What is the name of the tall lily of the valley. Delicate spring flower - lily of the valley

One of the most famous and beautiful flowers of spring are lilies of the valley. These beautiful flowers are quite rare and are listed in the Red Book as an endangered plant species. They have an unusual aroma, long stems and beautiful small buds. As soon as lilies of the valley are not called in different parts of the country, such names also occur: rejuvenating flower, Mayday flower, hare flower (salt, ears), forest bell. This plant is a genus of lily flowers, and the literal translation from Latin means "lily that grows in the valley."

Lily of the valley (Convallaria) is a perennial herb type plant. Belongs to the asparagus family, the nolin subfamily. Some botanists attribute the flower to monocotyledonous, and others - to dicotyledonous.

Botanists have been arguing for a long time about the subtype of this flower and distinguish between mountain lily of the valley and Keizke. The differences between the species are minimal, therefore it will not be a mistake to consider it May, as this is its main form.

If you describe the lily of the valley, then do not forget about its root system, which is very well developed, and also has many thin roots. The nodes located in the rhizome have leaves similar to scales and buds, due to which new roots appear. If you look at the vertical rhizome of a flower, you can see that small leaves grow from it, having a dark purple or olive color on the same scaly leaves.

Leaves grow almost from the ground, and a pair of leaves comes from the top of the root. The leaves themselves are very beautiful, green in color and with sharp tips. One of the leaves has a bud at its top, intended for the stem, reaching 25 cm in length, and those that grow gardeners stem reaches half a meter. The plant blooms once every couple of years. The flowers themselves appear only in the seventh year, at 10, no flower stalk is formed. After this, 2 to 3 years pass and the system itself falls apart, after which separate plants form.

Few will know that, for example, the lily of the valley is the national flower of Finland and is even depicted on one of the coins. And he became characters in 1967.
  Long before the birth of Christ, the ancient Egyptians raised lilies of the valley, but they did this almost all year round. There is archaeological evidence for this.

During the chemical attacks of World War I, lilies of the valley were used as a placebo for those who were poisoned by gas.

They themselves are very toxic, therefore it is better not to smell them for a long time, and eating is generally not recommended at all - at least you can get poisoning.

In France there was a custom where at a social event in the village. If a man invited a girl he liked to a dance, he had to give her a bouquet of lilies of the valley. If she took it, it meant only one thing - she agreed to a relationship, walks under the moon and in general, her gentleman was nice. And if she didn’t just refuse, but threw her under her feet, it meant that the lady despised her gentleman to the impossible.

Interesting facts about this plant can be found on the pages of many old books. For example, in France, another 16th century there is a very beautiful custom - on the first Sunday of spring, which residents call “Lily of the Valley Day”, it was customary to give lilies of the valley bouquets or artificially made bouquets to their loved ones.

Among the peoples of the world you can find many interesting tales, beliefs and traditions about the lily of the valley. Residents of neighboring countries, such as the Netherlands, argue that if you plant field lilies in the garden of the newlyweds, they will love each other for eternity. The plant symbolizes the brightest feelings, sympathy.

According to many dream books, to see this flower in a dream means that the person close to you is frank and does not conceal anything. If you see a dry flower in a dream, then this indicates that you have very high demands on life and on people around you, irritation and discontent. To see lilies of the valley in a dream means sadness and regret about past love. If these flowers are dreamed of by a girl, this means that soon she will meet a man who will interest her. And if a man dreamed about it, then it promises him success in heart affairs.


Where did the lily of the valley come from? In Russia, there was a legend about the princess of the waters of the Sea Magi, who fell in love with a simple guy named Sadko and love was not reciprocal, because he loved another. And the princess cried, and tears rolled down her blush and to the earth. And these tears turned into unusual flowers. Thanks to this legend, lilies of the valley symbolize love, unrequited and sad.

In ancient Rome there was a legend about the appearance of lilies of the valley. It is also connected with unrequited love, but this time the lilies of the valley appeared from droplets of sweat of the goddess Diana, who was fleeing from Faun, who was unrequitedly in love with her.
In England, the appearance of lilies of the valley is associated with the legend of the knight Leonard. Only now this legend did without love: lilies of the valley began to grow where Leonard killed the dragon.

There is another very beautiful legend - the forest bells sprouted from the beads the necklace of Snow White, which once burst. Now, Snow White’s faithful friends, the gnomes find the way home to them, which they illuminate.

This flower is especially fond of the French. They praise the lily of the valley so much that they even arrange public holidays in his honor.

Not without lily of the valley and in love traditions. For example, it is believed that if, after receiving a gift from a man, this girl pins it on her hair or along with it, then this is a sign of consent to become the wife of this man. The dropped lily of the valley reports the girl’s refusal.

There is another beautiful legend about a big red berry. It appears on the site of crumbling petals after the flowering of May lily. There lived one young man with a beautiful name Lily of the valley. And Spring made him an amazing gift - an inexhaustible ability to love life. He was very grateful to her for such a gift. He spoke many kind words to her and Spring did not resist him and fell in love with him. But, as you know, Spring girl is not constant. Giving everyone her affection, she could not stay long with him. After her departure, Lily of the valley was inconsolable - his tears turned into beautiful flowers, and the blood of his loving heart gave red color to the berries.

Lily of the valley has some more amazing properties. For example, those gathered in the new moon in the early morning will be a sign of passion and passionate love. If you want a man to be more affectionate and gentle, then put next to his bed May lily flowers collected on a growing moon. Such a bouquet will produce the opposite effect on a woman - she will become more emotional.

Well, if your task is to add a twinkle to the relationship, then give the girl a bouquet of lilies of the valley on the eve of the new moon - this will make her more lecherous and lustful.

Let lily of the valley is a beautiful flower, but it still has really useful properties. It is used in the manufacture of herbal medicines. Also, he overgrown with all kinds of legends, like other medicinal plants. Among them is the belief that the infusion on these flowers is a panacea and helps against all diseases, which made it a very expensive plant.

When do lilies of the valley bloom?

This flower is not in vain called the "May". The beginning of flowering falls precisely on this month. Duration is 2 to 3 weeks. Buds bloom from the bottom up. Of course, flowering does not start exactly May 1 - it all depends on the climate, weather and other factors. In the cold lands, this period may begin as early as mid-June.

Lilies of the valley begin flowering in May, if the climate is good. In cold climates, they bloom a little later in June.

It lasts 3 to 4 weeks, while the aroma of the flower gives in the spring and is incomparable. And their color (snow-white) gives a feeling of purity, purity and romance.

