that it is not a sign, but a starting cold. As for the superstition, it is believed that this part of the face itches to a kiss. During World War II, all men went to war, and only women remained in the villages.
Therefore, passing by the guy, the girl specially rubbed his lips, showing that she does not kiss him. "Fucking will be fattening - to eat hotels" - this is another value of signs.

What does what itching: ears

"It was already happening ear - wait for Westa." Another prediction option is the change of weather. The linkers, according to believing, itchy to warm, if you were born in the spring season, or to cold - if in autumn-winter. Sometimes a person hears the ringing in the ears, it is also a sign that has its interpretation. If rings in the right ear, then it is to good news, if in the left - to unpleasant news.

Other signs: what itching

  • Eyebrow - to tears or dating.
  • Palm - right hand itches to the money, and left to parting with them.
  • Elbow - to grief.
  • The bridge is to the dead man, to death. Nostril - foreshadowed christening.
  • Cheeks - to tears.
  • Heels - to the road.
  • Knee - you will be jealous of your beloved.

Here are the main beliefs associated with the chase of anything. Of course, some interpretations and signs disappeared over time. What is it cleaned? This question is no longer so relevant in our time and someone will seem funny. Although certainly there are such people who still believe in signs and listen to their predictions.

What is the stomach itch?

IN modern world Many people do not give any importance to the appearance of itching in one or another body of the body, although a few more decades, it was considered an important sign from the higher forces. All this explains the existence of numerous accepts.

What is the stomach itch?

Since ancient times since ancient times, there is information that the belly is the center of the body in which the whole concentrates vital energy. The appearance of the itch in this area was associated in most cases with something bad.

What does it mean if the belly itchs:

In the mythology of the ancient Slavs, the scratching of the belly is a symbol of the existence of discontent, which can be associated with anything.

Right eye itches to what: Signs

Believe in signs or not - the personal matter of everyone, and argue with someone about whether they should believe them - the exercise is useless. But in any case, the signs appeared not simply and are not the fiction of some particular person. They folded for centuries.

In ancient civilizations, in the pagan times, many people did not know why this or that event is happening, and they came up with an explanation for him, which later created the religion of that time. It was raining and poking the sowing - it means that the Rain's God is more favorable, a hurricane was gone - the God of the Wind grows.

Just with the signs: People were looking for an explanation of what happened and tied it with signs - signs. And it was not a single experience, a repeated pattern was needed. People have collected for centuries, analyzed and generalized these patterns (or, for unbelievers, coincidences) and created signs of them.

So, regardless of whether the signs actually act or not, they are part of the centuries-old culture and our mentality.

There is also an opinion that the highest strength or our subconsciously sends us signals in the form of physical sensations, and people simply noticed it and began to use.

But some esoterics believe that the signs, like dreams, are purely individual, and only a person himself can join them, listening to his intuition, because it is his subconsciousness to send him signs.

Today it will be about the signs, namely, why the right eye itchs. Is it good or bad, according to the signs?

Right and left side

Christians believes that an angel is behind the right shoulder, and for the left - demon. Therefore, the signs associated with the right side are considered good, they are mainly to good and joyful events. And all that on the left is a bad sign. As can be seen existing admission, it is not always so. In addition, often the same sign can be interpreted in different ways. For example, the right eye itches to tears, and maybe to joy.

And the ancient Slavs (which, by the way, were pagans) tied the right side with a man and men's heroic power. It was also the right side of the truth and the right thing, even the root of these words. That is why they greet the right hand.

There is another, less common opinion. According to him, everything that on the right is bad news, but on the left - on the contrary.

What itchies the right eye: Signs

Signs for this case are the most diverse, so everyone is collected here.

In most cases, it is believed that it is fortunately and joy that can be caused by other signs associated with itching in the right eye. According to this version, even if it is drawn to tears, it will be tears of joy or, despite the chagrin, everything will end well.

What does the right eye draw? Signs:

  • It can be laughter, fun and joy. Moreover, both in the big and significant occasion, and on trifles, you may just have a good mood.
  • Meeting with good friend, old familiar, relative or any other person to whom you feel good. Perhaps you will have pleasant guests.
  • Good luck and sudden wealth, receiving money from a new source, it is believed that if you do not scratch your eyes, you can multiply profits. According to another version, on the contrary, it is necessary to lose the right eye with the fingers of the right hand (someone believes that left), stroke the right shoulder and turn to the angel behind him, you can still say: "I'm waiting, I wait, I will not wait, let happiness come, goes out sadness "and crightened three times. But do not forget that, according to one of the versions, when contacting higher power It is impossible to use a particle "not", because it is omitted when transmitting "upstairs".
  • Long-awaited date. Moreover, tears can mean that the beloved will grieve you, or foreshadow a quarrel, but everything will end well. Or the meeting of the narrowed. Moreover, this meeting can be closer, you need to immediately approach the window, close the left eye and imagine the narrowed. You also need to look in turn on all the roads in sight and say: "I sit at the window, waiting for a cute, like a cat, the right eye scratched - a date ordered."
  • Execution of dreams or strong desire.
  • Unexpected news, and pleasant.

