Mikhail Borisovich (Prince of Tver). The last times of independence of the principality of Tver Prince Mikhail Borisovich of Tver

The last prince of Tver.

Mikhail Borisovich came to the throne of Tver after the death of his father Boris Alexandrovich, when he was only 8 years old. He was destined to become the last prince of Tver. In the first years of his reign, Tver and Moscow formally maintained equal friendly relations. In 1462, Mikhail Borisovich signed an agreement with the Moscow prince Ivanov III, who, by the way, was married to his sister, according to which they pledged to help each other. Thus, the Tver prince helped Moscow twice during its campaigns against Novgorod.

The Tver Chronicle reports that in 1480 the Tver prince sent his army to help Moscow, which opposed the Tatar Khan Akhmat. "Standing on the Ugra River" put an end to the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia. After the seizure of the Novgorod principality, the Tver lands were surrounded on all sides by the Moscow lands. Logic dictated that the Tver principality would soon join them. The appanage princes and boyars understood who would be the leader. Many of them are beginning to leave the Tver lands for Moscow. So, Prince Danila Dmitrievich Kholmsky, who eventually became the most prominent commander of the Moscow state, went to Ivan III. Prince Andrei Mikulinsky, whom Ivan III granted Dmitrov, and Prince Joseph Dorogobuzhsky, who received Yaroslavl, followed him to Moscow.

To maintain the independence of the Tver principality, Mikhail Borisovich turns to Lithuania for help. He signed a treaty with Casimir, King of Poland and Lithuania. He promised help from all the enemies that the Tver principality would face. When Moscow learned about this agreement, it was extremely unhappy. Ivan III moved troops to the Tver principality. Despite all the agreements, Casimir never came to the rescue. I had to conclude peace on very humiliating conditions. The Tver prince renounced equality with the Moscow prince and began to call himself his younger brother. In addition, Tver was forced to abandon the contract with Kazimir.

The Moscow boyars, realizing that the power was on their side, began to take the Tver lands. Mikhail Borisovich decided to renew his relations with Lithuania, but his messenger with letters was intercepted by Muscovites. Ivan III gathered an army and moved it to Tver. The Moscow army also included the famous architect Aristotle Fiorovanti, who was assigned to the cannons and pishchal. On September 8, 1485, the Moscow army approached the city. Two days later the townships were set on fire. The Tver boyars understood that resistance was useless. They left Tver and asked Ivan III to take them into service. After that, it became clear that there was no point in defending Tver. Mikhail Borisovich, "seeing his exhaustion," took his treasury and left Tver with a small retinue. Vladyka Vassian and the boyars opened the gates of the city. Ivan III entered Tver. He began with a prayer at the Transfiguration Cathedral, then swore in the inhabitants of Tver.

The principality of Tver was finished. Now it was already possible to speak not about the Moscow principality, but about the Moscow state. From that time on, Ivan III began to be called the sovereign of all Russia. Moscow became, as it were, the heir to Tver. She even adopted her coat of arms. The two-headed eagle of Tver has now become the coat of arms of the Russian state.

Mikhail Borisovich went to Lithuania, where he began to ask for help from Kazimir. However, he understood that it was more expensive for him to argue with Moscow. He got off by giving him a row of sat down to feed. So the last prince of Tver, Mikhail Borisovich, had to end his life in a foreign land. At one time, a portrait of a woman in a Russian dress was shown in the Nesvizh Castle. Tradition said that this was the daughter of Mikhail Borisovich, who married one of the Radziwills. Mikhail Borisovich himself died in a foreign land in 1505.

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the original site!

A Brief Life of the Blessed Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tverskoy

Mi-ha-il, holy great prince of Tverskoy, son of Yaro-sl-va III, grandson of Yaro-sla-va II All-in-lo-do-vi-cha, ro-dil- sya in 1272, soon after the death of his father, from the second su-pru-gi of his Xenia; pro-called Tver-skim, for the prince-lived in Tver-ri, not yet being the great prince, and the first approved the independence of the Tver-prince -niya. By the end of the prince An-dray Alek-san-dro-vi-cha of Tver-go (1304) Mi-ha-il had to enter-drink forever -li-ko-prince-same-pre-table, but his ple-man-nickname, Ge-or-giy Da-ni-lo-vich Mos-kov-sky, poppin-ri-val he has this right- in. This heavy-ba za-tya-well-las for a long time, usu-lip-la-yas not-mi-ri-styu and vl-sto-lu-bi-em Ge-or-giya and his kindred with-no-she-ni-mi with ta-ta-ra-mi, - he was the same-nat on Kon-cha-ke, the sister of ha-na Uz- be-ka. Once again, announcing himself ve-li-kim prince-zem, Ge-or-giy you-st-drank against Mi-ha-i-la, the same beat him with a howl -sko and took Ge-or-giy and Kon-cha-ku prisoner, but for a little-ser-diy his-e-mu da-ro-shaft them his-bo-du. Unfortunately, Kon-cha-ka quickly-po-stizh-no died-la, and Ge-or-giy with ta-tar-skim pol-ko-vod-cem Kav-ga-dy-em okle -ve-ta-li Mi-ha-i-la pe-ed Uz-be-com. On the be-re-gu of the river Ner-li Mi-ha-il ras-with mother-te-ryu and is-in-ve-dal-sya du-hov-ni-ku in sins, he himself na-para-wil-Xia in the hor-du, going almost to the sure gi-bel. He is not-small that in such a way, he-la-ha-em his soul for his loved ones and for his whole people.

In na-cha-le, the khan received Mi-ha-i-la good-ro-same-la-tel-but later, for some time, he bade him judge, -revealing the announcement on the basis of the evidence of the cle-vet-nikov testimonies. Not listening to the righteousness of the prince, I gave him under guard, ve-le-whether to round-off with a tse-five-mi, on-lo-li-whether on the neck of the same -lju ko-boat-ku. Mi-ha-il, with amazing firmness, ter-sang uni-chi-nie and mu-ku. Even on the way from Vla-di-mi-ra, he several times received the Holy Secrets, as if he was about to die; now, see-dya nemi-well-e-my gibel, he taught no-chi in prayer and reading of psalms. From-rock the prince's der-pinned in front of him a book-gu and pe-re-ver-you-roll the leaves, for the hands of Mi-ha-i-la were us. Faithful servants pre-la-ha-li to the prince-siu-ti-tai-no, but he answered: “Spa-say-be-by, not spa-su, fatherhood. Yes, I will be in la God! " Before the very coming-home of evil-de-ev, he opened the Psalm-dash on-oud-chu and read: “My heart is crumpled in me, and more -the sickness of death on-pas-de on me. " Doo-sha his involuntarily co-trembled. When he closed the book, one of the children ran into him and said that Prince Ge-or-giy, Kav-ga-dy and tol-pa people came close to the tent. They dispersed all the people Mi-ha-i-la, and he stood alone and prayed. Evil-dei has done it to earth, mu-chi-whether, bi-whether five-ta-mi. One of them, named Ro-man-netz, thrust a knife into his ribs and cut out his heart (22 no-yab-rya 1319). Te-lo Mi-ha-i-la le-zha-lo na-goe, as long as tol-pa gra-bi-la is the prince-zy. Ge-or-giy sent the body of the prince to Ma-d-zha-ry. There are many zealous desires-la-whether to bring the body into the church, but more-yare did not allow this, having-put it in bread-woo, and leave-from-be-ha-whether stay-nav-li-vat-Xia at the churches.

Su-pru-ha Mi-ha-i-la, An-na, umo-li-la Ge-or-giya doze-in-pour before-re-carry the remains of the prince to Tver. Tver-ri-tane meet the coffin of the lu-bi-my prince on the shore of the Vol-gi. Having removed the lid of the coffin, the people with an unspeakable ra-to-stu saw the wholeness of the mighty, not in the distant way. The warming-up was so-top-but-but on September 6, 1320 in the Pre-ob-ra-feminine mon-on-st-re. The holy powers of the blessed prince of the imperishable in 1655

Le-to-pi-setz na-zy-va-et Mi-ha-i-la the same fatherhood-love-cem, as was St. Di-mit-rii So-lun-sky. Above the dignity of the state-of-the-state, Mi-ha-il ot-li-chal-sya and family-in-mi, vos-pi-tan-ny in pra-vil blah-th-th-stiya good-ro-de-tel-noy mother-of-her Kse-no-she, the end of her days is mo-na-hi-nei.

The Complete Life of the Blessed Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tverskoy

In the first in-wine of the XIII century, the Russian land has suffered a great disaster. According to God-zhi-e-mu, according to her, na-pa-li ta-ta-ry, raz-bi-li of the Russian princes, in-p-no-no-li the whole land of Rus -skuyu, burned a lot of cities and sat down, mercilessly, but from-whether you-sya-chi people. Many were taken captive into bitter slavery, about-lo-li-li-na-kind of tough da-new. After ta-tar-ho-th-th-th-ma, Rus could not correct for a long time. To the great external troubles, there were no less internal disruptions. Prince-zya poppa-ri-va-whether each other has the right to ve-li-ko-prince-same pre-table; from-right-la-yas in Or-du to the clone ha-nam, they are often one-hundred-kle-ve-ta-whether one to the other and stably-and-whether the goats are not each other-gu ...

At this no-happy-but-too-long time, holy prince Mi-ha-il Yaro-Slavich Tverskoy lived. Ro-di-te-whether his ve-whether life is blah-th-th-th-th-th-th-th and ho-di-li for-in-ve-dyam God-zhi-im. His father, Prince Yaro-Slav Yaro-Slavich, after the end of his brother, the great Prince Aleksandr Nevsky, for -ni-small seven years ve-li-ko-prince-pre-table in Vla-di-mi-re on the Klyaz-me. From-right-viv-sis on de-lam in Or-du, on the return path, prince Yaro-slav strongly for-sick and, feeling the approach of death -ho-cha-sa, took a mo-na-she-ha-cut with the name Afa-na-sia, after that he died in 1271 doo. Ve-li-ko-prince-same power went to his brother Va-si-liy Yaro-sl-vi-chu.

The holy prince Mi-ha-il Yaro-slavich was born after the death of his father, in 1272. His mother, blah-che-sti-vaya princess Xenia, vos-pi-ta-la sy-na in the spirit of the holy faith and for-bot-li-in -uch-la gra-mo-te. The young prince was blissfully tuned in: he loved to read divine books, from be-gal children's games and great gatherings and zealously sowed the temple of God. Often, in secret from everyone in the ti-bus of the night, he can-force his hot-prayer prayers to the Gos-do-do. He didn’t like growing food, but he didn’t eat his hunger with simple food, he led a lifelong and blissful, a hundred-yang -but bo-roll-Xia with the flesh and was the wicked enemy of his-th-mo-te-lu, decorating his soul-shu with his color-ta-mi dob-ro-de-te-lei. Thus, the holy Mi-ha-il conquered the fear of God - on-cha-lo any pre-mud-ro-sti. With a special love of love, he relates to the beggars and to the poor and gave them shit-d-rui mi-lo-st-nyu. Whoever was suffering troubles, he boldly went to his-th prince, knowing that he would find help and assistance; of whom after-ha-ha-if misfortune and sorrow, he received from him a word of consolation and encouragement. The holy life of the prince was a teacher for everyone, and everything is not so much for his dignity, but for goodness and teaching -state to people.