But this flower in the fall gives red berries, the size is from 5 to 9 mm. Each berry consists of three chambers, each of which contains a pair of seeds. These fruits stay on the flower for quite a long time and are very fond of rodents, but for most animals, as well as for humans, they are dangerous and even poisonous.

What does a lily of the valley look like?

This May flower reminds everyone of spring, because its aroma is tightly connected with this particular season. Outwardly, it looks like a fragile plant, but this impression is misleading: its stem may well break through a strong stone or asphalt. One stem carries several bells (from 6 to 20). It reproduces very quickly, and the climate does not play a key role for it - with its ability to take root, this is not difficult.

How many leaves does lily of the valley have?

In early spring, tightly collected leaves of lily of the valley rise. Curious lovers of flora wonder: “how many leaves does lily of the valley have?” The plant most often produces two leaves, but in rare cases, the lily of the valley can release three leaves. The aboveground shoots of the forest bell have a simple structure: the lower leaves at the base of the shoot, two or three large leaves of an oblong-shaped lily of the valley are located near the roots, and between them, there is a large bud on the root, from which the peduncle grows.

The romantic plant is delightful, legends have always been devoted to it, canvases were written about it, poems took shape. The most famous poem was written by poet Athanasius Fet “The First Lily of the Valley”, forcing the reader to see the beauty and sophistication of the forest bell.

Where does May lily of the valley grow?

On the map of Europe you can find many places of growth of this flower. These lovely bushes with fragile stems can be found in clearings in forests of various types, in meadows and fields that are next to rivers. It is worth noting again that lilies of the valley are rare and endangered species, listed in the Red Book and protected by law.

Species and varieties

Researchers argue that this species is far from the same type (that is, consisting of one species "May"). They argue, based on the difference in the structure of the flowers, which is associated both with the climate in which the flowers grow, and with the place of their growth.

May lily of the valley

May lily of the valley

The most famous and common type of lily of the valley. Mostly grows on the edges of forests of all types. Has a horizontal arrangement of the root system, thin roots predominate in large numbers. They are located almost without deepening into the ground.

During wintering, only the rhizomes themselves remain in the ground. A pair of leaves that originate precisely from the root end with a sharp end. The height of such a plant reaches 30 cm. The buds themselves are located on a kind of "footboard", with teeth on the top and bottom. The color of the buds is delicate white, have a peculiar, alluring aroma. Berries are more likely red - red color, size 5-9 mm. They bloom in May and bear fruit in the fall.

Despite its cute appearance and wonderful smell, it is a poisonous plant: it contains plant poison konvallatoksin. Even in the form of drugs, with an overdose, it causes poisoning. Those plants that were not grown in the wild have many varieties.

Here are some of them:

  • Albostriata. This variety is different in color. This is expressed in stripes of beige color, on the leaves;
  • Aurea. Leaves have a bright yellow color;
  • Aureovariegata. Along the leaves of this variety are strips of yellow or sand;
  • Flore Plena. The height of this variety delivers about 25-30 cm, and the buds themselves are much larger - 12 pieces on average, compared to ordinary ones - they are much larger;
  • Grandiflora It differs in much larger buds and larger leaves;
  • Green Tapestry. It differs by very bright leaves of yellow - light green color;
  • Hofheim. Border of leaves of this variety has a pale brown color;
  • Prolificans. There are much more buds than on wild lily of the valley. Flowering is about two months, the size of the plant is small;
  • Rosea. It is a pink lily of the valley. There are also more buds, about 12-14 pieces.


Mountain lily of the valley

This type of lily of the valley grows mainly in the mountainous regions of North America. It has a developed root component, and the stem itself is much shorter. The leaves coming from the root reach a length of 40 cm and a width of about 4 cm. The number of buds themselves is different, the spread is from 5 to 16 pieces, no more than 9 mm long. Also, in autumn, red berries grow, about 8 mm in size.

Lily of the valley Keyske

Lily of the valley Keyske

This lily of the valley grows in forests where moss is found in abundance. Also, it is often possible to meet on the places of logging, in the fields near the rivers. The main halo is Siberia and the Far East. You can also meet on Sakhalin, near the Amur River (both from Russia and China). The rhizome is much longer than others. Closer to the root, the plant has a brown or green color. The stem reaches 20 cm in length, and the leaves (from the root) reach 15 cm. The buds are much larger than the rest of the lilies of the valley, about 1 cm, their number is about 10 pcs.


Lily of the valley is an unpretentious plant that does not require any special care and constant monitoring.

The only thing to watch out for is that when the weather is hot and dry, you need to constantly water the plant, but if you do not, the flowering may be delayed or the whole plant will fade.

Also, after fertilizing or watering, weeds must be weeded around the lily of the valley. Humidity should always be increased. The soil should be rich in organic fertilizers, acidity should be minimal. Before planting this crop, the area where the crops will be sowed must be processed to a depth of 40 cm. Before planting, you need to fertilize the soil with special fertilizers.

After sowing, after about a month, you need to re-fertilize the earth with organic, but not mineral fertilizers. A year later, the earth is again fertilized with organic matter (with nitrogen) in the spring. In the first month of summer, they are once again fertilized with organics. Only in the third year will the lilies of the valley begin to bloom. Unfortunately, this cannot be accelerated.

Lilies of the valley grow very quickly, occupying the largest flowering area. To avoid this, it is necessary to dig a barrier, for example, of steel, into the ground. Depth should be at least a meter. In such a fenced area, lilies of the valley will grow for about 10 years. When cutting, it must be remembered that this plant will take nutrients from other flowers from the water, which will lead to rapid withering.

Why do not lilies of the valley bloom?

One of the main causes of this problem is both the lack of normal sunlight and its excess. These flowers should grow in relative shade, therefore, when planting them, it is important to consider how much they will spend both in the light and in the shade.

For normal growth, a humid environment is also necessary, therefore they should be watered often. On dry soil, especially on mountainous or rocky soil, the plant will take root poorly, or even may fade. This culture treats transplants well, but you should not abuse it.

Since the lily of the valley captures every patch of land, over time, the planting area will increase and a very beautiful flowerbed will turn out.

Diseases and Pests

When gray rot appears, it is better not to cut off the affected area, but to remove the whole plant. Of course, now special agents are used for better protection - reagents.

Gleosporosis is a disease dangerous to the plant. It looks like beige spots with a brown border on the leaves. The main way to avoid damage to other plants is to cut off the problem leaf. As an option for prevention - spraying with fungicides.

