Home fountains in Feng Shui - how to choose and activate to attract well-being. Monetary Fountain - Wealth Talisman A small fountain in front of the entrance to the house

Room fountain

There are 2 natural phenomena for which a person can watch infinitely on burning fire and current water. Water is the basis of life, its source and continuation. This is a striking dynamic structure that can take several completely different states.

Feng Shui water and its influence on a person's life is paid to special attention. This is one of the 5 main elements of Feng Shui, with which you can harmonize, "customize" your space, and both external and internal. The sounds of the murmur water help to get together with thoughts and calm down, the type of current water fascinates and immerses in a special state of consciousness.

It is proved that water is a magnificent conductor of various energies. Water can be worked out, "charge" said words by changing its molecular structure, it very sensitively reacts to sounds, their promise and character. Thanks to these wonderful properties, water is widely used in many religious rites and the teachings of the world. There was no exception and the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, in which the fountain, this simple and affordable water source for a person occupies a special place.

How to choose a fan on Feng Shui?

Feng Shui fountains are street and homely; Round, oval or rectangular; with or without backlight; With water, beating a fountain or falling down on the principle of waterfall. It doesn't matter what form and configuration will be your fountain, they are all perfectly "set up" the element of water in the house.

If you plan to place it in a house or apartment, make sure that the size of the fountain match the size of the room in which it will stand. After all, in the case of water, more - does not mean better.

Fountain in oriental style

The Second Council is the correspondence of the fountain of the overall style of the design of your home. Agree that the fountain in oriental style will be ridiculous to look at an absolutely European living room. It may even cause an imbalance and thereby breaking the harmony of space for which Feng Shui is fighting. But absolutely any fountain with cyclical flowing water will work on your well-being and prosperity.

Choose a fountain that will be convenient for you. It should be easy for him. The mechanism of the fountain work is better to choose silent - the loud sounds of the mechanism can ward into the sounds of the current water and create a bad shui hairdryer. The simplest design, the better.

Fountain Feng Shui is absolutely any fountain that you like. The fountain of your choice should be associated with success, well-being, cash "stream". Such a fountain, especially placed in the southeastern wealth sector, will definitely be a symbol of good luck.

Home Fountain on Feng Shui: Where to put?

Masters Feng Shui love to work with fountains, carefully choosing a place for them in the house depending on the request of its tenants.

With the help and grid of Bagua, calculate the sectors of your apartment, draw it on the zones. So you will quickly understand, much better put a home fountain on Feng Shui.

If you want to improve the material situation, place the fountain in the south-east sector. Current water will constantly increase your income. Together with the fountain in this sector, it is also often placed (lively thickness or symbolic tree with Chinese coins), red ribbons are observed. The choice of fountain for the south-east sector should be determined by the elements of this zone - wood. Very good to put a wooden fountain here, decorating it with green pebbles.

Fountain placed in the East will strengthen your family and protect it.

The North Fountain will contribute to your promotion, career development and any achievements in your professional activities. But from the tree in this sector it is better to refuse, putting a metal fountain or even just a container with water.

Crystals and stones placed at the bottom of such a fountain or near it will also help you to activate one or another zone. So feel free to add several multi-colored pebbles to the fountain, quartz or lens - it will not only serve as an elegant decoration, but also will strengthen the positive effect of the fountain.

In no case do not place the fountain in the bedroom, even if one of the sectors you need falls on this room. The fountain in the bedroom will bring a feeling of concern and impermanence, makes a disorder between spouses. Especially harm is the fountain in the headboard bed - this location can lead to quarrels, discords, and even theft. In general, in the bedroom, avoid any aquatic elements - fountains, aquariums and even water pictures.

Also, it is also impossible to place a fountain or aquarium under the staircase - it will "wash out" the foundation of your home, destructively affecting the family.

