False meanings or fake values? True and false values. Loyalty to his vocation

"You have done, to you will come back."

Winston Churchill

Our actions pass the red thread through our entire lives, thereby defining its quality. What are our actions based on what is the foundation? The answer is very simple: the foundation of any act is our internal qualities, they are the values \u200b\u200bof our life. When we commit this or that action, we, first of all, should contact our inner world, rely on their internal values.

The true values \u200b\u200bof our life are not material benefits. Not a car, apartment, clothes, jewels and many other things. Although for some reason we often appreciate these things more than people. At the same time, it is absolutely native to a person, a colleague for work or just passerby. We forget that respecting others - respect yourself. I do not deny anything that the apartment, the car and other attributes are essential and important, but I ask you to understand that they are not our true values. We often apply hostile to other people, while we have ordinary things in the rank of deities and worship them. It seems to me that we all confused a little in this life, making external benefits more important than internal qualities. Please remember when you last helped people who exist next to you that surround you? How often do you make good actions and show respect for others?

Sometimes it is very useful to answer your questions that concern your inner world. The answer to them can help form the inner rod, to develop true principles, for which you can always rely, whatever the life situation happened.

One of these supports can be our internal values \u200b\u200bthat will help us navigate in this life. Under the internal values, I mean the quality we guide, taking this or that decision. These qualities are the following character: nobility, virtue, respect, responsibility, honesty, friendliness, mutual understanding and much more that you are able to find in the depths of your heart.

Of course, these qualities may only have a positive value and in no case cannot be negative. Why can they not be negative? Are the bad acts committed by us can make our life better, harmonious, happier, are they really helping other people? There is a well-known proverb - "It's not a swarm to another pit, you will fall in it" or "what we will lay, then you will get enough."

And this is true, rather even the law that life itself came up with. It's extremely unreasonable to go against the laws of life. After all, if you jump from the roof, the law of attraction will certainly make his work, of course, if you are not from the movie "Matrix". By the way, neo is the personification of true internal values, the stronghold of good and nobility. He saves the world from oblivion, trying to open people the truth of life.

Sometimes the rescue of the world implies the destruction that is a struggle with something dark inside us. Also, we can shed light to the ignorance, the darkness that are trying to root in us in all our creatures. We can break our old patterns of behaviors that lead to the destruction of themselves, relationships with people relatives, and the whole world as a whole. We can create new principles, the beacon for which will be true values.

How can true values \u200b\u200bbe identified? Imagine that there are many roles that you play in your life. These roles are manifested in various spheres of life, for example: family, friends, work, hobby, society as a whole. Now let's look at some of these roles.

Let's start with the family, closest and valuable for us. You can be: Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Sister, Brother, etc. We will analyze the example of the father / mother. Now imagine, but better write down, what father / mother would you like to be. What qualities would you like to show in relation to your children? Would you like to be sensitive to them, give love and care, bring them up in the setting of respect and mutual understanding, loyalty and honesty? After you write down quality data, try to post them real life. Does your behavior and action correspond to the qualities that you would like to possess? If not, think why, and how you can change it.

The next role I would like to consider is the role we play at work. Suppose you are a swimming coach and teach children to swim. In addition to the fact that you teach kids to swim, you are also an example for them and a guideline. Training takes place not only on water, but also in the heads of children, you teach them moral principles. And how you behave during classes, then, on the basis of which principles you act and what values \u200b\u200brely on, forms, first, your behavior, and secondly, the behavior of the child, which he can take over from you.

It follows from this that our internal values, in whatever roles we did not arrive, should be formed in one way. And this key should open only those doors for which our positive qualities are located.

Treat other children as you feel about your child. Watch your behavior, both in the family and in all spheres of life, and always remember about true values.

We have the opportunity to go through all the roles of our life and see the qualities that we know about, but for some reason we do not apply them as a reference point, we do not use them as a foundation. Our internal values \u200b\u200bare similar to the bright lighthouse lighthouse, which covers our way, helps us go faithful way and not get lost in the Puchinity of Passions, which like fog wipe us and our lives.

True values \u200b\u200bshould be the basis of our personality, should serve us as a reference point and lead in the right direction, permeating our entire path. I hope that the values \u200b\u200bwill be virtue and order, love and compassion, nobility and respect. And, of course, I hope that all of them will light your life, the life of your family and all people on our planet.

1) I. Bunin In the story "Mr. San Francisco" showed the fate of a man who served as false values. The wealth was his God, and he worshiped this God. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that genuine happiness passed by man: he died, and without learning what life was.

2) the name of a simple peasant girl Zhanna D "Ark Today is known to all. 75 years old France led an unsuccessful war with English invaders. Zhanna believed that she was destined to save France. The young peasant persuaded the king to give her a small detachment and was able to do what was not able to be intelligent military leaders: she lit with her inhound faith of people. After many years of shameful defeats, the French finally were able to defeat the invaders.

When we think over this truly wonderful event, you understand how important it is to lead a great goal.

3) Few people know that during the filming of the famous film N. Mikhalkov "Burnt by the Sun", Weathered weather, the temperature dropped to minus six. Meanwhile, according to the script, there should be a hot summer. The actors depicting holidaymakers had to swim in ice water, lying on cold earth. This example shows that art requires a person of victims, complete dedication.

4) French writer G. Flaubert In the novel "Mrs. Storky."She talked about the fate of a lonely woman, who confused in life contradictions, decided to poison. The writer himself felt signs of poisoning and was forced to seek help. Not by chance, then he said: "Mrs. Bovarie is me."

5) loyalty to his vocation can not but cause respect. Peopling Nikolay Kibalchichhe was sentenced to death for the attempt on the king. Waiting for death, he worked on the project jet Engine. More than one's own life, his fate of the invention was careful. When they came after him, to take away to the place of execution, Kibalchich gave the gendarm the drawings of the spacecraft and asked to transfer them to scientists. "It's touching that a person in front of a terrible execution has the strength to think about humanity!" - So wrote about this spiritual feat K. Tsiolkovsky.

6) "I have always been amazed by immeasurable hardworking and patientity of Kirill Lavrov," recalls the director Vladimir Bortko about an outstanding actor: "We needed to shoot a 22-minute conversation of Yeshua with Pontius Pilate, such scenes are filmed for two weeks. On the laurel platform, an 80-year-old man, spent 16 hours in breast armor weighing 12 kg, without saying a word of reproaching a filming group. "


Moral responsibility of a person (artist, scientist) for the fate of the world

The role of personality in history

Moral choice of man

Conflict man and society

Human and nature

Approving theses:

1. A person comes to this world is not in order to say what he he, and to make it better.

2. Depends on each person how the world will be: light or dark, kind or evil.

3. Everything in the world is connected invisible threads, and a careless act, an inadvertent word can turn into the most unpredictable consequences.