On the Tver table, the good-faith-ny prince got up-and-drunk after the brother of his own Holy Glory between 1282 and 1285. His prince-ze-nye to the holy Mi-ha-il began with a more-pleasing de-lom - in-order-e-ni-eh so-bor-no-go temple in Tve- ri. Ve-ro-yat-no, according to the co-ve-tu blah-th-th-sti-voy ma-te-ri from-rock-prince in 1285-du za-lo-lived a stone temple in the honor of the glorious Pre-ob-ser-vy of the Lord for our Jesus Christ in the place of the former de-vain church in the name of holy devil-sreb-en-nikov Kos-we and Da-mi-a-na. Together with the princess Kseni, the blah-lo-loyal prince of the great and generous stole-force of the new temple, supplied him with holy icons us and the sacred utensils, necessary for God’s service.

Tya-th-loe time pe-re-zhi-va-la then-where Russia: princes often-one-hundred-one-on-one and often-to-right mu got-ho-di-moose weapons-we-get-and-vat their rights. Ve-li-to-prince-same-pre-table for-ni-ma-if-then-son Alek-sandra Nev-sko-go An-drei and Di-mit-ri.

I entered the Tver pre-table, the holy Mi-ha-il, as usual, at that time, from-right-wil-Xia to Or-du to the clone ha- Well. At that time, between the brothers - the princes An-dre-em and Di-mit-ri-em Alek-san-dro-vi-cha-mi - pro-is-ho- di-la uso-bi-tsa. In 1293, An-drei brought the ta-tar, who took 14 cities, including Vla-di-mir and Moscow, strongly dropped one hundred-shi-whether the country-well and so-bi-ra-go-ti to Tver-ri.

Strongly took care of the tver-ri-chi with the fact that the prince was not with them. But they whole-lo-va-whether the cross, that they will begin to fight with non-i-body from behind the walls of the city-ro-da to the next edge and for nothing do not give up. Of the other principalities in Tver, there were a lot of people, who, too, would have to fight the enemies. And at this very time, Saint Mi-ha-il was revolving from the Horde. The prince of ed-va did not fall into the hands of enemies, but all-strong des-ni-tsa of God temple-ni-la him: about the imminent danger one priest, and the prince happily rode off to the family-go-ro-du. With ve-li-chai-she-ra-to-stu hear-sha-li tver-ri-chi the news of the rise of his prince; they went out to meet him with the cross. But ta-ta-ry, having learned about the pri-ho-de of the holy Mi-ha-i-la, did not go to Tver.

Two-twenty-two years old (8 no-yab-rya 1294) Saint Mi-ha-il got married with Princess Anna, daughter of Rostov-sko th prince Di-mit-rya Bo-ri-so-vi-cha. Soon, he will be given a try. In 1298, deeply, deeply, when everyone in the duo of the prince was sleeping, the prince's palace was gone. No-one has heard-khal na-chav-she-go-Xia po-zha-ra. The prince himself heard him. Second-ro-pyah he ed-va managed to get out of the hot palace with the princess. The whole case of his burned-re-la. After that, the prince strongly for-bo-lel.

Le-to-pi-setz in the West-woo-em that the holy prince Mi-ha-il was a high-growth, si-lin and from-wa-wives. Bo-yare and the people of his li-bi-li. Diligently read the Divine books, diligently sacrificed for the temples, read the other-and-sacred rank. I didn’t tolerate drunkenness and always didn’t tolerate it. He wished for something different or for something different, and God told him to end up with something.

In 1304, the great prince An-drey Alek-san-drovich died. Prince of Tverskoy Mi-ha-il Yaro-slavich became the eldest in the ro-de now; to him for service, they went and more-yare died-she-th-ve-li-k-th prince. But the pra-va hundred-rei-shin-stva began to sprinkle his two-kin-ple-man-nickname, the Mos-kov prince Ge-or-giy Da-ni-i -lo-vich, although he was not the eldest in the prince's ro-de. As usual, at that time, the new great prince Mi-ha-il had to go to Or-du in order to get yar-lyk on the ve-li-ko-prince-same pre-table Vla-di-mir. The prince of Moskovsky was there too. When he passed through Vla-di-mir, the holy mit-ro-lit Mak-sim, pre-see-dya na-chi-na-yu-shu-yu-sya bi-tsu, with a mole-fight took the Mos-kov-prince-siu go to Or-du and do-bi-vat-sya ve-li-ko-prince-zu -sti. “I ru-cha-yus te-be, - go-to-ril saint Mak-sim, - princess Kse-no-she, ma-te-ryu of prince Mi-ha-i- la, what do you get from the great prince Mi-ha-i-la any-boy-kind, how do you like-la-eat. " Ge-or-giy answered the holy-ti-te-lyu: “Though I am going to Or-du, but I don’t get to the the same table: I am going there according to my own de-lam. "

He went to the Or-du and met there with the Tver prince. Ta-tar-skie mur-zy were-were very k-ry-hundred-lu-bi-you. Desiring to-get-more-more-d-ditch, they say-in-ri-li to prince Ge-or-giy: “If you give a way out (so na-zy-wa-las tribute, to-tue Russian pay-ti-ta-ram) more than prince Mi-ha-i-la Tver-go, we give-dim te-be-whether -th prince ".

Such speeches were violently confused by the Mos-kov-prince, and he began to reach the ve-li-to-princely power. Great raz-dor began between the princes. Ge-or-giy, as he could, tried to tilt the ha-na on his side; he gave great gifts to Or-de. Holy Mi-ha-il pri-need-den was also a lot to spend money, to-ry co-bi-ra-lied from the poor-no-go-ro-da , and there was-la ve-li-kaya tya-ta in the Russian land. Ras-straight between the princes-s-mi we-l-las. One-na-ko ve-li-ko-prince-same power remained with Mi-ha-i-lom Tversky. In 1305 saint Mi-ha-il entered the pre-table of the ve-li-ko-prince. With the Mos-kov prince-land of the saint Mi-ha-il he made peace, but there was no agreement between them: fight-ba Mosk -you with Tver-ryu pro-lasted. The princes dispute now because of the princess in Ve-l-com New-ro-de, and more than once they led their regiments one to another ho-ho. In 1313 the young khan Uz-bek took the pre-table in Or-de. The new khan accepted ma-go-met-tan and zealously tried to disassociate and affirm-wait for him between ta-ta-ra-mi. Under Khan Uz-be-ke, the Russian land was very stra-da-la.

Holy Mi-ha-il had to-witch-go-to-clone to the no-in-mu ha-well, in order to get a new yar-lyk from him (khan- sky gra-mo-ta) for the great princess. And this time, the great-princely pre-table remained behind him. After that, the good-faithful prince returned to Russia. Prince Mos-kov-sky, on obj-dy-to-ro-go zha-lo-val-Xia ha-nu to Saint Mi-ha-il, was summoned to Or-du and pro-was there about three years. Ge-or-giy da-val by-dar-ki khan-ki vel-mo-zham and consumed all the means to tilt the ha-na to its side-ro-well, na-ko -nets were justified in the ob-v-no-no-yah ve-li-k-th prince, managed to get closer to the khan's family, yes, the same kind - I got along with ha-n, got married with his sister Kon-cha-coy (in the Holy Cross-nii Aga-fi). Yar-lyk on the ve-li-ko-prince-same pre-table Khan Uz-bek gave now to his son-in-law, Prince Ge-or-giy. Together with him, the khan sent to Russia according to his words, and at the head of them - Kav-ga-dyya, one of the close-wives of the great -them. Holy Mi-ha-il with a bloom from-ka-zal-sya from ve-li-to-prince-same to-hundred-in-ness; he sent to say to Ge-or-giy: “Brother, if the khan gave you a prince, then I will give in to you. Prince on it, just be done with yours and do not enter my lot. "

But the great prince Ge-or-gy did not want to reconcile with the holy prince Mi-ha-i-l. Having taken a large army, together with the blood-greedy Kav-ga-dy-em and with a lot of ta-tar and muzzles, he fell on Tverskaya region, burned go-ro-da and se-la. Enemies for-bi-ra-whether husbands and wives and pre-yes-va-whether their various mu-che-no-yam and death; ta-ta-ry under-ver-ha-li women na-si-liu. Opu-sto-shiv Tver principality one-on-one side-ro-on of the Vol-gi, they went to-fall and to another part of it, beyond the Volga ... Sorrow about the troubles of the Russian land, the good-and-good prince Mi-ha-il summoned the Tver-go epi-sko-pa and bo-yar and ska - I told them: “Since I didn’t resist, I didn’t give in to the princess of my own kin, since I didn’t give him yes? How evil is now prince Ge-or-giy to my father! I pre-ter-sang everything, do-may, that this is not-yes, this will soon con-chit-Xia. But now I see that they are looking for my head. In no way is I in front of him; if it is vi-no-vein, tell me, in what? "

Epi-skop and bo-yare, shedding tears, in one voice from-ve-cha-whether to the prince: “You are right, our prince, in everything. In front of your ple-myan-no-who-you-them, you ob-na-ru-lived such a confusion, and they - Prince Ge-or-gy with Kav-ga-dy-em - for this take your will. Now they want to drop-a-stitch and another in-lo-vi-well of your principality. Go against them, sir, and we, then, will lay down our heads for you. "

Holy Mi-ha-il answered: “Brothers! You know that the Lord said in the Holy Gospel: Pain-shi sowing love-ve-nick-it-same to have, but who do-shu his in-lo-live for his friend (). Now we have to give our life not for one or two of our neighbors, but for a lot of people, captivity and from bi-that-go enemies, for wives and do-fours, desecrated in-ga-mi. If we lay down our soul for so many people, the word of the Lord will be included in our spa-session. "

The holy prince Mi-ha-il gathered his regiments and mu-same-but you-went to-meet-chu non-i-te-lyu. On December 22, 1317, the enemies met a couple of miles from Tver, at the se-le Bor-te-ne-ve. A great battle was going on. Howl-mos-kov-th prince do not you-hold-zha-lo and in a hurry, but in a hurry. Prince Mi-ha-il followed-up-to-shaft of enemies, and countless-number of war-and-new, bi-ty and crumpled ko-ny-mi , truncated-I-whether rat-noe field; they lie, like sleep-ons in the field at the time of harvest. The great prince Ge-or-giy with the rest of the howl-ska fled to the Tor-zhok, and from-to-yes - to the Great New-rod. His same-na Kon-cha-ka-Aga-fiya, brother Bo-rice and many princes and bo-yar, as well as ta-tar, took it-lo-be-di -te-la-mi captured. Do-spe-hee sa-mo-th saint Mi-ha-i-la were-were all used, but not a single ra was on the body -we. The prince ot-pus-steal on the will of many Russian captives, praised for ta-ta-ra-mi Kav-ga-dyya. With great joy, Mi-ha-il went to Tver and go-rya-cho blah-go-da-ril for da-ro-van-nu -be-do Gos-in-yes, Pre-purely His Ma-ter and holy Ar-hee-stra-ti-ha Mi-ha-i-la.

