Custom doorways. What to do? Installation technology for non-standard interior doors in stages Door leaf of non-standard size

These are doors, which, as a rule, are made individually to order. Such doors are much more expensive and take longer to wait. What are the types of non-standard doors and in what cases such doors are installed, we will analyze in this material.

Any custom door is made to order, but not every custom door is custom. Standard doors are doors with conventional door sizes. In the door industry, door leaves with a width of 600, 700, 800 and 900 mm are considered standards. For some manufacturers, widths of 400 and 550 mm are standard. The standard for door leaf heights is 2,000 mm for all door manufacturers, and some for another 1,900 mm.

All door leaves that do not correspond to these dimensions will be non-standard.

What are the sizes of custom doors?

Each manufacturer of interior doors has its own restrictions on the production of custom doors. Some make non-standard with a step of 1 mm, others with a step of only 50 or 100 mm. Some door manufacturers do not make custom doors at all.

The maximum height of interior doors can be 2,300 mm, and for some manufacturers, 2600 mm or even 2700 mm. Minimum 1 800 mm. At the same time, much depends on the door model. Especially models with patterned glass are limited in possible non-standard options.

In our online store of doors, each door in its card contains information about the possible sizes of ordering non-standard doors. In addition, on the site, by choosing a non-standard size of the door leaf and accessories, you can immediately see the cost of such doors and their production time. The price of non-standard doors is always 30-50% higher in size.

What are the forms of non-standard doors?

The door shapes are arched and radius (curved). are of two types. In the first case, the doorway looks like an arch, and the door leaf on top is rounded under this arch.

In the second version of arched doors, only the door leaf has a rounding in the form of an arch. in fact, this is such a de interior door, the upper part of the canvas of which is fixed in the opening, forming an arch.

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As a rule, doorways are made in standard sizes. If you are a happy owner of such a design, you just need to choose a door for it to your liking.

How to determine the required size of the door leaf?

The optimal size of the door frame should be 2-3 cm smaller than the opening.

The easiest way to choose a door is to subtract 2 cm in width and height from the size of the opening. Please note: this size is not the parameters of the door leaf, but the frame.

For a standard opening, you can use the table below:

How to measure a doorway correctly?

The dimensions of the opening are measured at three points in width and at three points in height. Further, in the selection of designs, they are repelled from the smallest value.

For example, at the bottom of the opening, the width is 88 cm, at the top - 86 cm, and in the middle - 87 cm.We start from the smallest parameter - 86 cm.We take away the foaming gap (1 cm) from it, since the door should not enter the opening back to back. Otherwise, even with a slight shrinkage of the house, it can be skewed.

In addition, the opening can be "overwhelmed" in one direction. The door must be level in space, otherwise it will spontaneously open or close. Therefore, when making measurements, you need to take into account the curvature of the wall - for this we use the building level.

If the distortions are large, the opening needs to be finished. If they are insignificant, the size of the door is selected taking into account the skew so that the structure becomes level. All these recommendations are given by the measurer if you purchase a door at a certified point of sale. He will explain how the door will stand, what nuances need to be taken into account, as well as what installation options are possible. Only after determining the size of the opening and its irregularities can the required size of the entrance door be calculated.

But what if the opening is non-standard?

How to choose a door for a custom opening?

Installing a door into a non-standard opening requires non-standard solutions. Each case is considered individually. Sometimes a doorway can be widened or, conversely, narrowed. Then it will be possible to select not the door to the opening, but to "fit" the opening to the dimensions of the door frame.

In this case, the doors must be selected in such a way that their dimensions are as close as possible to the dimensions of a suitable opening. For example, if the width of the opening is 80 cm, and the size range of the doors is from 86 to 100 cm, then the doors should be chosen with a minimum width of 86 cm, and the opening should be expanded if possible. But it should be noted that such an opportunity is not always available. And you need to consider each case individually. However, there are general recommendations.

Installing doors in a narrow opening

If the opening allows, you can complete it. It should be borne in mind that, according to building codes, the supporting beam above the opening must rest on the wall by at least 15 cm.You can modify the opening if this value is greater, so that as a result it is 15 cm or more.

To expand the opening, you will need a special construction tool: a hammer drill, a grinder, a diamond disc, etc.

Installation of an entrance door into a wide opening

According to the rules, the platband should cover the gap between the door frame and the wall. If the gap is wider, it needs to be modified - narrowed to the desired size. You can brick or put metal supports - a special square pipe.

If the opening is too low

As a rule, it is impossible to increase the opening in height, because in this case the load-bearing elements of the building would have to be demolished. If the wall is made of brick or foam block, a load-bearing lintel or a metal corner, which is laid with a brick, is placed above the opening. If you remove some of this brick, the top of the opening may collapse.