Fountain location outside home

Fountain or waterfall in the garden

If you have the opportunity to put a fountain near the house, do it right. The fountain near the building should be located so that it falls into the field of view from the entrance. Also in the street fountain, unlike home, it is important where water flows: it must flow to the house, and not from it. Do not forget about the proportions of the fountain and its ability to harmoniously fit into the surrounding space, not to be eased from the general design of the site. Such a fountain in front of the house will bring good luck and well-being.

Do not forget that the fountain in the apartment, in addition to its beneficial effects in strengthening the energy of water, is also well reflected on the health of households. If you have dry air, the fountain is perfectly ionizing him, eliminating dryness. Moreover, some experts advise the fountain of aromatic oil to the water - after all, water, like the fire, perfectly spreads odors in the room. Therefore, the fountain can become not only an excellent means to calm the soul and harmonization of space, but also directly serve for your healing.

In the classic teaching of Feng Shui, water is the Schi vital energy source. Thanks to this, the waterfall, fountain or aquarium will last an impeccable storage area for live water, which will attract health, welfare and happiness to your home.

Water ignition will not only be peaceful to act on your psychological state, but will make better air indoors. Water that flows calms, it is perfectly looking at it during relaxation, meditation, and even rest after a heavy working day.

It is very important to have fountains and waterfalls in apartments in the city, which are made mainly from concrete and plastic. Indeed, in such premises, energy unbalances are increasingly dominant. A fountain, waterfall or even a picture with a water pattern can help resume balance between Yin and Yang.

Fenon on Feng Shui: What to choose

If you still wanted to install in your own apartment or in the house of the fountain, then first of all you must decide on its shape and with the pressure of the jet. The water jet in the fountain must necessarily beat up at the same time it can be a diverse height and force of emission.

Fountains are both desktop and outdoor, as cup, columns or different compositions. Due to this, selecting the shape of the fountain, you need to navigate only on your own preferences and tastes.

Some firms for the manufacture of decorative fountains do not always give the right to choose the components of the decor and support for the fountain to the buyer. This is very convenient, due to the fact that you can choose the height and shape of the fountain.

If for some reason you do not want to have a fountain in your home, then you can replace it with an attractive waterfall with crystal drinking water.

What a waterfall pick up

The shape and height of the waterfall, as well as the fountain, select, based on your own desires. But the string of the roar and more powerful water stream, the waterfall will look more spectacular. But also small, quietly burning waterfalls own the same relaxing effect as large waterfalls.

Film from water looks saint. She not only gives sophistication to the interior, but also is considered a very good humidifier.

And if you want something new and original, then buy a waterfall as jets of rain. It is a variety of widths and heights.

However, if the room is small, then it is better to buy a small waterfall, otherwise a significant amount of water in close room can lead to a violation of the energy balance.

Aquarium on Feng Shui: What to choose

In some Asian countries, aquariums with fish are very popular in some Asian states. They can be noticed almost in any house in the southeast sector.
Aquariums with fish are a symbol of not only living water, but also well-being, treasures and prosperity. At the same time, the importance of color and the number of fish is important. The best option is considered when one black fish and eight gold live in the aquarium.

Unlike fountains and waterfalls, the aquarium must be a specific height and width. Because the aquarium should bring power and wealth to the house, the optimal size for the aquarium is: height 38 cm, length 38 cm, and the width of the wonderful aquarium on the hair dry shui is 26 cm.

The size and inhabitants of the aquarium, of course, are of great importance, but this is not all. You still need to pick up the form and place where the aquarium will be. It is much better to install aquarium in the aisle, so you will be able to regularly see it. Just do not need to put it opposite the toilet or the front door, otherwise your entire luck will go into the sewer or to the street. What about the form of aquarium, then it can be diverse, but not triangular.

In ancient China, the legend went about how the carps floated up the river, overcoming the thresholds, and those that did not cope with the flow were dragons. Since those years, the Chinese consider fish with a symbol of purposefulness and perseverance. And thanks to this, if you still wanted to start fish, then in the aquarium it is worth installing a device that will perform the current, and the device that will feed the water with oxygen.