See-dya in-ra-ze-nie Ge-or-giya, Kav-ga-dy told his friend to run to the camp, and the next day after the beat, you showed Xia in Tver and pro-forces of the world. Holy Mi-ha-il received him with honor, and ta-ta-ry about-man go-in-ri-li to the prince: “From now we are yours. Without the message of ha-na pri-ho-di-are we on you with Ge-or-gi; we are vi-no-va-you and bo-im-sia of the king's anger for the fact that there is a lot of blood. "

Holy Mi-ha-il, believing their flattering speeches, generously bestowed Kav-ga-dyya and his retinue and gave it away with honor.

In the meantime, the great prince collected from the new-born and psko-vi-whose new army and with him again moved to Tver. Howl met on Vol-ge, near Si-not-ev-sko-th bro-da. Holy Mi-ha-il did not want to shed Christ's blood once more; princes for-key-chi-whether the world. Holy Mi-ha-il even pre-la-gal to prince Ge-or-giy together from-pra-vit-Xia to Or-du and there before ha-n ho-da- thai-vat for the Russian land.

Meanwhile, in Tver, there was a su-pru-ha ve-li-ko-prince, sister-ha-na. There was a rumor that the great princess was poisoned in Tver-ri. The prince of Moscow and the Kav-ga-dy got ready to act in one go. Ge-or-giy from-pra-vil-sya in Or-du with many princes and bo-yar. Po-spe-sewed to Or-du and Kav-ga-dy. They na-pi-sa-li on the holy Mi-ha-i-la, many false testimonies and you-caused the anger of ha-na. On him, kle-ve-ta-whether ha-well, if something, having taken a lot of things along the way, the prince ho-tel run to the Germans, and to ha-well go-ti does not want to, that in-general he does not see-well-em-sya of the khan's power. Then the holy prince from-the-righteous to the Or-du of his 12-year-old son Kon-stan-ti-na, ve-ro-yat-no, in ka- for a lie-no-ka. Once-angry-van-ny Uz-bek wa-lel to-sa-d the prince Kon-stan-ti-na Mi-hai-lo-vi-cha under guard and to kill him with his voice house, but ha-well co-vet-ni-ki told him that if he would kill his son like that, then his father would never come to Or- doo. Kon-stan-ti-na from-poo-sti-li. Kav-ga-dyu did not want the Tver prince to come to Or-du and have time to justify himself. Therefore, he sent ta-tar to pe-grab him and kill him. However, it did not work out. Then he began to say ha-well that Mi-ha-il would not come to Or-du and that he would soon send a voice to him. But on August 6, 1318, the blah-lo-loyal prince Mi-ha-il from-pra-vil-sya to ha-nu, taking the blah-go-word from the epi -sco-pa Var-so-no-fia and at his-th-th-th-du-hov-no-th father-tsa igu-me-na John-na. Forgiven the holy prince with his own close-mi on the bank of the Ner-li river. He was-in-ve-given-that before the father of the spirit and opened his soul to him. “Father,” said the holy prince, “I worried a lot about how to help us, but for my sins they it comes to singing a lot of ty-sty because of our times-to-ditch. Now, bah, say, me, from-che: maybe I will come to shed my blood for the nation's most glorious. The Lord, yes, will give me an excuse for pre-sin, and nis-send Christ-and-us in-coy. "

To the river Ner-li, saintly Mi-ha-i-la pro-zha-li su-pru-ga prince-gi-nya An-na and his son, prince Va-si-li. Here the holy prince forgiven for ever; giving them his blessing, he set off on the road. It’s disappointing, but la-ka-la prince-gi-nya, anticipating be-do and saying goodbye to his su-pru-gom. She returned with Prince Va-si-li to Tver. And Saint Mi-ha-il took with him two other sons-no-wei - Di-mit-ria and Alek-sandra. In Vla-di-mi-re, they were met by the khan's sol Akh-soap. “Go to Or-du,” he said to the holy Mi-ha-i-lu, “the khan is waiting for you; if in a month you will not appear, the king decided to go to war in your area. Kav-ha-dy-hoo-bya before ha-n, that you will not come to him. "

Then the bo-yare began from-go-va-ri-vat the prince from the ride-ki to ha-nu: “Here is your son in Or-de, they went to another ". So the same, and sy-no-vya go-in-ri-whether to him: “Who-lov-lo-di-tel, do not go to Or-du himself, better go ko- go-li-bo of us; after all, on you cart-ve-if-ve-tu before ha-n. Wait until then, until his anger passes. "

But holy Mi-ha-il answered with firmness: “Know-those, my dear children, it is not you who are demanded by the khan, but me; my th-lo-you he wants. If I shy away from driving to ha-well, then from-chi-na, I will go down-sto-she-na and a lot of chris-sti-an from-bi- then, yes, and I myself am not from-run-well, then-somewhere death; Isn't it better now to live my soul for many people?

Desiring to comfort his children and the bo-yar devoted to him, the prince told them about the holy ve-li-to-mu-che-no-ke Di-mit -riy So-lun-skom, who said: “Gos-po-di, if this gos-kin, then I will die with him; if you spa-se him, then I will spa-sen with him. "

After that, the prince imposed a sy-no-vey of his own, for-ve-let them live well-de-tel-but and blah-th-th-th. Going to death, he na-pi-sal for-thing-scha-nie, ras-pre-de-lil between sy-no-vya-mi go-ro-da-e- th princes and forgave them. La-ka-li de-ti, letting the father go to Or-du for certain death, and the ed-va could break up with him. Holy Mi-ha-il left his children in Tver and went to ha-well with bo-yars. On September 6th, he arrived at the mouth of the Don, where there was a co-che-va-la then-where Or-da. Here saint Mi-ha-il saw him with his son Kon-stan-tin. As usual, the prince generously bestowed ha-na, his wives and close-wives. Khan sleep-cha-la do-no-mi-lo-sti-in ob-ho-dyl-Xia with Mi-ha-i-l. He even gave the prince a pri-va so that he would protect him from insults. Half a month was a saint Mi-ha-il in Or-de. But the spiteful Kav-ga-dy did not pe-stop-glue at him. Finally, Uz-bek said to his-im vel-mo-zham: “Why are you talking to me about Prince Mi-ha-i-la? Bes-with-passion-but ras-su-di-those with prince Ge-or-gi-e and say-zhi-those who are vi-no-wat; right-in-th-I am-gra-zh, and vi-no-va-th-I will betray the punishment ”.

And the same-sto-khan did not know that he spat the kaz-new to the holy prince without fading away-yes-my-ve-nets mu-che-no-ka.

Wrong-ve-den was the trial of the holy Mi-ha-i-lom. Su-di-I-mi were-whether the spiteful Kav-ga-dy with other his-and-mi single-mouse-len-no-ka-mi. Co-brav-shis in one-well ve-zhu (pa-lat-ka, ki-bit-ka, sha-ter ko-chev-nikov), vel-mo-zhi ha-na, call-whether holy prince and ko-var-but from-mouse-la-whether his guilt: they asserted-waited, as if Mi-ha-il so-bi-ral on go-ro -dam big tribute and did not pay ha-well you-ho-yes. Innocent sufferer, any truth-do and go-thief only-to-ti-well, devil-fear-but about-li-chal false his-their su-dey. However, Kav-ga-dy was not only a judge, but also an ob-vi-no-te-lem and a false wit-de-te-lem against the saint: he rejected all the justifications of the holy Mi-ha-i-la, the full-fledged truths, brought the false allegations no-niya on the add-flatter-no-prince and justified his-their sides-no-kov. After this development, the passionate judges ensured that the saint Mi-ha-il vi-no-ven and for the servant -wa-th death. But the khan did not dare to immediately condemn him to the death penalty and called the hall again to re-look at his de-lo. So ended the first time de-la. A week later, Mi-ha-i-la was again summoned to trial; this time, if he is already in the eyes. Judges you-stood against the prince of the following-yu-ni-ni-nia: “You were proud and didn’t like to ha-well, shit him ambassador and fought with him; beat a lot of ta-tar and did not give a ha-well yes-no; co-bi-ral-sya with kaz-noy run to the Germans; po-sy-lal kaz-well pa-pe; killed the princess-nyu Ge-or-giya. "

Blah-lo-loyal prince Mi-ha-il so justified-dy-val-sya from these ob-v-ne-ni and cle-vet: “Tsar-ryu I am in-koren. No matter how much I paid ha-well, that's why I have a growth. I got into the battle with the Khan's scrapper out of the blue: he came to me with the prince Moskovsky; I did not hold the ambassador in the lap, but with honor I sent him to Or-du. And to poison the same-well prince Ge-or-giy, God is so-de-tel, I never had a thought-la. My brother Geor-giy Da-ni-i-lo-vich would remember my friendship and love for him. I also father him more than once in trouble and he was not a co-per-no-one. He himself re-stood on me and wanted to hold everything against our usual tea. Su-di-the same me-nya right-ved-li-in and sweet-in. "

But the dishonest judges didn’t really enjoy those who, in the words of the psalm-songwriter, mouth imbued, and do not cry, cry, eyes hate and do not see, ears hate and do not hear (). They decided in advance of the decision to kill the holy prince, and Kav-ga-dy with fury answered him: “You don't lo-sti, and do-a-hundred-in death ”. Vel-mo-zhi do-nes-whether ha-well, that now they are convinced of the guilt of Prince Mi-ha-i-la and that he does in death. Uz-bek said to this: "If this is true, then so do it." After the priest-thief, they came-to-see-whether to the condemned-den-mu seven hundred-ro-zhe, connected-for-the prince-z, once-gra-bi-whether it clothes; at the same time, they drove away from him all his bo-yar and servants, moreover, strongly because of them; ud-li-li and the father of his du-hov-no-go igu-me-na Alek-sandra.

