Waxing Crescent. Effective plot for a young month

Call a growing (young) moon.

Growing moon (young moon) and its influence

The growing moon indicates the path, takes, builds, creates, accumulates energy, prevents the Earth to take moisture, saves power, has a positive effect on everything that can save, and helps to relax.

Growing Moon (Young Moon) - Health

All events and procedures for the restoration and strengthening of organs and body parts are favorable at the young moon.

All you want to introduce into the body, which strengthens it and builds, all this is doubly effectively for these two weeks.

The disadvantages are easier to eliminate with a growing moon than at a decreasing, especially useful at this time to fill the lack of minerals and vitamins. Major, calcium, iron.

With the young moon, the body accumulates energy, gaining strength, and it is undesirable to waste them at this time, since even a minor load can lead to exhaustion. At this time, weaker immunity, we are harder to carry even minor ailments, wounds are stronger than bleeding and worse heal. With an increase in the sickle of the moon, the likelihood of a successful outcome of any operation, wounds and damage begin to heal worse. There are many scars. The closer the day of the full moon, the stronger the influence.

With a growing moon in the body and, in particular, more fluid accumulates in the legs, it is difficult to remove it even with diuretic drugs. Any poisoning from the bite of the wasp before the poisoning of mushrooms turns out to be very strong. But also medicinal ointments The body perceives with a young moon much better.

With a growing moon, the body is trying to maximize the resulting food and to postpone the reserve as much as possible. With always the same habits in food, we have much more often a feeling of gravity in the stomach, and we are easier adding in weight ,.

Therefore, it is necessary to limit yourself in nutrition, if you do not want to recover.

Growing Moon (Young Moon) - Beauty, Hair Hying

With a growing moon, the body is configured to absorb energy, to absorb and preserve all that it comes into it. The skin easier perceives everything that nourishes it that it supplies the necessary substances to it, that is, nutritious and moisturizing creams and masks. Stream hair on a growing moon is very favorable, hair trimmed at this time, grow faster. Especially and, and should be skid.

Calendar Growing Moon for 2019 contains information about dates and start time and end growing Moon.

Growing moon (young moon) in the signs of the zodiac

Growing Moon in Aries

This is the time of excessive emotional stresses, overcoming various obstacles. Listen to a sensible mind and take care of the nerves.

Growing Moon in Taurus

The motto of this period is "practicality." You can successfully engage in any cases where adjacent and patience is required - from cleaning an apartment to purchase country house. Checking financial statements or inventory will go easier and more fun than usual.

Growing moon in twins

A favorable time for short trips, business departures. Get a strong impression, notice a lot of interesting things, new ideas will appear.

Growing moon in cancer

In the period of the growing moon in cancer, you especially need help with other people. Sign up with new ideas is necessary, but they all require careful consideration.

Growing moon in lion

If you like jewels, pay attention to these expensive trinkets. Come on the salons, antique shops. During this period, aesthetic impressions of the contemplation of jewelry, as well as works of art, turn into new ideas.

Growing Moon in Virgo

The time is boring, you can feel some emptiness in my head and soul. In each of us, even the most busy person lies the wounding soul, subject to various human weaknesses, and the young moon in the Virgin is once again reminded.

Growing moon in scales

These days we strive to distinguish business and personal. It's time to deal with your relationship, so it's just necessary to discard emotions and start with analysis.

Growing Moon in Scorpio

This is a period of personal experiences. Take care of problems that require emotional load can be found with friends, talk about your personal affairs.

Growing Moon in Sagittar

If you have been going to go abroad for a long time, but still did not go, then it's time to postpone all things for this journey. Young moon in Sagittarius - good time For combining useful with pleasant.

Growing moon in Capricorn

At this time, a tide of business activity is clearly felt. The main thing is skillfully managed by resources given to you - the proposal to increase in the position, the increase in salary, benefits, privilege, etc. The situation can be dramatic if you are not ready for it.

Growing moon in aquare

Remember about charity. It is necessary to share with the neighbors, and there is no emotional contact with the needy person or team, and not just transferring money.

Growing Moon in Fish

Now the best is to go with your head to work and do not think about well-being. Since drugs take this period very harmful, you can choose.