Where the decorative pond should be

Fountain, a waterfall or image of a pond must be located on the left of the front door (if such you are standing face to it), if the pond is installed on the opposite direction from the front door, it will begin to attract not only well-being and happiness to the house, but also other representatives of the fine floor To your husband. This earlier in China believed that a successful man should have a significant amount of concubines. But today the lovingness of a man can destroy the family.

Do not forget that if your element is fire, then you can not abuse elements and domestic water symbols. In this case, waterfalls, fountains and paintings with water pattern should be small.

If you killed quite healthy fish in the aquarium, then do not fall into panic. This means that the deceased fish took with them all the misfortunes and troubles who wanted to hit you. In this case, simply change the water in the aquarium and replenish it with new fish.

If you have no time to do fish, then you can raise lotuses or water lilies. These flowers also, like fish bring good luck and well-being.

If you have your own home, and on the south side I spread out a small garden, then Feng Shui professionals advise to build a small fountain or waterfall in the garden. Ideally, if a waterfall or fountain will be located near the front door. So you will attract prosperity to the house. But, see that water flows towards the front door, and not from it, otherwise luck and well-being will "leak" from you. As we mentioned above, the main thing is that this "pond" lay on to the left of the door (if you look from the house), otherwise the fair sex will come to the house that wishes to discourage your husband.

Most people to the science of Feng Shui are as eastern inventions that are not a place in Russian culture. But, if we look at the history of Russia, we will understand that our ancestors built and equipped their own homes on special rules, which in most cases are similar to the rules of Feng Shui. True, today no one remembers about them. But almost everyone knows that building and accommodation of houses, windows, doors, baths and wells were defined not arbitrarily, but with taking into account the orientation on the lights and the surrounding area. Also, our ancestors have been tremended by water, due to the fact that they knew that drinking water is an energy source, health and vitality.

Creator: Nikandrov Elena
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Fountain is the strongest activator in Feng Shui. On the one hand, this is good, because the installation of the fountain can bring very quick results and help us get what we want. But on the other hand, just as the fountain can activate good energies, it can activate and bad. Therefore, you need to be very neat.

Very often in the books about Pop Feng Shui there are articles that you need to put a fountain in the south-east, because this is a wealth sector, and you will be happy. Only here in a huge number of people after performing this activation serious problems began. Why? Yes, because each house is unique, and in every house there is its own energy, and not the fact that you are fine in the south-east. And if you, for example, on the natal map of the stars there are 2-5 (these are the worst energy), and you turn on the fountain for a long time - problems are provided to you!

Let's discuss how to use the fountains correctly, so as not to bring problems on your head.

First, it is necessary to choose a good day for its installation. It is important. After all, when we turn it on, we grab and multiply those energies that dominated at that moment. If they are bad - you know.

Secondly, after installation, the fountain cannot be turned off. Of course, we are talking about long-term formulas, for example, about the activation of flying stars. He must constantly work. And many make mistakes: first put the fountain, and then turn off when go to work, then turn on again. It is not right.

At that time when you turn off the fountain, activation ends. And for the next activation, you will also need to choose a good day and a good hour.

Thirdly, it is imperative to choose the right fountain. And the main condition - the water in the fountainic should flow in one direction! And in most fountains who are sold, water flows in different directions as in the photo below:

Ideally, so that she just beat up a fountain. By the way, instead of a fountain, you can buy in any pet store pump for aquariums. Take the usual jar with water insert the pump there and here you have a fountain.

Fountain in Feng Shui is a very strong tool for activating positive energy. The pleasant sound of the marching water will calm down any person, and if you also follow the rules of Eastern teaching, you can even attract good luck and well-being in your life.

Fountain in Feng Shui - the value and rules of placement

Element of water is considered very favorable in Feng Shui. And water that is constantly circulating in the fountain is a symbol of qi energy, that is, a favorable energy. It is because it is necessary to place a fountain where many people are usually going. Then all negative energy will be scattered, and positive is to attract. You can also put a fountain in the office. He will calm people and help them move away from With which employees are constantly faced. The main thing is to be located on the left of the entrance door.