4. Remember your high human responsibility!


1. There is one incompected sign, separating the actions of people for good and evil: Increases the act of love and unity of people - he is good; It produces enmity and separation - he is bad (L. Tolstoy, Russian writer).

2. The world itself is either evil, neither benefit, it is a compatibility and the other, depending on what you yourself turned it (M. Monten, French philosopher-humanist).

3. Yes - I'm in the roaster. I will not touched me! But how can I live when the people are sinking? (Saadi, Persian writer and thinker)

4. It is easier to light one small candle than crushing the darkness (Confucius, ancient Chinese thinker).

6. Love - and do what you want (Augustine Blessed, Christian thinker).

7. Life is the struggle for immortality (M. Privine, Russian writer).

8. They went to darkness, but did not disappear their trail (V. Shakespeare, English writer).


Everyone has in hand fate mira

1) In a combat operation under the Pervomaisk, fighters who beat the attack of militants, rushed to the box with grenades. But when they opened it, they found that the grenade does not have fuses. The packter at the factory forgot them to put them, and without them a grenade is just a piece of iron. Soldiers carrying heavy losses were forced to retreat, and the militants broke through. An error of a unnamed person turned a terrible misfortune.

2) Historians write that the Turks were able to capture Constantinople, passing through the gate, which someone forgot to close.

3) The twentieth century is the first century in the history of mankind of world wars, the age of creating weapons of mass lesion. There is an incredible situation: humanity can destroy themselves. In Hiroshima, on the monument to victims of the atomic bombing, it is written: "I sleep quietly, the error will not happen again." That and many other mistakes are not repeated, all-in-law is becoming a struggle for peace, the struggle against weapons of mass lesion.

4) Sunny evil turns into a new evil. In the Middle Ages, a legend appeared about the city, which was flooded with rats. The townspeople did not know where to go from them. One person promised to save the city from nasty beings if he paid. Residents, of course, agreed. The rats played on a puddle, the rapted rats went behind him. The magician fascinated them to the river, got into the boat, and the rats drowned. But the townspeople, getting rid of the attack, refused to pay the promised. Then the sorcerer dismissed the city: he began to play again on the twin, children were fled from all over the city, and he drowned them in the river.

The role of personality in history

1) "Hunter's Notes" I. Turgenev Played a huge role in our country's social life. People who read the bright, bright stories about the peasants, realized that they were immorally owning people as a cattle. The country began a broad movement for the abolition of serfdom.

2) After the war of many soviet soldierswho fell into enemy captivity, convicted as traitors of the Motherland. Story M. Sholokhova "The Fate of Man",in which the bitter share of the soldier is shown, forced the society in a different way to look at the tragic fate of prisoners of war. The law was adopted about their rehabilitation.

3) American writer G. Becher-Stow wrote novel "Uncle Tom Hut", in which it was told about the fate of the meek Negro, clogged to death with a ruthless plantator. This novel shouted the whole society, civil war broke out in the country, and the shameful slavery was canceled. Then they said that this little woman began a big war.

4) Eduard III king, hardly, is unlikely to fully understand what his audacity will lead to: state coat of arms He depicted tender lilies. Thus, the English king showed that henceforth is subject to his neighboring France. This drawing of the Popy Monarch became a reason for the century of war, which brought people countless disasters.

Human and nature

1) The man in our eyes continues the fatal case, which has already started the millennium ago: in the name of its production needs, he destroyed the forest-filled forest, dehydrated and turned entire continents in the desert. After all, Sugar and Kara Kuma are an obvious testimony of man's criminal activity, continuing and soy. Isn't it evidence of the pollution of the World Ocean? A person deprives himself in the near future of the latest nutrition resources.

2) In Russians folk fairy tales Often glorified by the selflessness of man. Emelya was not going to catch a pike - she sacked himself in a bucket. He will see the wanderer of the fallen chick - put him in the nest, the bird will fall in the Silka - he will free her, he will throw a wave of fish ashore - he will release her back into the water. Do not look for benefits, do not ruin, but help, save, take care - it teaches this folk wisdom.

3) Human intervention in the complex life of nature can lead to unpredictable consequences. One famous scientist decided to bring deer to his region. However, animals could not adapt to new conditions and soon died. But the ticks that lived in the skin of deer were mastered, flooded forests and meadows and became a real disaster for the other inhabitants.

4) Global warming, which is increasingly talking about lately, fraught with disastrous consequences. But not everyone thinks that this problem is a direct consequence of human vital activity, which in pursuit of profit disrupts the steady equilibrium of natural cycles. It is not by chance that scientists are increasingly talking about the reasonable self-restriction of needs, that not profit, and the preservation of life should be the main goal of human activity.

5) Polish fiction S. Lem in their "Star diaries" I described the history of cosmic vagrants that ruined their planet, exposed all subsoils with mines, sold minerals to the inhabitants of other galaxies. Retribution for such a blindness was terrible, but fair. That fatal day came when they were on the edge of the bottomless pit, and the land under his feet began to crumble. This story is a terrible warning to all mankind, which predatoryly robs nature.

I do not expect everyone to agree with me, and I will be glad to those who will object. That means you think. You have not yet lost this feature and do not believe that you read. You analyze, pick up the facts and only then decide to agree or disagree or will appear your theory.

False values \u200b\u200bTheme is quite extensive, it is a society of consumption, and thirst for money, and thirst for freebies, sexual licenses ... This is an endless list, but the result is one: perceive false values As the true you convert yourself to be unhappy.

Perhaps the most interesting false value is the consumption society. We consume everything, we are told from the screens about new items, things define status status, we need more money, and for this you need to work, rob, etc.

And since we are pursuing the cult of consumption, they themselves become consumers. Even feelings and spiritual components we try to compensate for the material. For example, parents work a lot, pay very little attention to the child, and feeling failing for themselves, buy him expensive gifts, thereby growing a manipulator and consumer in it. Next it becomes even more interesting. The consumer as a black hole, he absorbs everything, but does not return anything, except for feces and not very positive thoughts, because he is always a little! Who are the consumers? These are the people who want everything ready to: so that they raise them straw, fed, prigel, and they? They will be happy to demand it and perhaps their comments on this occasion. Would you become such guests to invite to yourself? I think a couple of times and from the gate turn. As a result, consumers become outcasts in the spiritual sense. After all, it is believed that the person has never been alone as in the 21st century. What happens in the end: spiritual loneliness, people in this world do not bring anything new, they only recycle that remains in the world and produce manure. Naturally there are nervous breakdowns, and they shoot on the streets, people do not see the exit from a dead end where they came, even if not quite in their will.

