Alpine Arabis - Alpine mood in your garden. Rezukha Caucasian

All flower growers dream of making their flowerbed original and beautiful, a real decoration of the backyard. Alpine arabis is perfect for this purpose - perennial with silvery leaves and a white cap of flowers. It does not need special care conditions, it spreads quickly and does not require annual sowing.

plant description

Alpine Arabis (Arabis) is a member of the Cruciferous family. This is a perennial plant with a developed root system. Common on rocky soil, hills and slopes.

When touching the ground, it quickly takes out thin roots. Stems creeping, climbing, can reach a height of 25-30 cm. The leaves are densely pubescent with villi, medium-sized, tightly adjacent to the stem. They have a silvery-white or grayish color, heart-shaped, oblong shape. Basal leaves grow not so densely, have an oval shape and are collected in a rosette.

Arabis alpine gives abundant flowering in early April and continues until mid-June. The flowers are white, bright pink, up to 2 cm in diameter. In cool spring, the flowering period is up to 8 weeks. It has a sweet aroma, honey plant. By mid-July, fruits appear - pods Brown containing seeds for further propagation

They are also propagated by cuttings and division of bushes. Does not tolerate dampness and windiness. Thanks to its rapid growth, it has earned popularity from South America to the expanses of Europe and Asia.

Variety and types

There are over 100 varieties of arabis. Alpine and Caucasian species are the most widespread. Alpine rezuha, as Arabis alpina is also called, perfectly complements compositions in flower beds. Its use on alpine slides or rockeries will give your garden originality. It has several varieties of decorative forms.

    (Var. rosea variety)

    A perennial plant that blooms in small pink racemes that reach 12 cm. It goes well with other flower varieties, can be planted as an addition to flower arrangement, either as self landing. The flowering period is 30-40 days.

    (Var. florе-pleno variety)

    It is very similar to the original form, but its inflorescences resemble levkoy - they are just as large. Gives flowers of medium diameter - up to 2 cm. It blooms from mid-May to early July.

    (Cultivar F.schneehaube)

    One of the early flowering varieties - gives the first flowers in mid-April. They are white, about 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in brushes up to 15 cm long. Plant height 15-20 cm.

How arabis alpine reproduces

Propagation occurs by seeds, division of the bush or cuttings. Bushes are divided when many roots have formed - in early spring or late August. The optimal age for division is 4 years. Such a plant can be divided into 20 daughter bushes.

Seed ripening occurs from the end of June. When sowing them, it should be borne in mind that seedlings will only be in a year. This procedure is carried out in winter or spring, blowing up small rows - no more than 20 cm deep - and sowing seeds in them.

If you choose the method of cuttings - from May to June they are transplanted directly into the ground. For better rooting of cuttings bottom sheet separated so as to expose the cambial layer, which is the basis for the root system. This method is mainly used for terry varieties arabis that do not produce seeds. Cuttings are also used for seedlings, but the plant is unpretentious and takes root well immediately in the soil.

Arabis alpine tolerates winter weather well, it is enough just to make a cover of polyethylene. Already withdrawn frost-resistant varieties that do not require shelters.

Conditions for growth and flowering

Arabis alpine is planted in a sunny open place. This makes it possible to obtain more lush and compact cushions of flowers. Some varieties, especially variegated species, prefer to grow in partial shade.

The soil should be loose, mixed with sand, well-drained. Excess moisture and abundant watering does not tolerate well, so waterlogging is undesirable and can lead to the death of the plant. It is recommended to water only when the soil is completely dry during the dry season. Fertilizer with humus is welcome to ensure active growth and more inflorescences.

After flowering, the stems are cut, which allows you to save the shape of the bush. A haircut guarantees even more flowering of the alpine rezuha next year.

Regular weeding is carried out - due to the rapid growth of the root system, the flower can slow down the growth of neighboring plants.

Neighborhood with crocuses and daffodils will be favorable - they perfectly complement each other. The combination with bright tulips is especially impressive. Arabis is planted directly above the bulbs. They are used to surround rose bushes, trees, shrubs - to create a background around them.

Arabis alpine: growing from seeds

Perennial arabis alpine plant unpretentious. Reproduction by seeds will not cause any problems to the gardener, and the results obtained will please the eye for more than one season. With a minimum of effort, you will get excellent planting material for your flower bed or alpine slide.

Alpine Arabis: planting and care

Sow seeds in wooden or plastic crates in early spring or late autumn, the optimal months for this are April and October. Soil temperature should be around 20 degrees Celsius. If it is land from the street - let it stand at room temperature to keep warm. It can be mixed with sand or small stones to keep the soil well-drained and breathable.

