Proportions for the correct dilution of putty for cars: we paint with our own hands. How to dilute putty, how to prepare putty, tips and tricks Is it possible to dilute the finished putty with water

This building material is used for various types finishing works. Unfortunately, many often do not understand its true purpose and believe that it is possible to get by with a banal leveling of surfaces either according to beacons, or “by eye”. However, without putty (it is also called “putty”), it is impossible to ensure that the wall and ceiling are smooth.

If only because the solution for the leveling layer contains sand granules, which, when applied, for example, paint, in some places will still be noticeable on the surface. From this it becomes clear that putty is intended for “finishing” leveling (eliminates the slightest roughness and makes the surface completely smooth). In addition, it makes no sense to plaster the entire wall (or ceiling) if it has only individual, “local” defects.

Before proceeding to consider the question of how to breed putty, it is worthwhile to understand that it is processed various surfaces And not just inside buildings. Some products are also used in facade works. Therefore, the composition of putties can differ both in components and in their proportion, and this depends on the specifics of the application.

This product goes on sale in the form of a paste or dry mix (powder). In the first case, it is already ready for use, but in the second case, the putty will have to be diluted. It is clear that since there is a difference in the compositions, it is necessary to be guided by the attached manufacturer's instructions, which are placed on the package. But we will not “discover America” if we remind that any work will only be done with high quality when it is done consciously.

Features of putty mixtures

1. All putties are divided into starting and finishing. It depends on the specifics of the work and implies some nuances in the preparation of a mixture of powder.

  • Home

Designed for "rough" finishing, which is performed with significant surface defects. Therefore, the composition must be thick enough not to "spread". Sometimes it is applied in several layers, one on top of the other, with a break for drying. So, you need to make sure that during this time it does not begin to harden. To do this, when diluting putty for walls, sand is added to the mixture at a rate of 1: 1. Best of all - river (naturally, washed and sifted), as it contains a minimum of salts and other impurities.

  • Finishing

Sold in plastic container(buckets) already ready for use, so it does not need to be diluted. An exception is gypsum compositions, which are diluted with water twice.

2. The rule for all compositions is the same - first powder, then water.

Mixing must be thorough. As a result, the solution should not contain any fractions (lumps). You need to understand what more capacity for "kneading", the lower its quality. That is why it is necessary to select containers that correspond to the required volume of the solution.

The remaining fractions during the subsequent smoothing of the layer will cling to the “rule” and leave furrows on the surface. Therefore, the masters are advised to mechanize the process of preparing the solution. “Kneading” is good to do with an electric drill switched to low speed (the principle of a household mixer). A thick wire is inserted into the cartridge, the end of which is given a certain configuration (loop, "butterfly").

Video - Proper preparation of putty for walls and ceilings

When diluting putty for walls, do not immediately pour the entire recommended volume of water into the container. This is done in batches, and mixing should not stop. This technique is a guarantee of a minimum of lumps in finished product, since it is more difficult to get rid of solid fractions in a liquid substance. A little water should be left and added when the mass acquires a uniform shade. After that - another stage of high-quality mixing.

3. Within 5 - 15 minutes (depending on the components), the mixture should "stand".

4. After that - another (control) batch.

Only after that you can start finishing work.

Helpful Hints

  • Finishing putty is interior (for internal works) and facade (contains toxic substances). When buying at this point, you need to pay attention.
  • Adding water to dilute putty, which has thickened, significantly degrades its quality. This is not recommended. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare so much solution that it is enough for a single use.
  • If there is a desire to give the putty additional qualities or strengthen the existing ones (moisture resistance, frost resistance, etc.), then one should not forget about such a factor as the compatibility of substances.
  • Artificial acceleration of the drying of the laid layer by means of thermal action (for example, a hair dryer) is not allowed, as it leads to the appearance of cracks.
  • Excess putty collected from the surface during leveling should no longer be used. The composition has already dried up, and if it is sent back to the container, to the total mass, then subsequently the presence of lumps in it cannot be avoided. As a last resort - put separately, mix again and use to seal potholes and eliminate other significant surface defects.
  • It is necessary to wash the container and tools before the next “kneading”. Otherwise, the dried fractions of the "old" solution will fall into the new mixture.