I'm in a dead end, and then what? Maybe it is worth stopping and thinking where a friend and where is the fellow traveler? Maybe to raise your head at the top, wait, and the head is still in place? If so, turn, shake her, feel the eyes, give yourself a bellup, wake up!

It is important to understand where you are now, to feel that it remains from your soul, from your body, your dreams. Remember yourself as a child, how much suckness, how much resourcefulness you had, for you there was a huge world, and the day was a huge, and a fragment of colored glass was a big jewel, and a small spring stream of a huge river for paper boats. Then you were real.

Stop! And write for yourself what you want, do not limit yourself to age, money and other things, just write what you get joyful from what you want to sing, dancing and share with peace!

This is your present, not applied, here is your energy and creativity. Walking for my dreams you understand that for the sake of them it is worth living and you can hardly want to get away from life ahead of time. But if you live on the basis of "so necessary", then I do not envy you.

I want to bring interesting information from the article "What do the dying people regret? "

1. I would like to have the courage to live the life of the present myself, and not how I was expected to see the surrounding

It was the most frequent regret of all. When people suddenly realize that their life came to an end, and look back, it becomes clearly visible how many dreams have not been implemented. Most people did not embody half of all their dreams, and died with awareness of what happened because of the elections they did, or who did not follow.

It is very important to carry out at least some of the dreams that you plan to implement. When you lose your health - then too late. Health gives the freedom that people are aware only when it will be irrevocably lost.

2. What a pity that I worked so much

This is regrettable of every man, the nurse of the last days I was. They missed the youth of their children, and communicating with their partners. All the men I cared to have deeply regretted that they spent so much time of your life, turning like a squirrel in the wheel to achieve success in work.

Similarizing his lifestyle, making an informed choice on its way, it is possible to do without that income that you think you need. And creating more free time in your life, you will become happier, and you will open more opportunities that will be more suitable for you on the basis of your new lifestyle.

3. I would like to have more courage to express my feelings

Many people suppress their feelings to get along with others. As a result, there are neither there, nor, and never become those who are intended to be. Many develop diseases that become the result of their bitterness and indignation due to the fact that they did not become those who wanted to be.

We cannot manage the feelings of others. However, although initially people can react one way or another when you change the way to communicate, talking frankly, as a result, it displays a qualitatively new, and a healthier level. Or frees your life from unhealthy relationships. You won anyway.

4. I would like to keep close relationship with my friends

Often, they did not fully realize all the delights of relationships with old friends, until the last days of their lives begins, when it is almost impossible to return them back. Many are so focused on their personal life that, gradually duck, true friendship disappears over the years. There was a lot of regrets that they did not pay much time true friendshipAnd they did not seek to maintain relationships that deserve it.

This moment is common to all when the loaded lifestyle leads to the thinning of friendly connections. But when you are approaching your last hour, usual life retreats to the side. People, if possible, seek to bring their financial affairs in order. But not money or status have a true meaning for them. They wish to make things in order not to create problems with their loved ones. However, they are often so sick that they cannot fulfill this task. As a result, everything is still resting in love and relationships. That's all that remains in their the last days - Love and relationship.

5. I would like to afford to be happier

This moment is surprisingly divided by many. Many to their very end do not realize that happiness is a choice. They are trapped with old habits and behavior models. Fear of change makes them pretend that they are satisfied with life, in front of them and in front of others.

When you are on your mortal window, the fact that others think about you, it takes the least. It would be great then, long ago, just afford to smile. Long before the death remains a few days.

There is no absolute value for the content of values, to which all people would have sought, but there are absolute value of value to which all people are clearly or implicitly stretch. it true values. The word "truth" in the axiological context differs from his interpretation in gnoseology. Here truth means not the correspondence of the knowledge of reality, but, on the contrary, the correspondence of the validity of everyday or political wisdom . The truth or falsity of value in axiology is inseparable from wisdom.Based on this connection, the values \u200b\u200bcan be divided into true and false . True values \u200b\u200bare the values \u200b\u200bthat make the life of this person and people close to him, the social group, and the society is happy. On the contrary, false values, taking power, time and money, make them unhappy. The truth or falsity of value is best visible on the examples of individual fate of the people. The motto of Socrates "Know yourself" is directly related to the truth of value . A man who knows his material, intellectual and psychological capabilities, will choose the right path, the right satellite in life and will be happy independently of his position in society. On the contrary, the ignorance of himself and the surrounding social environment, or the predominance of feelings above the reason lead to grave mistakes in life, to the loss of time that is no longer returned. "Not all that is gold, which glitters," says folk wisdom, but it is sometimes difficult to recognize what is behind the external shine. Values \u200b\u200bgive the meaning of human life, they determine the direction of personality activity . However, it should be noted that not only true, and false values \u200b\u200bhave such property, perhaps even more than true values. The reason for this is the duality of human nature. As an animal person "is programmed" to commit certain reflex actions. The commission of these actions does not require intelligent, nor physical efforts, there is no choice of choice, the individual animal acts automatically, and easily automatically. Biological evolution of everything "took care." It is more difficult for the position of the individual of the culture. The commission requires certain, sometimes considerable, intellectual and physical efforts. In more complex cases, the ratio of both sides of the nature of man, but false values \u200b\u200bare formed easier and make people stronger than values \u200b\u200bof true. When, for example, a man moves greed, the question arises about its source; The source protrudes the human body. Greed shows a person as an animal, and not as a creator and carrier of culture . The need for self-affirmation may, in particular, be met by the possession of things (material objects). Valuable turns not so much the thing itself, how much is the possession of her. I am happily not because I have this thing, and because you do not have it. The needs of the individual, and they can only be among the individual, are satisfied with different means, but the mile of all means expressing its biological nature. The needs are not true or false, only desires, which, although they arise on the basis of needs, are determined by these property, but are determined by the upbringing, the content of the information obtained, the situation and other circumstances. From here stem for most false value ideas. .False values \u200b\u200bare the values \u200b\u200bof functioning , not development . Functioning is walking in a circle, and not quality change, not development. False values \u200b\u200bare sometimes covered by whole peoples. If we consider the reason for the crash of the Roman Empire in the axiological plan, it is easy to see the erosion of those values \u200b\u200bthat were elevated Rome. The desire for enrichment, debauchery, the thrust for the pleasures became more significant than the worship of the gods, patriotism, respect for the right. The subject of the Company is the population, and the more people who are guided by false values, the closer the collapse of the state and the decomposition of society. . Currently, some values \u200b\u200bof Western culture prevailed in society. They can be called false. There is no doubt that sooner or later the values \u200b\u200bof enrichment, solidity, sex, scrolling sensations And others will lead to people who focus on them in a dead end. Since Western values \u200b\u200bare dominated in the world, anxiety for the future covers the Western scientists themselves. For the entrepreneur, his occupation represents a special sport. Money from the means turns into a goal, which again turns into a means, etc. Entrepreneur (for few exceptions) is not interested in the well-being of the population, which it uses as a material for its operations, it is interested in the rate of profit. To the existing million it is necessary to add a second million and so to infinity. J.-Journalo was right, saying that it is easier to earn a second million than the poor man . People calling themselves musicians write and sing a single-day songs, lowering the already low level of musical culture of the population. Tomorrow there will be new songs that will sing silently singers. At worst, you can confuse the classics, it is not prohibited by law. "Stars" divorced so much that, as in astronomy, they began to distinguish between "values". Fortunately, the native state allows them to occupy television and radio. And also enriched, which is doubly nice to candidates for the "stars" and the "stars". The value of money and luxury items led to the flowering crime. Value human life It turned out to be lower than the value of money, because films appear on the TV screens without shots and corpses.When the question arises about death penalty criminals immediately remember the value of human life, as if, the criminals themselves did not reduce its significance . Each society has a certain margin of strength, but if the political course correction is not performed periodically, it is sooner or later the tensile strength comes, and with it and a disaster.