Timely and quality care for any flowers, including lilies of the valley, is very important. By care is meant both watering plants and fertilizing them, cleaning the soil from weeds and maintaining a distance to the nearest plants. If all this is left to chance, then the risk of getting sores on the plant will be much higher. Lack of nutrition is easily noticed by the characteristic yellow color of the stem and leaves.

Planting and reproduction

Lily of the valley is a very unpretentious flower, so for planting some special knowledge or skills will not be required. The place to plant them must be balanced in terms of shadow and sunlight. Reproduction occurs both with the help of fruits (berries), and with the help of underground rhizomes. Reproduction is quite fast.

These crops are planted in the beginning - mid-autumn.

The soil is pre-plowed, adding fertilizer and creating humus. Rhizomes with buds are needed for planting, but leaves in bundles (rudiments) are also suitable. This must be done in such a way as to prevent excesses. If there are shoots, then they should protrude, and should not be covered with more than 2 cm. Plant this crop in rows, observing a distance of 9 - 12 cm. But, by the way, sowing in the spring is also allowed.

Forcing lilies of the valley

If we talk about garden varieties that are used for distillation, they are planted and cultivated in such a way that their flowering would be in off-season. But the lilies of the field do not like any experiments.

For planting garden lilies of the valley, preparation of the soil and the material itself is done in the fall. Cuttings are prepared, the length of which should not exceed 4-5 cm, stems with a clearly visible ellipsoid bud are cut from the rhizomes. After this, the cuttings should be placed in a warm room, in a box, while they should be placed strictly vertically and with sand.

When stored in a cold climate, additional warming is required, for which they use the same straw.

Winter distillation should take place with the treatment of plants with moist crops such as moss. After that, the workpieces are placed in a room with a temperature of -1 degree for 21 days. Then, on day 22, the sprouts are placed in warm water, the temperature of which should not be more than 35 degrees.

If we talk about wild lilies of the valley (field), then distillation is slightly different. They should be placed in crates, but with soil rich in organic matter. The layer should be 4 - 6 cm. Moreover, the vertical arrangement is unprincipled. The kidneys should stick out half a centimeter from the ground. After that, warm water in large quantities is poured into the box and moss is thrown.

Further, all this is put in a dark and warm (30 degrees) room. Soil should be about 20 degrees. Several times a day, seedlings should be watered with water (28 - 32 degrees), after which they should be ventilated. The temperature should always be around 30 degrees, so watering should be regular. When the bottom bud gets color, the water temperature is lowered to 15 - 17 degrees.


Frequent transplants are undesirable because the lily of the valley does not tolerate this - the roots are damaged. But if you still need a transplant, then it must be done in early autumn. The soil should be ready for this moment, having fertilizer as well. Planting flowers is also carried out in rows, but the distance should be at least 20 cm. The main thing is to transplant the first few flowers - then everything will go much easier and faster.


Landing is made either in early autumn or in early spring. The distance between each plant should be approximately 9 - 11 cm, while it is undesirable to bend the roots. The soil powder of the sprouts should be small: from 1 to 2 cm. After this is completed, the planting site should be watered. At the onset of the first cold weather, a place with lilies of the valley is covered with ground peat or humus. If the flowers were planted in the spring, then they will not bloom this year.


Reproduction occurs both with the help of rhizomes, and with the help of seeds. More often, of course, the rhizome is involved. If flowers were planted with rhizome, then flowering should be expected in the third year, but if the seeds were used, then after 6 - 7 years.

To apply the first method, rhizomes are taken, on which there are kidneys and roots. Sprouts on which there are buds, as well as the diameter of the shoots themselves, depends directly on the age of the root system.

You can separate the roots in autumn and spring, if you do not want to kill the plant. Planting such a culture is far from a quick process, as well as courting them.

Use in medicine

The healing properties of these plants have long been known. They provide more than 30 cardiac glycosides, convallotoxin, convallotoxol and others. This is due to the presence of glycosides in the entire flower. The flower contains other elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, cobalt and so on), which are very necessary. Since it contains essential oil, aspirin, household acids.

The main application in pharmacology for lily of the valley is that it has a positive effect on vascular, abdominal and other diseases. Blood circulation becomes much better, heart function normalizes, relieves pain and cramping. They also contribute to the normalization of the liver.

Those drugs that have this herb in their composition have a positive effect, improving the quality of the heart, but reducing the number of strokes. Acts almost like an analgesic, relieving cramping and pain. It is also used against diseases such as thyroid, central nervous system and fever disorders.

External use of this plant, most often, to reduce pain in the back and lower back. Collect this material on dry days, but after the dew has disappeared. Next is the preparation of the ground part, but the berries do not belong to the blanks. The cut should be at a distance of 4 cm from the surface of the earth.

Drying should be done in a ventilated place, with a temperature of about 45%. Also, drying should be done on the same day, otherwise the plant will gradually die. The fruits themselves, both the rhizome and the seeds, are poisonous. Therefore, at home, not knowing the proportions, it is better to cook a little more.


Since the plant is poisonous, it must be used with caution. In case of an overdose, it causes vomiting, slows down the work of the heart and central nervous system. You can not use these drugs and people who have the above, as well as those who have a pathological condition. The muscles of the heart begin with the weakest. But there are some diseases, for example, the gastrointestinal tract, which are very sensitive to some products.

Self-medication is also not worth it - referral for examination, treatment and prescription can be obtained from your doctor. But if nevertheless poisoning has occurred, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage.

May lily of the valley

The medical characteristics of this plant we have examined above. Many drugs are only available on prescription. In the form of prophylaxis, concentrates based on this herb are used in organic quantities. Under this fall the actions for the treatment of the liver, gastrointestinal tract. Special drops are made over the Internet.

But among the useful ones that are not dispensed with prescription, one can single out a good and aromatic flavoring oil that positively affects physical and brain activity, as well as other activities. Acts as an anesthetic, but weak. Traditional medicine, on the other hand, presents a list of what it does on the basis of this drug. With its help, the lily of the valley and its derivatives help with vision, blood circulation and rheumatism. This drug is still useful for people with allergies, with edema, or for people falling into a fever.

One of the most common products based on wild lily of the valley is infusion. Its recipe is very simple, you only need boiling water and flowers. It is done as follows: 5 grams of lilies of the valley are taken per vessel, with a capacity of half a liter, poured with boiling water for 45 minutes. Drink one spoon a day.