If the opening is made of a concrete slab, there is metal reinforcement inside it, which is also a load-bearing element. By cutting it off, we break the structure of the wall. This requires a special permit.

If the opening is too high

Its upper part can be laid with a brick - in the same way as the opening in width is being finalized.

What should be the opening for Torex doors?

Specialists of the Torex plant recommend installing entrance doors taking into account the minimum gap of 1 cm and the maximum - 5 cm. To correctly determine the parameters of the opening and the possibility of its expansion / narrowing, it is better to contact a specialist. Moreover, when purchasing Torex doors, the tester's call is free.

If in your case it is impossible to modify the opening, you can order Torex entrance doors of a non-standard size. You can learn more about this

Custom shaped doors are becoming increasingly popular due to the diversified development of homeowners and the new vision for interior furnishing systems. The modern rhythm of life dictates its own rules for the arrangement of residential premises. Almost every house has interior doors, entrance doors, doors for utility rooms, which help to create the necessary sound insulation and zone the premises. Most modern buildings are distinguished by non-standard forms of doorways. Many tenants try to diversify the design of their home and change the shape and size of the doorway. Such openings require unusual door systems.

What are non-standard doors?

Custom-shaped doors are of various types and designs.

Arched - the doorway is made in the form of an arch, and the doors repeat this shape. Doors of this shape can be either double or single. This shape of the door fits snugly into the door frame, which allows it to provide complete sound insulation.

Three-winged swing doors - A door with three wings when opened, ideal for large spaces such as a dining room or living room.

Sliding doors are ideal for small spaces where space needs to be saved. They are assembled with a roller in several sections. Such a door design does not have sufficient thermal insulation and cannot provide protection from external sounds.

Sliding doors are similar in their mechanism to sliding doors, only they are assembled upstairs and are more suitable for offices, garages and other utility rooms.

Pendulum doors are a design mechanism that allows them to open inward and outward. When installed, the door is fixed to the wall and floor, because it does not have a door frame.

Revolving doors are not particularly in demand for a home, because they cannot fully protect against external noise and do not preserve the room's thermal insulation. They are ideal for dressing rooms and boudoir.

When choosing the shape of the door, you must first decide for which room this door will be.

Advantages of non-standard doors in shape

Custom-shaped doors can completely change the entire style of interior design, they can set a new direction and trend of modern trends, mixed with the personal preferences of customers. Even

Doors of standard sizes cannot be installed in all rooms and not always. In order not to leave the opening open, accessible to anyone, you will have to install a non-standard entrance block that is optimal for a particular case, suitable in size and material. The purchase and installation of such a product differs in some features in comparison with conventional doors.


Non-standard doors are almost always made to order; it takes longer to wait for their receipt than the usual ones described in the catalogs of manufacturers and suppliers. Installation, too, will inevitably be complicated.

At any factory, the typical doors are considered to be doors 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm wide, 200 cm high. Some enterprises also put on stream products of other sizes - 40 and 55 cm in width, 190 cm in height.

Anything that does not fit these dimensions can no longer be considered standard. When placing such an order, be prepared to face restrictions. Some companies make atypical doors in millimeter increments, some - not less than 5-10 centimeters. And there are factories where such tasks are generally not performed.

It is also worth considering that nowhere are interior doors below 180 and above 230 centimeters produced. The addition to the cost of the closest standard analogue is at least 30-50%.

The difference between a non-standard door and an ordinary one can be expressed not only in the fact that it is wider or higher: solutions of unusual forms are often found. In many designs, atypical fittings are installed, the opening of the sashes and their number itself are different.


In shape, a non-standard door is arched and radial (curved, in other words).

But also archnot always the same: in one version, both the opening and the canvas are rounded, in the other - only the top of the canvas.

Radial doors mainly sliding in their format, or serve as an interior partition. Radial doors are sometimes equipped with round sashes - concave, convex, both at the same time, but regardless of their shape, they are almost always made of tempered glass.

The radial door is universal; it can be used in a hotel, business center or sales area, and in a small apartment. Both the sidewalls and transoms are placed in the opening simultaneously with the main canvas.

Non-standard interior doors for a large opening most often slidingequipped with several canvases at once. But it is very difficult to give recommendations in such a case, not knowing the specifics of your case.

Please note that the more canvases, the more there should be guides fixed from below or from above.

The canvases move both in one direction and in different directions, depending on the design.

Rotary entrance doors it is advisable to apply where a lot of people pass. This is a design with two, three or four leaves that spin like a carousel. It can be set in motion either by the passers-by themselves, or by automation (motion sensors, blocks that set a certain speed of rotation).

Braking systems to prevent over-acceleration and emergency opening systems are almost always used.


Door manufacturers have long gone beyond their use natural wood... They use a wide range of materials, and the consumer is forced to understand all the intricacies of them.