So the saint was left alone in the hands of the godless. One only consolation remained for him - prayer, and the blessed passionate thief, not drinking evil, would be against his enemies , began to sing the God-spirit-but-vein-nye psal-we Yes-vi-do-you. On the next day - it was-lo-w-k-se-nye - ta-ta-ry, whether-to-go-to-go-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-lo-do, so that uve -li-chit torment blah-wives-no-go; but he prayed with blood and cried out: "Glory to Te-be, Vla-du-ko Che-lo-ve-ko-lyub-che, what did you do-beat me-nya-lo-to-live now on-cha-lo to-mo-ny-mo-e-mo, please, me-nya and end on-move this: don't confuse me with - two bows and threats of wickedness may not displease me. "

At that time, the khan moved on the hunt to the be-re-gam Te-re-ka. As usual, he should have been co-led by the entire Horde. In the same way, attracted the holy Mi-ha-i-la. Tya-gost-but it was-lo-re-movement for the holy sufferer. On his le-zha-la cha-zha-bark ko-lo-da; every night on the same ko-lo-du for the key and the hands of the holy. One only consolation was for him: the hegumen, the priests and his son Kon-stan-tin were allowed to see him. All the time of the journey of his own saint Mi-ha-il spent in the post, every week he used-in-out -sia and pri-chas-chas-saints of Christ Ta-in. Good luck, the prince still had a habit of singing the psalm every night. Yes, yes. All the more so now, condemned to death, he consoled himself by singing psalms. But since the enemies for-gi-gi-chi-li-ki stra-dal-tsa in ko-lo-du, then in front of him, with the open-ended Psalm-ti-ryu, he stood and pe-re-ver-you-shaft leaves.

This is how the passion-one-hundred-ter-peet prayed with tears all night. During the day, his face was clear and light; with his meek word, he consoled those around him and tried to encourage them: “Do not worry and do not grieve, my friends , do not be upset by the fact that the one you see-do-see-de-see in the prince's attire, now for van in ko-lo-doo. Remember how many benefits I have received in my life, do I really not want to sing for them? And what does this temporary torment mean in comparison with the innumerable sin-ha-mi mo-and-mi? I still have to suffer even more in order to receive forgiveness for my sins. Remember, the righteous and blessed Job himself, being pure, he sang a lot of sufferings. Pe-cha-lit ko-lo-da? Don't be quick, my friends, - soon she won't be on my own. "

The spiteful Kav-ga-dy did not leave the bondage now, but he tried to increase his suffering. With the aim of over-ru-gat-Xia over the holy Mi-ha-i-lom, he guided you to the market, where there was a lot of people. Here he called a hall to put the holy prince on the ko-le-ni in front of him, to-laugh-khal-Xia over him, told him me th to-sa-di-tel-nyh words. So, as if torn-well with-a-yes-no-em, addressed him with the following speech: “Know, Mi-ha-il , so it is a ha-na habit: if he is angry at someone, even from his kindred kov, then pri-ka-zy-va-et to keep it in the col-de. But when his anger passes through, then he returns to the disgraced former honor. So those-bya tomorrow or after-tomorrow will master, and you will be in great honor. "

Then, turning to the side-ro-zham, I told them: "Why don't you take the ko-lo-dy from him?"

By-no-may, that Kav-ha-dy from de-va-is-Xia over the unfortunate prisoner, they answered-ve-cha-whether with a smile: “We will remove her tomorrow or after tomorrow, as you said. " - "So hold on, now, so that she does not give him shoulders."

One of the hundred-ro-ds began to hold the ko-lo-do, while the mu-ch-tel pre-la-gal the saintly different questions. But on-ro-du Kav-ga-dy said that the prince was condemned to death for his faults. Finally, over-ru-gav-shis over the holy prince, Kav-ga-dy ve-lied from him. A little bit off-dya, saint Mi-ha-il for-ho-tel from-toh-nut. A crowd of idle spectators escaped: Germans, Greeks, Li-tov-ts, Russians, and with any by torture, look at the one who si-deeds formerly on the princely prince in honor and glory, and now in the eye -you pe-re-no-sit po-ru-ha-nie. One of the prince's children said to the holy mu-che-no-ku: “Prince, isn't it better if you go to your pa-lat-ku and there from-to-h-nut? You see, there are a lot of things here, everyone is looking at you. "

And I was bykh in-but-ness to them: vi-de-sha me, by-ki-va-sha gla-va-mi-and-mi (), - answered the stranger in the words of the Holy Pis-nia. - But do not rely on Te-bya, Gos-po-di, as you are the is-to-giy me from the womb, my love is from the nipple ma-te-re my-ea ().

The prince got up and went straight to his tent. From that time on, there were always tears in the eyes of Christ of the distant-ts, for he was about to see his soon end.

Meanwhile Or-da remained-but-las-las behind the river Te-re-com, under the go-ro-house De-dya-co-v, not far from the go-ro-da Der -ben-ta. For two-twenty-six days now, it’s nice to be a holy stranger. More than once, the servants told him: “Our lord, our great prince, we already have you for you, for you. -nie. Be-gi in the mountains, spa-si se-be life. " But the holy prince answered them firmly: “I have never fled from my enemies before, I will not do this even now. If I am the only spa, and my bo-yare and my servants remain here in bed, then what honor will I be for this? I can't do it. Yes, there will be Gos-pod-nya-la! "

22 no-yab-rya early in the morning saint Mi-ha-il ve-lel co-ver-sew for-ut-re-nu and the Divine li-tur-giyu. With heartfelt vigilance, ob-li-va-yas after-mi, he heard the holy prince of the divine service, he himself read tal pra-vi-lo before Pri-cha-shche-no-em. The good-faithful prince is-in-ve-dal-Xia and came to the saints of Christ Ta-in. He went to-that-for-that to death, because that was the dream, because of his death. After the li-tour, the prince forgave himself with the du-ho-ven-stvo, who was with him (hegumen, two hiero-mo-na-ha, two puppy-no-ka and dia-con): everyone is whole-hearted, tears-but for-forces not to forget him and always keep in mind in his lit-wakh. Then he called his son to see him, Prince Kon-stan-ti-na. Holy Mi-ha-il gave him the next instruction on how to keep his right-to-glorious faith, to read the temple -we are God, spiritual and other-rank, bless the strange and beggar. Then the stranger-prince made a decision about his father-rank, about the bo-yars and servants, calling out about to play with no attention-ma-tel-but and mi-lo-sti-in. After that, he said: "Give me the Psalm-shooting, for my heart is half-not-but-embarrassed." When he opened the book, the following words were revealed to him: “My heart is crumpled in me, and the fear of death is on me (). Holy Mi-ha-il said to the priest-yam who was with him: "Tell me, what do these words mean?" They answered-ve-cha-whether to him: “God-su-dar, do not embarrass your heart in words, for in the same psalm ska-za- but: Voz-ver-zi to Gos-po-da-chal yours, and Toy cha pre-pi-ta-e ()».

These words were consoling to the stranger, and he continued reading the psalms of the Da-vi-do-vyh. Suddenly, in the sha-ter vbe-ha-et the prince's ot-rock; he was ble-den and is-poo-gan-nym go-lo-som said: “God-su-dar, Kav-ga-dy and Ge-or-gy are coming with a lot of na-ro - yes, and straight to your tent. " Then the blessed stranger meekly noted: "I know what they are going for - to kill me." Then he sent the sy-na-th-th Kon-stan-ti-na under the blood of the woman's ha-na. Meanwhile, the godless murderers were already not far from the ve-zhi of the holy Mi-ha-i-la. Kav-ga-dy and Ge-or-gy stayed-but-watched the tor-gu, not far from the tent-ra of the holy Mi-ha-i-la, and went with to-her. From here, they sent the murderers to the holy prince. Like wild beasts, murderers vsko-chi-li in the sha-ter, dispersed all the prince's servants. At that time, the saint stood at prayer and for the last time on earth he glorified his co-creator. Having grabbed the holy one for the ko-lo-do, the murderers hit him against the wall, so that the wall of the tent-ra went through. The prince was on his feet. Then all the murderers of the whole crowd fell on him, top-ta-li no-ha-mi, nem-lo-heart-no bi-li; then one of them, Ro-man-tsev, having grabbed a knife, slashed the holy prince in the side and ver-zero several times a knife in the wound, finally, you-re-hall heart. Thus, the Holy Father of Christ gave into the hands of the Lord the Holy Spirit. Mu-che-no-che-sky-chi-na of the holy Mi-ha-i-la after-to-wa-la in wednesday, 22 no-yab-rya 1318, at the third hour of the day.

Tol-pa ta-tar and the Russians who were in the Or-de, went to the pa-lat-ku of the killed prince and raz-gra-bi-la her. The holy and honest body of the mu-che-no-ka-lo was bro-she-but and le-zha-lo without any blood, for the murderers of the moat - or from the holy prince dress. One of the evil-de-ev came to the bargaining to Kav-ga-dyu and Ge-or-giy and said to them: "Pri-ka-za-nie yours is-pol-no-but."

Then Kav-ga-dy with the prince quickly climb-e-ha-li to pa-lat-ke. Uvi-dev about-na-wives body of the prince, Kav-ga-dy with reproach said to Ge-or-giy: “Since he is not an older brother, all equal as a father? What is his body lying without a blood, thrown on for everybody? Take him and take him to your land, in a gre-bi in his patronage according to your custom ”.

Prince Ge-or-giy heard this so-ve-ta. He told his servants to cover the close-on-woman's body of the saint, and one of them covered him with his overcoat. Therefore, the prince pri-ka-hall to-lo-live te-lo on a large board, and lift the board to a carriage and tie it tightly.

The son of the prince-zya-mu-che-no-ka Kon-stan-tin, some bo-yare and servants of the ed-va managed to run away to his wife ha-na and, pol-zu- I am in the blood of the ta-tar-tsar-tsa-ri-tsy, from the escape of an evil death. Other bo-yare and servants of the Tver prince were-if-de-you, under-ver-well-you in-bo-yam and for-co-va-ny in le-for. Having passed the death of the holy Mi-ha-i-la, the side-ron-ni-ki of Prince Ge-or-giya - princes and bo-yare - got together in one -well, well, pi-li-no, and each praise-lil-Xia for the way he does-do-mal to the stranger.

The holy body of prince Mi-ha-i-la, at the behest of Ge-or-giy, carried him to the river Adezh (what does it mean - go-rist ). But whose two hundred-ro-Ms were-whether-were-come-from-to-guard him. But a great fear fell on them; a hundred-ro-Ms. Bro-si-were to run away from the carriage-way, where the le-th-lo body of the holy mu-che-no-ka. Ra-but in the morning they returned to their place, and they see a wondrous chu-do: to in-to-ka pri-vya-za-na-na-only to ka, the body is le-zha-lo especially-bo, wound to the ground, moreover, a lot of blood came out of the yaz-you. The right hand was saintly under his face, and the left hand was at the wound. It is surprising that there are many predatory animals in the step-pi trot, and none of them dared to touch the holy remains mu-che-no-ka. So, in fact, not the death of the great-ved-no-kov-na; death is a sinner. The spiteful man-ve-co-murderer Kav-ha-dy is not from the run of the right-wed-no-go-da-da God: soon he was executed at the request of for-niyu ha-na Uz-be-ka.

