How and when to correct magic rituals and rites. What plots especially work on Sunday

conspiracies on Sunday

In the old days, the signs called so red, inflamed eyes. To cure this ailment, after sunset, read a special conspiracy over the water, which the patient immediately has to pour out to your palm and rinse her eyes. The rite spend three evenings in a row. Start being treated on Sunday. Corporate words are as follows:
Bibleful eyes, tears combustible
Spring Savior Savior
Panteleimon healer.
God will help me. Amen.

How to talk a dorsal dry shot
On Sunday, before sunrise, ask the patient to lie on the stomach and touch the vertebrae (after one), reading this conspiracy seven times:
Adam's ribs did not hurt, did not dive
When it was sunmaged.
I do your back for seven parts,
On seven adam bones
On Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday ...
(and so until Sunday). Amen.

Healing of cerebrospinal meningitis
On Sunday night, melt the bath and remove underwear from the patient. In a hot fired bath, put a pelvis with water, wet underwear in it and it should be squeezed, reading a special conspiracy at this time. Please note that the master before holding a rite must undress the devil, to dissolve the hair and remove native Cross. The conspiracy is:
Sunday, Sunday Slave of God (name)
From grievous hands
How the Lord was resurrected many people. Amen.
After that, hang the underwear of the patient on the aspen and go without looking around.

Spell on the pin (for good luck)
On Sunday, when the church is preparing for the service (somewhere around noon), burn a candle in the house and when the melting wax will run from it, substitute a new English pin under the drops so that the wax can be in a round hole at its end. At this time, three times in a row read a conspiracy for good luck. They read it practically about themselves, barely pecked her lips. If someone hear how you read a plot, then you will not work out, so be careful. Consulting words such:
Spirits penetrated into this subject.
Through this hole spell perfume
Stay in this subject
I spell the spirits to take me with my power,
Spell of perfume carry through this subject
I good luck on Monday, on Tuesday,
On Wednesday, on Thursday, Friday,
On Saturday and Sunday,
In the morning, day and evening. Amen.

Make a break from the family
Fakes on the break remove on Sunday, in even number, bypassing his house Cross, and forty times in a row reading a special conspiracy. On this day, it is impossible to receive guests and talk on the phone.
The words of the conspiracy are:
I am made, the slave of God (name), from Adamov Body,
I shoot, I expel the devilish case,
Not a batade, but a cross.
Not per hour and not at times
And for faith in the Unified God of Christ.

Fasteners my house, not a breakdown.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell on the willow
IN Palm Sunday Break willow twig, sentencing:
As long as the willow
Behind the icon will lie
Until my husband
Does not blunt, will not forget. Amen.
Put the conspiracy version for the icon. See do not throw it inadvertently!

How soon to forget the lover
Go on Sunday to the Church and put a candle to the icon of the Virgin "Quench my sorrows." When you leave the church, stand up at the gate and, looking at the dome, tell me:
Quench, lady, longing, sadness
In the servant of God (name)
By slave God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the seller does not cradle revenue
On Sunday, buy a candle and put it from the icon of John the new Sochivsky. Immediately take the holy water and take it into your pavilion. Sprinkle this water over all corners and doors, and then read three times at all corners and doors:
My copper money, my gold money,
my money is any.
Go to my hands, to my walkers.
Go on Monday, go on Tuesday,
go on Wednesday, go on Thursday,
go on Friday and Saturday,
go and on Sunday.
And who will take my money,
who my money steals,
his a hundred times will lose.
Each penny and ruble let me know.
Not to someone's hands, but to my walkers.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

How to remove damage from the house
On the first Sunday of the month, Narvita aspen branches. On Monday, squeeze them in the bucket. When the osse is boiled, read the conspiracy twelve times in a row. When the water cools, wash the windows first, then the doors, then the floor, and then already threshold and porch. Take the water to the intersection. Put on one-color clothing when you go to attribute a wash. On the way to the intersection, silent, do not even respond not to greeting. Very soon you will notice that the house began to revive, the flowers and animals will be found in the house. You will sleep calmly, the light will appear in the house and welcome.
And now plot:
Mother of God, remember your home,
where were you born, where I lived, I spent
in the morning with a prayer stood,
Where ate, where he saw, where the sign was waiting.
Bless my house in saving
from all sorts of bad damage to deliverance.
For the sake of your thoroughly help.
My house, the Virgin, blessing.


