When garlic is cleaned with a garden. When to remove winter and summer garlic with beds

Garlic is one of the most valuable and favorite vegetable crops. At the same time, its presence is useful not only for our health, but also for many garden crops. Therefore, almost every gardener grows him on his site. It is quite easy to do so, since, knowing some of the cultivation nuances, you can get a good crop of this garden culture. In addition to landing and care, one of the important stages of the cultivation process garlic It is timely it cleaning.

Approximate deadlines

In definition cleaning for garlic need Take the landing time. The term of cleaning garlic, planted for the winter, comes in the mid-end of July and takes place until the beginning of August. Skivar garlic is completely ripening and cleaned two weeks later than winter, at the end of August - mid-September. However, if summer is cold and rainy, these deadlines can be moved to one to two weeks.

So, approximate terms when you need to clean garlic with beds:

  • winter (winter) garlic is time to clean at the end of July - early August.
  • skivar garlic is cleaned two weeks later, at the end of August.

In each single region, the harvest time may differ slightly.

How to determine what garlic has a sleep?

By gear and Peru can easily determine what time it's time to clean garlic:

  • Signs of maturity and readiness for cleaning garlic are left arrows with a seed box. If the rolled rings with arrows are straightened, the boxes with bobbies are revealed and crackdown, it means that the bulbs are ready for digging.
  • In addition, if the lower leaves of the plant are wished, and the upper tempered, then this is also a sign of maturity of garlic.
  • If there are still doubts, you will have to dig up a couple of garlic bulbs, and check out on the touch. The finished garlic will be solid, its cloves are easily separated, and the outer film is dry, well and has a characteristic color characteristic.

Many factors affect the timing of ripening and preparedness of garlic:

  • the quality of the landing harvest,
  • care,
  • soil condition
  • feeding in spring and summer
  • weather.

But in any case, his need to clean during. With premature digging, garlic cloves will be bright, will begin to die early, losing their nutrients. BUT when garlic Too long "sits" in the ground, the bulb can perch, start cracking and disintegrated into separate teeth. Such a crop will be kept short.

It is important to remember that garlic better remove with bed misunderstanding than overripe.

Moon calendar

Some gardeners proceed to cleaning garlic along the lunar calendar. In accordance with it, in 2017, the following days of July are considered to be favorable dates for the collection of winter garlic.

  • from 5 to 7, from 15 to 16, from 19 to 20, from 23 to 34.

Spring garlic will be removed in August, the best days in which will be:

  • from 1 to 3, from 11 to 12, from 15 to 16, from 29 to 30 numbers.

Nuances cleaning

Digging garlic only in sunny weather, preferably before the rains. Then the bulbs are well dried and will not lose useful properties. It is undesirable to rudely pull the plants from the ground, to avoid the destruction of the bulbs and the scattering of the teeth. It should be done neatly, a special shovel or small forks. Small heads must be used primarily, as they are worse stored. Given the hard rules for cleaning garlic, you can extend the timing of its winter storage and get the maximum benefit from this culture.

Personal experience

Just the other day, July 26, decided to check whether it was necessary to remove our garlic laying under the winter, with a bed. It is worth noting that this is not winter garlic, but the usual, just planted under the winter. The tips of the feathers by this time he dried and the wishes.

Pulled out a couple of heads. They were not too large, with a thin skirt. We carried out the verdict: to clean the garlic early.

According to the approximate terms of garlic, planted under the winter, it's time to clean at the end of July. And we (the middle strip, Yaroslavl region) on July 26 to do it early. Probably influenced the climatic features of this summer: it was raw and cold in our territories. Everything is sleeping with a noticeable delay.

Baba Tanya knit feathers so that there was no arrows and left garlic to grow further.

And when you remove garlic with beds? Share experience in the comments 😉 We will be happy!