On the same night, many of the christi-an and other-faithful vi-de-li, like two ob-la-ka wasp-nya-whether that place, where the-ho-di-moose the honest body of the killed prince. They then converge, then ras-ho-di-lied and si-i-li, exactly the sun. In the morning, go-in-ri-whether: “Prince Mi-ha-il is a saint. He was killed innocently. "

From the river Ade-zhi, the body of the holy one was taken to Ma-d-zha-ry. Here the merchants, who knew the holy Mi-ha-i-la, would like to cover his body up to-ro-gi-mi wea-ny-mi and become to live in the holy temple. One-on-the-bo-yare of the prince Ge-or-giy not allow them to do this; they put him in the barn and put him in the guard. But God said in a wondrous way the power of His-th-please: many of the people in no-cham saw that over in the same place, under-ni-small-sya fire-pillar from earth to heaven. Other vi-de-li ra-doo-gu, which-to-paradise sloped over that bread. From-hu-yes, the power of the holy Mi-ha-i-la-lucky more; in-ka-ka with saints-mi-s-ka-mi bla-th-sure-but-th prince pod-ez-zha-la to Without-de-zhu, and some of the -te-lei that-go-ro-da vi-de-li, that a lot of on-ro-da with candles and ka-di-la-mi around-zha-lo te- lo mu-che-no-ka, light riders-ni-ki but-si-lied in the air over the ko-les-ni-tsey. When the body of the saint was brought to this city, they didn’t allow it to be brought to the church, but by -me-sti-whether for two-re and ste-reg-whether the whole night. One side dared to lie down on the carriage, where the body of the stranger lies. Suddenly, nevi-di-may si-la from-bro-si-la him yes-le-co in a hundred-ro-well. A hundred-rog felt-a-shawl-by-ya painful and with great work could rise on his feet, but, rass-ka-appear in his sin-sin-ness, he-received healing.

Finally, the body of the prince-zya-mu-che-no-ka brought-whether to Moscow and rowed-whether in the Kremlin's Spassky mo-na-st-re, in the church-vi Pre-ob-ra-zhenie. Blah-th-faithful princess An-na did not know about the mu-th-no-th-end of her-th-th-su-pru-ga. A year later, Prince Ge-or-giy came from ha-na with a ve-li-ko-prince-zhe-yar-ly-com. He brought with him from the Horde the Tver bo-yar and the prince Kon-stan-ti-na Mi-hai-lo-vi-cha. Then, in Tver-ri, they learned about the death of holy Mi-ha-i-la and about his sin-be-ny \u200b\u200bin Moscow. Prince-gi-nya An-na and children of the holy prince pro-si-whether the prince of Moskov-sko-go-re-carry the holy powers of the mu- che-no to Tver. Ge-or-giy ed-va gave his consent. Then, from Tver-ri from-right-vi-whether to Moscow-woo-yar, so that they, with the tor-tity, will carry the power of the holy Mi-ha-i -la. Those who came to Moscow were able to see the wondrous wonder-to-see the Lord blah-in-lil to glorify His own pleasure -Nika. The smoldering so-ver-shen-but did not cut-well-los his holy body. The sent ones took the coffin with the power of the holy one and with great honor carried it to Tver. When the march approached the go-ro-du, princess An-na with his own sy-no-vya-mi Di-mit-ri-em, Alec -san-drom and Va-si-li-em po-eha-li na-meet-chu Vol-goy in na-sa-dakh, and epi-skop Var-so-no-fiy with all the holy co-bo-rum and countless multitude on-ro-yes meet the holy powers on the shore-gu. Ve-li-ko was-lo cry-da-nie; behind the pla-than-ro-yes, there was no church-lo-singing. Oso-ben-but bitterly pl-ka-la Prince-gi-nya An-na.

On September 6, 1320, the holy powers of the blah-th-sure-no-prince Mi-ha-i-la were in- en-nom so-bor-nom temple of Pre-ob-ra-w-ness of the Lord-for-yes on-she-Jesus Christ, where was it-sin-be-ny \u200b\u200band ro-di-te-whether him, the great prince Yaro-slav Yaro-slavich and the great princess Kseniya.

Gos-do-it was-lo-lo-but-glorious-to-glorify His-th-please-ni-ka many-gi-mi chu-de-sa-mi. Even before the opening of his honest mighty blessings, people prayed at his coffin about the permission of theirs. -gov and on-lu-cha-li-healing. Local idle-no-va-nie bla-go-ver-no-mu prince Mi-ha-i-lu in Tver-ri na-cha-los, ve-ro-yat-no, soon-re after the pe-re-not-seeding of his mighty from Moscow; all-Russian-si-si-id-no-va-ni-va-ni-va-nie him ustan-nov-le-but on So-bo-re 1549.

In 1606, to the Russian land, na-pa-li-la-ki and li-tov-tsy; the enemies reached the Tver pre-de-lovs and strongly opu-hundred-shi-whether the country. But the Lord sent the Russian land gloriously for a shield. Do-I-te-whether often-one-hundred vi-de-li, as from the go-ro-yes you-ez-sting the wondrous rider-nick on a white horse with an ob-na-feminine sword in hand. Fear then fell on the enemies, and they fled. When the pre-in-di-te-whether non-i-tel-sko-how-ska uvi-de-li iko-well saint Mi-ha-i-la, then they swear howl in-ve-yes-if-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti Feo-k-ti-stu (ruled the Tver eparch-khi from 1603 to 1609) that divine ny rider-nick, to-ro-go they vi-de-li, and was the saint Mi-ha-il.

The incorruptible powers of the mu-che-no-ka-prince were ob-re-te-na in 1632, 24 no-yab-rya. At the same time, a lot of miracles were going on at the thunder of saint. Some-rye vi-de-li there is a pillar over the cathedral-borne temple, where there are honest powers. In 1655, a disaster struck Tver - there was a strong sea in the wind, and many people died from this god. climb-no. That-gdash-niy ar-khi-epi-skop Tver Lavren-ty (ruled the Tver eparch from 1654 to 1657) by the bliss of pat -ri-ar-ha pe-re-lo-lived the power of saint in a new shrine. At the same time, the coffin-ni-tsu is holy-that-that-no-si-li around the city-ro-da. And from that day on, the sickness ceased. In the vos-in-mi-na-nie about such a chu-des-nome of the holy Mi-ha-i-la in Tver-ri, a cross was established first move.


Troparion to the Blessed Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy, Tone 8

Having lifted your mind to God, / and the lives of Angela reigned for you, / left the earthly glory, blessed, / and put your soul in your soul, Michael did Vincen’s molar for thy people, / recollected who honor thy holy memory with love.

Transfer: Having lifted your mind to God and wishing to live with the Angels, you, blessed one, left the corruptible earthly glory, and gave your life for your people, you received a crown for your labors, God-wise Michael, pray to Christ God for those who honor your holy memory with love.

Kontakion to the Blessed Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy, Tone 2

Seeking the highest and contemptuous of the earthly glory, / The Church of God has stained your blood, / for Nyuzhe and suffered, blessed Michael, / the unbelievable concordance of the Blessed Prayer of joy, all the joy of Christ.

Transfer: Aspiring to Heaven and despising earthly glory, you stained the Church of God with your blood, and for Her you suffered, Saint Michael, joyfully accepting an unjust death. Therefore, with the Angels standing before Christ God, pray ceaselessly for all of us.

Prayer to the Blessed Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy

Divine in the sufferer, holy, faithful Great Duke Michael! The virtue of your progress and your labors, even for the faith, for the Church of God and for your fatherland, Tver has laid down the city of Tver. Thou hast longed on the highest, left the corruptible glory of the earth, and being jealous of the heroic hero of Christ, you worthily resisted the fierceness of the wicked king and the reckoning of his wicked warrior. You, having received an unjust condemnation and persecution, perceived the Heavenly Kingdom, and with bloody drops, like a wonderful stone, having decorated your head with a Venetian, who were appointed to be the Lord in Heaven of all the Holy Ones. For this sake, flowing to the race of your prayers, we kiss them with heartfelt lips and tenderly cry out to you: about the namesake of the heavenly commander of the highest powers, Grand Duke Michael! Pray unceasingly to Christ God for your city, for people and for all Orthodox Christians. Be a helper of fasteners against the enemies of Orthodoxy of the Church of Christ. Be a helper for us to improve everything, to our benefit and to our salvation, who is beneficial, protect us from temptations and adversities that come in our time, and do not deprive us of the course of your desire for Christ's despair, which is easier for Him to receive. for in this also His most honorable and glorious name is glorified forever. Amen.

Second Prayer to the Blessed Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy

O holy prince Michael! Ask us, the slaves of God (names), with the Lord God, your representation is peace, health, longevity and prosperity in all. Be all our helper, even for salvation and for our benefit, to perceive; Protect us from temptations and misfortunes, who come in time of life, and do not deprive us of your progress towards Christ God, in order to receive us sins of simplicity and be able to be graciously gracious in His greatness and in His chosen ... Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Kontakion 1

Chosen by God from earthly princes into the heavenly holy martyrdom, from the earthly sowing vale into the Kingdom of Heaven, you have moved away: you have laid down your soul for your people. However, as if you have boldness in the Lord, pray for the Russian state, for your city and the people who are calling you:

Ikos 1

The Creator of angels and all creatures, having seen the angels and the warrior for Christ is invincible, the Archangel of the heavenly armies, the same name for you, is baptized with amenities. Even so, glorifying God's providence for you, as if I would choose a vessel of Christ's grace, cry out to you:

Rejoice, blessed branch of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir;

Rejoice, child of the faithful and pious Yaroslav and Xenia.

Rejoice, for having become an orphan in the mother's womb, you have found a place for all God in your father;

Rejoice, for you shouted His wisdom under your roof and you ripened with age.

Rejoice, for you were good-natured and well-behaved;

Rejoice, for from your youth you have loved Christ more than any treasure.

Rejoice, for you were also worthy of love from God;

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 2

Seeing your faithful mother Xenia, like Anna Samuel, ripening with age and wisdom, adorned with the fear of God and adorned with all the virtues, rejoicing about you, gratefully singing wisdom to the teacher and meaning to the giver of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a mind of God, like Solomon, you loved with all your heart, blessed, the wisdom of God, below, and you searched diligently from your youth; The same from God the gift of reception, you were jealous of the Wise King by the creation of the temple. For this gloriously sake, we call you:

Rejoice, for you have erected a beautiful temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord;

Rejoice, for you have generously decorated you from your estates.

Rejoice, for you have loved the beauty of the house of God with all your heart;

Rejoice, for abide in him more than all worldly pleasures you have deigned.

Rejoice, for you also were the living, spiritual temple of God;

Rejoice, prayers for yours, like a fragrant censer, you brought God.

Rejoice, take away the zeal of your prayers and your deeds, for a fat burnt offering and a blameless sacrifice, the Lord is delighted;

Rejoice, for even now, more than the precious gold, your holy relics adorn this church.

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Vyshnyago autumn is you, and the Spirit of God is hovering over you, as well as over David, when the Lord will elevate you to the ancestral throne as the great prince of the glorious city of Vladimir. The same priests and princes, and all people rejoice according to, giving thanks to God, exalting His humble, and singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a God-loving soul and a merciful heart, when you took over the power of the Grand Duchess, you did not change the temper of your humble, wise and loving one: you were forced to take away every tear from the face of the suffering and you were an assistant to everyone in need. However, do not leave us, who hope for thee and cry as follows:

Rejoice, lover of saints and priests and interlocutor of God-wise monks;

Rejoice, bearer of widows and orphans and intercessor of the offended.