Conspiracy from drunkenness
On Sunday in an odd number go to the cemetery. There, find the grave in which the man was buried, which was the same name as a patient with alcoholism. At this grave, put the hotels (eggs, gingerbread and candy), bow to her and tell me:
Lord, help, Lord, bless!
I will stand at risen, go to the cross,
From the hollows of the doors, on the places.
I will find three grave hill,
Worship the dead before the pup
Call him, I will ask:
"Are you lying or get up?
Crush wine drink or do not drink? "
The dead man is silent,
The deadman does not say
The dead man from the coffin does not get up
Wines never drinks.
So that the slave of God (name)
Hands to the cross did not pull
The sip of the grinding did not swallow.
I would seem hop to him snake,
Groin would be grave ground.
Be, my words, strong,
To my case the chain.
Keys, locks, lock,
Never open up the centuries.
What I did not say that I forgot
Then my keeper angel will say
Slava of God (name) forget the cross will order.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids.

Saturday corresponds to Planet Saturn, Zodiacal constellation - Capricorn and Aquarius, Element - Earth and Air, Type of energy - Female, Metal - Lead, Stones - Amethyst, Granite, Quartz, Osidian, Onyx.

Saturdays held by a special magical force, which come for the period between January 21 - February 19, and in the period on July 23 - August 22 they have the most minimal astral influence. Maximum peak magic Power Associate on the evening twilight. Associated with such gods like Saturn, Cronos.

In Russian, the name comes from the Jewish Shabbat (Sabbat), which spread along with Christianity throughout Europe.

Saturday has a special role among all days of the week, especially in the Jewish mysticism, where this day is a link between the heavenly temple in which God lives, and who worship him. In some way, Saturday itself is a temple in time, but not replacing the heavenly temple, but leading to him. With the onset of the Saturday day, each person turns out to be in God's presence and testifies itself.

The name of Saturn's God, the patronage of this day of the week, is associated with the word "sow", and therefore in antiquity he was considered the god of crops and seeds, but later Saturn began to personify the time, the change human life, philosophy and so on.

From the point of view of Magic Saturday, there is more to meditations and reflections than to active magic practice. Nevertheless, it is now possible to perform different ceremonies to worship the gods, to meet with the same wits, as you, to hold meetings dedicated to occult issues, and so on, and the like.

Useful to perform cleansing energy practices, Pray and make meditations, work on your karma and give vows.

On Saturday, caution should be exercised with such parts of the body, like bones, leather, gall-bubble. It is better to give preference to sweet, sour and binding tastes.

Sunday in magic

Sunday corresponds to the Planet Sun, Zodiacal constellation - Lion, Element - Fire, Energy type - Male, Metal - Gold, Stones - Mountain Crystal, Chernelic, Tiger Eye, Amber.

Sundays have a special magical force, which come for the period between July 23 - August 22, and in the period January 21 - February 19, they have the most minimal astral influence. The peak of the maximum magic force falls at noon. Associated with such gods as Helios, Adonis, Apollo, Athon, Attis, Atum, Dazhibogog, Demeter, Dionysis, Ishoof, Marduk, Mithra, Od, Oziris, RA, Svarog, Surya, Tammuz, Utu, Freia, Hepry, Choir, Shamash, Yarilo.

In Russian, the name comes from the word "rose".

According to Jewish and Christian calendars, based on the Bible, Sunday was considered the first day of the week. He comes after Saturday, the seventh day of the week in old religious calendars. Christianity borrowed the order of the week of the week from the Jewish calendar. In the Roman Empire, the first Christian emperor Konstantin introduced a seven-day week in 321 and appointed Sunday (Day of the Sun) the first day of the week and the day of rest and worship. Nowadays in Europe, Sunday is considered the last day of the week.

The sun often acts as the initial symbol of the Supreme Divine either identifies with it. In many states of antiquity, the monarchs ruled on behalf of the Sun and even directly erected their origin to him. That is why this day is often perceived as the beginning of the week, and not its end.

As for magic, the witch on Sunday spend various festive rituals, directed not so much on some particular thing as to attract positive energies to life. Therefore, this day is useful to make amulets and mascots for good luck in any case that increase the overall energy levelgiving victory and success.