This healthy vegetable is easy to grow, it is relatively unpretentious and very useful in cooking and traditional medicine. The calculation of garlic harvest is extremely important because it largely defines its quality and storage duration. Therefore, it is important to know how to determine when it is better to clean (dig) garlic, planted under winter or spring.

Growing season of garlic rather long, on average it lasts 4 months. Harvesting usually falls on July-September. Cleaning time may vary by region. On average, the following deadlines are optimal when garlic is cleaned:

  • winter, which was planted in autumn, dig in July;
  • spring garlic, planted in spring, is delayed for 3-4 weeks in relation to winter.

Depending on the weather and climatic conditions, the timing may vary. On average, the vegetable grows 100-120 days, the late varieties are a little longer. Details of cleaning through the regions are different:

  • in the south, the cleaning of winter garlic falls at the end of June-beginning of July, Svorovoy - July;
  • in the suburbs, cleaning falls on July-beginning of August;
  • in Siberia, in the Urals, the dates of ripening are shifted to mid-August - beginning of September, so agronomists advise the early grades.

How to determine what garlic matured?

Collection can be carried out consistently, depending on the plant maturity stage. To find out that garlic is time to dig up, conduct a visual inspection of the above-ground part. First of all, plants are digging with green leaves for direct eating. Plants then do not yet have well-educated heads. Green tops can also be used in salads, harbor for the winter, but after cutting it, the formation of the head stops and you need to dig.

Garlic, designed for storage for the winter, dig out otherwise.

Signs of ripe garlic:

  1. Plants that did not give the escapes of inflorescences, discoupled when about 50% of the leaves run.
  2. Stage, when garlic completely matures, planted under the winter - when he gives the shoots of the inflorescence, accompanied by the yellowing and drying of the lower leaves, the stem is faded.
  3. The husk, under which garlic cloves clearly appear, resembles parchment.
  4. The first outer husk on the heads cracks, the head is solid.

It's time to clean the garlic when the heads after digging are covered with 3-5 scales. When harvesting is delayed, scales are cracking, and the heads begin to open, the crop is lost.

If you break the collection time?

  • Delay cleaning. When the harvest dates are delayed, the heads can open and crumble in the soil, individual teeth begin to start roots. In the rainy summer heads can be installed, it is poorly stored in the future.
  • Premature collection. Too early dugheads are still soft, which will lead to a crop loss with long-term storage.

Which weather to dig up how to dry?

Cleaning spend in sunny, dry days, better, so that before harvesting the crop was for several days without rain. Collection is usually done manually, the heads neatly, trying not to damage, dug up with a shovel or forks.

Attention! It is not recommended to dig for storage with beds garlic in rainy weather. If you are tightening rains and there is no other way out, you need to clean the harvest until you rotted, carefully dry the heads, then clean from the ground.

After harvesting, we prepare for storage:

  1. Heads should be pre-dried in a well ventilated, bright place.
  2. The subsequent drying is made in the room, in place without access of sunlight.
  3. Then you need to shorten the ends of the leaves, trim the roots. If we are planned to weave the braids, the stalks are left more authentic.
  4. Thoroughly clean the heads of the head (in the glove), getting rid of any dirt, possible remnants of the Earth.

How to store?

This vegetable is well kept. Some varieties in good condition can be stored until the year. Winter garlic, which has not made inflorescences, is suitable for long-term storage and requires a temperature of 0-1 ° C and a relative humidity of 65-70%.

It is better to store a crop in a dry dark room. The perfect container is a basket or a box that allows air to circulate freely. You can also suspend the harvest under the ceiling, the blurred stalks into the pigtail or tied by beams.

Heads need to be carefully sorted. Heads damaged when digging, suspicious, placed in a separate box, leaving them for fast use - this crop need to be first or used for summer canned food.