  • Metalthe designs are quite original, and if experienced designers work on them, they will be able to attract everyone's attention. There are widespread options in which the outer part is covered with MDF, the inner is all-metal (or they are interchanged). Decorating with forged pieces is very attractive, but remember that it makes the piece heavier.

  • Wooden doorsnon-standard dimensions are used in:
  1. shopping centers;
  2. office buildings;
  3. institutions for leisure and entertainment.
  • Plastic non-standard doors can be used in a wide variety of places, they are practical, and the ease of processing of this material allows you to create uniquely beautiful designs on its basis. In addition, the availability and low cost of PVC are very important for private customers. Commercial organizations are attracted by the ability to easily dismantle such doors and move them quickly to a new location.

It is possible to buy a custom wooden door at a fairly low price, if you prefer a frame covered with chipboard, hardboard or slats. In most cases, to make the design more attractive, even budget products are sheathed with veneer. You cannot count on the strength of the panel frame, so this is more a way to divide rooms than to protect the entrance to the house.

The undisputed leadership in durability and service life is occupied by paneled doors made of high-quality wood. One-piece array is very aesthetic and can even fit into a space decorated according to all design rules. But in order to protect the surface from moisture, heat and cold, a MDF coating is used.

Glued wood is not much inferior in aesthetic characteristics and strength, is relatively cheap, but retains heat worse, and can deform during thermal compression and expansion.

The color of a metal or plastic door can be any, but most often they are made black, white, or brown.

Natural wood allows you to "play" with shades, achieving a very original look. So, the massif of ash is red, brown or pink, the color of beech varies from pink to yellow-red. The increasingly popular wenge species is always yellowish, cherry wood is slightly pink at first, but then it will darken.

Various styles

The door is not just a functional element, its role in the design of the space is very great. But that is why your own style of door unit is so important.

Concept classicrather blurry - this word can denote both an antique motif (in the Greek or Roman versions), and medieval Gothic, and Baroque (including its most sophisticated form, Rococo).

Important: whichever of these styles you choose, doors designed in accordance with it are in no way suitable for a small space.

Country and Provence rather close to each other, but still there is a significant difference between them, which should not be forgotten. In the city, country is too rough, but the Provencal style quite allows you to get away from any heaviness and pretentiousness.

Please note: having chosen a Provence style door, you will either have to redo the entire interior of the room in the same way, or put up with the inconsistency in the design.

Typical colors: cream, white, terracotta, beige, light green and blue; for a door, a white color of a purposefully aged surface is best suited. Choosing country, you can choose both pastel shades and very bright tonalities.

Vintageoptions focus no longer on simplicity and light grace, but on pronounced old-fashionedness. Their advantage is the ability to harmoniously use in any environment, including studio apartments. However, for the latter, it is much more appropriate to use loft doors, which help to divide the space into isolated shares.

Doors are no less effective in separating it. in japanese style - but they are made only of oak and beech, and are not available to everyone for material reasons.

Minimalism has now won the palm among door styles, due to its undeniable advantages:

  • stealth;
  • emphasizing commitment to high technology;
  • facilities;
  • thoughtfulness and absence of the slightest excesses;
  • compatibility with any design approaches.

Of course, you are not limited to these options - you can dwell on functionality. modern, on the ergonomic style high tech, on the magnificent uniqueness of ethnic motives. The main thing is that the result suits you in all respects.

How to choose?

Non-standard doors for a private house - if the opening only slightly exceeds the typical values \u200b\u200b- these are "accordions" sliding or swinging open. When the required height is greater than 250 cm and the width is greater than 150 cm, an arched shape is preferred.

With a sufficient (from 120 centimeters) width of the arched opening, you can install both a double-leaf and a single-leaf door made of lightweight material into it. You do not have to limit your choice to the option with strictly identical sashes - usually only one is used, and the narrow one is opened only when necessary.

Please note that the swinging version of the door plastic block is suitable only for openings no wider than 180 centimeters. If they are larger, you will have to choose between "accordion" and "book".

In an apartment of an insignificant area, in order to win at least a little free space, you have to involuntarily narrow the openings or make them located at an angle. By using folding doors, you can easily transform a room, optimize it for work or leisure.

For country houses, both built several decades ago and made according to completely new projects, deviations from standard dimensions are often characteristic. You need to approach the purchase and installation of doors as carefully as possible, the designer's consultation will clearly not be superfluous.

This article will be entirely devoted to residents of the private sector, or rather, solving the problem of installing standard interior doors in their non-standard openings. Moreover, we will not destroy anything, we will not even take out the old box (loot), which will significantly save us expenses in replacing the door block and speed up the process itself.
Of course, it was possible to dismantle the old block and widen the opening, but I would advise against doing this if you do not know exactly how your house was originally built.
I know from my own experience that most of the houses in the private sector were built in a household way without compliance and it is difficult to predict the consequences the opening will collapse or simply deform after dismantling the old door block and further destruction, or not. Question: "Why tempt fate?" When you can take the path of least resistance.