The seeds are not driven hard, to a depth of 0.5 cm. They are covered with polyethylene or any non-woven material from above.

Watering is provided moderately, if necessary, when the soil dries out. It is necessary to ensure that it is uniform, does not erode the soil. Water stagnation should be avoided. The first shoots should appear on the 19-24th day after sowing. At this time, watering should be limited to avoid the appearance of mold and fungus, which will lead to the death of sprouts.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Seedlings dive. They should be grown separately, at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other - then you can get ready-made bushes for planting. If you want to use arabis as a ground cover, the distance between shoots does not matter.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

Arabis alpine is transplanted into open ground after the appearance of the third leaflet on the shoot. Then the seedling is more likely not to die. Watered bushes are planted without removing a lump of earth from the roots.

Planting seedlings in open ground should be carried out at the beginning of May. If there are still slight frosts at this time, cover the sprouts with a film for 1-2 weeks. The soil before planting is cleared of weeds and overgrowth. This is required only when planting seedlings, over time it will grow and crowd out useless plants. Having planted, carry out top dressing mineral fertilizer so that the plant blooms for a long time and profusely.

Arabis alpine care

There are no special requirements for the care of Arabis. Adhere to only a few elementary recommendations and you will be duly rewarded with the beauty of its flowering. Build for it to grow optimal conditions, and your further participation in development will be minimal.

  1. Plant only in well loosened soil. Add turf, sand, small stone to ordinary garden soil. It must freely pass air to the root system of the plant.
  2. Choose open area for planting. It should be well lit and warmed by the sun. Only some varieties tolerate penumbra, in others it can cause growth inhibition and limited flowering. Protect the plant from drafts.
  3. Alpine rezuha tolerates drought better than waterlogging. It does not require additional watering if the weather is cloudy and rainy.
  4. Cut back the plant in autumn, leaving about 3-4 cm from the ground. This provide more abundant flowering next year and will save arabis from freezing.

Alpine arabis disease control

Alpine rezuha is practically not susceptible to diseases and pests. The only factor leading to the death of the plant is the development of mold and rotting with excessive watering, if this happens, the plant is transplanted to another place.

Do you have personal plot arabis alpine? What measures do you use to grow and plant it? Looking forward to your advice and comments!

Alpine rezuha (lat. Arabis alpina)- perennial flowering evergreen growing in mountainous areas, belonging to the genus Rezuha (lat. Arabis) of the Cabbage family (lat. Brassicaceae). A sprawling plant quickly forms continuous cushions of rosettes of basal figured leaves, which in spring are covered with a dense carpet of small 4-petal white or pink flowers. Cultivated as ornamental plant in different types of flower beds. Alpine rezuha is famous for its unpretentiousness, drought tolerance, beautiful foliage and abundant fragrant spring flowering.

What's in your name

The meaning of the Latin name of the plant genus "Arabis", with which the names of all species of the genus begin, can be read in the article with the title "Rezuha".

The species epithet "alpina" ("alpine") deserved the plant's choice of place of growth, since it grows in the wild in the alpine zone of mountain ranges. Moreover, as scientists believe, Alpine rezuha is an old-timer of the planet, having appeared in the world two million years before ours today, having chosen the territory of Asia Minor for itself. Five hundred thousand years ago, the Alpine rezuha reached the eastern mountains of the African continent, where it still grows today, enduring drought. In Europe, the Alpine rezuha is represented by genetically fairly homogeneous plants, and the greatest diversity can be observed only in Asia Minor.


Alpine rezuha is an evergreen undersized (30-40 centimeters high) plant that forms dense cushions of leaves. Compared to other species of the genus, this plant is larger and spreading.

The leaves of the Alpine Rezuha are divided into petiolate, forming a basal rosette, and stem, not having petioles, but sitting on the stem, tightly clasping it with their bases. The shape of the leaves is oval-oblong, a bit like Oak leaves, only the edges of the leaf plate are not wavy, but serrated and prickly.

In spring, the green cushion of leaves is covered with a dense carpet of bright pink or white flowers that exude a sweet fragrance. The flowers are small, the corolla is composed of four petals.

The fruit of the plant are thin, long seed pods containing numerous seeds.

Rezuha alpine loves open sun and looks great in the form of a border garden path, feels comfortable in the cracks of a rocky garden or on an alpine hill. Indeed, in the wild, it grows on rocky screes, often on limestone soils.