And finally, the importance of the quality of mixing. If the surface is painted, for example, with latex, glossy paint, then under certain lighting and a suitable angle, even the slightest scratch on the wall will simply catch your eye.

Each owner after repair wants to enjoy the results of his work. Without perfect walls there will be no effect from the work done. To give a smooth and smooth surface, use a universal remedy - putty.

Putty - a true friend in leveling walls

The finishing composition differs in appearance by a connecting component and happens:

  • cement;
  • plaster;
  • polymer (acrylic).

Each of the compositions is designed for starting or finishing types of work. The starting layer masks defects, chips, removes imperfections. The thickness of the finishing layer is much thinner, it creates an absolutely smooth surface. There are also universal powders, the use of which is permissible in both cases.

In stores, you can find both dry powders that require dilution with water, and ready-made pastes. The process of puttying is simple, even a beginner can handle it. The price of the product is affordable.

When you need to dilute putty

The composition is applied during preparatory work before decorative finishing - painting or wallpapering. Putty not only levels the surface and eliminates cracks, but also improves adhesion between the wall and the facing material.

How to dilute with a mixer: proportions

A small amount is gradually poured into the dry powder clean water room temperature. The mass should be mixed with a special construction mixer, first in the low speed mode, then their number is increased by changing the mode to a more powerful one.

The power tool must be clean so that the remains of the old tool do not get on the surface to be treated. Then you should take a short break, about 15 minutes, and then continue kneading. In total, you need to mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The speed of the mixer during mixing should be kept relatively low, in order to avoid getting into the composition of excess air and thus the formation of bubbles on the wall at the time of applying the putty.

The proportions for mixing the solution are taken from the attached manufacturer's instructions.

How to properly dilute the finishing putty for walls at home without a mixer

For kneading by hand, you will need a dry, clean container. It needs to be poured into required amount powder. After that, add water in accordance with the required proportions.

It is imperative to knead in this sequence, otherwise lumps may appear, which will then be extremely difficult to get rid of.

The resulting solution is mixed properly, after which a three-minute pause is made. The solution swells. Then mix again until smooth. The resulting mass in its consistency should be more liquid than the starting one.

What is important to observe the proportions for different mixtures

Putty is bred depending on the following factors:

  • on the basis of what component it is made: gypsum, cement or polymers;
  • what type of work is to be performed: starting or finishing;
  • what surface should be treated: wall or ceiling;
  • type of room where repairs are carried out: wet or dry, inside the building or outside.

Standard proportions look like this:

  • 1 kg of gypsum powder is mixed with 0.8 l of water;
  • 1 kg of cement dry mix with 0.4 l of water;
  • 25 kg of the polymer composition is poured into 10 liters of water.

An excessively liquid consistency is excluded, which will lead to smudges on the wall. It is also unacceptable to use too dry powder. As a result of kneading, the resulting homogeneous slurry should not contain lumps.

Before preparing the composition, you need to familiarize yourself with its instructions, since the proportions of some manufacturers may differ from the standard norms.

How long does the finished mixture dry

The drying time of putty depends on:

  • type of putty mixture;
  • the thickness of the applied layer;
  • air temperature/humidity;
  • base on which the composition is applied.

The average drying rates are as follows:

  • starting gypsum mixture with a layer thickness of up to 30 mm - one week;
  • finishing composition of gypsum - 4-6 hours;
  • starting cement mortar- 5:00;
  • finishing layer up to 3 mm - 1 hour.

Regarding polymer putty solutions:

  • epoxy - 8 hours;
  • latex - from 12 hours;
  • acrylic starting layer up to 1 mm thick - 3 hours, finishing at 3 mm - a day.