Rejoice, for the youth and youths a pure life of your piety and chastity to the teacher;

Rejoice, the elders and the poor haven, and the sick and the suffering rest.

Rejoice, adorned with more virtues, not even with porphyry and visss;

Rejoice, you who are crowned with piety more than the priceless diadem.

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 4

We are overwhelmed by a storm of lust for power, Prince George, with caress and gifts, ask the Khan for the Grand Duke of Vladimir; But you, humble mind, having given him your lawful possession, went to the fatherly city of Tver. Not even though the shedding of Christian roofs, thy work to God, who judges righteously, thou hast committed, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing, as if your kinsman, was dissatisfied with the taking away of the grand duke from you, into the borders of Tver with a lot of Tatar troops entering, ravaging monasteries and temples, weighing them with fire and sword, and destroying the flock entrusted to you by God, as if Abraham gathered your household, and gathered having consulted with them, thou wished to lay down thy soul for the sanctity of the Lord and for thy people. For this, and now we are grateful to you crying out:

Rejoice, prince after God's heart, telling God your sorrow;

Rejoice, faithful and humble commander, you have looked up your sorrow against God.

Rejoice, the commandment of Christ, the hedgehog to love the neighbor, as for yourself, you justified your deeds;

Rejoice, jealous of Moses and Paul in zeal for the welfare and salvation of your people.

Rejoice, in battle, not of the glory of the earth, but of the fence of the shrine of the Lord, who was mocked;

Rejoice, taming the Tatar riot by the power of God.

Rejoice, your people from ruin, captivity and fierce death with the help of the Most High, protecting;

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 5

The divine star with your howl appeared you, blessed Michael, having come before your shelves, with your right hand, strengthened by God, you destroyed the enemy and the local governor. The same, having defeated the resistance. Thou hast sang Alleluia to God, who miraculously works with a tall muscle, who crushed the battle and saved His people.

Ikos 5

Having seen the life of the city of Tver and all the Tver region, God-given glorious victory, like the princess Konchak and the insidious voivode Kavgady, you captivated you, glory and thanksgiving to God and you, your intercessor, with the praises of the wedding. The same we, too, today, writing victorious honors to you, crying:

Rejoice, the namesake of the namesake of the powers of heaven and the imitator, crushing the enemy of power;

Rejoice, God-protected leader, Tatar hordes, like the Canaanites, scattered.

Rejoice, new Abraham, blessed by God above, And subdue your enemies under your feet;

Rejoice, David of Russia, crowned on earth with the weapon of God's grace.

Rejoice, noble and pious prince, exalted in heaven in glory and honor;

Rejoice, for the Lord has given you a blessing for ever and ever, and make you glad with inexpressible joy in His face.

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 6

A preacher of the Orthodox faith, Thou, a faithful prince, appeared before the sons of Hagarian; Bo Christ, the Son of God, the only salvation and consolation of men is to be preaching the words of the wise and patience of your doblim, you taught the leaders to pet Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou shone in the guardians of the saints, like the sun, tied in heaven with a crown of glory and glorified on earth in incorruptible body: having suffered for Christ's sake, Thou hast received the Kingdom splendor and the crown of kindness from the hand of the Lord. Even so, facing the throne of glory, remember us, who praise thee and say:

Rejoice, passion-bearer of Christ, in all your life, a faithful servant of God;

Rejoice, glorifying God I will take out on earth, and now as an angel and archangel to a cohabitant.

Rejoice, glorified for labor of love and exploits of piety with the saints and the righteous;

Rejoice, for your suffering and strong patience you have been a martyr.

Rejoice, steadfast and fearless confessor of Christ;

Rejoice, wondrous helper to all and God-given guardian.

Rejoice, prayer for those who honor you, warm and pious;

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 7

Although you see good days, not with revenge, but love you gave back to your enemy: you sent Kavgadyya bo and other captives with gifts to their land and, having granted peace to Prince George, did not destroy Christians, but even more so, you exhorted to protect from the nasty. Help us too, holy, the path of peace and your love to follow, may it be favorable to the God of peace, we sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

We understand the new gentleman Joseph and David the meek, God-wise Michael: for his brethren, I don't want to take revenge on this Saul for their anger. And you, having in your power those who are seeking to destroy you, not like a captive, but like visitors you had them, doing good to your enemy. For this, praising thee, crying out:

Rejoice, Russian Joseph, doomed to captivity and death from your brothers Ishmaelite;

Rejoice, we do not only sabotage those malice, but tame the seeker with love.

Rejoice, sower of enmity and vengeance of the devil, like David Goliath, conquering the enemy with meekness and mercy;

Rejoice, your enemies, captivated by the word, consoling and satisfying with food.

Rejoice, thy people, scattering war, gathering together with love;

Rejoice, you who were desolate and needy, you who comforted you and provided you with what is needed.

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 8

Some strange, but dear to God and man we see about you, Saint Michael. Guided by the slander of your enemies and the iniquity of your judges, you were not afraid of the khan's wrath; but may you save your fatherland in the world, lay your soul for your people, you desired, beholding the ruler of faith and the perfecter of Jesus, Himzhe, and you cried: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having surrendered everything to God, as a non-spiteful lamb flowed to the slaughter, blessed; if you didn’t want to become like a mercenary, others like him leave the sheep, seeing the coming wolf, and runs, but as a good shepherd, you advised those who advised you to run: if my belly would keep running, but my innocent people would destroy. The same glorifying your favorable care for people, cry out to you:

Rejoice, good shepherd, imitating Christ the Shepherd;

Rejoice, your own people, more than your own, and more loving yourself to yourself.

Rejoice, endure everything, only the one who will save your people from ruin and vain death;

Rejoice, from those who kill the body and who are not powerful enough to do without fear.

Rejoice, for you imputed corruptible earthly glory for nothing;

Rejoice, contemptuous of all the flattering advice of the wicked Kavgadyya.

Rejoice, preservation of the faith of Christ by all the red and glorious of this world, promised to you, preferred;

Rejoice, the hedgehog to suffer and die for Christ, that you reign forever with Him, before you elect.

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 9

Thou didst surprise the whole human nature with meekness and humility, the faithful prince: while repulsing the spiteful slander of your enemies with meek words, you didn’t denounce the wrongs of the judges with a single word, but as a true servant of Christ God, you followed your Lord, and we do not reproach against you, we do not reproach behold, Omzh, judge of all and bribe-maker, and you cried: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The many-blessed whites will not be able to rip out your great suffering, more passionate: send away your friends and dreams, I put the great on your neck, and are dissatisfied with the creature, like the burden of treasure, smoothness, I yearn and go to many for exhaustion, but exhausted by the Khan in the daytime until exhaustion Thy hands and noses are in the treasure, but no one is weakened by thy member. The same, commemorating your exploits, cry out to you:

Rejoice, for you endured dishonor for your faith and fatherland;

Rejoice, barefoot and smooth, bound and scolded by everyone, like a prisoner drawn by the khan.

Rejoice, psalmics for the sake of all-night vigils, giving your eyes of sleep and not giving you slumber;

Rejoice, in your sorrow and misery the weeping bolyars and your friends comforter.

Rejoice, for your consolation in the one Lord and in your supplications to Him;

Rejoice, for the coming suffering and fierce death, you have foreseen them, thankful God.

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 10

To save your soul though, as a true Christian prepared you for death. Guided by God, as if death is near, at the doors, with warm and tearful repentance before the spiritual father, you cleansed your soul and, by communion with the body and roof of Christ, united to Christ, you sang to Him, who gives an eternal life to all: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Asked for the wicked king, strike your warriors to kill thee, and like a beast of a predator, like a tiger, thirsty for shelter, attacking evil on you, a non-spiteful lamb, and with the treasure of your torment, and with the head of thee I stand a blow, and threw down on the ground at the heels cha biahu mercilessly, until the fiercest of all Romanets, stab your ribs with a knife and your loving heart. The same to you, like a lamb slain for Christ, praising, crying:

Rejoice, for you have become like Abel, the envy of your brother's ruined;

Rejoice, for you have adorned your princely crown with blood drops, like a wonderful stone.

Rejoice, for you were your rags, you were killed in it, you made the reddest of the royal gold-woven scarlet;

Rejoice, for your heart is pure and humble as a sacrifice to Christ, who suffered for us, you offered.

Rejoice, for you imitated a martyr, you are equal to their countenance;

Rejoice, for you received death for Christ, you have been vouchsafed to live with Christ forever.

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 11

We bring a gratitude singing to the Lord, honoring thee, holy noble Prince Michael, as the Lord has given your incorruptible body to the Tver region for consolation and protection, to the city of Tver for glory and protection, for those who grieve for consolation, for those who are in distress for joy and help, for those who are sick for a source of healing, and to all who flow to you by faith, for salvation. To the same God, wondrous in the saints, cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light of the non-evening partaker is revealed to you by the Lord Abiye after your repose, blessed, your body lying on the ground, shielding you from the beasts of the divi, with a pillar of fire showing you to all the pillars of the former faith and truth, and keeping your body incorruptible, glorify the miracles. The same cry to thee:

Rejoice, pillar of faith, show us the way to the land of promise;

Rejoice, spiritual cloud, cover your people from troubles and misfortunes.

Rejoice, vessel of grace, attract the faithful to worship with your power;

Rejoice, source of abundant supply, grant healing to all who come with faith.

Rejoice, invincible commander, as if in the belly, and after death drive our enemies away from us;

Rejoice, glory and hope of the city of Tver, remember us in your prayers.

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 12

The grace given to you from God is leading, the people of your city, and rememberingly, as if you loved them in your belly even to death, I will take them out to you, as a quick and strong helper in circumstances and sorrows that are in the city, will flow. And thou shalt not shame their hopes, quickly delivering them from their troubles with your prayers. To the same God, who saved and saves you for the sake of us unworthy, cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your sufferings, pleasing your holy memory, with faith and love we flow to the race of your relics, and as if an angel is coming from the face and with all the saints of the Life-giving Trinity, we humbly pray to you: do not forget, prince faithful, your people, save your city and weigh yours, as before, grant to all who come to you, even for a temporary life, even more useful for eternal life. Be merciful to us, who praise thee unworthy of our lips and sing:

Rejoice, thou who didst reach the mountain city, and lay thy earthly city with love;

Rejoice, many times the city of Tver has miraculously saved from a deadly ulcer.

Rejoice, rejoice from the angels and do not forget your people in their sorrows;

Rejoice, with the righteous stand before God of glory, and do not despise us sinners who pray.

Rejoice, enjoy eternal and ineffable blessings, and kindly accept the widow's mite, which is brought to you here;

Rejoice, glorified on earth and in heaven from God, and do not reject our unworthy of praise.

Rejoice, faithful prince Mikhail, glorious miracle worker of Tver.