You can store garlic heads in the fridge from scales, this is not a very good method in the long run. At low temperatures, the vegetable loses the characteristic taste, aroma. The same applies to freezing, however, many people choose this method when you need to preserve a big harvest in an apartment. For freezing, purified heads wrap in aluminum foil and placed in the freezer. Such a vegetable is suitable for cooking fringes, sauces in winter. In the freezer, you can store finely chopped garlic feathers, packaged by packages, using them later for soups, boil.

Garlic due to many active ingredients is of great importance to health, contains oils, allen and allicin. These compounds mainly have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral action. Knowing when removing summer garlic with a bed, planted in spring or winter, planted in autumn, and how to store it properly, you can save the crop for a long time and its valuable properties.

Garlic in our country is planted and in winter, and in the spring. At the same time, most of the landings are traditionally made in autumn. Accordingly, in the summer, in July and August, it is time for harvest. However, in different regions, depending on climate and natural conditions, the timing of the harvest campaign is somewhat different.

In our current article we will tell you when you need to dig garlic and how to keep it in winter. You will also learn how to determine that the harvest is ready for cleaning, what features are winter and spring varieties.

How to determine what garlic matured and it's time to dig

To start harvesting, first of all you need to make sure that the garlic is ripe. The fact is that the unworthy heads are not suitable for long-term storage. They have too thin scales, and they simply ruin ahead of time.

Vintage garlic

REFERENCE. If you love the taste of "young" garlic, you can dig it a little earlier and use in the preparation of various dishes.

There are several basic signs for which it is possible to determine whether garlic matured or dig it early. Usually, when determining the degree of maturation, they are oriented at least 2 of them.

  • The lower leaves dried and yields.Garlic matured and ready for digging when the bottom leaves dries. At the same time, the upper shoots are also yellow and become slightly sluggish. Please note if the leaves are completely started and ranging, it means that the harvest you are delayed. In this case, it is necessary to urgently dig heads from the ground.

Yellowing the lower leaves
  • Straightened "Arrow". Arrows in winter grades in the process of plant development are twisted and straightened only with full maturation. Many daches are removed back in June during agricultural work. But much more logical to leave several arrows on plants to determine the harvest time on them.
Straightened arrows
  • Filed inflorescences. Vintage It's time to shoot, if the grace action growing on the tips of the leaves has become visible seeds. By the way, these seeds can not be thrown away, but leave and use as a sowing material.

Mature "Bullbars"
  • The bulb is dense with easily separated by cloth. Ripe garlic bulb is dense enough. It is covered with several layers of husk. The cloves are easily separated from each other. To determine the degree of ripening on the bulbs, it is enough to dig 2-3 heads from the bed. Do not keep garlic in the ground longer than the desired period. Perezrevaya, it cracks and becomes unsuitable for long-term winter storage.

The cloves are easily separated

How to choose time on the lunar calendar?

If, when harvesting, you are targeting the lunar calendar, then favorable days for work as follows:

  • July: 5 – 8, 15 – 30.
  • August:1, 3, 11, 12, 14 – 17, 26, 29, 30.

IMPORTANT! Choosing the date of cleaning through the lunar calendar, forget to take into account the climatic features of your region and weather conditions on a specific day. If it rains at a favorable day, then it is better to transfer work to another number.

When to clean garlic, planted for the winter

Winter garlic

Winter varieties ripen about 90-110 days from the date of the first germination. Rangers and plants with small cloths are voluntary in about 90 - 95 days. Late varieties - in 110 days.

On average, cleaning garlic begin in July. The guide is a church holiday, the day of Peter and Paul. In more southern regions, the ripening process is faster than in the North-West, the Urals or in Siberia. Therefore, work is held earlier.

REFERENCE. The time of maturation in each year depends on the time of spring and weather in summer. For example, because of the heat and arid weather, garlic matures slower.

Cleaning from a garden of spring garlic

Skin varieties are improving in the spring and ripen much later than wintering. Cleaning time is usually falling in August. And in the northern regions of work and at all begin in the first decade of September.