On Sunday, care should be cautious with such parts of the body as the heart and back. In the diet, it is better to give preference to salted, sour and acute tastes.

Many people do not know whether it is possible to read conspiracy on Sunday. On Sunday day you can spend rituals, rites and read conspiracy and prayers. Magic before Easter, on the day of Palm Sunday, especially strong. You can fix your health, attract money and good luck, return the world and calm in the family.

Energy in Palm Sunday Special

Any conspiracy on Sunday possess great efficiency, especially a day, when the eve of Easter is celebrated. The energy of this day is special. Simple rituals are even in inexperienced people, and prayers in Palm Sunday are stronger than on ordinary days.

To fulfill any magic ritual, it is necessary to observe a number preparatory actions. They are easy to remember:

  • Ritals are performed with a clean body after bathing.
  • Clothing should be without buttons and other clashes. It is best to sew yourself a Balahon from natural fabric And to wear it in front of any magical effect behind the back, turning inside out.
  • Hair needs to be dissolved by removing all the hairpins.
  • When reading a prayer in Palm Sunday, it is enough easy to wash.

Conspiracies for health

At the Verbal Sunday of therapeutic is considered consecrated in the Church of the Verba and Water, in which the branches stood. Rope touches the body to do not hurt all year. If you want a person to be healthy, slightly whip his branch and mentally wish health.

Health will help to strengthen and such a rite of Palm Sunday: on an empty stomach and swallow several verbal kidneys. All wash with holy water to read:

"As soon as the willow of the belly, it will not stick to me after Verbal Sunday."

The effect of this conspiracy lasts the whole year.

In the case when someone is very sick in the family, you can ask for the healing of the Holy Panteleimon healer. You can contact him by having learned one of the respective prayers, or in your own words. If you want to contact your own words, the text is best to compose in advance, well thinking every word.

If the recreation branch is trembling under the roof of the house, it will protect the health of all households all year. In the apartment it can be attached to the ceiling.

Conspiracies for love are very simple

Conspiracies on Palm Sunday are almost all connected with the Verba. They are pretty simple.

For unmarried girls. The bouquet of recreation twigs are screwed:

"How many kidneys on the branches, so many grooms launched, and marry one will go. This year I am married. "

Reading a plot, mentally represent a loved one. The branches are arid and stored all year.

If the girl wants to achieve attention guy. You need to take one Willow branch and talk to it:

"The year flew, and you did not look at me. At week, you will notice me, I will answer my love. The beauty is my beloved, kindness is my immense. As two dumplings are silent, so I'm killing with you. "

The branch must be put under the pillow for three days. Such conspiracies on Palm Sunday are a long-standing tradition in Russia and in other Slavic countries.

You can talk to the Willow Branch for love and plug in the chosen door. If he, opening the door, will raise it, it falls. If the branch first raises someone else, then nothing happens. Conspiracy:

"The branch is named by our naked, you (name) send. As this willow to the sun stretches, so you will reach me. Without me, neither, nor drink, you can't sleep. "

With a conspiracy, you can attract money

Ritual for wealth. Sangered in the church, the willow put into the water and are waiting for it to start the roots. Water should be changed daily. The branch of the root is planted at the house and read a plot:

"The Verbal Tree climbed, put in the ground, the water was poured. Grow, willow, grow up, and I am addicted to me. "

With the growth of the willows will increase prosperity in the house.

With the help of magic, you can talk to the coin on attracting money. For this, 5 or 10 rubles are lowered into a glass with water and put on the windowsill, as soon as the moon rose. The moonlight beam should fall into the water, which is spoken. Read this plot to Palm Sunday:

"As the moon, water attracts, so the coin attracts money. The moon charges, fastens fire. "

Before the morning, the coin is left in water. In the morning it is taken out, they light the candle and continue the ritual.

Coin take B. left. The candle is brought three times around the hands with a coin, saying:

"The moon charges. Fire strengthens. Coin attracts money. "

Fitil extinguished with your fingers. The coin is put in shoes or boots and are worn under the left heel. It is more convenient to put it under the insole. You can not lose the coin, in this case the money will go with her to the one who finds such a coin.

You can take a recreation twig and put it on the current water (river, vodokanal, stream). It is believed that when the willow floods, wealth and luck "sail" to the house. Considers do not need to read, just think about your well-being.