In general, the most unwanted zone for the fountain is south. There must be objects associated with fire. If you put there a symbol of water element, then breed the energy at home and attract trouble in your life. The most suitable zone is the north. If your fountain will stand there, you will achieve significant career success. If you place it in the east - improve family relationships. Southeast is responsible for wealth, so there the fountain will gain the abilities that will help you increase your condition.

Do not put fountains in the bedroom or in the kitchen. IN It will only interfere with your relationship with a partner, and in the kitchen destroy the power of fire, which is inherent in it. And it is not good! Again, you can attract troubles and failures.

Refuse to use the fountain is in the bedroom and kitchen. In general, any elements in the bedroom can destabilize your love and marital relationships. In the kitchen (or opposite the kitchen), it is also better not to put a fountain, since the main element of the kitchen is the fire.

Fountain in Feng Shui - Application Features

The fountain should work as long as possible to show all his strength and abilities. Try to include it from And leave until the evening if possible. Do not forget to change water in it - it should always be clean and fresh. You can also put some other talisman on the bottom of your fountain. For example, the toad with a coin in the mouth.

You can also add incense fountain to the water. So, Patchouli will make you more balanced and calm the nervous system. Also, this essential oil is able to activate mental activity. And geranium will awaken you even at the very comfortable morning. Jasmine will help you sleep.

As you can see, the fountain is a very useful thing for those who want to improve their lives. He will not only calm you, and will make the energy of your home more favorable. Yes, and the pleasant rush of water will bring great pleasure!

Feng Shui Fountain is one of the most famous and widely sought-after talismans, which not only brings harmony and order to the house, but also looks incredibly beautiful and aesthetically. If you also think about buying a similar item for your home, read below, and you will learn how to choose the fan shui fountain and where to put it.

How to choose a feng shui fountain?

Fountain from the point of view of east science of wind and water can have any shape, view and style of design. There are no strict requirements for the materials from which it should be made. In addition, so that he brings well-being and good luck, it is not necessary to buy a fountain that seems to be a truly eastern product. So you have the right to boldly buy in the store all you like best.

As for its location and type, it can stand both inside the house and on the street, to be mounted in the wall or represent a separate decorative element.

What is it used for?

In fact, the fountain is a rather powerful hair dryer talisman used for many different purposes. However, its main advantage is the fact that it brings the energy of water to the house, which has long been considered an ancient symbol of wealth and prosperity.

In addition, continuously current water in the fountain fills the environment with negatively charged ions, which are beneficial to the health of all the inhabitants of the house.

Where to position it?

The most suitable zones for the fountain are:

  • East - Located here family and Health AreaTherefore, the fountain, delivered in this direction, will strengthen the well-being of its owners, and will also make positive changes in family relations;
  • Southeastzone of wealth. Here the fountain acts as a cash talisman that attracts the energy of wealth and material prosperity to itself;
  • North - in this direction is located career zonewhich can be easily activated with any miniature fountain and immediately monitor the improvement of their own movement along the career ladder.


Meanwhile, there are 2 places in the house where the fountain is strictly prohibited. It:

  1. South. Its control element is a fire whose energy of any water objects (including fountains, aquariums, etc.) will be actively suppressed and destroyed. Because of this, the so-called energies conflict will arise, and therefore there will be a bad hairdry shui in the house and an unfavorable aura.
  2. Bedroom. Regardless of which part of the house it is and to which sector belongs to, the fountain is not a place here. Being a water hairdry shui Talisman, he will bring the energy of anxiety and sadness here, so it should be put anywhere, but not in the bedroom.

From a practical point of view, I would also like to advise to buy fountains to the house extremely good quality with a silent motor. And in order to strengthen their action on the bottom of the fountain, you can always put a few hairdry shui crystals or stones.

It is also worth paying attention to the fountain model equipped with a diffuser for essential oils. Due to the presence of the last fountain, it will not only make harmony into your home, but also fill it with pleasant flavors and will have a light relaxing or tonic effect on others (depending on the features of the oil used).