INTERESTING. Surround varieties are stored longer and do not dry, but they have more heads, and they are better clean.

There is one small trick in the cleaning of Yarovoy Garlic. If you dig a little earlier than the deadline, then it will last for drying time.

Skar garlic

How to choose the time of the fishing depending on the terrain

Garlic harvesting in our country begins in July. This month, winter varieties are digging, and Augustus is cleaned with springtime.

In the cold or, on the contrary, too dry and hot summer, the timing of ripening of garlic is slightly shifted. But usually quite slightly, 5-7 days.

In Belarus

In Belarus, the cleaning of garlic begins with the second decade of July (usually from the day of Peter and Paul) and continues until the end of the month.

In outskirts of Moscow

In the metropolitan region, winter garlic begins to dig up in the second decade of July. Similarly, the harvest in Tver, Vladimir, Kostroma goes in terms of timing. Skin varieties begin to remove at the end of August. The harvest campaign continues until mid-September.

In the southern regions

In Kuban, the Caucasus and in the Crimea garlic dig up before all. The harvest campaign in these regions usually starts at the very beginning of July. And "on the food" garlic here dig and at all at the end of June.

In Siberia

Over the Urals, the cleaning of winter grades begins in the 20th of July. In the cold summer, the timing can move closer towards the beginning of August.

In the middle lane

In the regions of the middle strip of Russia, the winter garlic is beginning to be removed on July 8 - 10 and continue cleaning the flesh until the end of the month. Cleaning spring crops start from mid-August.

IMPORTANT! If the fallout of precipitation is predicted on the second half of July, it is better to hurry with harvesting. So you will save the head of moisture, which increases the duration of drying and negatively affects storage time.

Cleaning garlic

Cleaning garlic is the simplest lesson with whom any person can cope. But even here there are several tricks.

  1. Reduce watering.From about the middle of June, it is necessary to water the beds less often and not so abundantly. 7-10 days before digging, watering is generally stopped. This is done so that the frozen garlic is dry and no rotation processes occurred.
  2. Spread the Earth 2-3 days before harvesting. It is necessary to ensure air access to the garlic head.
  3. Accelerate maturation.A week before the estimated duty of harvesting, a slightly upper layer of the earth from the head. Another way to speed up the ripening is the leaves in the node.
  4. Collect harvest in dry weather. So the heads will not wet and will not refuse. In addition, raw garlic will have to dry longer.
  5. Digid with forks, not a shovel. For harvesting, it is best to use forks or any other similar tool. So you do not damage the head. In addition, garlic beds are usually planted quite often, and to dig a shovel will be simply inconvenient.
  6. Do not leave damaged heads. If during the digging process you accidentally hit the head, then you cannot leave it for storage. Just use it for cooking. Binding garlic is best thrown away.
  7. Clean the ground with hands neatly. If the Earth stuck on the heads, then they need to clean them. You can not shake and beat each other. So the teeth are damaged and the husks are shred.
  8. Sort the sorting. Large heads can be used as a sowing material for the future of the country's season.

Testing of garlic leaves

How to store collected garlic

The harvest must be prepared for long-term storage. First of all, the heads need to dry for 1.5 weeks. There is nothing complicated in this procedure. You just need to put all the collected heads in a dry place protected from the rain.

In the arid regions, garlic leaves to dry directly on the beds, but in this case there is always the likelihood of precipitation. Therefore, it is best to choose a place under the roof. For example, a shed, a summer veranda or a closed balcony.

After garlic is good, he needs to cut off the top and roots. If this is not done, then the likelihood is that in winter in the warm room Garlic will grind. The optimal length of the left roots is 3-5 mm.

Council.Cutting with garden scissors or a secateur so as not to damage the bulbs of garlic.

There are many ways to store garlic. Consider the most popular of them.