Of the advantages, I want to note that he relieves cramps, fatigue. A folk recipe for infusion for pain in the heart is made as follows. To do this, you need a three-liter jar, where a third of mountain flower tea is poured. Drink three times a day for 12-14 drops, regardless of the reception write. With conjunctivitis, this solution is taken with a ratio of 1 to 10.

There is also a traditional medicine aimed at treating diseases of the cardiovascular system. To do this, take dried flowers of hawthorn, fresh buds of lily of the valley (field) and motherwort. They are mixed in the following sequence: After that, the vessel is filled with water (1) and vodka (5), after which it is infused for two weeks, and then cured. After this, the broth is ready for use, it is necessary to drip 22 - 24 drops, but in a glass with water (100 ml).

If there is a problem with the eye associated with damage to the optic nerves, as well as the retina, then traditional medicine advises making a decoction of our culture and nettles (oddly enough, the same may), but the ratio will be 1 to 5. The cooking process is very simple: prepare the product itself (raw materials), then put a spoonful of liquid and leave for 6 hours. After that, the grass is mixed with soda, but in gauze and applied to the eyes 2 times a day. Use the healing properties of lily of the valley and for the better functioning of one of the most important systems of our body - endocrine. Therefore, for its better functioning, certain herbs are harvested: lily of the valley, parsley, and little fool. Then the solution is poured with boiling water and time goes by 15 minutes. When the broth is ready, it is drunk three times a day half an hour before meals.

Many beneficial substances must go into an aqueous solution. Of the 10 drinks for each, it turns out you need a glass of water and a lid. If you have a neurosis, then it is worth brewing other herbs: take one tablespoon with dry grass, after which it is all filled with soda. They drink this three times a day, though from a spoon. In general, lily of the valley is brewed perfectly like regular tea, without sacrificing quality.


Some experts (nutritionists, fitness doctors) talk about the excellent alcohol tincture on lilies of the valley. It is a clear liquid that is khaki but closer to brown. To taste - it will be very bitter, and the aroma will be very specific. Such a tincture is highly recommended for violations in the cardiovascular system, as well as for an increased pulse rate (over 90 beats per minute).

In addition, it helps from depression, insomnia. After taking this tincture, you will want to rejoice and sleep. Such a product is quite calmly sold in almost any pharmacy. Doctors prescribe this drug for 25-35 drops, strictly 3 times a day. In different situations and cases, in addition to the infusion, you also need to take additional drugs that will help to remove harmful toxins from the body much faster. An example is the famous valerian, belladonna and others.

Currently, enterprises specializing in the production of pharmaceutical products produce drops, the basis of which is actually alcohol tincture from lily of the valley:

  • Drops of lily of the valley and valerian, where the ratio of 1 to 1;
  • Drops of lily of the valley and valerian, but with adoniside. The ratio of 1 to 1 to 1;
  • Drops of lily of the valley and valerian, but with sodium bromide. The ratio of 1 to 1, and the bromide content of 8.5%;
  • Drops of lily of the valley and motherwort, and the ratio is also 1 to 1.

Application in cosmetology

Beauticians actively use not all parts of lily of the valley, but lily of the valley oil, which impresses with a fresh, cool, delicate aroma, incomparable with any other. Lily of the valley essential oil is added to cosmetics, which are able to restore the tone of the skin, hair, improve microcirculation, strengthen the walls of capillaries, relieve stagnation.

Creams, balms, tonics and other cosmetic products are saturated with oil. The result of using cosmetics is visible: with oil, the skin becomes softer and more well-groomed, beautiful smooth, clean.

Recipe for a mask for dry hair: mix one egg yolk, 50 ml of honey, 5 ml of essential oil of May lily of the valley, then apply the mixture to the hair, from roots to ends, cover the head with polyethylene for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Hair after this procedure acquires elasticity and shine. Tonic recipe for dry skin: 100 ml of fresh aloe juice, 2 drops of lily of the valley oil are added to 30 ml of freshly brewed green tea. Such a tonic is applied before bedtime on the face, every day.

The smell of lily of the valley in perfumery

Lily of the valley is a very popular fragrance in the perfumery market. It has a very delicate and elegant aroma, with notes of freshness and the smell of wildlife. With this aroma it is very convenient to compose different perfume palettes and compositions.

Unfortunately, until now the natural smell of lily of the valley has not been obtained, because all these aromas are a synthetic copy of the original, which, by the way, is not inferior. And the inability to get natural aroma is associated with an extremely low derivative of essential oil from lily of the valley, which makes it impossible to extract ether from it.

Modern perfumers have learned to deal with the synthesized aroma of lily of the valley so much that perfumes with this base are in demand in the elite circles of our society!

Landscape design

Lily of the valley has so taken root in the culture of European society, including in Russia, that not a single park or square is complete without this plant. After all, he almost does not require care, but looks very presentable. They are decorated with all kinds of flower beds, interfering with other colors, make intricate patterns and other objects of decorative aesthetic beauty.

Of course, this lily of the valley is not wild and it is specially grown and crossed, receiving unusual colors and combinations. For example, pale violet flowers, which can decorate not only the festive day of the townspeople, but also the leisure object itself, for example, a park. But it would seem that only a month is blooming and everything is not needed. But it wasn’t there, almost all year it will be beautiful, low and dense bushes, which, as a rule, are lined near sidewalks and paths and create the feeling that everything around is absolutely green!

Planting wild lilies of the valley is very inefficient due to the fact that they are of certain colors, length and character. They bloom in May, but garden, artificially cultivated, can bloom, say, in August. The main thing is that it would be warm. And gardening is much easier to combine with other plants growing in the flowerbed.

Perfectly combined with ferns, when outside the season they hide with him, with peonies, making the visual row of the flower bed unforgettable. But it is important to remember that there would not be a lot of flowers in the flower bed next to lilies of the valley. After all, these beautiful forest bells grow quite quickly, capturing new territories and even crowding out other flowers. Therefore, even in parks and squares next to lilies of the valley there is a dividing underground wall, half a meter long.

And if you plant lilies of the valley near trees, for example, larch or linden, you get a wonderful corner of living, even wildlife. But if you gave your beloved a bouquet of fresh, freshly plucked lilies of the valley - make sure that there are no other flowers in the vase, otherwise the lilies of the valley will cheat them by drinking all the water and grass the neighbors with unpleasant odors. From this smell, a person may have a headache or he may feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

But the best solution would be to make a flowerbed of lilies of the valley in your country house - because by doing so you will get a wonderful corner of almost wild nature, the crown of which are the flowers from the Red Book!

May lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) - herbaceous perennial plant up to 30 cm tall; other names: hare ears, Voronets, washed grass, forest tongue, silverfish. Lily of the valley - an unusually beautiful rhizome plant of the family Liliaceae (Liliaceae). It is valued primarily for the beauty of small bell-shaped flowers collected in a drooping racemose and possessing a strong aroma.

Lilies of the valley grow

  Lilies of the valley grow in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, as well as in the temperate zones of Eurasia, the Caucasus, the mountainous Crimea and North America. It prefers shady or semi-shady areas of coniferous and mixed forests, floodplains of rivers. The most spacious thickets are seen in oak forests and in the massifs of pine forests. Soil prefers rich. Lily of the valley - a frost-resistant plant, does not require winter shelter. Without transplantation, lilies of the valley can grow in one place up to 10 years. It is entered in the Red Book: lily of the valley needs preventive protection and rational use.

Lily of the valley rhizome

  The rhizome is thin, creeping, horizontal, with innumerable small roots. The maximum age of rhizomes is 42 years.

Lily of the valley leaves

  Beautiful smooth lily of the valley leaves have a wide elliptical shape, the tip is pointed, painted in dark green, shiny, arcuate veins are clearly visible on the leaf blade. The trunk below is surrounded by light pink scales. Root leaves, on long petioles, at the base with wide membranous sheaths.

Lily of the valley flowers

Lily of the valley inflorescences are located on a long thin leafless peduncle. The flowers are small, snowy white, strong-bodied, collected in a one-sided, slightly drooping loose brush. The corolla of the flower is spherical-bell-shaped, six-toothed. The color of the lily of the valley petals depends on the variety, but most often the petals are white. Lily of the valley flowers bloom in the spring one of the first - from mid-May. Flowering time - up to three weeks. When growing lilies of the valley in dense shade, the number of flowers can be reduced.

Lily of the valley berries

  After the end of the flowering period, the fruits of the lily of the valley appear - fleshy, round, three-nested, orange-red berries with light round-ovate seeds; ripen in early August - September.

Types of Lily of the Valley

Varieties of lily of the valley

  In culture, the following varieties can most often be found:

Grandiflora - the variety differs from the main species in larger flowers

Rosea - lily of the valley pink

Latifolia - a very decorative variety with double flowers

Variegata is a white lily of the valley; the variety differs from the main species by leaves, on a dark green background of which white longitudinal stripes clearly stand out.

Lily of the valley breeding

  Most often, garden lilies of the valley propagate vegetatively by segments of rhizomes in spring or autumn. A fresh shoot of a plant blooms after two years, after which there is a break in flowering for a couple of years. The seed method is used much less frequently (lily of the valley seeds are sown in the ground in the fall). Before planting lilies of the valley, the soil should be deeply cultivated and drained. During the period of active vegetation, the soil should be constantly moistened, so watering is necessary in a dry spring. Periodic top dressing with organic fertilizers is desirable.

Diseases and pests of lilies of the valley

  Lily of the valley can be affected by fungal diseases. Of the pests, sawflies and nematodes are the most annoying.

The use of lilies of the valley

Lilies of the valley in the garden are used for planting in flower beds along with other spring-flowering crops. Despite the apparent fragility, the flower of the lily of the valley is quite hardy and retains freshness in water for a long time. That is why it is often used for decorating living quarters. The strong aroma of tiny flowers can cause a headache, so the room in which there is a bouquet of lilies of the valley should be regularly ventilated. Lily of the valley is also known as a forcing plant. To drive lilies of the valley, rhizomes are dug from the ground in September and stored in boxes with peat or sand in a cool room. In early December, they are planted in pots with a light nutrient substrate. Tanks with planted rhizomes are brought into a warm room with a temperature of 20-24 degrees and watered. After 1 month, sprouts appear, and in early February, the plants begin to bloom.

Lily of the valley - a medicinal plant

  Lily of the valley - a medicinal plant used both in folk and traditional medicine. As a means of strengthening and normalizing the cardiovascular system, tincture of flowers, leaves and stems is used (thanks to the cardiac glycosides present in the lily of the valley - convallotoxin and convalloside). Lily of the valley glycosides are unstable and do not accumulate in the body. Lily of the valley substances are used for heart neurosis, cardiosclerosis, heart defects and heart failure. They are often used in combination with valerian and hawthorn and other medicinal plants.
  In folk medicine, lily of the valley is used as a relaxing and diuretic agent; with heart diseases, especially tachycardia, for the regulation of heart rhythm; with edema, thyroid disease, epilepsy, fever, throat disease; outwardly infusion (in the form of lotions) - for eye diseases, also for rheumatism. In the UK, water infusion of the aerial parts of the lily of the valley is a remedy that strengthens the nervous system, prevents infectious diseases, with headaches. Grass lily of the valley introduced in the pharmacopoeia of 13 states of the world.
  Powder from flowers is sniffed with a cold. In Germany, an infusion of lily of the valley flowers on wine is considered an effective remedy for paralysis. Flowers for medical purposes are used in Finland and Switzerland.

Medicines from Lily of the Valley

Tincture of lily of the valley

A clear liquid of greenish-brown color, with a weak peculiar aroma and a bitter taste. Available in a concentration of 1:10 to 70% alcohol. Assign to adults 15-20 drops, children 1-12 drops 2-3 times a day. Issued in dark glass bottles of 25 ml. Store in a dark place.

Lily of the valley dry concentrate

  Brown powder, hygroscopic. When dissolved in water, it releases a slightly dull brownish-yellow solution. Available in powders and tablets containing 0.1 grams. Take 1 tablet three times a day.

Drops lily of the valley-valerian

  Drops of lily of the valley-valerian contain tincture of lily of the valley and tincture of valerian 1: 1. Available in bottles of 30 ml. Shelf life is about two years.

Drops of lily of the valley-valerian with adoniside

  Drops contain tincture of lily of the valley, valerian and adoniside in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Available in bottles of 30 ml. Shelf life 2 years.

Drops of lily of the valley-valerian with sodium bromide

  Drops contain in 100 ml drops of 8.5% bromide. Shelf life 2 years.

Drops lily of the valley-motherwort

  Drops contain tincture of lily of the valley and tincture of motherwort in equal proportions 1: 1. Issued in bottles of 25 ml. Shelf life 1 year.