Conspiracy on the attraction of good luck is valid all year

This conspiracy is held only once a year, on Palm Sunday. By the service in the church, on the way home all the oncoming needs to say:

"Good luck to you!" And add to the whisper: "And I good luck."

Than more people you say it, the better. There is a conspiracy all year.

Another simple rite - the conspirator needs to be early in the morning, at Verbal Sunday, with the help of Verba branches to spray with holy water all corners in the house, saying:

"I water holy water, I attract good luck."

Before each important thing "for good luck" you can eat the kidney of the Willow. She will help with the conception of the child, before a long trip, before the exam and so on. In order for the verbal kidney to bring good luck, the branches must be consecrated in the church. Painted by the kidneys for the whole year.


If a person disappeared into the family and nothing is known about his fate, then you can try to return it home with the help of a ritual in Palm Sunday. This is a magic rite and perform it, respectively.

Rite spend better on a decreasing moon, late in the evening or at night. Perform it for all the rules and only barefoot: Remove the shoes, put the spacious clothes without a buckle (on a naked body) and dismisse your hair. It is necessary to go outside to be visible the road or a path leading to the house.

Looking at this road, you need to represent the missing person and try to "see" how he goes to the house. At the same time, this should pronounce three times:

"The road is open, I'm waiting for the threshold."

If he is alive, he must return within a month.

This rite can be used to return the home of a man who has fallen into prison or who went to another woman's husband.

In Palm Sunday, it is impossible to focus, wish for evil and swear

It is important that this rite is correctly understood, especially the preparation for it. Things like people have their own energy. They accumulate it throughout their existence. Each house has quarrels and insults, they do not pass without a trace, but remain in the energy field of things. Therefore, the rite begins with cleaning:

  • On the eve of Palm Sunday, all old and unnecessary things are thrown away.
  • Everything that can be washed is floors, tables, shelves and other places - wash, adding in water the usual table salt. There is enough one tablespoon on the water bucket. If the solution is more concentrated, hidden, it will leave the whiten divorces. Salt collects negative information, which then splash together with dirty water.
  • Cleaning make the whole family.
  • After cleaning the mistress of the house should take a shower. Then to light the church candle and get around the whole house, reading the prayer "Our Father" until the candle burns.

In the morning in Palm Sunday, the hostess of the house should wash the holy water. Cross over all four sides and read a plot:

"As Palm Sunday was, and the world is restored in this house."

Yezho one rite, fastening the family. For him you need to cook the branches of the Willow and multicolored ribbons. On Sunday, the wreaths are flying from branches - connect ribbons. Each tape is the name of one of the family members. The name is pronounced loud by attaching a twig. When executing the rite, list the names of close relatives: Moms, dads, husband, wives, children, grandchildren, etc. Wreath Store all year. The next year the rite repeat.

It must be remembered that in Palm Sunday, like in other Christian holidays, you can not fade, wish for evil, swear and work. Even the festive food is better to prepare in advance. On this day, do conspiracy, attract money and good luck, straighten your health, talk on love. It is very interesting, even if not everything works out the first time.

The curator of this day is the sun. If you draw an analogy with the heavenly luminaire, the magical purpose of this day will immediately become clear. Constantly, with the sunrise sun begins a new day, Sunday is the day that precedes the start of the labor week. That is, the ancestors were aware of such an influence and decided to progress, because the energy on the last day of the week is updated and replenished with new forces. But not only this is the famous day!

What is responsible for Sunday?

In this day, a great many resources are collected. Probably, you should not distribute the magic of this day in directions, rather we can assume that this day is magic in pure form. The power of the Sun is powerfulBut the danger of it is as great. Therefore, all the well-known power of Sunday should be used carefully.


Fortune, you can say, lives this day. If at least a little bit, but do it regularly, then soon you will pay attention that without special efforts Get all the goals set. Probably, many decide that special talismans should be created, hold rites or read conspiracies.

This, of course, everything is correct and the effect will be awesome. However, you can simply talk to luck. Take a conversation on Sunday with her, it is advisable to visualize it as a very beautiful young lady. Invite her in their monologues to visit her, treat it with drinks and meet every time the meeting will become longer, and more promising. That is, Fortune will become you good friend And simply will get out in grave situations. You need to make friends with her, and not to use one rite for mercenary purposes. If good luck is offended, then it just does not come.