Types of values

Values \u200b\u200bdivide on a variety of reasons. The simplest one is business content.On this basis allocate values political, economic, legal, religious, moral anddr. But more relevant in philosophy and public sciences is the division of values \u200b\u200bby subject, carrier values. In this regard, you can allocate five types of values.

1. Values \u200b\u200bof personal life, individual. The infinite variety of values \u200b\u200bdoes not mean their equal significance for all people. People are not omnivorous each of them recognizes only those values \u200b\u200bthat match individual features and personal worldview . But in the first place is the value of life itself. With the exception of suicides, everyone wants to live, and as long as possible, despite any quality and standard of living. The desire for life is the natural human right, which is given to him by God, not a state. The second most important is the value of health sufficient for active vital activity . The older people become, the clearer it becomes the importance of this value: the quality of life of a healthy person is clearly higher than the quality of life of a sick person.A healthy person can work, learn, enjoy life, and the patient undergoes a course of treatment, waiting for recovery. Therefore, in a number of priorities of many people, health occupies the most important place. Other values \u200b\u200bof personal life are difficult to arrange in descending order of their significance, however, undoubtedly, they have a great influence on the motives of people's behavior. These are the value of the freedom of the will of man, love, friendship, family, wealth, prestige, career growth, respect for surrounding, education, abilities, communication, hospitality, hobbies, etc. A large number of values \u200b\u200bof personal life allows an individual to change the value orientation, "tactics" personal life.

2. Values \u200b\u200bof small social groups. A small social group is a combination of people who systematically communicate with each other. Small group should not be identified with the team because collective as a totality free personalities It is only one of the varieties of small social groups. Each of us is a member of several small groups - family, labor or military unit, training group, sports section, clubs in interest, etc. A small social group presents to its members very defined, sometimes rigid, requirements. "We" prevailing over the "I", otherwise a group is unstable or even disintegrate. The cement bonding group are values . The family is created not to continue the kind, people are usually stupid, but for the sake of higher quality of life - actual, and not imaginary human freedom. Value family life Kids feel stronger than adults. On family photos, young parents and happy children are usually displayed. Other small groups, which only for the convenience of designation are called teams, also have their values. . Among them, the leading role plays the solidarity of the members of the group in the face of the likely enemy, in what way would he appear. It doesn't matter for what reason we found themselves in one "team", but since we were soon turned out to be together the norms of behavior should comply, allow us to coexist. Therefore, members small group They undertake to help each other or at least at least not to interfere with each other. In the "collective", such values \u200b\u200bare often found as help and mutual assistance, cooperation, exchange of experience, etc.. The best part of the lives of many people takes place at work or service, so communication in small groups leaves a deep mark in their souls.

3. Values \u200b\u200bof large social groups. A large social group is a combination of people who are similar to among themselves for any significant sign for society. Large groups include classes, nations, races, religious, professional, sex, age and other social groups. Unlike small groups, members of large social groups are almost always personally familiar and do not communicate with each other. Nevertheless, they are aware of the existence of themselves for the activities of the state, the media, various social institutions. Individual is at the same time a member of several not only small, a and large social groups. It belongs to a certain class of society, nation, generation, sex, etc.d. Knowledge of themselves for yourself allows each individual person to identify (relate) to yourself with a particular group. In accordance with the individual belonging to a large social group, common for members of the value group is detected.. The most significant foundation of division into large groups is the attitude towards property of production and consumption items. For this reason people are divided into classes of rich and poor (Although there are other signs of classes). Both rich and poor inherent in the values \u200b\u200bof class solidarity, cohesion, unity of action. The twentieth century passed under the sign of strengthening national movements both on a global scale and within the territories of states, which in itself indicates an increase in the significance of national values. These include, above all, the independence of this nation from other nations.As a separate person, its personal freedom is the road, and the nation is the road its independence. Nation is a combination of people living in one culture (language, customs, traditions, holidays, beliefs, folklore, art, etc.) The genuine life of the nation is to "use" it elements of its culture. These elements are national values . For members of society professing a certain religion, the values \u200b\u200bare the dogmas and the cult of this religion.. Supporters of each religion consider the only "true" religion, and all the other are false. Men and women also have different values \u200b\u200bcaused by their sex, which is written and said quite a few. It is enough to mention the feminism - the ideology of a female based on the alleged superiority of a woman over a man. Different values \u200b\u200bare also available from representatives of different generations than the well-known, constantly reproduced in each generation of the conflict "fathers and children". Clothing, hairstyles, manner of behavior, music, leisure - everything distinguishes representatives of different generations.