Drops of lily of the valley-belladonna with menthol

  Drops contain tinctures of lily of the valley 20 ml, tinctures of belladonna 10 ml, menthol 0.2 grams. Shelf life 2 years.

Drops of lily of the valley-belladonna-valerian with menthol

  Drops contain tinctures of lily of the valley 10 ml, tinctures of belladonna 5 ml, tinctures of valerian 10 ml, menthol 0.2 grams. Shelf life 2 years. The pharmaceutical industry produces a number of heart preparations, which include lily of the valley preparations (konvaflavin, konvallatoksin, korglikon) and which are widely used in medicine.

Lily of the valley - contraindications

  Lily of the valley is a poisonous and extremely dangerous plant, treatment with its products should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, strictly observing the dose.
In toxic doses, lily of the valley causes nausea, vomiting, sudden bradycardia, extrasystole, ventricular flutter, and cardiac arrest. The use of lily of the valley substances is contraindicated in case of sharp organic changes in the heart and blood vessels, acute myocardium, endocarditis, pronounced cardiosclerosis and acute liver and kidney diseases. Eating lily of the valley berries can cause poisoning, which in children will be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, dilated pupils, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, drowsiness, and sudden weakness. Critical cases are known after the water was drunk, in which the lilies of the valley stood. Poisonings of ducks and geese pecking discarded bouquets were recorded. But foxes and other dogs can eat large quantities of lily of the valley berries without harm, using them as an anthelmintic.

Lily of the valley is a perennial herb. Today it is considered rare and therefore the flower of the lily of the valley is listed in the Red Book. It has many names, the most common of which are considered to be: May lily, konvaliya, forest bell.

There is information that since the plant was assigned to the class of Monocotyledons, the supremacy of Liliaceae, the scientist Karl Linnaeus called it Lilium Convallium. Translated, this means "lily that grows in the valley."

There is no consensus on the origin of the name of the flower. Some scientists claim that it came from Polish, in which the name sounds like “lanuszka” because of the similarity of the pointed leaves to the ears of a fallow deer. Others compare it with the combination of the words “incense” and “breathe” due to the smell of flowers. Therefore, one of the species of lilies of the valley was called fragrant. Another group of scientists believes that the name came from the fact that the petals of the plant are completely smooth, so it was called "smoothie". May lily of the valley was bred in the 15th century. This flower has many varieties.

Flower description

Lily of the valley flowers - perennial. Their structure is complex. Flowers have a developed root system, consisting of thin roots. Leaves with small scales located in the rhizome give rise to new roots, which grow from the axillary buds of these leaves.

3-5 bottom scaly leaves usually grow from a vertical root. They are painted in green, brown or purple. From the top of this rhizome several oval-shaped basal leaves grow. The leaves of the flower are large, smooth, bright green in color, at the tops they are sharp.

Between the leaves, which are located at the top of the plant, a single bud grows. A stalk is formed from it, which reaches 15-30 cm in height. Rhizomes of a flower form leaves annually, and flowering lilies of the valley every 2-3 years. For the first time, they bloom at the age of 7. Reaching 12-13 years, the plant can no longer form a peduncle. Over time, the rhizome simply rots.

In early May, in the middle of the stem, a brush forms on which up to 20 flowers are tilted to one side, and the stem is twisted in a spiral. Perianth is snow-white or light pink in color. In appearance, it looks like a small bell with 6 short stamens, on which anthers are located. Also, self-pollination occurs in these plants. The classification of lilies of the valley is wide enough. Each of the types has its own characteristic.

Flowering period and smell

Lilies of the valley bloom very briefly. This period takes a maximum of 20 days. You can talk about how the lily of the valley looks at that time. First, the lower flowers bloom, followed by the upper ones. Flowering time depends on natural conditions. Flowering begins in spring in mid-May and ends in mid-June. By this time, the blooms are getting dark. An ovary begins to form in the inflorescences, from which then a large berry of a dark red color develops. It is called the fruit. The size of this berry is 6-8 mm in diameter. Each of its three chambers contains 1 or 2 seeds. Berry ripening ends by mid-July. They are food for some birds and animals, although they can be very poisonous to humans.

The smell of flowers is fresh and tart. The finest aroma of this plant is often used in the perfume industry to create the most sophisticated aromas.

Healing properties

The medicinal properties of lily of the valley as a medicinal plant have been known for a long time. In medicine, stems, flowers and leaves that are collected during the flowering period are used.

Medicines based on lily of the valley have a choleretic effect and are used to relieve inflammation in the biliary tract and liver. Lily of the valley drops are used in the treatment of poor circulation and some heart diseases. The most common diseases that are treated with drugs based on lily of the valley are:

  • insomnia;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • headache;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • swelling of various origins;
  • some types of allergies.

Despite all the benefits of lily of the valley, there are certain contraindications to its use, when funds based on it should be taken very carefully. Such contraindications include: diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, chronic liver and kidney diseases. Also, such drugs should be used with caution in children and pregnant women. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor before taking any medications.


Scientists believe that the genus Liliaceae is monotypic, that is, it consists only of a single species - the May lily of the valley. Some species differ from it. These features are caused directly by the place of plant growth.

There are such main types of lily of the valley depending on the geography of their growth:

  1. May lily of the valley. It is especially common in Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Greece, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus. It is also found in Russia and the Caucasus. It is found in nature in all types of forests. Basal sheets of oblong shape, pointed at the ends. The stalk reaches a maximum height of 30 cm. The inflorescence consists of small flowers that look like bells. The number of flowers on the stem reaches 20, they are white or pinkish in color.
  2. Keyske lily of the valley or Far Eastern. It lives in forests where the soil is covered with moss, in abandoned clearings or meadows. The plant can be found in Transbaikalia, in the Far East and Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, in Northern China and Japan. It is considered a species of May lily of the valley. Bottom leaves are scaly, brown or purple. Their stem height is only 18 cm. The number of flowers in the inflorescence is not more than 10, since they reach 1 cm in diameter.
  3. Mountain lily of the valley. Distributed in North America. This plant has a beautifully developed root system and a low stem. Root leaves are large: 20 cm long and 5 cm wide. In the inflorescence of this species from 5 to 15 flowers. By the end of summer, large red berries ripen on the plant. These are three-chamber fruits with a diameter of up to 9 mm, inside of which there are seeds.

In natural conditions for them, lilies of the valley grow in Europe, Asia, China, Japan, North America. Deciduous, coniferous, mixed forests and meadows located near rivers will be most suitable for their existence. Due to poaching, the lily of the valley was listed in the Red Book.