Attraction of money and wealth on the moon

There is a lot of money. Basically, they are always lacking. Therefore, most people, not even superstitious, tries to observe signs to preserve and multiply their wealth. Moreover, do not apply the opportunity to fulfill a simple rite to attract money on the young moon.

Widespread signs and superstitions on "competent" handling of money:
Never give money in the evening (otherwise they will not be found).
All monetary operations (recalculation, debt returns, dacha and so on) you need to spend in the morning (in the first half of the day).
How in dark time The days do not carry garbage, and in the evening they do not recalculate money.

Do not give money off on Sunday and Monday.
Return the debt smaller bills than were taken.
Money take your left hand, but give right.
A lot of acceptance and superstitions for handling money is associated with the moon.:
So that the money is not translated, an empty open wallet is put on the full moon window, and in the new moon - closed with money.
When you see the growing sickle of the moon, show her a cash bills of bigger, so that the money grew up how the young moon grows, or is enough for gold to make money.

Prayers for wealth to the full moon

Money on a decreasing moon

Conspiracies, rites and prayers for attraction of money and an increase in wealth are carried out on a growing moon (more often on a young month or full moon) and are never made on the flawed moon.

Not? Why, because everyone knows the old sign: to lure money, you need to show your money at night the young month And ask him to give them more.

Some do not believe, others try and say, does not work, and someone turns out. Why is that? Maybe someone knows the secret, how to do it right?

Here is a selection of rituals to attract and increase money related to the moon (month).

R ituals to attract something or increasing (income, love, etc.) are made on a growing moon, and rituals for a decrease or decrease (for example, weight) - on a decreasing.

So that money was found

You can do on yourself.
Read only in the summer months of the fifth or eleventh number, on a young month.
Show the month all your money and say three times:

"How quickly the month increases,
we will also quickly arrive money from (me) the slave of God (name).
Yes, it will be so from now before and before the century. "

Stability and business success

Make on Thursday, growing moon.
You will need: brown, green and yellow ritual candles, two white altar candles, Berghamota oil.
Light two big white altar candles, putting them in the background of the altar, in the corners. Sutitate the lifting candles with wicks from the wick to the base and put them in the center of the altar from left to right into one line, on the left of the brown, the right yellow, in the center - green. Light them also from left to right. Read the conspiracy with an odd number of times (more than one). Leave the luggage candles to completely trample. If altar candles do not store simultaneously with color, extinguish them and use the next time.
How these candles are exactly burning, so the success in all of my endeavors flashes. May my business go every day all confident and stable. Let never run out the source of my success and income. How these candles burn, so burn and get all the problems in my business. This is my word. Amen. 12px; "\u003e repeat the ritual daily until the day of the full moon. The money ritual for the new moon will need: a coin (1, 5 or 10 rubles), a candle (desirable, green), a glass filled with clean water.
In the night of the new moon, thoroughly wash the coin, sit in front of the window, burn the candle and put a coin into a glass with water. Grasp the glass with both hands, close your eyes and say:

"As the grass with sunlight eats and my money from the lunar light is multiplied." May it be so! "

Now put the glass with a coin on the window sill, and in the morning slowly drink this water or beware of it. The coin after that hide and in no way spend!

Ritual to attract wealth

The ritual must be done at night in full moon. It is very important that the sky is clear and the moon can be seen on it. Take a cup and pour it into it clean water Before the middle. Throw into a cup silver coin (in color). Put the cup on the windowsill or on the balcony (ate there is an opportunity - to the street) so that the light of the full moon falls on it.
Slightly spend several times with your hands above the water surface, as if you collect lunar silver in the palm. At this time, tell three times:

"Beautiful hostess of the moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take everything you give!"

Go to the street and pour water into the ground (not on asphalt ...). Keep the coin in the wallet.

As you know, the moon does not radiate light, but only reflects it. And therefore only that side is always visible in the sky, which is lit by the sun. This side is called daylight. Moving along the sky of the West to the East, the moon in continuation of the month catchies and distinguishes the sun. There is a change in the mutual location of the moon, land and the sun. In this case, the sun's rays change the angle of falling on the lunar surface and therefore visible from the ground part of the moon is modified. The movement of the moon across the sky is made to divide the phases directly related to its modification: new moon, young moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter.

Observations of the Moon

The moon is the heavenly body of spherical shape. That is why when it is partial illumination, the visibility of the Sickle appears with sunlight. By the way, on the lighted side of the moon can always be determined which side is the sun, even if it is hidden behind the horizon.