4. Society Values \u200b\u200b(Public Values ). Society - not a totality physical tel individuals, and a totality of social relations between them and large and small groups . The content of such relationships is different and this depends on the values \u200b\u200bthat are guided by people. The behavior of people is determined not only by the individual values \u200b\u200band values \u200b\u200bof small and large groups to which they belong to themselves. There are higher order values \u200b\u200b- public. These include the form of the board or the type of state, the ownership, patriotism political stability, economic prosperity, social justice, the prestige of the profession, the prestige of the state in the international arena, a high level of development of science, military power, etc. Large or small significance of certain social values \u200b\u200bis checked in vague timesWhen it is unclear and the further course of events in the given country is disturbed. One of the well-known political values \u200b\u200bis value to democracy. But in the past few centuries, she gained quite different meaning than it was in her homeland - ancient Greece. If democracy acts in small Greek cities of democracy (free citizens who have defined property), then The conquest of the bourgeoisie of state power in the new time of democracy began to designate cash bags. Who has more money and who will be able to better dispose of them, he won the "elections." In particular, if the applicant for the bombing chair generously paid the Hoping "People". Former Prime Minister of Britain Winston Churchill called the bourgeois democracy with a nasty thing, but the better of which, in his opinion, as if people did not come up with anything. It is unlikely that the residents of Sultanate Brunei, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and other Arab Emirates agreed with W. Churchill. Monarchs are dominated in these countries, and the standard of living would be envied by citizens of democratic states.

5. Human values.For a long time, the commandments of Moses were claimed for the role of universal ownership. However, these commandments were initially addressed only to the Jews and did not apply to other peoples .. In the popular commandments, ideals of justice, freedom, equality are not expressed, therefore, the commandments of Moses express the culture of one people. Do not kill the Jew, do not deceive the Jew, etc. Data commandments did not belong to representatives of other nations. They did not agree with the need for retaliation for the atrocities, the destruction of the maniacs, the protection of the family or their homeland from enemies. It is not surprising that representatives of other peoples so rarely listened to these commandments. Universal should be considered the values \u200b\u200bthat are recognized by all people in one or another historical era. These values \u200b\u200bare eternal, not temporary, and are divided by almost all of any civilized inhabitants of the planet. Spiritual universal values \u200b\u200bis culture, especially religion and language, ideals of justice, freedom and equality and dr.. Although different religions, languages, understanding of the indicated ideals, none of the people give up them. Material values \u200b\u200bare less understandable. Material values \u200b\u200bshould be primarily attributed to the value of private ownership of the means of production and consumption items. Private property does not deny, but complements other forms of ownership (municipal, corporate, state), but it is traditionally recognized by all people. And this is not surprising: After all, the value of private ownership is that it is the material basis of human freedom, freedom of real, and not imaginary. Material universal values \u200b\u200balso include fertile soils, mild climate, sufficient precipitation, mineral availability, precious metals and stones, ecological balance between society and nature, etc.. The coincidence of the values \u200b\u200bof people generates greater energy, allows you to organize their joint coexistence. However, in view of many differences between people, the same many of their individual and other values \u200b\u200barise.. Their significance may be small, so the incomprehensibility of values \u200b\u200bdoes not lead to a complication of relationships. These discrepancies can overlap in coincidences of more significant values. But it should be noted that any values, ranging from individual and ending with universal, do not know compromises . Many conflicts between individuals, small and large social groups, peoples and states arise because their values \u200b\u200bare different, or because that they understand the same values \u200b\u200bin different ways. Praightening and interests do not always allow them to come to consent. The key to understanding (not necessarily by agreement) of all sorts of friction, tensions, conflicts - the knowledge of the values \u200b\u200bof people.

Value of friendship

In the set of individual values \u200b\u200ba prominent place belongs to friendship and love. In modern era, complaints about the cloak of friendship, which is caused, apparently, individualism and egoism, which is amazed by Western culture. In the "traditional" peoples, the significance of the value of friendship is not questioned. In friendship see the social support of the person. As the eastern wisdom says: "A man without friends is the same as a tree without roots." The phenomenon of friendship occurs when the generic system is decomposed, when, on the one hand, relatives are weakened, and when, on the other hand, a network of social relations between people is complicated. Praslanian Word drugb. Means "Friend, Comrade, Other, the next, next." Complete social Structure Societies requires strengthening social relations and more people who could rely an individual at the time of testing fate. There is a custom of the twinthy. Usually it is furnished with a tinned ritual, for example, the wits are cut off their fingers, pour blood into the bowl and divide it among themselves. Externally, friendship performs the imitation of related links, which came to the present day. The so-called shafts and mother, brothers and sisters are known. Internally, friendship complements related relationships or compensates for their insufficiency. At the same time, intuitive people understand the need for a very moderate number of friends, if, of course, consider friends of those who do not betray in a difficult moment, and not those who are friends "on the occasion", since their abundance does not meet the demands of the quality of relationships. Therefore, the proverb "... and have a hundred friends," unlikely, meets social realities. Friend is our second "I", only a relative can be closer to a friend. The number of friends should be small. At tribes of Africa, New Guinea and other peoples, the number of friends is limited to three characters. Friends should not be relatives, they were called "brothers on the knife" and were obliged to provide mutual assistance, especially material. In the Indians America, a friend is swearing, it is even more expensive than a native brother. Refusal to the assistance of a twin or throw it on the battlefield meant to cover yourself with the immemorated shame. The ideas about the value of friendship were reflected in the writings of philosophers. Platonovsky Socrates claims that "B yez Friendship No Communication of People has Values. "Plato himself wrote about friends as people who are much closer to each other than mother and father, friendship between them is stronger, because the binding their spiritual qualities is more beautiful and immortal. Aristotle in "Nikomakhova Ethics" sets out the theory of friendship. Friendship, in his opinion, is the most necessary in life. No one will choose life without friends, even in exchange for all other benefits. Aristotle highlights three views of friendship: 1) utilitarian, which is based on the consideration of mutual or one-sided benefit; 2) hedonisticwhich is based on emotional attachment and is committed for pleasure, pleasant, it is friendship for friendship; 3) moral or perfect In which the utilitarian and hedonistic motives are combined, this is friendship, turning into love. Understanding friendship occurs not only under the influence of a value-motivational approach to it. From the point of view of the structural and functional approach, friendship is classified according to its objective functions within a certain social system and at the place in a number of social institutions.

1) one of these features is merge: friendship merges with any other type of activity, for example, With cooperation, with the stay in places that I would like to leave ("Friends in misfortune") or a more significant social role. People are friends, because they occupy responsible equivalent posts in the state. In other circumstances, they could hardly be friends.

2) Replacement. Friendship replaces, compensates for any missing roles.A person who does not have relatives replaces their friendship with other people or animal communication. Single, the elderly are tied to animals, care for them, as for children, because they have an explicit shortage of communication. Sometimes animals prefer to people for their sincerity and loyalty that do not find people.

3) Addition. Friendship complements other social roles without merging them. In the family exist a good relationship Between dad, mom and their children, however, children wish to be friends with peers.