Main varieties

Since the 15th century, gardeners have made lily of the valley a cultivated plant and have bred many of its varieties. The most common of them are:

  1. Albostriata - thanks to the light stripes on the surface of the leaves, this species even after flowering continues to delight the eye.
  2. Aurea is a variety characterized by the yellow color of the leaves.
  3. Aureovariegata - leaves of this variety are covered with longitudinal stripes of yellow color.
  4. Flore Plena - its flowers are corolla-shaped and look like terry flowers. Inflorescences consist of 10-12 such flowers, the height of the plant can reach 15-25 cm.
  5. Grandiflora - lily of the valley with white pearly flowers and large leaves. It has a very pleasant smell.
  6. Hofheim - leaves of this variety have a beige border.
  7. Prolificans - blooms for a long time and smells great. It features a low stem.
  8. Rosea - the color of the flowers in this variety is pale pink. On one brush grows up to 10 flowers.

Garden cultivation

Although lilies of the valley and wild plants, they can be grown in your garden. In order for a plant to take root, it is important to plant it correctly.

Where is it better to plant lilies of the valley

Lily of the valley is a herbaceous plant that is not too dependent on natural and weather conditions, but is very afraid of drafts. It grows well in the shade, but if the blackout is too strong, the lily of the valley may not bloom.

Lilies of the valley love moist neutral soil that is rich in organic matter. A place for planting these flowers needs to be prepared in advance. Soil should be processed approximately 30 cm deep. In the spring, the required area must be dug up. In this case, you can add to the soil such widely used fertilizers:

  • 200 grams of lime;
  • not less than 10 kg of humus;
  • 40 grams of potassium sulfate;
  • 100 grams of superphosphate.

A prerequisite for planting is that after preparing the soil you need to constantly monitor that the soil does not overgrow with weeds over the summer.

What time to plant lilies of the valley

The best period for planting is the very beginning of autumn. Before planting the cuttings, the soil must be loosened. Lilies of the valley are planted with a distance of at least 10 cm, while sprouts are sprinkled with ground a couple of centimeters. Immediately after planting, the entire area must be well watered. During the period of the first frosts, it is desirable to cover the plot with mulch, which will help preserve the seedlings.

If plants are planted in spring, they will hurt and most likely will not bloom in the first year. Land for lilies of the valley needs to be prepared in the fall. It is necessary to mulch the beds with seedlings in order to protect them from various negative environmental influences. They are covered with a thin layer of ordinary humus, and at night they are covered with a film to protect them from frost.

Reproduction of lilies of the valley

In gardening, many varieties of lily of the valley have been bred that can be bred from seeds at home, for example: asparagus lily of the valley. The only drawback of artificial varieties is low frost resistance. Breeding species can also be bred from seeds, but more often use the method of breeding from rhizomes. Seeds are sown in early autumn, then by spring they will germinate.

Separation of the root system can be done both in autumn and spring. For such propagation of lilies of the valley, pieces of rhizome are used, where there are buds and roots. The diameter of the shoots and the presence of their buds depends on the age of the plant. If the root height exceeds 6 mm, then flowering can be expected in the first year after planting.

Lily of the valley care

Lilies of the valley unpretentious flowers, they do not require special care. Unless in the summer you need to make sure that the land under them does not dry out, otherwise the plants will bloom poorly. After watering, you need to loosen the soil and remove weeds. Lilies of the valley have the ability to grow rapidly. To keep this process, it is necessary to fence the garden with a fence. In one place, flowers can grow up to 10 years. If they grow together with other colors, this can negatively affect them.


The first introduction of organic matter into the soil under the lily of the valley can be applied 30 days after planting. Mineral fertilizers cannot be used during this period. For 2-3 years, lilies of the valley are fertilized with organic substances containing nitrogen. This is necessary to improve the decorativeness of the flower. This procedure is best done in mid-spring. It is during this period that the laying of flower buds begins. As a result, the flowers are larger.

Sometimes lilies of the valley can infect some diseases and pests. If gray rot affects them, you can get rid of it with the help of fungicides. It appears mainly with severe waterlogging or clogging of the flowerbed. If the lily of the valley infects the nematode, such a flower must be destroyed immediately. It’s best to burn it.

I think any girl or woman loves flowers. I especially like the lilies of the valley. This delicate plant with tiny white flowers seems to symbolize the arrival of summer. My son recently brought a drawing with lilies of the valley from school, it was the best bouquet. There is a lot of interesting information about this plant, which I will share with you now.

Lily of the valley and its species

Lily of the valley flowers resemble bells. They are white and small in size. Lily of the valley can be recognized not only by its appearance, but also by the unique aroma of flowers. After the flowering period ends, a small red fruit. In no case should they be eaten. Both the fruits and the lily of the valley flowers themselves are poisonous to us.

Many consider the lily of the valley a monotypic plant, that is, there is only one species. But it is not so. Known several of its species:

  • may lily of the valley;
  • lily of the valley Keiske;
  • mountain lily of the valley.

May lily of the valley  meets in European countries, including a fairly large part of Russia. You can meet this plant in forests of various types. Lily of the valley Keyske  It has a slightly different territorial location. In Russia you can find him on the territory of Transbaikalia, the Far East, Primorye. In addition, this kind of lily of the valley is found in Northern China and Japan. Mountain lily of the valleycannot be found in Russia. It only grows   in North America.

When and how much lily of the valley bloom

Lilies of the valley growing in the wild, or in some botanical garden begin to emerge at the same time. This is happening   with the onset of spring. At this time, only begin to appear first leaves, and a little later you can see the stem on which in the future small white flowers will bloom.

You can see the lily of the valley blooming already in the middle of Mayor   in the first half of June. Admire the beauty of the lily of the valley for a long time will not work. They bloom only about 10–20 daysth. The flowering period depends on the climate of the area where the lily of the valley grows.

Lily of the valley and customs

Lily of the valley is not just considered a symbol of tenderness and loveand.  Previously, one custom was associated with this flower. The groom liked the girl gave a bouquet of lilies of the valley. If the girl accepted the gift bouquet, then this meant that she agreed to the courtship of the young man. If the girl threw the received bouquet to the ground, then this gesture meant a refusal to the groom. Now grooms and brides on the wedding day, sometimes pin up on their outfits lily of the valley flowers.

Perhaps not everyone knows that in France, May 1 is celebratedLily of the valley day. On this day, you can meet traders everywhere with bouquets of these flowers. Such a tradition in France has been observed for several centuries.