The duration of the full change of all lunar phases is customary to be called a synodic month and is from 29.25 to 29.83 terrestrial sunny day. The duration of the synodic month varies due to the ellipticity of the mold of the lunar orbit.

In the new moon, the moon disk on the night sky is not visible absolutely, as it is located as close as possible to the sun at this time and at the same time facing the ground with the night side.

Next follows the phase of the young moon. During this period of time, the moon for the first time in the synodic month becomes visible on the night sky in the form of a narrow sickle and it is possible to observe it at dusk a few minutes before it comes.

Following the first quarter. This phase, in which is linked exactly half the visible part, as in the last quarter. The difference lies only in the fact that in the first quarter the share of the illuminated part at this moment increases.

Full moon is a phase in which the lunar disk is clearly clearly and completely. During the full moon for several hours, you can observe the so-called confrontation effect, in which the brightness of the lunar disk increases significantly, while its size remains the same. This phenomenon is explained quite simply: for the earth observer, all shadows on the surface of the moon disappear at this moment.

There are still phases of growing, descending and old moon. All of them are characterized by a very narrow sickle of the moon typical of these phases of grayish-ash color.

From all of the above, we can conclude that, in fact, the moon does not observe anything. It simply changes the angle of its illumination by sunlight.

Sequential change in the visible moon in the sky

The moon passes the following phases of lighting:

  • new moon - The condition when the moon is not visible. New Moon - Phase of the Moon, at which its ecliptic longitude is the same as the sun. Thus, at this time, the moon is between the earth and the sun approximately one straight with them. If they are exactly on one straight line, occurs solar eclipse. The moon at the New Moon is not visible on the night sky, as it is very close to the sun at this time. heavenly sphere (Not further than 5 °) and at the same time turned to the night side. But sometimes it can be seen on the background of a solar disk (solar eclipse). In addition, after some time (usually about two days), after or before the new moon, with a very clear atmosphere, it is still possible to notice the moon disk lit by the light light reflected from the Earth (the ash light of the moon). The interval between new moon is an average of 29.530589 days (synodic month). Jewish starts to the new moon New Year and Chinese (Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese) New Year 60-year cycle.
  • young Moon - The first appearance of the moon in the sky after the new moon in the form of a narrow sickle.
  • first quarter - The state when the half of the moon is lit.
  • arriving moon
  • full moon - The condition when the whole moon is covered. Full moon - the phase of the moon, in which the difference between the ecliptic longitude of the sun and the moon is 180 °. This means that the plane conducted through the sun, the earth and the moon is perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. If all three objects are on the same line, occurs moon eclipse. The moon in full moon has the appearance of the right glowing disk. In astronomy, the full moon torque is calculated with an accuracy of a few minutes; In every moon called a period of several days, during which the moon is visually not different from complete. During the full moon for several hours, the so-called confrontation effect may occur, in which the brightness of the disk increases significantly, despite its constant dimensions. The effect is explained by the complete disappearance (for the earth observer) of the shadows on the surface of the moon at the time of confrontation. The maximum gloss of the moon during the full moon is -12.7M.
  • waning moon
  • last quarter - The condition when half the moon is again illuminated.
  • old Moon
Mnemonic rule determination of the phases of the moon

To distinguish the first quarter of the latter, the observer located in the northern hemisphere can use the following mnemonic rules. If the lunar sickle in the sky is similar to the letter "C (D)", then this is the Moon "aging" or "converging", that is, this is the last quarter (French Dernier). If he is turned into reverse side, then mentally putting a wand to him, you can get the letter "P (P)" - the "growing" moon, that is, the first quarter (French premier).

The growing month is usually observed in the evening, and the aging - in the morning.

It should be noted that near the equator month is always visible "lying on the side", and this method Not suitable for determining the phase. In the southern hemisphere, the sickle orientation in the corresponding phases is the opposite: the growing month (from the new moon to the full moon) is similar to the letter "C" (Crescendo,<), а убывающий (от полнолуния до новолуния) похож на букву «Р» без палочки (Diminuendo, >). Interesting Facts Usually, for each calendar month falls one full moon, but since the moon phases are replaced slightly faster than 12 times a year, sometimes the second full moon over a month called the blue moon.