4) Competition. Friendship acts by antithesis other social roles and competes with them."Friendship friendship, and tobacco apart" ... it happens that friendly relationships compete with family or official relations. Friendship of men, as well as women sometimes seriously complicate relationships in families. At work, a person conducts a big and better part of his life, "official novels" are emerging at work, there are violations of work discipline and others. The principle of "friendship friendship, and the service of the service" turns out to be difficult for people who falsely understand the essence of friendship. Both approaches to understanding friendship are not opposed, and complement each other. In real life, it is unlikely that someone reflects about the tying of friendly relations and their prospects. Friendship begins usually spontaneously, voluntarily, under the influence of sympathy and confidence of people to each other. At the same time, friendship is very selective, far from each individual will establish a warm relationship name. Selectivity is determined by some conditions: homogeneity of temperaments, unity of values, similarity of social statuses and roles ("people of one circle"), the presence of joint activities. Hence the proverb: "Tell me who your friend ..." When performing these conditions, friendship between A and B is possible, although some unaccounted factors may interfere with it, for example, the defective subject A or B information. In any macro or microcrine exist unprofitable rules Friendship. They boil down to the following: my friend's friend is my friend; The enemy of my friend is my enemy of my enemy - my enemy; The enemy of my enemy is my friend. In more developed societies, such a position is possible: not a friend and not an enemy, and so ... Friendship is diverse, which indicates its objective necessity and unfavorable value for people. Friends are friends, families, teams, cities and peoples. how wrote Epicur, "Friendship with a dance bypassing the universe, announcing to us all so that we wake up to glorify happy life”. About the happy life as a result of friendship is difficult to speak, because besides friends, there are enough enemies. But undoubted the result of friendship is cooperation and mutual assistance, What is not so little for an acceptable life. The value of friendship is to strengthen and preserve social connections, such communication of people among themselves, which increases human satisfaction with their lives.

Value of love

Love is a more complex phenomenon of the spiritual and spiritual life of a person. Essentially, she is identical to happiness, since a loving person does not know anything higher and significant for him. About love is chosen countless poems and songs, the frequency of use the word "love" ranks first among thousands of other words. But the topic of love occupied not only writers and musicians. Much attention was given to her and philosophers. A loving person is not alone. Hegel wrote: "Love means at all the consciousness of my unity with the other, the fact that I am not isolated for myself, and I find my self-awareness only as a refusal of my own-myself and through knowledge of yourself as my unity with another and other with me. But love is a feeling, in other words, the morality of the natural in the form: there is no longer any love in the state, it is consistent with it as a law, it should be reasonable in it, and I should know it. The first moment in love is that I do not want to be an independent face for myself and that if I were such, I felt my insufficiency and incompleteness. The second moment is that I gain myself in the face of another that I possess it with the significance of it, which he, in turn, acquires in me. " A loving person, by Hegel, forgets himself in his loved one and comes out of his beloved, enriched with his love . The philosopher of the 20th century Erich Fromm, analyzing the phenomenon of love, allocates several of its mandatory moments. Love is the ability to give, and not to receive. To give no meant to sacrifice and suffer, giving, a person lives. " Give a lot of happily than to receive, - wrote E. From, - not because it is superfluous, but because, giving, I feel that I live. A loving person is responsible for her beloved and does not consider the responsibility of a painful service. Responsibility is accompanied by respect for his beloved and thorough knowledge about him. A truly loving person lives". Such a high assessment of the phenomenon of love shows it the fact of spirituality. However, the understanding of love is very much complicated and rejected by the link with sex. A sexy slope in the understanding of love takes place in many works, although the spiritual essence of love is visible to the naked eye. In the era of "mass culture" sex even hides the mask of love. What is worth only the name of the American film "Let's deal with love." As if love you can "do" ... sex, can be a supplement to love, can be performed without love, but it is not able to replace it. In mythology, Eros was understood as a creative force of nature. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe world "sympathy" of things was common, that love created the world and drives them. In relation to interpersonal relations, Eros was understood as a spontaneous and passionate self-dedication, enthusiastic inquiries directed toward the carnal or spiritual. Buli. called love-friendship due to social connections and personal choice. Storge - this is love-attachment, especially family, and agape - Sacrificial, leaving love for neighbor. Plato is somewhat different builds their "stairs" of love-beauty. The first and low level is the desire to obtain physical pleasure, the natural purpose of which is the birth of children. As a second stage, love for specific samples of physical beauty. The third step is love for beauty in general. Fourth (highest) Step - Agap, that is, love for wisdom, which, like religious experiences, allows you to know the absolute truth. The love of the highest type is the case of the soul, the case of two noble minds connecting with the aim of creating spiritual offspring to which only men are capable of. IN dialogue "Pier" Plato sets out the doctrine of androgynov. - people who do not currently have a third floor: "Once our nature was not like now ... People were three floors, and not two, as now - male and female, for there was another third floor who connected in signs of these both; He himself disappeared, and only the name is preserved ...- Androgynes, ... They combined the appearance and name of both sexes - male and female. Then every person had a rounded body, the back did not differ from his chest, there were four hands, the legs as much as the hands, and each of the first two faces are completely the same; The head of these two people, looked in the opposite directions, was a common ... There were three of these floors ... Because the male enconitor comes from the sun, female - from the ground, and combined both of these - from the moon, because the moon combines Both starts ... terrible with their strength and power, they nourished great intentions and missed even the power of the gods ... They tried to climb the sky to attack the gods. " Further, according to Platon, the threat prompted the gods to decisive actions. Zeus cut Androgynov in half and created homosexuals when the men's half seeks to reunite with the male, lesbian when the female half seeks to reunite with the female half, and heterosexuals, when the male and female half seek reunion. Heterosexuals were considered the lowest sexual category. Since then, according to Plato, people are trying to attract each other, they are trying to restore unity. The process of recreation of unity is love, which is a volatile feeling of reunification in a holistic personality. The myth of Androgen began to be traditionally interpreted in the sense of sexual attraction of men and women to each other than a person reducated to the level of the animal. The descendants were corrected by Plato, his name began to be called love without sex . Strictly speaking, any sex love does not imply. An ordinary consciousness identifies lust with love, but a lust of the phenomenon is biological, not spiritual. The need to continue the genus and family creation is not always caused by love. Although the antique world knew romantic love, she was not always fixed as love men and women. Single-sex flourished. Ancient Greek writer Lucian in the work of "Two love" by the mouth of their heroes recognizes the need of a family, however, considers genuine love of men to boys.But the qualitative difference of love from sex is manifested even in those types of love that traditionally contact sex. one) Love men and women Single in a variety of literary and musical works. Speech in them is not at all about the thirst to rush to bed. Favorite wish to be together and they are enough. Here, indeed, the desire is manifested if not to restore, then at least to establish the spiritual unity of a man and a woman. 2) Same-sex love maybe do not exist without sex, but not coming down to it.3) The love of parents for children and children to parents is almost purely spiritual attitude, Although somewhat determined biologically. Aware of this kind of "love" of animals to their low-rise cubs is known. Subsequently, "Moms", not to mention the "dads", become completely indifferent to their children and even drive them away from themselves. Love Parents-People persists All Life.4) Love on business, labor is characteristic high degree Self-sacrifice, refusal from some other activities, sometimes even from the family. Fanatics B. best sense This word was given together a passion and work, in our time their name is workaholics. five) Love for Motherland Malaya and Big. Love to small Motherland (settlement, locality in which grew this man) Conducted by the dedicated memoirs of childhood. Love for the Great Motherland (society, whose member is Individual) is due to the degree of spiritual development of the individual when a person is "for the power of an offensive." 6) The love of nature is manifested not only in contemplating wonderful landscapes, but also in activities to preserve these landscapes. 7) Love for itself is usually associated with egoism. Really, self is selfishness, but only in the case when the Egoist infringe on other people's interests or harm them. In other cases, the love of himself is morally justified, since the person who does not care about himself is unlikely to cause the confidence of other people. Thus, in the phenomenon of love, its relationship with the biological and spiritual nature of man is visible. The first three types of love are caused by both sides of the nature of a person, the rest - exclusively human spiritual nature. The value of love consists in a desire for unity with the subject of love, and in relation to another person in the desire to live his life, his feelings and thoughts.