The onset of spring brings not only a good mood, but also the sun, which shines and the first flowers. When spring takes over completely, lilies of the valley appear. Now on any site you can find what a lily of the valley looks like. It is not only perfect in its appearance, but in a smell that resembles spring, and even from it you may suddenly feel dizzy.

Description of Lily of the Valley Flower

Lily of the valley, called Convallaria majalis, refers to herbaceous plants. This is determined primarily by its structure. Stems (soft, resistant). They die off as soon as the flower ceases to bloom.

Bells. They have a specific, but very fragrant smell. Usually on one stem they can be counted from 6 to 20 pieces. Color can be either white or pink and white.

Lilies of the valley can be found in forests. But if you look at its appearance, for example, in the photo, it always seems that this flower is delicate, defenseless, and requires constant guardianship. But this is not so.

Lily of the valley - very strong flower, which easily takes root, multiplies rapidly, and even captures the territory for its reproduction. Changes in temperature are also not afraid of him.

Recently, new types of lily of the valley have appeared, where the bells may have a purple-red color or flowers are similar to double ones. But while we see such flowers only in the photo. There is another modern look: it has leaves painted in yellow stripes.

Lily of the valley begins to bloom in May, and this flowering lasts about 20-25 days. When the flowers have already faded, then on the stem tiny berries will appear, which then, in the fall, turn red. Rodents and birds adore these berries, considering them as a kind of delicacy.

On any flowerbed, the lily of the valley will look very beautiful even without flowering, since the leaves of this floral plant large and beautiful. This can be seen by looking at the lily of the valley flower in the photo. In general, the leaves of the lily of the valley are somewhat reminiscent of the ears of a fallow deer, hence the people got their other name “lily of the valley”.

Varieties of lily of the valley

If you turn to the botanists for help, they will affirmatively say that so far only one species of lily of the valley has been bred. And all those flowers that can be seen, for example, in the photo, are just its diversity.

But such subspecies are undoubtedly differ in different characteristics: leaf shape, color and even bell size.

The following lilies of the valley are considered to be the most common in Russia:

  1. May.
  2. Transcaucasian.
  3. Keiskey.
  4. Silver.
  5. Pink.

A variety of colors of lilies of the valley

All these species are active used in medicine  for the treatment of many diseases. So, the May lily of the valley was bred in the 18th century, and almost immediately its description appeared in magazines.

And then in 1737 he received such a name. The name of the flower comes from the Latin language and means in the literal translation "lily of the valleys."

Unfortunately, today this subspecies of lily of the valley is considered very rare and even listed in the Red Book. There is a belief that where such a flower settles, it quickly occupies the entire territory, but if only one of them is torn off, the whole blooming area immediately dies.

The thing is that there is less and less forest and the lily of the valley somehow disappears by itself. But people lose such beauty! To make sure of this, it’s enough to see photos of lily of the valley flowers, which usually decorate many sites on the Internet.

But not only deforestation has led to such a state of lily of the valley in our country. This, of course, is the result of the fact that a person collected it for a very long time as medicinal plants, but at the same time did not give anything in return (planting, care).

Lilies of the valley on personal plots and flower beds

It is very simple to grow a white lily of the valley on a flower bed or in flower beds, because it does not require any special care. Just for starters, so that the flower "takes root", must choose a placewhich is perfect for him.

For example, one that is hidden from the sun is best chosen somewhere under the trees. If the landing is successful, and the place meets the conditions of the lily of the valley, then it will delight its owners with beauty and aroma for a very long time.

If the place where it is planted is shady and cool, then it will bloom for almost five weeks. In this case, all the roots of a beautiful and fragrant flower plant usually grow together and begin to creep further, occupying the territory nearby.

Very often lilies of the valley are used to harmoniously arrange flower bedsmixing with other plants.

How to grow a lily of the valley

There are rules for both care and growing lily of the valley. It is known that this flower plant lives in one place for about 10 years. But for this it is worth taking care of the place itself, so that it is cool, and the soil is rich in organic matter.

Before planting lilies of the valley, it is necessary to prepare the soil. And for this you need to do the following:

  • dig up the soil (about 25 cm);
  • fertilize with manure, but not fresh, but such that it has already managed to overtake (manure can be replaced with peat compost).

A good time to plant such a plant is considered autumn or early spring. As soon as the flower is in the ground, it follows it water hard  until it is accepted.

Now a few words about the propagation of a fragrant plant. There are two ways to reproduce lily of the valley:

  • The seeds.
  • Rhizome (division).

If the flower propagates with the help of rhizomes, then it stands from the roots cut small pieces  6-8 cm. But you need to choose those where there are kidneys that will rush up.

When such roots fall into the ground, it is worth making sure that they do not bend. You should also look so that the sprouts are on the surface, and the distance between them is at least 8 cm.

When propagating by seeds, one should know that no crop should be expected in the first year. This time is spent on the plant to go deeper into the ground. But already in the second spring, leaflets will appear, but only they will not open, but will be tightly pulled.

And the later the stronger the lily of the valley will rise, the more these leaves will open. The stronger the first leaf is revealed, the faster the second will appear.

At the same time, in the second spring, the rhizome also begins to grow, becoming thicker and occupying more and more territory.

Healing properties

It is always worth remembering that lilies of the valley are great drugbut only in reasonable hands. If a person does not know how to handle this plant, then he immediately turns into a poisonous drug.

Before using this excellent remedy for treatment, it is necessary to study what healing properties it has.

It is known that this plant began to be used for medical purposes as early as 1861. The first doctor to use it was S.P. Botkin. The structure of the plant includes glucose, as well as cardiac glycosides.

For the treatment of what diseases can this flower plant be used? In the first place will be the following diseases:

  1. Nervous system.
  2. Arrhythmia.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Fever.
  5. Elimination of physical stress.
  6. Rheumatism.
  7. Headache.
  8. Dropsy.
  9. Epilepsy.

If it is incorrect to apply decoctions, infusions and medicines from this plant, then the body will be rendered not help, but huge damage done. If a person has kidneys, stomach problems, or a liver, then medications based on such a plant are strictly prohibited.

Lily of the valley is a beautiful-looking, aromatic plant that is delicious decorate any flowerbed or another area. But, having many medicinal properties, this plant can be poisonous to humans.

Therefore, you should never abuse drugs made on the basis of it, or use it on your own, without a doctor’s prescription. And yet: always when caring for lilies of the valley do not forget about safety and always wash your hands thoroughly!