For work we need this:

  • Grinder with cutting wheel for metal and wood.
  • Drill.
  • Belt sander.
  • Jigsaw.
  • A set of chisels.
  • Hacksaw for wood.
  • Polyurethane foam gun.
  • Clamps.
  • Miter saw.
  • Level.
  • Fraser.
  • Screwdriver.

Let's get to work.
We measure the opening where we will install the doors.
In my case, the height from the floor to the upper horizontal lintel of the old box (tray) is 1810 mm.
The width from the left pillar to the right pillar is 900 mm.
This means that we need a door leaf with a size of 1740 × 800 mm, taking into account the thickness of the bar of the new MDF frame and the gaps for the polyurethane foam.
Therefore, we will reduce the door only in height, but the width remains unchanged, because it is standard.
I talked about how to remodel doors to the desired size in one of the first article on my site on and in an article about
As you understand, there are several ways to reduce, so use the one that suits you best.
Suppose that you do not have a grinder or a milling cutter on your farm - no big deal. You can do without this tool.
I suggest you another way to shorten.
By the way, the simplest one.
To do this, we need the most ordinary hacksaw for wood.
note the teeth of the hacksaw should be fine.
The principle of operation is as follows.
First, along the pre-drawn line, we cut one side of the door leaf.

The saw should not go out, as they say, "to fly"!

Then we turn it over and finally cut off the part of the door we need.

I think that this method is suitable for everyone who can hold a hacksaw in their hands.
Of course, the main disadvantage of this method is that only hollow door leaves can be cut in this way.
Although it is hollow doors that now prevail in demand over solid wood doors.
So, after trimming, the resulting voids must be sealed with wooden slats using PVA glue or wood glue.
Yet little advice.

It is better to sketch the cleaned edge of the door covering made of fiberboard with a black marker for a better appearance.
The whole door is ready.
Assembling the box (loot).
We measure the required size and mode.
Horizontal (transverse) I cut 850 mm long each. If the door is 600 → 650 mm wide; 700 → 750 mm; and 900 → 950 mm.
I cut the vertical posts 5 mm more than the height of the door leaf - this will be 1745 mm.
note , so that each pair of blanks of the future box are exactly the same, I always use a stop when cutting.

Even a wall can serve as an emphasis.
Also decorative overlays are cut, only in other sizes.

Horizontal (transverse) I cut 805 mm long each.
For vertical risers, I cut 18 mm less than the height of the risers themselves (1745 mm minus 18 mm - this will be 1727 mm).

I fasten the door frame with 4 × 50 mm screws.
Lock and hinge insert.
To insert the lock, I use a drill with a feather drill and a router with such a router.
By the way, I recommend to everyone such a simple and at the same time very convenient cutter for work!

For stitching in buttonholes, I, like all craftsmen, use a conventional cylindrical cutter.
Installing a new, redesigned door block in an old box (loot).
To install, do the following.
✓ Remove old doors.
✓ Cut off old door hinges, hooks, loves and everything that may interfere with the installation later with a grinder.

If you feel sorry for the old awnings, then you can try to unscrew the screws and remove.
Frankly, this is not always easy to do.
✓Cut out the protruding part of the door sill.

✓To do this, with the help of a grinder and a cutting wheel, we make dense cuts on wood. You can use a hand-held electric circular saw.
If not both, then with an ax.
✓Then we remove the unnecessary with a chisel and thereby compare the threshold with the floor level.

✓Install a new box according to the level and fasten it with wedges and screws (4 × 60 mm) to the old strip.
note that I cut the wedges from the scraps of the new MDF box.
✓ Additionally we strengthen it with polyurethane foam.
Installation of additional (expansion) strips.
Since in my version the depth of the old box is 150 mm plus an uneven wall, I do not overlap with the new standard one (100 mm) and therefore the remaining 50-65 mm, depending on the curvature of the wall, I need to close with an additional strip.
In order to establish extras, I do such operations.
✓Measure missing millimeters of width around the perimeter.

✓ First, I cut to length with a miter saw.

Horizontal strips - 850 mm.
Vertical - 1770 mm.
✓ I cut the required width along the line with a jigsaw.

✓ I install the top and bottom first, and then the sides.
For tightness of adhesion to the box (lutka) I propping it up with wedges.
✓ I fix everything around the perimeter with foam.
Platband installation.
Everything is simple here.
✓Cut at a 45 ° angle with a miter saw. You can use a hacksaw and a miter box.
✓ I nail the trim with decorative carnations with small hats to the box.
note that this can be done only after the polyurethane foam has completely dried!
✓Then I paint over the caps with a black marker so that they do not shine.
That's all, we admire the work done.