  • In banks and clay pots. A bank or pot need to be washed and dried. After laying garlic, banks do not roll, but simply cover with a lid and put in a dry place. Also now in stores you can purchase special clay pots for storing onions and garlic.
  • In kapron tights. This method is not too aesthetic in appearance, but very effective. Garlic heads fold into stockings and tights and then hang under the ceiling. Very effective and inexpensive storage method.
  • In grids and bags. This is a more cultural variety of the previous way. Bags and grids can be bought at any economic store.
  • In cardboard or wooden boxes and boxes. One of the most popular methods of storage of garlic is to poke it into a cardboard box and remove it under the table or in the storage room.
  • In "braids." This is an old way to store garlic. But it is impossible to cut off the tops from the heads for its application. The essence of the method is that you are gossiping the leaves of garlic in braids and hang on the wall or ceiling.

Storage of garlic in braids

In addition to the listed, there are also other storage methods. For example, in paraffin, in oil, in alcohol in crushed form.

Garlic is well stored almost in any conditions, but it is best to keep it in a coolness with air humidity at 60 - 80%. If the room is too dry, the heads will quickly dry, and if it is too wet, then will be refined.

With increased air humidity, the storage period is reduced to 60 to 90 days.


When harvesting garlic harvest is best to navigate not at a specific date, but on the appearance of the plant itself. In different years, climatic conditions may be different. If summer is cold and rainy, the ripening will happen later. If roast and dry, then a little earlier.

But in any case, by external signs, you can easily determine the correct period of cleaning of garlic.

There are several signs when you remove winter garlic. Terms are largely dependent on weather conditions and from the peculiarities of vegetable culture. Most often collect harvest begin in mid-July, but not later than the first fewers of August. It is not worth a ripe vegetable for a long time to keep in beds, as all useful properties and taste are lost.

When you need to clean a spicy vegetable

There is no time for collecting a crop of winter garlic. Winter garlic is squeezed in autumn, most often in late September, early October. They have a lot more teeth than yarny garlic.

The best days for the cleaning of winter garlic depend on the selected variety. It will be possible to dig garlic with early ripening time after 85 days from the date of shoots. Lovely varieties dig a little later, after 100 days. Even if the variety is unknown, then it is possible to determine in appearance that the vegetable matures.

Tip: Before collecting a harvest, find out how ripe it. How to determine what you can start cleaning? There are signs of ripening of winter garlic. It was at this time that the cleaning of winter garlic is considered the most favorable and successful.

  • The main sign of maturity is the yellowing of the upper leaves of the tops and drying the lower leaves. Leaves are lowered down.
  • Gardeners advise remove from each knocker not all the arrows. It is for the remaining arrows that the maturity of vegetable can be determined. Cut when the remaining arrows become elastic, and inflorescences begin to crack.
  • It is possible to proceed to getting into the harvest, you can use garlic head. It becomes dense, the cloves are easily separated from each other.
  • When the vegetable finally sleeps, the husk is easily separated from the poles.
  • It is possible to determine the ripeness by cracking the soil on the beds where the vegetable grows.

Some gardeners who planted winter garlic prefer to remove arrows from each root. It is noted that this technique speeds up the ripening process, and increases yield. But not all the grades of winter garlic feel good after removing the arrows.

The quality of maturity will depend on the quality of the crop and the duration of storage. Before collecting a harvest, you need to try 2-3 heads to the touch, consider the status of the husks and explore taste. The garlic is well stored, the slices of which are covered with three layers of husks.

Look too much
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If you redistribute crop in the ground, the heads will further root, compact. The one who will collect harvests ahead of time will notice that the slices are loose, soft, without flavor and juicy taste. The collected vegetable will not be stored for a long time.

If the care was correct, the weather was pleased with warm days and temperate rains, then the period of cleaning comes to the second half of the summer (20th of July). If the weather was hot and without rains, then the cleaning time is slightly shifted. Collect garlic, planted in autumn, recommended until August 2.