If the right eye itches and twitching is to change. It can be any long-term change, it is possible to increase salary, and maybe it will be small in the family. The right eye twitches - change for the better, left - on the contrary.

Days of the week

The view is common that if the right eye itches on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday, then this is a joy (in the names of these days there is a letter "R" - joy). And if on Monday or Saturday - to disappointment. What does the right eye draw on Friday? This is to tears, chagrin.

In another similar version, everything remains the same, except Friday, if the eye was broken on Friday - this means nothing.

It is also believed that when the right eye is drawn in the morning of an odd day of the week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday), then this is a surrender of an unexpected event that will change your views and beliefs.

What if you were interested in the eyes?

Christians believed that it was necessary to lose their eyes with his right hand and twice them to cross them, it was done to protect vision from demons. It is also believed that if one or both eyes itchs, they need to be lost both at the same time and shine three times.

But the pagans believed that they had to show their fig, would lose their eyes with both hands and washed with key water. It was done for the same purpose - to protect the vision from the unclean strength.

It is also believed that if an eye was broken or both eyes, then tears and trouble are guaranteed, and it is impossible to change it.

Other beliefs

What does the right eye draw? There are other interesting theories in this case.

It is believed that the right eye can be bored by an impact man when he is confused or feels uncomfortable.

Aristotle argued that the right eye itches in men, happy in marriage and loving his wife.

IN Ancient Greece, on the contrary, it was believed that the lover of scratching the right eye - niquida wives and mothers, bad mistresses.

Sketches or regularity?

What does the right eye draw? Should I believe in all these signs? They can be believed and steadily follow, but you still do not forget about common sense. Sometimes it is worth searching for other reasons for the coming prophecies. For example, if you scrape the left eye and stumbled, you should not blame the signs in your fall, you just distracted and did not notice the bumps.

What does it mean if the right eye is it? The rational point of view in principle rejects signs. After all, everything that happens to us is the result of our actions and coincidence. Therefore, instead of blaming fate in your failures, it is better to try to take fate in your hands.

Other reasons

What does the right eye draw? Perhaps you should not look for something good or bad? Sometimes the eye can be bored for quite explained and prosaic reasons: perhaps the Sorink or Eyes got there just overwhelmed. It may also be a sign of inflammation, infection or allergies, in this case it is best to consult a doctor.

What itchies to .. inside

Eyebrow Left Itchies - someone at that time scolds you.

Right eyebrow itches to a meeting with a friend.

Eyes will always be squeezed unfortunately and tears. True, our ancestors came up with "antidote" to this take it from unwanted consequences. You must simultaneously scratch both eyes and cross them three times. It is believed that in this case there will be no tears.

The head is scratched - you will scold.

Breasts itching - this sign to bad weather. But there is an opinion that the chest is Zudit and to sorrow.

The lips are scratching - this sign foreshadows kisses.

The belly itchs - to the sadness.

The back of the head is shred to sadness.

The tip of the nose itches - this sign to the drink.

The palm of the left hand is drawn before you give money.

The right palm will accept a meeting with a familiar person.

The elbow itches - to the grief, someone else's bed, quarrel and even a fight.

The blades are scattered - this sign to bad weather.

The palate and the gums are squeezed - you will strongly disappear, and the unfair will remain unknown.

The leg itches - this sign to the joyful news.

Nostril itches - to the christening.

Fingers will be scratched on both hands - this sign speaks of a clear sign of Malokrovia, and you urgently need to be treated.

Packs itching - wait for trouble.

The bridge is itching - this sign, as our ancestors believed, says that soon you will hear about the deceased.

Under the knee itchs - to the change of weather, with the warm direction.

Under the nose itches, it is clear - to fulfill the refusal or someone's ungratefulness.

The armpits are scratched - this sign foreshadows a light disease: on the right side - yours, with the left - the disease of someone from people close to you. Or you recently shaved armpits;)

In general, everything below shoulders, usually it is not for good.

Prick itching - this sign means that someone praises you

Left buttocks itching in front of the disease.

Itching the right buttock foreshadows the mercenary intentions from someone else.

The loin itches to bad weather.

Heart - itches in the heart area, it means to free

Back according to folk signs itching to sorrow.

Foot Itchies - This sign is preparing you a certain way.

The ear left is itching - this sign says that someone is scolding you.

Ear right itchs - to Brahi.

Own sink itches - then wait for condemnation.

If ear sink is right, then you will condemn close people.

If left - outsiders.

Neck itches - this sign to the feast or to the beatings.

The cheeks are scratching - this sign is thrust tears. If the cheeks do not bope, but burn, then in this case there may be another version of the signs - you are discussed. Moreover, to find out, good or bad about you say, you need to spend the gold ring on the cheek. If the track from the ring will be black, then you speak badly, white - good.