Model organism for genetics

The interest of scientists involved in population genetics and molecular biology is growing in the study of Rezuhi alpine, which is an old-timer of our planet.

For example, if the Caucasian Rezuha (Arabis caucasica) was previously considered a subspecies of the Alpine Rezuha, then as a result of genetic studies, botanists began to recognize this plant as a separate species.

Variegated Arabis alpine

In ornamental gardening, a variety of Alpine Rezuha with variegated leaves stands out. This evergreen herbaceous perennial has a relatively fine texture. It requires very little attention from the grower, living in one place for up to 10 (ten) years. It is important that the place is dry, as stagnant water is detrimental to the plant.

Its attractive small, narrow leaves, forming dense basal rosettes, retain their greyish-green color throughout the year with a showy white-cream edge. growing this species Rezuhi very slowly, rising to a height of 15 centimeters, with a spread over an area of ​​0.5 meters. variegated plant will be a unique addition to other plants alpine slides and rocky gardens.

All spring months, the ends of the stems are decorated with white, slightly fragrant flowers. For abundant flowering, the place must be open to the sun. To avoid removing the flowers of the current season, the plant is pruned only after flowering has ended. On the winter period the plant is covered with a layer of mulch.

Description and features of Arabis

Miniature arabis bushes will create unique living compositions on the site. Arabis, a representative of perennial and annual herbaceous plants.

On the photo of arabis you can see how they sit in groups and create a loose rosette. Depending on the variety, the color of the inflorescences can be pink, white, yellow, purple, lilac. The petals are simple and terry structure.

Arabis perennial hibernates both with leaves and without them. Slight frosts down to minus 5 degrees C are resistant. Regions with frosty and snowless winters require shelter.

stems arabis (rezuhi) curly, creeping, while rooting well in contact with the ground. They make the bush lush in a short time and decorative.

In the photo, arabis rezuha pink

Leaves entire, slightly drooping, various shapes: heart-shaped, sagittal, oval. The color is mostly emerald, but there are varieties with variegated leaves.

What gives the bush a special charm. The second name "Rezuha", received because of the leaves. There are varieties with sharp and dense villi that can cut on contact.

Planting and propagation of arabis

For planting arabis Choose sunny areas that are well ventilated. The soil should be nutritious and well drained. He does not like the rezuha of stagnant water. Excess moisture has a negative effect on the roots.

Pictured is arabis pink

Therefore, you should not choose low-lying places where water collects. Growing Arabis produced by seeds and vegetatively. The second option is suitable for terry varieties.

- Seeds. Before sowing the seeds, you should decide what you ultimately want to see on the site. For a lush carpet, you should throw a few seeds into the hole. For single specimens, planting material is sown in the grooves. Then, dive and leave the distance between the bushes 35 cm.

As soon as the earth warms up, the seeds are placed in open ground and sprinkled with a small layer of soil. For the best effect, cover the plantings with covering material, for example, agroslan. It perfectly passes water and prevents erosion of the soil. Shoots will appear on the 21st day.

In the photo Arabis Caucasian

The cover is removed. Picking is carried out when the third leaflet appears. Reduce watering when seedlings appear. Fortified specimens are transplanted to permanent place.

Planting arabis in open ground can be carried out before winter, in October. The seed method is good because you can get new varieties and hybrids. flowering arabis from seed followed by a second season.

— . Prepare boxes with soil in April. Substrate: garden soil with sand. planting material sow and cover polyethylene film. Seedlings will appear in a month.

In the photo Arabis Ferdinand

The cover must be removed. Transport containers to a place with diffused light. A pick is required if the flowers are grown as separate bushes.

Hardened, two weeks before being sent to the garden. To do this, take out boxes with seedlings on the balcony. Every day the walking time increases. Avoid drafts on seedlings. Approximate planting time in open ground, May-June. Protect seedlings from frost on the soil, be sure to cover.

- The division of the bush.As soon as adult specimens fade, you can begin to divide the bush. root system goes into the ground only 15 cm. The plant is easily removed from the soil and the roots are divided into parts. Treat the sections with activated carbon or ash and send them to the prepared wells. Tamp the soil around the bush and water.

In the photo arabis alpine

— . Preparation of cuttings begins in the first decade of summer. The green shoot is cut off and seated in a loose substrate. Place the cuttings slightly at an angle.

After 21 days, rooting will come. New leaves will serve as a signal for this. Transplanted to a permanent place should be in August-September. So that the cuttings take root well for the onset of winter.