So, if three layers of tight scales were formed on the gears, the leaves wishes and dried, you can start digging. There are recommendations how to dig vegetables.

  • Before removing garlic from the bed, a few days before the procedure remove the arrows.
  • Then each bulb is slightly dug and pull out their hands. It is not necessary to pull the vegetable without the help of a shovel or forks. Rhizomes are very powerful and you can simply break the tops. You need to dig up carefully, deepening the shovel need to avoid damage to the head, otherwise it will not be subject to storage.
  • From each head, you need to smoke an extra earth and distribute the entire harvest on a flat surface for drying. You can dry in the shelter, but the first days it is better to leave the wind and the sun to be dried. So that vegetables are completely dried, it will take about two weeks.
  • Then, from each head, the leaves and the tops are cut off, leaving the pasteen about 10 mm. Cropped roots, leave approximately 4 mm. It is possible from the topping brass and tie into the barn for further storage.
  • Removing the crop, it is recommended to sort the heads. For storage, you need to choose large, healthy bulbs. Small garlic is worse stored, so it needs to be chosen for cooking first. Damaged and sick heads are taken. At the same stage, seed material is separated for next year.
  • The yield of winter garlic is folded in a container with holes so that the air can freely go through from all sides. Well stored removed harvest in wicker baskets.

There are no difficulties, how to remove the crop. The procedure must be carried out in dry, warm weather. If the bulbs are wet, then the duration of drying vegetables will increase and the storage duration can be reduced.

There are their own rules that relate to the storage of the harvest. You can store the harvest and at room temperature, but better in the basement or cellar with good ventilation. The humidity of the air should not be above 80%, otherwise the vegetables rot and germinate. The crop does not tolerate high temperatures, it is better that it was cool (air temperature 3-4 degrees). Keep need in a dark place.

Look too much
Landing, growing and departing of one-clock garlic when diging and cleaning

Digging garlic is better a few days earlier than being late with the deadlines. Aging is possible, even if you leave dug bulbs in the garden under the sun. All nutritional elements that are saved in the tops will be in the garlic head for several more days. "Due to heavy rains, a harvest was collected earlier and left for ripening in Saraj, hiding for the tops. The heads in the end turned out dense and kept long. "

When collecting a crop, leaning on the moon phases

Timely landing of garlic affects its quality, and the correct acquisition date affects the storage of the harvest collected. Some vegetables prefer to navigate not only on external signs, but also on certain lunar phases. From reviews: Sadim Garlic last years only by the phases of the Moon. The harvest turns out a good, digging it, too, according to successful days in the calendar. Vegetable is kept long. "

Garlic on the lunar calendar in 2019 to collect advise on the following dates.

  • In July, it should be removed in the following successful days: from 5 to 7 number, from 18 to 21, 23-24.
  • Clean garlic in August is better at such favorable time: with 1-4 number, from 11-13, from 15-17, from 29-30 months.

Before digging a spicy vegetable, you need to make a number of actions.

  • 25 days before collecting around each bulb, it is necessary to break the soil. The best days for these works on the lunar calendar in July will be 3, 4, 8, 30 and 31 numbers.
  • The useful procedure is the prisoner of the arrows. Good days in July will be 19 and 20 numbers. After that, all the forces and nutritional elements from the soil will be directed to the development of the bulbs. The growth of the tops is suspended, and it stops growing.
  • A month before the alleged harvest collection, arrows climbed, leaving a couple of pieces. The following actions include the reduction of irrigations in order to prevent the heads to rot. In July 2019, 1, 2, 10 numbers are considered the best days for the procedure.

After cleaning garlic, preparing the beds to a new landing. All the necessary fertilizers are introduced into the soil and dripped. Tomatoes, root crops are considered good predecessors.