Lesson Topic: Values \u200b\u200bTrue and False

· Promoting learning students with the concepts of spiritual and material values, wealth and charity;

· Facilitate the development of the skills to distinguish spiritual values \u200b\u200bfrom material;

· Help the children to realize, feel the true values \u200b\u200bin the life of a person, to educate interest in the study of the subject "Orthodox culture".

Type and view of the lesson:

Lesson studying new educational material, logbook.

Supporting: God's commandments, the Gospel, Parable.

New: Words - "Mustimity", "Charity", "Linking", "Physics"

Methods of action:

Supporting: verbal and visual learning methods

New: Partially search method.

Didactic materials and equipment:

UMK "Orthodox culture", computer, cards for self-analysis of students

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment


Good afternoon, dear guys; We begin our lesson of Orthodox culture. Today we have guests with you, and a lot of people are waiting ahead interesting workwhich I really hope will be successful and fruitful.

II. Reiteration

We start a lesson from repeating. (Slide 1)

Who were these lines written?

Per minute of life difficult

Persay in heart sadness:

One prayer is wonderful

I am very angry.

There is a power of grace

In the consonant words of living,

And breathes incomprehensible

Holy Charm in them.

From the soul as a burden rolling,

Doubt far -

And believe and crying

And so easy, easy ...

W.What mood is transmitted in the final part of the poem? What is she?

D.She is about enlightenment, about joy, about the peace, which comes in the soul of man after communicating with God.

W.And what is this music, against the background of which poems sounded?

D. This is the romance of "prayer".

W.. How many composers put this poem to their music?

D. It is very lyrically, so more than 40 composers put it on music

W.. - What is prayer in your understanding?

In what cases does a person turn to God with a prayer?

(in joy, in sadness, illness, when it is difficult or not known as we do ...)

What's a tale of the heroine, being in a difficult situation appeals to God with the prayer "Our Father"? ("The Snow Queen")

Before you the famous work of the Russian artist intent

What historical event is shown on this canvas?

What do you think the Russian army won Mongolian?

What is a blessing?

(skeleton with a cross, icon, word prayer)

Who can give a blessing?

(priest, parents)

Prince Dmitry with his army committed a degree, and what was the feat of Sergius Radonezh? (prayer, spiritual feat)

In which evangelical parable, Jesus Christ showed a sample of true prayer?

(Parable about Pharisees and Mytar)

Why was Mytar's prayer was more pleased with God than Prayer Pharisai?

W. With different requests, people appeal to God. Let me read some of them written by your peers:

· I want to be rich, but do nothing, just getting money.

· I want to give me a pocket money to old age.

· I want to become a superman, only to do not have to train, do in the morning charging. This is all I hear from my father every day.

What is common in all these requests? Yes, become rich, but do not make the slightest effort.

The following requests:

· I want to make a lot of money to cure my little sister.

· I would like to have your profitable business.

· Get \u200b\u200bon such work, where it would be paid a lot to feed poor people.

What is common with these wishes?

Topics message.

Open the working sheets. Write down the number. Read the topic lesson.

"Values \u200b\u200bare true and false." What do you understand in the word value?

Value- What is important for human and society as a whole.

In the read requests of children you saw miscellaneous attitude Guys to wealth.

And if you had a lot of money to do you with them? How would you spend them?

I will write the result in Table No. 1.

III. Work on new material

In the working sheets you need listed words to distribute in the table into two groups. In one group, everything that belongs to material values \u200b\u200bto another to the spiritual. Be careful!

Today, the word rich, wealth sounded many times at the lesson. And how do you understand the meaning of these words?

In the word wealth - the main part of the word God.

What says Holy Bible On attitude to wealth? Turn to the gospel.

What does the word Gospel mean?

(good news)

What is the saying about the Gospel?

(about Christ's Earth Life)

How to treat the Gospel?

(reverent - i.e. with the deepest reverence)

Despite the fact that Christ's words were spoken almost 2000 years ago, they are important for a person of any time. Most often, Jesus Christ spoke with his disciples of parables.

What is the parable?

(A brief instructive allegorical story)

Let's listen to the parable about unreasonable richer (Lux 12: 15-21)

(Slide with sound file).

One rich man was good harvest in field; Ion reasoned himself with himself: "What should I do? Nowhere to collect my fruits. " And he said: "That's what I will do: I will break my female and build big, and I will collect all my bread and all good, and I will say my soul: soul! A lot of good lies with you for many years: peace, eat, drink, have fun. " But God told him: "Mad! In this night, your soul will take you; Who will get what you did? "

What do you think, what qualities are characteristic of rich?

Who collected the treasures of the rich?

And how should the rich go to please god?

About such people they say that they have developed mosshematism is love for multiplication, luxury and whim.(Slide).

About such people as this rich is well said in the spiritual alphabet of Dimitri Rostovsky. But to find out, it is necessary to read the text in church-Slavic language.