- Layers. The green shoot is placed in a groove near the bush and sprinkled with soil. The crown is pinched, but remains on the surface. When rooting, boldly separate the layers from the mother bush and plant them in another place.

Arabis Care

They are considered unpretentious and therefore caring for arabis simple.

In the photo, arabis terry

- Watering. Water the plant sparingly. Over watering can lead to root rot. Protect yourself from natural heavy rains good drainage in the form of pebbles, stones, gravel.

- The soil. After irrigation, loosen the soil. Remove weeds.

- Feeding. It is enough to apply fertilizer once in the spring, before the formation of buds. Arabis responds well to complex minerals. From organic matter, humus is suitable.

In the photo, Arabis Kobursky

- Wintering. In autumn, the bushes are cut to a distance of 3 cm from the ground and covered with spruce branches, if this perennial varieties. Annuals are removed from the site completely and new ones can be planted in their place. good cover from severe frosts will nonwoven fabric. To do this, build a frame around the bushes and stretch the agrofibre.

- Pruning. Arabis bushes grow well, therefore, it requires the constant removal of overgrown branches. Faded buds and stems are shortened to preserve the decorative effect of the bush not only in the current season, but also in the future. Otherwise, seed pods will appear.

In the photo, arabis from seeds, first shoots

- Transplant. It is necessary to change the landing site of Arabis 1 time in 4 years. growing in the form of a lush carpet can be rejuvenated. Sprinkle exposed areas with sand, which is mixed with loosening additives, humus.

Types and varieties of arabis

Arabis counts 100 perennial and annual species.

Arabis Caucasian. perennial, grows as a bush. Grows very well. Stretches up to 30 cm in length during flowering.

In the wild, it can be found in the mountainous regions of the Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. Due to the powerful root, it keeps well in the crevices of the mountains.

The species is a derivative of many varieties that differ in compactness, growth, and bud color. Flowers are collected in groups. Among them, varieties with simple and double petals stand out. Flower color: white, pink, yellow. emit a delicate aroma, are honey plants.

In the photo Arabis Grandiflora

Arabis Caucasian loves sunny, open places. At the same time, the bushes open in all their glory. Instances growing in partial shade do not differ in compactness, mass flowering.

Landscape designers decorate alpine hills, ridges, rocky gardens with arabis. Nice color combination with bulbous plants in spring and carpet phlox. This can be judged by looking at photo of arabis flowers.

Arabis alpine. Perennial with climbing shoots. Thanks to them, the bush grows well in breadth. White flowers up to 1 cm in diameter are collected in loose rosettes.

Growing arabis alpine does not require special care. Lovers of alpine slides will not find the best variety. It does not require annual sowing. Branched shoots, touching the ground, release new roots. Winters with leaves. In the spring, when the shelter is removed, they are treated with caution.

After flowering arabis white the stems, together with the buds, are cut 4 cm from the ground. After a short period of time, after about 14-21 days, new shoots appear, and the flower regains its decorative effect.

Arabis terry. Flowers densely frame the bush. Because of lush flowering the leaves are barely visible. Hybrid varieties with terry forms will decorate any flower garden. The crown, like a white cloud, will organically look with spring flowers.

In the photo, arabis is white in open ground

Arabis pink. Not less than beautiful flowers with arrow-shaped leaves. It differs from other varieties in a rich pink tint. Inflorescences collected in a brush begin flowering a little later than white varieties.

Arabis Ferdinand Kobursky "Varriegata". miniature growth up to 5 cm in height. bushes well, can be up to 30 cm in girth. Light green oval-shaped leaves, edged with a cream shade along the edge.

variegation arabis Varrieta distinguishes it from other varieties and gives the bush a unique look. Popularity among flower growers deserved abundant flowering and ease of care.

The color of the inflorescences collected in the brush is white. Arabis Kobursky prefers sunny areas. Does not tolerate stagnant water. The main requirement for cultivation is loose, sandy soil, but well-cultivated and drained. Tolerates poor soils with dignity.

Pictured is Arabis Variegata

Landscape designers successfully use it in slides, for rockery decorations, borders. Buy Arabis of this variety can be for 180 r. Arabis grandiflora. Universal, adapts to any soil. Color of inflorescences: pale blue, pink, white.

Diseases and pests of arabis

arabis flower has good immunity and is not susceptible to many diseases. But in some cases it can be affected by a viral mosaic. When you can see spots of white and green on the leaves.

effective method Tobacco mosaic control is prevention. During the transplantation of bushes, disinfect tools. Fight disease vectors.