The leveling compound can harden fairly quickly, so it's best to mix it in small amounts to save money.

During repair work the process of filling the walls cannot be ignored, since only after passing through this stage can one achieve desired result. Knowing the rules of kneading and the technology of applying a leveling agent, the implementation will not require much effort and will be subject even to a novice master.

Useful video

The question of how to breed putty is often asked by people who decide to make repairs on their own. Puttying is one of the important preparatory stages on which the quality of the final result depends. Not everyone can afford ready-made compositions, therefore, on construction markets offers a huge selection of dry powders, which, if the correct dilution proportions are observed, can become worthy alternative expensive. It is about how to properly dilute the putty mixture for walls at home, and this article will be discussed.


Dry putty mixture is a powder material, which includes binders, the main filler and various additives. Before applying to the wall to be leveled, it should be diluted with water in the ratio indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Dry putty has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • long service life;
  • resistance to different temperatures (can be stored both in warm and cold rooms);
  • the ability to control the consistency;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of transportation.

The prepared solution cannot be used:

  • at high humidity, since over time it will begin to flake off the walls;
  • with sudden changes in temperature, which will quickly lead to its softening.

Experts recommend diluting and mixing putty with a drill with a special mixing nozzle. With its help, the mass is more homogeneous than when using improvised means.

How to choose?

When buying a dry putty mixture, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • safety - the composition should include only substances that are harmless to human health;
  • adhesion - adhesion to the surface to be leveled must be good;
  • convergence - the formation of a smooth surface should occur without the use of additional funds and materials;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • possibility of grinding.

In addition, when choosing, you need to decide at what stage of finishing you plan to use a leveling coating.

Depending on the purpose, plaster is of the following types:

  • Basic (starting). She spends the entire rough rough-relief surface treatment: correct irregularities, close cracks, fill depressions. Such a composition is applied in a layer up to 7-8 mm thick. If the flaws could not be eliminated the first time, then the layer is applied again. After such an initial leveling, the surface is smooth and slightly rough due to the coarse-grained components of the putty.
  • Finishing. Designed for finishing the surface and bringing it to a perfectly smooth state. It is once applied in a thin layer on a pre-dried starting putty.
  • Universal. It is used for both roughing and finishing work, but it is characterized by increased cost and not always proper efficiency.

The main component of the mixture is of no small importance to where and under what conditions it will be used.

Depending on the composition, putty is of the following types:

  • Cement. It is used when finishing the facades of buildings, as well as wet and unheated rooms: bathrooms, kitchens, pools, basements. It is moisture resistant and resistant to extreme temperatures. After being applied to the wall, such a putty begins to shrink strongly, as a result of which the mortar layers have to be reapplied for better leveling. Its hardening rate is low and amounts to 28-30 days, which significantly slows down the finishing process.

  • Gypsum. Designed for dry rooms inside the building: living room, bedroom, corridor. In this case, the solution on the surface dries for several days, but it also quickly decomposes under the influence of moisture.
  • Polymer. It is a universal mixture for leveling polyurethane, cement, concrete and gypsum surfaces. It combines the properties of cement and gypsum plaster, resulting in a high cost.

  • Oil-glue. It is applied before painting on concrete, wood and plastered surfaces.
  • Water-dispersion. It is applied for partial alignment grounds from various materials: wood, aerated concrete, brick.
  • Polyester. Used when working on metal, wood, paintwork, concrete, natural stone. It is successfully used for sealing holes and through holes getting rid of rust and corrosion. This composition is distinguished by good adhesion, increased strength and water resistance.


The diluted putty solution should be of a characteristic consistency and density. To achieve this, it is necessary to maintain the correct ratio of water and dry matter. For each species, these proportions are different.