Perhaps it seems to you that such a value of Fortune is given in vain, then do not even try to call her. After all, even in such a small business, as payment communal services Maybe you need to take what to talk about large affairs? Remember how many times we were outraged when I stood up a battered hour in the time of those who wanted to pay, it was before us hung a program? So, luck is needed by all and always, so no wonder the sun gives it such influence.

Energy of sun

It is enough to imagine all the powerfulness of the sun, to understand - Sunday is responsible for the power within a person and for the strength to external. After all, considerable effort will be needed in order to restrain the crusherness of the solar nature. Also, with Sunday's magic: it not only gives a person to certain forces, but also controls their competent use.

If a woman asks for a Sunday day of beauty for himself, the energy of the day is quite capable of squeezing. Yes, just to manage the girl such a beauty will be only by the mind. It seems to me that many have met the lady on their way, which seems to be no beauty at all, but attracts and commands the way, Cleopatra lives in it for a long time and firmly. Such a woman not only knows the price, but also enjoys reasonable demand. Here are only breeds from own meaning She does not feel. The lady dose uses its external data in good use, this is exactly what is called the breed. That's exactly the same way, the energy of the day distributes each quality of a person. Of course, if about his presence was asked on this day.

Sunday can endure absolutely any power, but it stands for it restrained. It would be necessary to note here: the sun is well aware of how much to whom and what is missing. After all, no wonder there is an expression that we all go under it. You can ask for a specific quality today, and how much you need it, the day decides on your own. Therefore, even in their fantasies should not remarry on this score.

Family magic on Sunday

Sunday can be safely attributed to the patrus of the family. If you are asking for this day, you can get their full rehabilitation. And if the rainbits wake up a married man, one for many years will be absolutely. And what is extremely probably feminine and the maiden beauty will be pretty pouched.

Sunday's love magic applies only to those who really love. She can act on a couple in love, not yet married. Their union can be copped with a talisman, you can merge quarreled or ask for a meeting with a long separation. But the hearts of these people should be in advance in love with each other.

Under this framework, may affect and. After all, people in marriage meet with so many problems, and Sunday will hurry to eliminate them if magic will be aimed at restoring relations inside the family.

Suppose in the family happened stressful situationAnd the spouse from her has a sharply aged, then you can figure out a special tincture that will return the fire in the eyes of a woman and makes the extra wrinkles. Spouse will look at her old wife and the family will be saved. It is such an outcome that interests Sunday.

Rites for Sunday

Happy ticket

There is interesting words that it is accepted to pronounce that hour when the "happy ticket" is purchased. He sounds like this:

Happiness with seven tickets came, other happiness and good luck led. Ticket to a ticket, win win. As the numbers in the ticket came together, and the tickets for winning came to the lottery. I close fire, I urge good luck. May it be so!

If you were attentive, then noted that in words there is an expression "I close fire". So, be sure to imagine this moment. But God for you to pose a fire or burning something. It is necessary to imagine the element in the form of a press on your words.

And one moment. If you decide that these simple words are useful only to buy a ticket, the opinion is erroneous. They can be accepted when there is a certain decision on which your situation will later depend on. For example, two business partners offer their services: one - the terms of the contract is better, and the other is the cost of services cheaper. What to choose, so that you do not proceed? If you read these words, then the competent solution will immediately deign to you come. Just do not abuse magic on each trifling occasion, there will be no sense.

Conspiracy for smokers

A rare smoker does not require all the power of the will and even more, in his desire to get rid of the dilent habit. In order to be so necessary, the strength began to arrive, not badly persuade her to come. Begin near the mirror and look into your own eyes, mentally persuaded the silicon to arrive.

However, there is a small snag: everything is desirable to read on a decreasing moon, and all the words entering the strengthening of your own qualities, it would be necessary to pronounce the growing shine on the day. Therefore, at a time when you stand before your own reflection, choose a growing month. After all, you will need to mobilize existing perseverance and purposefulness.

Consequently, every Sunday, standing in front of the mirror and looking into his own eyes, you need to ask your inner "I" to help. In other words, ask your soul to be persistent, you can explain the cause. Let it be health or saving money. The main thing is that all nature responds to call. Please note, the dialogue should be mental. Then you can choose any other Sunday only with a decreasing moon. Then the words will need such that will allow to quit smoking.