Kontakion 13

Oh, delightful in the sufferer, holy noble Grand Duke Michael! Look mercifully on your humble servants and pray to the Lord God, may your city and your people, and all the city and weight of Christianity be preserved from hunger, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire and all evil, and grant all of us free and involuntary sins forgiveness, yes Let us sing to the God who praised you: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to the 1st Holy Noble-Believing Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich, wonderworker of Tver

Wonderful in the martyr, holy noble Grand Duke Michael! Great deeds and your labors, even for orthodoxy, for the Church of God and for your fatherland, you have laid the city of Tver. You, longing for the highest, left the perishable earthly glory, and being jealous of the ascetic of Christ, you valiantly resisted the wrath of the wicked king and the reproof of his evil governor. You, the reception of unrighteous condemnation and slaughter, perceived the Kingdom of Heaven, and with blood drops, like a wonderful stone, adorned with a crown on your head, stand now in heaven to the throne of all the Lord with the face of an angel and with all His saints. For this reason, flowing to the race of your relics, we kiss these with heartfelt lips and tenderly cry out to you: oh, the same name to the heavenly commander of the highest powers, Grand Duke Michael! Pray ceaselessly to Christ God for your city, for people and for all Orthodox Christians. Be a supporter strong against the enemies of Orthodoxy of the Church of Christ. Be a helper for us to improve everything, for our benefit and for salvation, beneficial, protect us from temptations and misfortunes that come in temporary life, and do not deprive us of your intercession to Christ God, in a hedgehog we will receive forgiveness of our sins and be vouchsafed to a heavenly village with His elect for in this, too, His most honorable and glorious name is glorified forever. Amen.

The last Grand Duke of Tver, Mikhail Borisovich (born in 1453), ascended the throne in February 1461. The prince was related by kinship with Ivan III, married to his sister Maria (who died in April 1465), and with the Suzdal princes (his mother-daughter of Prince Alexander Vasilyevich Suzdalsky). Between March 1462 and September 1464, Ivan III concluded an allied end with the prince. Mikhail Borisovich. Under this agreement, the Tver prince already in 1471 sent his governors to participate in the campaign against Novgorod. In the same year, Prince. Mikhail married the daughter of the Lithuanian prince Semyon Olelkovich. The Tver prince took part in the all-Russian campaign against Novgorod in 1477-1478. During Akhmat's campaign to the Russian lands in 1480, Mikhail Borisovich sent his governors to help Ivan III.

In 1483, after the death of his first wife, Prince. Mikhail again wanted to take his wife from Lithuania, the granddaughter of Casimir. Around 1483, he concluded an alliance agreement with the Grand Duke of Lithuania. All this caused Ivan III's sharp discontent. As a result of the campaign of the Moscow troops against Tver in the winter of 1484/85, Prince. Mikhail was forced to conclude a new treaty with Moscow, according to which he actually became a vassal of the Moscow Grand Duke ("the younger brother"). Prince Michael did not accept this and again tried to enter into relations with Lithuania. His messenger was intercepted. The mission to Moscow of the Bishop of Tver Vassian (July 1485), which had as its goal the settlement of relations with Ivan III, was not crowned with success. As a result of a new campaign, Tver was taken, and Mikhail Borisovich fled to Lithuania on the night of September 12. His mother was sent to prison in Pereslavl in the winter of 1485.

The annexation of Tver to the Russian state in 1485 did not yet mean its complete merger with the common Russian lands. In the same year the Tver principality was granted the heir to the Moscow throne, Prince. Ivan Ivanovich Molodoy, who was the maternal grandson of the father of the last Tver prince Mikhail, and his wife, Elena Stefanovna, was the niece of the prince's wife. Michael. According to the observations of S. M. Kashtanov, Ivan Ivanovich soon after 1488 lost his power over Tver.

Ivan Ivanovich "boyars of Tver" Mikhail Borisovich "was granted to him, he made him a boyars." Thus, the foundation was laid for the existence of a special corporation of "Tver boyars", liquidated, according to B.N.Flori's assumption, after 1509.

After the death of Prince Ivan (March 1490), power in Tver passed to his half-brother Vasily Ivanovich. According to Kashtanov's hypothesis, Vasily Ivanovich between October 1491 and August 1492 was deprived of Tver and received control over Kostroma and Beloozero. In the spring of 1493 he was again sent to Tver, but in fact he was in charge of only the Kashinsky district. In the fall of 1491, scribes were sent to Tver "to write the land in Moscow in the plows." After the disgrace of 1497, Vasily Ivanovich again lost Tver. And only in 1499 he received Novgorod and Pskov as reign, but not Tver. The Tver principality finally became part of the all-Russian lands.

The merger of the Tver nobility with the Moscow aristocracy was a long process that began long before the annexation of Tver and ended several decades after 1485.

One of the reasons for the fall in the independence of Tver was the presence in the principality of appanages, which undermined the unity of the Tver land. In the contract of 1462-1464. with Moscow Prince. Michael mentions his "young brother" - book. Ivan Yurievich, Prince. Mikhail Dmitrievich and "smaller brothers" (unnamed). The treaty of 1485 mentioned the younger brother Mikhail Dmitrievich and the younger brothers. Mikhail Dmitrievich Kholmsky represented the senior branch of the princes of the Tver House. In the spring of 1471, his daughter was married to Prince. Boris Vasilyevich Volotsky. Prince Mikhail took part in repelling the invasion of Akhmat on the Ugra in 1480. In the summer of 1485, he headed the Tver embassy sent to Moscow. In September of the same year, he opened the gates of Tver to Ivan III. However, on September 29, he was "caught" under a hypocritical pretext: "he left his prince at the needy, and kissing him, changed." Brother of the book. Michael Prince. Danila Dmitrievich back in the 60s of the 15th century. transferred to the Moscow service.

Prince Ivan Yurievich Zubtsovsky was a cousin of Mikhail Borisovich. A very distant kinship connected Mikhail Borisovich with the Dorogobuzh princes. Great-great-grandfathers of Yuri Andreevich Dorogobuzhsky, who participated in 1471 with the Tver army in the Novgorod campaign, and Boris Alexandrovich Tversky were brothers. Yuri's brother Osip (Joseph) Andreevich Dorogobuzhsky, like M. D. Kholmsky, participated in repelling Akhmat's campaign in 1480. In the summer of 1485, anticipating the imminent fall of Tver, Vol. Joseph transferred to the Moscow service and received Yaroslavl as an inheritance-feeding. He was married to the daughter of Mikhail Andreevich Vereisky, Anastasia. In the campaign of the book. D. D. Kholmsky to Kazan in 1487 I. A. Dorogobuzhsky was the second commander of a large regiment in the ship's army. In the military campaign of 1493 against Lithuania, IA Dorogobuzhsky took part as a voivode "from Tver". By 1495/96 he had already lost Yaroslavl and was mentioned among the boyars "from the Tver lands" who traveled to Novgorod in the retinue of Ivan III. In August 1496, Prince. Joseph commanded an advanced regiment in the campaign against the "Svei Germans". In the campaign of 1500 to Roslavl and in 1501/02 to the "Germans", he commanded a regiment of the right hand. He owned an estate in Novgorod.

The son of OA Dorogobuzhsky Ivan Porosh in 1507 was sent to Ples to help the prince. M.I.Bulgakov. He died near Kazan in 1530. His widow was married for the second time to IP Fedorov. The son of Ivan Porosha, also Ivan, was executed in 1547. The Dorogobuzhskys' possessions were located in the Tver district.

Great-grandfathers of the book. Andrei Borisovich Mikulinsky and Mikhail Borisovich Tversky were siblings. In 1477, during the campaign against Novgorod, Ivan III, Prince. Mikhail sent Andrei Borisovich to meet the Moscow Grand Duke. Having passed (like I. Dorogobuzhsky) in the summer of 1485 to the Moscow service, Prince. Andrei received Dmitrov in the fiefdom-feeding, which, obviously, soon lost.

His children (Vladimir, Yuri and Vasily) served the Moscow sovereigns with faith and truth. On them, this branch of the Mikuli princes was suppressed. In the summer of 1489, Prince. Vladimir commanded a regiment of the right hand in the campaign against Vyatka. During the campaign "to the North" in 1492, he was "attached" to the large regiment of Prince. D. D. Kholmsky. Prince Vladimir accompanied Ivan III to Novgorod in 1495/96, he was named among the boyars "Tver lands". In the campaign to Rostislavl in 1500 and in the "Germans" in 1501/02, he commanded a left-hand regiment. Participated book. Vladimir Andreevich and in the campaigns of 1505, 1507.

Vasily Andreevich Mikulinsky appears in the ranks in the winter of 1514/15 and 1516, when he commanded a right-hand regiment. In 1517 he led the Russian regiments in Meshchera. In 1519, Prince. Vasily was in the guard regiment on Luki. Then for more than ten years it disappears from the ranks. During these years, V.A.Mikulinsky was governor of Smolensk (August 1523-March 1525) and Pskov (1528). In 1530 he was mentioned as a voivode "against Roslavl", in 1531 he headed a large regiment on Tula, and in January 1533 he was present at the wedding of Andrei Staritsky. In May 1533 he was the chief governor of Novgorod Seversky. The last time in the ranks of the book. Vasily was mentioned in 1540, when he was already old and sick. He never became a boyar, occupying a position close to service princes. His lands were in Miku-lin. The Mikulinsky family after him "worn out". The possessions of Vasily Andreevich passed to his relatives the Telyatevsky. Daughter of Prince. Vasily Alexandra was married to F.I.Bezzubtsov, and the second (Nastasia) - to Prince. S. F. Alabyshev.

Cousin of Prince. AB Mikulinsky was Mikhail Fedorovich Telyatevsky, who, according to genealogies, "was in Tver and in Moscow in the boyars." Back in the campaign to Novgorod in 1477, Prince. Mikhail took part with the "Tver force". During the campaign of 1493 he was sent "to the shore" among other governors "from Tver". During Ivan III's trip to Novgorod in 1495/96, MF Telyatevsky and his son Ivan accompanied the Grand Duke among other boyars "from the Tver lands." A certain prince Mikhail Ivanovich Telyatevsky commanded the right hand regiment in the equestrian army sent in September 1496 near Kazan. Obviously, we are talking about Mikhail Fedorovich. In 1500, on a campaign to Roslavl, Prince. MF Telyatevsky headed the forward regiment. In the middle of 1501 he was the third governor in Moscow. In 1502, in a host near Smolensk, he was assigned to the prince. Ivan Borisovich Ruzsky and his guard regiment. In the unsuccessful campaign of 1506 near Kazan, he was among the governors of the Grand Duke, numbered among the regiment of the right hand of Prince. Fyodor Volotsky. In September 1508, Prince. Mikhail with Luk was sent on a campaign against Lithuania. The last time he was mentioned (as the governor of the Vladimir and Tver boyars) was in the fall of 1509, when he was left in Moscow (due to his old age) during the trip of Vasily III to Novgorod. OA Dorogobuzhsky, VA Mikulinsky, MF Telyatevsky in 1495 were named Tver boyars.