Gypsum-based compositions are diluted in a ratio of 1: 0.8, that is, 0.8 liters of liquid will be required per 1 kg. For cement compositions, water will be required 2 times less: 0.37-0.42 liters per 1 kg. 1 kg of polymer putty is diluted with 0.25 liters of liquid.

Depending on the situation, the water flow can be changed. So, with a basic finish, a thicker composition is required, so less liquid is allowed to be used. For decorative finishing, a liquid mixture is used, respectively, more water will be required.

Please note that dilution water must be taken at room temperature.

Process technology

The process of preparing the mixture at home should begin with the preparation of the necessary tools.

You will need:

  • a capacious bucket with high walls without rounded corners (plastic, enameled or galvanized);
  • drill with a nozzle;
  • scales;
  • paint brush or spatula.

To properly make putty with your own hands, you should follow the following procedure:

  • Fill the bucket with the required amount of water.
  • Shake it in a circular motion to wet the remaining dry walls of the container.
  • Weigh the dry mixture and carefully pour it into the water. Then leave it for 3-5 minutes to soften it up a bit.
  • We slowly immerse the drill and begin to knead the solution, moving the mixing nozzle in a circle, left and right, up and down.

  • Having achieved the desired consistency, stop the kneading. We clean the adhering residues of the mixture from the walls of the bucket with a spatula or brush. We repeat the batch.
  • We do not touch the prepared mass for 10-15 minutes, we give it time to swell.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue, which will make the solution softer and more elastic, and the layer applied to the surface will be stronger and more reliable.
  • We repeat the batch.
  • We take out the drill, lower it into another container with water and start it for 1-2 minutes. In this way, the dirt from the nozzle will be instantly removed.

If you do not have a mixer available, then the mixture can be kneaded by hand. Pour dry putty powder into a dried bucket and then gradually pour in water. We carry out kneading in a circular motion, gradually moving from the center to the edges. If the solution has a too liquid consistency, then more mixtures are added to it, if it is too thick, more water.

Please note that in this case putty is poured first, and no liquid is poured. If you do the opposite, as with mechanical mixing, lumps will appear in the composition, which will be difficult to get rid of.

The above method is suitable for cement and polymer based formulations.

Gypsum putty is diluted in a slightly different way:

  • Pour 7 trowels of powder into a bucket and fill them with the same volume of liquid. Thoroughly mix everything;
  • Add the remaining parts of the mixture and water and mix everything until smooth;
  • Leave the solution for 2-3 minutes to swell and mix everything again.

Unlike other types gypsum plaster very capricious. After drying, over time, it can crack due to a number of reasons: violation of production technology, failure to observe the correct proportions of the components, a thin layer of application (less than 5 mm), a dirty treated surface.

The stages of breeding putty with fiberglass are not particularly difficult.

In this case, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

  • Move to a warm room. The temperature on the thermometer should not be lower than 18 and not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.
  • After opening the jar with the composition, mix it thoroughly so that the solvent rises up.
  • Prepare a clean container and pour the part of the mixture that you need for work into it, and close the rest with a lid. Since the diluted composition dries instantly, dilute as much of it as you can work out in 10 minutes.
  • Add hardener.
  • Mix everything with a spatula. The composition should be thick and homogeneous.

As a rule, such well-known companies as Novol, Sea-Line, QuickLine indicate on the packaging correct proportions dilution of putty with a hardener. If the manufacturer did not mention this, then the masters recommend using electronic scales of increased accuracy or their own eye. The amount of hardener should be equal to 3% of the total putty mass.

It is very important to observe the correct proportions during kneading: if you add too much hardener, its excess will not interact with the particles of the putty composition, as a result of which stains and stains will appear on the treated surface after application. If there is a shortage of hardener, the solution will turn out to be watery, it will be difficult to superimpose on the base and harden unevenly.