How to neutralize the negative in the family

There is just a great sacrament that is capable neutralize all negative cycles of energy in a particular family. Of course, to implement actions to life is necessary on Sunday. And only a few Gorky peppers are required. This nuance is important, because the sharper will be rapidly, the stronger the influence of the overag.

Pre-dried spice, it is necessary to take a custodian of the family hearth. It shouldnightly imagine how all the quarrels, inconsiderators and resentment gather in one unpleasant outward, lump. And then simply break about this most pen. Then stem in the corners of your kitchen charged amulet. The longer it becomes located in the corns, the more serious will be the defense.

Knowing small tricks, and directing the energy of the Sun in the right direction, you can realize the most daring wishes. The main thing is to focus on the right vibrations, otherwise the planet burns greatly.

Signs on Sunday

  • If you're lucky to sneeze on this day, and "Chih" will have to go on an empty stomach, then a person will become incredibly stipped in love. Speciallessly cause sneezing should not be loved by loves.
  • When a person is sick, and suddenly on Sunday he dramatically jumps the temperature, then you can safely wait for recovery. But if this does not happen, the way to health is still far away.

Magical ceremonies require a responsible relationship. Even the strongest conspiracies and spells will not work properly if errors will be made during their execution. Any negligence can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Serious rites are recommended only when there is an urgent need. Do not follow magical ceremony From curiosity or in entertainment purposes! This article presents general recommendationswhich should be adhere to if there are no other requirements in the description of the ritual.

What day to read a plot

There are so-called. "Women's" and "Mens" days of the week. For women, rites perform on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday; For men - on Monday, on Tuesday or on Thursday. On Sunday, spells read very rarely, this day is better to devote meditation, prayers and good deeds.

The next important aspect is the lunar cycle. The caster chooses the phase of the moon, based on the features of the upcoming ritual:

  • Growing moon - for welfare growth, love
  • New Moon and Full Moon - Suitable for Pulling
  • Descending Moon - for healing diseases

The year there are several "strong" days capable of multiple times to increase the effect of a magical action. For example, on Easter you can read white prayers about healing from diseases. The rites and return on the return of youth are performed on Ivan.

Halloween (initially Celtic holiday with pagan roots) is suitable for any "black" affairs. However, Magu, who decides to damage or create a different evil on the night of October 31 to November 1, caution should be taken. At that time devilry Acquires special power and can harm the caster.

Magic is the sacrament

If you want to know how to correctly read conspiracy, then the first thing you should understand - during the rite next to you should not be extraneous. No one should see you or hear the words of the spell pronounced. It is dangerous, both for a random witness and for the magician himself.

The presence of an assistant to jointly fulfill the ritual is allowed. You must instruct the assistant in detail regarding the rules that must be followed during the ceremony. The assistant should not talk to the magician, distract him from the rite. If the ceremony assumes an inscription on the floor or on Earth, the assistant is forbidden to leave this circle.

Possible consequences

Neophytes from magic often are interested, is it possible to read conspiracies, what consequences can come? Consider possible threats:

  • Mascot manufacturers - there is no danger
  • Treatment of the patient - there is a risk of "dragging" the disease
  • Powering, Schalza - Maga can overtake reverse blow
  • Removing damage - there is a risk of conflict with a magician who brought it
  • Spells for good luck, for love - there is no danger

To "pay off" from the disease (or "buy off" from her of her client), the spellcasters make a lining. It can be a spoken valuable thing or a wallet with money. The lining is left where it will be able to pick up a random passerby. Together with the material values, the person will "respond" to itself the disease, damage or bad luck. Therefore, it is worth thinking to thoroughly before taking similar "gifts".

To avoid the reverse strike when the damage is shifted, the magicians use a kind of "thunderbank" - throw the "return" to the animal or per person. However, it is not possible to completely avoid negative consequences (the details in the article).

Cooking for rite

How to correctly read conspiracy at home? If the ritual is assumed to perform a ritual of black magic, then it should be pre-curtaining all mirrors and reflective surfaces, which is in the house. Otherwise, unclean power can "go" in the mirror, and then start spoiling the owners life.

At the time of the ceremony, the clerk must be absolutely sober and healthy! It is very important because the magician cannot afford to exercise weakness. People who are going to seriously engage practical magicIt is recommended to completely abandon the use of tobacco, alcohol and substances capable of changing consciousness.