In the photo, arabis in landscape design

It is impossible to save infected bushes, they are uprooted and burned. The soil is shed with a solution of potassium permanganate. The seat should not be used for several years.

The pest is cruciferous flea. To prevent its appearance, in the spring, treat the seedlings with ashes. Procedures are carried out in the morning, when the rossa lies on the leaves. Covering material is a good protector from insects. When attacking, fleas can be treated with insecticidal agents.

Arabis, better known to the townsfolk as rezuha, is a fragrant flowering plant with an unpretentious character. The shrub has about 200 varieties and pleases gardeners with long lush and abundant flowering. It grows very fast. In our latitudes, only a few species are common. Although alpine arabis hybrids have adapted to survive in almost any conditions.

Arabis: description, types

These flowers are in the shape of a cross. Leaves are small. Arabis can be either solid green or variegated. In nature, the plant most often grows in mountainous and rocky areas. The height of the arabis is approximately 25 cm. Its stems creep along the ground and weave. The plant requires systematic pruning to improve flowering. Some species are well tolerated low temperature, while others still require at least minimal shelter in the form of, for example, brushwood or spruce branches.

More than a hundred varieties are hybrid. The most popular among them are Caucasian Arabis and Alpine Arabis. Growing from seeds is the most acceptable option for them. Now let's talk about each type in more detail.

Arabis alpine

This plant has white and pink cruciferous flowers. They are small and densely packed. Blooms from May to June. It has a pleasant pleasant sweet aroma. Max Height the bush is 30 cm. The color of the leaves is grayish-green. It takes root and grows very quickly, which is why it has earned its popularity.

Arabis caucasian

This is a shorter type of rezuha. The flowers have a wide range of colors: pink, white. The plant is very fond of sunny places, where it develops faster and blooms more abundantly than in partial shade. This mountain view does not like moisture very much. In winter, it should be covered with insulation. To do this, a small structure of metal arcs is constructed around the plant and covered with agrofiber. It is not worth removing the shelter at the very first spring rays, it will be necessary to let the Arabis get used to the sun a little. Flowering begins in May.


The plant can be propagated in several ways:




The division of the rezuha bush can be carried out in March, April or August, September. One four-year-old plant can produce up to 25 new bushes. In order to divide the bush, it is not necessary to dig it out. It will be necessary to separate only part of the already rooted plant. The resulting shoots are planted directly into the soil at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Cuttings are made from the end of spring - the beginning of summer. To do this, the apical cuttings are removed approximately 7-9 cm long. The cutting should be planted in a greenhouse, under a film, directly into the soil, after removing the lower foliage. It will take several weeks to root. All this time, the cuttings should be hidden from the sun and watered as needed. You can transplant to a permanent place at the end of summer.

Arabis: growing from seeds, planting and care

All types of rezuha are propagated by seeds, except for terry forms. For them, dividing the bush and cuttings is acceptable. Seed propagation allows you to get beautiful hybrid varieties. Arabis from seed how to propagate? The material is often purchased at flower shows or in special flower shops. It is necessary to acquire containers in advance. Having bought arabis alpine, cultivation from seeds can be started either in October or in April-May. Frost is not terrible for seeds. The seed soil must be loose and breathable. If garden soil is used, then sand, small pebbles or needles should be added to it, all this will have a very good effect on the seedlings of a plant such as arabis. Growing from seeds involves planting in a substrate. Therefore, if the soil is taken from the street, it must be allowed to warm up.

Seeds are not planted deep into the ground. It will be enough just to sprinkle them a little with earth. It is advisable to cover the soil from above with a special covering material for the garden, which contributes to uniform distribution moisture during irrigation, will prevent soil erosion and water stagnation. This creates the most favorable conditions for Alpine arabis to grow well. Growing from seeds will allow you to see the first shoots in 10-12 days. During this period, it is necessary to monitor watering, excessive moisture can lead to mold or death of seedlings.

Seedlings can be planted in the ground after the appearance of at least three leaves. For growing individual lush bushes they are seated freely, at a distance of 35-40 centimeters from each other. If you plant several seedlings in one hole, then next year you will see a dense flowering carpet.

Arabis care. Soil features

Rezuha is unpretentious to growing conditions. Preference should still be given to sunny places with sandy loose soil and good breathability. The plant responds very well to loosening the soil and to removing weeds. But the latter should be dealt with only at an early stage of plant development. In the future, it will itself crowd out the weeds.