  • The mixture should be kneaded gradually. Start at a low speed and gradually increase the speed. Such actions will help to avoid the appearance of lumps and bubbles.
  • After kneading, leave the solution for a few minutes, and then stir it again. Thus, the components included in the composition will better grab.
  • Use only clean containers and tools. The combination of particles of the old and new mixture will lead to a violation of the consistency and elasticity of the future composition, which will adversely affect the quality of the finish.

As we all understand, during any repair it will not be possible to do without such a necessary building material like putty. With its help, you can close the seams, smooth small bumps walls, etc. In many ways, the final result of the future decorative processing of the walls will depend on its quality and consistent proportions.

Before deciding the question “how to breed putty”, you need to know that such material is very popular not only for interior decoration walls, but also used for outdoor work.

Based on the scope of use of putty, the solution is classified according to the compositions and proportions of the components. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that for different finishes(base or finish) solution will have to be diluted differently.

Of course, if you buy putty in a hardware store already in a ready-to-use state, then you don’t have to re-knead it. Your main task when working with finished material- mix the mass well before the process of use.

But when working with dry substances, simply mixing the components will not be enough. They need careful preparation- observance of the proportional ratio of water and dry matter, on the correctness of which the quality and density of the material will depend. It is also necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions during mixing the solution.

So, how to breed putty for wall treatment?

Pay attention to the main rule that all putty mixtures should be diluted immediately before the application process, as they are able to “live” without losing their qualities for a fairly short period of time.

The duration of the "life" of the finished solution until it sets, as a rule, is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, and may depend on many indicators, the main of which is the composition. Therefore, you should not be too self-confident, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's advice in more detail in order to avoid trouble.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to properly dilute the putty, you may need the following tools and fixtures:

  • capacity, better without rounded corners;
  • scales;
  • drill and a special nozzle for it or construction mixer;
  • putty knife.

The process of preparing a putty mixture consists of the following steps:

  1. a certain amount of water must be poured into an empty container;
  2. weigh right amount dry matter and pour it into a container with water;
  3. using a construction mixer or a drill with a special nozzle, mix the mass thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency;
  4. putty fragments adhering to the walls of the container should be removed, and the solution should be left for 15-20 minutes to swell;
  5. then you should make a control mixing of the solution and immediately begin to work.

If you follow the advice of experienced specialists in the field of repairs, for mixing putty, you should follow these rules:

  • do not turn on the construction mixer (drill with a nozzle) at high speed, because this can lead to a large number of air bubbles entering the solution;
  • it is not necessary to use water that is too high or, conversely, too low a temperature to mix the mixture, otherwise such a mass will burst after drying and fall off the walls;
  • do not try to immediately dilute too much solution, because its life time is too limited;
  • Before each new mixing of putty, do not be lazy to thoroughly rinse the container in which the previous mixture was located and the nozzle with which you mixed it. If such manipulations are not done, the remnants of the old solution will fall into the new composition of the putty, as a result of which its consistency and elasticity will be broken and the quality of the new coating will also fall;
  • do not put the washed mixer with the nozzle up, because drops of solution or water will fall under the cartridge and it will begin to rust very quickly.

Nuances when diluting putty

The preparation of putty for walls during the starting and finishing coating, as we have already said, has certain distinctive features. Let's consider them in more detail.

Starting putty is used for rough initial surface treatment, which is affected by significant defects and cracks. Therefore, such a putty composition should not spread over the surface of the walls and have sufficient strength.

Preparing putty for wall decoration

Since it is very often necessary to cover the surface with a putty solution in several layers, giving each time to dry, it is advisable to ensure that the layer does not harden during this period of time. To get this effect, experienced finishers are advised to add putty to the solution river sand, in a ratio of 1:1.

Finishing putty is used for fine processing of walls before decorative coating or wallpapering. The thickness of this layer finish coat should not exceed 1 mm.

This suggests that not only piles of material, but even small fractions will be noticeable on such a wall. Therefore, during mixing finishing putty especially carefully you need to approach its homogeneous structure. After all, if you do not attach importance to this stage, the quality of the treated surface will be lame, and decorative trim will not be done as neatly as we would like.