At the book. Mikhail Fedorovich Telyatevsky (later Mikulinsky) had two sons - Ivan Bolshoi and Ivan Menshoy Vatuta. One of them was captured near Orsha in 1514. In the ranks of Ivan Telyatevsky, information is found since 1495. In 1507 and 1508. he led a large regiment on a campaign from Dorogobuzh to Lithuania, and in the fall of 1508 he commanded a left-hand regiment in V.D.Kholmsky's army, sent to Vyazma. Of his sons, Dmitry in the middle of the 16th century. served in Tver, and Peter (with his son Andrey) and Vasily were listed as Yaroslavl landowners.

The nephew of Mikhail Fedorovich Telyatevsky, Ivan Punko (Lugvitsa) Andreevich (in the ranks of Mikulinsky) during the campaigns of 1507-1508. in the army of his cousin Ivan Mikhailovich he commanded a regiment of his right hand. In the vanguard of the Russian troops in the first Smolensk campaign at the end of 1512, he also commanded a right-hand regiment. During the second Smolensk campaign in 1513, Ivan Lugvitsa led the same regiment in the army located in Dorogobuzh and in the vanguard of the Russian forces thrown into Smolensk. The failure at Smolensk, obviously, lowered the service rank of I.A.Telyatevsky-Mikulinsky - in 1514, during the third Smolensk campaign, he was in Tula at the head of only a guard regiment. In the same regiment, he stayed in 1515, during the campaign "from the Slovozh" to Mstislavl and Dorogobuzh. In 1517 he commanded the same regiment at Luki. Married (no later than 1511/12) to the daughter of Fyodor Grigorievich Oshurkov. The eldest son of Ivan Andreevich (Punko) Semyon (named Mikulinsky) became a boyar in Grozny (in 1550), and the other, Dmitry, died "in the capture of Kazanskoe." Prince Semyon, married to V.G. Morozov's daughter, owned the remnants of sovereign rights in Mikulin. Mikulinskys back in the middle of the 16th century. had their own vassals on the territory of the former Mikulinsky inheritance. In 1534, SI Mikulinsky was governor of Ryazan, and the first time in the ranks was mentioned in May 1533. After his death, the Telyatevsky-Mikulinsky family was finally exhausted.

About the third of the sons of I.A.Mikulinsky (Ivan), it is known that in 1535/36 he bought a part of the patrimony in Mikulin.

The Telyatevskys, according to B.N.Flori, fell into disgrace, since after 1509 to 1544 representatives of this branch of princes disappear from the ranks, and the grandchildren of Prince. MF Telyatevsky Peter and Vasily were recorded in the middle of the 16th century. like the Yaroslavl landowners, and Vasily did not have estates at all. The observation is quite interesting. Let us recall that at the same time he was in disgrace of Prince. V.D.Kholmsky. This is what can explain the absence of the Telyatevskys among the boyars.

The next branch of the appanage princes of the Tver land was represented by the Chernyatinskys. Andrey Semenovich Chernyatinsky (his father was a cousin of I. A. Dorogobuzhsky) in the summer of 1489 in the campaign against Vyatka D. V. Shcheni was the second commander of a large regiment. His son Vasily served in the inheritance of Prince. Andrey Staritsky as a boyar. As his governor, he was sent to Serpukhov in 1521. Possessions of Ivan and Vasily Vasilyevich Chernyatinsky in the 40s of the 16th century. were in the Tver land. Andrey's grandson, Dmitry Vasilyevich, by genealogy, served Vladimir Andreyevich Staritsky, Dmitry's brothers Ivan Shah and Nikita also served in Staritsa.

In the middle of the XVI century. the clans of the Chernyatinsky and Dorogobuzhsky were exhausted.

So, the Tver princes retained the remnants of sovereign rights in the Tver land. They were not included in the Moscow boyars under Vasily III. At the same time, they did not form a special corporation, although they enjoyed a certain influence at the grand ducal court.

The Kholmskys held a special position in Tver. Dmitry Yuryevich Kholmsky, who reigned in his inheritance in the first half of the 15th century, had two eldest sons - Mikhail and Danila. The first of them remained a loyal supporter of the Tver princes until the very fall of Tver. Obviously, he inherited the Kholmsk inheritance. Danila, having remained a "pariah prince", in the 60s of the 15th century. went to Moscow. In 1469 he took part in a campaign against Kazan. His daughter Ulyana was married in 1471 to Prince. Boris Vasilyevich Volotsky. Prince Danila actually headed the campaign against Novgorod in 1471. In 1472 he was sent to the Oka to repel Akhmat. In March 1474 he took an oath of allegiance to Ivan III. In 1474 he signed a truce with Livonia in Pskov. Together with the people of Pereslavl and Kostroma, he participated in the Novgorod campaign in 1477. At the end of 1479, he was named among the boyars of Ivan III who traveled with him to Novgorod. Around the 70s of the 15th century Danila Dmitrievich was the governor in Vladimir. During the "standing on the Ugra" in 1480, he actually commanded the Russian troops on the Oka with the nominal head - pr. Ivan Ivanovich. In 1487 he took part in a campaign against Kazan (voivode of a large regiment of a ship's army), which ended with the capture of the city. In 1492 he was at the head of the Russian troops sent “to the North”. During the campaign of 1493, Prince. Danila was with the Grand Duke. Obviously, soon after that he died, at least not long before 1504, when his son Vasily received the boyar rank, but after 1495/96, when the younger brothers Danila are mentioned without the boyar rank. According to the family tradition of the Sudimonts, in 1503/04, instead of D. D. Kholmsky, IK Sudimont became the governor of Vladimir. D. D. Kholmsky was married to the daughter of I. I. Zabolotsky. His daughter was married to Ivan Vladimirovich Khovrin, one of the most influential boyars of Ivan III. He owned land in Suzdal, Dmitrov, Volotsk and Ruz districts.

Prince Vasily Danilovich Kholmsky was a major political figure. For the first time (together with his elder brother Semyon) he was mentioned in the categories at the end of 1495, when he traveled to Novgorod with Ivan III. In 1500, Ivan III gave his daughter for him, which was a sign of the greatest confidence in him. In 1502, in the troops of Prince. Dmitry Zhilki book. Vasily took part in the unsuccessful siege of Smolensk. For the first time he was mentioned in the rank of boyar in June 1504, when he, among other boyars, signed one local charter.

In the fall of 1505, Prince. Vasily led the Russian troops sent to Murom to repel the Kazanians. After an unsuccessful trip to Kazan, Prince. Dmitry Zhilka in the fall of 1506 V.D.Kholmsky headed the army on Murom, and in the summer of 1507 - in Nizhny. In the fall of 1507, the book. Vasily was sent to Lithuania at the head of the Moscow army, which was to join up with the regiments of Vasily Starodubsky and Vasily Shemyachich. In the spring of 1508 he was present with Yakov Zakharyich at the trial of Vasily III in a controversial case between the princes of Kemsky. In the fall of 1508, V. D. Kholmsky and Yakov Zakharyich led the Russian troops that marched into Lithuania to Dorogobuzh, but suddenly in November of the same year V. D. Kholmsky was "caught" and sent to prison at Beloozero, where he died. The reasons for the disgrace remain unclear. Perhaps Vasily III did not want to have next to him such a large figure, who was also connected by family ties with the Moscow princely house.

The elder brother of the prince. VD Kholmsky Semyon is less known. At the end of 1495, he, like his brother Vasily, accompanied Ivan III to Novgorod. In March 1497 Semyon Danilovich served in Kazan. In the summer of 1497 he was sent to Narova at the head of a large regiment. Together with his mother and brother Vasily, he was mentioned in the letter of 1511.

VD Kholmsky's cousin Ivan Ivanovich Kasha was in Kaluga in the summer of 1502 during the raid of the Crimean Tatars.

On April 8, 1516 he ruled in Ustyug, in 1516/17 he and the governors in Kaluga. He died on June 27, 1519. Another cousin of VD Kholmsky, Vasily Mikhailovich, was mentioned in the ranks once - under 1513, when he was left in Moscow during the second Smolensk campaign. Once (near 1520) the son of Vasily Mikhailovich Danil was also mentioned (among the Kashira governors).

In 1507 V.D.Kholmsky had lands in the Ruzsky district, in 1504 - in Vladimirsky and Surozhik, as well as in Dmitrovsky and Moscow districts. His son Andrew in 1527 was one of the guarantors of the book. M.L. Glinsky, and in December 1528, among other persons, he accompanied Vasily III to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. In the XVI century. the Kholmsk family is worn out.

Excerpt from the book by A.A. Zimin - Formation of the boyar aristocracy in Russia in the second half of the 15th-first third of the 16th century.

the last Grand Duke of Tver

Loss of independence by the Tver principality

N.M. Karamzin writes about the state of the Tver principality in the second half of the 15th century:

The first attempts of Tver to become part of Lithuania

Back in 1427, almost immediately after the death of Vasily I (1425), the Grand Duke of Ryazan Ivan Fedorovich, and then the prince of Pronsky, entered the service of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Vitovt. At the same time, the Tver prince Boris went to his service, while leaving himself the ruler over the Tver princes, his henchmen. Moreover, since the mother of the young Vasily II, Sophia, was the daughter of Vitovt, Moscow itself, in fact, was under his rule (or at least under his tutelage). The Lithuanian prince wanted to be crowned and unite Russia with Lithuania, but the Poles did not allow this, seeing in such a step a threat to the spread of Catholicism in the lands controlled by Vitovt. In 1430, Vitovt died without reaching his goal. In Lithuania, another civil strife began, and in Russia - the notorious feudal war.

On September 8, Ivan besieged Tver and lit the posad. Two days later (September 10), almost all the princes and boyars fled from Tver, leaving Mikhail alone in this disastrous situation:

He could either flee or surrender to Ivan. Michael chose the first one and fled to Lithuania the next night. Only then did Bishop Kassian, Prince Mikhail Kholmsky and other princes, boyars and simple zemstvo people, who remained faithful to their ruler to the end, "opened the city to John, went out and bowed to him as the general monarch of Russia."

Ivan III forbade the army to plunder the city and its surroundings. On September 15, he entered Tver and on the same day granted the principality to his son Ivan the Young (heir to the throne).

After the fall of Tver

Mikhail Borisovich came soon to Krakow to Casimir IV and asked him to help in the fight against Ivan III. But the Polish king assessed the situation soundly and saw that the Moscow principality was no longer in the same state as under Vitovt. He refused to Mikhail, as reported to Ivan III.

However, Mikhail received from Kazimir two small estates - the Lososinaya "yard" in the Smolensk district and the Pechikhvosty estate in the Volyn district. It is known that he died in the fall of 1505.

Marriages and children

Mikhail was married twice:

  • First wife - Sofia (? - February 7, 1483), daughter of Simeon Olelkovich.
  • The second wife is the granddaughter of Casimir IV, Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland.

There were no sons in either marriage. The dynasty of Tver princes, after the death of Mikhail Borisovich, was thus interrupted.