In nature, arabis grows on mountain slopes, so on garden plot he does not accept overflow. The plant will be quite enough natural moisture. It can only be supplemented during a long dry period.

A sunny and calm location will ensure abundant flowering, the inflorescences will be more compact and lush, and a pleasant sweet aroma will spread throughout the summer cottage.

Abundant flowering next year will ensure pruning of stems that have faded this year. They must be cut off, leaving a maximum of four centimeters, and be sure to sprinkle with earth.

Pests and diseases in proper cultivation and planned care are not afraid of the arabis alpine plant. Growing from seeds, cuttings or dividing rezuha into bushes for propagation will not cause any difficulties for either experienced or novice gardeners.

Arabis must be present in everyone. After all, the natural habitat of arabis is mountainous areas. That is why this plant fits perfectly into a variety of garden, terraces and all sorts of uneven terrain.
Arabis looks great in the foreground of any sunny flower beds, by the garden path.

Popular types of arabis, garden forms and varieties

The genus Arabis (Arabis), or rezuha, includes flowering perennials and annual plant cruciferous family. In nature, this genus is widely distributed and counts about a hundred species. There are arabis in Eurasia, in North America, in Africa.

Arabis is a spectacular with gray-green, pubescent leaves. For the winter, arabis leaves do not die off, so the plant looks good not only during the garden season, but also.

Popular garden forms of arabis have large, numerous flowers. They are simple or terry, collected in a racemose inflorescence. Rezuha blooms in spring, in April-May: arabis bushes are abundantly covered with white, cream, lilac, pink or purple flowers.

Without pruning, Arabis forms extensive carpets in the garden, which are especially beautiful during the flowering period. To curb the growth of arabis bushes in order to preserve compact look stems are shortened after flowering. If the faded flowers are not cut off, then the plant sets fruits-pods with an abundance of seeds. Arabis seeds are flat, rather large - it is convenient to sow them.

Usually grown in Russian gardens arabis whitish(Arabis albida), or caucasian rezuha(Arabis caucasica). Plant height of this perennial species is approximately 25 cm, its bushes grow in width up to 60 cm.
The spectacular variety of whitish arabis "Flore Pleno" has large double flowers white coloration. In the variety "Pink Pearl" pink flowers, in the variety "Coccinea" - red. A variety of whitish arabis "Variegata" is more valued not for flowering, but for elegant leaves with a white stripe along the edge.

In the photo: Caucasian rezuha; a variety of "Variegata" arabis whitish; rezuha ciliate

Not as fast as whitish rezuha, species grow: rezuha ciliate(Arabis blepharophylla) - cultivar "Spring Charm" with raspberry flowers, and rezuha Ferdinand-Coburg(Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi) - white-edged leaves of the Variegata variety, as well as garden molds with pinkish and yellow edging of leaves. With neat rosettes of bright, variegated leaves, these charming rezuhi form compact rugs.

Growing Arabis

Any nutritious, well-drained soil is suitable for growing arabis; sunny place or light partial shade.

Arabis are drought-resistant, but in hot spring they can suffer from drying out of shoots, especially with a long absence of rain and irregular watering. In this case, it is useful to lightly shade the plants.

Rezuhi do not tolerate stagnant water at the roots. Therefore, at the beginning of spring, in a low place where melt water accumulates, the rezuha can melt.

Arabis care consists in timely watering, weeding and loosening the soil. Rezuha is frost-resistant, but varietal plants are more susceptible to cold and snowless winters. When planting in elevated, open areas, the arabis will need light winter cover.

Arabis breeding

Species rezuhi usually propagate by seed. Arabis is well propagated by seeds. Both arabis and cultivation through seedlings in spring (April sowing) are possible. Young plants need regular watering (in the absence of rain) and weeding.
At seed propagation arabis blooms in the second year of life.

Reproduction of valuable terry varieties and garden varieties arabis is carried out vegetatively - by dividing the bushes (in autumn) or by cuttings (in early summer).

The root system of Arabis does not penetrate deep into the ground (no more than 15 cm), so this plant is easy to transplant, dig and divide.

Arabis cuttings are cut immediately after the flowering of the plant. Leave 7-8 internodes on the handle; leaves are cut off from the lower half of the cutting.
Plant cuttings of rezuha with an inclination in or on a seed bed, water well, shade. The roots of arabis cuttings appear after about 3 weeks.
The grown bushes of resuha are planted in a permanent place at the end of summer or at the very beginning of autumn.

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