What putty is better?

Basically, putty is sold in tightly sealed bags, and it is not possible to examine its contents. In this case, there is only one way out - to trust the experience of specialists.

Of course, you can apply the cheapest and untested mixture to the wall, just understand that the result will be just as poor quality.

If you specifically answer the question “which putty is better?”, The answer “soft” will not be clear to everyone. Such soft mixes are represented on the market by Knauf, Henkel and many other manufacturers, but among domestic companies such representatives are Prospectors, Volma. The quality of such putties has been tested by more than one generation of builders.

Comparative characteristics of the brightest and most popular representatives of putties are shown in the table below.

In many hardware stores, putty compounds are now sold by weight. This is a great outlet for those who need a small amount of material. So you can buy 1-2 kg of the mixture and try it out before buying a pig in a poke, weighing 25-30 kg. One disadvantage of such a non-wholesale sale is that in this way only the cheapest formulations are sold, which are not popular and are lying around on store shelves.

To start work on puttying walls, ceilings and slopes, it is necessary to prepare a putty mass. It's not hard to mix it up. To do this, you will need some tools and material, the putty mixture itself in a bag.

Initially, it has the form of a powder, but after adding it to water, it becomes viscous. To achieve the desired density of putty, it is stirred with a mixer.

Putty is universal material to level the surface, so you need to learn how to stir it correctly. Only then can the desired effect be achieved.

There are many companies in the world that produce putty. Some do it best quality, some create economical options, but basically putty is available to everyone who makes repairs.

Depending on the composition, putty can be of different viscosities. For the starting layer, a viscous putty is needed, but not too thick. If the mixture is made liquid, it simply will not cling to the wall, it will slide and it will be impossible to work with it with high quality.

First you need to prepare a container of water at room temperature and pour the dry mixture from the bag into the water, observing the proportions indicated on the package. Then you need to mix the capacity of the container with a mixer. It is recommended to knead for 5-10 minutes with smooth, circular movements, as well as over the entire height of the container (bucket), making up / down movements. All these actions must be interleaved.

After reaching the desired consistency of the material, you can proceed to the finishing work.

How to breed finishing putty?

Experienced craftsmen use their methods of mixing putty. They are practically no different from putty masses that are kneaded by inexperienced people or novice specialists, but there are features that you should be aware of and take into account when mixing the finishing putty.

To dilute the finishing putty, you must:

  1. Read the instructions on the package. Following these requirements, you can achieve the desired viscosity of the mixture. The finishing putty should be moderately liquid and not too thick, since the thick mixture is inconvenient to work with;
  2. For finishing putty, a mixer with a spiral-like nozzle is needed, it must be carefully mixed in the mass in the container to the desired consistency;
  3. Stir the finishing putty should be smooth. No lumps should form during the mixing process. To do this, make circular movements throughout the container. If, nevertheless, lumps have formed, you need to knead in a new way.

The viscosity of the finishing putty should be adjusted by the master or the person who makes the repair.

How to properly dilute gypsum putty?

Gypsum putty is intended for applying a rough layer under the wallpaper. It has a number of properties that help to qualitatively repair the apartment. Gypsum putty dries quickly, so it is not necessary to stir it in large quantities.

To properly mix gypsum putty, you must:

  • Prepare a plastic container (an old basin, a large bowl, a five-liter bucket);
  • Several putty trowels need to be poured into the container. It depends on the area to be leveled;
  • After that, you need to pour a little water and make sure that the mixture does not granulate and does not create lumps;
  • Mixing can be done with a trowel or spatula;
  • Other ingredients should not be added to the composition of the mixture, as this may impair the quality of the putty mass;
  • After kneading the putty and reaching the desired viscosity level, you can get to work.

This type of putty is widely used for work in wet areas, because it has a moisture-resistant and heat-resistant property.