What do not say, and without garlic can not do in the kitchen, nevertheless it goes in a plus any dish, except for compote. That is why it is so important to always have it at hand and about the reserve. As you know, it is the winter grade of garlic that is immediately used in food and for conservation, and spring garlic, even though it is much smaller and more tend to taste, use for storage. It is quite clear that it is more expedient to grow both varieties, because so far one, more precisely winter, is ready for use, another, of course, the spring is only gaining strength. Naturally, the deadlines for the harvesting of winter and spring garlic differ. As a rule, they largely depend on the weather conditions of the current season: how quickly the land began to be warmed, what a temperature was kept. However, if you dig up too sooner or later, various negative processes will begin to take place with it, which will adversely affect its storage in winter, so it is necessary to correctly select the assembly of the harvest of spicy culture from the bed. All these country problems will be discussed in our article.

When to assemble the crop of winter garlic and how to properly dig up to lay on

The decision of the dacnik about the beginning of garlic cleaning should be quite urgent and well thought out. It will be necessary to correctly take into account not only signs of the preparedness of the harvest, but also correctly decide on time and methods of cleaning.

Harvesting time: Signs of readiness

Terms of cleaning of winter garlic, as the rules come at the beginning, the second half of July And continue before August.

However, there are different varieties of winter garlic, which differ in the timing of ripening - early (ready already 3 months after gear) and later (just in less than 4 months).

Also, the harvest of winter garlic harvest may depend on what kind of garlicity they were planted in autumn, in other words, on the number of his factions. So, much earlier, one-town heads ripen, and even faster than early varieties. Next ripen garlicity, which were planted with small teeth, then medium and larger.

  • In the last month, it is significantly reduced by watering, and 1-2 weeks before collecting and stop at all. This is done to prevent the processes of rotting in the soil.

To determine whether winter garlic was ripe and whether it was necessary to collect a harvest, it is possible in its appearance:

Tip!If you planted the same grade (one ripening time), then you can always dig one head to check.

Note! Winter garlic is swinging and unstring.

Thus, when you notice that the leaves of garlic are noticeably wished, and the arrows straightened, the scales became slightly cracking and appear bobbies, then it's time to start harvesting, and it is advisable to do it for a week.

If you do not hurry or delay with cleaning spicy vegetable, it will overreres, the bulb cracks and starts to decay into separate slices. Here it is extremely significant that the shelf life will in this case decrease (although not deadly).

Video: Cleaning of garlic crop on time

How to dig a harvest

Tip! Like many other garden manipulations, cleaning garlic is better to spend early in the morning or closer to the evening, in dry clear and warm weather.

Direct cleaning, more precisely, digging garlic also needs to be done correctly:

Video: When and how to clean garlic

Harvest preparation for long storage

After you dig over garlic, it will need to be properly prepared for storage. Here are some rules and advice, in other words, it will be necessary to make before putting storage heads:

By the way! After you remove the harvest, you will have a place in a garden, which would be good to take something. If you have not yet decided, then read our article about the released bed.

Video: How to prepare garlic to storage

When collecting yarre garlic harvest

It is not difficult to guess that the crop of garlic, planted in the spring (spring), is collected later than planted in autumn under winter (winter). As a rule, the deadline for digging the heads is suitable in the middle of August and ends somewhere in the middle of September.

To determine that spring garlic rushed and ready to collect, it is also not difficult, because signs are the same (for one exception):

By the way! If you are focused on the lunar calendar, then you need to choose a dry sign, preferably on a decreasing moon.

If you give a native garlic, you can begin to grow because of the autumn rains, that his young roots may begin to grow, which will definitely affect his height and the usefulness of spicy heads.

Video: When and how to collect yarre garlic harvest

How to keep garlic at home in winter

It is important not only to determine the timing of the collection, correctly dig plants from the bed, but also to be able to keep garlic heads for a long time.

Thus, the actions algorithm is clear, and now much depends on the knowledge of the correct harvest of garlic, from the methods of which you choose direct cleaning and competent training for storage. In short, for work!

Video: how to dig and store garlic

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