"Oh, a mad little man, docoule carbon, who is a bee, collect your wealth? Soon Bo would die, Jaco ash and ash: But more than the responsibilities of the kingdom of God. "

reference: "Uglongs" - to get sink, sink

Absolutely ordered his wealth Rev. Samson Stranglests. After the death of the parents, he inherited great wealth, all former slaves He let go to the will. Settled in Konstantinople, built a house in which he received beggars, patients and wanderers. He treated patients, fed and dressed up, gave shelter wanders. Patriarch Constantinople committed the sacrament of the priesthood, and Samson became a priest.

Once it happened to Emperor Justinianan. When all attempts of skillful doctors were not crowned with success, the emperor appealed to Samson's priest, who successfully cured him. The emperor wanted to reward the healer, for which Samson answered him that he was not necessary for riches. And if the emperor wants, they can build a house for patients and poor. "This is pleased with God and please me." The house was built and with him the hospital. So the priest Samson set up the emperor to a charitable thing.

What do you think so charity?

Charity manifestation of compassion to neighbor and rendering

gratuitous aid to the poor.

In Russia, there were always benefactors and we will learn about some of them today.

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov - created the famous Museum "Tretyakov Gallery". The museum is located in Moscow. He is loved to visit and adults and children. Pavel Tretyakov began collecting his painting collection in the middle of the 1850s. In August 1892, Pavel Mikhailovich handed his art gallery to the city of Moscow. In the meeting, by this time there were 1800 works of Russian school, 75 paintings of the European school, 15 sculptures and collection of icons. On August 15, 1893, the official opening of the museum entitled

"The Moscow City Tretyakov Gallery ».


Nesterov M. B.

four. "



Russian entrepreneur and benefactor. Born in a merchant family, was a fourth child. The family of Mammoth lived richly when Savva turned 8 years old, they move to Moscow, where Savva's father is engaged in the construction of railways.

continues the case started by the Father. The name of the Russian industrialist is closely related to the history of the Northern Railway. On its own funds, he built the railway to Yaroslavl, Vologda and Arkhangelsk.

In each city there were also their benefactors who invest money in the construction of temples, schools, hospitals, shelters.

And in our modern life, there are also benefactors. For example, thanks to one of them - Mishoustina Yuri Nikolayevich director, we are with you guys have such an excellent opportunity - to study Orthodox culture, using a computer and new educational literature.

IN modern language The word benefactors sounds less often and less often, and the word sponsor sounds more often.

What do you think is equivalent to the words "benefactor" and "sponsor"?

Do I need to replace the original Russian word to cold, foreign word?


So, today at the lesson, we talked about the values \u200b\u200bof the true and false. What makes a person for a real happy?

And the goal of human life is not in enrichment: "Do not collect treasures on earth, but collect the treasures in the sky, where neither mole does not exterminate and where the thieves do not steal, because where is your treasure, there will be your heart."

"Treasures in the sky" is good that a man did, but God eternally remembers. Such treasure can not be stealing. You can steal money or phone. But you made a good deed to you forever will remain yours.

2. Evaluation of work in the lesson.

Several people appreciate their work.

What new did I find out about the lesson? What did you learn?

V. Reflexia

If you were interested in the lesson, if what we talked about, touched your soul, raise the sun. And if you didn't like the lesson, it seemed boring, left indifferent, then lift truch.

You worked well in the lesson. Well done! Thank you for work!

And now we will take a small virtual tour of the Tretyakov State Gallery. And our guide will be Ksenia.

In the exhibition halls you can see the world famous canvas of Russian artists:

1. "Old Testament Trinity." Andrei Rublev.

Andrei Rubleva's greatest creation was the "Trinity" icon, written for the Church of the Monastery near Moscow near Moscow. At that time, in the 20s of the 15th century, unprecedented disasters collapsed on the central destroy - the cooking mor and hunger. And again, life seemed to people unbearable and gloomy. And in the Trinity Temple there was an icon of Rublev, which was unearthly rest. The great icon painter created an image of an inseparable celestial union, full of silent meekness and dedication.

2. "Vision of the Pattern of Bartholomew". Nesterov M. B.

"Vision of the Pattern of Bartholomew" is the most famous work of the artist. It was the episode from the lives of Rev. Sergius Radonezh. Powers of Bartholomew (Future Sergius) lost foals in the forest. After going to search, he wandered into a deserted place, and met an unfamiliar elder -Currency. He gave the pattern a piece of prosphora and, together with him, craving for
teaching and enlightenment. This canvas opened the so-called
"Sergievsky cycle", which still entered the "Youth of Rev. Sergius",
"Proceedings Sergius Radonezhsky", "Rev. Sergius Radonezh".

3. "". Orest Adamovich Kiprensky

The artist in 1827 creates one of the best portraits. This is the image of a mature man, the poet already survived the Decembrist uprising. He seems to think about their fate, about himself, about Russia. Cyprosen in Russian art paid a lot of attention to a self-portrait, trying to convey the state of the human soul.

four. "Bogati ". Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

This is the most famous picture of the artist. He was the first artist who, with such a fine force, reflected in painting the poetic world of Russian folklore - the world of heroic events, magical fairy tales, legends and gentle by the people of legends. What is the name of the warriors? In the center - the oldest and most powerful - Ilya Muromets, sitting right hand - Dobrynya Nikitich, and on the left of Alyosha Popovich. Carefully look at their faces. War did not impose a hint of rapidity of cruelty on their faces. Not. Why? What kind of war do they lead? Bogatyri perform the holy cause of the protection of the Motherland, their faces are strict and spiritualized by this high idea.

5. "Christ in the desert." Ivan Nikolayevich Kramskaya.

Your attention is presented two pictures of "Dostoevsky" Vasily Grigorievich Perova and "Christ in the desert" Ivan Nikolayevich Kramsky. Pay attention to almost literal similarity of such different characters. But Kramskaya, who created his picture, regardless of the perovsk portrait, did not accidentally come to a similar result: his Christ - and the divine character, and the image of a person of any era that makes a choice between good break.

Samson Staineries

Absolutely ordered his wealth Rev. Samson Stranglests. After the death of the parents, he inherited great wealth, all former slaves he let go with the provision of all. Settled in Konstantinople, built a house in which he received beggars, patients and wanderers. He treated patients, fed and dressed up, gave shelter wanders. Patriarch Constantinople committed the sacrament of the priesthood, and Samson became a priest.

Once it happened to Emperor Justinianan. When all attempts of skillful doctors were not crowned with success, the emperor appealed to Samson's priest, who successfully cured him. The emperor wanted to reward the healer, for which Samson answered him that he was not necessary for riches. And if the emperor wants, they can build a house for patients and poor. "This is pleased with God and please me." The house was built and with him the hospital.