Language Itchies or tip of the tongue itches - this sign to the unkind gossip and atrocities against you. However, there is a way to "return" these troubles back to unfriendly. To do this, it is necessary to pour the tip of the tongue with a needle or something sharp, or sprinkle with something tart, for example, pepper. And you can simply tie somewhere strong knot. In this case, the misfortuners also "will be tuned" mouths ..

Signs to what itchs something
Head itches - to be wrapped.
The forehead itches - with someone to greet.
The back of the head is itching - they will scold.
The templechko itches - to the Things about family and related cases, and the stronger itching, the more important things it is.
Right eyebrow - to a date with a friend, or someone praises you.
Left eyebrow - to a dating with a hypocriser, or someone scolds.
Right eyebrow - you will go to a man left - a woman.
The right eyebrow itches - to a date with a man, left - with a woman.
The eyebrows are scratching, itching - you will look at the guest who arrived from afar.
Interbreaks - to a meeting with a married couple.
Eyes will be achieved (itching) - you will be crying.
Eyes or under the eyes itchs - on this day you will cry, regret.
Left eye - to joy.
Right eye - to tears.
The right eye, according to other beliefs, can be made to tears, and to joy, depending on what day the eye itches: if on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday (that is, in those days, in the name of which there is a letter R ), then to joy, and if on Monday or on Saturday, then to tears. To prevent possible tears, you need to scratch both eyes at the same time and turn your eyebridge three times.
In the ears - to the newborn or to bad weather, to the wind.
Right ear - someone brawing.
Left ear - someone praises.
In the ear sinks - to condemnation, and in the right - to condemnation from loved ones, in the left - from outsiders.
All the ear itchies, Zudit and flares: in winter - to thaw, and at what other time of the year - to the speed of West.

The nose is followed - to the joyful news.
Tarios - you hear about the dead.
The tip of the nose is to be in honor or wine to drink (look in a glass), or look at drunk, or to West.
Nostril itches - to Mountains: Right - Someone will give birth to a son, left - daughter.
Nose itches - to old age.
The nose itches on the side - to Wests.
The one or the other side of the nose is forgotten or remembered forgotten.
From the inside (in the nose) - to secret neighboring gooders.
Under the nose - to failure, ingratitude.
Mustache - to the hotel, or to a good room, or visiting.
Mustache - to date or kiss you.
Lips - to the hotel or visit to be.
Lips - kiss with someone.
Upper lip - kissing with a man.
Lower lip - kissing with a woman or with a child.
Both lips are scratching - kissing with a married couple.
Language - with winds to talk, that is, with a man who came from the wind, with an unfamiliar.
The tip of the tongue is to the peres and evil intent against you. To prevent unkind ideas, it is necessary to tie on something strong knot so that the horns also ride the mouths, or to prick the tip of the needle, or sprinkle the tip of the tongue with something sharp (salt, pepper) so that all evil returned to the unfair.
The palate and the gums are explicitly not covered by the condemnation and the inability to determine the unfair.
Cheeks - to Wests, and right - to Westmas from afar, and left - to the Wests from close places.
The cheeks are scratching or burning - to tears.
Beard - kiss.
Chin - someone will bow to you.
Neck - sudden fees on the road.
The occipital side of the neck - to returning from halfway close man And conversation with him.
The clavicle is to be in the Honorary Meeting, visiting.
Shoulders are to get together, and the right shoulder - to a long lack of home, and left-to-to-brief.
Under the mouses - to a light disease, under the right - to their own illness, and under the left - to the diseases of loved ones.
If the hand is itching, then it is necessary to make money, scratch or lose this hand reverse side Table boards.
Right palm - money to receive (pay will beerful if the palm scratch about the tree).
Left palm - money to give money.
Elbow - to grief, or sleep on someone else's bed, or fall on it.
Right elbow - to a dispute, quarrel, a fight.
Left elbow - in front of a strange, unreal offer.
Fingers on both hands - a sign of Malokrovia and an indication of the need for treatment.
Boca - guests will be returned.
Breast - to grief or bad weather.
Heart (under the spoon) - to the annoyance.

Spin - to sadness.
The blades or between the blades - to bad weather.
Spine - to the change of weather.
Lonent - to bad weather.
Belly - to the sadness either to a sharp change of weather, and if itching from top to bottom, then the change will occur during the day, from the bottom up or on the outside - after a day.
The navel and place around it - either to the party, or to Westmas from afar, or to the guest (guests) from afar.
In the groin itches - not to good.
Rear itching - praise.
The right buttock is to illness and sadness, the left buttocks - to the rustle.
The knees are praying on his knees in someone else's church.
Right knee - before the arrival of the Guest Rider.
Left knee - before departing to difficult but profitable work.
Under the knee - the owner (chapter of the family) is to be the road, most likely long.
Legs at the bottom itching - to the rain.
Hallets are scratching - to be on the road.
Sole - go on an unfamiliar road.

The soles are scratching when there is a foot work or to go on foot, to the road.
Right sole - go to any way.
Soothing - go not to any way.
Heels in the summer - to the rain.
Heels in winter - to thaw.
The cat scratches the ear - to the guests.
Pig itchs - to warmth.
Pig itchs about something - to bad weather.